How to fasten the bracelet on the wrist. How to fasten the bracelet itself, or the most interesting about jewelry

Very interesting article with pit, I think many will be useful)

Bracelets - Favorite decoration of many women. But sometimes an attempt to fasten the bracelet independently turns into such torment. How to be if there is no one near anyone who could help? You can, of course, do not wear bracelets, or still there are ways to deal with the "naughty" clasp?

For example, you can use a clip with a clamp that will help keep one end of the bracelet stationary, while the other free hand you will fasten the lock. This "help hand" costs $ 10.

Such adaptations designed to help in the fight against clasps produce several foreign firms. They are different design and price. But the principle of operation of these devices is reduced to one - consolidate one end of the bracelet, so that the castle can be fastened with a second free hand without excess effort.

This is a pretty thing worth $ 20.

There are more budget options, such as this "wand with a clothespin" for $ 5. But it is not suitable for products from soft metals - gold and silver, or coated products, as it can scratch it.

Even these "chopsticks" are used to fasten the lightning dress from behind.

The following fixture makes it easy to fasten the bracelet / clock with one hand. It has a one-sided clamp for fixing one end of the bracelet / clock during the fastening. His cost is $ 7.

This product has a hole, decorated with a sponge, and a metal clamp instead of clothespins. The device is suitable for decorations requiring a delicate relationship. His cost is $ 10.

Another device that plays the role of the third hand. It can be folded after consuming into a box that is easily placed in the lady's handbag or clutch. The cost of this "miracle" $ 40.

You can also make the device itself, helping to fix one end of the bracelet when fastening, and enjoy them for your pleasure. For example, this is a hinge with a loop of a wire. The creator of this adaptation spent 21 minutes on its manufacture and a little personal time.

First, the hook is fastened in the clasp loop, then the ring of fixtures dresses on the finger and now the second hand can be easily fastened with the lock.

And three more simple ways to help easily fasten the bracelet that do not require special material costs.

The first way is to use thread.

You need to sell thread into the ring.

Press the thread with your finger, now the bracelet is fixed.

And the lock can easily be fastened.

We remove the thread, and the thing is done.

The second way is to use paper clips.

Take off the stationery clip by giving it the letter S. Schedule the end of the clips to the last link of the bracelet, hold her with the fingers of the same hand and close the fastener with the other hand. Then remove the paper clips, and the case is done.

Third way - use scotch or plaster.

Stick them to the wrist one side of the bracelet, a little further fasteners. Now that the bracelet is fixed, catch the elusive clasp and it is very simple to fasten it. Do not forget to rejuvenate the scotch / plaster. Of the disadvantages of this method, sticky tracks on the bracelet and irritation on the skin from the tape / patcher can remain.

Thanks for your attention and, I hope someone this information is useful!

P.S. Information is taken on the Internet from open sources.

If you know any way easy to fasten the lock, then write it in the comments, select the bold and insert pictures for clarity.

from comment
And I always press a hand with a bracelet to the furniture (the edge of the table, shelves, the cabinet, which is near) so that only the tip is sticking. And the other hand fastened the lock. It is convenient for the fact that you can embody anywhere, except for an open field.

This question has ever asked every woman. Photo of fashion-bloggers and tips in glossy magazines sometimes cause contradictory impressions: on the one hand, it can inspire creative experiments, on the other hand, it is sometimes difficult to imagine avant-garde options in everyday images.

Therefore, women remains nothing to rely on their own intuition and feeling of taste. We offer you 7 stylish ways of wearing bracelets.

Perfect tandem

One of the main trends is a combination of bracelet and watches. The duet will "take place" if the accessories are withstanding in one style, and the watches are organically included in the overall design of the received decoration.

In order not to be mistaken, the easiest way to focus on the material of the hours themselves and their strap. Depending on this, you can choose a golden, silver or leather bracelet.

So, with large "male" clocks will be perfectly looking for bracelets of constructive design with geometric details or chain bracelets. But the classic female hours is better to add more delicate decorations, such as bracelets with suspension.

In full view

A novelty in the world of jewelry, along with phalange rings, steel bracelets have become. The original accessory has already managed to appreciate the most creative fashionists, for example, Sarah Jessica Parker.

The bracelet on the palm is put on the brush of the hands slightly above the knuckles and, of course, can not fall. Most often, the decoration is combined with a ring of similar design or worn on their own. In any case, it is important that the accessory attracts attention, and not lost among metal kilograms.

However, the decoration has one small trick: with a romantic cocktail dress, the bracelet will look elegant, but with more bold outfits can remind the crack. Consider this so that the effect has justified expectations.

Boho style

The idea of \u200b\u200bmultilayer products is old as the world: remember at least indiana or ancient Egyptians. Now Stacked Bracelets is another indisputable trend.

Along with gold and silver, other materials, such as rubber or leather are used to create such jewelry. Multilayer decoration can be "gather" on their own, there are several bracelets on one hand at once. Products can be combined with texture, design and color of stones, can be complemented by chains or charm.

This approach allows you to experiment, creating bold images every day. The main thing is that the combination of jewelry looks like an artistic disorder, and not as a miserable.

Sleeves later

Most of the year we are forced to join warm sweaters. How to be in this case?

Do not give up your favorite accessory. If the Sweater Sleeve is not cleaned and does not have a decorative finish (embroidery, lace or print), a hard bracelet can be worn right over the sleeve.

The decoration can perform the function of the cuff or "hold" the tough sleeve. One way or another, the hard bracelet on his wrist will emphasize the elegance of your hand.

Color game

You have a bright bracelet, and you do not know with what to combine it?

No need to acquire expensive accessories in the tone, just buy nail polish of the same color.

The combination of the bracelet with manicure will become a spectacular and very economical option. A stylish solution will definitely pay attention. Even if you prefer multi-layer combinations, it is enough that one of the bracelets coincides with the color with varnish.

However, it is not necessary to overload the image, putting on the volumetric bright decorations. It is quite suitable for rigid bracelets with enamel, which will be perfectly combined with varnish not only in color, but also by texture. It does not have to make a bright manicure, you can withstand the image in pastel colors.

By choosing such a solution, also pay attention to silicone bracelets that make an image more dynamic and creative.


At the shows of spring-summer collections, such famous designers like Christian Dior, Roberto Cavalli, Chanel and Alexander McQueen unanimously stated that wearing bracelets on one hand remained far in the past. The main trend is two identical decorations, suitable on both hands.

Fashion designers provide freedom of choice: it can be wide rigid bracelets of gold or silver, and more voluminous decorations with inserts.

What to wear them? With anything: from romantic dresses to strict shirts.

Two in one

The slave bracelet is an excellent solution for those who want to look relevant and not take care of how to harmoniously combine the bracelet with the ring.

Thanks to the stars that combine the slaves with different clothes styles, the decoration has long ceased to be perceived as something ethnic.

If the product design allows, the ring of the slave bracelet can be worn not only on average, but also on any other finger.

Without accessories, the outfit looks unfinished. Without a doubt, a smile is the best that you can add to him, but there is nothing better than a small additional decoration. Expressive bijouteria to any along with individuality will give and can convert a simple T-shirt in a stunning fashionable image. In addition, most decorations are sold by surprisingly reasonable prices.

Bracelets - not an obsolete fashion accessory, which can be worn with anything from a designer evening dress to a pair of jeans with a white t-shirt. They can be made of plastic, gold, silver, plexiglass and some other materials and make a good one that you put on.

When it comes to a combination of a large number of bracelets, there are no rules here, only simple advice on how to keep the elegance of the image and not look slightly and overloaded. There are several different types of bracelets and their styles, and we are glad to inform you that all of them can be successfully combined with each other or several bracelets of one style. Based on the considerations of the color scheme, textures, patterns and models, you can create a one-of-a-kind set of decorations, for a larger effect mixing and putting two or more bracelets. But, putting on a lot of bracelets, remember that it should be done without fanaticism. In most cases, more than five bracelets are simultaneously considered to be busting, but the decisive factors should be subjective judgment of their owner and its degree of convenience.

Below we present several ways to wear bracelets that avoid unnecessary fanaticism.

Cuff bracelets

If you are put on with expressive earrings or expressive decoration for the neck, it is necessary to wear an equally expressive bracelet or a cuff bracelet. A successful gold bracelet-cuff will make the usual outfit outstanding. It is perfect for evening image. The cuff bracelets are usually wide and voluminous, so they themselves are incarnation of the style. Let the bracelet-cuff be the center of your image, and for its addition, give preference to more sophisticated bracelets, such as thin hoop bracelets, feminine chain bracelets or a pair of bracelets with stones. You should not wear a bracelet cuff with the same bracelet or with a too thick hoop bracelet.

Bead bracelets

For the image in the style of Bocho, we put bracelets from beads to each other, and that Boho's style evolved to Bocho-chic, try using various types of beads and beads. Try putting the bracelet from larger beads along with two smaller bracelets. Bead bracelets look very well in conjunction with other types of bracelets, such as cuff bracelets or chain bracelets.

Gold and silver

Who said that gold and silver look bad together? Get two bracelets of dull gold and silver, made in one design, and wear them together.


If a combination of several bracelets you do not taste, try adding a simple bracelet with stones to your clock. It will give the clock some highlight. In addition, it is a simple trick that can be used for bracelets, slightly large for your wrist.


Thin gold wrap bracelets can be a little boring themselves. To give them an additional focus, add to the set bracelets-hoop color bracelet. A large number of hoops bracelets looks very stylish and fashionable, especially if they are well combined. However, they also look great with clocks or bracelets of other species. Do not wear wide wrap bracelets with thin: the image becomes inaccurate and thin bracelets are lost on the background wide or hiding behind them.

Bracelets chains

Chain bracelets were lucky to look good with almost all kinds bracelets. Mixing textures of chains, such as a combination of large chains with smaller, creates an interesting and unique image. However, do not stick them to each other in large quantities. One or two enough, and another couple of bracelets of other views.

Bracelets with stones

Bracelets with stones sparkle, shine and wonderfully look with other bracelets. Try to combine these bracelets with hoops bracelets or to move their chain bracelets for overflowing sparks between bracelets, or put a few bracelets with bright colors for simple, but at the same time elegant style. In addition, bracelets with stones look perfectly around cute watch and couples chains bracelets. Having put on a large number of bracelets with stones, stick simplicity in the rest of the way, because they add so much shine alongside.

Pick the color of the bracelets in line with the color of your recently painted nails.

Nuting on the wrist several different bracelets, place the clock suitable for them so that they are not only beautiful, but also functional.

Get a bracelet from plexiglas to the tone of your favorite top or dress.

Mix textures, colors and dimensions for greater fun.

Try not to wear large bracelets by one, somewhat small add charm, believe me.

Bracelets are a favorite decoration of many women, but there are difficulties with their fastening forcing women every time to dress another more comfortable decoration. After all, if there is no one who helps someone who helps to fasten the bracelet, how to fasten it yourself, it is not clear.

In fact, it's easy to read with this task. You do not need to take the teeth one edge and try to wear a fastener the second tip of the bracelet. It is enough to have a piece of patch or scotch at hand.

If you have been near such a sticky assistance tool when the bracelet is fastened, then you will need to fasten 1-2 minutes. Stick with a scotch or plaster to the wrist one side of the bracelet, a little further fastener. Now that the bracelet is fixed, it is no longer necessary to catch an irrepable fastener. To fasten it - the case of one minute. After that, do not forget to dig a plaster and move into the way - to conquer men's hearts. This method is good because with it, you can not only fasten, but also to unzip the bracelet.

Best ways to fasten the bracelet

This method allows you to fasten the bracelet, suitable for lazy ladies. After all, he assumes first to fasten the bracelet, and then shove his hand into the button. Thinking at the same time does not have to think. If the bracelet freely fits the wrist, it is elegant with him hanging out, then it is likely that you can, strongly squeezing your hand, put a buttoned bracelet.

But you should not try to pull the bracelet when it is fastened, at any cost. After all, this method is not suitable for applying all bracelets and hands. If you pull the stroke bracelet strongly, and it will not succumb to, you can easily break the expensive thing or damage your hand.

Fasten the bracelet using hand dexterity

There is another way to fasten the bracelet yourself. To do this, you may need your hand dexterity. Put the bracelet on your hand and turn an uncoated part on the inner side of the palm. Hold the middle and index finger to hold the castle, and the other hand aim the second part of the lock to the fastener. If the metal does not slip out of your hands, then the likelihood of the bracelet itself is great.

What castles of bracelets are the most convenient for fastening?

If you are just standing before choosing, what bracelet to buy and be afraid of the problem with the clasp, then it is worth thinking about buying a bracelet with a chamber lock. Its easier to fasten it yourself. The main thing is to plug the castle rod into the recess on the other side of the bracelet and fix it to the sound of clicking. There are bracelets, where, besides the sound of a click, you need to additionally put the loop on the tubercle, which is an extra clasp. In any case, this is a very comfortable castle to fasten the bracelet on yourself.

You can easily fasten bracelets in the form of rings or tapes. They are equipped with a lock-loop. Before putting on such a bracelet on hand, secure it several times. Perhaps you will need to expand a little loop for ease of fastening. But it is not necessary to use metal tools at the same time, so you can easily damage the castle. If you expand the loop too much, the castle in the future will open spontaneously. Castle-loop can also be fastened on the back of the palm, holding the castle with your fingers, to which you will wear it.

The most difficult to fasten is an English lock. After all, smooth links slide on the skin, and the castle must be fixed with two fingers. But here it will help the dexterity of the hands or the method described above the method of fixing the bracelet with a scotch or plaster.

And of course, you should not buy more or smaller bracelets than you need. It will look ugly, and besides this can cause injury to your wrist. And the rest, you now know how to fasten the bracelet and do it without any problems.

Pay attention to each of these tricks, because they will help you clean, carefully preserve and protect your favorite precious decorations from the harmful effects.

Efficient homemade jewelry cleaning

How often do you clean your decorations? Do you clean them at all? Jewelry is very easy to put in order at home, and you do not have to run into the workshop or else anyway. To do this, mix a little soft detergent for dishes with food soda. Treat your decorations with this composition and leave for 10-20 minutes. If necessary, clean the dirt with a soft brush. When the time comes out, wipe the product with a dry cloth without a pile.

Infused chain? Take advantage of children's powder

The best way to unravel the chain is to treat her baby powder. Be careful, try not to overdo it with the amount of funds, because you will have to clean the product from the excess powder. As soon as you appline a spitting on the nodule, try to stretch the chain to weaken the knot. You can also use a pin.

Locking bracelet with clip

This is another great trick, and the good news is that you no longer need a friend or relative help to fasten your favorite bracelet! Take a big paper clip and deploy it so that it looks like the letter S. Count it through the bracelet ring from the side where the fastener is located, and hold the other side of the clips with your fingers. Then the free hand take the bracelet on the other side and button.

Picture - a secluded place for storing jewelry

An ideal place where you can store your jewels is on the wall of your bedroom, namely for the picture. As a rule, many prefer safes as a safer place, but unfortunately they are not so reliable as we used to think. But the picture is quite a suitable place to store jewels, like the same photo frame or mirror. These elements robbers practically do not pay attention. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to overall all your jewelry.

Jewel Book

There are people who enjoy this little cunning at their wedding. Instead of the usual pillow for wedding rings, they take, for example, the old magazine, scissors and cut the pages in the shape of a heart with a sharp knife. Then glue them together, put the rings inside and cover from above the cut and glued element. This little trick can be used not only for the wedding, but also in order to hide at home your rings and other decorations that you wear every day. This is a completely reliable place for storing jewelry, and the robbers will definitely suspect anything.

Buttons - a place where you can store earrings

Probably, many of us do not know what to do with additional buttons who are attached to new sweaters, jeans, etc., so they all fall out without a draw box with threads for sewing. But there is one trick that makes you use them! Everything is very simple. All these unnecessary buttons can be used as holders for earrings so that they are not lost. You can even put such bugs into your travel bag so that you have less chances to lose your favorite earrings, or throw them into a jewelry box. Believe me, it is a great way to prevent loss!

In molds for ice you can store earrings

Here is another more amazing for you and, importantly, an inexpensive idea where you can store your jewelry. Go to the kitchen and look into the kitchen cabinet. Perhaps, there is an extraordinary mold for ice. If you do not find anything, then you have an extra reason to go to the store and choose a new stand for jewelry - mold for ice.