Why do we need ticks in nature? Biology of ticks. The role of ticks in the distribution of animal diseases and man what role in nature is played by ticks

Tick \u200b\u200b(Acari) is one of the most ancient inhabitants inhabiting our planet. Contrary to erroneous opinion, the ticks are not in the insect, but are representatives of the soldering of the spike-shaped.

Description of ticks. What does a tick look like?

By magnitude, these representatives of arthropods rarely reach 3 mm, mainly the size of the ticks range from 0.1 to 0.5 mm. As it should be spiderman, there are no wings in the ticks. Adult ticks have 4 pairs of legs, and at copies that have not reached puberty, there are three pairs of paws. Not having an eye, mites are oriented in space with a well-developed sensory apparatus, thanks to which they can smell the victim for 10 meters. According to the structure of the body, all types of ticks can be divided into leathery, with controversial heads and breasts, and solid (shell), whose head is attached to the torso. The supply of oxygen also depends on the body structure: the first breathe through the skin or trachea, and the shells have special troubles.

What do the ticks eat?

By the method of nutrition, ticks are divided into:

  • saprophagovorganic residues

Blood-axes Predators are waiting for a victim by setting up in the ambush on the edges, branches and chopsticks. With the help of legs, equipped with curls and suckers, are attached to it, after which they are moved to the point of power (groin, neck or head, armpits). Moreover, the victim of the tick can be not only a person, but also other herbivorny ticks or trips.

The tick bite can be very dangerous, as the ticks are carriers of diseases, including encephalitis. Without food, ticks can cost up to 3 years, but at the lowest opportunity, the wonders of augherence and may increase in weight up to 120 times.

Types of ticks. Classification of ticks

Pliers have more than 40,000 species that scientists were divided into 2 major supervisors:

Description of the main types of ticks:

  • Ixodovapincers

  • Argasovy pincers

  • Pacitary mites

  • Gamazy tick

  • Subcutaneous tick

  • Chesoccal tick

  • Own tick

  • Dusty tick (bedding, linen)

Absolutely harmless to birds, animals and humans, as it is a complete "vegetarian" and feed on the juices of plants, at the bottom of the sheet and sucking the juices from it. It is a carrier destructive for plants with gray rot.

  • Water (marine) tick

It feeds on its relatives, so sometimes it is specially treated with a person in greenhouse and greenhouse farms to combat a spider tick.

  • Barn (flour, bread)mite

For a person, in principle, it is safe, but for stocks of grain or flour is a serious pest: the products are clogged by the waste of the flour tick, which leads to its rotation and formation of mold.

it dwells in the southern part of Russia, in Kazakhstan, the Transcaucasia, the mountains of Central Asia, in the south of Western Siberia. Mostly settles in forest-steppes or forests. It is dangerous for animals and a person, can be a carrier of encephalitis, plague, brucellosis, fever.

non-hazardous for a person, but represents a danger to dogs. It dwells everywhere. Especially active in coastal areas and in the Black Sea coast.

Where do ticks live?

Pliers live in every climatic zone and on all continents. Due to the fact that the ticks prefer wet places, their habitat is chosen forest ravines, undergrings, thickets off the coast of streams, flooded meadows, overgrown paths, animal wool, dark warehouses with agricultural products, etc. Separate species are adapted for life in seas and reservoirs with fresh water. Some ticks live in homes and apartments, for example, homemade ticks, dust pliers, flour pliers.

Top spreading

How much does the tick live?

The life expectancy of the tick depends on the type. For example, tongs of home dust or dust ticks live 65-80 days. Other species, such as the taiga tick, live up to 4 years. No food ticks can live from 1 month to 3 years.

Reproduction of ticks. Stages (cycle) of tick development

Most ticks are egg-shaped, although there are novelty species. Like all spine-shaped, the ticks have a clear separation on females and males. The most interesting life cycle is tracked at bloodsowing species. The following stages of development of the tick are distinguished:

  • Larva
  • Nymph
  • Adult Path

Eggs pliers

In the late spring or early summer, the female tick, sprawling with blood, makes a masonry of 2.5-3 thousand eggs. What do eggs look tick? The egg is quite large in relation to the sizes of the female cell, consisting of cytoplasm and kernel, and coated with a two-layer shell, which is painted in a variety of colors. Tick \u200b\u200beggs can have a completely different form - from round or oval, to flatten and elongated.

What do eggs look tick

Why do we need ticks in nature ??? And got the best answer

Answer from 2 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with the answers to your question: why do we need ticks in nature ???

Answer from Ekaterina Nikonova[newcomer]
pliers do not need anywhere!

Answer from Mom Choli.[guru]
why do you need a person in nature? .. Pliers and regulators of the number of animals and saprotrophs

Answer from "[guru]
judging by that - what does in nature and the nature of the person, its meaning is neither a pound more.

Answer from M K.[guru]
Ticks do not need something. They simply exist, because they appeared in the process of evolution and for them in nature there is an appropriate ecological niche.

Answer from Bhana Andreeva[guru]
food poultry

Answer from Archibald[guru]
what we do not know for what they are - this does not mean that they are not needed. Previously, thought that appendicitis should be cut in any case, but it turned out that this is a rough filter that performs certain functions. The same with blood - there are not open viruses and transfusion does not save lives. Bloomless medicine is gaining momentum. And with blood and complications postoperative and viruses later will be found. All that is created - it means you need. Cockroaches like wolves and null beetles are sanitary. Do not leave them to the fringe - they will not start.

Publication Date: 12-12-2019

Why are the ticks attack people and drink blood and how dangerous for human health?

Why do the ticks drink blood and how do they affect human health? In the world there are more half a million species of ticks. They populate all the corners of our planet. There is even the assumption that they got to the moon, sitting on the sole of the Nile Armstrong boot. Many species, many habitats, many food options.

Ticks flooded almost all types of territories: from the desert to poles, salt water and hot springs. As a nutrition, the juice of plants eaten, the blood of people or animals, hunt other insects and their relatives. At the bloodsight of the ticks, only females drink blood. The female can drink blood 200 times more of its own weight. After mating, the female postpones from 3000 to 4000 eggs. After the larva hatch, she strives for a high plant, where, stretching his paws to the sky, expects his sacrifice. By the way, there are also respiratory facilities on her paws with powerful clamshes, which these spider-shaped carbon dioxide are trapped with mammals exhaled.

With the help of receptors on the paws, the ticks feel the approaching person at a distance from 1 km and more. Then, having attached to the victim, for several hours or days, it is looking for an outdoor convenient area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, dug in it with a sharp harpooner trunk, they drink blood, producing an anesthetic substance into the place of bite, due to which the bite becomes invisible.

An unfavorable environmental situation and doring in food made from ticks of carriers of various diseases.

Since blood is needed for the development and growth of the tick, and he directly contacts it, he can infect the victim with various viruses:

  • ticky encephalitis;
  • borreliosis, or Lyme disease;
  • tick-borne tit;
  • piroplasmosis virus;
  • tularemia;
  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • erlichiosis;
  • marseille fever;
  • spotted Rocky Mountain Fever;
  • return ticky tyif;
  • north Asian tick rickeciasis.

Everyone can get infected, and not one disease for 1 time. When tightening treatment, serious complications or even death can happen.

To understand why I need to bite and drink blood, you need to go deep into the nature of its development. The tick is a fairly hardy creature, he can do without food for a long time (from 1 year to several years).

Hungry tight is usually very small and has a brown or brown color of the Taurus. Satisfied, it increases significantly, and its color becomes pink or gray. The tick in life passes 4 stages of development:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • nymph;
  • imago.


How does the pest bite?

Nature awarded a ticks a very cunning device in order to drink blood. Trulls are covered with dense rhives. When you try to bite the sacrifice of the rhube, the trumps are shown outside, on the two sides of which are sharp spikes. Externally, proboscis reminds chainsaw. In parallel, the trull and a little in front begin to move two sharp as a razor of claws, cutting the skin and laying the way a trunk, which is securely secure on the body of the victim. In addition, saliva is distinguished during the bite, which is there. All the time, while the female feeds on, she lays eggs.

Active insect activity phase

Pliers begin their active phase of activity from the middle of the spring, when the air temperature rises to 5-7 ° C. In May and June, the breeding season comes. During this period, the risk of bite is especially great. The decline of activity is considered the end of July, but in August, individual types of ticks may attack.

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It is known that the smells of some plants scare ticks. Such plants include geranium, feline mint, lavender. If you have a summer cottage, then simply putting these plants, you significantly reduce the risk of these unborn guests. Why this happens, there is little information and it has not yet been proven.

Every year the arole of the spread of ticks increases, they are becoming more and more. Together with them, the number of deadly diseases carrying animals and man with these dangerous predators is also growing.

Today it is easy to pick up a tick and in the city seamboard or in the park, on the household plot and in the garden. Creatures in shetine shells are increasingly compressed by a ring around a person.

About how the tick is powered and about his habits can be found by reading this article.

About the types of ticks

All ticks belong to the detachment of small spine-shaped, unifying about 20 thousand species. What does the tick eat, except blood? Some of the below are powered by ticks and other types of feed.

The largest group of soil ticks is shell pincers. They live in forest soils and litter. Sweep rotting plant residues with abundant microflora with its rodent helixers. They are transferred to tape helmintes, affecting livestock.

Small insects ricking with their heliers are barn ticks (or bread and flour). Live in rotting plant residues and in the soil. In the vaults of agricultural products, they cause damage to flour, grain and croup. In people working in such premises, they can cause severe skin irritation in the form of an allergic reaction. It feeds the tick of insect fabrics.

Best of all studied is a serious pest of poultry farms. What does chicken tick eat? They are active at night, when they leave the smokes of the chicken coop and, attacking the chickens, suck their blood. It also happens that with a massive damage to birds die from Malokrovia.

To learn more about what ticks eat in nature, we will get acquainted with the most dangerous ticks.

Encephalite pincers

Below are pits that are the most aggressive.

Encephalite tick is one of the most common and known. It is important to note that the encephalitite tick is not a separate breed (view) of arthropod insects. Encephalitis can be infected with any varieties of ticks, so it is impossible to allocate signs that determine the degree of danger. But it should be remembered that such an infection can lead to the death of a person.

According to the appearance of the insect, it is impossible to determine whether it is either or not, so when you hike in the forest, you should take the necessary measures to remove from contact with predators.

It is the ixodic ticks more often than others act with carriers of dangerous encephalitis. They have both the second name - solid ticks. These name they are obliged to solid chitinular coating, which is a kind of protective sheath. Ixodes include doggy, and taiga ticks.

Forest mites

What do the ticks eat in the forest? Blood of different animals and man.

As a rule, ticks rarely rise above the meter from the ground, and when attacking the sacrifice, they are trying to move higher to the most soft skin zones. Female ticks are more voracious, they can suck blood for 6 days without stopping, while males for saturation is enough and 3 days.

Relatively small, their dimensions are in a state of hunger in length do not exceed 4 mm. When sucking blood in large volumes, dimensions may increase to 120 times.

The bite of the tick is not felt, because the insect introduces a special saliva, blocking pain in humans. In this regard, the tick can have a long time to eat blood.

A great sense of smell helps to detect the victim. In order for the predator to climb into a person, the latter is enough to stay in the forest even for a couple of minutes.

About tick-insulated diseases

Knowing what the tick is powered, it should be remembered that this is a carrier of various diseases.

In fact, a lot, but real dangerous epidemiological significance mainly have 2 types: Persulcatus (or tick taiga), inhabitants in the European and Asian parts of Russia; Ixodes Ricinus (or mite European forest) - in the European part.

Ticks can be carriers of the following diseases:

  • encephalitis;
  • tiff tickle;
  • lyme disease (or borreliosis);
  • hamorrhagic fever;
  • spotted fever;
  • marseille fever;
  • babesia;
  • tularemia;
  • erlichiosis.

Many of these diseases are dangerous and are not very treatable, and some show signs of only 10-20 days after the bite.

Important information

After it became known than the forest tick eating and what it can lead, you should know how to protect yourself from the predatory insects, and what to do, if still ticks satisfied. It should be remembered that the part that believes in the skin (trull) is equipped with small "barns". They are directed to the back of the tick.

Therefore, if you pull it along the axis, the "barbs" are tightly and absorbed even stronger in the skin, which can lead to a branch of the body of the tick of its trunk, which may remain in the dermis.

To avoid this insect, the insect should be removed by circular movements (disultechable), and not just pull. In this case, the spikes on the trunk will be curled to the axis of rotation, and the head will not break off.

If this could not be done correctly, the place of suction (where the head remained) should be wiped with a watered alcohol, after which the head remove the sterile needle as the usual offering.


Pliers are such creatures that, if necessary, may in nature, for a long time (even for months), and in laboratories and years, to do without food.

This is due to their low-speed and, in connection with this, rather economical expenditure of the body's energy reserves.

There are over 50,000 species of ticks. They are divided into vegetative and pathogenic. Few people know that these arthropods are not only the variages of various infections, but also pests, because they damage to agriculture and the food industry.

Most of the ticks refers to saprophages (predators) that benefit, destroying other pests. They also feed the organic soil, which contributes to its decomposition to Gumus.

What types of ticks do not benefit, and harm nature

The first signs of the appearance of ticks in the garden plot are

  • web on plantings;
  • growths;
  • fuzzy light spots.

This indicates that trees are under threat of destruction.

There are several types of ticks, some of them are not indifferent to coniferous trees and shrubs, such as Samshotov or Pine. There are varieties of these arthropods, which live only on broad rocks of trees. In nature, there are supersaturation of gardening herb arrangements

  • galovy;
  • brown;
  • colebel.

They will be searched on fruit and berry cultures.

Garden mites are small spine-shaped individuals. The males are fewer females, their length is from 0.03 mm to 10 mm. The body is divided into two parts, abdomen and headband. It has a circular shape and covered with bristles. The tick has two pairs of eyes. It moves with 6 pairs of appendages. Juice from plants and fruits sucks with the help of a piercing-sucking mouth.

In nature, more than 1,200 types of cute ticks. These are very small insects leading a hidden lifestyle. Males measuring from 0.3 mm to 0.6 mm, and females up to 1 mm. You can learn the damage to this type of tick by changing the color of the leaves on the plants that become brown-brown. Then they twist and fall. This type of pest can destroy 80% harvest. It is also a carrier of gray rot and different viral infectious diseases of agricultural plants.

Gallic ticks from the rest of the fellow are distinguished by the lack of rear legs. Most often this kind can be found on Alycha, plum and pear. On the leaves of trees, the growths are formed, where the ticks dwells. The affected branches are cut and burned.

The brown tick is basically settled on garden crops. Most often it can be seen on the apple tree. Color - red-brown. This species is very quickly multiplied. By the end of summer, there are many pests on the tree, which dehydrate it. As a result, the apple tree dries out.

The benefits and harm of ticks

Tings can be found everywhere, and even in Antarctica. They live both on land and in water bodies. They can move over long distances, despite their tiny size. Basically, they are found in the nests of birds, nora, in residential and economic premises. Some species live even under the skin and in the respiratory mammalian system.

But not all kinds are dangerous for harvest or person. There are groups of ticks that bring tangible benefits.

  • The pests of plants exterminate.
  • Recycle their remnants.
  • Participate in the process of soil formation.

There are species of these arthropods that are used to prepare certain varieties of cheese. But on this benefit of ticks in nature ends.

Thus, ticks, despite a small list of positive properties, is an indispensable link in nature. It serves as a great meal for birds, frogs, lizards, ants.

In the fight against them, biological products are practically useless, because the ticks are very quickly multiplied. Therefore, a person has to use chemicals to protect harvest, plantings and their health.