How to make toy cars. How to make a typewriter from girlfriend

Hello everyone lovers mastery homemade cars From existing parts from broken machines! Today we will tell you how to independently make a typewriter on a motor.

This model of the toy car is an aeromobile (structurally similar to ""), that is, it will be driven by the screw. If you wish, it can be put into the boat, which is very quickly floating.

Mastery machine on a motor

To create an Aerobil, you will need the following details:

If you are ready, we start to make it!

  1. Squash to wire batteries and connect them successively, that is, "+" one battery solder to "-" the second and so on.

    Connect batteries by creating a sequential electrical panel

    Crerate them with Rubber Rings. Thus, you should turn out a 6 volt battery.

    Finger batteries connected by rubber rings

    Alternatively, you can replace your finger batteries on one or two more powerful, then to solder or do not have to, or will need less.

  2. Connect the toggle switch to batteries, and then connect the electromotor to this electrocuprup. Including - turning off the toggle switch, check if the motor works.

    Connect the electric motor to the battery

  3. After moving to the creation of the body of the machine. To do this, cut the rectangular base of the machine and mark the location of the wheels.

    Cut the body of the machine

  4. Make a knife in the foam on the thickness of the tubes, put on the axis of the wheels.

    Prepare wheel mounts

  5. Cut from the foam two thin plates that will fix the wheels. Screw them with screws.

    Fasten the wheel screws

  6. Cut the fastening for the electric motor and secure it on the base of the typewriter.

    Cut mount for a motor

  7. Attach the electromotor to it using a rubber and thin hairpin or nail, as shown in the figure.

    Attach the electric motor

  8. Cut the screw from the plastic bottle. Injust its blades. Make a hole in the center and insert the screw on the electromotor, securing it with a locking ring from the ballpoint rod.

    Attach homemade screw to the motor

  9. Fasten the batteries using rubber rings and turn on the toggle switch. Aeromobile must go.

In this material we will present to your attention a review of a video for making a machine with a motor.

So, we will need:
- Motor 3-volt from the cassette player;
- 3 finger batteries;
- metal washer;
- tape;
- toy car.

At the very beginning, we note that the author advises to use the machine in which there is a mechanism moving forward after rolling back.

We disassemble the machine, and cut the mechanism mentioned above.

I pull out a gear from the mechanism and glue it to a mute with a glue gun.

Another small size gear should be present on the shaft. The motor must be glued so that the big gear touches the little.

We connect 3 batteries in order to minus the average battery be connected to the pluses of extreme. You can connect the contacts using metal washers. Between themselves, batteries can be connected by the tape.

We collect the body of the machine, not forgetting to bring the wires coming from the motor.

Connect the minus wire from the motor to minus on the extreme battery.

Next, we take another wire and connect it to the positive contact of the second extreme battery.

Install the block from the battery on the roof of the machine.

In order for the motor to earn, and the machine began to move, you need to close the plus wire that comes from the motor with a wire that connected to the plus contact of the battery.

Useful advice

Some parents love not only to buy various toys for their children, but also make interesting toys with their own hands.

Very often, a toy made with your own hands, easier and more interesting factory. In addition, such toys are safer, as they are usually made from paper, cardboard and wood, which is much safer than plastic.

Here are the most interesting of them:

Homemade toys (photo)

Smart board with keys, telephone, locks, wheels, key rings and letters on magnets.

Many know that children can play with any thing that interested them. It can be beads or a smartphone - everything you can learn.

One master for all hands created this wooden truck for his children.

See also:Soft toys do it yourself

But the board is in the shape of a ship where you can find a calculator, locks, lace and much more.

One parent decided to improve the gaming house of his child, decoring the wall with switches, door handles and threads.

See also: Children's drawings that have turned into real soft toys

Toys do it yourself at home

Children enjoy building the railway, so parents made for their Chad here is such a colorful railway with toy cars and trains.

From the cardboard you can make almost anything. And if you add adhesive tape and stomers or paints to the cardboard (gouache or acrylic paint), you can create houses, car parking, tunnels and palaces.

Cardboard toys do it yourself

A lot of cars have accumulated, and parents decided to make it an excellent convenient parking lot from cardboard and acrylic paints.

Puppet house made on the basis of a popular video game super mario.

It all starts with the top of the design, where the princess is surrounded by clouds from the wool.

Then you can choose one of two directions on the pipes: into the world of mushrooms or at the very bottom to the main villain.

Toys do it yourself (photo)

Designer for balls

Parents painted spray-paint necessary details (pipes and attachments), and then attached them to the fence so that small balls and beads could be allowed.

Homemade toys for children

Experiments with liquids and sand

Parents attached several tubes to perforated fibreboard, and the top end of each tube were attached around the funnel, so that the liquid could be easily pouring or pouring the sand, which will go down on the tubes.

To better see the water, current through transparent tubes, you can pour it into several tanks and add food dye. So for each pipe there will be water of a certain color.

Toys do it yourself from girlfriend

Labyrinth of cardon

To make such a toy you need:

Cardboard box

Scissors or stationery knife

Set of chopsticks for baby needlework (can be replaced with cardboard)

Paint or stickers (to decorate a labyrinth)

Hot glue (with gun glue)

Medium or large diameter coin or plastic bottle


1. Take a suitable box and, if necessary, cut one side so that you can build a labyrinth inside it.

2. Prepare a set of sticks for baby needlework or simply cut the cardboard on the stripes. As the labyrinth is created, you will cut these strips with scissors.

3. Before starting the construction of a labyrinth, it is better to draw it with a simple pencil, and then glipulate a strip from cardboard or wooden sticks to the drawn lines.

4. Start gluing with hot glue cardboard strips or sticks to the drawn lines, trimming them where necessary.

5. To make a "trap" circle a pencil coin and make a cup with a stationery knife to make a ball, a bead or a ball. Cut traps so that the bead or ball can pass by them.

If you want a bead to fall to the floor, bend (and push the boxes when necessary) Boxes, and insert it inside another box (see image).

How to make a toy do it yourself

Parking for toy machines made of boxes and cardboard bushings from toilet paper

You will need:

Box or box

Toilet paper bushings

PVA glue or hot glue


Acrylic paints (optional).

You need to glue the cardboard sleeves inside the box.

If necessary, cut each sleeve half and then stick carefully.

From above you can make a helicopter platform.

Decorate the crawl how you like more. You can use acrylic paints and stickers.

How to make a toy with your own hands (video)

All parents are useful to conduct educational activities for their children. Each father would be good to make the toys with their own hands along with children, feeding them a positive example. One of these toys can become a toy car.

On the Internet there are many photos of homemade machines, it remains to choose for yourself the appropriate option, and proceed with the case.

What car do

To choose for the manufacture of a suitable view of the crafts, you should soberly assess your strength, and funds. If the teenager independently decided to do this process, then he should start with simple ideas of machines made with his own hands.

To begin with, you can choose a craft from cardboard and paper. Make them relatively simple, and components with tools are available at hand. You will only need scissors, glue, as well as cardboard.

How to make paper machines, if there is no experience in design at all? What should I start, and what are the next stages of work? Treat these questions seriously. The child must learn to set a task in front of him, and be able to decide.

Cardboard racing car

Consider how to make a machine with your own hands. This will require:

  • cylinder cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • color paper, and ordinary;
  • buttons stationery;
  • set of markers;
  • white cardboard and black.

The body of the machine will consist of a cylinder, it is punctured by paper of any color. 4 wheels of black color are cut from the additional cardboard, and 4 white wheels.

Additional cardboard circles are glued on the end parts of the car so that there are no through holes in the cylinder. The glued mugs can be calculated with floters.

The wheels are fastened with stationery buttons in the center of the mug, and their ends are bent from the inside of the cylinder. From above of the finished body, cut a small hole for the driver. The finished machine is painted with markers.

Electronic machine with control panel

Machines with the control panel are very like children. If the store did not meet a suitable model, then you can collect it yourself. Today in every house where there are children, full of toy rubbish. It can pick up suitable spare parts and body.


  • wheels;
  • housing;
  • electric motor;
  • different screwdrivers.

Assembly process

Most likely, some details will have to be purchased. This refers to the control system. If the self-made machine will have a simple control panel, it will be easier and more economical in the cost. By installing radio control elements, you may have to spend more money on spare parts.

By distributing the assembly plan, and the dimensions of the device must be seized. In the configuration of the chassis, the wheels must be present. The product itself must be without errors, and easy to move. Good grip for the typewriter will provide chain with rubber tires.

There are two types of motor. Its selection depends on the user who will manage them. If this is a child, then you need to install an electric motor. It will cost cheaper, if possible, remove it from a broken toy car.

If the machine is intended for adult users, you can put a gasoline motor on it. It will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, and the care will be more difficult.

Wired type control will limit the movement of the machine. It is preferable to choose a radar, then the product will be able to move independently of the wires. But the movement will also take place only in the radio liquidity zone.

The choice of body is determined by taste preferences. A variety of models today is just a huge, everything is limited to fantasy, and budget.

Prepare all the elements, you need to start installing. The first mounted chassis, with wheels. Next, the engine is installed on the frame, and the radio receiver. The housing is attached an antenna. If all components were bought in the store, then the installation instructions should be made.

Batteries are fixed last. After debugging engine operation, the chassis is fixed. Latest strokes can be decorations from various stickers. Machine ready!

Self-made typewriter

You can bring another instruction how to make a typewriter on radio control. This will require:

  • Body of any model;
  • Powerful battery on 12V;
  • Radio control;
  • Charger;
  • Soldering tool, and all the necessary components to it;
  • Electrical measuring devices;
  • Rubber blanks, for bumpers;

Mounting process

The process of step by step assembly machine is much more complicated than the previous type. The suspension elements are assembled first. Then there is a gearbox with plastic gears.

For its installation in the case there is a thread. Next, the motor connects to power, and its performance is checked.

Radioshes are mounted in such a way that overheating does not occur. Sometimes the radiator is attached to them. At the end, the body of the model is collected. That's all you need for making a typewriter on radio control.

To make a homemade car to have maneuverability, and good speed should try not to overload it with extra details.

The presence of headlights and dimensions looks pretty, but the wiring should be installed for their mounting. As a result, it will complicate the design and assembly.

Photo of homemade machines

You need straws for cocktails, bamboo skewers (spanks), caps from bottles, package from milk or juice.

Tools that will be needed for work:

  • cutter (for adults only!);
  • scissors;
  • decorative paper;
  • tapes;
  • glue.

The first step is to make a hole in the bottle cap. It is necessary to do it only for adults (for security). Your children can still decorate a package of milk or juice.

Take the cutter (or a small knife) and make a small hole in the center of each cover from under the bottle. It is necessary to put a plug on some surface - plywood, dense cardboard to ensure safety during cutting and not damage the table.

Then cut the straw sizes a little more than the width of the box - it will be axes for the wheels of the car.

Start assembling the wheels and axes. First, insert the wand into one of the holes. Add a drop of glue for a more reliable fastening.

Then "wear" on the stick of the straw.

Repeat the operation with covers and chopsticks, only on the other side of the sticks.

If your children want to make a bus and cut windows or doors, they must do it before sticking wheels. You can also make a fire truck, ambulance or what will want. If you separate the body from the cab - you can make a dump truck.

Your truck is ready!

And for grazing - here are some photos from Japanese children's books with a lot of ideas!