How to build a house from a bar with your own hands. Building houses from timber

Many land owners, choosing a suitable building material for the construction of residential buildings, come to the conclusion that it is more profitable to build a house from a bar with their own hands. The residential house of wood is considered the most environmentally friendly, and today it is more common to build residential buildings. The finished offers of construction companies are not available to everyone due to their high cost. However, having studied the features of the construction of such buildings, it is necessary to begin to build a house from a bar on our own.

List of advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the house from the bar:

  1. Ecology. Bar as material for the construction of the house is the most environmentally friendly of all existing.
  2. Comfortable temperature and humidity in the rooms.
  3. Good noise insulation.
  4. Cash savings due to the fact that there is no need to build a deep foundation, and all construction work can be performed independently.
  5. The ability to quickly build a living building.
  6. Attractive appearance.

List of ladies of bruschers:

  1. The risk of cracking material.
  2. When using the uneasy wood, the shrinkage process is carried out for a longer period.
  3. Wood can serve as a medium for fungal formations.
  4. This building material is subject to rotting.
  5. The glue bar is not air-permeable.
  6. Wood is a combustible building material.

How to calculate the size of the residential building

Before you take to build a house from a bar, you need to prepare a general plan and drawings of the future structure. Design the visual layout can be both independently and to order this service from representatives of special organizations. You can also choose the finished drawing from a open source.

The first stage of design, before building the house itself from the bar, is to define the size of the future building. Calculate the size of the building should be guided by the available area and the needs of tenants. If the free territory for construction is small, and it is necessary to put a high-quality house from a bar for living several people, one can consider the option of a small residential building. If you carefully think about and organize a useful space, even in a small house will be comfortable to everyone.

When we build a residential area from a bar, an additional space can be created, equipping the terrace or a nursery room.

The average size of the residential buildings from this building material is 5 × 4 m, of course, if the territory allows. Size 6 × 8 m is considered universal for residential buildings of the country destination. Such dimensions make it possible to build a second floor.

Despite the fact that most often the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is calculated in accordance with the number of tenants and the size of the site, it is usually necessary to navigate on the affordable budget.

How to independently prepare the project

Before making the drawings of the construction project and on them it is already correct to build a residential building, it is necessary to identify such characteristics of the site:

  • relief;
  • soil type;
  • the level of groundwater level.

Only after determining these parameters, you can proceed to drafting the scheme.

The fact is that all these factors have a direct impact on the characteristics of the future structure, in particular, the type of construction foundation depends on them.

If it is not planned to build a basement, a good option will be the construction of the base type foundation - it is suitable even for bunched soil. Since each project of the house involves the construction of a building of a certain size, the number of used building materials must be calculated in advance. To clearly imagine the future building on the site, to decide on the area of \u200b\u200bthe local area and the placement of the house relative to its borders, the plan of the house with the cadastral plan of the site should be correlated.

Errors when creating a project

If you use step-by-step guide and design home yourself, without experience, you should avoid the following errors:

  1. Lack of rationality in the preparation of internal planning.
  2. Unsuccessful and uncomfortable location of windows and doorways.
  3. Inaccurately calculated characteristics of the operational and technical plan.

Calculation of essential materials

The estimate needs to be in advance. This will allow you to buy so much building materials as required for the construction of the house, and not to buy it once again. Or vice versa - after assembling the house from the bar sometimes have to sell excess material. In order not to have such difficulties, the volume of the required raw materials should be calculated in advance. The first thing is to calculate building materials for those that are needed to build a house from the bar, namely - to build walls.

The height of the ceilings is taken into account along with the thickness of the overlaps and flooring. When calculating walls from the inner and outside, the thickness of the brusade section is taken into account. Next calculate the total number of timber. To do this, the height of the wall of a wooden house should be divided into a height of one unit of building materials. The result will indicate the number of rows of the bars needed for the construction of each wall. When calculating the total length of the bar take into account the length of the walls. The resulting number of brusade boards is summed.

Building technology of wooden houses

The construction of a brusade house can be carried out by a phased assembly of a finished kit acquired at the manufacturing plant. Such sets attached a phased plan for installation work. Each bar is fixed in a particular place with the help of screeds - metal galvanized studs.

It is important to know how to build a house from a bar and in what sequence perform operations. The phased construction of a residential construction is as follows:

  1. Laying the foundation.
  2. Recreak of geometric calculations.
  3. Waterproofing.
  4. Installation of the lower level - laying of the first row.
  5. Cross-shaped wood fastening in longitudinal intersection.
  6. Assembling other brusade boards with placing between the insulation material.
  7. Installation of floors between floors.
  8. Installation of overlap in the form of beams.
  9. Installing the rafting system, given the 2% shrinkage of the glue bar.
  10. Laying the roofing material.
  11. Heat floors.
  12. Wall insulation.
  13. Installation of partitions.
  14. Conducting engineering communications.
  15. Flood flooring on the terrace.
  16. Installation of windows.
  17. Door installation.

All about the types of foundation

The foundation for a private house may be one of the existing varieties:

  • strong design;
  • tape type;
  • plate manufacturing technology.

A columnar foundation for the construction of houses is considered the least difficult in the installation, it can be built quickly. The lack of such a design is separate placement of columns. When erecting a pile foundation, unlike the columnar, a compound of piles is provided with a plate of reinforced concrete. The foundation of the tape type is represented by several subspecies of structures, each of which has different functionality. The foundation having the same cross section is designed to build overall residential buildings. If the brusade house is small and light, such that can be built into the power of one, you can use a fine-gulled foundation - a more budget price, but not less reliable. As a slab foundation laid a plate of reinforced concrete. Make this base for building a house from a bar from a large number of concrete and reinforcement.

Stage of construction of walls

In order to assemble the walls, you need to prepare all building materials at the place of construction. In the corners, the brusade boards can be combined both in compliance with the protrusion and without it.

The connection of the first crown and fastening the board on the foundation. To connect the initial crown of the private house, the bar is spilled along and across the disk saw. Put the first crown on the lining from the boards. So that the load on the foundation is distributed more evenly, the floor beams should be placed on the wood linings. The lining boards and the construction bar are recommended to be treated with an antiseptic agent.

How to put the second and subsequent crowns. The angular connection of the baster boards is carried out by indigenous spikes. If the bar is shorter than the length of the wall, it is necessary to carry it out. The second crown is placed on the first with the observance of angular joints and, if necessary, the splicing of the length of the boards.

How to connect the brusade boards and use the bell. Before you begin to connect the crowns on the blocks of the house under construction from a simple timber, it is necessary to mark the markup to the installation of brazers. Begroening the square section are considered the most reliable view of the compound that does not hinder the shrinkage.

What methods can be lengthened the timber. It is possible to lengthen the timber in the following ways:

  • docking;
  • use of indigenous spikes;
  • half of the tree;
  • technique "Swallow Tail".

How to pour a brusade house with shrinkage. While there is a shrinking process, the use of the following materials is permissible for the caulking of the residential building:

  • jute matter;
  • tow;
  • linovatin.

How to put the floor

Insulated material, which also serves as sound insulation, is placed between two layers of floor design. The draft floor is created using edged boards.

How to insulate walls and gender

Material for insulation of walls and floors can serve:

  • sawdust;
  • mineral wool;
  • penophol;
  • styrofoam.

If during the construction of the house used a timing with a cross section of 150x150 mm, the additional insulation of the floor can not be produced.

Roofing work

The roof frame must consist of the following elements:

  • fronton from the brusade board, serving an end part of the structure;
  • rafters - the main part of the roofing design;
  • mauerlat brass support;
  • boil;
  • rack.

What is the interior decoration and how to build a staircase

The list of installation works on the interior includes installation of floors and wall decoration. To build from zero, an intestine wooden staircase, the following installation works will be required:

  1. Mounting of the Kosomrov.
  2. Cutting out openings for placing steps.
  3. Installation of the tutor.
  4. Fastening risers.
  5. Mounting steps.
  6. Installation railing.

Despite the presence of shortcomings, many prefer to build a residential structure from the bar. However, even professional builders before making a house, make up a visual plan of its design, and when implementing this plan, it is necessary to comply with step-by-step instructions for installation work. It is possible to find it in specialized construction allowances.

If thoughtfully approach the study of the theory, you will learn how to build a durable house from a bar with your own hands.

The main advantages of this construction equipment are considered a relatively low cost, the ability to independently spend all stages of construction, as well as the fact that the construction can be completed in a short time.

A full-fledged brusade house from solid wood was always not only considered a symbol of wealth and good taste, but showed the desire of the owner to take care of the health and health of their households. The construction of a wooden house from a bar can be considered the most justified from the point of view of ecology, preserving a healthy atmosphere in the room and ensure good thermal insulation. Wide use of brusade materials always prevented a high price of timber and a rather complicated wooden house construction technology.

Features of the construction of premises and buildings from the bar

When using the construction of wooden houses from a bar, it is necessary to take into account that wood has always been a capricious material requiring careful compliance with all technological operations:

  • The properties of the wooden bar depend on the moisture content of the wood, so in the construction process you have to make amendment on possible shrinkages and deformation of the bars;
  • The construction technology of wooden houses and buildings provides for the implementation of a large number of manual operations on driving, cutting grooves and docking nodes, so the quality of construction depends on the carpentry builders skills;
  • The construction of any wooden buildings from a simple profiled bar are performed in two stages, initially collect the building box, frame and roof, and only in six months a year begin to finishing operations.

Important! After laying the walls, the house from the brusade material is gradually gaining humidity, because of this, wood becomes softer and suppliant, which invariably leads to a sediment of the building box under its own weight.

Even glued brands of timber, whose wood is saturated with resins and adhesive compositions, can change their rigidity, which leads to the formation of slots and discrepancies of the joints.

Highlights of the construction technology of wooden brushes houses

In addition to high sensitivity to the conditions and method of storage, wood also has such an unpleasant disadvantage, as a different strength and rigidity of wood material in different directions of the application of force to Brus. Therefore, during the construction of the building, for the maximum adhesion strength of individual beams, the side surfaces use special methods for connecting timber:

To seal the joints in the joints, especially if the construction is conducted from a regular bar, it is necessary to use linen fiber pads, the grated dry moss was put into the old days. Many builders consider moss more resistant to moisture and rotting and are often used in the construction of wooden baths, cottages or country cottages from the bar.

Important! Immediately after buying a material and at least two weeks before the start of construction, the timber must be treated with high-quality antiseptic and antipiren on an organic solvent.

How to build houses from a bar

Simple construction technology and a relatively small weight of the material make it possible to collect wooden buildings of almost any complexity, provided that the project of the brusade house is previously calculated and has been worked out with the melting of all key elements of the wooden building.

The process of building the main box of the house consists of the following steps:

  • Bookmark the foundation;
  • Assembly of walls, interconnect bulkheads and ceiling floors;
  • Assembly of the rafting construction of the roof, the arrangement of the roof and sealing of the frontones;
  • Finishing operations.

Building technology does not require the use of severe lifting and transport equipment. Moreover, a small wooden house can be built almost alone, but it is better to work a brigade of two or three people, especially since the installation of the ternary roof frame, the size of 4x5 m, one is not to master.

How to make a foundation when building a brusade box

It is believed that the wooden design of the building of the building from a bar has a high rigidity, so it can be installed almost on any known type of foundation. In practice, only 50% rigidity has only 50% rigidity to strengthen the completion of the precipitation and final strengthening of the wall. After completing construction in the joints and connections, there are considerable gaps and gaps scored by packles or moss. As a set of necessary moisture, the wood of the timber will swell and grabbing into a hard wooden box.

The most difficult time for the "fresh" brusade house is winter with strong frosts. At this time, the wooden material of the walls dries and partially loses the stiffness at the joints. If the construction of the house from the bar was performed on the insufficiently deep swirling piles with a weak lower crown or not enough rigid woodwork, the risk of disclosure of the walls of the walls with the formation of slots under the pressure of bunchy soils occurs.

Most often, for the construction of a wooden building, a pile or pile-painted foundation is used, less commonly for small frame houses, a ribbon, low-profiled option of the foundation base can be used. Bruce beams, like any wooden structural element, are especially sensitive to moisture and dampness, so the best choice will be the use of pile-scolding types of foundation. In addition, the competent arrangement of the production and ventilation of the base parts of the building will ensure good timber protection and a long service life.

Laying of walls from a bar

After the arrangement of waterproofing, the first vents of the foundation is laid on the framework of the foundation. When building a foundation tape into a concrete surface with a step of 60-70 cm, anchor bolts close up, with the help of which the first row of timber is attached.

When laying out the first crown, you will need to make maximum effort to accurately align the concrete base under the ram. If the horizon failed to make, it will be necessary to trim the surface of the bar, otherwise the following rows of wooden beams will fall unevenly, and the walls will be curves. The trimming procedure sometimes has to be used, especially if the beams themselves have small deviations. All cuts and planes have been driving need to be treated with antiseptics and preservatives. At the next step, with a step of 40-50 cm, lags are laid under the future floor.

Usually before construction, wooden material is sorted and selected to get rid of the most defective and curves of brusons. The discarded parts go to short inserts and sings.

The connection and docking of the bar is performed by the classic method, the corners and side joints are connected by the "hardwood" with a mandatory dressing of the one-piece of the next row, as in the photo.

In the corners and at points of the inserts of the beams of ceiling overlap, lag and inner bulkheads are necessarily hammered by a heater connecting at least three brushes. In this case, it is possible not only a metallic, but also a two-liter option from the same wood as the material of the walls.

Sometimes the angular compounds are performed in the form of a castle connection "Lastochka Tail" or dressing with a dotted joint.

In the course of laying a bar on the walls at the same time, the internal partitions and overlappings will be mounted on the walls. But as long as the construction and construction of a wooden box building is not completed, it is impossible to install partitions. Even temporary workflowers for moving along the walls are reduced to two or three boards.

In the process of construction of the walls, the framework of the frame and the vertical panels of the outer parts, the porch, the hallway, economic attacks are performed. They are also left uncovered too.

Only after the ceiling overlap beams will be laid and the liner system is mounted with a crate, you can move to flooring, installation of partitions and bulkheads.

Finishing and finishing operations

If the construction of a wooden house from a bar is performed from a dry or high-quality glued material, you can mount the roof in half a year. Otherwise, they put a draft version. The installation of the roof usually assumes the use of a sliding compound at the plot point of the rafter to the top row of the bar used as Mauerlat. At the skate run, the pair of rafters are connected using steel lining and bolts. Thus, in the process of sedimentation and sedimentation of the walls, the rafting beams have the ability to change the tilt, thereby compensate for the formation of the slot between the roof and the upper timber. Immediately after the assembly, the rafter is stuffed with a crate, laid vaporizolation and waterproofing material.

The roofs are temporarily sewn with vertical clap and closed with plastic film until shrinkage processes. Finishing operations are transferred in the year of the building. The finish comes down to re-processing the antiseptic, the chasing of the slots, the installation of bulkheads and door loutock, windows. The inner surfaces of the wooden walls after thermal insulation most often are tinted with plasterboard.


The construction of a brusade house requires at least skills to work with wood and good knowledge of methods and methods for docking timber. Having built a bath or a small barn with their own hands, you can move to the construction of cottages, and only after a successful building of a wooden country house worth a try to work in a professional carpenter's team, to fully assimilate the subtlety of the construction of the house from the bar.

No matter how easy it seemed to have one or another building of the house, there are many potential problems and simply subtleties that need to be considered. In the construction of buildings with a height of one floor there are a number of features. When using a bar, another specificity is added, which cannot be ignored.


One-storey houses from the bar have one exceptionally important feature - they are made from elements of strictly fixed length, which will not be possible in principle. Only a rational sawing scheme and a thorough approach to the layout of parts allow you to slightly adjust the situation. It is important to take into account that from the regulatory length of the brusade brought from the sawmill will have to take another part spent on the chamber.

If one of the wall is less done, the remaining lumber in order to avoid irrational costs, it is necessary to apply during the construction of other planes. Therefore, the usual approach, according to which the overall extension of the area makes it easier to place all the necessary objects, does not work here.

Wooden buildings from the bar, if excessively increase their common area, begin to resemble beesflaw bees. Buying a very long timber, you still need to cut it and carefully work with the remnants. The rational length of the beams used in overlaps ranges from 450 to 550 cm. The exact indicator depends on the depth of the insertion and the type of material used. As a result, the detailed scheme has to be up to the start of work, and so that neither the slightest part of it has changed afterwards.

Start work with the formation of a large-scale model of the house, without taking into account the consumption of material on the knife. It is so much easier to choose a competent layout, turning over various options.

Later, the model moves to paper, and in the drawing must already be painted:

  • total wall thickness;
  • produced chambers;
  • planned material residues;
  • total layout;
  • forest raw material consumption.

The response of partitions on the drops of humidity and warming the air should be synchronized with the rest of the construction. It optimally complies with this requirement a wooden bar with a thickness of at least 5 cm. In order to install the door blocks correctly, the thickness of the partition should be at least 10 cm. This value does not include the finishing layer.

As always, the windows are removed on the brightest direction (almost always east or south).

Be sure to consider what the location of the already existing and estimated in the future buildings, even temporary or seasonally used. Drawing up the construction scheme implies leaving the backup space to form garden tracks. Typically, the facades of houses and adjacent buildings are put on the same line, exceptions are extremely rare. It is necessary to take care of the proportionality of the size of all created buildings. Only when all these moments are worked out, it makes sense to determine the target affiliation of individual rooms.


Bruce wooden houses are much popular now than classic products in the form of log cabins. Even the quality and heat is no worse, if modern technologies are properly used. Nevertheless, much attention should be paid to the choice of a suitable material. In most cases, a residential building for permanent residence is built from coniferous wood.

Most projects implies the use of pine, which exceeds:

  • spruce - on visual beauty;
  • fir - for strength;
  • larch - on ease of processing and load on the foundation;
  • cedar from Siberia - at the total cost of lumber.

Design start either from the general drawing or with an exemplary photo of the option(An explanation can be entered). Sketch of the house, both dacha, and urban or located in the cottage settlement, should be made as detailed as possible, it will simplify the work of the designers, and then builders. In a large building (10 to 10 or 9 to 12), you can place two bedrooms at once, an additional storage room and divide the sanitary node without compressing its parts. Attention should be paid to the location of the boiler room and home laundry; In the house of modern responsible people, it is almost always envisaged by a plot for the gym.

Even in houses, the dimensions of 6 on 4 can be distinguished the corresponding corner, if it is very scrupulous to approach the organization of space or provide for the formation of the attic. To make her work easier, after choosing the location and functionality of the rooms, you need to draw corridors, allowing everyone to make your life more convenient. Separate parts of the drawings are connected, and the preliminary scheme is obtained. If the required metra is too large and does not fit in a small house of 6 x 4, the space of the second or basement should be actively used.

In low-dimensional structures form screw stairs most often.

A classic 1-storey house can be equipped with an unheated attic.For the country's construction used only seasonally, this option turns out to be quite justified economically. On the drawings, each floor is entered especially, that is, along with the general plan there should be a package drawing.

If the developer does not provide such documentation, this is a good reason at least more carefully check its work. The veranda in the brusade house 10 x 10 can cover both one and several facades. Given the features of the Russian climate, not everywhere acceptable solutions with large panoramic windows throughout the perimeter.

On the outdoor terrace, they use adorning railing, the height of which varies from 100 to 150 cm above the floor. Alternatively, a similar lift of the bar can be used, from which the drawing is thoroughly cut. Open extensions in the house 7 on 8 can have glazing, it helps protect the room from precipitation. The type of roof is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the territory and project nuances. In most cases, a bartal roof of the forcepets is put on 10 m structures of 9 x 9 and 10.

The advantage is obvious:installation is made without a specialized tool, and material is relatively cheap and reliable for a long time. The holm roof is relatively rare, because its equipment is difficult and expensive, sometimes requires the involvement of specialists. But on reliability and stability after installation, this scheme does not have equal analogues. In addition, it is considered the most attractive in the "appearance" and abolish even the strong gusts of the wind.

Bruce houses with garage are planned in such a way that the built-in or attached parking is protected outside the coldest area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Important: Roofing structures should be made easy, since the bearing ability of walls is relatively weak. Excessive load almost inevitably leads to deformation of both lags and rafters. There is necessarily the calculation of probable congestion. The charter system is collected due to the grooves prepared in advance and protrusions. Next, the side bars of the upper row are mounted, for their ligaments, use a sequence of 15 x 10 cm.


Build your own hands a single-storey house from a bar can be quite easy. Most professionals offer to use a 150 x 150 mm timber for this purpose, however, if the goal is to save and abandon the hiring of workers, one line can be reduced to 100 mm. When choosing a suitable base for a brusade house, it is worth navigating on the instructions of specialized literature. But this does not mean that you can ignore the information received from the neighbors and from the former owners of the site. If the risk of radiation is small and water lies deep under wooden, even light supports can be put home.

The concrete damn is manually absorbs too much time, it is much more practical to use inexpensive concrete mixers. Buying them is still repeatedly justified after a while. When pouring the ground part of the tape, it is required to use a solution of high thickness and mount the hardening frame. Bruus's wints are associated with wooden bellows to save, you can even take the trimming of boards that remain from former construction (but perhaps of a stronger tree). All the gaps of the crowns are filled with special insulation.

There will have to choose either more expensive and practical solutions (ready-made rolls), or economical on the money and time-consuming moss sphagnum. For the formation of jambs you need to use only smooth bars, preferably - without a single bitch. When performing this work, it is worth focusing on the simplest technology, because a full-fledged recipe forces not every professional in woodworking. To make timing timing easier, you must work well.

The original crown make "in Polterev", disk saws are required to work.If the depths are not enough, hacksaws are used. Leave the gaps between the elements are quite reasonable, they will allow you to organize producing. The placement of them at a certain height above the ground increases the efficiency of the ventilation. The lining put it because after rotting the boards, the replacement will turn out to be easier than for the bar of the lower crowns.

The timber remains one of the most sought-after materials for the construction of the house due to its beauty, ease of processing and environmental friendliness. Wooden houses built in compliance with all rules for a long time and look great.

It is this material that ensures that the house will have a great atmosphere, healthy health. In addition, such a house can be quickly built, and work will be able to even the most experienced builder.

What timing to choose for construction?

This type of materials is offered in a wide variety, so sometimes it is not easy to make the final choice. The traditional option was the house 6x6 from a bar of 150x150. Such thickness of the walls turns out to be sufficient to confront the most severe winter.

Since the standard length of the bar is 6 meters, it does not have to lay it. There is a bar and with a thickest section - 200 x 200 mm, but it is more expensive, and its use is far from necessarily in most areas.

There are several options that differ in key characteristics:

  • Bar of natural humidity - This is the cheapest type of sawn timber, which is the most inconvenient for construction. It is a product of a solid array of wood that has not been subjected to additional processing, due to this building from such a material requires a long period of shrinkage, so that the elements of the design and finishes are not deformed after drying the wood;

Such a material does not have protection against humidity and rotting, therefore requires mandatory additional processing with antiseptics, the external protection of siding or other material will also be advisable.

  • Profiled bar - A more convenient material that has passed additional processing, which gave it an absolutely proper geometric shape. However, it is also not subject to special protection, so it is not particularly durable;

  • The most reliable option - glued bar. This material has passed additional treatment with antiseptics and fire-fighting compositions, the special manufacturing technology allows not to wait the shrinkage period. This is the most expensive material of all types of sawn timber, but it is worth invested.

Project Development Before construction

Any house begins with the most detailed plan, which takes into account all the details of the future at home. Projects of houses from a bar of 150x150 can be found in the finished form, as this is one of the most popular types of wooden buildings, and you can develop your own home in which the rooms will be specifically designed for the needs of family members.

Projects of houses from Bruus 150 to 150 should include not only information about walls and overlap, but also about engineering communications.

Many are interested in the question: warm or not a house from a bar of 150x150? Practice shows that such a wall thickness allows you to achieve heat in the house with proper insulation. In the warm regions, it is possible to do without it, but in most Russian regions, insulation is mandatory.

It concerns not only walls, but also gender, and foundation, and roofs. Materials for insulation must be included in the estimate so that additional unaccounted spending should be required.

When an exemplary project is ready, "Take a walk" mentally in your future dwelling. This will help to visually present the location of the doors and windows and see all the disadvantages of the selected design.

Still length


Width of walls


Height of wall


Section of bar

150x150 mm. 180x180 mm. 200х200 mm.

Length of Bruus

5 m. 6 m. 7 m. 8 m. 9 m. 10 m. 11 m. 12 m.

Stages of construction of a house from a bar

The construction technology of the house from the bar 150x150 has long been designed for a long time, and if you wish, even an inexperienced master can cope with this case. You can build the walls quickly with your own hands, but then the house will require a long period of shrinkage, which should be at least a year.

Creation of foundation

Houses from a bar 150 to 150 are light enough, so it is not required too powerful foundation. Usually choose a ribbon or column version. Such houses can be energized even on bunched soils, especially if you do not plan to build a basement floor. As a rule, a fine-breeding belt foundation is used, which is laid only in the freezing layer of soil.

It is a cast frame in the form of a tape from concrete. The foundation is additionally reinforced to give it greater strength. So that it does not suffer from freezing and thawing the soil, the foundation is recommended from the outside.

One of the most important issues is the creation of a single foundation for utility rooms.
It is worth considering in advance whether you are to add a garage, terrace, sauna to the house, etc.
A single foundation will provide them with greater strength and security.

After the fill, the foundation must dry completely. From above it is closed with a film so that the rain does not damage the concrete base. After drying, the foundation is aligned and covered with a layer of waterproofing. The finished foundation is already suitable for further construction.

The house from Bruus 150 to 150 allows the use of sex beams and partitions, having a cross-section of 100x50 mm. This will be quite enough to create durable sex and interior walls.

The lags of the floor are stacked on the edge, the boards of the draft floor are laid on them. The layers of the insulation are stacked on them - usually mineral wool is used for this. The draft floor can be made from the board with dimensions of 25x150 mm, the finishing flooring can be made of a thickness of up to 36 mm thick.

Subsequently, the floor can be covered with a linoleum, package or laminate.

The construction of walls is as follows:

  1. The process is an alternate calculation of the crowns from the bar. Between themselves, they are fastened with. So called vertical pins made of wood or metal;

The use of metal copiers guarantees more durable compounds, but they cost significantly more expensive.
They are installed at a distance of about one and a half meters from each other.

  1. To connect the walls, the type of the Warm Corner lock is most often used. In one of the bars, a deepening is made - the groove, in the following - the protruding spike, which will ensure the most dense adjacent of the crowns to each other. As a result, the design will be very strong, moreover, the angles will not blow the wind;

  1. To make sure whether the house is warm 150x150, and do not even freeze in harsh winters, it is recommended to lay the layers of insulation between the crowns. This is a flange cloth or a material from a packle that does not violate the environmental properties of the house and at the same time the building will be well insulated;
  2. After the construction of the harm itself, the inner partitions are established. If you want to save on materials, partitions can be frame. In this case, only a frame is installed in this case, and outside it is triggered by lining or other material.

All wooden structures are necessarily treated with antipiren. It increases the fire safety of the building and noticeably extends its service life.

Construction of roofing

After the end of the construction of the walls, ceiling beams are stacked, protruding beyond the walls of the walls by 50 cm. For ceiling beams, the timing is most often used by a cross section of 150x100 mm, the distance between the two beams should not exceed 90 cm.

The design requires hard strengthening, because it will be to be the foundation that is withstanding the weight of roofing. If we build a house from a bar of 150x150, then the roofing material can be almost any: it is ondulin, metal tile, other varieties.

Scrolls are installed on the frame that support racks. The drying is attached to the rafters, its cross-section is 25x150 mm. In order for the roof, the condensate is formed, the installation of the vapor barrier layer is required.

Interior decoration at home

One of the advantages of the tree is that it does not require a long-standing finish. The walls from the bar are already smooth, so they do not need plaster. You can leave them without finishing materials, as the tree and in itself looks beautiful.

In places intended for windows, openings are cut down, after which you can install plastic or wooden window blocks.

The construction of wooden houses every day becomes more popular. This is due to the desire of people to acquire their own home and get an environmentally friendly harmless home to health. It is difficult to choose some kind of technology for the construction of a wooden house: frame, from sip-panels, log house from a log or from a bar. The most suitable in the ratio of "simplicity of construction is the reliability of the construction and its energy efficiency" is to build a house from a bar.

The brusade house has a number of advantages with which it is difficult to argue with other materials.

  • As we have already noted - environmental friendliness. Wood is a wonderful construction material. The main advantage is natural breathing. Walls from the bar will be perfectly exchanged gas and steam with the environment. Wood not only is not harmful to human health, but some breeds are even very useful. Most often for construction uses coniferous wood. It has long been known to release coniferous wood phytoncides, which turn out to be an ionizing and disinfecting effect on the surrounding air. It should also be noted that the construction of a wooden house, in particular, at home from the bar, does not harm the environment.
  • Good thermal insulation at home. In the heat loss, a house from a bar without additional insulation is inferior except that the frame structure. But all the technology of frame house-building consists of using the insulation.

  • High construction speed without attracting special equipment. Building a house from a bar does not require the involvement of severe construction equipment. Also does not need a big brigade to raise the walls of the house. If you compare the construction of the house 6 on 6 from the bar or aerated concrete, and even more so - bricks, the pace of construction can exceed almost 3 times. Even if you hire an experienced brigade of masonry, you can put only a certain number of rows. Then you need to wait at least one day to set the solution. Who at least once was engaged in masonry, knows how fresh the wall is stagged. You can work with a bar without interruptions and stops. The hardness of the wall is unchanged throughout the height of the wall throughout the construction period.
  • Relatively low cost. The house from the bar exceeds only frame houses. The cheaper is achieved not only due to the availability of the material itself, but also the erection of a simpler foundation due to the low weight of the entire design. Perhaps many will compare the cost of the cubic meter of foam block and wood, but do not forget the width of the walls of each of the materials for successful thermal insulation. The economy of foam block or brick will lead to insulation costs or, worse, for heating.
  • Beauty and wealth of construction forms. The house from the profiled or glued bar almost does not require the finish of the facade.

No construction technology can absolutely exceed the rest. The houses from the bar are also not devoid of flaws. Basically, they are associated with wood lacks. Bar - dead wood, unable to deal with the conditions of the medium and insects. In addition, the bar is deprived of the outer layers of wood, which have the largest protective properties. Therefore, the houses from the bar require careful care and protection against mold fungi and insects.

It is worth mentioning about the fire hazard of such a house. There are also flaws in the technology itself. In the first place there is a significant destruction of the walls from the bar, susceptibility to cracking. This is connected with the impossibility of getting at home immediately after it is erected. We'll have to wait until the log house is dismissed. Although the solution to this problem has long been found - using a chamber drying bar or glued bar. It is also possible to buy a ready-made log, which has already been standing on the manufacturer's site.

As you can see, there are no disadvantages from the bar. And whether the scale of the scales is outweigh with the advantages, to solve only you. It is worth only to remember that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers built such houses without modern technologies and wood protection methods. How much did such houses stood? Not less than 50 years old, and someone goes to visit his grandfather in an old house in the village. A properly built house from a bar may argue in durability with brick and concrete.

How to build houses from a bar?

The construction of such a complex design as a house is associated with a multitude of responsible stages. An error on any of the construction stages will violate not only an elegant view or comfort in the house, but sometimes even can lead to a complete alteration of part of the work.

How to prevent these errors? The most versatile advisor is the experience. Well, if construction for you is not only a hobby, and you are already familiar with most of the operations with most operations. But even the "burned" builder is not insured against errors. Therefore, we will try to make an approximate step-by-step instruction on the construction of a house from a bar. This is not a clear technological map, but it will still help you assess your strength and make a decision to start building the construction, and perhaps will stop from rampant steps, and you decide that it is better to trust the construction of specialists.

Choosing a project

Prior to work, it is necessary to assess the appointment of your future building. It may be a cottage house for a spring-summer stay or a capital building for permanent residence. It is possible that your capabilities will allow you to start building a whole residential complex with a bath and garage.

Now you need to choose a project that can be found on the Internet. But do not forget that in the house from a bar, partitions are rarely performed on frame technology. So it is worth choosing projects with room planning.

It is easier for the situation in the event of an order to build a house of a turnkey bar. You can make a choice in favor of one of the typical projects and adjust it at your own way. At the same stage, you can evaluate how much your new housing will cost. Most of the projects on the Internet are indicated with the cost of turning turnkey. You can easily calculate how much money needs to build a house from a bar with your own hands. It is only necessary to subtract about 30% from the turnkey project.

Selection of material for construction

If almost everything is clear with the breed of wood, then the bar profile is not so simple. Pine and spruce are the most common materials for the manufacture of a construction bar. Often, the first crowns can be made from larch or aspen. Do not cost to be surprised by the use of deciduous breed. Aspen under the influence of environmental conditions without additional protection becomes much stronger and more durable than pine.

Why do not make whole logs from the aspen? It is very difficult to find the sawn timber from the aspen of proper quality with the seed origin of the trunk and the absence of the core rot (this vice is amazed to 80% of the Ospen stems).

There are several versions of timber. Consider each of them.

Sawn bar

The cheapest material is the usual edged beam of natural humidity. Its production does not require high-precision equipment, so suppliers of such material are abused in any region. Typically used a timing segment 150x150 or 100x150 mm.

Do not feed illusions regarding the final cost of the house. Most likely, it will only be slightly lower than the cost of a high-quality profiled bar.

Why the price grows:

  • the assembly of a section of the edged bar requires the use of interventic seals (profiled or glued bar, they do not require it due to the special design of the locks);
  • after shrinkage, the cacopate of the crowns is required 1 or 2 times;
  • the natural humidity bar gives significant cracks, such a house will require finishes both inside and outside.

All these materials and work will cost you in a round sum. It should also be noted the difficulty of storing this material on the construction site. The timber must be folded on gaskets for purging and protected from precipitation. Well, if the manufacturer took care of the impregnation with an antiseptic. If not, then you need to handle the timber with an antiseptic before the appearance of blue or blacks in order to prevent wood infecting insects.

Another significant disadvantage of such a material is the manufacture of bowls in the process of assembly or assembly at all without a chash (the ferry of the bar from a row to a row). Inaccuracy in these works and loose adhesion leads to the formation of cold bridges.

Profiled bar

This is a specially milled natural moistureset or chamber drying made of a massive bar. It has a constructive feature - the presence of a spike and groove (or several spikes or grooves is the so-called comb) on the upper and lower plane. The profiled bar can be supplied in two versions:

  • running - bars are supplied with a length of 6 meters without bowls;
  • bar is cut on the project with stamping cups and window openings.

Of course, the first option is cheaper, but in this case you get the same disadvantage that the sawn timber - handled bowls lead to ventilation at home in the corners.

Most of the manufacturers of the profiled bar have special computer programs that produce calculation and cutting material both by their standard projects and according to the customer provided by the Customer.

The unconditional advantage of the chamber drying bar is a slight shrinkage of the finished building and the absence of cracks.

Glued bar

The same profiled bar except that it is manufactured by gluing several boards. The glued bar is rarely produced by a hand to the high value of the material. All elements are manufactured and marked in accordance with the project.

The main advantage of such a material is the absence of a shrinkage of finished houses. The glued timber preserves the geometry best, has increased long-term strength, which allows you to implement the most bold projects.

The cost of turnkey is the most expensive in its segment, but this is more than the quality of the material and its durability.

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

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The walls of the house of glued bar do not need finishes due to the lack of cracks. In addition, the installation of windows and doors, internal decoration can be started immediately after the construction of the house under the roof.

Double bar

Relatively young construction technology. Simply put, construction from a double bar implies the construction of strictly parallel walls from a specially milled boards with a spike and groove. The gap between the walls is filled with insulation (eco-tree or mineral wool). The chamber drying material is used. The construction of the walls is a rather complicated process, although it seems like the construction of a profiled bar. The construction of such a house (at least the walls) is better to entrust the manufacturer's specialists to avoid problems during the operation of the house.

Construction of foundation

This is the most important stage of construction. The foundation is the basis of the reliability and durability of any structure. The construction of the foundation must begin with a soil survey. It is also necessary to estimate the burden on the foundation. For the construction of single-storey houses from Bruus 62 or 6 to 8, a columnar foundation or screw piles are usually used. For more massive structures (8 per 8, houses with attic or two-storey houses), a small-breeding belt foundation is mounted or. With severe primer conditions, a slab foundation can be recommended (used in the case of the only possible option).

Montage Maurolalat and Floor Lag

The lower strapping is usually served by the first crown of a church. Lags are crashed into a bar or fasten with special steel supports. Installation of the first floor beams is no different from such structures in any wooden house-building. Mounted black flooring. Floors are insulated by any of the selected materials. Usually these works are performed after the construction of the house under the roof.


Profiled or glued do not have any features. The construction of a row is going to be behind next to the technological card. Additional seal between the crowns is not required. The bar is finally compacted under its own weight.

Work with a minibus (double timber) requires compliance with several rules, but in general, it looks like a work with a profiled timber:

  • each subsequent row is tightly clogged over the previous one (you should not count on the seal under your weight);
  • with the length of the wall more than 3.5 meters, special rearries are clogged;
  • the bowl of the subsequent perpendicular row should be strictly in the middle of the previous series;
  • the presence of cracks during the docking of the minibrus in length are not allowed;
  • strict parallelity in height between internal and outer rows.

The violation of at least one rule leads to significant constructive problems, so the turnkey assembly is better to entrust certified specialists.

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

Construction of houses, attacks, terraces and veranda.

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A semicade of a sealer of the sawn timber is identical to work with chopped houses: the ranks are compacted with each other with special materials, the height of the timber is strengthened with wooden brazers.

Installation of roof

Working with various forms of roofing and types of finish roofing materials does not differ from the construction of any home. Here we can give you only one advice - observe the rules of the construction of the roofs. Installation of the roof is the most difficult stage. Refer to the well-known literature or helping specialists.

Build a house from a bar - a great choice. Do it yourself or trust a construction company - a solution depends on your experience and ambitious projects of the chosen project. Rate your strength and skills in the event of an independent construction of the construction. Rate the market for developers of their region and choose the most responsible and verified if the project has chosen from the construction company. Remember the one rule: there is no too low price with unchanged quality.