How to warm the cold attic correctly. Warming attic in a cold roof house: the choice of material and stages of work

Insulation attic is an important part of the general thermal insulation of the house.

It is necessary to approach the insulation of any design. So approve all experts.

After all, to maintain temperature regime in the house, regardless of its design material, it is impossible at the proper level, only walls insulate in it.

Therefore, the thermal insulation is subject to both the floor and the ceiling, especially the attic room. Question: How to insulate the attic? " It is very acute if it concerns the wooden, private structure.

All knows the law of physics, according to which warm air has a smaller proportion, therefore it always rises when as cold air remains at the bottom. The same thing happens in the rooms of the room. Warm air rises to their ceiling, cold is closer to the floor. If the thermal insulation of the ceiling overlap or attic room is not carried out, then warm air freely penetrates through the design material of the ceiling and gives it a part of its energy. In a word, if you do not insulate the ceiling and the attic of the house, then about 30% of all the heat loss of the structure passes through it.

Features of the insulation of the attic room of a wooden house

Warm the attic in a liquid house is necessary to avoid heat leakage.

To properly insulate the attic in a wooden structure, you must remember several rules:

  1. warm air is always in its composition of water impurities, that is, warm air indoors is always saturated with household ferry. The tree, being constantly in an atmosphere of high humidity, can lose its technical characteristics or simply rot. Therefore, when conducting thermal insulation of this design, it is necessary to remember the waterproofing layer;
  2. the tree can skip the air through itself, that is, it "breathes." Air and steam in it can be on the surface and in the thickness of the insulating material, even if it is located outside the design, so it also requires an additional layer of waterproofing material;
  3. the tree, compared with other structural material of buildings (brick, metal-related structures), is characterized by a smaller carrier ability, because the insulating material for the wooden house should not have an additional load on the overlap;
  4. the thermal insulation material must have firepage characteristics to prevent the spread of fire in a wooden building.

Mineral Wool, Glasswater

Mineral wool, glass gamble - materials belong to environmentally friendly products, fire-resistant, lungs, simple when installing. However, there are high indicators of vapor permeability and water absorption, therefore requires the presence of waterproofing or steam barrier.

Polyurene Foolder

Insulation technology of the attic house of polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam - it turns out of gas-filled plastics, sold in the form of cylinders under pressure, is applied by the usual spraying to the desired surface. The advantage - forms a seamless coating, which prevents the formation of cold bridges, is distinguished by a high degree of adhesion in a wooden surface, therefore does not require additional fasteners. It is light, therefore does not have additional pressure on the overlap, differs in high rates of heat and noise insulation, does not absorb moisture.

Polyurethane foam does not rot, stealing the effect of the aggressive medium, microorganisms do not develop on its surface. It is characterized by strength and stiffness, it does not absorb water and does not pass through itself. The disadvantage is a high price, compared to similar goods.

Polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam - it is mistakenly called foam. Polystyrene foam, in contrast to foam plastic being subjected to several additional processing stages, because it is characterized by increased strength. Properly organized on the basis of its insulation layer in the attic of a wooden house is distinguished by steam-resistant. Polystyrene foam of moisture buildings, but poorly transfers the effect of organic solvents. It contributes to the spread of fire.

How to warm the attic - technique

If the attic room of a wooden house is not planned to transform into a residential room, it is enough just to warm the floor. Stages of the process of insulation:

War down correctly the attic of a private house can be done with your own hands.

  • clean the surface from the garbage and rot, process the floor with an antiseptic if there are cracks - they must be additionally combined;
  • the attic is covered with a waterproofing film, but it must pass steam, otherwise the overlap will rot;
  • lags are erected, to which, in the consequence, the finish coating of the floor will be attached, and the thermal insulation is placed with even layers without gaps;
  • layer of waterproofing, but it should no longer miss steam;
  • if the attic will continue to serve as a residential premises, the insulation additionally falls asleep by clamzite with its subsequent viscous;
  • finish finish.

How to warm the scope roof of a wooden house

  1. at first, the entire surface is covered with a waterproofing film. It puts the brassiness so that the junctions are not formed using construction scotch;
  2. next, the insulation is stacked. Mineral wool acts well in his quality, but only in the form of mats. It perfectly holds the form and does not seek, being in a vertical position. Mineral wool stacked between the rafter and is fixed due to the cutting crate or mesh from the Kapron cord;
  3. the vaporizolation layer will not give a couple in the air to penetrate into the thickness of the insulation, thereby reducing its technical characteristics, but at the same time will allow thermal insulation to "breathe". Parosolation is attached to the rafters on top of the insulation and is fixed due to the construction tape;
  4. finish finish - Fiberboard plates or chipboard, you can apply plasterboard.

Insulation the attic in a private house is a very important event that allows you to save internal heat. At this time, the attic can be insulated through a wide variety of thermal materials.

And if earlier, the attic was insulated with sawdust and clay, then today, preference is given to such modern heat-insulating materials such as mineral wool, foam, polyurethane foam, etc.

It is advisable to note that the properties and characteristics of all thermal insulation materials are different. Some of them are susceptible to burning, others are not. Some insulation, for example, "afraid" moisture, and others are nestless. Therefore, before heating the attic in a private house, it is very important to choose a qualitative and reliable insulation for these purposes.

Today, the market offers the consumer various, so choose from what, of course, is.

For insulation attic, you can use such insulation as:

  1. Mineral wool;
  2. Foam or polystyrene foam;
  3. Polyurethane foam;
  4. Integrated insulation.

Cheaper materials for insulation the attic in the house, are still:

  1. Wood sawdust;
  2. Ceramzit, and others.

As can be seen, the problems are that the attic is in a private house, there is no time for today. The main thing is to choose a qualitative and reliable insulation for these purposes. Well, when choosing this, of course, it is necessary to repel from its characteristics and properties, which will be discussed below.

Warm the attic with the help of Minvati is easy enough, since this material is easily short and takes any forms. In addition, it has a high density, and most importantly, it does not burn, which is very important to take into account when choosing insulating material for the attic.

In addition, Minvata has a long service life, which is also important. It does not succeed with time, so it is great for insulation of horizontally spaced surfaces.

The only minus mineral wool is that it is capable of absorbing moisture, and this adversely affects its thermal insulation properties.

In addition to mineral wool, for insulation the attic in a private house, such modern thermal insulation materials can be used as. The advantages of using polystyrene and foam in the insulation of the attic, can be safely attributed:

  1. A light weight;
  2. Ease of installation and processing;
  3. High thermal insulation indicators;
  4. Available cost;
  5. Absolute impairment of moisture, fungus and mold.

Of course, these two popular insulating material have their own definite disadvantages.

First of all, it is worth considering high flammability.

Polyurethane foam is a completely new building material that has a number of significant advantages. Along with a high degree of adhesion, absolutely with any type of surface, polyurethane allows you to better close all the joints, gaps and various kinds of defects.

Also, this thermal insulation material has a sufficient light weight, so about the additional load on the ceiling, you can absolutely not worry. In addition, polyurethane is environmentally safe, it is not affected by moisture, but it is afraid of harmful ultraviolet rays.

The issue of insulation of buildings is now more than ever. Most begins with insulation of walls, but it finishes, however, as it is known, warm air has a property to rise and go through the roof, so the insulation of the attic ceiling plays an important role. Like all construction work, insulation should be carried out qualitatively. But how to insulate the attic overlap to extract the maximum benefit?

When choosing a heater for the attic overlap, it is important to take into account its heat shielding properties, strength, as well as resistance to external factors. The view of the overlapping will also play their role: concrete and wooden floors have its own characteristics. So, what to insulate the attic overlap?

Popular insulation for attic overlap

Types of insulation:

  • Basalt mineral wool.
  • Ceramzit.
  • Styrofoam.
  • Sawdust.

Mineral wool

Most often, the insulation of the attic overlap is carried out with the help of mineral wool. What is its features and why this insulation is so popular?

Minvata stacked between wooden beams of attic overlap

Advantages of mineral wool:

  • High thermal insulation. For example, to insulate the attic overlap of mineral wool you need a layer thickness of 3.5 times less than when using clay.
  • Easy installation of material. This insulation is not complicated in work even for those who are engaged in insulation for the first time.
  • Fire safety. Minvata is not easy to be marked, so when a fire occurs, it does not serve as a rapid carrier of fire, which, for example, cannot be said about the polystipol.
  • Long operating period. If you correctly eliminate minvatu, it will not roll and create cold bridges.
  • Affordable price.

It is thanks to all these advantages, insulation with the help of mineral wool overlap the attic is a widely used method of saving heat in the room.

However, this insulation has drawers. In particular, due to its property, absorb moisture, the insulation of the Minvati layer can cease to ensure the same thermal insulation as before. Also, conducting the insulation of overlapping the attic mineral wool, it is important to comply with safety equipment. The fiber minvati when entering the skin can cause irritation, so it should work with it in dense clothing, glasses, a respirator and of course in gloves.


Another material for the insulation of the attic ceramic is a clay. Although this insulation is rarely used, yet it has several advantages.

Ceramzit - very popular in earlier heat insulatol

Benefits of clay:

  • The cost of insulation.
  • Good thermal insulation indicators. However, to achieve a truly good result, the thickness of the ceramisite layer should be about 35-40 centimeters.
  • Fire safety.

However, the ceramzite as a heater also has significant drawbacks:

  • Greater weight, compared to other insulation. The thermal insulation of the wooden attic ceiling creates a load on the beams, so choosing a clamzite, this moment should be taken into account.
  • Inconvenience when laying. Raise a huge amount of clay in the attic may cost big effort.


The foam is one of the best materials for the insulation of the walls, so some decide to use it and for thermal insulation of the attic overlap. And although the foam has advantages, still not recommended to use it.

Heated bottom of foam overlapping attic

Advantages of foam:

  • Moisture resistant. This is a plus compared with the widely used mineral wool.
  • Affordable price.
  • Easy in mounting. Raise the sheets of foam and put in the attic cessation will not be difficult.

Despite these advantages, foam as insulation has a number of significant drawbacks.

Disadvantages of foam:

  • High flareness. If the fire reaches the insulation, to put out the fire is already unlikely to succeed.
  • The intolerance to high temperatures. At a temperature of + 60 ° C, the material is deformed, at + 80 ° C - it begins to melt, due to which toxic substances are distinguished, and at + 210 ° C, the foam flames.
  • Fragility. Polyfoam is able to crumble, which reduces its thermal insulation properties.

In view of these shortcomings, especially in fire, the foam is better not to use as a heater for a wooden attic overlap. After all, the combination of foam with wooden beams is very dangerous. However, this insulation can be used for the thermal insulation of concrete overlap.


Such a method of insulation was very popular before the appearance of modern thermal insulation materials. It is not deprived of his advantages, although they are very insignificant compared to other insulation.

The advantages of sawdust:

  • The absence of toxic substances, as well as the natural origin of the insulation.
  • Relatively affordable price.

If we talk about disadvantages of sawdust, then you can note:

  • The need to prepare a solution consisting of sawdust, cement, lime and water. All other insulation are purchased in the finished form.
  • Large weight that creates an additional load on the overlap.
  • Large thickness of the insulation layer.

Important! After analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of various insulation, many come to the conclusion that mineral wool is the perfect option, because it has high thermal insulation properties, refractory, easy to install, and also has an affordable price. As for its deficiencies, hygroscopicity can be compensated by mounting vaporizolation and waterproofing, and inconvenience when laying minvats - compliance with safety regulations.

Mounting process

After deciding with the material for thermal insulation, the question arises: how to insulate the attic overlap? If we talk about mineral wool, then what density does it have and what layer of the insulation will be the best?

Selection of layer and density of Minvati

The insulation of Minvata is better to do in two layers

If you speak short, the larger layer of Minvati - the better. However, it must be remembered that the Minvat has its own coefficient of specific thermal conductivity. The smaller this coefficient, the higher the heat-insulating properties, and, therefore, one can retire a smaller layer of wool or have greater insulation efficiency. Often, the minvatu is used with a thickness of 15-20 centimeters, however, to ensure increased thermal insulation can be used and a 30-centimeter layer of insulation. It is also worth noting that with an equal insulation thickness, two layers of minvati are always better than one.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the density of mineral wool, because it happens different: from 30 kg / m 3 to 220 kg / m 3. The thermal insulation properties are practically independent of the density. A more dense insulation is used for facades and floors under the tie. For the attic overlap, the minvat is a density of 35 kg / m 3, because the insulation will be on a horizontal non-loaded surface.


Since mineral wool has a property to absorb moisture, it is necessary to start insulation from laying a vapor barrier material.

Parosolation - the first layer of insulation

Important! It is best to lower a layer of vapor barrier under wooden beams, because otherwise, they will be very susceptible to rotting. Nevertheless, if it is impossible to put a vapor barrier film under beams, they need to be soaked with solutions that protect against rotting and mold.

The best option is to lay a solid layer of vapor barrier, but due to the sizes of the attic it is not always possible, so all the joints need to be sickling with special tape to ensure tightness. The edges of vaporizolation need to be raised above the level of the future insulation and schohal the same scotch.

Heat insulation

Work with heat insulating materials need in overalls

Next should be installed insulation. It must be put in such a way to fully fill the entire space between wooden beams. If we are talking about mineral wool, it does not need to be pressed or squeezed. It must completely close the space between the beams, not leaving the gaps and gaps. Overlapping beams themselves, too, will not be extended to be made with thermal insulating material, because they can serve as a kind of cold bridges.

During the flooring of mineral wool it is very important to protect yourself, and especially its respiratory tract from the fibers of the insulation. Therefore, you need to use the respirator, as well as gloves, glasses and clothing with long sleeves.


Insulation overlap the attic end with waterproofing and draft floor

Due to the properties of the Minvati absorb moisture, on top of the layer of mineral wool you need to be able to use waterproofing. It is also necessary if a concrete screed will be poured over the insulation.

If the attic is constantly used, on top of such a heat-insulating "cake" you can make a draft floor. A concrete screed or OSB plate can be in his role. If the attic is practically not used, you can simply pave the boards on top of the existing beams. Then, if necessary, climb the attic, movement on it will not create difficulties.

As can be seen, the insulation of the attic overlap is an affordable task, even for those who have never done this. It is necessary to determine the material for thermal insulation, although most often it is the mineral wool. Conducting the installation of the heat-insulating "cake" it is important to remember the need for vaporizolation and waterproofing. This will achieve high results in the insulation of the attic overlap.

Video: Discussing the overlap design in detail

Overview of the design details of the insulation device of the attic overlap. What is the sufficient layer of insulation for a cold attic? What are the specifics of the work on the insulation of the attic overlap?

The thermal insulation of the residential building will always be the main task that solves the problem of heating. After all, you will agree that the house will not be a warm house, which is heated, and the one that retains it warm. Whatever good heating is, efforts will be in vain without thermal insulation. And in order to reduce heating costs and make a house truly warm, you need to think about the savings of heat.

Warring your home, many begin to finish the attic. Is it necessary? Yes, because it is through a ceiling a lot of heat leaves. And if you do it with insulation, the ceiling will not pass the heat outward. From the lessons of physics, everyone knows that warm air takes exactly up under the ceiling. And if he misses heat, then such air will simply go out. Thanks to this article, you will learn what to choose the insulation for the attic to reduce the heat loss.

What is insulation attic at home

What is the work on the insulation of the attic room. The technology is pretty simple: the insulation material may fit on the floor, into the space between the ceiling beams and additionally between the roof rafters. If we talk about the insulation of the room, which is at the bottom of the attic, then it is enough to warm the floor. In the event that you want to store something in the attic or from time to time to use it as an attic, then the roof is insulated.

What materials can be laid in the attic for insulation? In this article we will consider different options and their pros and cons. Immediately note that there are several types of insulation:

  1. Slab.
  2. Rolled.
  3. Sprayed.
  4. Bulk.

Each of the insulation options is good in its own way. We will choose the optimal insulation that are suitable for this purpose. You must understand that the choice is yours. Our site will offer you only a list of proven materials for insulation the attic that have won a lot of positive feedback. So, we will consider the following options:

  • classic - mineral wool;
  • indispensable foam;
  • expensive, but very high quality PPU;
  • simple and cheap bulk materials, such as clamzite, sawdust or slag.

What do they imagine? What technology laying each insulation and its dignity? We learn further.

Mineral wool insulation

Perhaps, only grandmother in the village did not hear about the mineral wool, and that is not a fact. This is the most common insulation for the insulation of the house, which is used for both independent warming and professional teams. Especially I would like to mention basalt cotton wool that does not burn at all and has excellent characteristics. Why did the Minvatu fell in love with? Consider positive her moments.

  1. Environmental purity.
  2. Property is well keeping the form.
  3. A small weight that does not load the design.
  4. Low thermal conductivity.
  5. She does not spoil rodents.
  6. It does not burn.
  7. Soundproofing.
  8. It has a "breathable effect", creating a good microclimate.
  9. Relatively small cost.
  10. Easy work with insulation material.

What is so good this insulation for the attic? Minvata is sold both in stoves and rolls. She keeps the shape well, and you can easily warm the floor of the attic, as well as the roof. It is enough to put mineral wool into the space between the beams and to decide everything with hydro and vaporizolation. It is very important, since the main minus of the material is that it is afraid of moisture. It will destroy the insulation, which over time will lose its initial properties.

Minvati laying technology can be seen from the video.

Foam insulation

Well, if the grandmother of the village could not hear the grandmother, then the foam is likely to her. One of the simple and affordable insulation materials, which is universally used by the builders. The main advantage of foam is its low cost along with good performance. It is much more tightly wool, so it is easier to work with foam. It is perfectly processed and stacked in the right place. What can be noted yet?

  1. Low thermal conductivity (lower than that of Minvata).
  2. Low cost.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Soundproofing.
  5. Immunity to moisture.
  6. Easy installation.
  7. It holds well.

However, low cost affects other points. Minuses have a foam more. For example, it burns very well. One spark is enough and the material will immediately start melting. In addition, it does not receive a breathable effect for the walls. And if it is good not to protect it, then rodents will be pretty to sharpen the material.

Nevertheless, the foam is also one of the popular insulation. Fires phenomenon are infrequent, in the attic breathing effect is not so important, and if the material is protected, then the rodents are not terrible. For such a price - the option is beautiful.

Insulation PPU

One of the most expensive insulation options, due to the complexity of the process. PPU is a representative of sprayed materials such as foamizole. Insulation technology, at first glance, is simple: it is enough to spray the composition from the unit to the surface, it will increase and fill all the slots. On the one hand, it is so, but the entire catch is that such equipment is not easy to find. And the point is not even available to the aggregates, but using them to use them. Such work trust only experienced specialists who have access to equipment.

The components from which are polyurethane, are mixed in the unit in an ideal ratio, and a ready-made composition is sprayed to the surface, which increases in size. What is this expensive method so good?

  1. Environmental purity of the material.
  2. Small weight.
  3. The smallest thermal conductivity indicator.
  4. A monolithic structure without seams is created, which can become cold bridges.
  5. Immunity to moisture.
  6. Adhesion to almost any surface.
  7. Bowstake.
  8. Soundproofing.
  9. He does not eat rodents.
  10. The quality of insulation at the highest level.

As you can see, pluses the insulation really a lot. But they are compensated by some factors. First, the insteaded attic will not breathe. Secondly, you will not be able to carry out insulation with your own hands without specialists. Thirdly, such pleasure for the attic expensive will cost. Is it worth it - to solve you.

Warming with bulk materials

This option can be called the easiest and "on the ambulance" without problems. All that is required is to pour the selected insulation of a certain layer. What can I use?

  1. Ceramzit.
  2. Sawdust.
  3. Slag.


Insulation material is balls that fall asleep on the floor. You realized that the walls would not work. It is divided into fractions: clay sand, crushed stone or gravel. What is the feature of the material?

  1. Does not burn.
  2. Ecologically clean.
  3. Durable.
  4. Morious.
  5. Has high strength.
  6. Small weight.
  7. Sound and thermal insulation.

The insulation material is poured over the rubberoid layer, a thickness of at least 15 cm. It all depends on the attic overlap and the properties of thermal insulation. So that you have the opportunity to walk on the floor surface, you can perform a concrete tie, the thickness of which is about 5 cm. It remains to arrange flooring from a tree, chipboard or other material.

As for sawdust and slag, the technology is almost identical. The laid material will save heat, but not as good as the above options above. But labor costs are minimal. If you do not want to bother, then this is a good alternative to conventional insulation.

Let's summarize

As you can see, the variety of materials for insulation the attic is really big. Each of them is good in something. If you are limited in means, you can use foamflast. And when there is money, choose between Minvata and PPU. Some combine insulating materials, leveling the disadvantages of foam. How? The lower layer is made of thick foam plastic, and the thin layer of Minvata is placed on top. Simple and refractory. However, remember, whatever insulation for overlapping the attic you chose, follow the technology of its laying. Only so you can achieve high-quality insulation of the attic.

To reduce heat loss in a private house, one effective heating system is not enough - to minimize them requires insulation of all elements of construction. The same applies to the roof. If there is no arrangement of the attic, it will take the insulation of overlapping a cold attic.

A little from the history of the roofs

For a long time, people have been highly highly built private households that they could have to simultane over 100 years. At the same time, it was not cold to live in them, and the roof frame from natural wood was always dry. As for the shape of the roofs on such buildings, they most often were erected with two slopes, and had a small slope.

An explanation was explained by the fact that the snow fell in winter had to linger on the roof and perform the function of natural insulation. In the attic of the structure was made one, less often two windows. For the winter they were closed and then the air located in the underpants space played the role of thermal insulator.

In the summer, the windows opened overnight for the night so that the temperature in the attic falls. They were closed in the heat, and the air did not hear. So in the attic room regulated the temperature.

In winter, when snow fell, it covered the roof with a solid carpet and thus was a roofing natural heat insulator. Even in harsh frosts, the temperature in the underfloor space did not decrease below the zero mark. As a result, in cold weather in the house it was warm.

Roofing racing at the same time did not be insteading so that the snow on them did not fit. The rafal system was left open, thereby ensuring the possibility of its inspection and current repair. Therefore, only overlaps insulated in such attics.

If the roofing rods are insulated, then the attic room becomes heated attic, in which another functional purpose.

Building materials for ceiling heat insulation - the better to insulate

The domestic market has a large selection of building materials. To determine how to insulate the overlapping of a cold attic, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the heat insulator will be operated.

A number of requirements are presented to the insulation:

  • preserving its initial qualities at temperatures from -30 to +30 degrees;
  • under the conditions of hot weather, the material should not be distinguished by the substances harmful to people and fluctuate with a strong frost;
  • it is necessary to choose a fire-resistant heat insulator if the attic is planned to arrange lighting;
  • products should be moisture-resistant so that during wetting its initial properties not decreased.

Before purchasing materials for the insulation of the floor of the unheated attic in private household, must be considered from which the overlap is performed. If these are wooden beams, then use bulk, rolled or slab insulation. When the overlapping was created from concrete slabs, it is possible to use heavy bulk or slab insulators in weight. Often on the floor poured cement screed.

In the form of plates and mats sell:

  • mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • styrofoam;
  • straw;
  • seaweed.

In the form of rolls manufactured:

  • minvatu;
  • stone and glass wool;
  • frames from algae.

One of the most popular options for arranging thermal insulation is insulation of the attic overlap of Minvatu.

Funny materials include:

  • ceramzit;
  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • reed;
  • equata;
  • granulated foam;
  • slag.

When laying insulation in the attic in a wooden house, you need to use natural, environmentally friendly and breathable materials.

Insulation of the attic overlap of Minvata

Produce this modern and demanded insulation in rolls or mats. Minvata does not burn, it is not amenable to rotting, it is not dangerous to various microorganisms and rodents.

Floor insulation The attic of Minvata is carried out in stages:

  1. First, laid on the floor lining material. In the case of an economy of an option to overlap, the inexpensive pergamine is fired. More expensive and qualitative will be a device of flooring from a film for vapor barrier, which is mounted with the overtrown.
  2. The joints of the sections at the same time are sicked with a scotch or fasten with wooden slats, fixing them with a stapler.
  3. The width of the heat-insulating material is selected taking into account the technical provisions for a particular region. Minvatu between lags are laying tightly, not leaving the gaps. For cloaks of jacks use tapes.
  4. After completing the laying of the insulation, smooth boards are placed on the lags and so form the floor in the attic.

The above solution is how to insulate the attic of the private house of Minvata, gives the material to "breathe" and ventilated when moisture on it. In order to prevent the penetration of wet air into the insulation, the waterproofing is mounted under the roof.

When working with Minvata, you need to use protection tools, such as respirator, glasses, gloves and overalls.

Application of extruded polystyrene foam

Polyfoam (expanded polystyrene) refers to loose materials, so it is involved in the need for insulation of the floor made of lags and beams. For thermal insulation, plates are used by extrusion polystyrene foam, which is more dense compared to conventional foam.

Before it laying the surface of the base is aligned. From the warm side of the floor, vaporizolation is not needed, since the concrete slabs there are practically no vapor permeability. The prepared base lay a vapor barrier film. Then the plates of the extruded insulation are laid out in checkelling. In place of the joints bloom the mounting foam.

After it dries and becomes solid, the heat insulation plate is poured with a concrete mixture with a thickness of about 4 -6 centimeters. After froze, the screed becomes suitable for operation as an attic floor. If you wish, you can put the final coating on the screed.

Warming of a cold attic Eco

Equata is a lightweight and at the same time a loose heat insulator consisting of cellulose, and its composition includes flamesinking substances, for example, boric acid and a bora. Before you start work, the film is placed on the floor. For installation, eco-plays use a special blowing unit.

The thermal insulation layer is applied skidding, not leaving even the slightest slots. Equata contains a large air volume, therefore there is enough layer equal to 250-300 millimeters. When performing insulation, it should be remembered that over time there is a shrinkage of this material. Therefore, the eco-water layer is applied with a reserve of 40-50 millimeters.

Then the insulation should be moistened with water or with the help of a solution. It is prepared from 200 grams of PVA and water buckets. The broom is wetted in solution and well moisturize cotton wool. After drying on the thermal insulation layer, lignin is formed - the crust that does not allow to shift the insulation.

What isolation of the attic room from the above described options to choose depends on a certain situation.