Drainage systems: device, work principles, laying. Budget systems of drainage of the site and storm sewage from users of the portal cleaning of drainage pipes

How does the drainage system and its types act - the technology of the drainage device do it yourself

The presence of groundwater in the construction site is a large problem that requires a solution at the stage of the construction of the foundations of the house. If water will appear in the beginning of earthworks in the pit, then it will be necessary to pump water with pumps from a specially arranged pit, covered with rubble.

Groundwater may appear after the end of construction, which threatens the flooding of basements and increased corrosion of the materials of the foundations.

Plot flooding is also dangerous for green plantings, because many species of trees and shrubs cannot develop normally if their roots are in the converged soil. The only means for drying the soil in all cases is the device drainage system.

How does the drainage system and types of drainage operate

The principle of the drainage system is that artificial obstacles from trenches filled with bulk materials - sand and rubble are created on the way of movement of groundwater. On the bottom of the trenches are stacked with a certain slope of the pipe with perforated walls, which are called drains. Groundwater, getting into such trenches, filtered through sand and crushed stone and accumulate in pipes-drain, and then scholars are removed from the site.

The main types of drainage are several:

  • Surface drainage.
  • Deep drainage.
  • Plastic drainage.
  • Priest drainage.

Surface drainage is performed in order to protect the area from flooding surface waters. In this case, the depth of tranches is no more than 50 cm.

When the depth drainage device, the depth of the drain can reach several meters. Plasty drainage is arranged in the presence of pressure groundwater, when the use of other drainage systems is not enough.

Plasty drainage usually consists of a layer of sand with a thickness of up to 30cm, with a rubble bands, located at a distance of several meters, which can be laid under the entire building.

Priest drainage is used to protect from flooding basements and foundations.

Procedure of the drainage system

For the drainage device, first set, at what level are groundwater in relation to the depth of the foundations and the surface of the soil. The exact marker of groundwater can be determined using engineering surveys, but if there is no such possibility, the information can be obtained using the neighbors poll, especially if there are basements in their homes.

If the groundwater rises to less than 2.5 meters from the surface of the soil, then drainage must be performed.

Next, determine the place where you will reset the water from the drainage system. Of course, it is desirable to invite geodesists that can perform high-speed shooting of a plot and adjacent neighborhoods using accurate devices. But, if it is impossible, the reference can be the nearest reservoirs - river, lake or ravines. They are always the lowest areas of terrain.

Then determine which types of drainage must be built. If it is accurately established that the site is often and rich in groundwater, then perform deep drainage to protect the garden and the cloth drainage for the foundations of the house.

If there are no reservoirs or ravines for resetting water, make a water absorption well depth of at least 3 meters. Pull the bottom in such a well with several layers of sand and rubble so that the water is filtered into the lower layers of the soil.

Drainage Trench Construction Technology

The order of the drainage trench device is as follows:

  • First, falling on the bottom of the sand with a layer of 50mm thick.
  • Place a drainage tube with a bias of 0.002 (2mm 1 mammary meter) in clay soils and 0.003 (3mm per 1 mismatch meter) in sandy. If the lower point of the flow is with a drop of several meters from the level of the site, it is better to make a slope to 5-10mm to 1 mongor meter. A drainage pipe wrap with a special tissue - geotextile and pour the layer of the washed gravel of the fraction of 10-20mm with a thickness of 30-40 cm.
  • Next, put another layer of large sand with a thickness of 10-20 cm. Flip the whole design with a soil previously removed from the trench. Top trench, close on a layer of rod to prevent drain sticking.
  • Pipes pave, as in conventional sewage, along direct lines, and on the turns, arrange viewing and swivel wells.

How to make a pretty drainage and garden protection

Wailed drainage is designed to protect against the flooding of the foundations of the house and walls of basements.

When applying a pre-war drainage, on the wall, follow the inlet waterproofing from the DRENAZ type material, which consists of a polymer waterproof and filter geotextile layers.

The drainage pipe will pave around the perimeter at home at a distance of at least a 1st meter from the wall and not lower than the base of the foundation. To ensure the flow, determine the lowest floor of the well on one of the corners of the house nearest to the point of reset, and launch the pipes from it in compliance with the necessary slope to other corners of the house.

To protect the garden and the garden, perform the drainage system in the form of "Christmas tree" in terms of trench laying to a depth of about 1st meter. At the same time, keep in mind that one pipe can dry up to 15-20m2 square. The side pipes should be a diameter of 60-70 mm, and the main pipe collector is not less than 100mm. Drainage pipes connect with shaped pieces - tees and squares, like sewer pipes.

Materials for drainage systems

For drainage device, use asbestos-cement, ceramic and polymer pipes. In asbetic and ceramic pipes, make self-feed holes. If you have to make feeders in asbetic or ceramic pipes, then you need to know the following. Duties Perform a width of 4-5mm, and the length of the propyl should be half the diameter of the pipe, and they should be located with alternation on both sides of the pipe after 50 cm. Place the pipes with the propyl so that the propyls are in the horizontal plane.

Modern manufacturers are now offered a large selection of polyethylene, plastic and PVC pipes with already finished perforation. When choosing pipes with finished perforations, it is necessary to know that plastic pipes can be laid at a depth of no more than 1 meter, polyethylene no more than 3 meters, PVC pipes have the greatest strength and can be used at high depth - to 10m.

Rotary, water-driven and observation wells for the drainage system, make a 600mm tape rings from reinforced concrete rings, the diameter of which should be from 400 to 700mm. At the bottom of the wells, perform trays from concrete with a slope towards the general flow. Now in the construction market you can buy ready-made wells from PVC diameter of 315mm and depth to 3m.

Observing all these instructions, you will be able to make drainage with your own hands on your site.

Almost all landowners planning the construction of the house and the breakdown of the garden are faced with the problem of flooding the territory with groundwater or atmospheric precipitation. Avoid all these troubles will help underground drainage.

In the spring, in the period of melting of snow, or during the protracted autumn rains on the land plot there are extensive puddles that prevent the free movement of people and restrict their routes from concrete or stone slabs. In addition, repeating from year to year, similar "floods" gradually destroy the foundations and basements of buildings. From prolonged stagnation of moisture and oveurgement of the soil suffer and garden plants suffer: due to insufficient supply of fasteners with oxygen, shrubs and trees can even die.

If, after the melting of snow or abundant precipitation, the household territory turns into a swamp if the earth remains wet after another hour and even days, it means that clay soils, delaying moisture pass in this place. Since raindrops and melt water destroys roads, pedestrian crossings, sideways and sidewalks, it is necessary to ensure its lead. This task successfully solves drainage.

Drainage - This is a system of interrelated pipes located along or around moisture protected against moisture and ensuring moisture excretion beyond the site - to a collector or a special well. It is necessary to organize a similar drainage system at the initial stage of territory improvement, previously engaged in geodesic and geological surveys. Competent development of a draft drainage system will help correctly calculate the number of its elements and get the expected effect after its implementation.

Best option - a combination storm sewage and systems underground drainage. It is worth noting that storm sewers perfectly copes with atmospheric precipitation, and underground drainage reduces groundwater level at a depth of 6 meters.

Drainage pipes

For creating drainage network Pipes are used, called drainami. They have perforation holes through which water from the soil falls inside the system. In the case of the use of products from porous materials, water penetrates inside the drain through their walls. Depending on which tasks are assigned to drainage pipes - the leading of water from buildings or the drainage of the garden plot - products of various diameters and structure are used.

Currently, the so-called plastic pipes from polyethylene and PVC - a diameter of 110 to 200 mm and a length of 40 or 50 m are acquired. They have a homogeneous structure and differ in high wear resistance and durability: the minimum life of such products is 50 years. Polyethylene pipes can be corrugated or smooth. There are models equipped with stiffener ribs and a geotextile filter. To create drainage in the construction of buildings and structures, polymer pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are most effective.

Perforation In drainage pipes without a winding hidden in the waves. Such a design prevents rapid clogging of water transmission holes, which provides long-term operation of the entire system without additional maintenance.

In drainage pipes in the winding from geopolt The holes are also protected by a wave with depressions, and to prevent small particles of the soil, a peculiar case of geotextiles is provided.

Drainage pipes from plastic in coconut Winding They have the same structure as the first two types of DRET. However, natural material is used as protection against casing - coconut fiber.

The pipes of all three species are used to disrupt groundwater in industrial and private construction, when creating parking, shopping centers, warehouses, etc. The depth of the drain embarrassment ranges in the range of 1.2-3.5 m, the diameter from 110 to 200 mm. Protective elements of pipes make it possible to use them in clay and thin soils without fear that the holes will be born with small particles. During the construction of buildings, drainage can be laid both before and after the waterproofing of the basement and the foundation. The only condition is to do this before the overall backing of the outside of the foundation.

Laying drainage pipes

From the process of laying drainage pipes depends on the further operation of the entire system as a whole

To facilitate the work in the device of the drainage system, the drainage pipes and pipes of the storm sewage can be labeled in parallel in one trench. A mixture of rubble and large sand is poured on a layer of about 10 cm on a layer, then aligned the corner of the pipe: the height difference must be from 2 to 10 mm per meter length depending on the type of soil. Most often an inclusion of 5 mm on a trafficphone meter.

Dranes have so that their upper part is lower than the level of the basement of the foundation. When turning and branches of pipes, flexible and hard pipes, for connecting direct elements - couplings Without sealing rings. Then, the drains fall asleep with flushed rubble or gravel with a grain size of not more than 16mm. The layer thickness depends on the water permeability of the soil: than this figure is less, the more sprinkles will be required. The next step is to lay geotextiles, and the layer of sand is poured on it. Along the foundation wall, the water-cutting layer should rise to the surface itself.

The land for filling trenches is carefully crossed, removing stones and other solid and sharp objects that can damage pipes or their protective shell. Two layers - the rammed and superficial - allow for one side to ensure reliable protection of DRET, and on the other hand, to use the ground for planting grass or other garden plants. The slope of the surface towards the house should be 1:50.

Drainage wells

Drainage wells They are engineering structures designed to maintain the drainage system - observation of work and purification of pipes (it is carried out by a jet of water supplied under high pressure). Such elements of the system are installed on each bending of pipes, which makes it possible to access anyone it.

Drainage wells are usually performed in two versions: deep pumping with an automatic pump and observation. Pumping drainage Consists of a frame, bottoms, covers, fasteners for the pump, the pump itself and the hose for water. Looking well It only has a frame, bottom and lid. Materials for making drainage wells are usually concrete or polymers.

For collecting ground and sediment waters in the drainage system is provided water-receiving welllocated in the lowest terrain point. Water from it can be used for watering, and can be completely output from the site.

Competently and neatly mounted underground drainage largely determines the quality of the system. To make the right decision on the depth of placing pipes and calculating the number of materials, it is necessary to use the services of experienced specialists. Only they can ensure the effectiveness of the discharge of extra moisture from the site, which will not lead to drying the upper layer of the soil. And the service life and the trouble-free functioning of the drainage directly depends on the quality of the elements from which it consists.

The article is provided by the company Hydrogrup

People living in country houses often face a problem when an excessive amount of water accumulates on the territory adjacent to the building due to heavy rains or snow melting, which in turn violates the comfort of living. Also, imperative factor is the high level of groundwater in the area. Problems of this nature arise in possessions located in the lowlands or on the slopes of hills, where the clay content in the soil reaches high indicators. An excessive amount of moisture in the soil has a detrimental effect on the foundation of the building, eroding the fitting layers of the soil and imputing basement.

Drainage - Technology of excessive moisture from the foundation

The drainage system will help to get rid of the above problems, which will collect and response excess water from the territory adjacent to the house. Such a means can be used throughout the site, but this is a fairly costly option in terms of finance and time. Installation of drainage around the house is sufficient measure for a comfortable stay.

What is the drainage

Drainage - This is a system that removes an excessive amount of moisture from the building with the construction of pipes. It is believed that only the scene is sufficient to effectively collect water, but specialists in this area are recommended to establish a full-fledged drainage system, which allows to provide much better protection of the building from the harmful effects of moisture.

No matter how beautiful there is a scene, it will not protect the house completely from moisture impact

Drainage system for home maybe three types:

    Open. It is a construct where open-type trenches, depth and width of which are 0.5 meters are used as discharge drains. This is the easiest version of the drainage for self-installation. The disadvantages of such a system include an inesthetical appearance, as well as unreliability of the structure, which will require additional strengthening of the walls with special trays;

    Fucking. This design, where the prepared trenches falls asleep in large overseas rubble or boot, and the turne is superimposed on top. The advantage of such a drainage is a long service life and simplicity in the installation. In addition, there are also cons: low bandwidth, the impossibility of maintenance;

    Closed. It is carried out by laying in the Earth of drainage pipes with holes. Such a system is characterized by the effectiveness and lack of deficiencies in other systems. Her minus is a rather complicated installation.

The closed drainage system is difficult to make correctly without certain skills and knowledge.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installation and design of sewage and water supply. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Errors that are allowed when making drainage

The device of the drainage system without the participation of specialists is often accompanied by the following errors:

    The use of a used drainage system to ensure the discharge of excessive moisture in areas with a high level of groundwater;

    The use of a pipeline in a geotextile type filters in areas with clay soil, which will eventually lead to clogging;

    Application levels during pipeline laying;

    Installation of livnery wells where drainage should be installed;

The most common mistake is to install one drainage system around the house. As practice shows, it is too small. It is necessary to install the drainage system of the drain, which will remove the water from the roof of the building into a special well.

Also, use to be used for drainage and lavety around the house of one pipeline, as the drainage will not cope with its functions during the rain, which will lead to the flooding of the site. The overalling of the soil near the foundation can lead to its bent during frosts, which in turn will have a detrimental effect on the basis of the house, up to complete destruction.

Soil baking is one of the serious reasons for the destruction of the house.

For the manufacture of landfill, sewer pipes of orange colors are used (designed for soil) and special wells, where the excess of water will be accumulated, which can later watered vegetation.

Varieties of drainage systems

Drainage scheme around the house is divided into two Maintenance varieties:

    Surface (violates the aesthetic type of site);

    Depth (perforated pipelines are used).

Surface drainage

Surface drainage around the house is more accessible, simple and easy to perform all necessary operations. Such drainages do not cope with groundwater and are used only to lead melt and rainwater. There are the following surface drainage systems:

    Linear. Used to drive rain and melt waters from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site. On tested in the soil trenches, water is discharged into a special well, where it accumulates. Such channels are closed on top of decorative lattices;

    Point. Apply to rapid water collection from one source. Such drainage is closed by a special metal grid to prevent blockage. All local points with pipes are connected to the main pipeline, which removes water into the drainage well;

Carefully closed points do not interfere with the inhabitants of the yard and will not spoil the exterior of the house

    Open. It is a system of channels and drainage trays intended for the overtake of excess water. Its unobstructed movement is provided by a boss in the trench at an angle of about 30 o, directed towards the main trench or drainage well. The advantage of the drainage system of the open type is the low cost and simplicity of the necessary work. The disadvantages include the destructibility of the walls of the trench and not aesthetic appearance;

    Closed. Arrangement similar to an open drainage, with the exception of the use of special trays with decorative lattices, which allows you to increase the service life of the structure, as well as improve safety;

    Fucking. The system of this type is applied in areas with a small area, where it is impractical to install an open drainage. The arrangement of a flow drainage begins with digging a channel in 1 meter (a bias should be directed to the drainage well). The base of the trench is covered with geotextiles, after which it falls asleep in large-sized rubble or gravel. To give an aesthetic species, the design from above is covered with a layer of turf. Such a drainage of the house and the site has its drawbacks, they can be attributed to the impossibility of servicing during operation without carrying out dismantling work.

This is what the scheme of a flowing protection against moisture looks

Drainage of the deep type

In places with a high level of groundwater, or in possessions with clay soil located in the lowlands, a deposit drainage scheme around the house is used. Such systems of this type should cope with the assignment of large volumes of water, so the process of arrangement is accompanied by the use of perforated pipes, the diameter of which depends on the amount of liquid assured.

For the arrangement of the deep drainage, see the video:

The deep drainage system around the house has two types:

    Warred. It is installed in country houses with basement or basement. Such a drainage does not require additional work for arrangement, as it is installed during the foundation laying. Pipelines are stacked directly into the pitted dried under it. At the lowest point of the trench, it is necessary to install a drainage container that will perform the function of the storage well, or to remove water beyond the site;

    Ring. Ring drainage around the house is used in areas with a high clay content in the ground, as well as in the absence of basements and basements in the house. Trenches are digging at a certain distance from the building (2-3 meters). The depth of drainage around the house must necessarily be on half a meter more than the lowest point of the foundation. This is necessary to improve the efficiency of its protection. On the bottom of the trenches, the layer of rubble is stacked.

The annular system is applied on clay areas, and in the absence of base and basement in the house

The cost of installing turnkey drainage systems

Specialist hiring allows you to avoid many errors in the improvement of the drainage system. There are many firms in the market that provide installation services for drainage, including project development and all necessary work. The average cost of such services is 2300-5000 rubles per square meter and a depth of 1 to 3 meters, respectively.

Also, additional services can be offered, which are paid separately:

    Laying the pipeline for the storm sewer system. The cost of papers on a small depth of the average reaches 1000 rubles per stranded meter, and the laying on the drainage depth is available at about 1,800 rubles;

    The cost of making the viewing well depends on the depth of the installation and reaches approximately 7000-10000 rubles for the recess of 1.5-3 meters, respectively;

When connecting pipes to the viewing well, it is important to make sure the junction tightness

    The receiving-receiver arrangement is available on average at a price of 4000 rubles.

Important! It is better to sign contracts for the installation of turnkey drainage systems with proven firms providing a warranty period that should be at least 3 years.

The price of drainage arrangement is also developing on the following conditions:

    Land area (calculation of the cost depends on the length of the channels);

    Complex necessary work;

    Angle of slope (height between the upper and lower dots of the trench);

    Type of soil (work on a wet clay ground is more expensive than those on ordinary soil);

    Ground water level (Depth drainage is more expensive than superficial).

Visively about drainage systems Look at the video:


The arrangement of the drainage system on country sites is a necessary condition for a comfortable stay in a private house. The right choice of drainage scheme and its correct installation will help protect the foundation of the building from the harmful effect of moisture, which will ensure the long service life of the entire design. It is possible to arrange the drainage system independently, but it is better to trust professionals, which will qualitatively and quickly will produce all the necessary work.

Experienced builders and country residents know well that the "extra" water on the plot is bad. Excess water leads to the flooding of the foundation and the ground floor, washing the base, flooding the beds, the root of the territory, etc. As a result, in the spring, autumn and even in the summer in the country, it is impossible to pass without rubber boots.

In this article, consider:

  • How to equip water removal on the site.
  • How do you make a budget storm sewer.
  • Device drainage. How to make an inexpensive drainage and drain the wetland.

What water prevents the development of developer and country household

On the types of surface and groundwater, as well as the drainage and system of storm sewage can be written a separate book. Therefore, we leave a detailed listing of types and causes of groundwater, but concentrating in practice. But without minimal theoretical knowledge, it is taken for independent arrangement of drainage and storm sewage - throw money into the wind.

The fact is that even incorrectly made drainage system for the first few years. Then due to the colmattail (casing), the pipes wrapped in a geotextile, which was put in clay, loamy, etc. Soil, drainage stops working. And the money on the arrangement of drainage is already spent and, most importantly - the construction of drainage is associated with a large volume of earthworks with the involvement of equipment.

Therefore, it is easy to dig and shift the drainage pipe in 3-5 years after its bookmark - it is difficult and consolidated. The plot already lies, the landscape design is made, the scene is equipped, a gazebo, a bath, etc.

We'll have to break your head like removing drainage so as not to turn the entire area.

From here - the construction of drainage should always be based on the data of the geological study of the soil (Which will help to find a waterproof layer in the form of clay at a depth of 1.5-2 m), hydrogeological surveys and clear knowledge, which water leads to the flooding of the house or the root of the site.

Surface water is seasonal, associated with the snowmast period and the rain. Underground waters are divided into three main groups:

  • Capillary water.
  • Groundwater.
  • Ripper.

Moreover, surface water, if it does not take it on time, with infiltration (absorbing) into the ground turns into underground water.

The volume of surface waters usually exceeds the volume of groundwater.

Output: surface drain should be removed by storm (rain) sewer, And do not try to make a superficial drainage!

Storm sewage is a system consisting of trays, pipes or dwiners, breakaged in the ground, taking water from the drain from the site + competent organization of the relief in the household territory. This will help to avoid stagnant areas on the site (lenses, pools), where water will accumulate, which simply has nowhere to go, and further fear.

Basic errors that are allowed during self-contained drainage device:

  • Failure to comply with the right slope of laid drainage pipes. If you take averaged, the slope is withstanding from 0.005 to 0.007, i.e. 5-7 mm per 1 p. Drainage pipe.

  • Use the drainage pipe in a geotextile winding on the "wrong" soil. The tube in geotextile to avoid its casing is used on soils consisting of pure medium and coarse-grained sands.

  • Use instead of the cheaper limestone crushed stone instead, which over time is blurred by water.
  • Savings on high-quality geotextile, which should have certain hydraulic properties affecting the quality of drainage. This is an effective pore size of 175 μR, i.e. 0.175 mm, as well as transverse CF, which should be at least 300 m / soute (with a single pressure gradient).

Inexpensive storm sewage by their hands

The first thing that comes to mind is to equip the budget version of the storm sewage in the site - to lay special trays.

Trays can be made of concrete or plastic, but the price of them "bites". It forces users of our portal to seek cheaper options for arranging storm sewage and drainage systems from the site.

Denis1235 Member Forumhouse

I need to make an inexpensive livneemka, about 48 m long, along the edge of the fence, for the removal of melt waters that come from a neighbor. Water must be left into the ditch. Thought how to make a water removal. At first, it was necessary to buy and install special trays, but then they will remain "extra" lattices, and a special aesthetics for livnevka is not required. I decided to buy asbetic pipes and cut them with a grinder along, thereby receiving homemade tray.

Despite the budget of this idea, the presence of the need to sing asbotic tubes of the user did not attract. The second option is the ability to buy drain gutter (plastic or metal) and put them on a prepared base in a layer of concrete about 100 mm.

Portal users dissolved Denis1235 From this idea in favor of the first option, which is more durable.

Hooking for the idea of \u200b\u200ban inexpensive strawberry, but not wanting to bind to independent sawing pipes, Denis1235found a plant that produces asbestos-cement pipes, where they are immediately cut into pieces of 2 m long (so that when transporting it is not cracked the 4-meter) and bring ready-made trays to the site. It remains only to develop a scheme of laying trays.

The following "Pie" turned out:

  • Ground base in the form of a bed.
  • Sand layer or PGS with a thickness of about 5 cm.
  • Concrete about 7 cm.
  • Tray from asbestos-cement pipe.

When the device is such a strain, do not forget to lay a metal mesh (for reinforcement) to the joints and leave the deformation gap (3-5 mm) between the trays.


As a result, I made a budget livnee at the cottage. It was gone: 2 days for a king of the trench, two more days on concreting and installation of the track. I spent 10 thousand rubles on the trays.

Practice has shown that the track perfectly "overwhelmed" did not cracked and intercepts water from a neighbor, leaving the plot dry. Also interesting is an option for rain (storm) sewage user portal with nickname yury_BY..

yury_BY Member Forumhouse.

Because The crisis does not think to end, then I thought about how to arrange a storm sewer for rainwater in the house. I want to solve the problem, and save, and do everything qualitatively.

Thinking, the user decided to make a shower for removing water on the basis of flexible double-wall corrugated pipes (they are cheaper 2 times than "red" sewer), which are used for laying power cables under the ground. But, because The depth of the occurrence of the drainage route is planned only in 200-300 mm with a pipe diameter of 110 mm, yury_BY.it was afraid that the gofrotruube when water enters the water between two layers can break in winter.

Eventually yury_BY. I decided to take the budget "gray" pipe that is used in the arrangement of internal sewage. Although he had concerns that pipes that do not possess such rigidity as "redheads" breaks in the ground, the practice has shown that nothing happened to them.


If she turns into an oval on the "gray" pipe, but in the place where I buried it, there are no significant loads. Only the lawn is laid and there are pedestrian loads. Setting the pipe into the trench and sprinkled with her soil, I was convinced that they hold the form, and the livnevka was working.

So I liked the option to install an inexpensive straw on the basis of "gray" sewer pipes that he decided to repeat it. All the nuances of the process clearly demonstrate the following photos.

Copy pit under the collection of water.

Align the base level.

Install the concrete ring.

The next stage - we fall asleep at the bottom of the fusion of the gravel fraction 5-20.

Mixed from concrete homemade well lid.

Mobile hatch lid.

We make the insert in the well of the drainage plastic "gray" sewer pipe, withsting the slope of the track in 1 cm for 1 mongor meter.

Sing the pipe with a mixture of sand with water so that there are no emptiness between the walls of the trench and the pipe.

So that the pipe does not fall, it can be pressed by brick or board.

We put the lid, mount the hatch and fall asleep everything with soil.

On this, the manufacture of budget livnev is completed.

Construction of inexpensive drainage and drainage of a wetland

Not everyone gets "Right" sites. In SNT or in new cuts, the Earth can be very wetrated, or the developer of a peatman. Build on such an earth a normal house under permanent residence, and not a light summer cottage - and difficult, and expensive. There are two exits from this situation - sell / exchange a plot or deal with drainage and bringing the site by order.

In order not to deal with various expensive alterations in the future, the users of our portal offer budget variants of drainage and drainage of the territory on the basis of automotive tires. This option saves a family budget.

Yuri Madigama Member Forumhouse

Peat soil is characterized by a high level of groundwater. In my area, water is almost in the surface, and after the rain does not go to the ground. To remove the upper water, it must be thrown out of the site. I did not spend money on the purchase of special pipes for drainage, and made drainage from automotive tires.

The system is mounted as follows - the channel is rotated, the auto strokes are stacked, the tires are covered with polyethylene, so that the earth does not fall inside. Polyethylene can also additionally press "unnecessary" in the household slicer slices. This will increase the overall rigidity of the structure. Water falls into the "Tirep" pipeline and then retire beyond the site.

But there are more "heavy" places where much more is to do.

Seryoga567 Member Forumhouse

I have a plot in SNT, with a total area of \u200b\u200b8 acres. The site has a building that I plan to complete and expand. Place is very low. Because drainage grooves for drainage in SNT, they are in a deplorable state, where buried, litter or clogged, then the water does not go anywhere. The cov is so high that water from the well can be drawn a bucket, holding it for the handle. In the spring, the water in the country is standing for a long time, the site is actually turning into a swamp and, if she enhances, then only in the summer in the world. Nobody wants to bring drainage drangies in order, so everything is swimming. Therefore, I decided that it was useless to fight my neighbors. It is necessary to raise your site and find a way to give all the "unnecessary" water from the plot.

Land owners are often faced with the problem of excess water after melting of snow, rain or due to the high arrangement of groundwater. Excessive moisture is harmful not only to the roots of plants, but also leads to the flooding of basements and even to premature destruction of buildings foundations. Installing the drainage system will help to cope with this problem. This engineering structure, due to which the storm and groundwater are outlined outside the site.

The system includes point drainage and line channels. Watering is a self-e-system. Pipes (drains) are laid with a uniform bias (1-3 cm per meter of length). This is especially important with or streams. The downgrade should go away from home. At the turns of the pipes are arranged viewing wells. They facilitate system maintenance. Straight areas are equipped with wells in 30-50 meters.

Laying drains on a plot according to the "Christmas tree" scheme

Drain on the plot is decomposed according to the "Christmas tree" scheme. The diameter of the auxiliary pipes is 75 millimeters, a trunk - 100 millimeters. On the central pipe, the water is output outside the site.

It is impossible to lay pipes close to the house and fence. The distance from the foundation to the pipe is at least 1 meter.

Drainage types

Drainage can be performed open and closed. The choice of the drainage system depends on the climate, the type of soil. The level of groundwater is also important.

  1. Open drainage is the easiest way to determine the device. On the channels water flows into the specified place. Also applied drainage trays with decorative lattices. The most important here is a bias. It should be 2-3 centimeters per meter length.
  2. The closed version is more common. These are branched drains that are in the ground. At the bottom of the trench there are pipes or crushed stone. Suitable for this also twig or large stones. The main thing is that the material carves water. So that water declined faster, the bias make 2-5 centimeters per meter of length.

Open system

On the perimeter of the plot and houses dig drank. The width should be 40-50 centimeters, the depth of 50-60 centimeters. The bias make to the total water trench. For a better flow of water, the walls of the ducts are mounted at an angle of 30 degrees.

Such a system has its own characteristics:

  • minor cost;
  • performance does not take much time;
  • has an inesthetical species;
  • with a large amount of water, you need to increase the depth of the ditches, which increases the likelihood of drops and injuries;
  • over time, the wall of such a ditch is destroyed.

Decorative trays extender the service life of the drainage system and give a more aesthetic appearance

To increase the service life, trays are used. They can be plastic or concrete. Decorative lattices increase safety. The appearance of the plot is improving.

Modern drainage according to the linear scheme provides for the use of special details: channels, gutters and trays, which are installed in pre-prepared ditches, proceeded to the place of water collection with a slope. Grills are stacked on top of these channels.

Closed system

Pipe drainage takes water to the catchment well. Drain drains are stacked in trenches. Perforated pipes are covered with rubble and close geotextiles. Connecting with a collector, the water is displayed to the assembly well.

With the help of the drainage pipes, the soil excess moisture is discharged into separately arranged drainage wells

The closed type includes a drainage pit. A pit, dumped to a depth of 2 meters, filled with gravel. It is gathering an excessive moisture. In the future, water gradually goes into the soil.

The flowing drainage is similar to closed, however the difference between them is that instead of pipes in this case, the trench is up to half with a large rubble or broken brick. The upper part of the trench is covered with a smaller fraction - small stone or gravel. The top layer is performed from the soil. Fucking drainage is now used rarely. On clay soils, the system quickly fails. The filter filler is stolen and does not pass water.

Modern drainage systems

Modern industry offers new types of drainage systems. Synthetic materials are durable and easy. The versatility of the details ensures the simplicity of assembly.

Designed tube and high-tech structures. Plastic devices are environmentally safe. Pipes are sold with a wrapper geotextile and without it. The drainage kit includes two-layer drains and synthetic filters.

Systems without rubble

Instead of rubble are used synthetic aggregates. The bottom of the trench is torn and fall asleep with sand. Place the pipes taking into account the slope. Layerly fall asleep with water-permeable material Tonton.

The thickness of the sprinkle depends on the water permeability of the soil. It is usually 100-300 millimeters. The geotextile is stacked on top and soil is falling asleep. Soft drainage more expensive, but more efficiently rubble.

Geotextile is used in drainage systems as a separating layer

Systems without pipes

According to new pipes, the pipe can be replaced by another design. Synthetic drainage mats are available. This is a volumetric plastic grid wrapped by geotextiles. Light products made of composite material are easy to install. Their advantage is to protect against casing.

Even if the upper or lower layers of geotextiles are laced, the drainage grille itself will continue to work fine and divert groundwater

With strong soil moisture there are enlarged systems. These are drainage tunnels and fields. Plastic elements are assembled into monumental structures. They can be used on large sites.

Softrock systems

The cassette consists of a perforated pipe and polystyrene foam aggregate. The design is covered with a durable woven grid. The top layer is made of double geotextiles. Special channels improve water duct. The drainage cassette is more efficient than the system with a rubble by 35-60%.

The flexible tube in the case has a length of 3 meters. It is fully ready for laying. The Softrock drainage system is located at a depth of 45 centimeters. After installation, fall asleep with soil.

In Softrock, instead of rubble, expanded polystyrene foam

According to consumer reviews, the system is reliable and durable. Many mounted her on their own. The time of year does not affect the production of work. Particularly marked the flexibility of the sections, which makes it possible to ride trees, buildings.

After the autumn shower, the water stood in the basement, it was necessary to make high-quality drainage. I remembered the crushed it and I figured how many resources need to be buried in this project: time, workforce, transport, so that this crushed stone to transport, and then scatter ... I was looking for instructions on the Internet, I stumbled upon Softrock, I decided to take a chance and did not regret. Easy, inexpensive, modern and wisely: foam balls crushed stone shut up for the belt. Indeed, everything is ingenious - just


The pipe there is the same as in 110 or 160 pipes, it is the same, the element of filtration is only a foam, with bad sand and rubble, you can kill a lot and the site will turn into a swamp, and you can put this pipe with a landscaped site, it will be safely. The main thing was that a year of the 2nd plot from the standard system geotextiles, sand, crushed stone + pipe + crushed stone, geotextile soil., The second only software - in the first plot, the soil has not yet been deployed and the water is worth it, and the software works faster. He has the surrounding layer of foam, it is as a heater for drainage, and the diameter is stable 27 cm. Of course it all depends on its purpose, it will simply go on the site of the Sorphtrock, and if the road will not be loaded.


Modern and high-quality drainage, if you, like me, did not know how the technologies stepped in this area, then look at the software, there is something to be surprised. It is very easy to install, care does not require. No rubble and problems. External material only passes water, it is not necessary to clean. No, the truth is very convenient.


Drainage for removal of stormwater

Facade, foundations, territory at home suffers from atmospheric precipitation. The drainage system for removal of stormwater turns on:

  • roofing drains;
  • point rain-seekers;
  • storm sewer;

With the help of grooves and pipes, water is removed from the roof. Under the drainage pipe, raid-sends are installed. They guide water through pipes into storm sewers. Usually two-layer polymer drains are used. They are placed in the trenches under the slope of 2 centimeters per 1 meter.

Drainage system and storm sewage

Rainwater must be removed from the building. For this, the leaders or drives are suitable in the leading system. Rained water is harvested in the hermetic drive. It can be used for watering or technical purposes.

Walls of the well are strengthened with concrete rings. Depth should be at the level of the filtering layer of the soil. Then the water will gradually go into the soil. If such layers lie deeply - the wells are bludge. It is necessary to take into account the level of groundwater. At high levels, the well level is ineffective.

Storm sewage for a country house must be mounted simultaneously with the waterproof system for a more correct water removal calculation.

Mounting drainage system: phased technology

Before starting the installation, it is necessary to make a scheme of the site, note the natural slopes, determine the level of groundwater. According to the scheme, place trenches on the ground. For this use pegs and cord.

Calculation and drainage scheme

The calculation is to determine the upper and lower point of the system. The lower point corresponds to the place of water reset. The top is selected by 30 centimeters below the foundation. The angle of the slope takes at least 1%.

It is necessary to calculate the length of the entire trench. To do this, fold the distance from the well and the length of the trench around the house. One percent of this amount is equal to the drop between the upper and lower point. If the place of water becomes above - you need a drainage pump.

The correct scheme of the drainage system will help make it independently

The drainage system scheme indicates:

  • location of buildings on the site;
  • place of water drive;
  • main conductor;
  • drainy drain.

Snip drain system

When designing drainage systems to prevent or eliminate the flooding of territories, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNIP drainage 2.06.15-85, as well as SNiP 2.06.14-85 and SNiP II-52-74.

  1. When designing, preference should be given to systems with water removal. Drainage systems with forced water pumping require additional substantiation.
  2. Depending on the hydrogeological conditions, horizontal, vertical and combined drainages should be applied.
  3. The use of the drainage system should be justified with the study of aqueous, and for an arid zone - and salt balance of groundwater.
  4. The performance of the horizontal drainage of an open trench and a trenchless way is determined by economic feasibility. In the case of an open horizontal drainage device at a depth of 4 m from the surface of the Earth, the depth of the primer of soils should be taken into account, as well as the possibility of their overgrowth.
  5. Open channels and trenches should be arranged in cases where there is a dedication of significant areas with a single, two-storey building of a small density. Their use is also possible to protect against flooding ground transport communications.
  6. To mount the slopes of open drainage datals and trenches, it is necessary to use concrete or reinforced concrete plates or stone sketch. In the strengthened slopes, drainage holes should be provided.
  7. In closed drainage, sand-gravel mixture, clay, slag, polymer and other materials should be used as a filter and filter sprinkle.
  8. Water should be dug on trenches or channels by self. The device of waterborne tanks with pumping stations is suitable in cases where the relief of the protected area has lower marks than the water level in the nearest water object where the surface drain should be given to the protected area.
  9. Water discharge into storm sewers is allowed if the bandwidth of the storm sewage is determined taking into account the additional costs of water coming from the drainage system. At the same time, the preference of the drainage system is not allowed.
  10. Viewing wells should be arranged at least in 50 m in rectilinear areas of drainage, as well as in places of turns, intersections and changes in the slopes of drainage pipes. Weighting wells are allowed to use prefabs from reinforced concrete rings with a sump (depth of at least 0.5 m) and concreted bottoms according to GOST 8020-80. Wearing wells on ameliorative drainage should be taken on SNIP II-52-74.
  11. It should be used as pipes: ceramic, asbestos cement, concrete, reinforced concrete or polyvinyl chloride pipes, as well as pipe filters from porous concrete or porous polymer concrete.
  12. Concrete, reinforced concrete, asbestos-cement pipes, as well as pipe filters from porous concrete should be used only in non-aggressive soil and water in relation to concrete.

Drainage pipes

Modern industry produces three types of pipes:

  • asbotic;
  • ceramic;
  • polymer.

The first two types are now applied rarely. They are expensive, heavy and short-lived. A variety of plastic pipes fills the market. One and two-layer, flexible and rigid polymer pipes have many advantages.

For drainage, polymer pipes are most often used.

Laying drainage with your own hands

Running drainage on the site can be independently. Pipes and fittings to them will help to choose in any company. For the manufacture of a drainage system, the following tools and materials will be needed:

  • pipes from asbestoscement or plastic, fittings;
  • spanners, scissors for cutting pipes;
  • filtering nonwoven material;
  • ready or manufactured viewing wells;
  • rain-seekers (waterborne receiver), trays, gutters, grids, sandcloths;
  • gravel, sand;
  • level;
  • bayonet and soviet shovel;
  • electric or pneumatic perforator;
  • car, vest;
  • iron or wooden traam;
  • individual protection means.

Construction of a deep drainage system occurs as follows:

  1. The start of construction occurs with the installation of the collector well, that is, the places where the water will be gathered from the entire system. It will be simple and rational to use the finished tank made of durable polymer, although independent manufacture of a well made of reinforced concrete rings.

    The precast drainage well is needed so that excess water accumulated in it, which filled the drainage system to failure

  2. Next are preparing trenches under the laying of drainage pipes. The trench is hampered by 20-30 cm deeply supposed depth of paved pipes, and it is necessary to withstand a slope of 0.5-0.7%.

    The depth of the trench depends on the climatic conditions of the terrain where the drainage system is installed

  3. If it is impossible to withstand the specified slope, then in this scheme will have to include an additional pump for the drainage structure of the site.
  4. In the dug trenches, sand pillows with a thickness of 10 cm are arranged, which are very thoroughly tamped.
  5. Then the trench is littered with a geotextile cloth so that its edges go beyond the trench.
  6. Gravel is poured on the cloth in a thickness of 10-20 cm, to which the pipes will be laid.

    Geotextile fabric we swell so that it completely covers the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe trench and continue to step on the surface of the earth still centimeters at 20-30

  7. In places of rotation of the drainage structure of the drainage design, observation wells are installed. Wells are placed on straight areas every 50 meters.

    Looking drainage plastic well is needed in order to easily check the drainage system, and if it is repaired or cleansing it

  8. After the pipes are laid, the washed gravel with a layer from 10 to 20 cm is embroidered on top of them and all this turns into an excess geotextile flashes. Fabric can be fed with polyethylene beep.

    A layer of washed gravel is poured on the pipes and worsted in excess geotextiles

  9. Geotextile will perform the role of a filter that does not miss the soil particles and will not give a gravel layer to stir.
  10. Flipping trenches: sand, then soil or crushed stone, and on top of the jam. The sand pillow is needed to prevent the strain of pipes during the off-season.

    From above the drainage trench you can put herbal turf or decorate with stones

Video: Laying drainage with perforated pipeline

Drainage system maintenance, cleaning

Service is to inspect and clean the system. Regular inspection will help identify minor malfunctions.

Basic methods of maintenance of drainage systems and drainage:

  1. Cleaning drainage (mechanical method). It can be carried out by different methods. The choice of any of them depends on where the pipes, design features are located. If the drain lies on the surface, it is best to choose a manual cleaning method. It can be carried out independently, without attracting qualified specialists. If we are talking about deep drainage, more efficient methods that can be conjugate with excavation work will be required. In this case, you will need a pneumatic installation with a cleaning tool and shaft. The second option provides for the use of a special nozzle, which will eliminate deposits on the pipe walls and grind large inclusions. It should be cleaned at least 1 time in 3-4 years.
  2. Wash drainage (hydrodynamic method). As a rule, cleaning the system is carried out by sections using hose and pump. Global cleaning system should be made 1 time in 10-15 years. To do this, it is necessary to provide access to each drain at both ends. On the one hand, the pipe goes into the drainage well, and the second end is removed on the surface. To do this, at the stage of laying the system, there are issues and with the help of shaped parts, the pipe is extended and displayed in a certain place. In the process of washing, the pumping equipment is connected to one, then to another end of the pipe, and the flow of water is passed under pressure. It uses a compressor that will serve compressed air into the pipe. The system is cleaned under the action of a stream from a mixture of air and water. The hydrodynamic method is different High efficiency - under such an influence of deposits and debris, are crushed, after which it is washed out of drains with clean water.

Video: Cleaning the drainage well drain pump

Looking wells require regular cleaning. They should always be closed. Purification of pipes from garbage is performed by a hydraulic method using high pressure. Mechanical cleaning with scrapers or heers are not allowed.

So that the water removal system from the site worked as efficient and longer, it is necessary to pay attention to its maintenance and repair.

The type of drainage system is determined by the characteristics of a particular area. Each owner chooses the most acceptable option. Laying drainage can be performed independently, with the necessary calculations, compliance with sanitary standards and rules and recommendations of specialists. With proper operation, the system can work over 50 years.