How to understand a good egg. How to determine boiled egg or raw

Egg is an important, extremely diverse food product, since in addition to the nearest egg dishes, the components of the eggs (yolks and protein) are used in the preparation of many other dishes: so, the egg yolk refills soups and sauces, and whipped proteins are often needed to stabilize , for example, souffle. The nutritional and biological properties of the eggs are required mainly to biologically valuable proteins - one egg covers 15% of the daily need of a person in protein. From the point of view of nutrient content, protein and yolk differ significantly from each other: the first consists mainly of water and about 11% protein, and the yolk is rich in protein-phosphorus compounds, fat, minerals and vitamins. Along with fat soluble vitamins A, D and E contains calcium, phosphorus and iron. The protein contains water-soluble vitamins, sodium, potassium and chlorine. Nutrients of eggs can be absorbed by a person almost completely, namely to 95%. And, nevertheless, there are no too many eggs (more than 3 pcs per day) due to the high cholesterol content in the yolk.

Rotating an egg on yourself, you can know whether this egg is screwed or a raw egg. The fried egg will rotate as the top, while the raw egg will no longer rotate quickly. To easily clean the solid egg, skip it under cold water after cooking. When two small eggs of egg yolk arrive simultaneously in the hen's torso, it lies an egg containing two yellow. Sometimes in the ovaries of chicken, a small blood vessel is collected, which can explain the presence of some blood in the egg. It is wrong to believe that such an egg is fertilized. The small blood trace is easily removed by a moistened spoon, and sometimes the egg is surrounded by a membrane, without a shell, and with very fast heating or cooling the egg can explode. That is why eggs can not be prepared in a microwave, because the quick heating of the interior causes the shell too pressing. Eggs are rich protein food with high biological value, often bad appeal due to false common places.

Decisive effect on the quality of eggs proper storage. Eggs are sensitive to the environment, since through their porous shell can penetrate the smells and bacteria. They should always be stored at a cool temperature (from 8 to 10 seconds) and with high humidity. Best of all - in the special separation of the refrigerator, away from very smelling products. In such conditions, eggs in the shell persist for 3-4 weeks. Broken eggs Stored for 2 days, yolk covered with water, also 2 days, and protein - up to 14 days. Frozen egg mass, no matter what composition is stored for about 4 months.

When you fall on an egg shelf in a supermarket, you are fascinated by many different eggs that are enchanted reading, comparing packages and viewing news, such as those enriched with omega. Before you see how to choose eggs, let's analyze their characteristics.

Food characteristics of YIITS

Medium-sized egg consists of 5% fat, of which only 1, 5% saturated fats and about 12% of noble proteins. These are proteins containing all the indispensable amino acids that we can enter solely with food, and which are used by our organism to maintain and build cellular structures.

How to determine the freshness of the eggs? In appearance is almost impossible to determine - fresh egg or not. But there is simple checks:.

- If you shake fresh eggthen it will not leave any sounds
- There is such a rule - the older an egg, the more moisture from it evaporated through a porous shell. Due to this, the air chamber and the egg becomes easier.
- buoyancy test. If an egg in a glass with a 10% solution of the cooking salt (10 g of salts per 100 ml of water) drops to the bottom, it means it is fresher. Approximately 7-day eggs have an air chamber more. Egg rises with a blunt end up. If the egg is completely floating on the surface, then its air chamber is even more, it may have been for several months.
- Test by breaking the egg. A very fresh egg egg is strong, well convex, beautiful rounded shape and is surrounded by two rings of protein: internal compact and external, thinner.
- Ward eggs. The easiest way to prepare eggs - Cooking in the shell. You can recommend slightly piercing the stupid end of the egg thin needle to remove the air. Then the shell does not crack during the cooking. If you need to weld the screwed several eggs, then it is better to put them in boiling water in the sieve. The long cooking is counted from the moment when water boils again. But this can only serve as an estimated value, as the cooking time depends on the place - the higher the level of the eggs of the eggs, as well as the temperature of the eggs before they were laid in boiling water. Although too long they do not need to cook, otherwise the protein releases hydrogen sulfide, and then the eggs will smell unpleasant. After cooking, it is recommended to rinse the eggs with cold water well so that they can be easier to clean.

Among the substances present in abundance, it is necessary to mention the role of choline. Choline, mainly contained in the egg yolk, stimulates the selection of bile, binding to phospholipids prevents oxidation and accumulation of fats in the liver, thereby improving the liver function. Holine is a precursor of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter participating in the transmission of nerve impulses. For this reason, the consumption of eggs benefits at the moments of low concentration or mental fog.

These two carotenoids have a beneficial effect on vision, prevent the degeneration of yellow stains, reducing the risk of cataracting. Egg consumption should be encouraged especially in older people for two reasons. Their consumption is also recommended for pregnant women or after an abundant menstrual cycle due to a good dose of iron and vitamins of group B that can compensate for this "deficit".

Cooking time:
4-5 minutes: protein is solid only on the outside, yolk still liquid and dark yellow.
5-6 minutes: Seld protein, yolk inside is still liquid, the outer edge has already turned a little.
6-8 minutes: The whole protein is solid, the yolk is a bit soft in the middle, the rest is soft.
7-9 minutes: protein and yolk solid; Yolks in the middle of a slightly creamy, his color becomes lighter.
10-12 minutes: Protein and yolk can be cut, yolk is already pale colors. 15 minutes: The yolk even more loses its color, becomes dry and crumble when cutting.

How to read codes present on egg packages

Egg consumption is contraindicated in two cases. Have you ever noticed codes printed on the eggs that we buy in the supermarket? These codes give us different instructions regarding the eggs that we buy, on the type of breeding to the country of production.

Among all these codes that we need to carefully look at the quality of what we eat is the first numerical code that we find on each single egg, and which, essentially, determines the type of breeding to which the chickens put eggs in the package.

Bon Appetit!

Do not get inside the eggs, and you don't want to run on a rotten anyone, especially in cases where they take a big part of the future. But people have long come up with many ways to check the freshness of eggs, without breaking the shells. Our grandmothers knew how to do it, it means they will learn and we.

Organic dilution means that animals are grown outdoors with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 4 square meters on a chicken, feed on with organic food, mainly of corn and wheat. Animals are left outdoors only at a certain time of the day, in less space than in organic breeding. They are fed by the usual feed.

Chickens are not contained in cells, but are grown on Earth in the sheds closed in small rooms. Chickens are subjected to intensive cultivation in cells laid on each other, where they never see sunlight. European legislation divides eggs to various categories of quality, which are directly related to the characteristics of freshness and hygiene eggs. Categories are expressed in packages and are as follows.

Visual inspection

By weight

We must take an egg in your hand, feel his weight and think if it is not too easy. Fresh egg filled with protein completely, so we will feel it. The longer the egg is stored, the stronger dries. As a result of the loss of moisture, the content of the content decreases, the air chamber (on the dull end, this is the so-called "fruit") increases, the egg is becoming easier and easier.

In the light of these codes, how to choose eggs?

Category A or "Fresh Eggs" Categories in or Category "Second Quality or Canned Eggs" Category C or "Eggs intended for the Food Industry". For ethical considerations and to ensure the best treatment of animals, we can focus on the selection of organic breeding eggs, in some kind of similar to the reproduction in the open air, but with its own production disciplinary, more complete and strict. Organic farming usually includes the use of local chickens, which are more resistant to diseases, broader standards for free space and the optimal ratio between the rooster and chickens.


Taking an egg in hand, you will probably shake it. And make it right! This method is also very good when you think how to determine the freshness of eggs. A good egg inside there will be neither sounds nor oscillations. If the contents when shaking are clearly dangling and beats about the wall, throw such an egg without thinking, it is exactly touched!

As for the aspects of nutrition, significant differences between organic eggs and chicken eggs outdoors do not exist. Exceptions are some organic productions that diversify a diet, integrating, for example, with products rich omegeo 3. In this case, you get large eggs and rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Eggs that come from Farms type 2 and type 3 should be avoided because they do not guarantee the well-being of animals, but damage the nutritional quality of this precious food. Another important factor that leads to a conscious purchase and healthy choice is the date of the offensive indicated on the packages, usually next to the expiration date. This date tells us when the eggs were laid. Freshness of eggs is the highest in the first nine days after laying and gradually decreases to maturity, as a rule, on the 22nd and 28th day after laying.

By type of shell

If the egg has been demolished recently, literally a day or two ago, he has a matte shell. If it demolished many days ago, the shell will be brilliant. If the egg looks too clean, as if "washed", it will not be stored for a long time, because during "water procedures" lost its protective film. Such eggs retain freshness of not more than 10-12 days, and "non-virtuous" can be stored in the refrigerator at least a month.

It is important to choose eggs, the period of deposition of which as close as possible by the time we buy them. However, if you want to buy them, always read the ingredients on the package. Are eggs difficult to digest? Incorrectly, be careful in cooking mode.

Eggs should not be boiled, as iron and sulfur present in it at boiling point form iron sulphide, a poisonous substance that gives too typical gray-green color egg. Ideal would be to put them in cold water, keep the container on the plate to a boil, then turn off and give them cool if you want to boil or remove them first if you prefer them to boil. Boiled eggs are tastier than boiled one long and very digestible.

On misfortune

There is a special device - "Ovoscope", where the eggs are shouted with directional beam. At home you can simply bring the egg to a bright lamp and see if there is no dark spots.

Buoyancy check

The most reliable check of eggs for freshness is a test with immersion in salty water. If the egg drowned, it is exactly fresher. The longer the egg is stored, the more dries and becomes easier. So if in the salt solution it floats, does not sink, but does not float up, this suggests that it, of course, is not the first freshness, but it is quite suitable for food. If the egg happily emerges on the surface, it is a faithful sign of its absolute unsuitability for admission to food.

Another quick method of cooking eggs is, for example, eggs, scrambled in a microwave: break them in a dish, add curry or paprika and put them in a microwave oven for 3 minutes. Eggs have "pseudo seasonality", which means that the chickens produce more eggs when they have at least 14 hours of sunlight, which are easier to achieve in the summer, and in winter it is becoming more difficult.

Freshness of eggs can occur, immersing an egg into a solution of water and salt. Do you know how to buy, store and process vegetables, fruits, meat, bird or dairy products in bio-quality. If you make a spell of organic food, you will soon realize that it is not just a question of choosing a constantly growing offer. You should also know what to do, buying them, how to store them when they cannot be and speech, and how to process them as far as possible to preserve all healthy, successful ingredients that we give them.

Salts for this experience are usually taken by an incomplete tablespoon designed for half liters of water, but the concentration of the solution is not so important here, because the spoiled egg will even pop up in clean water.

Check the freshness of eggs at home simply. To do this, it is enough to pour in the container of cold water about ten centimeters. Lower the eggs per minute into the tank.

Bad, spoiled, rotten eggs in the water will immediately pop up. This is due to the density impaired inside the shells of raw eggs.

This may occur in violation of storage conditions: non-compliance with temperature regime, the assumption of a sharp temperature difference.

Eggs that surfaced to the surface, only the most tip is visible from the water.may be still quite suitable in food, but they need to be used before all others.

They have property accumulating air between the shell and the outer shell of the protein. This is a prerequisite for gas exchange.

The layer, like a gateway, satures an egg with necessary oxygen for further development, and highlights the accumulated gases through the shell, including methane. That is why the smell is fucked and depleted.

Fresh stay lying at the bottom. The amount of oxygen in them is minimal, they were demolished quite recently.

note! Fresh egg always remains at the bottom. Spoiled pops up to the surface.

Freshness of raw eggs in the store to check almost impossible. It is important to track the integrity of the shell.

Through the cracks can enter bacteria that will spoil the egg. After that it will become unsuitable for eating.

How to check the boiled egg on freshness

If the egg has already been welded, then you can check it:

  1. Good, young hard to clean. The shell is very tightly adjacent to the shell, and the portion of the welded protein moves together.
  2. If it is not the freshest, it will be very easy to clean. She literally itself departs from the squirrel together with the shell.
  3. If the egg is already swirl, then when cleaning immediately there will be a sharp unpleasant smell, confused which is impossible.

Important! Fresh boiled egg is difficult to clean. And which was already stored for a while, clean easily. The egg that deteriorates, after cleaning, has a sharp unpleasant smell.

Buyers in stores try to take the chicken eggs of the first category or selected, because they are larger. From the point of view of their use, this is not entirely true.

After all, the largest carry old chickens that are already out of themselves. The young man carries eggs more and more often, but they are noticeably smaller.

Eggs of young chickens are more useful: They have more calcium, magnesium, protein and other useful trace elements.

While the large eggs of old non-bumps contain more cholesterol, which is the main reason for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and also leads to obesity.

Eggs of small sizes of the second and third category are much cheaper.

Choosing eggs in the store, please note:

  1. The surface of the shell must be smooth and without cracks.
  2. Choose the eggs of young chickens - they are more useful.
  3. Come home, use a glass with water to determine their freshness.

How to check the freshness of quail and other eggs?

Guasins, duck, quail, chicken eggs have limited storage time, which largely depend on the temperature regime.

Check freshness of quail eggs can be used with water. And also, considering the surface of the shell - it should be smooth, smooth, without flaws and cracks.

Freshness of eggs completely depends on the storage time, which must be observed. If they were stored in stores for too long, then they are sold at a low price.

They may not be rotten or spoiled, but they already definitely have a completely different structure.

The processes that occur in the egg do not stop, but only slow down when they are placed in the cold.

Variety Storage temperature Storage term
Chicken raw Room temperature In a refrigerator
Up to 14 days 30 days
Chicken boiled Room temperature In a refrigerator
Day Up to 5 days
Ostrich Room temperature In a refrigerator
5 days 17 days
Goose Room temperature In a refrigerator
10 days 15 days
Quail Room temperature In a refrigerator
Up to three weeks Up to 60 days
Duck Room temperature In a refrigerator
7 days Two or three weeks
Turkey Room temperature In a refrigerator
5 days Up to two weeks

Eggs of waterfowl rarely use in food. More often they are left for the reproduction of the number.

Shelf life is determined by product storage conditions. The cool and richer moisture environment, the longest eggs retain freshness.

From above, it is necessary to cover with a damp cloth or tightly close the lid. Opened eggs dry quickly. Yolks in this form can be stored in the refrigerator one or two days. Protein - up to four to five days.

Checking an Ovoscope Irice Quality

Ovoscope - the device used from the most ancient times, and use to date to check the quality of eggs. This simple device is a flashlight with a directional beam of light.

You can check the eggs with an ocola and at home. It is easy to make at home:

  • This will require a conventional flashlight or lamp.
  • Place a flashlight in an impenetrable light box so that the light comes from above.
  • At the top of the box it is necessary to make a hole that will be less than the sizes of the egg.
  • On this hole put the egg itself and carefully consider it.

Good high-quality young egg has a smooth surface and smooth color without spots and flaws. Inside the egg, which has been violated storage conditions, sometimes you can even see how the chicken originates.

This is noticeable of bleeding clots inside the shell and specific outlines. A fucked egg when translucent of an alloscope will have an unpleasant muddy shade.

Important! In order for the eggs longer than fresh, they do not need to be washed before storage, so as not to break the protective layer of the shell.

Useful video

To determine the freshness of eggs, there are many people's ways.

1. Inspect the eggs of the eggs: the fresh egg is solid. If the shell is soft - the egg is definitely pierced.

2. Fresh egg shines in the sun, that is, inside it you can see the yolk.

On this phenomenon, the work of a special instrument for translucent eggs - an Esuskop is based. It consists of a chamber and a lamp mounted in it. The camera has oval holes in the form of eggs. In a fresh egg, with an inspection using an ovoskop, the contents are not dark, almost transparent, and the yolk is less noticeable than the old one. Even through the Evioscope, the air chamber in the blunt end of the egg is clearly visible: it increases in size with long-term storage.

3. Pretty shock egg in hand. If you feel that the yolk shifts from side to side, then such an egg is better to throw out.

4. Lower the egg into the water. Fresh egg will remain on the bottom, the old one will pop up.

5. Boiled fresh eggs are cleaned worse than old. And from the nonstusting the shell feels easier.

6. Put the egg on a flat surface on the table and scroll through it. Fresh egg will not spin at all. But the nestless egg spins freely.

7. Fresh egg is heavier than stupid. But not everyone is able to determine the freshness of eggs by weight ...

Do you know that ...

  • The shelf life of cutle eggs is 25 days.
  • Eggs on freshness are divided into dietary and canteens. If the egg is demolished by chicken no later than seven days ago - the egg is dietary, a week after its appearance, the egg goes into the category of canteens.

If randomly near in one basket turned out to be boiled and raw eggs, then how can you find out that are raw, and which boiled?

Under the shell of the boiled egg, a rolled protein is contained, inside of which the yolk is in a welded or semi-liquid. In the cheese egg, protein and yolk are a liquid substance. This is the main difference between the raw and boiled egg. But, unfortunately, the appearance of the boiled and raw egg is absolutely identical, which significantly complicates the separation of eggs to raw and boiled.

How to distinguish a raw egg from boiled?

1. A simple and simple way: split.
This method can be applied if you are going to prepare something using raw eggs. In other cases, use this method of verification is not recommended. A broken egg can cause food poisoning because it will deteriorate much faster than an egg in the shell. Therefore, the broken egg must be immediately used for cooking.

2. Slide the egg.
This secret should know every mistress. To distinguish a raw egg from boiled, you need to promote an egg on a flat surface. Boiled egg will spin faster than raw. Raw hardly succeeded to unwind. This is the most reliable and proven method for determining a raw egg or boiled, as a result of which all eggs will remain intact and intact.

This method, how to distinguish a raw egg from boiled, is based on the laws of mechanics. The boiled egg is dense inside and rotates as a solid whole object. In the cheese egg, liquid content, it does not immediately receive a rotational movement due to inertia. The surface rotates, and the internal content is not yet. Therefore, it delays the movement of the solid shell and plays the role of the brake. Egg almost immediately stops.

Chicken eggs are used for cooking almost daily. Whatever the mistress conceived - from baking to the kitlet - everything requires the addition of eggs. This product contains many vitamins and useful trace elements, besides, chicken protein is perfectly absorbed by the human body. But if it passed, a rotten taste is able to spoil all the dish. To avoid such a situation?

Method First - Water Test

The simplest way is to determine the freshness of eggs with cool water. It is enough just to lower the product in cold water and see what happens. Fresh as chicken, immediately descend on the bottom, turning a little on the side. Old Trying to emerge or pop up, and the higher the egg will be, the more older. This method is based on the fact that over time the contents of the shell dries, more air accumulates under it, which helps rise to the surface of the water. Therefore, all the eggs confidently floating in the water, it is better not to use food.

The second method is shaking

How to determine the freshness of the eggs if there is no water tank at hand, and you need to figure it out quickly? It is enough to shake it, placing between big and index fingers. If the product is fresh, under the shell, nothing will move, even if you shake very much and very much.

If your fingers feel the movement of the yolk in different directions, the egg can be bolder to throw away.

The third way is to inspect the shell

For those who cannot complain about observation, there is another way to determine the freshness of the eggs. Carefully consider the shell - in fresh eggs it is solid, smooth, looks outdoor and dry. If it glitters, it seems oily and cast gray - the shelf life has already expired. Moreover, it is not necessary to use those products that are soft to the touch. The contents in them accurately crumple.

Four Method - Content Assessment

If all previous ways have not been suspicious of any suspicion, but doubts still remained, break the egg into a separate flat plate. Inspect it: in the fresh yolk must be dense and round, quite high.

The protein must surround the yolk with a thick layer, not blown on the surface of the dishes. In the non-baking eggs, the yolk looks more compressed and not so elastic, and the protein spreads throughout the plate.

What is a dangerous tied egg?

It is best not to forget how to determine the freshness of the eggs, and use at least one test from those described above. Otherwise, the probability of entering the dish of the fiber-made product is not excluded. The taste of all other components will be unambiguously spoiled. If the eggs were purchased for a long time, it is worth using those methods that evaluate the appearance and do not require the integrity of the shell. If the contents are pumped, it will smell intensively and unpleasantly. It is preferably to avoid and not disturb the integrity of the eggs that caused a suspicion, immediately thoroughly throwing them away. So your dishes will always be appetizing, and the kitchen will retain its cozy flavors.