The name of Allah 99 in Arabic. The excellent names of the Most High Allah and their meaning

On this page excerpts from the Quran, describing the names of the Most High. You will also learn about the repetition of the name of God, which can give you with a humble attitude towards him.

The following are described all 99 of the Most High names. And also that they are graciously can give you. We are talking only about 99 names, although there are many of them from the distress. But it was precisely these that he allocated for a person, as especially important to him. Some of their names Allah also only chosen - prophets and angels. There are names that Allah beat from us, these are the names that are visited only by him or specially selected.

All the names of God - describe its glory. But this does not mean that we can think of his names themselves. For example, praising some kind of its quality, some word and deciding that it will suit it. Not. Allah himself gave us his names. And only we should use them, and not to invent our own, what we want, even despite the fact that they also praise God, describing his greatness.

It is also important to understand the meaning of each name of the Most High, so read the description (it is given below to each name of the Most High).

Listen to the beautiful performance of the chief name of Allah:

You can listen to all 99 names at a time (for example every day), it is also very beneficial. Click on playback to listen all 99 names of Allah at a time:

How to practice the repetition of the Most High names?

A short list for what is read by this or that Name of the Most High:

One is the greatest name of God, indicating its divine essence, inacious multiple things of the created world. The Koran begins with the words: "Bisimillary Ir-Rahman, Ir-Rakhim", which is usually translated "in the name of Allah gracious and merciful." Islamic theologians emphasize that it is important to correctly pronounce this name. This name is no longer called anyone.

All types of doubts and uncertainty will be removed from the heart of one who repeats this name 1000 times daily, and in return, certainity and faith are firmly strengthened. It is also very effective for the healing of incurable diseases.

This beautiful name of Allah is very effective for improving memory and to get rid of cruelty in the heart and inattention in religious issues, if this is a name to read 100 times - 5 times a day after prayer.

Who reads this beautiful name of Allah 100 times - 5 times a day after prayer, he will be delivered from all the troubles.

The person will become financially independent if it becomes possible to read this beautiful name of Allah repeatedly after noon.

The man who knew this name of the Most High Allah, eliminates his heart from everything that insults the dignity of Allah.

Allah will protect against all the disasters of who reads many times the beautiful name of Allah. And if you read this name 160 times and blow on a sick person, Allah will restore his health.

Who will pronounce this beautiful name of Allah 630 times, in a state of understanding the greatness of Allah, that Allah will protect from all the troubles. It is also desirable to repeat this name to protect.

Allah will reward honor and independence of one who reads this beautiful name of Allah 40 times within 40 consecutive days. There will be no shortage or need of anything in any of the repetitive name.

Who repeats this beautiful name of Allah in the morning and in the evening of 226 times, will be protected from oppression by tyranans and despot. Frequently reading this beautiful name Allah does not have to do anything against his will, and it will be protected from cruelty and difficulties.

Who will repeat this beautiful name of Allah within 7 consecutive days daily 100 times, that Allah will protect against all the misfortunes. And who will form the habit of a long repetition of this wonderful name of Allah at night, then Allah will create an angel to worship Allah in favor of this person.

Who will repeat this beautiful name of Allah 100 times after prayer on Friday, he may soon expect the forgiveness of Allah. It is also recommended to read this beautiful name of Allah repeatedly for forgiveness.

Whoever blows in all 4 corners of the house after pronouncing this name 10 times in every angle to the morning prayer, the Alllah will open all the doors of well-being. And repeatedly reading this beautiful name of Allah will be in prosperity.

Who repeats this beautiful name of Allah repeatedly, that Allah will open the doors of knowledge and wisdom and fill his heart with Nurom (by the power of faith). It is especially recommended to repeat this beautiful name of Allah in the evenings.

Who daily raises his hands in the Dua after Namaz-Spirit (prayer during a closure of the Sodrian until noon) and repeats this beautiful name of Allah 10 times, then he spends his hands after Dua (saying his request to God), that Allah will reward independence and protect from loneliness.

The one who pronounces the Dua (request) to protect after the repetition of this excellent name of Allah 75 times, Allah will protect against the evil enemies, oppressive and envious.

Allah will improve eyesight and will give its radiant light to reading this beautiful name Allah 100 times after Namaza-Juma (Pine Prayer). And Allah will give respect in society repeating this name of Allah after Namaza-Sunna (prayer), but to Namaza-Juma (up to Friday prayer).

Repeating this beautiful name of Allah 99 times in a state of ablution in the last part of the night, Allah fill the heart of Nurom (his radiance) and will give to realize the intimate. It is especially good to repeat this name many times and inspired on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Who will write (just with your finger) is the beautiful name of Allah on 20 slices of bread on the night from Thursday to Friday or Friday and eat it, then all the creation of Allah will promote this person. And if this name is repeated 20 times a night on Friday, it will contribute to increasing the sincerity and loyalty of friends.

Who with sincerity will repeat this beautiful name of Allah for four days many times, that Allah will comprehend the intimate. A repeated repeat effectively to get rid of insatiable desires and bad habits.

Who repeats this beautiful name of Allah, he will be awarded with respect and honor.

Who often repeats this beautiful name of Allah, he will cure headaches and colds, and his sadness and sorry will leave. Moreover, Allah bless him with riches and children. And Allah will forgive the sins of someone who sincerely says, "Jia Rabbi Igfirley."

Who repeats this beautiful name of Allah daily and, writing it, will be kept with you, then Allah will raise the reader who will increase his wealth and fulfill his legal desires. And repeatedly and regularly reading this name Allah will strengthen imman (faith) and make it easier to achieve a cherished goal.

Dua (requests) of the believer (believer) will be accepted if this is the beautiful name of Allah read constantly.

Allah will reward the honorable one who writes this beautiful name of Allah on paper or on the fabric, and will store it.

Let it repeat this beautiful name of Allah many times the one who seeks to spiritual growth and material independence. And let the difficulty of the earnings often read this name of Allah, and he will have income.

Who disappeared or hidden someone from their relatives, or someone stolen, let him write this beautiful name of Allah in all four corners of the square sheet of paper and, before starting the morning namaz (prayers), put this sheet on his palms and read Dua ( request). The missing will soon return (or the stolen thing will be returned), everything will be found.

A woman who has a breast does not distinguish milk, let him drink water in which paper is wetted with this beautiful name Allah. And her breast will be filled with milk. Also, by the will of Allah, trouble will disappear from the one who often repeats this name.

Bad habits will change on good to those who read this beautiful name of Allah in solitude 93 times within 45 consecutive days. Often repeating this name Allah will love and respect.

Who repeats this name 20 times daily and at the same time blowing on 20 pieces of bread, everyone will be helped.

If you sincerely repeat this beautiful name of Allah repeatedly and blow on a sick person (you can for yourself), then Allah blesses the healing of the disease. And to improve your character, it is desirable to read this name in the hands and spend them by body.

Who wishes good health, let him repeat this beautiful name of Allah 3000 times daily. And for the healing of any disease, it is necessary to write this name Musky and pink water on paper and soak in the water, which is offered to drink a patient.

Who will repeat this beautiful name of Allah in solitude many times in such a way that there will be an unusual spiritual and sublime state, the Light of Faith will become obvious to him.

Who is at the position of Saddi (bow, touching his forehead fest) before the start of Namaza-Fajr (Morning Prayer), it will repeat this beautiful name of Allah 115 times, he will acquire honesty and truthfulness. And if, being in a state of ablution, repeat this name Allah is very many times, it will help to gain independence from the whole earth.

Who repeats this beautiful name of Allah constantly, that Allah will give courage, courage and protection against the enemy, (do not forget that your own ego is the worst enemy of man). And who repeats this beautiful name of Allah often, he will become obedient and humble.

Who wishes a child, let him repeat this beautiful name of Allah 40 times daily. If you repeat this name 1000 times during (40) Fridays, then: 1) If the traveler himself repeats this beautiful name of Allah, it will return inversely and safely; 2) the reader will be protected from harm and damage; 3) Allah will fulfill the request of the reading.

* Namaz-Ishrak: Number of cancer: from 2 to 4. Performance time: 15-20 minutes after sunrise.

Thanks to the constant repetition of this wonderful name of Allah, all the problems of the reading will soon be solved. Moreover, even the lost strength and dignity will be restored.

Who will repeat this beautiful name of Allah 7 times daily, he will be protected from the commission of such large sins, as the use of alcohol or frivolous connections. Thanks to the constant repetition of this name, love for the earth will take, and if you read 7 times and blow on the newborn, it will be protected from evil.

Allah will forgive someone who repeats this beautiful name Allah repeatedly. It is highly recommended to read after repeating this excellent name the following DUA (request): "Allahumma Innakya Afourvun, Tukhybbul-Afba, Fafu Annya." Translation: "About Allah. You are - forgiven. You love to forgive. So forgive me. "

Allah will give honor, respect and independence to someone who repeated repeats this beautiful name of Allah.

Material and spiritual wealth will be given to someone who will read this beautiful name of Allah 1111 times before and after reading 11 times Salavata-Drust (i.e. Salatul-Ibrachimia or the last part of Tachiyat - what is read in all namazy after Tahiayat in the last Rakaate ).

The value of found words in the text is written.

Idin from the most famous saints in India - Shirdi Sai Baba - was a Muslim.

In the Holy Book of Muslim Krano, it is said that the Lord does not have one name, but many. The name of the Lord and the Lord himself are not different, therefore it is considered a great insult with disregard to pronounce his names or assume that they all belong to different gods.

It is known that Allah has 99 names. But this number is not confirmed anywhere. Since this is the Lord, he can have countless names. But every truly believer Muslim should know at least 99 names of Allah and their meaning.

Classification of names

Allah's names are conditionally divided into several groups. The first can be attributed to the names that determine the essence of the Lord. The second group talks about the qualities of the Most High. There are also traditional names, and there are those described in the Quran or indirectly out of it. Theology of Islam gives a more unfolded classification. There they include the names of Allah, pointing to its qualities such as kindness and mercy, rigor, and to another, for example, for beauty and greatness.

In Islam, there are two concepts that describe the names - "Tanzih" and "Tashbih". The first suggests that a person will never be able to compare with God. This category includes the corresponding names. However, it is difficult for a person to perceive something divine, without missing it through the prism of his human mind. Therefore, the names of the "Tanziha" include the names of the Lord, as the divine, famous, independent, etc. "Tashbih" suggests that the Lord qualities created by him also propose. Such names like a long-faithful, gracious, loving, merciful refer to the concept of "Tashbih". It is said that we can comprehend the Lord, knowing the names of Allah. 99 With the transfer of the names of the Lord, they are able to fully describe his greatness and impress not only Muslims. Knowing the names of God, you can penetrate its qualities and learn more about its comprehensive power.

99 Allah names and their meanings are a long list. This article will feature only the first 15 names with translation and detailed description. The rest will be simply named.

Names indicating the essence of the Lord

These are those who are inherent only to the Lord. A person will never be able to compare with God, so these names can be called exclusively God. 99 names of Allah on Arabic are recorded in the Quran. Here will be presented Arabic names with Russian letters with translation.


This name of the Lord is mentioned in the Quran 2697 times and means - the Unified Lord. The interpretation of the name lies in the fact that only Allah has divine nature and is worthy that everyone worshiped him. He is the only one who deserves the submissive and humble circulation. Only he should worship all living things in this material world. It is from this name that the description of the 99 names of Allah begins. The list will continue the following name indicating the essence of God.


The meaning of this name is the lord, or the king. The absolute lord can only be the most perfect personality, that is, the Lord himself. No one, besides him, can not carefully guide his followers. The Lord is completely not tied to any of his creations, but they are all supported by him and depend only on it.


The Lord is the keeper, the Savior and the conductor. This name of Allah is mentioned in the Quran of everything once, but such descriptions of the Lord are found many times. "Muhemin" is the one who gives peace and protection. Allah always stands on the side of those who unlocumenually believes in Him and gives the Lord all of themselves. The interests of such believers are in the first place among the Lord. This name has another meaning that says that Allah is a witness of everything that says and makes a person. But the result of these actions belongs only to him. Also, this name suggests that Allah knows both good and bad actions of a person, and all this is written in the talked.


No one, besides Allah, can have true greatness. And the name just indicates this. That is, the Lord exceeds everyone and is the only owner of all the greatness of creation.

The qualities of Allah stand above the qualities of his own creation, that is, he has nothing to do with these qualities. All living beings do not go to any comparison with the Lord, that is, only he has the right to pride, as it has all the trends. And his pride indicates that he considers himself according to the only creator, and no one can claim his place and wish the same power and honors. He neglects those who are arrogant and proud to be in relation to him and towards his other creations.


The Lord is a true Creator. This specifies this complaint. He creates everything, without relying on any examples, that is, he is the original Creator of all things. The fate of each creature created by them is entirely defined by the Almighty. The Lord creates the masters, and the skill itself, and is a talent in man. Allah is known for all the qualities of each of the beings, since it was he who endowed them all before the creation. From this name there was the following name of Allah.


The Lord is the creator. Only he is inherent in power for the creation of all things. At its discretion, he showed everything from unmanifested. And he did it without making special efforts. The Lord worked all the word, simply pronounce the permission to be something, and it immediately manifested. The one who knew this name of the Lord will no longer worship anyone except Allah. Only he will look for refuge and ask for help.


The Lord knows everything, since he all created and owns everything. He knows not only the acts of every living being, but also his thoughts. From the Lord, it is impossible to hone anything. He does not even need to contact an additional source of information, as everything comes from it. Everything dies in it, and it is everywhere, so even the lowest particle is not hidden from his eyes. Moreover, only the Lord knows what was in the past and what will happen in the future.


99 names of Allah and their values \u200b\u200bcan also talk about the qualities of the Lord. The name AR-RAHIM indicates the limitless mercy of the Most High. In the Quran, this name is found almost before each suice. The Lord exhibits a special grace to those who believe in him and conquer him. There is another name of Allah - Ar-Rahman, but it speaks about the limitless compassion of the Lord to everyone, while the name of Ar-Rahim speaks only about mercy to those who are devoted to Allah.


Only God can give full protection to all living beings, only he will save from any trouble, if it humbly recover about protection. This name is two aspects: Lord - protection and stability and unshakable faith in the heart. This suggests that faith is an invaluable gift of the Lord, and that it is she protects a person. Believers in Arabic called "Mumina". From the word "faith" and this name occurs. So diverse names of Allah. 99, with translation here presented, are the most common. But actually there are much more.


Each person during life makes many sins. It is consciously happening or not, but only the Lord can forgive for sinful actions. In his devotees, he sees only positive qualities, and all the negative closes his eyes. In this life, their sins become invisible, and in the future, the Lord does not punish them. Those who sincerely turn to the Lord and repent of the disassembled misdemeanor, are rewarded by a special blessing to redeem their guilt by virtuous acts.

Indicate the special qualities of the Lord 99 names of Allah. The list will continue the name of the Most High, indicating its complete power.


The Lord reduces or limits the benefits at its discretion. Each soul is in his power. Only gentlemen can be thanked for all goods, since only he gives them to his sincere slaves. But those who make sinful actions, he can pick up everything. The most important thing is the Lord deprives them of the opportunity to know it, since he cannot forgive the arrogance and inconsistency to anyone. This name means "reducing".

99 names of Allah in Russian may not fully convey the whole meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to look for the interpretation of a particular name in the scriptures.


This is a special name. A person who will understand the meaning of this name of the Lord will acquire such qualities as restraint, calm, softness and meekness. This is how this name is translated. The Lord gives up all the mercy of everyone. And those who are devoted to him, and those who have tried him. It is not angry and in no hurry to punish, despite all its power.

99 names of Allah and their meanings are all described in the Quran and other Holy Scriptures of Muslims. A person who studies these books, eventually aware of every quality of the Lord, and will understand all his greatness. This, in turn, will strengthen his faith.

We understand that the number of names of Allah is completely innumerable to our limited mind. We, by the grace of the Most High Creator, are known only by 99 names of Allah. Here you can find out the translation into Russian and the value of ninety-nine names of the Most High Allah.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing of the Most High, said:

"Allah has ninety-nine names, one less than a hundred. Who will learn them, will enter the paradise. " Hadith from Abu Khruire, St. Hadith al-Bukhari and Muslim.

The Most High Creator in the Quran says:

Allah (God) has excellent names, and you can contact him using them (please contact him using them). Leave (leave, pass by) those who [deliberately] make something wrong (sinful) regarding his names [speaking, for example, that many names indicate many gods]. [Do not doubt and do not worry] [this spiritually poor and unreasonable people] will be sprinkled for what they did [against the holiness of the Creator]. Holy Quran, 7: 180

Every assuranceing Muslim should know 99 names of Allah. The names of the Most High are usually ordered according to the order of their mention in the sacred Quran either according to the Arab alphabet. The Koran prescribes the use of the names of Allah in prayers, Dua and the commemoration of Allah (Zikre). In lists, the names of Allah are usually given with a certain article of the Arabic language "Al-". But if any name of Allah in prayer is not mentioned in the phrase, but in itself, then instead of "al-" pronounced "Ya-" (for example, Ya Jalil - "Oh, Majestic!").

Interpretation of 99 names of Allah: Translation List

The value of 99 names of Allah:

  1. Allah الله. One God
    The greatest name of Allah, pointing to its divine essence, inacious multiple things of the created world. The Koran begins with the words: Arab. - بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم - "Bisimillary Ruhaӏmani, Ruhaӏim", which is usually translated "with the name (or in the name) of Allah of the meal and merciful." Islamic theologians emphasize that it is important to correctly pronounce this name. This name is no longer called anyone. . (Abjidia 66)
  2. Ar-Rahman الرحمن All-storey
    Mercileous, that is, possessing the broadest grace and benefits, merciful in this world to all its creations: and to those who are worthy of mercy, and to those who are not worthy of her, that is, to believers and unbelievers, Muslims and non-Muslims. This name also no more than anyone. The name Ar-Rahman is part of the first three names, which is marked by God in the Quran, along with the words of Allah and AR-Rahim.
  3. AR-RAHIM الرحيم Merciful
    One of the three names of God, along with the names of Allah and Rakhman. Showing always mercy with endless grace; Expansing mercy only to those who believed, submissive slaves.
    This name indicates a special mercy of the Lord to believers. He showed them great mercy: first, when they created them; Secondly, when he instructed on a straight path and gave faith; Thirdly, when they will make them in the last life; Fourth, when giving them the grace to see their face, as described in many ages, who speakers that Allah has a hand, foot, etc. But you need to know that there is no such similarity to all this and nothing to compare it. Recognize the presence of a face, hands, legs (an example from the Quran (48:10) Truly, those who swear to you, swear to Allah. Allah's hand - over their hands; (68:42) On that day, when the shin of Allah is exposed, they will appeal. Singing NIC, but they will not be able to do this.), etc. We must, but compare with you and represent is a serious sin.). The man who knew Allah through these two names (AR-Rahmaan and Ar-Rachem) makes his efforts on the way of delivering lost and sinners from the wrath of Allah and his punishment, withdrawing them to his forgiveness and mercy, and on the way to satisfy people's needs, providing They help and praying for them to Allah. Allah - gracious, and his grace is a volume of all kind and ahead of his anger. He commanded the believer to be merciful to other creations, and he himself loves her merciful followers.
  4. Al-Malik الملك al-Malik Vladyka
    Allah is self-sufficient in its essence and absolutely does not need any of his creations, while they all need him and are in his power. Allah is an absolute Lord who has no companion, and no one dares to give him instructions. He is not looking for help. He believes from his own possessions who wants and what he wants. He does what he wants, creates that he wants, giving up who wants, and keeps whom he wants.
    The man who knew this name of the Most High Allah, mastering his soul and body and does not allow passions, anger or whims to take possession of them, but subordinates his tongue, his eyes and all his body for bringing their true lord. (Abdjia 121)
  5. Al-kudus القدوس al-Kudus Saint (Unmistakable, free from flaws)
    Pure from flaws, from guilt, from all unworthy; Inaccessible for the intellect of creations and pure from what a person can imagine; Far away from all qualities that may be bent on human feelings are either represented in our imagination and our thoughts, and even more so - far from all the vices and disadvantages.
    It is higher in order to have like self or similar to himself. The benefit that the slave receives, navigating this name, is expressed in the fact that he clears his mind from false ideas, his heart - from doubt and diseases, malice and hatred, envy and arrogance, showing, attachment to Allahu of Hovolas, Greedness and Bearing - That is, everything related to the disadvantages of the human soul. (Abdjia 201)
  6. Salam السلام Peacemaker (Giving peace and security to its creatures)
    Endowing the world and well-being their creations; The essence of which is not inherent in the shortcomings, the time, disappearance; The one whose essence is deprived of all the vices, attributes - all flaws, and the acts - any evil. All the well-being, which receives the slave and other creations, comes from him. A man who knew this name of the Most High Allah, eliminates his heart from everything that insults the dignity of Allah, faith in him and his Sharia. (Abjidia 162)
  7. Al-Mu`ming المؤمن Right (Reliable) The faithful treaty with its slaves, saving from the torment of his faithful slaves (Aulia) .To, from whom security and tranquility comes through the instructions of their achievement and blocking of fear and harm to them. Only he gives security, and calm occurs only by his grace. He gave us the senses that are funds for our well-being, pointed to us the path to our salvation, gave medicines for our healing, food and drink for our existence. And we also believed in him also by His mercy, for only he keeps the safety of all creations, And they all hope for his help and protection. (Abdjia 167)
  8. Al-Muhajmin ( Subordinate yourself) 59:23;
    The one who protects, owns, manages and observes the acts, life and food of each of all its creations - small and large, great and insignificant. A man who knew this name Allah would be awe in front of him, he would not oppose his will and in no case hesitated him. (Abdjia 176),
  9. Al-'Aziz ( Great, Invincible) 2: 209, 220, 228, 240; 3: 4, 6, 18, 62, 126; 4:56, 158, 165; 5:38, 118; 6:96; 9:40, 71; 11:66; 14:47; 16:60; 22:40, 74; 26: 9, 104, 122, 140, 159, 175, 191; 27:78; 29:26, 42; 38: 9, 66; 39: 5; 48: 7; 54:42; 57: 1; 58:21; 59: 1, 23-24;
    The one who has a special greatness that wins over all, the existence, similar to its existence, is absolutely impossible.
    Allah's Almighty - one, he has no companions, and the need for his creations is enormous; None of us is able to do without it. If it were not, then we would not. (Abdjadia 125),
  10. Al-Jabbar ( PowerfulManaging everything in his will) 59:23; 68: 19-20, 26-33;
    In the will of which everything is happening, the will of which does not remain unfulfilled; the one that testers the creations (that is, everything is worth); He, the will of which is subject to absolutely all creations, but he himself does not obey the draw will and no one is able to get out of his power. He crushes tyrants trying to encroach on his right and the right of his creations, and subordinates them with his own will just as he subordinated death. (Abdjia 237),
  11. Al-Mothatabbier (a single owner of true greatness) Superior 2:260; 7:143; 59:23;
    Superior all creations; The qualities of which is higher than the qualities of creations, clean from the qualities of creations; The only owner of true greatness; The one who finds all its creation is insignificant compared with her essence, for pride is no worthy no one except him. His pride is manifested in the fact that he does not allow anyone to apply for the creation and challenge his commandments, power and will. He crushes everyone, arrogant to him and its creatures. A man who knew this name Allah does not show cruelty and arrogant to the creatures of Allah, for cruelty is violence and injustice, and arrogance is self-expulsion, contempt for others and encroach on their rights. Cruelty does not relate to the qualities of the righteous slaves of Allah. They are obliged to obey and submit to their rulers. (Abjidia 693),
  12. Al-Khalik (Creator) Diatic (Architect) 6: 101-102; 13:16; 24:45; 39:62; 40:62; 41:21; 59:24;
    The one who creates truly without example and the species and determines the fate for the creation; The one who creates what wants from nothing; The one who created masters and their skill, qualifications; The one who predetermined the measure of all the creation even before their existence and endowed their qualities necessary for existence. (Abdjia 762),
  13. Al-Bari '(creating without flaws) Creator (Builder) 59:24
    The one who in his power created everything existence; He is the Creator who created everything from non-existence in his predestination. For this, he does not need to make any effort; He says something: "Be!" And it comes true. I knew this name of the Most High worshiped by anyone, besides his creator, he adds only to him, looking for assistance only from him and asks what he needs, only he needs. (Abdjadia 244),
  14. Al-Musavvir (coming around the form) Forming(Sculptor) 20:50; 25: 2; 59:24; 64: 3;
    Logos, mind, Sofia - source of meanings and forms; The one who attaches forms and images creations; The one who gave each creation to his unique, different shape, drawing from other such creations. (Abjidia 367),
  15. Al-Haffar (forgiving and hiding sins) Indulgent(Shelter sins) 20:82; 38:66; 39: 5; 40:42; 71:10;
    The one who is the only forgiving and escalating the pre-sections of creations for goodbye and on this light; The one who makes the perfect features of his slaves and covers their shortcomings. He hides them in a worldly life and refrain from rewarding for sins in the life of the future. He hid in a person, for his excellent appearance, what is believed to gaze, he promised those who appeal to him, sincerely seeing the perfect, replace their sins on the good acts. A man who knew this name Allah hides all the vicious and bad and covers the vices of other creations, turning to them with forgiveness and condescension. (Abjidia 312),
  16. Al-kahhar (destroying naughty) Rewarding 6:18; 12:39; 13:16; 14:48; 38:65; 39:4; 40:16;
    The one who has been hidden by Highness and Power Takes Creation; The one who makes to do what he wants, regardless of whether it wishes this or does not want creations; He whose greatness is submissive. (Abjidia 337),
  17. Al-wahhab (gives free) Donor (Gracious one) 3: 8; 38: 9, 35;
    The one who gives unselfishly, who gives the benefits to his slaves; The one who, without waiting for the request, gives the necessary; The one who has a good abundance; One who gives constant; He who believes all its creatures, not wanting to compensive and not pursuing mercenary purposes. No one has such quality, except the Almighty Allah. A man who knew this name of Allah was devoted entirely to serving his Lord, not seeking anything other than his contentment. He makes all his acts only for the sake of him and selflessly giving in need, not expecting any awards from them, nor thanks. (Abjidia 45),
  18. Ar-razel (giving benefits and food) Vesting 10:31; 24:38; 32:17; 35:3; 51:58; 67:21;
    God is a means of existence; The one who created the means of existence and endowed them its creations. He endowed them with gifts as tangible and such as the mind, knowledge and faith in the heart. The one who retains the lives of living creations and expects her. The benefit that a person receives, who knew this name Allah is to know that no one, besides Allah, is not able to give a lot, and he relies only to him and seeks to cause the presence of food to other creatures. He does not seek to get the drinker of Allah in the fact that he forbade, but tolerate, calls to the Lord and works to get a lot of perishable. (Abdjadia 339),
  19. Al-Fattah (opening the gates of good and good) Opening(Clarifying) 7:96; 23:77; 34:26; 35: 2; 48: 1; 96: 1-6;
    The one who reveals the hidden, facilitates difficulties, assigns them; He who has the keys from the innermost knowledge and heavenly benefits. He reveals the hearts of believers to know him and love for him, opens up the needy of the gate to meet their needs. A man who knew this name Allah helps the creatures of Allah to remove harm and remove evil and seeks to become a reason for disclosing the gates of heaven and faith in front of them. (Abdjia 520),
  20. Al-'alim (all-knowing) Omniscient 2:29, 95, 115, 158; 3:73, 92; 4: 12, 17, 24, 26, 35, 147; 6:59; 8:17; 11:5; 12:83; 15:86; 22:59; 24:58, 59; 24:41; 33:40; 35:38; 57:6; 64:18;
    The one who knows everything about everything, comprehended by this name, strive for knowledge. (Abjidia 181),
  21. Al-Kabid (taking souls) Reduction(Limiting) 2: 245; 64: 16-17;
    The one who judges an equal order (reduces) to whom wants; The one who keeps the soul in his power, subdued by their death, owns the benefits of his sincere slaves and accepts them to serve them, keeps the hearts of sinners and deprive them of their opportunity to know him because of their inconsistency and arrogance. Self, who knew this name Allah, keeps his heart , His body and surrounding from the lacerations, evil, bad acts and violence, exhorted, warning and disappearing. (Abdjia 934),
  22. Al-bassit (giving livelihood and extending life) Increase(Distribution) 2: 245; 4: 100; 17:30;
    The one who gives the creatures of life, giving their bodies with souls, and delivers a generous lot as weak and rich. At the very beginning of the knowledge of this name, the Allah is that a person draws his heart and body to good and calls for this other people by Preaching and indispensable. (Abdjia 104),
  23. Al-hafid (degrading unbelievers) Digging 2:171; 3:191-192; 56:1-3; 95:5;
    Degrading all those who are wicked who rebelled against the truth. (Abdjadia 1512),
  24. Ar-Rafi '(suspending) Huming 6:83-86; 19:56-57; 56:1-3;
    Those who believes who are busy with worship; Holding at the heaven heaven and clouds. (Abdjadia 382),
  25. Al-Mu'iz ( Amplifying, Exalting) 3:26; 8:26; 28: 5;
    Giving power, power, victory to someone who wants to rise. (Abdjia 148),
  26. Al-Muzille ( Weakening, Overthrow) 3:26; 9: 2, 14-15; 8:18; 10:27; 27:37; 39: 25-26; 46:20;
    Giving one who wants, depriving his strength, power and victory. (Abdjadia 801)
  27. As-themselves' ( Highness) 2:127, 137, 186, 224, 227, 256; 3:34-35, 38; 4:58, 134, 148; 5:76; 6:13, 115; 8:17; 10:65; 12:34; 14:39; 21:4; 26:220; 40:20, 56; 41:36; 49:1;
    The one who hears and the most comfortable, the most quiet; The one for whom does not exist invisible among the visible; The one who is even the smallest of its vision. (Abjidia 211),
  28. Al-Basyr ( Ovsoudovy) 2:110; 3:15, 163; 4:58, 134; 10:61; 17:1, 17, 30, 96; 22:61, 75; 31:28; 40:20; 41:40; 42:11, 27; 57:4; 58:1; 67:19;
    One who sees the open and hidden, explicit and secret; The one for whom does not exist invisible among the visible; The one who is even the smallest of its vision. (Abjidia 333),
  29. Al-Khakov ( Decisive, The highest judge, separating good from the bad) 6:62, 114; 10: 109; 11:45; 22:69; 95: 8;
    The one who judges the created as he wants; One who distinguishes true from a false, not relevant to the truth; He whose predestination no one is able to reject, avoid; He whose wisdom is no longer able to appreciate, understand, in whose decisions no one is able to delve into; The highest judge, whose ruling is no longer able to reject anyone else to prevent anyone to prevent. It is completely fair, and solutions always have force. He has perfect wisdom, knows the essence of all that is happening and its results. The man who knew this name Allah is aware that he is in the absolute power of Allah and subordinate to his will. Slave Allah knows that his religion is the most valid and the wise, and therefore he lives this religion and in no case contradicts it. He knows that all the acts and commands of Allah enclose the highest wisdom, and never opposes them. (Abdjia 99),
  30. Al-'dl ( Equitable). He who has order, decisions, are fair; The one who himself does not show injustice and forbade it the rest; One who is clean from injustice in his affairs and decisions; Giving everyone according to merit; He who is the source of highest justice. With his enemies, he costs him right, and he is merciful and merciful to his righteous slaves,
  31. Al-Latyf ( Possessing the mercy of the slaves). Good towards his slaves, merciful in relation to them, facilitating the life containing them.
  32. Al-Habir ( All). Knowing mystery as well as an obvious, knowing both external manifestation and internal content; One for which there is no secret; He, from whose knowledge nothing goes away, is not distinguished; He who knows what happened.
  33. Al-Halim ( Indulgent). The one who frees from the torment that showered healing; The one who gives the good as manifested with humans and disappointed; The one who sees the disobey of his commandments, but they do not master anger, and he is not in a hurry with retribution, despite all its power. The man who knew this name of Allah, soft and meek in communication, is not angry and does not come frivolously.
  34. Al-izm ( Greatest). Whose magnitude is not beginning and no end; whose height does not borders; that which is not like; That whose genuine essence and greatness, which is above all things, no one forces to comprehend nobody, for it is above the possibilities of the mind of creation.
  35. Al-Gafur ( A lot for goodbye). He who forgives sins to his slaves. If they are shown.
  36. Ash Shakur ( Reward More honored). Having a great reward of slaves for their small worship, bringing to perfection of weak acts forgiving them.
  37. Al-'aliai ( ExaltedExalted). He, the highness of which is invaluable high; The one who has no equal, there are no rivals, no companions and counterpart; One who is above all this; The one whose essence, power and power are the highest.
  38. Al-Kyabir ( Great, One to whom everything is insignificant). The one in whom in qualities and affairs is true greatness; not needless; The one whom no one and nothing can weaken; The one with which there is no similar.
  39. Al-hafiz ( Observing, The keeper). Guarding everything that is every existence, including the at least substances; He whose patronage is endless, infinitely; The one who protects and contains any existence.
  40. Al-Mukyt ( Supportful, Creator of goods). Disposal to all necessary for life support; Bringing it to its creation defining its quantity; Giving help; Powerful.
  41. Al-hassib ( Berking report). Sufficient for their slaves; A sufficient anyone who relies on him. He sathes his slaves by his grace, takes them away from trouble. It is sufficient to in achieving the best and food to hope only for him, and there is no need for someone else. It needs all its creation in it, for his sufficiency is eternal and perfect.
  42. Al-Jalil ( Owner of the greatest attributes, majestic). The one who has true greatness and all the perfect qualities; Clean from all deficiencies.
  43. Al-kyarim ( Generous). The one who does not reduce the benefits, no matter how much The most valuable, covering everything valuable; He who has every act worthy of the highest praise; The one who performs his promises and gave not only in full, but also adds from his grace even when all the desires of creatures are exhausted. He does not worry about anyone and what he knew, and he does not destroy those who hid him, because the generosity of Allah is absolute and perfect.
  44. Ar-Rakyb ( Watching). Chairing for the state of his creations, who knows all their acts, which records all their acts; He, from the control of which no one and nothing goes.
  45. Al-Mudzhib ( Prayer receiving and requests). Returning to prayers and requests. He pays for his slave even before he comes to him, responds to his plea before his need becomes.
  46. Al-Vasi '( Owner of unlimited grace and knowledge). The one whose benefits are wide for creatures; He whom the grace is great for anything.
  47. Al-Khakim ( Muddest, Wisdom owner). One who does everything wisely; One who has the right things; One who knows the essence of the internal content of all cases; One who knows the wise decision predetermined by him; The one who has all the case, all the decisions are fair, wise.
  48. Al-Vadud (loving his believing slaves). Loving his creations and beloved for Hearts "Aulia"
  49. Al-Majide ( Glorious, The most honorable). The highest largest; He who has a lot of good, who gives generously, from whom the great benefits.
  50. Al-Ba'is ( Rising After death and the preparing prophets). Raising creating on the day of the court; The one who sends to the people of the prophets, sends the help of the slaves.
  51. Ash Shahid ( Witness everything). Just and vigilantly follow the world. The word "Shahid" is known to the concept of "Shahada" - evidence. He is the witness of what is happening, from which no event can conceal how small and insignificant it would be. To testify - it means not what you testify about.
  52. Al-hakk ( True). Establishing the truth of true through his words (Kalima); The one who establishes the truth of his friends.
  53. Al-Vakil ( Patron,Fiduciary). One who should rely on; sufficient for relying only on it; Whoever pleases hope and relying on him.
  54. Al-kaviy ( Mesmost). Owner of full, perfect power, winning; One that does not lose; He who has the power is above all the other force.
  55. Al-Matin ( Unhappy, Owner of the Great Power, Mighty). Not needed to implement its solutions; not needed help; The one who does not need an assistant, companion.
  56. Al-Valiy (friend, associate, Helping believers). The one who favors subdued, helping those who love them; tamping enemies; entrusted for the acts of creation; Guiding created.
  57. Al-Hamid ( DostohvayaWorthy of praise). Worthy of all praise because of his perfection; owner of eternal glory.
  58. Al-Mukhsy ( Taking into account, I think everything). The one who determines the boundaries for all things; The one from whom does not elude anything.
  59. Al-Mubdy` ( Creating). The one who from the very beginning, without an example and the Pre-concession created everything that.
  60. Al-mu'id ( Returning). Repeating, which gives all the desired resistance returns; The one who returns all the living in the dead state, and then on the light revives them, returning to life.
  61. Al-Mukhia ( AnimatingBy resurrecting, giving life). The one who works life; The one who gives life to any thing that wants; The one who created creations from nothing; He who revives and after death.
  62. Al-mumit ( Mailing). The one who prescribed death with all mortals; The one except for which there is no partner; The one who touches the slaves of his death when wants and how wants.
  63. Al-high ( Living, Awesome, forever alive). Forever alive; The lifetime of which there is no beginning and there is no end; He who has always been alive and remain forever alive; Live, not dying.
  64. Al-Kayum ( Independent, Independent, giving the existence of everything created). Independent of anyone and anything that does not need anyone and in anything; One who cares about everything; thanks to which there is still everything; The one who created creations and contains them; He who owns knowledge about everything.
  65. Al-Vajd ( Rich, Preferring what wishes). The one who has everything that does not have the concept of "missing", "insufficiency"; The one who has all the affairs, nothing disappears; He who understands everything.
  66. Al-Mahad ( NaslavnayaThe one whose generosity and greatness are great). The one who has complete perfection; One who has excellent greatness; The one who has quality and matters are great and perfect; Showing generosity and grace towards their slaves.
  67. Al-Vahid ( Single). There is no one except him and no one equal to him.
  68. AS-Samad ( Self-sufficientnor not needing). Symbolizes the eternity and independence of Allah. He is the one who obeys everything; He, without whose knowledge does not happen; He, in whom everyone needs everything, and he does not need anyone in anyone.
  69. Al-kadir ( Owner of my power). The one who can create from nothing and can destroy the existence; The one who can create being from non-existence and can turn into unprecedented; Making everything wisely.
  70. Al-Muktadir ( Omnipotent, Having all the best). The one who works for creatures in the best way, since no one can.
  71. Al-Mukaddim ( Putting Forward whom wishes). Nominant all that should be ahead; Moving forward decent slaves.
  72. Al-Muahir ( Missing Back). All the way that should be behind; The one who moves back in its understanding and in their will of the wrong, wicked and all those who should be pushed back.
  73. Al Avval ( Iniquitable). The first, original and forever. He who preceded all created worlds.
  74. Al-ahir ( Endless). The one who remains after the destruction of the entire created; The one who does not end is forever stay; The one who destroys everything; The one after which there will be nothing but Him, the Eternal Immortal Almighty God, the Creator of All Times, Peoples and Worlds.
  75. AZ-Zahir ( ObviousThe one whose existence is obvious). Manifested in a variety of facts testifying to its existence.
  76. Al-Batyn ( Hidden, The one who is invisible in this light). One who knows both explicit and hidden about everything; The one whose signs are obvious, and in this light they are invisible.
  77. Al-Valiy ( RulingThat owns everything). Owned over everything; The one who exercises everything at will and wisdom; The one whose decisions are carried out everywhere and always.
  78. Al-Muta'ali ( SupremeFree from flaws). One who is above slanderous fabrications, above doubts arising from the created.
  79. Al-barrel ( BlessingWhose mercy is great). The one who does good for the slaves of his own, merciful for them; Giving those who ask, showing mercy to them; A faithful contract, promise for created.
  80. At-Tavvab ( Taking repent). The receiving repentance servants favorably in repentance, leading them to repentance, capable of shaking, induce to repentance. Responding to prayers; Forgiving sins of resting.
  81. Al-Multacham ( PunishingReversing). Bumping ridge disappointing; tormenting wicked, but only after alerts and warnings, if they did not come mistaken.
  82. Al-Afuvv ( Farewell). The one who excuses for the pregriction and erases them; Cleans bad acts; The one whose grace is wide; Making good and disobedient, slowly with the punishment.
  83. Ar-Rauf ( Indulgent). Defeated rudeness, showing compassion and pity for all creatures in this life and to some of them in eternal life from among the believers close to him.
  84. Al-Malika'l Mulk ( True Vladyka all things). King of kingdoms; All-Russian king of the Bulk kingdom; the one who does what he wants; There is no one who could ignore, take it out of solutions; There is no one who could not approve, criticize, questioned his decision.
  85. Zu'l-Jalyali Va'l-Ikram ( Owner of true greatness and generosity). Owner of special greatness and generosity; owner of perfection; All the greatness belongs to him, and all generotes come from him.
  86. Al-muxit ( Equitable). He who has all the decisions of wise and fair; adhesive oppressants for oppressed; Setting the perfect order, pleasing the oppressive after the oppressed and that was pleased.
  87. Al-jami '( Equilibrant Contradictions). The one who collected all the perfections of the essence, qualities and cases; The one who collects all creations; The one who collects in the world in the area of \u200b\u200bArassat.
  88. Al-Gaina ( Richthat does not need anyone). Rich and not needing anything; That all needs.
  89. Al-Mugney ( Enriching). Giving benefle servants; He who enriches who wants; Sufficient for created.
  90. Al-mani '( Fencing) Preventing, which is prohibiting. The one who does not give to the one who does not want to give to experience it or to keep him to protect him from the bad one.
  91. Hell Darr ( Crushing). The deprivation of their benefits of those wishes. The erasing of the kingdoms and peoples from the face of the Earth, sitting epidemics and natural disasters on sinners, experiencing creation.
  92. En-nafi '( Charity) Bringing a lot of benefit to whom it will wish, based on its own solutions; He, without whose knowledge, no one is able to benefit.
  93. An-Nur ( Enlightening) Live Light faith. He who is the light of heaven and land; He who covers the Creation True; Shows the light of the true path.
  94. Al-Hadi ( Guideline On the path of truth of whom he wishes). Leading right way; The one who is true statements set on the true path; He who is noticing created about the true path; He who believes the heart to know himself; The one who brings the body created to the divine service.
  95. Al-Badi '( Creating the best way). One for which there is no equal to which there are no similar in essence, nor in qualities, nor in commands, nor in decisions; The one who creates everything without example and the speculation.
  96. Al-Baky ( Eternal, Endless). Remaining forever; The only one who remains forever; The existence of which is forever; One who does not disappear; He who remains infinitely forever.
  97. Al-Varis ( Heir). True inheritant. Heir of all things; The one who remains forever, which remains the inheritance of all his creations; One who remains all power after the disappearance of his creations; The one who inherits the world and everything is in it.
  98. Ar-Rashid ( Reasonable). Guide to the right path. Guide to the right path; The one who gives happiness to whom he wants to direct him to the true path; The one who gives one who wants to order by him.
  99. AS-SABUR ( Patient). He who has a great meekness and patience; One who is in a hurry to avenge disgraced; One who derete punishment; One who does not do anything before the term; He who does everything at one time.

99 names of Allah: list in photos

The names of the Most High Creator to memorize in photos (photo for memorization).

99 names of Allah

Names of Most High

Names of Most High

Names of the Most High Creator

ninety nine names Allah

Video clip for memorizing and properly pronunciation of the names of the Most High Allah. The video will be useful for Russian-speaking in schA Allah.

We must try to do as possible good things to all sorts of ways, as Muslim is obliged to do good. Get knowledge and train other people. (may Allah bless him and welcome) said:

"The best of people are the most useful for people."

The Prophet Muhammad (Salalllahu Aleihi Ua Ssalaham) said:

"Who will educate any knowledge, he will receive the same as the one who does (good deeds) in accordance with the (received) knowledge, and the reward of the making will not decrease."

In our times, unfortunately, they reflect on the essence of Allah holy he is great. Truly you need to beware of this. In order for believers to be in delusion and extremes, they should refuse reflections on the essence of the Most High. Only Allah himself know about the essence of the Most High Creator. A good Nasihat about this question gave the associate of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of the Most High) Ibn Abbas, who said:

"Reflect on the creatures of Allah and refrain from thinking about his essence."

Assalamu Aleikum UA Rakhatullahi UA Barakatuh dear brothers and sisters.

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99 beautiful names of Allah

Names and epithets (Lakab) of the Prophet


Peace to him and the blessing of Allah


Praise Almighty Allah, giving

life - and he bless us on

noble thoughts and blessings!

The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in

family life. Together with the joy of appearance of the new

man on parents lies responsibility to

Almighty associated with the care of the baby and his


According to Sunna, the prophet Muhammad 1, immediately after

the birth of a child in his right ear should read Azan, and in

for divine and sacred words should be the first

who will come to the hearing of the baby. They are

symbolize the greatness of the Most High Creator, contain

the main formula of the monotheism, the recognition of which does

man Muslim. Starting from now on, the words of Azan

and Ikamata should accompany the child throughout

life, helping him and illuminating his way. According to

muslim tradition, the sounds of Azana expelled Satan, with

impatiently waiting for the appearance of each new

man to adversely affect it.

One of the questions requiring special attention from


is an


newborn. This book will be very useful when choosing.

beautiful Muslim name. Young and inexperienced

parents often give the name to the child without thinking about his

the value is right

pronunciation or writing without thinking even about his

prozduchi. Only once in life, a child can get a name,

so it is necessary that all parents think seriously and

guided by the Muslim tradition.

Abu Daud reports from Abu hell Darda:

Messenger Allah said: "Truly, a day

Sunday you will be convened by your names and

the names of your fathers. So do the same children

beautiful names! ".

The following words transmit from Ibn Umar:

Yes, it gives him Allah blessing and peace! These words say and write when mentioning the prophet


The Prophet said: "Truly, the most favorite names

before the Lord - "Abd Allah (Slave of God) and" AD

Rahman (Slacious) "(Sat. X. Imam Muslim).

It should be noted that all those are preferred

the names in which the word is present "ABD(slave) or "Amat.

(Slave), in combination with one of the excellent names of the Most High:

AD AR-Razzak (Slave giving food), Abd Al-Malik (slave

Vladyka), Amat Allah (Slave Allah).

In one of the hades, preferably stipulates

adjusts children by the names of the prophets and angels. Name last

Muhammad Messenger

especially readable. Prophet


said: "Net children's names

prophets "; "Make my name ...". One of the most

common names in the Muslim world became the name


In Arabic named after Muhammad, the names of Ahmad

Mahmoud, Hamid, because they have a single three-letter

root hamida

. The name Mustafa (chosen) is also

one of the honorary names of the prophet

Imam Malik said:

"I heard from the inhabitants of the medina that every home,

where is the name Muhammad, endowed with a special lot



alk Islam

adillyatuh: at 11 t. T. 4, p. 2752).

It is important to remember that the person who is entrusted

responsibility for the child must take care of

he did not give a name insulting his dignity and which

it may be a reason for ridicule.

At-Tirmisi from "Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her!) Transfers

the story that the Prophet

changed the ungually names.

From Ibn Umar, they are transmitted that the daughter of Umar was called "Asia

(unprofitable, naughty), and the prophet called her jamily


It is forbidden to give names inherent only by the Most High

Creator, for example, al-ahad(Only), al-Khalik (Creator) and

The last messenger of the Creator

"On the judy day, the wrath of the Most High

a man who is named after Malicul-Amlass (Vladyka of All

possessions). There is no lord, except the Most High Lord. "

In Islam, it is forbidden to impose with the names in which it is expressed

submissions to someone or anything other than the Most High.

Give more than one name possible, but better, as usual

did it the prophet Muhammad

Limit to one.

Of course, when choosing a name in each case

it is necessary to take into account the specifics of this language and this culture.


complied with the requirements of religion. *

To clarify the exact value of Muslim names we


Let the Most High Blags in this and future

life! May Allah will be preserved, his favor

above all of us.

We hope that our book will be interesting as

muslims and non-Muslims who will find in it for

yourself a lot of useful and interesting.

Yes forgive us Allah possible omissions, because only he

The Lord is gracious and forgiving.

* Alautdinov Sh. Path to faith and perfection, 3rd ed., P. 301- 10.1. Section "On the birth of a child and related to

The believer studying 99 beautiful names of the Most High Allah, will be able to know it. Allah Most High makes his believer slaves mentioning his excellent names when performing Dua (prayer), because no one can extort the praise of Allah better than he praised himself.

In the Holy Quran in the 7th Sura (Al-Agraf) in Ayatu number 180 it is said: "The Almighty Allah has excellent names. So contact him, these names "

And Imam al-Bukhari has a Hadith, where it is said that he learned the 99 names of Allah, will enter the paradise.

However, the number of Names of the Most High Allah is not limited to 99, because Allah has incorvested perfect attributes and excellent names, the essence of which only hes himself.

99 names of Allah List

Nevertheless, from Hadith, we know the following ninety-nine names (names of Allah 99 with translation)

1. "Allah" - God, a single God, the first creator;

2. "Ar-Rahman" (gracious to all people in this light);

3. "AR-RAHIM" (mantaking on the world only believed);

4. Al-Malik (the Lord, the king of the kings, the lord of everything);

5. Al-Kuddus (free from flaws, holy);

6. "AS-Salam" (giving peace and security to all its creations);

7. Al-Muli Daymin (giving reliability and safety with its faithful slaves);

8. Al-Muhajmin (subordinating himself);

9. Al-'Aziz (powerful, great, invincible);

10. Al-Jabbar (possessing by force, manager of everything in his will);

11. Al-Mothatabbir (a single owner of true greatness);

12. Al-Khalik (Creator);

13 Al-Bari "(creating without flaws);

14. Al-Musavvir (coming around the form);

15. Al-Haffar (forgiving and hiding sins);

16. Al-Kahhar (destroying naughty);

17. Al-Wahhab (giving free);

18. Ara-Razzak (giving benefits and food);

19. Al-Fattah (opening the gates of good and good);

20. "Al-'alim" (all-knowing);

21. Al-Kabid (taking souls);

22. Al-bassita (giving livelihood and extending life);

23. Al-Hafeid (degrading unbelievers);

24. "Ar-Rafi" (extending assurances);

25. Al-Mu'is (allesting);

26. Al-Muzille (accurate who wants, having deprived His strength and victory);

27. "As-themselves'" (surviving);

28. Al-Basyr (Ovpobyovy);

29. Al-Khakov (the highest judge separating good from the bad);

30. Al-'Del "(fair);

31. Al-Latyf (presented by the grace of slaves);

32. Al-Habir (all-round);

33. Al-Halim (indulgent);

34. Al-'AZim (the greatest);

35. Al-Gafur (forgiven);

36. "Ash-Shakur" (rewarding more deserved);

37. "Al-'alie" (sublime, elevation);

38. Al-Kyabir (the Great, the One, before whom everything is insignificant);

39. Al-Hafiz (guarding);

40. Al-Mukyt (creator of goods);

41. Al-Hassib (taking report);

42. Al-Jalil (owner of the greatest attributes);

43. Al-Kyarim (generous);

44. "AR-Rakyb" (observing);

45. Al-Mujib (receiving prayers and requests);

46. \u200b\u200bAl-Vasi "(owner of unlimited grace and knowledge);

47. Al-Khakim (wisdom owner);

48. Al-Vadud (loving his believing slaves);

49. Al-Madjide (the most honorable);

50. Al-Ba'is (resurrecting its creations after death and the preposable prophets);

51. "Ash-Shahid" (witness in everything);

52. Al-Khak (true);

53. Al-Vakil (patron);

54. Al-Kavii (omnipotent);

55. Al-Matin (owner of the Great Power, Mighty);

56. Al-Valiya (helping believers);

57. Al-Hamid (decent praise);

58. Al-Mukhsi (alive);

59. "Al-Mubdy`" (creating);

60. Al-Mu'id (killing, reviving);

61. Al-Mukhia (resurrecting, giving life);

62. Al-Mumit (Mailing);

63. Al-Hai (everly alive);

64. "Al-Qayum" (giving the existence of everything created);

65. Al-Vajd (preferring what wishes);

66. Al-Majad (one whose generosity and greatness are great);

67. Al-Vahid (single);

68. "AS-Samad" (no needless);

69. Al-Kadir (Almighty);

70. Al-Muktadir (powerful, arranging everything in the best possible way);

71. Al-Mukaddim (who nominates who wishes forward);

72. "Al-Muahir" (moving back);

73. Al-Avval (initial);

74. "Al-Ahir" (endless);

75. "Az-Zahir" (obvious, whose existence is obvious);

76. Al-Batyn (hidden, one who is invisible in this world);

77. Al-Valiya (the ruling, positive over all);

78. Al-Muta'ali (the highest, free of flaws);

79. Al-Barr (benevolent, whose mercy is great);

80. "At-Tavvab" (receiving repentance);

81. "Al-Muncts" (relevant);

82. Al-Afuvv (forgiving);

83. "Ar-Rauf" (indulgent);

84. Al-Malika'l-Mulk (true lord of all things);

85. Zul-Jalyali Val-Ikram (owner of true greatness and generosity);

86. Al-Muskit (fair);

87. Al-Jami "(balancing contradiction);

88. Al-Gaina (rich, not needing anyone);

89. "Al-Muggy (enriching);

90. Al-Mani '"(retention, prohibiting);

91. "Hell Darr" (deprivingly the benefits of those whom wishes);

92. "An-Nafi '" (bringing a lot of benefit to who he wishes);

93. "An-Nur" (gives the Light of Faith);

94. Al-Hadi (guiding the path of the truth of whom he wishes);

95. Al-Badi "(creating well);

96. "Al-Buck" (endless);

97. "Al-Varis" (truly inheriting);

98. "AR-Rashid" (guiding to the right way);

99. "AS-SABUR" (patient).

Let the Most High help us learn these wonderful names, give us useful knowledge and give away from useless.