How to improve the value of FPS in games. How to view FPS in the game in different ways

FPS - Abbreviation from F.rames. P.eR S.eCOND, which is translated into Russian number of frames per second. The video is the process of changing static frames. Each frame is a static image. The number of frames per second is the speed of shifting images.

A rendering based visualization is used in the computer game. That is, each picture frame is visualized at the expense of software and hardware algorithms based on the player's actions. The process of changing pictures - video is visualized at the expense of other algorithms running video encoders (codecs).

What does FPS affect?

The human eye is able to perceive the change of pictures as a video when changing at least 25-30 frames per second. This is the speed of our eye cameras. The eye reads pictures, we always look in my head.

In the FPS games, the smoothness rate of the gameplay. Well, if it is above 30 and stable, bad - when lower and unstable.

Stability of the speed of shifting frames too an important indicator. Therefore, some games allow you to fix the shift of frames on the value of 30 or 60. The fixed frame change less tires the brain without causing it all the time to adapt to changing the speed.

What does FPS indicate depend on?

The better than each picture in the frame, the more computer resources need to be rendering and, accordingly, less than the FPS indicator.

Accordingly, FPS directly depends:

  • from the quality of graphics issued in the game;
  • from PC performance, in particular, the characteristics of the video card, the central processor and RAM.

For Game FPS is a tool for selecting optimal graphics quality for its computer.

The selection algorithm is as follows:

  1. The game starts with minimal recommended parameters.
  2. The average FPS is measured. If the FPS is lower than 25 - 30 frames, it will be uncomfortable to play. If we turn above to clause 3.
  3. The quality of graphics is increased in the game settings.
  4. Remember again

Paragraphs 2 and 3 are repeated until the FPS indicator is on average 30 and the game will look attractive.

How to look and find out the FPS in the game?

FPS is the most popular for the mass user indicator of the quality of image quality to the gameplay. Therefore, the FPS can be measured using the tools that are installed with the drivers on the video card. For ATI video cards is ATI Catalyst Center., for nvidia - NVIDIA GeForce Experience.

Let us show on the example of the last utility.

Open the NVIDIA GeForce Experience, to do this, select the appropriate item in the menu drop-down from the context menu on the icon in the system tray.

Open NVIDIA GeForce Experience

On the TRACTION mode, click on a large gear (these are settings).

Settings NVIDIA GeForce Experience

In the settings, select "HUD Location".

Enable FPS counter

Select the frame counter per second and noted on the screen diagram where it should be displayed.

The location of the frame meter in per second on the screen

Now in the process of any game you will display the amount of FPS.

Another way is to use the FRAPS utility.

  • download it with and install it;
  • run the game and press F11.

Frame Counter in the game through the program FRAPS (Right top corner)

Now you know what FPS is in games that it determines which optimal FPS and how to find out it.

Good day.

I assume that every game lover (at least at least with little experience) knows what FPS is (number of frames per second). At least those who have come across brakes in games - know for sure!

In this article, I want to consider the most popular questions regarding this indicator (how to find out how to increase the FPS, what it should be in general, because it depends, etc.). So…

How to find out your fps in the game

The easiest I. fast way What kind of FPS you have to install a special FRAPS program. If you often play computer games - it will often get out of you enough.

If you say briefly, this is one of best programs For recording video from games (everything is written on your screen). Moreover, the developers have created a special codec that almost does not load your processor with a video compression, thanks to which, when writing a video from the game - the computer does not slow down! Including FRAPS shows the amount of FPS in the game.

There is one drawback in this code - the video is obtained quite large and later they need to be edited and convert into some editor.The program works in popular versions of Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10. I recommend to get acquainted.

After installing and running FRAPS, open the "FPS" section in the program and install hot key (i have a button below - this is the F11 button ).

When the utility works and the button is set - you can run the game. In the game B. upper corner (sometimes the right, sometimes left, depending on the settings) you will see yellow numbers - this is the amount of FPS ( if you do not see - press the hot key that we set in the previous step).

In the right (left) upper corner is displayed by yellow numbers the amount of FPS in the game. In this game, FPS is 41.

What should be FPS. to play comfortable (without lags and brakes)

Here how many people, so many opinions 🙂

In general, more quantity FPS - the better. But if the difference between 10 FPS and 60 FPS will notice even distant from computer games Man, then the difference between 60 FPS and between 120 FPS - not every experienced gameman will discern! I will try to answer such controversial issueSince I see it myself ...

1. Game variety

A very big difference in the required quantity of FPS makes the game itself. For example, if this is some strategy where there are no fast and sharp landscape shifts (for example, step-by-step strategies) - it is quite comfortable to play on 30 fps (and even less). Another thing is some kind of fast shooter, where directly your results depends on your reaction. In such a game, the number of frames less than 60 may mean your defeat (you will simply do not have time to respond to the movements of other players).

It also makes a specific note type of game: if you play on the network - then the amount of FPS (as a rule) should be higher than with a single PC game.

2. Monitor

If you have a regular LCD monitor (and they go most of the 60 Hz) - then the difference between 60 and 100 Hz - you will not notice. Another thing if you participate in some network games and you have a 120 Hz monitor - then it makes sense to raise the FPS, at least up to 120 (or slightly higher). True, who professionally playing games - that better I know what monitor is needed :).

In general, for most game lovers, there will be comfortable 60 FPS - and if your PC pulls this amount, then it makes no sense to squeeze out of it ...

How to increase the amount of FPS in the game

A rather difficult question. The fact is that the low amount of FPS is usually associated with weak hardware, and increase the FPS to a significant amount from weak iron - almost unreal. But, all the same, something that can, the recipe below ...

1. Cleaning Windows from "garbage"

Acceleration and cleaning Windows (best utilities):

2. Acceleration of the video card

This is pretty effective method. The fact is that in the drivers on the video card, usually set optimal settingsproviding high quality picture. But, if you ask special settings that will slightly reduce quality (often not noticeable for the eye) - then the amount of FPS grows (it is not associated with acceleration)!

My blog was a couple of articles on this topic, I recommend to get acquainted (links below).

The concept of abbreviation fps

Each lover of computer games for sure has come across that games sometimes begin to slow down. All the fault of the FPS drawdown.

FPS is an abbreviation that is decrypted as "Frames Per Seconds" that translated means "Frames per second".

The FPS value indicates how the number of frames is displayed on the screen of your PC for one second. It is from the number of frames that the gameplay will be as comfortable and qualitative.

The more the number of frames, the better, since the picture will be a smoother and pleasant eye.

What does FPS depend on in games?

The number of frames in a second depends on:

  1. Video card. It is the video card that is responsible for the picture on the screen, and how it is more powerful, the more frames in a second it will be able to process. It can be said that FPS, which is reflected on your monitor is the performance indicator of your video card.
  2. Power processor.A too weak processor is often the cause of FPS perceals in games. Also, the frequency of frames per second affects the presence of graphic accelerators in the processor.
  3. Random access memory. It is important to the speed of RAM, which is higher, the better.
  4. Monitor.Although the number of frames per second gives a video card, the monitor is as important here. If you have a weak monitor that supports the frame update frequency of only 60 Hz, then whatever powerful is your video card, you will not notice the difference between 60 and 120 FPS. Thus, the monitor can limit the frame rate that your video card gives.
  5. Detail settings. The weaker your personal computer, the worse you have to set the quality in the game settings to raise the FPS.

In addition to all the above factors on the amount of FPS in games, the speed of the network and anti-virus software is also affected.

Optimal fps

The minimum FPS indicator is required for a relatively comfortable game 30-50. However, in particular dynamic games of this will be extremely small.

With a low frame rate, the picture in the game becomes jerking and less smooth, which is very negatively affected by the gameplay. For a comfortable game, the frame change frequency is from 60 and higher.

How to find out your fps?

Some games already have this feature, you only need to turn on in the settings.

If you did not find such a function, then you should install a special program that will display the number of frames per second during the game.

How to enlarge FPS?

It happens that even on a relatively good PC there are FPS drawdors, that's what you can do to raise the number of frames per second:

  1. Reduce quality In the game settings. To begin with, you can try to play with detail and shadows, disable smoothing. If it did not help, then omit the settings to medium or low. The visual component of the games for many is very important, however, comfortable gameplay without sagging is much more important, if there is no way to combine these two parameters, it is better to choose only the second.
  2. Disable antivirus. Antivirus programs protect your computer, but it happens that they can conflict with some absolutely secure programs. If you are sure that the game does not cause any harm to your computer, you can turn off the antivirus for a while.
  3. Close all applications and programs operating in the background. Very large part of the system resources will take programs working in the background, often there is often no need for many of them, while they have a significant impact on the gameplay. This step can significantly increase the number of frames per second in games.
  4. Increase speed Computer. It often happens that the FPS drawdors in the Games occur due to the fact that your computer works not enough quickly. To increase its performance, you can unscrew the visual effects of the operating system to a minimum.
  5. Refresh drivers for video card. Drivers can have a huge impact on the performance of the video card.
  6. Check computer for viruses. Often it is a malicious software that causes a reduction in computer performance. To optimize the work of your PC, it is necessary to clean it.
  7. Customize the video card parameters correctly.
  8. Try sharing a computer. To this method of increasing FPS it is necessary to resort only in extreme cases, since the acceleration of the system is extremely unpredictable. Acceleration can bring you the desired result, but also it can lead to the complete output of your personal computer.

In addition, before proceeding with acceleration, it is necessary to study everything thoroughly, as it is very difficult, it may not be possible to deal with it, it may not be correctly overclocked by the computer.

To raise the number of frames per second in games, you can resort to the help of various utilities that are able to optimize the operation of your computer. They will help you control the running processes, in time to defragment disks and cleaning.

If you want to learn how to see FPS in the game, then you most likely decided to measure the performance of your computer. It is quite difficult to do this, but fortunately there are special programs that output the current number of frames per second on the screen. And the best of these applications will be considered in the above article.


This utility is primarily designed to record video. However, it also has other functions, which include the possibility of displaying the number of frames per second. Before seeing how much FPS in the game, you need to install FRAPS, and then do the following:

As you probably understood, the main advantage of this utility is its simplicity. However, there is FRAPS and one significant drawback. Thus, the program has very few settings, and also does not show any additional data on the system status and load on separate components. However, FRAPS applies free of charge, so that you may not worry about that in vain spent your money.


Not everyone knows, but such an opportunity to see FPS in the game, there is a popular digital store Steam in the client. It is not surprising. After all, to turn it on, you must first dig in the settings. This is done like this:

No more manipulations from you will need, and the frame meter will be displayed automatically. Just keep in mind that before seeing FPS in the game, you will need to first buy it in Steam or add as a third-party application.

A plus of this method is the lack of need to install separate programs To count the frame rate. Of course, if you actively use Steam. As for the minus, he, as in the case of FRAPS, lies in low informativeness.

MSI Afterburner.

A powerful program that allows you to see the FPS in the game, so and dispersed the video card, thereby raising the frame rate. Unfortunately, the framework counter for some reason is disabled by default, and you will have to start it yourself. This can be done as follows:

This useful functions utility do not end. So, by setting the appropriate parameters in the already familiar "Monitoring" section, you can track not only FPS, but also, for example, the workload of the video card and processor, their temperature used by the paging file and many other indicators. Focusing on this data, it will be easier for you to understand which of the details of your computer is a weak link.

FPS monitor

Well, finally, a professional program created exclusively for monitoring the frame rate, as well as other related parameters. In addition, the developers of this utility are constantly updated by optimizing under modern oS. Simply put, if you think about how to see FPS in games on Windows 10, then FPS Monitor is definitely your choice.

In order to start tracking the frame rate, it is enough to run the program simultaneously with the game. Having done this, you will see overlay that appeared in the upper left corner of the screen.

When we talk about computer games, the FPS formulation has several values. The first of them is purely technical. FPS - FRAME PER SECOND. That is, frame frequency per second, which reproduces the game. The second definition refers to the genres of computer games. FPS - First Person Shooter or first-person shooter. This is about those games where you see the virtual world through the eyes of the character and in your hands weapons that you punish all kinds of adverse entities. We will deal in more detail with each of the concepts. So:

What is FPS?

Frame Per Second

So. From the first paragraph, we realized that FPS is defined as the number of frames per second, which reproduces your video card and application. The more frame frequency, the appropriate, the application is running faster. Frame - Frame or Frame, Per - "B", Second - Second. In Russian version, FPS pronounce as Flops. Programmers determine the flops as a unit of measurement of the performance of computing systems. The human brain is able to perceive no more than 25 frames per second, so do not be wondering that you cannot see any changes with different FPS settings. You will not feel a difference between the parameters in 100 FPS and in 120 FPS. However, if you try to twist with your hero around yourself in the game, you will see an annoying delayed effect. The more FPS you have, the less this effect. High FPS values \u200b\u200bare vital to fully feel and enjoy the dynamics of the game. A large number of Personnel per second allows you to better respond to events that occur in the game world. Often, the game requires a quick response in response to, usually, the aggressive virtual world environment, so the FPS values \u200b\u200bmust be high. Interesting is the fact that FPS values \u200b\u200bin each frame changes. The more complex the reproducible situation, the higher the values \u200b\u200bof the FPS. If you want to configure FPS values \u200b\u200bin order to play dynamic games, then there is the following way.

  • On the empty place of the desktop you need to right-click and select the Properties option.
  • In the window that appears, select the Properties tab.
  • Click on the option additionally.
  • Select the monitor bookmark.
  • Inside you need to choose the maximum value in Hertz.
  • Now open the properties of your video card.
  • You need to configure OpenGL parameters.
  • There you need to turn off vertical synchronization.
  • In the same bookmark you need to find "Display Synchronization".
  • You need to remove a tick with " Right mode Selects Windows "and put in" Fixed Synchronization ".

First Person Shooter.

The games of this genre FPS are distinguished by the dynamism and speed of development of events. Sometimes the events in the virtual world occur so rapidly that the game "delays" gameimers for several hours. Exists great amount games in the genre of FPS. The most famous games in this genre is Counterstrike, Quake, Half-Life, Call of Duty, etc. The main character of such games is usually very good equipped with various weapons. His goal is to destroy as much of opponents as much as possible. Often, FPS style games are based on any story. And the player together with the main hero of the game moves to any given goal. On their ways, the enemies of all the masters are naturally found, whom must necessarily overcome with the help of their impressive arms arsenal. These games have gained stunning popularity among different people around the world. Also, great popularity enjoy the games in which you can play on the network. Online shooters. Sometimes, these games are even more successful than those that are designed for one player, but possess beautiful graphics and a thoughtful plot.

Thus, the computer world understand the concept of FPS.