Ecosite growth regulator with fungicidal activity. Useful preparations for plants: "Extrazol" and "Ecosile" can be sprayed with tomatoes using ecosile

Each gardener wishes to improve the quality of their plants and collect large crop of delicious fruits. To date, the most popular biostimulator that protects cultures from diseases, adverse conditions increases decorative and yield qualities, is "ecosile". The drug is inexpensive, but at the same time it is very effective and very well copes with the task set before him.

Plan article

The composition of "Ecosila" and the overall characteristics of the substance

The drug is an emulsion of a 5% concentrate of triterpene acids derived from coniferous plants. Sold "Ecosile" in a bottle of 20 ml. There is enough such quantity for the full processing of the site by a footman from three to five acres. If you need to make a large territory, you can find bottles of 100 ml, 500 ml and even five liters.

Spectrum of action

Instructions for the use of "Ecosila"

The "Ecosile" preparation is bred for a certain culture, because the volume of the means depends on the type of plant. For example, 2 ml of substance is needed for the onions, and only 0.3 ml for cucumbers. The emulsion in the bottle is first shaken, after which they pour into a small amount heated to 40-50 degrees of water. The desired volume of the biostimulant is conveniently measured with a conventional syringe or pipette. The solution is thoroughly mixed, and only then fill the water temperature to the desired amount.

The prepared fluid is spent on the same day when it was prepared, since it is not desirable to store the "ecosila" solution, because then its effectiveness is lost. All plants should handle outdoors in quiet weather, when there is no wind.

The best time is considered either early morning or evening. It is desirable to perform work before the rain, for four to six hours. The drug begins to effect 15-30 minutes after spraying. But you can see the result only in a couple of days.

It is noteworthy that the method of applying "ecosila" is not limited to any one period. This tool can be used yearly:

  • At the end of winter and in the first months of spring, you need to take care of seeds, bulbs and tubers, seedlings. The drug will increase immunity and increase the survival rate.
  • In the summer, the period of rapid growth of all vegetable and fruit-berry cultures occurs. The processing of "ecosil" will not only increase the immunity of plants, but also increase the volume of the future harvest, its taste and commodity characteristics.
  • In the fall, "ecosile" is treated with garlic, bulbs and rhizable floral plants. It will also not be superfluous to make the drug trees and shrubs (both fruit and berry and decorative). This technique will increase the decorative qualities of plants, will help prevent the appearance of fungus and rot, and also accelerate the healing of crops after trimming.

The rules for processing seeds "Ecosyl"

To improve the germination of any seeds (on average up to 95-98%) and provoke the intensive growth of seedlings, they are recommended to soak by one hour in a prepared solution of the biostimulant. To do this, 12 drops of the drug are bottled in one liter of warm water, which is 0.4 ml. For more than 60 minutes, it is impossible to keep them in solution. An hour later, the seeds are washed with ordinary water, dried and seed into a prepared substrate.

Use "Ecosila" for seedlings

Before disembarking in the open soil (in four days - one week), the seedlings spray with such a solution: from 20 to 30 drops (0.6-1 ml) of the drug, divorced in one liter of water. This processing will significantly increase the percentage of plant survival in a new place. Thus, the loss of planting material will be reduced to a minimum. The procedure is especially relevant in the presence of a small amount of seedlings or growing expensive and rare cultures.

How to apply ecosil

Features of the processing of decorative crops ecosle

Name of culture Number of processing Spraying time The number of "ecosila" in ml
Houseplants 1 time - Beginning of bootonization 3 liters 20 0,6
Annual plants 4 times - the first shoots;

- seven days after watering;

- education of buds;

- mass disclosure of colors

5 liters
Perennials 3 times - first sprouts;

- period of intensive growth;

- 14 days after the second spraying

5 liters 90 3
Seedlings pine 1 time - by 14-21 days after landing on the site 5 liters 30 1
Lawn coating 1 time - after 21 days after seeding the seeds of grassmery 5 liters 30 1

The drug will improve the decorative properties of plants, increase the duration of flowering, as well as increase their stability to various diseases and garden pests, unfavorable conditions of the external environment.

Rules of spraying of vegetable and garden species of plants

Name of culture Number of processing Spraying time The volume of water in which the substance is divorced The number of "ecosila" in drops The number of "ecosila" in ml
Tomatoes From 4 times - shoot seedlings;

- dissolving the first brush;

- flowering of the second brush;

- Fraveling the third brushes

3 liters 30 1
Cucumbers 4 times - blooming three or four leaves;

- dissolving the first flowers;

- period of intensive flowering;

- one week after the third spraying

3 liters 9 0,3
Potatoes 2 times - During the first closure of the tops in beds;

- after one or two weeks

3 liters 60 2
Eggplant 2 times - stage of the mass appearance of buds;

- during intensive blooming colors

3 liters 36 1,2
Pepper 1 time - before landing in the open soil for 4-6 days 3 liters 18 0,6
White cabbage 2 times - with the advent of six leaflets;

- When all the kochanov are tied

3 liters 24 0,8
Onion 2 times - with the advent of four feathers;

- Two weeks after the last processing

3 liters 60 2
Carrot 2 times - with a dissolution of 9-10 leaves;

- on day 14 after the last processing

3 liters 15 0,5
Beet 2 times - with the advent of 9-10 leaves;

- on the second week after spraying

3 liters 15 0,5
Beans. 2 times - with the first blooming colors;

- in the period of active flowering

3 liters 12 0,4
Strawberry and strawberries 3 times - after collecting berries and removal of the mustache;

- during the dissolution of colors for the next season;

- During full blooming colors

3 liters 12 0,4
Grapes 2 times - in the period of mass flowering

- 14 days after the first spraying

3 liters 15 0,5

Note: For the "Ecosile" tomatoes, it is used during each flowering, so the number of treatments can be increased.

In addition to improving the general state of plants, the use of "ecosila" will increase the yield, flavoring and commodity characteristics of fruits.

Compatibility "Ecosila" with other substances

According to the instructions for the use of "Ecosila", this drug can be combined without restrictions with various pesticides and fungicides. To be exactly confident, it is possible to use the selected drugs together, you need a small amount of two substances to mix together.

As a result of a chemical reaction, a precipitate may form. If this happened, then it is impossible to combine these funds together.

Precautions when working with the drug

The hazard class for man at the "ecosila" fourth, which means that the drug is low hazard. Another biostimulator is characterized by no phytotoxic and non-resistance. For bees, birds and mammals, it is also low hazard.

Nevertheless, spray the plants "ecosil" is needed using special individual protective equipment (for example, a marlevary dressing or respirator, gloves, and so on). At the end of the garden work, clothing should be changed, and the hands and face thoroughly wash with disinfectants. Even better - take a shower.

If during operation with a solution "Ecosil" the drug got on the mucous membranes or in the eye, then the place of the lesion must be rich in clear water. An inhalation of the flavors of the biostimulant also affects the human body. If the drug hit the body through the respiratory tract, you need to spend some time in the fresh air.

In case of swallowing something containing particles of the biostimulant, it is necessary to wash the stomach and drink activated carbon.

Spilled on some surface the drug should be removed with a rag or sponge. Hands should be protected by gloves. Then the surface must be rinsed with ordinary water with any detergent (toilet or economic soap, powder and so on).

Where to store the drug

"Ecosile" can be stored in any dry and dark place with air temperature from 0 to +30 degrees. Next to it should be food and medicine. He should also be available for children and pets.

Sealed bottle can be stored for six years. An open bottle with an "ecosil" growth stimulator can be used for no more than three years. After this period, the properties of the substance disappear.

Ecosite growth regulator with fungicidal activity.

The drug "Ecosile" is not only a "breath of air" a weakened and patient plant, but also an order of magnitude multiplied energy of a healthy, strong and beautiful plant.

"Ecosile" is a natural sum of triterpenic acids, close to the composition of the active substance ginseng, isolated from the Extract of the Wood Green Fir Siberian. Alternative to chemicalization in agriculture, the use of low-cost natural compounds. In fact, a fundamentally new technological process, by ecology, performance, obtained by the effect, fully meets the standards of the XXI century is created. Numerous tests and tests are a real confirmation.

What helps plants ecosile:

Rises cold resistance, stamina to heat and drought. It will help to safely exit stressful weather situations (return freezers, sharp temperature differences), which cannot be avoided in the "zone of risky agriculture" - and this is almost all the arable land of Belarus.

Provide a high and unique immuno-proof effect by activating the natural protective forces of the plant organism.

Enhance the protective functions of plants for diseases and damage to pests.

It will increase the decorativeness of flowering shrubs, flowering and lawns, will extend the flowering, increase the brightness and freshness of the color. Protects the flowering garden from return spring frosts.

Garden and garden, fruits.

During the flowering of fruit-berry shrubs and strawberries will reduce the squeezing of flowers, will provide a rich harvest, increase the collection of berries of removable strawberries and raspberries.

Significantly increase the yield of vegetable and fruit crops, accelerates the ripening of fruits, for 10-15 days, improve their quality and nutritional value.

Increase the energy of germination and germination of seeds.

Reanimates when damaged plants drought, frosts, the action of pesticides.

Plants treated with "Ecosil" can be used to prepare children's and diet food.

"Ecosile" is the only drug that for the year finds itself use.

At the end of winter, early early spring - the time of care for seeds and seedlings. All seeds, bulbs, tubers before boarding for a while (according to the instructions) in the solution "Ecosila". It accelerates germination of seeds and gives friendly shoots. Picking seedlings -wear agrotechnical reception. Therefore, when diving and before disembarking, be sure to dip the roots into the solution "Ecosila" (30-60 drops per 1 liter of water). Do the same with potato tubers. For better suitability of shrubs and trees seedlings, we recommend dipping into a solution "Ecosile" root part before planting (60 drops per 1 liter of water). To increase the resistance to frost and prevent the flow of flowers, we recommend 3-4 days before frosts to be treated with a solution of "ecosila" (120 drops per 1 liter of water).

Here is a bit of a similar topic: ""

Summer is the time of rapid growth of all vegetables, berries, fruits, potatoes, green crops. Here "Ecosile" is the first assistant and a defender from all diseases. Each culture is best made to make a solution of "ecosila" for the season of vegetation three times:
1) to shoot,
2) the mass bootonization phase,
3) 7-10 days after the last processing.
Concentration of the solution according to the instructions.

Autumn - in case of undercurrent plantings and crops, the treatment of planting material - garlic, bulbs and rhizomes of flower plants will help them quickly root and better overwhelm. This technique is especially good in transplanting adult trees and shrubs (including early spring) for the accelerated design of open park sites, offices and cottages. They removed the harvest of apples and pears, do not be lazy to carefully spray the trees with a solution of "ecosila" - in the ensuing mushrooms kill and rot, accelerate the healing of broken branches. All wooden parts of the basement thoroughly spray with an aqueous solution of "Ecosila" at a concentration of 1 vial per 1 liter of water against fungus.
The active ingredient: triterpene acids, obtained from the extract of the Wood Green Fir Siberian.

Analogue of Preparations "Silk", "Novosil"

Preparation Ecosile - Beluniversalprodukt,

Preparation Novosyl - Vedabio LLC.
Preparative form:

5% aqueous emulsion containing triterpene acids at a concentration of 50 g / l.

Purpose: growth regulator with fungicidal activity. The drug is designed to process seeds before sowing and spraying gardening crops during the growing season in order to increase yield, seed germination; The viability of plants in extreme climatic conditions (drought, frost, etc.); improving the quality of fruits and seeds; Reducing the morbidity of plants with mushroom, bacterial and viral diseases.
Recommendations for use:

Increases cold resistance, stamina to heat and drought. It helps to safely exit stressful weather situations (return freezers, sharp drops of temperature).

Provides a high and unique immuno-protection effect by activating the natural protective forces of the plant organism.

Enhances the protective functions of plants to diseases and damage to pests.

Increases the decorativeness of flowering shrubs, flowering and lawns, will extend flowering, strengthen the brightness and freshness of color.

During the flowering of fruit-berry shrubs and strawberries, it allows you to reduce the shower of flowers, will provide a rich harvest, increase the collection of berries of removable strawberries and raspberries.

Increases the yield of vegetable and fruit crops, the ripening of fruits will accelerate, for 10-15 days, improve their quality and nutritional value.

Increases the energy of germination and germination of seeds.

Stimulates the root formation with green stallion and reproduction of rhizable, tuber and bulbous plants.

Helps resuscitation during damage to the plants by drought, frosts, the action of pesticides.
Mode of application:

According to the table, calculate the amount of the drug, measure it using a measuring container, you can use a syringe. Before preparing an emulsion, mix thoroughly. The drug is dissolved in warm water at a temperature of 35-60 ° C, mix thoroughly, controlling the completeness of dissolution. It is recommended to pre-preparation to breed in a relatively small amount of water. Then dissolved drug pour into the container and bring to the working volume.


Growth regulator with fungicidal activity.

Active substance:triterpene acids derived from the Extract of Wood Green Fir Siberian.

Analogue of drugs "Silk", "Novosil"


Preparation Ecosile - Beluniversalprodukt,

Preparation Novosyl - Vedabio LLC.

Preparative form:

5% aqueous emulsion containing triterpene acids at a concentration of 50 g / l.

Purpose:Growth regulator with fungicidal activity. The drug is designed to process seeds before sowing and spraying gardening crops during the growing season in order to increase yield, seed germination; The viability of plants in extreme climatic conditions (drought, frost, etc.); improving the quality of fruits and seeds; Reducing the morbidity of plants with mushroom, bacterial and viral diseases.

Increases cold resistance, stamina to heat and drought. It helps to safely exit stressful weather situations (return freezers, sharp drops of temperature).

Provides a high and unique immuno-protection effect by activating the natural protective forces of the plant organism.

Enhances the protective functions of plants to diseases and damage to pests.

Increases the decorativeness of flowering shrubs, flowering and lawns, will extend flowering, strengthen the brightness and freshness of color.

During the flowering of fruit-berry shrubs and strawberries, it allows you to reduce the shower of flowers, will provide a rich harvest, increase the collection of berries of removable strawberries and raspberries.

Increases the yield of vegetable and fruit crops, the ripening of fruits will accelerate, for 10-15 days, improve their quality and nutritional value.

Increases the energy of germination and germination of seeds.

Stimulates the root formation with green stallion and reproduction of rhizable, tuber and bulbous plants.

Helps resuscitation during damage to the plants by drought, frosts, the action of pesticides.

Mode of application:

According to the table, calculate the amount of the drug, measure it using a measuring container, you can use a syringe. Before preparing an emulsion, mix thoroughly. The drug is dissolved in warm water at a temperature of 35-60 ° C, mix thoroughly, controlling the completeness of dissolution. It is recommended to pre-preparation to breed in a relatively small amount of water. Then dissolved drug pour into the container and bring to the working volume.

The resulting solution is kept no more than a day in a dark place, otherwise water is lauggway.


Processing goal

Technology application

1 weaving drug

Resistance to diseases

processing seedlings 4-5 days before disembarkation; Three-way spraying in the flowering phases of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd brushes

30 drops (1 ml) on 3 liters of water

reducing the impactability of phytoofluorosis, alternariasis, septoriasis, black bacterial spottedness

improving the yield Improved quality

four round spraying:
in phase 3-4 leaves,
at the beginning of flowering
in the phase of bulk flowering,
7 days after the third

10 drops (0.3 ml) on 3 liters of water

reducing the impassability of nigorosis, bacteriosis, malicious dew, drying


two-time spraying:
in the bootonization phase
in the mass flowering phase

40 drops (1.2 ml) on 3 liters of water

suppression of the development and distribution of basic fungal and bacterial diseases

White cabbage

improving the yield, quality improvement

two-time spraying:
in phase 6-7 leaves,
in the communion phase of the kochanov

24 drops (0.8 ml) on 3 liters of water

treatment of seedlings for 4-6 days before landing

suppression of the development of basic fungal and bacterial diseases

Onions on Rust

increased yields, improving ripping

increase in yield, spraying in the mass bootonization phase; Two-time spraying:
in phase 4 leaves,
15 days after the first

60 drops (2 ml) on 3 liters of water

reducing perico perronospose

Horticultural crops

improving the yield, improving the quality of fruits

two-time spraying:
in the bootonization phase
12 days after the first

preventing Flowers Fitting, Freezing Resistance, Tlima Protection


improving the yield, quality improvement

two-time spraying:
in the flowering phase,
12 days after the first

30 drops (1 ml) on
6 liters of water

reducing the ambitiousness of Mildew, Oidium, gray and white rot, anthracnose


acceleration of flowering, growth and development, regeneration of weak plants

soaking tubers in solution;
Two-time spraying:
in the bootonization phase
in the flowering phase

20 drops (0.6 ml) on 3 liters of water

increased disease resistance


acceleration of germination, increasing growth energy

pre-soaking for an hour in the working solution, then washing with water

12 drops (0.4 ml) per 1 l of water

Strawberry, strawberry

an increase in the number of color seals, the formation of larger berries, increasing the sugar content

three-way spraying:
After graduating from the collection of berries and remove the mustache,
next year when the first colors appear,
in the period of mass flowering

12 drops (0.4 ml) on 3 liters of water

raising yield and disease resistance

three-way spraying:
in the primary bloom phase
in the phase of bulk flowering,
7 days after the second

12 drops (0.4 ml) on 3 liters of water

increased disease resistance, frost resistance

Beets, carrots

improving the yield, quality improvement

two-time spraying:
in phase 8-10 leaves,
15 days after the first

15 drops (0.5 ml) on 3 liters of water

increased disease resistance, frost resistance

Annual floral crops

watering plants in the sediment phase; Three-way spraying of plants in the phase of shoots, bootonization and flowering

1 ml on 5 liters of water (per 1 sq. M), 0.06 ml by 0.3 l of water (per 1 sq. M)

Perennial floral cultures

stimulation of growth and development, improvement of decorative qualities

watering plants in the sediment phase; Two-time spraying of plants in the phase of active growth and after 14 days

3 ml on 5 liters of water (per 1 sq. M)
0.18 ml at 0.3 liters of water (per 1 sq. M)


stimulation of growth and development

watering plants in the sediment phase

1-3 ml on 5 liters of water (per 1 sq. M)

Lawn grass

stimulation of growth and development, raising decorativeness

spraying plants 20 days after sowing

0.06 ml by 0.3 l of water (per 1 sq. M)


Ecosile and Novosyl is combined with well-known herbicides and fungicides.

Protective period:activation of immunity from the moment

Exposure speed: For 15-30 minutes after use, the visible effect occurs after 2-3 days.

Security measures:

Hazard Class: 4 (low hazard substance). The drug "Ecosile" refers to the 4th class of danger for bees in the field. Not phytotoxic, resistance is not observed.

If the emulsion enters the skin and mucous membranes, the product must be washed with plenty of water. When swallowing the drug, rinse the stomach and then take activated coal. If the drug is hit through the respiratory organs, bring the victim to fresh air. Treatment if necessary is symptomatic.

When working, use individual means of protection: X / W robes or costumes, dustproof respirators and glasses, rubber gloves. Before taking food, carefully with soap wash your hands and face, rinse your mouth, after work to take a shower.

Neutralization of the spilled drug, both in agricultural production and personal subsidiary farms is not required. Spilled drug as possible to assemble into the container (not to use the containers in the future suitable for meals), remnants remove from the surface with water with detergent (soap, powders, etc.).
The destruction of the non-used drug is not required because even after the expiration date, the drug has residual biological activity and can be used in the future, without increasing the norms of consumption, taking into account the decrease in efficiency. Tara is disposed of with household garbage. Special measures neutralizing containers from under the drug is not required. After washing the packaging with water with soap, the container can be reused.

Storage conditions:

The drug is stored in dry closed rooms at temperatures from 0 ° C to + 30 ° C, protecting against direct sunlight.

Storage Term:3 years. Shelf life: 6 years. Good luck to you.

Each gardener seeks to maximize the yield and protect its garden from biological threats. Treatment of biostimulants is a favorable prophylactic measure that protects agricultural crops from many diseases and unfavorable natural conditions. The ecus is an inexpensive and efficient modulator of immunity, which is sometimes called a garden first-aid kit for plants.

Purpose of the drug

Ecosile is a stimulator

The ecossor does not apply to the fertilizer group, however, its impact allows a favorably to change the composition of the soil, which better contributes to the assimilation of the plant of useful nutrients. The stimulator equally enhances the resistance of plants to viral, bacterial and fungal lesions.

The advantages of using the ecosila:

  • acceleration of fruit ripening;
  • strengthening seed geogide;
  • restoration of frozen and drying plants;
  • an increase in the number of vitamins in vegetables and fruits;
  • increase sustainability to sharp climatic changes.

The treatment of broken branches contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged zones, and during the transfers of shrubs and adult trees - rapid rooting and adaptation in a new place. Additional benefits - an increase in the decorative qualities of plants, which are in demand when growing indoor and garden floral crops.

Ecosile action and characteristics

The ecosite contains triterpene acids, dissolved in a 5% water emulsion as the main active component. The capacity of the container is 20 ml, which is enough to apply drug on plants growing on the territory by a metro station to 3-5 acres. For large areas and agro-commomplexes, more compatible containers are available - 100 ml, 500 ml and 5 liters.

Autumn treatment helps to create protective conditions for planting material, which is better experiencing winter cold and is easier rooted. The growth regulator has a pronounced fungicidal (disinfectant) effect. Using the ecosileum, the gardener must choose a method of use depending on the type of culture.

Reference. The ecosileum is an environmentally friendly drug obtained by the Siberian fir and the composition of the active substance is like ginseng.

The consumption of the substance varies from the type of culture being processed - after receiving the necessary data specified in the table, which is included with the packaging, the desired volume is set using a measuring device, a syringe or the amount of drops of the added emulsion. 1 ml of the ecosila is 30 drops of the biostimulatory substance.

Preparatory measures before use:

  1. emulsion shacks;
  2. mixing with warm water (35-60 gr);
  3. the resulting solution is thoroughly mixed.

Before processing, the liquid is stored in a dark place. The prophylactic procedure is carried out in the morning or evening hours, be sure to dry. After processing, the current component begins to act in 15-30 minutes, and the visible results of the farmer can see after 2-3 days.

Seed treatment and seedlings

Pre-sowing treatment contributes to an increase in the germination - this quality is very in demand in the presence of a limited amount of planting material, which is desirable to fully preserve.

Seedling.20-30 Ecosile drops are diluted in a liter of water, planting material is processed 4-6 days before placing in the ground.

Seeds.0.4 ml, or 12 drops, are stirred in a liter of water, in which seeds are soaked. The duration of the procedure is not more than 60 minutes. After exposure, pure water rinsing and the seeds remain in the shade to dry, after which they can be placed in the soil.

It is interesting. Ecosile processing increases the germination of seeds to 95-98%, enhances the viability of sprouts and speeds up their appearance.

List of cultures, drug consumption and application deadlines

The consumption of the drug depends on the culture.

Potatoes. 2 ml means are diluted in 3 liters of water, after which the resulting solution is spattered in the first closure phase in the beds. Intensity of use - every 10-12 days. By 100 m2 (1 weaving), 3 liters of the finished solution are spent.

Tomatoes.1 ml of the ecosila is divorced in 3 liters of clean water, which is used for three-time splashing - in the formation stage 1, 2 and 3 brushes. 1 weaving will need 3 liters of aqueous solution.

Cucumbers. 0.3 ml per 3 liter of water allows to obtain a solution that is enough for processing 100 m2. The first procedure is carried out in the formation of 2-4 real leaves, the second - the start of flowering, the third - the full appearance of flowers.

Beets and carrots. Dosing - 0.5 ml of essence is divorced in 3 liters of water (consumption is similar to the volumes calculated for cucumbers). The first spraying of the tops is produced in the stage of the appearance of 8 and 10 sheets, the final processing is carried out in 15 days.

Loke-repka.Breeding 2 ml in 3 liters is sufficient to obtain a solution for the treatment of plants of the onion family. The primary application of the substance by spraying is made after the formation of the 4-EX of leaves, repeated - 15 days later. 3 liters are enough to process 1 acre.

White cabbage.The proportions are 0.8 ml to 3 liters of water (1 weaving). A double spraying is carried out (first - with the appearance of 6-7 sheets, repeatedly by mass formation of kochanov).

Grapes.On 6 liters, 1 ml of the ecode will be required for processing 1 acres. Sprinkling is carried out during flowering with a break in 15-25 days.

Strawberries and strawberries. 0.4 ml (12 drops) for 3 liters, a three-time spraying is carried out: after removing the mustache, next year - before the formation of flowers and during the active flowering period.

Many gardeners note a positive strengthening of the taste of vegetables, berries and fruits after using the ecossor.

Important. The permissible multiplicity of treatments for each plant is defined: beets, carrots, onions-repka, grapes - twofold, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes - three-time, cucumbers - four-time.

Treatment of decorative cultures

Observe the correct dosage of the drug during processing.

Application of the ecode for decorative cultures also requires the use of instructions for use to determine the dosage of the means.

Lawn grass.1 ml of the ecosila is dissolved in 5 liters of water, which is then spared on the appeared shoots, planted not earlier than 3 weeks ago. Spraying is performed once, the flow rate is 0.3 liters per 1 m2.

Pine (seedlings). 1 ml of means is divorced in 5 liters of water, which is sufficient for processing 1 m2. Watering with a solution is carried out in relation to germination 15-20 days after landing.

Perennial and annual flowers.The various degree of dilution of the substance is observed in the first period - the phase of shoots (3 ml is used for perennials per 5 liters and for annuals - 1 ml per 5 liters) for the second phase - bootonization and flowering - for 1-year-old colors used 0.06 ml dilution 0.3 liters. Perennial cultures spray 14 days after primary treatment with a solution, which is prepared in the proportion of 0.18 ml to 0.3 liters of water. The resulting aqueous solutions is enough for spraying a substance by 1 m2.

Indoor flowers.0.6 ml is divorced in 3 liters of water. It is allowed soaking tubers of weak plants and spraying with a solution before the appearance of improvements or getting rid of the disease.


The ecosite without restrictions is combined with pesticides and fungicides. The inspection of the compatibility of the means is carried out by the method of mixing of substances - the formation of a precipitate indicates the presence of an extraneous chemical reaction. Simultaneous use of such funds is prohibited. In the absence of a sediment, it is possible to carry out additional testing - to be treated with a solution of the plant and check the phytotoxicity of the drug mixed with another substance.

Security measures

The ecosite refers to low hazard substances (a hazard class - 4), but the precaution when using the tool is necessary. The drug sprayed on plants does not harm animals, birds and bees, but the direct impact of the undisputed substance can be destructive for living organisms. When working with the drug, it is necessary to use individual means of protection - rubber gloves, glasses, dust-type respirators and x / b rashain (alternative option - protective suit).

Use gloves when working with the drug.

As the manufacturer treated with the ecosite of the plant can be used to prepare dietary and baby food. Dehydration of the emulsion that was randomly spilled, does not require any measures. Collecting the dish in plastic or glass container, it is necessary to subsequently refuse to use the packaging for meals. For technical purposes, it is permissible to apply the reservoirs in which the drug was, after washing the capacity with water with soap.

Reference. The natural metabolism of plants - after the effect provided by the ecosil - contributes to the complete disappearance of the substance in the soil and plants.

Prefigure help

The hike to the body depends on the method that was used: when spraying, it is more often an unwanted inhalation of vapors occurs, when tubers are soaked, the substances in the eye and mouth can be hit in case of accidental contact with a hand, moistened with a solution. Entering the solution in the eyes and mucous organism requires immediate processing with a large amount of clean water, allowing to wash the substance with covers and tissues. Abundant to enter the sprayed substance through the respiratory tract requires long finding a person in the fresh air.

The high risk of poisoning occurs during the ingestion of the substance negatively affecting all the human body systems. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and before the arrival of experts to wash the stomach and give the affected activated carbon (calculation of the weight of the victim - by 10 kg of weight it will take 1 tablet).


The ecosit is not opened to be stored up to 6 years.

The ecossor should not be contained in rooms with high moisture values \u200b\u200b- the optimal option becomes dry place with a temperature ranging from 0 to 30 degrees with a plus sign. The shelf life of the working solution obtained by breeding in the water of the drug does not exceed 24 hours, and the duration of storage of the ecosila (sealed vial) is 6 years. After 3-year storage, the efficiency of the means falls.

A drug " Ecosile"- not only a" breath of air "with a weakened and patient plant, but also an order of magnitude multiplied energy of a healthy, strong and beautiful plant.

« Ecosile"- The natural amount of triterpene acids, close to the composition of the active substance ginseng, isolated from the Extract of the Wood Greens of the Fir Siberian. Alternative to chemicalization in agriculture, the use of low-cost natural compounds. In fact, a fundamentally new technological process, by ecology, performance, obtained by the effect, fully meets the standards of the XXI century is created. Numerous tests and tests are a real confirmation.

What helps plants ecosile:

Rises cold resistance, stamina to heat and drought. It will help to safely exit stressful weather situations (return freezers, sharp temperature differences), which cannot be avoided in the "zone of risky agriculture" - and this is almost all the arable land of Belarus.

Provide a high and unique immuno-proof effect by activating the natural protective forces of the plant organism.

Enhance the protective functions of plants for diseases and damage to pests.

It will increase the decorativeness of flowering shrubs, flowering and lawns, will extend the flowering, increase the brightness and freshness of the color. Protects the flowering garden from return spring frosts.

During the flowering of fruit-berry shrubs and strawberries will reduce the squeezing of flowers, will provide a rich harvest, increase the collection of berries of removable strawberries and raspberries.

Significantly increase the yield of vegetable and fruit crops, accelerates the ripening of fruits, for 10-15 days, improve their quality and nutritional value.

Increase the energy of germination and germination of seeds.

Stimulates the root formation with green stallion and reproduction of rhizable, tuber and bulbous plants.

Reanimates when damaged plants drought, frosts, the action of pesticides.

Plants treated " Ecosil»You can use for the preparation of children's and diet food.

"Ecosile" is the only drug that for the year finds itself use.

At the end of winter, early early in spring - Time of care for seeds and seedlings. All seeds, bulbs, tubers before boarding for a while (according to the instructions) in the solution " Ecosila" It accelerates germination of seeds and gives friendly shoots. Picking seedlings -wear agrotechnical reception. Therefore, when diving and before disembarking, be sure to dip the roots into the solution " Ecosila"(30-60 drops per 1 liter of water). Do the same with potato tubers. For better sucking saplings of shrubs and trees, we recommend dipping into the solution " Ecosila"The root part before planting (60 drops per 1 liter of water). To increase the resistance to frost and prevent the flow of flowers, we recommend 3-4 days before frosts to be treated with a solution" Ecosila"(120 drops per 1 liter of water).

Here is a bit of a similar topic: ""

Summer - time of the rapid growth of all vegetables, berries, fruits, potatoes, green crops. Here " Ecosile»First assistant and protector from all diseases. Every culture is best to make a solution " Ecosila"For the season of vegetation three times:
1) on shoots,
2) Phase mass bootonization,
3) 7-10 days after the last processing.
Concentration of the solution according to the instructions.

Fall - With undercurrent landings and crops, the processing of planting material - garlic, bulbs and rhizomes of flower plants will help them quickly root and better overrev. This technique is especially good in transplanting adult trees and shrubs (including early spring) for the accelerated design of open park sites, offices and cottages. Removed the harvest of apples and pears, do not be lazy to carefully clean the trees with a solution " Ecosila"- In the succession kill fungi and rot, accelerate the healing of broken branches. All wooden parts of the basement thoroughly spray with aqueous solution. Ecosila"In a concentration of 1 vial on 1 liter of water against fungus.