Metal coating with copper at home. Electrotype

The zinc method is one of the most common to create. reliable protection For metal from corrosion. It is characterized by simplicity and low cost. Therefore, this method of processing can be performed at home, for which it is only necessary to follow certain conditions.

Distribution as a common method of corrosion protection of metals

When creating high-quality and durable metal coatings, the galvanizing technology is most often used. This is explained by the low cost. supplies and excellent result. Galvanizing itself occurs simplest technology. It does not need additional costs for its implementation and a lot of effort, which allows for such treatment at home.

The zinc coating is formed as a result of the fact that zinc enters into the oxidation reaction with oxygen, which is in the air composition. Subsequent on the surface of the metal surfaced, the durable protective filmwhich protects it from negative impact external environment.

Zinc is more active metal than iron or steel. Therefore, he primarily interacts with oxygen and water preventing corrosion. Even if at least part of the coating is present on the surface of the metal products, it protects it from destruction.

Conducting galvanizing at home

The process of galvanizing is implied by deposition of metal cations on the anode. Similar chemical reaction Takes in a bath with an electrolyte when exposed to electric current.

Where to find electrolyte

Any zinc salts can be used as an electrolyte. The most popular and easily accessible are zinc chloride and hydrochloric acid. Also, the electrolyte with the necessary properties can be obtained by etching zinc in sulfuric acid. This reaction should be done very carefully. It is accompanied by excretion large number thermal energy and explosive hydrogen.

Range of zinc in sulfuric acid with hydrogen release and production of zinc salts

How to get zinc

For galvanizing at home, it is necessary to prepare a zinc that can be obtained in the following ways:

  • using ordinary salt batteries;
  • fuses of the Soviet Union times;
  • any details with zinc coating;
  • pure metal, which can be found in the respective stores where chemical reagents are sold.

Preparation for the procedure

To create a high-quality metal coating, perform several preparatory operations:

  • prepare a galvanic bath. Its role can perform any glass or plastic container;
  • install tripods for the anode and cathode;
  • the electrolyte should not contain as part of the undisguised salt crystalsfor which distilled water is introduced further;
  • the role of the anode is performed by a zinc plate. The more its area, the better the coating will turn out;
  • anode joins the anode plus from the power supply. These items can be several if desired;
  • minus joins the cathode. On its surfaces will be precipitated zinc particles;
  • the cathode must be cleaned of rust and any contamination. Before processing it, it is additionally dipped into a solution of an acid;
  • the cathode must be at one distance from the anode, To make a uniform coating from all sides;
  • any battery or power supply is used as a power source. with a constant current at the exit;
  • the greater the current and voltage, the faster the reaction will occur and the loose will be a protective film;
  • when using a car battery to a chain, an incandescent light bulb is up to 20 W To reduce current strength.

Device for galvanizing at home

Creation Technology Creation Film

To create quality protective coating On the surface of the metal after the preparatory operations conducted, the current source is connected to the network, and the cathode is dipped into a galvanic bath. This process should take place without rapid boiling. If this is observed, you can suspect too much strength in the system. To reduce it, several additional consumers join the electrical chain.

Gradually on the surface of the cathode will be formed metal coating. The longer this process flows, the greater the thickness of the protective layer on the metal.

Popular Methods

There are many effective chemical methods Providing galvanizing, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. In any case, the created coating will serve for a long time, if not to expose it to mechanically influences and correctly select the thickness of the protective layer, taking into account the features of the product operation.

Hot method

This method of galvanizing is one of the most effective. After this processing, it is possible to create a reliable coating that remains on the surface for a long time. metal products. The disadvantage of the hot method is its harmfulness for ambient.

To perform this processing, you must follow the following technology:

  • preparation. The surface of the metal is degreased, etching;
  • after performing the preparatory procedures, the detail was washed and dried;
  • metal products are lowered into a container with a zinc solution.

This zinc method is not suitable for the processing of large parts and requires a certain preparation, search for suitable containers.

Cold method

This processing method implies painting of metal products special mixtures. They contain a zinc as part of a zinc, which allows in the shortest possible time to form a reliable coating on the surface. Apply such paint in conventional method - roller, brush, paintopult. This processing method is ideal for details that cannot be covered with a protective layer with conventional hot galvanizing.

Galvanic galvanizing

Scheme of galvanic galvanizing

Such galvanizing at home is carried out using electrochemical impacts on metal. When it is performed on the metal surface, a thin protective film is formed, which effectively protects the metal from the external negative impact.

For processing, the product is placed in special containerwhere there is a zinc plate. After that, electricity is supplied. It is it that transfers zinc particles from the plates to the surface of the processed products.

The main disadvantage of this method is called its high cost. Also in the process of metal processing remains dangerous poisons that require special disposal.

Thermal diffusion galvanizing

When performing thermal diffusion galvanizing, a medium is created, which is characterized by the presence of high temperature indicators. Approximately at + 2600 ° C zinc split into small particles, which settled on the surface of metal products. The main advantage of this method of galvanizing is that as a result of its execution, a particularly thick protective layer is formed.

The process of applying a protective coating on metal products is carried out in a special chamber closed type. Initially, powder zinc is applied to the surface of the part, after which it is heated. This technology It is used exclusively in industrial conditions. Its at home is very difficult, expensive and unsafe.

The advantage of thermal diffusion galvanizing is its environmental safety. The coating has has a significant thickness that provides excellent protective qualities.

The application of zinc is carried out using an intense gas stream. After performing such treatment, the surface must be stained. Despite the features of such technology, it provides high quality and long term Services processed parts.

Mediation is the process of applying the surface of the copper layer with a galvanic way.

The copper layer gives the product to the external attraction, which allows galvanic coating Copper in designer projects. It also gives metal high electrical conductivity, which allows the product to be subject to further surface processing.

Mediation can be used as the main process to create a surface layer, as well as an intermediate operation for further applying another metal layer. This method can be attributed, for example, the process of silvering, or nickel.

Mediation can be carried out at home. This makes it possible to solve many household problems.

To make a copper layer yourself, you need to purchase the equipment and materials necessary for the process.

First of all, you need to prepare an electric current source. Different home masters advise the use of current strength whose scatter in a large range. Work should be carried out on a constant current.

As a source of current, you can take a 4.5 volt battery or a new Crohn brand battery with a 9 volt operating voltage. You can also use a rectifier instead low power, giving voltage not more than 12 volts, or car battery.

Mandatory is the use of a row to adjust the voltage and smooth exit from the process.

A neutral container must be prepared for the electrolyte solution, for example, from glass, as well as plastic wide dishes, which has sufficient dimensions to accommodate parts in it. The tanks must withstand the temperature of at least 80 ° C.

Also you need anodes that ensure the coverage of the entire surface of the part. They are designed to sum up the current into the electrolyte solution and its distribution throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe part.

To carry out electroplating at home, there will also be chemicals for the preparation of the solution:

  • copper vigorous
  • salt or other acid,
  • distilled water.

Preparing everything you need, you can proceed to work.

Mednation of steel products

The slowness of steel copper vitrios is one of the main processes in the field of electroplating because it is used for pre-coating with copper. It is characterized by high adhesion to the steel surface, unlike other metals that do not have a good clutch with steel. Copper layer, subject to technology, keeps on steel products perfectly.

There are two coating technologies: with immersion of the product in an electrolyte solution and the method of non-contact surface coating with copper without placing into a liquid electrolyte solution.

Mediation by immersion in solution

The process is performed in compliance with the following steps:

  1. From the surface of the steel part the oxide film is removed using emery paper And brushes, and then the part is washed and degreases soda with finishing water.
  2. IN glass jar Two copper plates are placed, connected to copper conductorswhich serve as an anode. To do this, they are connected together and sum up to a positive terminal of the device used as a current source.
  3. The processed detail is freely suspended between the plates. Negative pole terminals are supplied to it.
  4. The chain is embedded with a retail tester to adjust the current strength.
  5. A electrolyte solution is prepared, which usually includes copper vigorous - 20 grams, acid (hydrochloric or sulfur) - from 2 to 3 ml, dissolved in 100 ml (better distilled) water.
  6. The finished solution is poured into the prepared glass jar. It must cover the electrodes placed in the bank completely.
  7. Electrodes are connected to the current source. With the help of the row, the current is set (10-15 mA should have to 1cm2 the area of \u200b\u200bthe part).
  8. After 20-30 minutes, the current is turned off, and the item covered with copper is taken from the tank.

Coppering copper without placing in an electrolyte solution

This method is used not only for steel products, but also aluminum objects and products from zinc. The process is carried out like this:

  1. A multicore copper wire is taken, from one end of which the insulating coating is removed, and the wiring out of copper is attached to the view of a peculiar tassel. For convenient use of "brush" fix on the handle - the holder (you can take a wooden stick).
  2. The other end of the wire without a brush is connected to the positive terminal of the voltage source used.
  3. Electrolyte solution is prepared based on concentrated copper Kaper With the addition of a small amount of acid. It is poured into a wide container necessary for comfortable dipping brush.
  4. The prepared metal part, purified from oxide film and skim, is placed in an empty bath and connects to a negative terminal.
  5. The brush is wetted with a cooked solution and is found along the surface of the plate without touching it.
  6. After reaching the required copper layer, the process ends, and the part is washed and dried.

Between the surface of the part and the improvised copper brush should always be a layer of electrolyte solution, so the brush must be ingun into the electrolyte constantly.

Medination of aluminum copper vigor

Application on the surface of copper is a great way to update aluminum cutlery and other aluminum products used at home.

Medination of aluminum copper vitrios can be carried out independently. A simplified version for the process demonstration is coping with copper aluminum plates of simple form.

This example can be accessed. The process is performed like this:

1. The surface of the plate must first be cleaned, and then degrease.

2. Then you need to apply a slightly concentrated solution of copper sulphate (copper sulfur).

3. The next action is the connection to the aluminum plate of the wire connected to the negative pole. Connect the wire to the plate using the usual clamp.

4. A positive charge is supplied to a device consisting of bare copper wire With a diameter of from 1 to 1.5 mm, the end of which is distributed between the bristles of the toothbrush.

During operation, this end of the wire should not touch the surface of the aluminum plate.

5. Saving a bristle into a solution of copper sulfate, start led by a brush in copper-prepared place. At the same time, it is not necessary to allow circuit circuit, touching the surface of the aluminum plate with the end of the copper wire.

6. Cutting surface immediately becomes visually noticeable. So that the layer was high-quality, with the end of the process you do not need to hurry.

7. After completion of the layer of copper, it is necessary to align additional cleaning, removing the residues of the copper mood and the rubbed surface of the alcohol.

Galvanoplastics at home

Galvanoplasty is called the process of electrochemical effects on the product in order to give it the necessary form precipitated on the surface of the metal.

Usually this technology is used to cover the metal of non-metallic products. It is widely used in the jewelry area and the design of household items.

Probably does not exist homemade MastersThat never needed to cover the hand-made items of zinc, chromium, copper or nickel layer. These coatings allow not only to give metal subjects beautiful appearanceBut also makes it possible to protect them from environmental influence, as well as endow the product with the properties that have not previously been inherent in it.

Activity that allows you to apply a thin layer of metal on the surface of the product, which allows you to protect the latter from corrosion and give it decorative properties is called galvanotegia, and in simple speech by electroplating. Galvanic at home is a fairly common phenomenon in our country, because having equipment for electroplating at home or in the garage, everyone can carry out chromeration, galvanizing, slowing, nickelting of any metal products.

Of course, the home galvanic assumes the presence of certain equipment, as well as knowledge in the electrochemical sphere - without this in the case of the coating with the help of electrolysis it is not necessary.

One of the main components to be possessed by each electroplating at home is the following will be considered one of the methods of its manufacture. Even who decided that he needs a galvanic at home, it is necessary to deal with a problem, how to make a galvanic bath or adapt to it any capacity.

So, there is one inexpensive solution to this issue. Many firms selling chemicals use special polyethylene containers. Each such container is doomed and strengthened on pallets. It is such a container to get to be used for use as the basis of a galvanic bath.

After the capacity is delivered and installed, it is necessary to gently cut its upper part. The cut part is still useful - the bath cover will be made of it. From the tapes of the bath, three holes are done in which the anodic rods will be installed. Of course, the holes should be at the same level.

The cover of the galvanic bath must be necessarily. Later she is screwed to the bath, with a loop, for example, piano. For sealing, which must be provided between the lid and the bathroom is perfectly suitable rubber seals for the car doors - they are sold in any automata and should be attached to the entire perimeter of the Bath. After installing the lid, it must fit tightly to the bathing of the bath.

Thus, a bath with the opening lid is obtained, in turn, with a false hole, which is recommended to use to connect the ventilation sleeve.

In the previously done holes in the sides are inserted with copper rods. In their quality can be used copper tubes Suitable diameter - 20mm. In the event that the tube does not have sufficient rigidity, the steel rod is inserted into. The ends of the tubes must be flattened, and then drill holes in them to subsequently connect the rectifier to them.

In conclusion, we give an example of a stage of one of the processes that can be carried out in the above-described bath - galvanizing. These stages are presented:

Degreasing the product in an organic solvent;

Chemical degreasing in the solution of the patch;

Electrochemical degreasing in an alkaline solution;

Wash B. hot water;

Wash B. cold water;

Activation or etching;

Directly with galvanizing;

Clarification of weak solution (optional);


Flushing in cold water;

Wash B. warm water, temperature is about 40 ° C, but no more;

Drying the finished product.

We hope that your Galvanic at home will open up new opportunities before you!

Galvanic - Science, which studies the deposition of electrolytes on metal surfaces. This word is also called the procedure that allows you to apply a metal coating on various products. For example, if corrosion protection is required, zinc and chromium is used. Galvanic at home is a rather difficult task, so for successful execution, some nuances should be known, about which below.

What is Galvanica

Galvanoplasty at home is carried out different waysSince the resulting coating is technological, decorative and protective. The procedure makes it possible to create a thin metal layer on the surface of an attractive aesthetic appearance (with gold or silver) or anti-corrosion properties (when using zinc or copper). Processed surfaces are usually made of metal or plastic.

If we consider general features, then the electroplating is your own hands - the process is simple. Anodes that are connected to the "plus" are placed in a special bath with electrolyte. Between them there is a detail serving a cathode, and connect it to "minus". As a result, the electrical circuit closes, and the metal contained in the electrolyte will begin to deposit on the cathode, that is, the processed product.

Necessary equipment

To perform any task, not only certain tools are required, but also equipment. With the search for the latter also should not be difficult, as it can be done with your own hands. Initially, you should take care of the power source, because the procedure requires the effect of electrotock. If we consider the current indicators, then there is no clear range - each wizard uses its values.

Important! The key condition is the use of a voltage regulator, with which the output power varies smoothly.

Permanent current is no less important. For this reason, the source can serve as a special rectifier, which is purchased or done with his own hands. Many craftsmen use the welding machine as a device.

Under the electrolyte you need to find a special container (bath) made of chemically neutral components. A galvanic bath is done simply: the usual peer of plastic or glass is taken on, so that it is easily located the part and electrolyte. Applied durable and resistant to high temperatures (up to +80 degrees Celsius) Capacity.

Anodes will also need, more than the part. Using them, the electrolyte is supplied electricityuniformly distributed by the part. Also, their task is to reimburse the alloy to the electrolyte, as it will stand out when processing. Anodes are good for certain oxidative tasks.

As for the heating devices necessary for heating electrolyte, it is better that they allow you to adjust heat modes, since the temperature indicator plays great importance under the procedure. For example, the galvanic is successful, the household gas tile does not fit. But the electric stove or iron with the temperature adjustment of the soles are suitable.

What makes electrolyte

To store chemical reagents and electrolytes, it is required to use glassware, having a fitted lid.

The electrolytes should be prepared carefully: each element is measured up to a gram, which is done using the appropriate scales. It is not a problem to get them, but if you wish, the scales can be made independently, where Soviet coins are the girks, since their nominal is equal to the mass.

Halvanization at home is the procedure for the preparation of electrolyte, and it, in turn, requires the presence of chemical reagents. There are special firms involved in the spread of these high-quality substances, however, their actions are controlled and not every wishes can acquire them, even having special permits. Individuals hazardous chemicals are not available at all.

Features of galvanizing metal

Each metal product, no matter how high-quality it is, sooner or later will be poisoned by corrosion. It is possible to deal with corrosion in various ways, where everyone has its strong and weak sides. The electroplating procedure is a simple method that is considered optimal in terms of price-quality ratio.

Creation at home is real, especially since this procedure allows you to protect the material from negative external influences. Zinc is appreciated by interacting with oxygen, forms a solid and high-quality film that protects the product from environmental influence.

For metal galvanizing there are the following ways:

  • Thermal diffuse method;
  • Cold galvanized;
  • Galvanic galvanized;
  • Hot galvanizing;
  • Gas-thermal spraying.

For zincovka, the product is used as one method and several - complex works. It should be repeated from the conditions of operation of the part and the necessary protective qualities. Choosing a processing method, the desired zinc thickness is taken into account, and the temperature and duration of work depends on it.

Important! Galvanized surfaces have a limit - direct mechanical effects are contraindicated.

The most popular zinc method is hot, since the resulting coating is obtained as resistant as possible. However, at home he was not widespread, since it is not safe from the ecological side, difficult and unprofitable. For this method, expensive and difficult equipment is required, so they will not sharpen attention on it.

The gas-thermal metal processing method is a kind of spraying. It is relevant when the processing of large planes is required in a thickest scale. Otherwise, this is an unprofitable procedure. The process looks like this: Powdered zinc is sprayed. Apply the method in those situations where the part is large and simply will not fit in a special bath with a liquid zinc. It is worth noting the strength qualities of the resulting metal - the product will easily be preserved even in salt water for 25-35 years.

At home, the method of galvanic galvania is most popular, as a result of which a smooth and uniform layer of a certain thickness appears on the surface. The coating, on average, has a thickness of no more than 40 microns, but in terms of aesthetics is the most successful method.

As for the procedure itself, it is similar to other electrochemical processes, where positively charged particles from zinc are settled on the surface of the part.

The most accessible method of galvanizing is a cold galvanized, resembling the usual painting. For this, a special zinc-containing primer material is used, where 90% is zinc. As mentioned above, the method is most affordable, almost 10 times cheaper than the previous ones, and they can be engaged in almost in any conditions, even in small workshops. However, compared to other methods, cold galvanized can not boast of high resistance.

Features of galvanic silvering

Many masters operating not only with souvenir, but also jewelry products are electroplated silver. Silver coatings are also often used in the technical field.

As in the case of zinc, it is necessary to acquire special electrolytes. Silver can be applied to different metals, but in each case the surface of the latter must be carefully prepared. If at least a slightest error is allowed, then the silver layer does not "stick to the part, and it will be partially squeezed at all. Effectively solve this problem follows, using electrolytes of preliminary silvering. Silver is a soft metal that can easily expose abrasion. Silvering at home is real, but you should know certain nuances. For example, reduce metal wear resistance allow electrolytes, precipitating alloys, with antimony or palladium content.

Silver is more affordable, compared with gold, metal, therefore, so that the product does not rub in the sock, the electrochemical coating is applied with a thicker layer. Increase the hardness and wear resistance of the silver-plated part, for example, it is possible by entering into silver alloying additives (antimony).

It is known that silver can darken, which happens under the influence of hydrogen sulfide. Fighting with similar phenomena can be methods of palladium and parental. However, the final type of product will be different, since these metals are characterized by color different from silver. Some masters are applied to the silver product chrome.

Important! Chrome silver is done with the goal if the piece of electroplating does not contact with their hands. For example, if the product lies on the counter. After the start of operation, it takes about a month, as the protective layer is abruptly.

Galvanic silver is in great demand in various industrial sectors, as silver is characterized by excellent electrical, physicomechanical and decorative properties.

Silver coatings are characterized by high resistance to chemicals, brightness and electrical conductivity. Galvanic silver can be performed with a large thickness, while its elasticity is preserved, and the connection remains reliable. For this reason, this technology is often used in the jewelry industry and in the production of radiotechnical elements.

Thanks to special physico-chemical characteristics Coatings are determined by a specific silvering method. This type of coating is widely popular, regardless of the fact that the metal is quite expensive and rather deficient. Silver allows:

  • Increase reflective characteristics;
  • Reduce transitional resistance;
  • Increase resistance to corrosion processes;
  • In decorative purposes (jewelry skills).

The galvanic is very popular, as it makes it possible not only to give a different type of metal, but also to protect it from the detrimental effects of the environment. In particular, the method of oxidation of alloys is in demand and due to the fact that at home in the presence of special reagents and materials. However, it should be remembered that this process is not the easiest and requires certain knowledge and skills, without which the procedure may be dangerous. Most often, if it comes to a galvanic, silvering, galvanizing, nickelting, and so on.


What is a galvanic and what is they eating?

The electroplating is called an electrochemistry section, which includes two subsections, which study the deposition of electrolytes on the metal surface with different purposes. For example, corrosion protection. In life, the same name is also the process of coating products, such as chrome or copper. Recently, decorative electroplating was very popular at home, which brings considerable income to those who are ready to work.

What in the composition

The galvanic is a rather blurred definition, which includes several processes whose name is associated with the use of various electrolytes. An example is a gilding, i.e. the coating with a thin layer of gold, or chrome. Also popular slow and silvering.

Galvanic at home. Is it possible?

Decorative coating of various items with metal is becoming more and more popular among beginner entrepreneurs. First of all, due to the fact that the starting attachments are minimized. But the galvanic at home is not the most best idea For one simple reason: toxic. Better pick up well ventilated non-residential premises. And read the appropriate literature on this topic to be ready for everything.

Required equipment for electroplating

Everything you need for first experience can be done with your own hands or acquire without much difficulty. The process itself is associated with the action of the current strength, so the power supply is necessary. It must have a voltage regulator, and the current at the output is one amp. Also need a small bath from the currentcrates, chemically persistent material, for example, a plastic tray with thin walls. Also, the home gallerine requires a special tassel or handle, which represents a hollow form into which the electrolyte is poured.

Technological process

Galvanic processes occur under the action of current. Two anode is installed in a special bath and the electrolyte is poured. The processed item is connected to "minus", and the anodes - to the "plus". When the chain is closed, the metal contained in the electrolyte is deposited onto the working object. Preparation of the solution for each metal individually, and the proportions must be strictly observed, as well as the current strength, the change of which can significantly affect the process.

Galvanic at home. Preparation of details

Before proceeding to the process itself, it is necessary to remove contamination from working objects. In some cases, it is enough to do only to degreasing the surface, but sometimes you have to resort to grinding and other more complex ways.

Home galvanics is dangerous to health

The chemical process is always associated with risk, so it is necessary to comply with elementary safety rules:

  • take care of the presence of grounding;
  • good ventation of the room is required;
  • it is necessary to comply with the rules for personal safety when working with harmful substances.

As a conclusion

Remember that the galvanic is a very dangerous process associated with the use of active substances that can harm your health and property. So carefully examine everything dangerous aspects And only then take for work.