Mochov's mushrooms. Difference Mohovik Brown Chestnut and Polish Mushroom

Kira Tsekolova

Sometimes in the forests there are mushrooms growing in areas overgrown with moss. These are mossics belonging to the nature of the soles. They were called, thanks to the place of growth. There are species that are unsuitable for eating. To make sure whether the mushroom found is applied to edible, the mokhovik shines are determined on the cut or not.

Dissemination sites

Grow mainly in coniferous forests, and sometimes they can be found in mixed forests of moderate latitudes, on the slopes of ravines, at the bases or in the trunks of fallen trees. Grow most often one by one, less often - small groups, forming a thick plexus of mushrooms and moss. The period of mass collection: from the beginning of summer and until late autumn.


There are 18 species of mokhovikov, suitable for eating. Classified by the features of the appearance:

  • Green. The hat has a greenish-olive color, the pulp is yellowish, the leg is thin, cylindrical shape;
  • Motley. It differs from his fellow skinned hats, which has cracks of pink shade and a leg of yellowish color. Spread more in mixed forests;
  • Yellow-brown. A more convex gray-orange hand hat, with a darkness of a dark-brown shade;
  • Red. Fluster others meets. It has a strontest coloring of red-brown color, especially young copies;
  • Drinking or black. In addition to the dust hat, characteristic of a young mushroom, has a feature to shine sharply on a break, and then black;
  • Rosopped. The hat has a smooth surface of a brown-chestnut hue, and the leg at the base is bright pink;
  • Velvet. It has the same color with a hat, like a drink, but without cracks.

Mushroomcarns are sometimes confused by young individuals with subbeloys, as they increase their similarity with Boroviki.

general characteristics

Despite the existence of a large number of types of mokhovikov, they have general signs.

This is a typical representative of tubular fungi with a porous inside of a convex shape cap. In diameter, it can reach 10-14 cm. On the touch, it is dry and velvety, it becomes adhesive in crude weather. The leg is a light cylindrical shape, up to 8-10 cm in height. In the mushroom growing in the dry MCU, she is short and thick, in the wet - on the contrary, stretched out and thin. The pulp of light yellow color, the damage shines and makes the aroma of the needles.

Differences of false flywheel

The edible mokhovik shines on a cut. In addition to edible fungi of this species, there are also those that are forbidden to eat. They are not poisonous, but their taste is extremely unpleasant:

The main difference of false mokhoviki from edible is the lack of a blue shade in the place of damage to the fruit body.

Considering that there are false mokhoviki, turning out the harvest assembled, the sections should be examined and it will be convinced that they have a blue shade, characteristic of edible instances. After careful inspection, they are washed, clean, if desired, boiled or roasted. They are also good for drying, pickling or salting. Suitable for long-term storage and do not lose their taste in frozen form.

Useful and harmful properties

In their nutritional properties and taste, the mokhoviki belong to the third, not the most valuable category. Their calorie content is low and amounts to 19 kcal per 100 g, which makes them a dietary product, and according to the content of amino acids they do not inferior to meat. In addition, there are many vitamins and trace elements in their composition, for which they are valued in vegetarian cuisine, and also contains enzymes, helping to better grasp food.

The body harm is able to apply old, beginners to degrade mushrooms. They accumulate toxic decay products that can cause disorders of the digestive and nervous system. In addition, like any others, they should be used with caution in large numbers to people having diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, expressed allergic. It is also not worth offering mushroom dishes for children under 3 years old.


Mochoviki occupy no last place in the hierarchy of the preferences of mushrooms. For maximum benefit and pleasure from the harvest, it should be carefully related to their collection and remember the main feature: not suitable false mushroom on the cut does not shine.

There is one, similar simultaneously on Borovik, boletus and Obabok. This is a flywheel - a mushroom growing both in coniferous and deciduous and its appearance depends on the site of distribution. That is why it is often confused with other edible fellows, and even more often they do not know about his taste qualities, taking for false or poisonous.

Mushroom flywheel can be collected from June to October, it grows mainly in deciduous forests, often adjacent to oak, aspen, birch and coniferous trees. Usually used in fried and dried, it has an excellent taste, but in the processing changes its color, becoming dark. Hat slightly irregular shape, matte, pillow, dry, with pleasant to the touch by velvet villi. Color can vary - from light green to brown and bright yellow. Flywheel - Mushroom is quite large and noticeable, the diameter of the cap is an average of 40 to 110 mm.

The tubes on the reverse side of the yellow color (in young mushrooms thickness from 5 mm, in older to 15 mm). First, they are tightly pressed to the hat, as the Mokhovik adults, become more free and change their color to olive. In old age, they acquire a chestnut or bluish tint, with pressure on them there are dark traces.

The leg is dense, cylindrical, sometimes slightly thickened, grows up to 10-12 cm, in volume can reach 1.5-2 cm. There is a distinctive feature, according to which the flywheel can be recognized: mushroom, and believes its leg, darkens on a slice. If it is originally yellow, then the fiber becomes blue or black on the cut. If the color remained unchanged, it means that this is some other fungus. Although Mokhovikov has no false fellow, it is standing with caution to suspicious unfamiliar specimens, since there is probability to stumble upon completely unsuitable for food.

Flywheel - mushroom with a pleasant, light smell resembling fruit fragrance. The younger mushroom, the more nice to taste, so the best for the assembly is young or slightly grown apologies. The young Mokhovka hat is rounded, without faults, in older it is volumetric, thick, often curved. Perrosts quickly deteriorate, sometimes the mushroom decomposes in a few hours. That is why they are advised to sort and cook the forest "harvest" during the same day, when it was collected, but to eat only young, non-vertical copies of copies.

Because of the colors, the hats distinguish several matches of the Mokhovik: yellow-brown, green, motley and red. All of them have a similar appearance, but grow in different forests. The yellow-brown flywheel-mushroom (photo above) is one of the most common, always adjacent to the pine, and the green mokhovik grows in deciduous forests. Often there are instances with a motley cap, they look original and tempting. Any of them edible. They succumb to drying, while the flesh retains its lemon hue and a pronounced mushroom fragrance. In addition to drying, you can also harvest the future after all, they also have excellent taste, well stored and are suitable for the preparation of various dishes: soups, pizza, fried potatoes.

In the forests of mixed and coniferous type there is a unique mushroom growing near the moss. Hence he got his name - Mokhovik. It grows from June to October. This species is edible, but even experienced mushrooms are often confused with a false mokhovik.


Mokhovik - Mushroom Family Holes. He is a relative of the famous stabber. Green, Polish, red and motley subspecies are distinguished by the most vivid taste.

Each species has its own characteristics, but there are general signs to which:

  • dry and slightly velvety hat;
  • as cracks can arise on the skin;
  • diameter can reach 9 centimeters.

Flesh mushroom - Reddish, yellowish or white. At the bottom of the hat there is a hymemodoof, which is a layer consisting of sporing cells. In the mokhovka it is tubular.

A characteristic feature is that when pressed for a hymeminor, a bluish shade remains on the contact area.

The mushroom leg is smooth or covered with wrinkles, which again depends on the variety. Its sizes can reach 8 centimeters.

Green Mokovik

Such mokhoviki are considered the most common
. They differ in the brownish-golden surface of the Hats, the diameter of which often reaches ten-twelve centimeters. The leg is distinguished by a cylindrical shape and green colors. Height - up to 9 cm, thickness - up to 4 cm. The flesh is white and sufficiently dense, lights on the context.

This species is found in the forests, near the motorway and on spacious glades. Green mushrooms are boiled, frozen, marinate and roasted.

At the same time, they are not taken to dry, because the pulp begins to be black with long-term storage.

Yellow-brown mohovik

Experts believe that this kind belongs to the family of oilHowever, external signs are not evidence.

The hat of such mushrooms is distinguished by the edge and brown yellowish colors. Its diameter reaches fifteen centimeters. Surface with time cracks and changes its color: for example, young mushrooms have a gray-yellow hat, a little later it becomes red, and in adulthood gets a light-hidful color. The flesh is light yellow and firm enough.

Often it is found in mixed or coniferous forests. It can be used in pickled, salty or fried form, as well as dried.

Red Mokhovik

This variety knows many since it is characterized by coloring. Such mushrooms can be found in deciduous-type forests among grass and moss.

The mushroom hat is characterized by a pillow shape and can grow up to 8 centimeters in diameter. The hymenoform has a yellow color, and the surface of the hat is red. The pulp has a yellowish tint and dense structure.

This mushroom has a very pleasant fragrance, but it is better to add it better in dishes, because it is absolutely not suitable for storage and drying.

Brown (Polish)

The diameter of his cap reaches twenty centimeters. It has a brown coloring. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, its size is up to fifteen centimeters. The flesh of the Polish Mohovichka is characterized by mushroom or even fruit aroma.

Polish variety is considered very popular. It is also used in salty, and dried, and in frozen, and fresh.

Mochoviki - typical inhabitants of coniferous forests. Some species can be found in mixed forests. It is not difficult to collect them, as they grow there, where many moss. The photo shows the mokhoviki, which are found in the forest belt of a moderate climate. From Mochovikov, you can make a lot of delicious and useful dishes.

Features of Mochovikov. Polish mushroom

Experienced mushrooms are well oriented in the kingdom of mushrooms. But beginners should be more studying their diverse world to know the mushrooms "in the face". Among the thickets of MCH, you can find an interesting mushroom - Mokhovik.

It is interesting in excellent taste, and even the fact that all types are safe for humans. In total, there are about 18 species in the world. Only half of them grow in our forests, and part are not eaten. Mochoviki belong to the tubular mushrooms of the family of the bolts, the genus Borovik.

Polish mushroom

The most best tasteings possesses the Polish mushroom, or as it is also called white, pansky, chestnut. A brown hat, almost chocolate color, brilliant, but not slippery. When cut, a dense structure is visible, which is painted in blue. Yellow tubes, which over time acquire a greenish or olive shade. When pressed, a blue spot appears on the fruit body. Food is used in any form, even cheese.

Attention! To distinguish an edible Mokhovik from not edible, push the flesh. The appearance of a blue spot indicates that this mushroom will be delicious.

Edible Mochoviki

  • Your name mokhovik fed Received due to the structure of the hat, it is covered with cracks. A hat is pretty thick, on a white cut with a yellowish tint. Color brown matte, on cracks white or pink color. Two-color leg: a yellow hat, at the base - red. The place of the feet becomes blue, then red.


  • Mokhovik Green endowed with good taste. The hat has a brown matte color, the tubes are painted in yellow or greenish color. The leg of this color with a light brown ring. When cut, the fruit body acquires blue.

Council. Do not dry the green mokhovik, as it becomes black.

  • Mainly in deciduous forests and grows among shrubs mokhovik Red. It can be found on the roadside roads and in ravines. The fruit body matures in August-September. The hat is painted in red or slightly brown, the leg has the same color. Tubular cloth yellow or olive shade. When pressing shines. Use boiled, pickled and dried.

  • Mochovik yellow-brown Easy to distinguish on a velvety structure of yellow-brown hats. Surface hats dry, scaly. Changes painting as agreed. Forms a mesh structure, the painting darkens. Tubular layer olive or brown, which also depends on the age of the fungus. According to taste, it is not inferior to the Polish mushroom, and even more appreciated in Germany. When pressed, a blue spot is formed. Prefers coniferous forests with peat or sandy soils, elited by the thick layer of sphagnum.



  • Direct similarity with a white mushroom has bile. The composition of the fruit body includes a rose substance, bitter taste, causing burning. The bile mushroom does not like even insects.

  • W. list View of a light-brown hat and sharp pepper taste. If you are not sure of the edacy of the mushroom, touch it. Bearing or burning sensation is a clear sign that the fungus should not eat.


Mochovikov dishes

From these low-calorie mushrooms are preparing soups, borshs, snacks. They are used in stewed and fried form, prepare the bay. You can dry in the future, marinate.

Mushroom soup

For the preparation of the first dish you will need:

  • meat broth;
  • 300 g of mushrooms;
  • potato - 2-3 pcs;
  • pearl groats - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • pepper, salt, dill, parsley.

Mushrooms wash, finely cut, potatoes and onions - broes. All ingredients are roasted on a frying pan with a bow in sunflower oil. The resulting mass is shifted into a saucepan with boiling broth or water, the pearls are covered there, salted to taste. After 10 minutes, potatoes are added, boiled for another 15 minutes. In the finished soup, greens and spices are added, covered with a lid, give a soup. After 7-8 min, soup is ready. Especially the soup is good with sour cream.

Mochoviki with honey

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of mokhovikov;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • garlic -2 teeth;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar table (9%) 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil 50 g;
  • parsley greens.

Mochoviki clean, wash, cut into cubes. Melko crumble greens, garlic crushed with a press or blender, add honey, mustard, vinegar, mushrooms. The mass is thoroughly stirred and leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then the vegetable oil is heated in the pan, they add a lot with the marinade. Mushrooms should be cut on small heat for 45 minutes. Potato is suitable as a side dish.

Marinated Mochoviki

The collected mushrooms wash, cut into cubes and boiled in salted water. Then lay out in pre-sterilized cans of 0, 5 liters. At the same time prepares marinade.

Polish mushroom and other edible Mochoviki are popular among mushrooms due to their long fruiting season. In the forests there are mokhoviki false and edible, the photo in the article with a detailed description will help a beginner to learn to distinguish them and not mistaken when collecting.

Mokhovik - genus tubular fungi. The name of the genus happened due to the fact that his representatives often grow among MCH. The main distinguishing property of edible Mochovikov - the pulp with a yellow tint on a slope is blue. There are no poisonous twins, but with some conditionally edible and inedible mushrooms it is possible to confuse them.

Species diversity and description of mokhovikov

You can recognize edible Mochovikov as described: they have a convex hat up to 10 cm in diameter, which with increasing fruit bodies is flared, velvety to the touch.

The color depends on the type:

How to distinguish a false mokhovik from the present

There are many varieties of mushrooms that have similarities with real representatives of the genus. They are called false, they are few edible, but not poisonous. Species following:

To figure out how to distinguish a false mokhovik from edible, we will use a description and photos.

This rare false mokhovik is fruit with summer by autumn. Most often grows on the living fruit bodies of false raincoats, refers to the inedible due to the unpleasant taste of the pulp.

One more false mokhoviki is peppercases. Consider what a pepper mushroom looks like. The fruit body is painted in different shades of brown. The leg is a little lighter hats, the base of the mushroom is yellow. The pepper has a hat to 7 cm in the diameter of the rounded-convex form, which is complied with the time. The surface of her smooth, sticky to the touch, in dry weather - brilliant, the skin is not removed from it. The flesh is yellow, loose. Large tubes, angular. Spore powder of a brown-yellow or brown-brown shade.

The leg is curved, solid, cylindrical shape, the book becomes thinner. The pepper is identified by a gray-yellow or gray-brown cut of the pulp on the leg, which over time becomes red. The flesh is dense, fragile. Interesting is that it has a sharp taste of pepper. Due to this feature, dry and in small quantities is used as seasonings.

This is a form that grows apart or groups of 2-3 pieces. It can be found in pine forests, less likely - in spruce, mixed and deciduous forests of the north of a temperate climate zone. Fruit from July to October.

The bile mushroom is distinguished by a bitter taste of the pulp, which is enhanced during the preparation, because of which it is called the Gorchak.

This is not a mossik mushroom, although it is a representative of a family with him - soothes. Gorchaka has a size larger for edible mokhovikov. The hat in diameter reaches 10 and even 15 cm. In shape it resembles a hemisphere, which is compass over time. The hat is dry, in young representatives - velvety, and with increasing humidity - sticky. A brown fruit body color with yellowish, brown, grayish, less often - with a brown tint.

The tubular layer is a stroke to the leg, white tubes are pinking with age, and when pressed, the finger becomes red. Pores are small, different forms. Dispute pink shades.

The leg is large, reaches 12.5 cm in height and 3 cm in thickness, cylindrical or mace-shaped shape, bloated, like Borovik. She has a fibrous structure, a yellow color with a hint, or a brownish tint, upstairs becomes lighter with a dark mesh pattern.

The flesh without smell, white. In addition, which has a characteristic taste, when contacting blues. Gorchak never worms.

Missions of gall mushroom are coniferous forests with sour fertile soil. It is often found at the founding of a tree or on rotten stumps in one or groups. Fruit from June to October.

The only mossy mushrooms, which belong to the 1st category on edible qualities - Polish or chestnuts. These are the most popular, after white, mushrooms.

The name "Chestnut" wears another lzhemokhovik - chestnut hypodorus. It grows in small groups in a dry place, creating mikurizu with oak, beech or chestnut, less often - with pine. Prefers sandy soil. Fruit from July to September. This is a rare appearance made in the Red Book.

Standard Size Hat has a red-brown or chestnut shade. With age loses velvety, it becomes smooth, cracks in dry weather, and short tubes change the color from white to yellow, raging when pressed. Pores are small, rounded. Spores are yellowish.

The leg of the bright tones than a hat, cylindrical, thickened downstairs. It may be a hollow or have emptiness in the pulp. Up to 8 cm high, up to 3 cm wide.

The flesh is white or yellowish, with a weak odor and taste of a forest walnut.

Talk about secrets

Most often, edible mosski grow at the foot of the trees or stumps, in the Moss. Blue shade cuts out 5 seconds due to contact with air. The leg on the slice is first shine, then dries, and then it becomes bright again.

  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subsidation: agaricomycotina (agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (agaricomycete)
  • Order: Boletales (Holes)
  • Family: Boletaceae (Holes)
  • Rod: Imleria.
  • View: IMLERIA BADIA (Mokhovik Chestnut)
    Other mushroom names:


  • Brown mushroom

  • Pansky mushroom

  • Xerocomus Badius.

  • Boletus Badius.

Habitat and growth time:
Mokhovik chestnut grows on acidic soils in mixed (often under oaks, chestnuts and beats) and in coniferous forests - under the elderly trees, on the litter, on sandy soils and in the MSh, at the base of trees, on acidic soils in lowlands and mountains, one or Small groups, not rarely or quite often, annually. From July to November (Western Europe), from June to November (Germany), from July to November (Czech Republic), in June - November (former USSR), from July to October (Ukraine), in August - October (Belarus), In September (Far East), from the beginning of July to the end of October, with a massive rise from the end of August to mid-September (Moscow region).

Common in the northern moderate zone, including North America, but more massively in Europe, incl. in Poland, Belarus, Western Ukraine, the Baltic States, the European part of Russia (including the Leningrad region), in the Caucasus, including the North, in Western Siberia (including Tyumen region and the Altai Territory), Eastern Siberia, on far East (including Kunashir Island), in Central Asia (in the vicinity of Almaty), in Azerbaijan, Mongolia and even in Australia (southern moderate zone). In the east of Russia, it is much less common than in the West. On the Karelian Isthmus, according to our observations, grows with the fifth five days of July to the end of October and in the third five days of November (in a protracted, warm autumn) with a massive rise at the bordering of August and September and in the third Pydyad of September. If earlier the mushroom grew exclusively in deciduous (even in Olshanik) and the mixed (with fir) forests, then in recent years his finds in the sandy bore under the pines.

At the same time, fruit bodies are clearly oppressed - small, dimly painted, ugly form.

A hat with a diameter of 3-12 (up to 20) cm, semi-like, in maturity convex, flat or pillow, in old age - flat, light reddish-brown, chestnut, chocolate, olive, brownish and dark brown tones (in The rain time is darker), occasionally even black and brown, with smooth, young mushrooms with a fitted, ripe - with raised edge. Skin smooth, dry, velvety, in wet weather - with oily (shiny); Not removed. When pressed on a yellowish tubular surface, bluish, blue-green, bluish (when pore damage) or even brown-brown spots appear. The tubes are laid, weak or earnest, rounded or angular, laid, different lengths (0.6-2 cm), with ribbed edges, from white to light yellow - in adolescence, then yellow-green and even yellowish-olive. Pores wide average size or small, monochrome, angular.

The leg 3-12 (up to 14) cm and a thickness of 0.8-4 cm, dense, cylindrical, with a pointed base or swollen (dirty), fibrous or smooth, often curved, less often - fiber-thinly, solid, light brown , yellowish-brown, yellow-brown or brown (lighter hats), at the top and at the base is brighter (yellowish, white or pale), without a mesh pattern, but a longitudinal-stroke (with a color-colored hats - red-brown fibers). When pressing shines, then drill.

The pulp is dense, fleshy, with a pleasant (fruit or mushroom) smell and sweet taste, whitish or light yellow, under the skin of a brown hats, lightly shines on a slice, then dries, and in the end it whites again. In my youth very firm, then becomes softer. Spore powder olive-brown, brownish-greenish or olive-brown.

For some reason, inexperienced mushrooms are sometimes confused with a white mushroom with a birch or fir tree, although the differences are obvious - a white mushroom has a barrel, a brighter leg, a convex mesh on the leg, the flesh does not blue and others. At similar features, ). Much is much more like mushrooms from the genus Xerocomus (): Mochovik Motley (Xerocomus Chrysenteron) with a yellowish-brown hat cracking with age, which has a red and pink fabric, brown mokhovik (Xerocomus Spadiceus) with yellow, reddish or dark brown or a dark brown diameter with a diameter of up to 10 cm (dry white-yellow fabric is visible in cracks), with a dashed, fiber-flour, flies, whitish-yellowish, yellow, then a dark leg, with a delicate red or rough light brown mesh on top and pinkish brown at the base; (Xerocomus subtomentosus) with a golden brown or brownish-greenish hat (tubular layer of golden-brown or yellowish-greenish), which cracks, exposing light yellow tissue, and a bright leg.

Video about Mokhovik Chestnut:

The popular and delicious edible mushroom (2nd category) is especially late in the fall, when other sootted. Blue-blue painting of white pulp disappears when cooking. Used varied: fresh (in soups and hot after boiling 15 minutes), salty and pickled, dried (acquires pleasant light yellow color) and frozen. According to V. Buldakov, the taste is reminded by Borovik. Once unscrupulous traders tried to give it for the dried white mushroom.

Mokhovik - Mushroom, which belongs to the Basidiomycete Department, the class of agaricomycetes, the order of the soles, the family of the bolt (Boletaceae). Earlier, all kinds treated the genus Mokhovik (Xerocomus), but then some of them were attributed to other births: Borovetus (Boletus), pseudoboletus (Pseudoboletus), Xerocomellus, HortiBoletus. Mochoviki often grow among mosses, from here and their name occurred.

Mokhovik - photo and description. What does a mushroom look like?


The fruit body of mokovikov consists of a hat and legs. The shape of the hat in the young Mohovka convex or semicircular, edges straight. Over time, it becomes pillow. The diameter of the cap varies from 4 to 20 cm. The surface may be felt, velvety, bare, sticky and humid, especially in crude weather, or covered with scales that appear from cracking in dry weather.

The color of the surface of the hats in the mokhovikov is more or less diverse: these are various variations of yellow (olive-yellow, oath yellow, dark yellow, with a lemon tint), reddish-brown or red-brown tones, as well as darker (brown brown, brown ). The skin from the pulp is almost not separated.


Cylindrical shakes legs. They can be curved, have thickening in the middle or below, and sometimes, on the contrary, the book becomes thinner. The surface of the leg can be smooth, mesh, slightly ribbed, depending on the type of mushroom. The surface color is usually brighter than a hat.


The flesh of mushrooms, mostly has a yellowish color. Inside the leg pulp is dense or with a validiform middle.

A distinctive feature of Mokhovikov is that when failing or cut, the pulp changes the color: the mushroom lights, green and even black. Photo by: Dave W, CC BY-SA 3.0


Gimenoform Mochoviki tubular. Tubes reach 2 cm long and have yellow-greenish, sulfur-yellow, yellow-green, yellow-brown. The mouth of the tubes (pores) in different types of mokhovikov are different. They can be large, medium and small. The form of them is also different: angular, faceted, rounded. When pressing the tubular layer darkens.

Spore powder

Spore powder has a dark olive or brown color.

Hat fleshy, convex shape, 5-10 cm in diameter. Sometimes it is flat. The surface of the Hat is hot-yellow, brown, with small, thin, later disappearing, fibrous scales. Usually dry, in moist weather is mucous. The surface of the tubular layer first dim yellow or dirty yellow, with time it becomes a tobacco-drone. Pores are fine, rounded. The leg of the yellow-brown oilbox is not very large: 5-8 cm with a height and thickness of 1-2 cm. The color legs are yellowish or drowned, usually it is drowning in MCU and is not very visible. A dense pulp on the break lightly lights.

Yellow-brown flies grow in pine forests on peat-sand or sandy soils. These edible mushrooms are very yield. They rarely affect insect larvae. They are fruit from August to October. In food, they are consumed freshly prepared, dried or marinate.

False mokhoviki, description and photos. How to distinguish from edible?

Among the real Mochovikov there are no mushrooms that can be poisoned, but they can still confuse them with other inedible or poisonous mushrooms: for example, a pepper mushroom or a bullless mushroom. That is why it is very important to know the signs for which you can distinguish false mokhoviki from edible. Below is a description of mushrooms similar to mokhovikov.

  • he same Oilberry oil) ( Chalciporus Piperatus.)

He has a hat with a diameter of up to 7 cm and a leg with a height of up to 8 cm. The color of the hat varies from light brown, to yellow-brown and orange-rusty. The flesh is yellow in the leg, brighter in a hat. When cut, the pulp pose. The taste of the pepper mushroom is spicy-sharp, burning. The mushroom is considered to be unbearable, though in the kitchens of some countries, powder from this "false Mochovik" is added to the dishes to give them sharpness.

  • Bile mushroom ( Tylopilus Felleus.)

He has a hat with a diameter of up to 15 cm and a leg with a height up to 12.5 cm and a thickness of up to 3 cm. On the leg there is a brown mesh. The color of the hats can be different: light brown, yellow-brown, with a grayish tinge or darker, chestnut. White tubular layer of inedible bile mushroom

Useful properties of Mokhovikov

Mochoviki are useful mushrooms, which include:

Like many other mushrooms, mokhoviki are used in dietary nutrition. Their caloric content is 19 kcal per 100 g. These mushrooms are a natural antibiotic and can contribute to recovery in colds and infectious diseases. They improve the composition of the blood and increase immunity.

Harm and contraindications of mokhovikov

Like all mushrooms, mokhoviki are heavy food. They are undesirable to use people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive glands, young children and older people.

In addition, any mushrooms absorb harmful substances and heavy metals. That is why it is impossible to collect them in the city, near the roads, next to the industrial enterprises.

How to collect and cook Mochoviki?

Mochoviki collected from the middle of the summer and until the middle of the autumn. When collecting, it is necessary to cut off only the fruit body, leaving the mycelium in the ground so that the crop of mokhovikov can be obtained for the next year. The collected mushrooms are moved by discarding spoiled and worm. Then they are thoroughly wash and prepare different dishes from them. If there are many mushrooms, you can store them some time in the refrigerator, but not more than 2-3 days. Surplus it is better to freeze or climb. Before the frost mushrooms should be slapped in salt water.

Mochoviki can marine and shed. They are good because their caps do not need to cleaned from the skin: it is enough to rinse and rush damaged places with a knife. Marinades are prepared on the basis of vinegar with the addition of various ingredients. Before marinating mushrooms boiled. Salt mokhoviki hot and cold way. In the first case, garlic will never add and cook for long, so that the fungi do not spread. The rest of the ways to salting Mokhovikov do not differ from other mushrooms.

Dishes prepared from mokhovikov are very diverse. It can be salads, soups, second courses, filled. Mushrooms can be added to pizza, to vegetable caviar, in filling for pies. Dried mossics are used to add to various sauces. Cooked in any way, these mushrooms have excellent taste.

Mochovik mushrooms are in particular demand all over the world. They received their popularity not only due to attractive appearance, but also to high taste.

Mochovik mushrooms: Description, views

This type of mushrooms refers to the well-known genus of the soot. Adult copies reaches more than 20 cm in diameter. Depending on the species, the pulp acquires a yellow, reddish, blue hue. Like all mushrooms, the hymenoform is at the bottom. Gymnias at the Mokhovik tubular-shaped. Pores are much wider than other types of forest fungi.

Types of Mokhovikov:

  • green;
  • yellow-brown;
  • red;
  • brown (Polish);
  • fractured.

Mochov's mushrooms are a relative of the stabber.

Mochovs are distinguished by edibles from the false presence of a bluish color, which is distinguished when pressed on the hymenoform. The leg in the mushroom is covered with wrinkles. It reaches 8 cm long. Spore powder can be of different colors.

Mokhovik fed

It grows in deciduous and coniferous forests. You can meet it in the period from July to October. Compared to other species, a fractured hat is thick and fleshy. On top it is matte, richly covered with cracks of different sizes. A hat grows up to 10 cm in diameter.

In adults, the pulp has a mucous consistency, which is not very suitable for the preparation of salads.

Red flesh, less often white. The feet in the mushroom has a cylindrical shape. It is characterized by the skin of a yellowish shade, it is reddish. In an adult instance, it can reach 6 cm long and about 2 cm in diameter.

Mochovik's mushroom is characterized by color pulp when pressing. Initially, it becomes blue, but after the expiration of a few minutes the place is blushing.

This species is suitable for salting, conservation, roasted. Also, the fractured Mokhovik is dried and added to.

Description of the appearance of the brown mokhovka

Brown look Mochovik often call the Polish mushroom. It has a brown hat that acquires the shape of the pillow. In diameter it reaches 20 cm. The bottom of the hat is whitish. When pressed, a bluish or browned spot appears.

The leg in the shape of a cylinder, thick. The length grows up to 14 cm, and in diameter - 4 cm. When pressed, it also changes its color to blue. The pulp is quite dense. In fresh mushrooms, it has a pleasant fruit or mushroom fragrance.

Polish mushrooms are the most popular. They are also dried, fried, marinate, frozen. Also use brown mossics in raw form.

Collect mushrooms in conifers, less often in mixed forests. They grow from July to November. It all depends on the region.

Mohovik Red feature

No less popular appearance that is easy to find out on a saturated-red cap. He prefers deciduous fox, and more precisely, the plots are covered with moss and grass.

Since the red Mokhovik quickly darkens, it is recommended to cook it immediately after cut.

Hat small. In an adult mushroom, it does not exceed 8 cm in diameter. The hemenogenic of a yellowish shade, with the most insignificant press he shines. The leg has a cylindrical shape. Its height reaches 10 cm. About 1 cm grow in diameter. The main part is yellow, but closer to the base it becomes red-pink.

As for the pulp, it is quite dense with a yellowish chip. Grow such mokhoviki from August to September. In the raw form, it exudes a pleasant aroma, which in the cooking process will disappear.

Compared to other species, Mochovik Red is not recommended to dry, freeze. This is due to the fact that the pulp quickly darkens and the blanks lose their trade look. Such mushrooms are solid, canned and fry.

Distinctive features of yellow-brown mokhovik

Scientists who were engaged in the study of yellow-brown mokhovikov argue that this species must be attributed to the clan. This is due to the fact that the structure of the mushroom is very similar to the masona, although it doesn't remind him at all.

The hat has a brown-yellow shade, edges bent. Its size is about 144 mm. In adult copies, she changes its color to the light-hidden. Skin is very difficult to separate from the pulp. When pressing remains saturated blue spot.

The leg has a long, cylindrical mushroom. It grows up to 90 cm high. The thickness of the leg is about 3.5 cm, lemon shade. As for the pulp, then the yellow-brown mokhovka is dense and firm enough. The collection of mushrooms is carried out in the period from July to October.

Green Mokovik

The most recognizable type of mushrooms. This mokhovik is distinguished by a rich-brown hat, which in diameter can exceed 10 cm. The leg has a cylindrical, green shade. It is closer to the base it expands. The mushroom height grows up to 9 cm. The thickness of the leg does not exceed 3 cm.

The green look of the mossik is not suitable for drying, since with long-term storage of the workpiece is capable of dark.

The pulp of the green mossik is distinguished by density and elasticity, which is very like to mushrooms. With a cut, it changes its shade into blue. Green Mokhovik grows near the roads, on the fields. You can also see it in the forests. Mushrooms appear from the second part of May until the end of October.

How to distinguish dangerous mokhoviki from edible

Doubles have an unpleasant taste. In the sire and dried form there are bitterness in them, which does not always disappear even during heat treatment.

Double Mochovikov:

  1. Chestnut. Cap brown and red shade. Snow-white flesh, does not change its color. It is this mushroom that is often confused with a Polish mushroom.
  2. Bile. It grows such a mokhovik from June to October. The cap on the edges is slightly wavy. It contains a pink liquid, which gives bitter taste. The bile mushroom is never damaged by insects.
  3. . Light brown hue hat, convex. The flesh is light with a yellowish tint. On a cut, such a mushroom changes its color to red.

Knowing all the features of mokhovik mushrooms, you can provide all your seven useful and delicious billets. The main thing is not to confuse false and edible specimens, otherwise the dishes will be spoiled.

We collect mushrooms on the swamp - video