How to glue the ceiling tile from the center. Glue ceiling tiles: lessons, video, technology

Ceiling tiles - beautiful finishing material, uses specially popularity, has a number of advantages, inexpensive at a price, you can stick without specialists yourself. One of the common types of tiles - polystyrene foam has a variety of forms, patterns, may be smooth. You can glue on the concrete, on plasterboard. Water resistant, easy to leaving and operating. If you wish, you can paint acrylic paint in any color. Choosing it, check that the edges were whole not sprung. To check it on strength, take in one corner, it should not break under your weight. There should be no dents or flaws on the sheets.

Preparation of the ceiling under sticking

Before starting work, you need to prepare for the ceiling. If you have a wallpaper on your ceiling, they need to be completely removed, the old shp can, the lagging slices of the solution, most often in the seams of concrete slabs. If the tile was backed on the ceiling before, it will be not easy to remove, take a spatula and slowly take it off and remnants of glue. Large cracks, pits in the stoves need to sharpen. If the ceiling was bitten, it is better to remove whitewash. Some experts argue that it is possible to glue onto the whitewash and the tile will stick. Yes, she can and stick, but it will not be staying for a long time, eventually starts behind with whitewash.

As a rule, after cleaning the plate can be in stains or remain tracks from wallpaper. Better the surface to go through the thin layer of the shtlock, then the ceiling will be the same on the color and through the thin tile will not be visible to the stains. If you have chosen thick without seams or closely close with patterns, you can not hold the plates of the ceiling. After drying the putty, the entire surface for sticking is processed by a special primer along concrete. The primer is used to remove dust from the surface and strengthen the shtlock.

The better glue the ceiling tile

You need to choose glue for sticking, depending on the tile, which you will be glued and from the room in which you will glue. There is a large selection of glue for sticking.

The glue can be water based on a solvent based or resin-based (compound). The most common adhesives:

  • Polyvinila acetate - adhesive without smell, liquid, according to consumption exceeds similar - liquid nails, dries long;
  • "Liquid nails" - thick glue, applied with a thick layer, should be applied using a special tool. It may be incompatible with some types of tiles, a solvent, which is part of the adhesive can spoil and eat it.
  • Universal polymer glue - glitter almost everything. The consistency is quite viscous, well fix the ceiling tile. This group includes adhesives: "Titan", "Eko-inset", "Master". Glue "Master" with a caustic smell and dries longer than the rest.
  • "Moment" - glue dries quickly after applying. For work, you need a special pistol. According to the price policy, glue is more expensive than others, it is spent more, but it is most convenient for work and justifies yourself.

As a rule, on the product that you intend to glue, the recommended type of glue is indicated. The strength of the entire ceiling construction depends on its properties.

Marking ceiling

You can glue tiles in several ways:

  • parallel to the wall;
  • diagonally;
  • rumble.

The most common way is to stick from the center of the ceiling. It is necessary to find the geometric center of the ceiling, you can with the help of diagonals. Then from the center to mark the surface markup. The hardest plot of sticking near the chandelier. To simplify your work, you can begin to glue from the chandelier.

Depending on the size of the ceiling, it may turn out a small strip along the wall, and also will not be parallel to the wall. You can glue from the corner, then you need to choose an angle that is best seen from the front door. Usually this method is used for long and narrow rooms.

How to glue the ceiling tile video

For sticking tiles diagonally make markup on the ceiling. We take a thread and stretch from one angle to the opposite angle, and from another angle to another opposite, we get the crossing of the diagonals of these lines and there is a markup for sticking, suppressing the thread indicates the center of the ceiling. This option enjoyed for sticking large rooms.

How to glue the ceiling tile romb

The most beautiful and popular way of sticking tiles is considered a shaking romb. Squares die from the center of the ceiling. In each square, lines are diagonally. The angle of the glued tile falls from the center of the ceiling, and its parties on the lines spent. Then the drawing will look at the ceiling symmetrically and the edges of the walls will approach the same way. When sticking with this and diagonal method, you need to take into account that the consumption of the material will be greater.

It is necessary to glue from the chandelier. You can take a tile in the center to make a hole under the chandelier, run the wire there and glue it. You can glue four tiles from the chandelier. Cutting the corner for the chandelier wire. Cut angles will then close the chandelier with a chandelier. Before starting work, you must definitely disable electricity for security purposes.

We take the tile, on the opposite direction we apply glue, drops along the edges of the tile and diagonally. First lay on the markup, combining the edges with lines. Clicking it to the ceiling, do not press much so as not to leave the dent on the tile. For sticking, you can use the sponge. Subsequent places close to the first, combining parties.

Before applying glue to the subsequent, attach it on the ceiling to the glued, check the flatness of the match. When revealed irregularities, cut them out by the usual stationery knife for cutting paper or a special building knife. For trimming, it must be put on a chipboard or other dense surface. Weight do not cut to not damage. If the stacking is irregular, it may further become the cause of the displacement and formation of the gaps. Near the walls, the tile is cut as needed by pre-taking measurements. Therefore, when buying a tile, you need to consider what method it will be glued. As a rule, the ceiling area and 10-15% per reserve.

If the gaps were formed during the sticking, they need to be embedded with a white sealant, this option is suitable for non-aluminized plates of white, and it can be painted in any color.

Pusting ceiling tiles without seams

For sticking without seams, a special tile is needed. She has no usual edging, so the joints become inconspicuous. On the reverse side there is a markup - special shooters that indicate the direction of sticking. We choose tiles with uneven edges. Glue start from the center of the room. We make a hole under the chandelier. Glue it strictly by the arrows indicated on the back, it will make the seams invisible. We place it tightly to each other, so that there are no seams, and tightly press the ceiling.

The joints between the ceiling and the wall are closed with ceiling plinth. It is glued by the same glue as the ceiling tiles. With plinth, your ceiling acquires a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Plinth closes all irregularities in trimming near the walls.

The ceiling plays a considerable role in the design of the room. One-style in the room is achieved due to a clear thoughtfulness of every detail of the interior. The easiest option is to use whitewash or paint for interior facilities to decorate the ceiling. Glue wallpaper on the ceiling is somewhat difficult and not always such a type of ceiling design justifies. The most acceptable in all respects is the use of tiles as a material for decorating the ceiling.But how can you glue the ceiling tile correctly and what better to choose.

Tiles for ceilings have a square shape. Sold in the form of blocks designed for a square meter of the surface. In the manufacture, two types of external surface treatment are used. The first look - the outer side is embossed and designed for painting. The second is with a laminated face, already painted in the manufacture.

When choosing blocks, except color and functionality, it is necessary to take into account the size of the tile. Before buying, spend the calculations in order to buy at once the amount of the tile of one color or drawing with a small margin just in case. If in the middle of the work it turns out that part of the tiles of defective or you lack several pieces, it will be difficult to choose the same color or find an identical pattern.

Why ceiling tile

In most apartments, the ceiling surface is uneven, with obvious flaws. To hide irregularities, you can use suspended or stretch ceilings. But for the Middle Citizen this option is too expensive. Difficulties in how to glue the ceiling tile, no. It is enough to use special glue and rules for sticking blocks on the ceiling.

The main advantages of the ceiling tiles are as follows:

  • an uneven ceiling and all the flaws can be hidden by the embossed surface of the ceiling tile, and the room will look stylish and comfortable.
  • the cost of blocks is relatively low, for sticking is needed a minimum of consumables, and the blending itself can be performed independently.
  • to create a unique design, the ceiling blocks can be glued in a straight line or diagonally.
  • long-term tile service life, and if damaged, it will be enough to replace the deformed section.
  • the structure of the ceiling units is such that it can be used in rooms with high humidity and sharp temperature differences, such as in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

How to choose a tile

In the construction market you can find a tile of several species. It differs not only by price, but also some features.

Method of manufacturing and characteristics

A pressed or stamped type of ceiling blocks has a thickness of 6-8 mm. The cheapest option with simple design. The sophistication is such a tile of your room will not give, but perfectly hides all the irregularities of the ceiling. The surface of the extruded tile loose and porous, so quickly absorbs dust and dirt. Not the highest quality or durable material.

The injection type has a thickness of 9-14 mm. A better product is made in the form of proper geometric blocks with a clear relief pattern. This allows you to create a surface with barely noticeable seams. In addition, injection blocks have high sound insulation and moisture-resistant characteristics. Unlike pressed blocks, it has increased strength and resistance to fire, but its price is much higher. Produced in the form of white blocks under painting.

When choosing a tile for a kitchen or a bathroom, give preference to the extusted type. Your ceiling will be reliably protected from the negative impact of moisture, and therefore - from dampness and mold!

The extruded type of ceiling blocks is produced with a thickness of 2-3 mm. Due to the peculiarities of production, such a tile comes out smoother, without grain. The most durable and hygienic material. In the production of the surface of the tile is covered with a special film to protect against dust and dirt. Due to this, it is easy to care for such a tile - enough to wipe with a wet cloth. Compared to other options, this kind is the most expensive, but its operational characteristics allow you to save on subsequent repairs. To update the view in the room, it will be enough to just repaint the plates in another color.

Features of the surface and joints

In addition to blocks of proper geometric shape, seamless plates are also available - uneven edges allow you to stick blocks without gaps, according to the principle of puzzle. This option will create the illusion of the integrity of the ceiling coating.

Plates with a laminated surface at stage of production are painted into different colors. Thanks to the lamination, their appearance will be happy to please bright colors, besides, they are resistant to moisture.

To expand the room space, you can use the ceiling blocks with a mirror surface. Instead of lamination, a special mirror layer is applied to the outer side of the plates. Reflecting the surface of the walls and gender, such a ceiling will create the illusion of infinity of the room space.

Where to start

By selecting ceiling blocks and prepare the surface for sticking, a number of technical moments must be solved. Start mounting tiles from one corner of the room and so over the entire surface - the most illuminated option. In order for the ceiling to have aesthetic look and did not spoil the entire interior of the room, you should consider the placement of blocks on the ceiling before sticking. There are several important points that you should pay attention to. The most important of them is the placement of chandeliers.

- If the chandelier is located in the center of the room.

To stick the plates correctly, you need to follow the following technique. On the ceiling with a cord or tape, two diagonal lines are marked in such a way that the point of their intersection was the chandelier. The first slab must be glued so that its angle is resting to the point of crossing the lines, and the two edges repeated the markup lines. Three other blocks also need to stick around the lamp to formed the right rum. Diagonal sticking is the most effective way to level the surface of the ceiling and create a beautiful pattern.

It is very important to glue the first number of blocks correctly. The even lines of subsequent series depend on this, as well as the unity of the pattern.

To stick smooth blocks of blocks, the surface of the ceiling must be marked with two more perpendicular lines. Then the first tile should be glued so that the perpendicular line passes clearly through the tile center. On the last rows, the tile will have to trim. To hide the gaps between the ceiling and the wall, use the polystyrene plinth in the same color scheme as the tiles. It is possible to glue them in the same way as blocks using glue and a drip application of applying to the surface.

- If the chandelier is shifted from the center of the room.

The ceiling marking with two diagonal lines must be made so that in the center of their intersection it is the chandelier, and not the center of the room. Punching the plates occurs as well as for the first method. The first slab must be glued:

  • for sticking diagonally - one corner in the center intersection of lines,
  • for smooth lines - a parallel line from the chandelier passes through the center of the block.

Having broken up, how to punish the ceiling tile, you should choose the right glue. One of the best options is the glue "moment". It grips perfectly and allows you to securely glue blocks to the ceiling surface. His cost is above Polish analogues, but high-quality indicators are much better. In addition, it instantly grabbing, which will noticeably reduce the time on the sticking of the entire surface.

Before glueing the tile on the ceiling, you need to prepare the surface - clear the remnants of whitewash or paint. After that, the surface of the ceiling needs purification from dust and debris - just wipe it slightly wet cut of the fabric.

To glue the block to the ceiling, a few drops of glue are applied to the inner surface: for external angles and several strokes diagonally, through the center. After that, the tile is briefly with pressed to the ceiling surface, slightly pressure on the surface. Try not to prescribe too much, excessive efforts deform the outer layer of tiles.

To cut blocks, it is better to use a stationery knife and a ruler, so the edges will be smaller. To place the ceiling, you can use a painting cord or scotch. This will greatly simplify work to stick the tiles with smooth rows.

Lesson on sticking ceiling tiles (video)


Modern ceiling surface finish is a sufficiently easy process. The construction market offers a huge selection of practical and durable materials. A variety of ceiling plates are well deserved in particular popularity and demand.

Pressed or stamped

The starting material is polystyrene foam. It is manufactured by stamping. The thickness of the finishing material is 5-8 mm. Porous surface perfectly absorbs dust and contamination. Cleansing is hard. The initial species can be restored by staining acrylic paint. Doubtful quality is compensated by a low price. Read a good article about, maybe it will suit you anymore.

It has an ideally smooth surface that can be painted or covered with a special film that protects material from contamination.


The most expensive version of the ceiling tiles. The material for the manufacture serves as a polystyrene band, obtained during the pressing process. It has an ideally smooth surface that can be painted or covered with a special film that protects material from contamination. Easily cleaned with a wet cloth. Easily and smoothly cut with the help of a stationery knife or ordinary scissors, while the tile surface is not deformed. Mounted for the maximum smooth and smooth surface.


The most expensive version of the ceiling tiles. The thickness is 9-14 mm. Characterized by the right form and clear pattern. In the manufacture, the process of sintering polystyrene sheets under the influence of high temperatures is used. Allows you to create a high-quality seamless coating surface of the ceiling. It is distinguished by non-hatching, environmental friendliness and a complete absence of hygroscopicity.

The surface of such ceiling tiles is covered with a special film, which makes the finishing material with the maximum moisture-resistant and retains the color brightness for a long time.

Mirror or laminated

The surface of such ceiling tiles is covered with a special film, which makes the finishing material with the maximum moisture-resistant and retains the color brightness for a long time. Finishing is almost seamless. The material of the manufacture is plastic, on the surface of which a mirror film is applied. Visually increases the space of a small room.

Correct calculation of finishing material

The standard dimensions of any ceiling tile are 50 × 50 cm (this is greater than the size and for the floor). Knowing the ceiling area, calculate the required amount of ceiling tiles is easy.

Acquire the ceiling tile follows with a reserve of 15-20% of the total.

This reserve may be required if part of the material is corrupted in the process of cropping or sticking. Glue on a liquid "rubber" basis more important "liquid nails".

Mounting tool required

  • construction level
  • stationery knife
  • standard ruler
  • special glue: "Titan", "Liquid nails", "KonigDeko" or "Format"
  • ladder

Poons from the ceiling should be washed to a pure concrete base with a warm soap solution, brushes and a spatula, and then dry thoroughly.

Preliminary work

How to glue the ceiling tile on bliss? Poons from the ceiling should be washed to a pure concrete base with a warm soap solution, brushes and a spatula, and then dry thoroughly. Oil paint is not removed (read the article about putty under painting, under the wallpaper and still pro), and simply washed with soap solution, dried and degreased. All swolings are wetted with water, and then removed with a spatula.

When choosing, special attention should be paid to the density of the tiles, the correct geometry of the corners and the side parts. Only a flat tile will provide a neat and proper adjoining.

When installing tiles diagonally, the central intersection point should be conducted at an angle of 45 °.

Marking on the ceiling is performed on the basis of the method of mounting the ceiling tiles. You can stick this finishing material in a traditional option or horizontal manner. Both in other cases it should be noted the center of the ceiling surface. The easiest way to do this by performing marks in the middle of each wall, and then connect them to the ceiling lines. The intersection point and will be the center. The same lines will serve as a guide for the traditional way of installing or the "brickwork" method, when each subsequent row shifts half the tile from the joint of the previous one.

It is possible for the central landmark to take the ceiling lamp, which is located in the center of the ceiling. Any chandelier before starting work is dismantled.

When installing tiles diagonally, the central intersection point should be conducted at an angle of 45 °. At the same time, the ceiling segment will share in two parts. The tile is pasted the rombus, and the center is located at the intersection of the axes (we talked about plasterboard sheets).

Installation tiles on the ceiling

You can begin to glue the ceiling tile from the center to the edges, be sure to tightly pressing the tiles one to another, which will allow you to get smooth and inconspicuous joints. There is a way to mount the ceiling plates from the wall opposite to the window. This method allows you to get a cropped tile above the window, which will make it less noticeable.

The glue is applied to the corners and the center of each ceiling tile. Then, the tile is tightly pressed to the ceiling surface, and hold in this position for a few seconds.

The point application of glue helps to reduce its flow and makes it possible if necessary to easily dismantle any element of the tiled ceiling. Speaking excess glue are removed immediately.

If necessary, the tile is gently cut with the help of a stationery knife. If gaps were formed between the joints, they are embedded with acrylic sealant. Cancel ceiling can be possible a day.

Ceiling tile cutting options

Cost of works and materials in 2015

Depending on the manufacturer, the price of standard extruded ceiling tiles varies in the range from 20 to 200 rubles per square meter. meter. High-quality tile Ceiling VTM extruded will cost 73 rubles per piece, and the average price category of such a finishing material begins from 200 rubles per square meter. meter. Injection ceiling tiles is the most expensive option from all ceiling tiles, but also the highest quality. The cost begins from 250 rubles per square meter. meter. An interesting finishing solution will be the use of laminated ceiling tiles, the price of which is about 1000 rubles per square meter. meter.

Titan glue 0.25 for ceiling tiles cost about 40 rubles. The price of "KonigDeko" glue is 220 rubles for 600 grams, and the glue "Format" will cost 170 rubles for 400 grams. The cost of "KonigDeko liquid nails" is 220 rubles.

Consumption of glue: 600 grams "KonigDeko" - 13 square meters. meters, and 400 grams "Format" - 9 square meters. meters.

Camping surface ceiling indoor 20 square meters. Meters takes no more than three hours.

Professional laying of ceiling tiles made of polystyrene foam depends on the degree of complexity and volume of work. Middle Ceiling Tile Installation Rates:

Video instruction

Despite the fact that today there is a sufficiently large number of options for finishing ceiling floors, decorating the ceiling with polystyrene foam tile is still popular.

Sticking the ceiling tile is an economically advantageous and frequently used method of updating the ceiling. The finishing material has a small weight and is distinguished by a wide range of colors and textures. Technologically not difficult installation allows you to transform the ceiling space to be unrecognizable in your own living room, bedroom, hallway.

The surface of the tile from modern polystyrene is smooth, wavy, convex or corrugated. The finishing material has three main species that have certain differences among themselves:

  • stamped. The stove is created in the process of hot stamping. It has 8 mm thickness and a pronounced grain surface, which can be painted in any colors;
  • extruded. The coating elements are made of polystyrene strip by pressing. Have the texture of natural marble or valuable wood. Thickness is about 3 mm. The laminated layer applied to the surface allows the use of tile in the kitchen or in the hallway;
  • injector. The strongest reliable tile is created by complex technology at which the polystyrene sinters in the working molds. Finished products are distinguished by proper geometry, a clear pattern. Thickness up to 14 mm makes it possible to use the finish as a heat-soundproof material.

The standard size of the product is 50x50 cm, for finishing a large ceiling area, you can purchase plates 60x30 cm, 70x40 cm or 100x165 cm.

Choice rules

First of all, you must correctly select the finishing material for the ceiling design with your own hands. Choosing high-quality polystyrene tiles, you need to carefully inspect the product. All coverage elements must comply with certain parameters:

  • the form. Square tile may have a clear geometry. This is primarily the same length of the parties and an angle of 90 °. Without the correct form of all elements, it is impossible to achieve an accurate docking, perfectly smooth coating;
  • relief. It is better to choose a product with a clear embossed pattern. The absence of voids is considered an indicator of high quality finishing material;
  • strength. If you take a plate for any of four corners and hold in a horizontal position, it should not crumble or break.

Any flaw, the ceiling coverage defects will immediately attract attention, so if the defective material got caught, it is better to use it to fill small remote areas by the walls or windows.

Calculation of finishing material

To purchase a precise amount of finishing material, experts advise to divide the total area of \u200b\u200bthe decorated room to the area of \u200b\u200bone tile.

For example, the width of the kitchen is 2 m, and the length is 3 m. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room will be equal to 6 square meters. m. The size of the standard tile 50x50, therefore, the area of \u200b\u200bone tile will be equal to 0, 25 square meters. M. Now 6 divide on 0.25 it turns out 24 tiles.

The finishing material must be chosen from one batch, you can make sure that comparing the article specified on the packaging, the release date. Included is sold made from that raw material, similar to the design of the ceiling plinth.

To glue the ceiling tile, you need to choose an adhesive substance designed for expanded polystyrene. Installation of plates on concrete, brick, wooden or drywall surfaces are carried out on liquid nails, special facade adhesives, mastic, silicone sealants or tiled adhesive mixtures.

Tip! During operation, glue cannot be used, which includes acetone, gasoline, ethers. Strong solvents can damage polystyrene foam.

Preparatory work

The ceiling toilet ceiling does not require special knowledge and skills, so many apartment owners prefer to make this simple work with their own hands. In order for the result of finishing work, it was a beautiful and even ceiling coating. It is necessary to strictly observe all stages of installation.

During repair in residential premises, it is necessary to thoroughly clean your ceiling from whitewashing, painting or old ceiling coverage. From loose and peeling sites, it is easy to free themselves with a metal spatula.

After stripping surfaces, the ceiling is cleaned of dust and processed by a primer mixture. When the primer is finally dried, it is necessary to carefully inspect the plane for the presence of visible defects, such as clefts, potholes or cracks. Explicit irregularities need to sharpen plaster mixtures, small docking slots will hide the decorative tile.

After solidification of the solution, the renovated places need to be re-covered with primer. The base-covered base will provide a stronger and strong connection with adhesive composition.

Marking of ceiling overlap

In a conventional small-sized apartment, it is difficult to meet the square room with equal sides, so in non-standard rooms, the stagnation of the ceiling tiles is carried out diagonally.

Installation of the ceiling coating begins with the markup of the center of the residential premises. To do this, from opposite corners, you need to pull the strong threads, the location of their intersection and will be the main point.

If there is a mounted or ceiling lamp in the living room, then start mounting better from this site. The edges of four tiles are neatly cut under fasteners, electrical wires of the lighting device. On the cut plot can be glued with a decorative lining.

The fastest sticker of the ceiling tile is carried out in parallel places of the vertical and horizontal plane, ranging from the wall opposite to the input door. Such an option more than others is suitable for decorating large areas of premises.

Application of adhesive composition

Before starting to glue the tile, it must be unpaved and allow several hours to lie down in warmth. Polystyrene products negatively react to sharp differences in temperature and humidity. To avoid deformation of the ceiling coating, the material must acclimatize in the repaired room. When glue has already been purchased and all the necessary finishing materials faces the question: "How to apply glue?"

It is better to study the instructions in which the method of using the adhesive substance is described in detail. Different manufacturers offer their own use of glue. For example, one adhesive composition must be left for swelling, other funds do not need additional time.

The glue is distributed over the surface of the tile and the ceiling completely, it is applied point or dashed. There are types of polystyrene foam slabs, on the offline of which shallow grooves for glue are applied.

The decorative stove, well-missing glue, is tightly pressed to the base, so that the front side does not have deepends from the fingers. To do this, it is better to use a white cloth or a foam sponge. Speaking along the edges glue shoulder to wipe in dry clean rag.

Sticking process

The first decorative tile must be glued in the very center of the ceiling, where the chandelier is located or follow the markup. Next, the subsequent elements of the finishing coating are mounted tightly to each other. During the installation process, the stressed row should be monitored, monitor the combination of the parties and the pattern.

Some manufacturers simplified the task, carried from the wrong side convenient marking in the image of the arrows. Installing such a finishing material must be monitored so that all the arrows had one direction. For convenience, nearby elements can be temporarily fixed with a building tape.

How to stick the tile in the joints of the wall with the wall?

As a rule, a row of plates of adjacent to the walls is cut. In this case, it is necessary to pre-make measurements and transfer them to the finishing material. The element is mounted in a designated place, cut off by the construction knife.

A decorative plinth, glued with a glue putty, will reliably hob the ugly junction between the wall and the ceiling. The plinth of wood, plastic is fixed with self-draws or nails.

Upon completion of all installation work, it is recommended to paint the entire surface of acrylic paint. This can be a pearl-white surface, resembling a gypsum stucco or a beautiful ceiling coating, painted in the colors of the consonant interior of the room.

In the process of operation, the ceiling tile is easy to clean from dust using a vacuum cleaner, fat traces from the laminated surface are removed by soap solution, some types of pollution are erased by a conventional school eraser.

The ceiling foam tile is a very beautiful, affordable and simple way to decorate the ceiling. Variations of drawings on the market are presented in a wide range for every taste (from laconic to complex drawings). Depending on the quality and complexity of the figure, the price varies. It can be in any desired color in whole or in part. Often it is pledged in silver or gold under the interior, and visually such a tile is not distinguished from expensive material.

Properly glued polystyrene tiles will not deliver trouble, with it easy to operate in the subsequent.

Glue for ceiling tiles. Than glued

The selection of glue will provide long-term use, convenience when sticking, the ability to apply the layer with the necessary proportions. Glue the plates to the ceiling is quite difficult, since if the glue does not have fast-kniting properties, then you have to keep the slab for a long time, which is not very convenient. The adhesive for gluing ceiling slabs has a time shutter speed for regulating the building material and drying time. To glue tiles on the ceiling, glitter for plasterboard glitter.

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Many owners want with tiles to make a solid canvas, without gaps. But, unfortunately, this will not work ideally, since the size of the plates will be varied by several millimeters.

We begin to glue the ceiling tile from foam. Different methods

The first slab should be glued on the site where it will be. This is due to the fact that the central part of the ceiling should look more solid and already disperse from it in all directions.

With the help of the roulette finds the center of the ceiling and along the line. It is on her for even the tiles will be glued. If you decide to smoke the tile diagonally, then you need to hold a line (convenient to thread) from one corner to another. The first two rows of the glued tile will determine the trend of the overall picture - evenness, appearance. Scheme from where to start glue:

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Using the toothed spatula, you need to apply a layer of glue, and then punctures 4 tiles. This will help to draw the desired plane. While the glue has not grabbed the plate can be customized one to another to achieve a better result depending on the ceiling curvatures and the characteristics of the material itself. The first four is glued along the battered line, next to the second. The remaining tiles must be glued first along, then styling.

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The started row must be completed, otherwise you can also get a gap or a tooth. Up to complete drying of the glue, you need to watch the behavior of the tile to correct it while the glue has not grabbed. Polyfoam has a bending property, and to prevent the formation of a boogue during the work, it is worth using a rule or level. Many are interested, is it possible to glue the tile on a whitewash or with your own hands and what glue to use? Yes, you can, if you use glue not on a water basis, as it watches whitewash and it will disappear along with the tile. To shove a rhombus tile, you need to start from the center and go to the edges. Next, cut the tile on the spot and customize on the edge of the wall.

Completion of sticking

Some are worried and cut the tile on the wall to the wall. This should not be done, as you can leave the gap to the wall in 1 cm. When sticking a baguette or