How from plastic canister make a tool box. Cabinet of canister

Who builds a house, I will understand me! By installing electricity in your country house, faced a problem, although they were enough. The postman was not where to leave mail. Having having himself and the postman, after six months, I was struck - to buy or make a box. Buying early - the facade of the cottage is not ready yet, so angry, used for these purposes, the most elegant of what has found, canister. It is a pity, not a pity, but without mail so far! Thanks to the narrow size, it did not have to look for other housings (for example, from the power tool).

For the manufacture of mailbox, we will need:
- Any plastic container appropriately sizes paper sheet A4 or A5.
- 2 dowels.
- Knife, line, plug, pliers, drill, drill, screwdriver and felt-tip pen.
- Perforator, or just a hammer to score a dowel.


First, it is necessary to clean the cleaning agent canister. Davil to dry, proceed to the manufacture. After removing, first the label, with the help of a knife and ruler cut the longitudinal hole. I cut off the sides on the sides of the centimeter, so that you can bend a small visor to protect against rain.
At the bottom of the mailbox, we mark the felt-tip pen for the window for windows. With drill and drill, drill 3 holes. Drill d \u003d 12-20mm. I had to use a 10mm drill, for a larger diameter in a drill did not climb. But, I advise you to find a milling cutter, the corresponding diameter or make a bigger window, so that you see the contents of the mailbox. You can also take a piece of plexiglass from the inside. If burrs were formed during the drilling process, then you can smooth them with the help of fire, from lighters, for example.

Now we will deal with the rear wall of the product. To remove the mail, it is necessary to cut the opening from the reverse side of the mailbox. Also in the upper part, you need to do two holes, the same drill and gently, with the help of bruises, cut the grooves for screws. Thus, the drawer can be mounted on the wall.
Further measure the distance between the holes of the hitch and transfer them to the wall, where you want to place the mailbox. You can also directly mark the placement of the seating holes in a pencil or marker. Using the perforator drill holes and tighten the screws. Screwing heads should be more, so that the plastic body can with the canist falls out. To get to the mail, remove the box and open the back cover, and then inspire it back. But, in the process of work, it turned out that it can be fixed to the wall screws and simply raise the drawer up to access the content. Who guess?

You can also do without a perforator, using construction dowels for concrete and hammer, or nails. Do not forget to please the postman with the distinguishing signs of the postal service, otherwise it will pass by in bewilderment of the spectacle canisters on the wall. To do this, we draw an image of an envelope or writing the appropriate text to which in which language it is clearer.

Well, that, I hope that my house is not confused with a car repair shop. Temporarily or constantly, my mailbox will perform its function and will show its reliability.
We are waiting for the postman!

"Useful homemade".

Hello, readers of this site. Today I will tell you how I made a convenient box for the carriage of the welding machine from the plastic canister.

Most of the time I live in the urban apartment. In the basement under the nine-story building, I have a workshop, where I am engaged in my hobby - homemade. There, I can do everything except for welding work - first, there is a 10-ampere machine, which can knock when the electrode is sticking (and the key from the shield). Secondly - fire safety! And thirdly (and most importantly) ventilation there does not allow welding.

And therefore, to perform welding work, I am going to the country, or in a private house. And since I always have time in the edge, then most often, after work, I joke into the basement, grab everything you need, and I go ....

I use here such a welding inverter "Gerard-Mma 200".

For many years now serves me faithfully. He was stored in my "native" box. But the trouble of all factory packages, as is known, is that once delivering its contents, it is almost impossible to put everything back!)))). Fortunately, the apparatus was supplied with the "souvenir" shield of the welder! Without it, the device easily placed .... but only he!

And so, I arrived at the cottage. We lay out the tool in anticipation of interesting work ....
...... And here it turns out that I forgot the mask !!! ...

Another time I took and a mask and welding .... but I forgot the electrodes ...
The next time I took everything except the cutting circles ...))))).

These events gave me the thought of making a boxing, wherever the entire set - the welding machine, mask, wires, electrodes, clamps, a hammer .... In short, to grab one box, threw in the car - and I did not forget anything!) ))))

And I began to think, from what would I do to me! The choice of my fell on this is such a 30 liter canister, which I have quite a lot:

After catching, I came to the conclusion that I just need this volume. (Frankly, "Under the Knife" went not exactly this canister. Just the one that cut, I forgot to take a picture.))))

As a result, I got a box that you can see in this video (it is removed "crooked, but I'm sorry):

And now I will tell you in detail, as I did it.

I needed:
1. Plastic canister 30 liters.
2. Exhaust ripples with a diameter of 4.8 mm of different lengths.
3. Loops 2 pcs.
4. Lockers Town 2 pcs.
5. Strips of tin.
6. Trimming PVC pipes.
7. Linoleum trim.
6. M5 washers enlarged.

So, let's begin...
At first I wanted to make a horizontal layout. But, thinking, came to the conclusion that, firstly, I would significantly lose in the rigidity of the design, secondly, I'm going to wear it anyway for the handle (i.e., vertically), and therefore it will be better if the instrument laying will be made in the same position.

So I took the canister and cut off its upper part:

I had such trimming of tin.

It's just a strip with a curved edge. Stayed something, I do not remember. If necessary, it was possible to cut them easily and bend.

I took the strip of the liking and stuck it the edge of the cut top, using the usual cord and exhaust ripples. At the same time, I slightly put forward twice the edge of the tin per cut:

At the same time, I inserted the ripples outside, and from the inside, since there was no metallic surface, put on them the washers M5:

Next, I wanted to do the same with the bottom of the canister, but faced an unexpected problem. The stress of the material of the walls was released during the cut, and changed the geometry of the lower, less rigid part. And when I put exactly the finger, and everything was far from behind:

Therefore, I first made a blank "Locking", using as a template, upper cover, and by arming the desired perimeter of the bottom:

Then she put it inside, forming perimeter geometry:

And then let the narrow strip from the outside (such as used on the lid) and slapped them with each other:

Next you need to connect the cover with the canister. Plowing in your stoppers, I found these loops:

After that, they rooted them with the help of a grinder:

The drill increased the diameter of the holes to 5 mm.

And screwed-sharply in place:

As locks, I decided to use the so-called trunk latches.

I always have in stock, because there are a penny, but a lot where can be useful. Here is one example of their use for repairing an old case from the perforator:

So in my homemade they came in handy:

Well ... Let's go to the creation of "internships" ....
I took a piece of PVC pipe with a diameter of 32 mm:

Sliced \u200b\u200bfour pieces, cut off the edge of the edge and drilled holes under the rice:

After that, they rushed them to the side wall inside the canister. The ripples laid from the inside, outside the washers appeared on them again:

Now they are conveniently stored in the reserve of electrodes of different diameters (at the time of the shooting it turned out that "two and a half" ended! Only "Two" and "Troika" were available ... now I have already bought))))))

There and the hammer fit:

By the way, the hammer is homemade. Especially for welding works, built it from a piece of curleling and segment of the tap pipe. And heavy enough, and the handle will not light up ....

Next, I began a pocket device for Bulgarian circles. Cut out a piece of linoleum here is such a form:

The edges "cast" the tin:

Then she rushed first of the bottom edge:

You can find a variety of things made by skillful people from girlfriend. For example, a very interesting idea is a canister, converted to the bar locker. It looks impressive and stands the same. At the same time, such a thing can be done by himself, so that it satisfies it is your requests and needs. In the bars, the door, as a rule, opens down, which may not always be comfortable.
Below is the instruction, how to make your own cabinet made of canisters with shelves adjustable in height. The layout of the shelves depends on the goals for which the locker is intended, for example, the combination below is suitable for photographic equipment, but you can adjust it to your needs.

Required materials and equipment

It will take the following to work:
  • Old washed or new canister.
  • Boards.
  • Loops.
  • A pen.
  • Rubber compressor.
  • Screws, bolts and nuts.
  • Dremel with a cut off disk.
  • Corner grinder with a cutting disc (Bulgarian).
  • Ribbon saw (or jigsaw).
  • File.
  • Marker, handle.
  • The angular line (optional, the line is also suitable).
  • Sandpaper.
  • Plane.
  • Desktop drilling machine or drill and drill.

Decide with the size of the door

Before starting to cut the door in the canister, it is worth deciding what kind of size it should be. With the help of a marker attached to the carbon, you can outline the doors of different sizes and choose the most suitable. In the example above, it is 30 mm from the edge of the canister.
In order not to accidentally erase the line drawn with the marker, you can take it with a translucent adhesive tape, and on top of painting a handle a thinner line, which will be more convenient to cut.

Cut the door

The door can be cut with a dopel or grinder.
The second option may be faster, while Bulgarian leaves a wider slot, because She has a wider disk. Since it is planned to stick a rubber seal on the door and edge, it will be a more appropriate option. When working the baccoon, you most likely need help to fix the canister.
At the end stage it is more convenient to use dremel to cut rounded corners. When cutting metal, it is necessary to be very careful with sharp edges on the cut. Use gloves and process edges with a file.

Rubber compactor on the door and fit in size

Stick the rubber seal along the edge of the door and check whether the door fit tightly. If necessary, cut and adjust the angles with a dreamer and a file.

Determine the size and location of the shelves inside the canister

Now you need to make the inner shelves for the locker. Depending on what you plan to store in it, consider it design. The picture shows a layout suitable for photo equipment, while the entire design will be possible to disassemble and redo it, since the lock connection is used for the assembly.
Internal dimensions canisters can be slightly different depending on the manufacturer, so you better proceed from your own measurements. To simulate the end result and imagine how everything will look, you can use the design program as Autodesk Inventor.

We make shelves

First of all, pass the boards. In this case, the boards turned 12 mm thick. Then, using templates, apply markup parts for the shelves on the board. To cut them, it is best to use a ribbon saw. Because This canister has a recess in the middle along a narrow side, in the shelf it was necessary to cut the hole using a drilling machine. Drill also over the hole for connecting with support racks in each corner, at a distance of 6 mm from the edges of 3 mm wide and a depth of 8 mm. When you fix the shelf to the clamp, put a piece of wood between the clip and the shelf itself so as not to damage it.
To accurately fit all the details to each other and to the size of the canister, it will take careful grinding of the edges and connectors. Remember that grinding best along the fibers of wood.
Finally, you need to cut the vertical racks. To connect to the shelves with the help of the waders, do at the ends of the opening columns 12 mm depth, 3 mm in diameter (then the mount should be 20 mm in length).

Preparation and installation of doors

Pick up the suitable loop design. Measuring the width of the loops and determining where you want to attach them, make a mark using a nail or something sharp. One of the options: loops at a distance of 15 mm from the edge of the canister, at a height of 100 and 270 mm.
In order not to be mistaken with the location of the hole, start drilling using a thin drill, preferably 1 or 2 mm with a diameter, and then install a thicker that corresponds to purchased bolts.
Place the loop and cut the seal if necessary. Now it is easy to determine the location of the holes on the door, applying the door and placing it in the desired position. Drill holes on the door, as described above, and secure loops on it.
Last in order, but not much important thing: Secure the door handle in the desired place. In this case, it is installed 45 mm from the edge and 180 mm from the lower edge of the door.

Assembling shelves

Finally you need to assemble the shelves for the locker. It will be easy or difficult to depend on how the intricate design you have come up with.

Fill the locker and enjoy

Come up with where you will store an amazing locker. The most important, of course, find a place where it will be in sight, and you can proudly demonstrate to all the creation of your hands.

A comfortable and roomy tool box is a dream of almost any wizard. Carefully folded tools that are always at hand and in perfect order, it is almost a pledge of a pleasant and efficient work. Moreover, a convenient drawer can be made from almost anything that you have in arsenal.

How to make a portable box for plastic canisters:

Of course, a lot of different kinds of plastic products were divided, and special drawers for tools of this confirmation, comfortable, light, ergonomic, transform, there are even waterproof. But not everyone on his pocket is such pleasure, therefore it has to improvise. Box for tools, or under that it was neither, it can be made of five-liter eggplants or canisters or a large bidon. And you also need a loop, you can buy them, but you can simply sew a piece of skin instead of them, or do it like me to use an ordinary lounge rope.

Primary what needs to be done is to place the workpiece, you mean a marker or a pencil line, along which then you need to sprinkle the top from the canister.

We spend the line dug and saw

Next, it follows in the resulting top cover to do one hole in front and two from behind (I took the drill, heated it on fire, and paid the holes - to do it more convenient and correctly, because if you drill it, then the plastic can break the plastic). In the front opening you need to screw the bolt - it will perform in the role of a kind of clasp.

Holes Bolt-zipper

In the same way, it is necessary to do the holes and at the bottom of the canister, the mirroring, respectively, the top cover.

Hole under the cabin Holes at the bottom of the plastic canister

And further actions are banal and simple. You just take and encourage into the holes of the lounge rope, and tie a pretty knot. In the front opening of the bottom you need to push the loop and tie a nodule - this nodule will perform in the role of clasp.

We make a loop

And in this way, we need to make an improvised "door" loop that will connect between the failure of the drawer details, the cover with the bottom of the box.

Take the rope Fix the rope of nodules

All this design works very simply, nodules and loops under the weight of the tools do not give the box to open when you take it for the knob of the canister.

Closed box (loops are thrown on the bolt) Remove the loop from the bolt and open the box

So I got a lightweight, practical and spacious tool box, which is also not sorry to adapt under anything, and besides (if necessary) you can gain water, sand, construction trash. And in general, thanks to this transformation, the ordinary canister has become a multifunctional capacity.