How to make a glass table yourself. Elegant glass table with their own hands? Technology cutting glass

Want to diversify the interior without excess costs? Glass table with their own hands - a wonderful idea. A unique product will refresh the interior of the room. Of course, the independent manufacture of furniture cannot be called a simple matter, but the result is worth it. And it will cost such a product much cheaper than the purchase. Today's article - a detailed description of the process of manufacturing a table with a glass countertop.

Design features

Products with a monolithic tabletop are most popular. But there are transformer tables, with the possibility of lengthening countertops. The form may be different:

  • Round.
  • Oval.
  • Rectangular.
  • Square.

Glass can be ordinary, transparent, as well as matte or tinted:

  • Transparent design is an excellent solution for small rooms. She creates the impression of a ward, grace and lightness.
  • Matte countertop often has a greenish tint. This is the natural color of glass.

Important! Color material attracts attention, first of all, with its unusual and non-standardity. For example, a glass of black color is a great addition to the Gothic or modern style. It will be wonderful to look with chairs from white metal or plastic.

For the manufacture of underpants, most often used chrome metal or wood. Well looks wicker understole, wrought metal or durable high-quality plastic. If the countertop is made with the frame, the frame must be made of the same material as a prestole.

Glass table with your own hands - advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of glass tables include:

  • Beautiful appearance. Such a product looks stylish and profitable transforms the interior.

Important! Especially organically glass fits into the concept of modern styles - High-tech and minimalism.

  • Practicality. Thanks to modern technologies, there are high-strength grade glass. The furniture is safe, where the glass is covered with a special film. Even crashing, the countertop does not scatter to smire. Shards are fixed glued to the film.
  • Resistance. Material is resistant to high humidity and significant temperature drops. It is chemically neutral with respect to aggressive substances. Glass does not absorb fat and dyes. This is favorably different from the usual table tops of wood, MDF and chipboard.

However, there are disadvantages:

  • On the surface clearly visible fingerprints and traces of contaminants.
  • If you put the dishes on it, it arises quite a strong noise.

Important! Compared to the advantages, these disadvantages are absolutely not critical:

  • On the matte surface of fingerprints are invisible.
  • The use of special caring compositions allows you to maintain products in immaculate condition.
  • The problem of noise is also quite solved. It is enough to purchase special stands under the dishes.

Manufacturing technology do it yourself

Consider how you can make a beautiful glass table yourself.


First decide where the new piece of furniture will stand like you are going to exploit it. For example, as a coffee table or for eating. Make all the necessary measurements, draw the product on the scale, indicating the location of the legs and the size of the table top.

For the manufacture of a glass table, you will need:

  • Glass cutter - roller or diamond.
  • Metal long line.
  • Hammer with a fuzzy rubber.
  • Pliers equipped with rubber overlays (for glazing glass).
  • Bulgarian.
  • Fire or emery timber.
  • Skipidar or kerosene.
  • Glass itself. Which option to choose is a transparent, textured, toned or mirror, solve you.

Important! It is advisable to use high-strengthened material, with a thickness of 0.6 to 1.2 cm with a thickness of 0.6 to 1.2 cm.

The main thing is that the glass is dry and clean. It is best to dedust it with a soft textile and soda solution. Such preparation will not be superfluous, because the dirty glass can split away from the outbreak, and the tool quickly fails.

Cutting glass:

  • Put the prepared glass on the table or plywood sheet.

Important! Make sure that the material lay down to the surface with all its plane.

  • Fold a thin rod (about 3 mm in diameter) under the cut line.
  • Put on the glass ruler in such a way that it is located from the cut line by 2-3 mm.
  • The optimal pressure force on glass is 2 kg - it can be easily verified by conventional weights.

Features of cutting

Cutting the glass is best on a thin metal line. Highly qualified wizards cut the material on the eye, along a previously executed marker markup or on the edge of the table.

Important! If you do not have much experience in cutting glass, it is better to pre-train on trimming. It is not so difficult and takes a little time, but the chance to cut the material impeccably increase significantly. Try to spend only one line of the cut.

The glass is bleed with hands in protective gloves. At the same time, lay the glass so that the cut line and the edge of the cutting table coincide. Click on the glass with a sharp movement, and it will be demolished along the line of the cut.

Important! If there are sharp edges or glass residues, remove them with pliers with rubber linings. For greater efficiency, put paper with multiple layers under the sponges of pliers.

If the glass of the curvilinear form, apply the markup in the stencil and go through the glass cutter. By the same principle, make a round cut. So that unnecessary glass it is easier to calm down, make a special "rays" and rush in parts.

Treatment of edge

Even if you worked with extreme accuracy, acute "teeth" and protrusions that need to be removed along the edge of the edge. Of course, the optimal option for processing the glass edge is a special machine. But manual processing is also quite effective:

  • Work only in X / B mittens.
  • Use the edge file or abrasive bar.
  • Food be sure to wake with turpentine or kerosene.
  • For the edges to be smooth, relocate the file or bar along the edge.
  • For grinding and polishing the edges, use a drill with nozzles or a grinder.
  • Grinding speed should be small (1200-1700) revolutions per minute.
  • The grain of sandpaper is changing from large to the small one.
  • Polishing is the final stage. Perform its felt circle, with the help of a grinder or drill.

Various devices, cutting glass are designed to cut a solid sheet into fragments of the required size and shape without chipping, cracks and destruction. Such tools are indispensable for those who work with glass, as well as can come in handy and for home use, for example, if you want to cut a mirror or a glass shelf.

Glass cutting tool

Tools for cutting glass include the following devices:

  • Diamond glass cutter. This tool is the first of the invented devices, cutting glass. It is equally successfully used for professional cutting glass and for household purposes. It is arranged as follows: a small natural diamond is attached in a special holder having a handle. Holes in it help with ease of equal glass at the edges. Such a tool allows cutting glass having a thickness within 10 mm. There are some models, the design of which allows you to rotate the diamond, in case one of the sides fastened.

  • Glass cutter with artificial crystal. This tool differs from the above described only by caring through an artificial crystal - corundum. This crystal in terms of its qualities and the degree of hardness approximately a natural diamond, but at the same time less effective. The thicker glass, which is possible to cut them, is equal to 5 mm in thickness.
  • Roller glass cutter. It is also a common and effective cutting device, which is carried out with a special roller consisting of a very solid alloy. It is fixed on the holder with a handle. Various models can accommodate from 1 to 6 rollers. They cut the glass with a thickness of up to 4 mm. This type of glass cutter is convenient because there is an opportunity to replace or fall rollers and use the tool further.

  • Oil glass. Its distinctive feature is a special lubricant, resulting from a container built into the handle. It is needed in order to reduce friction while the tool is running. The design of such glass cutters provides for the possibility of a complete replacement of the head in the case of coming to the dissent of the cutting node. Oil glass cutter is able to cut the glass with a thickness of up to 20 mm. Some of his models have movable heads, which are indispensable, in case a curly cutting of glass is needed. With the help of them, templates for smooth lines are driven.

  • Glass cutting circulation. This glass cutter comes to the aid when the usual oil is powerless, namely, in cases where it is necessary to cut the glass fragment in the form of a circle or oval. The simplest model of this species is a sucker, a barbell, equipped with a scale, oil glass. It is intended for cutting circles. To cut ovals there is a more complex model equipped with several rods. There are also universal models that have even more complex design.

  • Filight. This tool is used to quickly cut the glass by direct lines. It is equipped with an oil head that lures lines cutting with a special fluid. Also quickly has a scale at which the width of the cutting is exhibited, and due to this, the cutting is carried out at high speed. The tool makes it possible to cut the glass several times faster and more convenient. Also, he minimizes the risk of error assumptions when striking.

Rules for working with glass outlets

When working with glass through special tools, a hurry and negligence attitude are invalid. It is necessary to be attentive and focused on work, do not forget about the safety school and perform a number of simple rules:

  • it is necessary to carry out work on a table having an absolutely smooth surface, without convexities and roughness. Glass itself should be cleansed from contamination and dust, because Even the smallest particles falling under the glass cutter can very quickly bring it out of order;
  • cuts are carried out, easy to pressing the tool, while use the painted pattern prepared in advance;
  • scratching tool left should not be curve and deep;

  • in the case of using roller glass cutters, it is necessary to make more effort than in the case of using diamond. But with its help, a deeper incision remains;
  • cutting glass should be performed in one movement. If the first slice came out unsuccessful secondary tool on it is unacceptable;
  • glass, having an incision, is laid down on the edge of the table or on the subled line;
  • so that the seal was made easier, the incision slightly clutches the tool head from the back of the sheet;
  • the germination stripes are chipped along the cutting line using side holes in the glass cutter head;
  • in order for the glass cutter during cutting, it did not jump from the glass surface and did not spoil the cutting element about its edge, for several millimeters to the end of the cut line, it should be reduced the strength with which you are running to the tool.

Glass cutting equipment

In addition to glass cutters, there is also equipment designed for the same goals, but the opportunity to cut a much larger amount of material during the day. It is intended for industrial production. It includes table cutting tables, as well as laser, sandblasting, hydroabrasive installations. Consider more each of these types of equipment:

  • Laser machine. One of the main advantages of cutting glass sheets with a laser is the speed with which the wizard can work. It has many times higher than the maximum speed possible with manual cutting. Even the use of the laser is more economical way, due to the fact that in the process of work there is practically no waste. After cutting sheets, details do not need the following processing of edges, as with a manual version. They are melted with a laser and become more rounded.

Laser installation is capable of converting electrical and light energy into a powerful radiation having a narrow orientation. Its main advantage is that the beam of a huge temperature focuses on a point having a micron in diameter. Using laser installation, cutting with perfect accuracy, because All of its actions controls the computer, reducing the risk of mistakes to a minimum.

Laser installation cuts the most complex contours, while the glass thickness can be any.

  • Sandblasting. In this case, the cutting is performed using a powerful jet of air containing abrasive grains. The sandblasting machine is a device that includes a chamber for laying an abrasive material, and a mixing chamber with compressed air. Next, it creates a large pressure under which the air with abrasive particles is moving along the hoses and through the sandblasting gun is thrown into the cut surface.

  • Hydroabrasive installation. This method is very similar to sandblasting, only water is used instead of air. The hydroabrasive installation is supplied to the cut line under high pressure water containing abrasive particles. As in the previous case, they are mixed between themselves in the installation chambers, they gain huge speed, due to which high-precision cutting becomes possible. The device is maintained by a computer that follows the parameters and a specifying trajectory. In this way, details of the most complex and unusual forms, such as having broken lines, and internal cavities are rebounded. Performing certain types of products feasible exclusively on this equipment.

  • Tables for cutting glass. They are divided into several types:
    • tables without a bridge. They usually use small enterprises for the production of windows, which during the day are made from 50 to 100 double-glazed windows. Such tables are equipped with rising table tops, along which the glass moves through the rollers. On them, glass is cut manually using glass cuts and raps. The design of the tables provides for the presence of longitudinal and transverse plane slabs of glass;
    • semi-automatic tables with manual bridge. This option is acceptable for larger organizations with a production volume of up to 200 units per shift. Such tables can have special rules for measuring on the X and Y axes, move the glass along its surface with a pneumatic feeder or pneumatic springs. Also, they are equipped with levers for lifting countertops having gas shock absorbers, straps for breaking glass on sections, digital devices controlling dimensions. In addition, the glass cutter is lubricated in automatic mode, as well as adjustable it to the surface of the glass;

  • automatic tables. During the working day, 400 double-glazed windows produce and more. The cutting parameters are loaded in them, after which it is cleaned in a fully automatic mode, by moving the bridge. At the same time, a seal along the lines of cuts in some models occurs on the same surface, and in others moves to a separate table. Most of the automatic tables are equipped with special sensors that react to falling out of foreign objects into the cutting area. In this case, the process immediately stops;
  • automatic lines. They are capable of producing more than 500 units during the shift. Lines consist of automatically working mechanisms, loading, cutting and lambing glass. It happens as follows: the device responsible for loading the glass, special suckers takes the glass from the pyramids in which it is stored, and puts on the table. The bridge accurately has a glass on the table, guided by previously loaded by the parameters earlier, and cuts. Parallel loading device already takes the next sheet. The cut glass is shifted to the surface for breaking, while the place is released for manipulations with the next sheet.

Advantages and disadvantages of various methods of glass cutting

Advantages of manual cutting:

  • simple equipment, the possibility of working at home;
  • low cost and accessibility: tool for cutting glass to buy easily in any construction store or on the market;
  • ability to cut quite complex details.

Disadvantages of manual cutting:

  • any error may turn into a damage or marriage;
  • quite work method.

Advantages of laser cutting:

  • high speed and ideal accuracy of material cutting;
  • lack of waste;
  • ideally smooth, dull cuts that do not require any processing;
  • due to the high-precision technology, the possibility of docking cut parts without an optical gap.

Disadvantages of laser cutting:

  • if there are extraneous particles or substances in the cutting zone, unwanted cracks may occur. To exclude such an opportunity before cutting, annealing glass is made;
  • only a professional with special skills and knowledge can be performed using a laser installation. For home use, it does not fit.

Benefits of sandblasting cutting:

  • this method is not only cut, but also decorated glass;
  • high-precision and high-quality cut;
  • the ability to create products complex, asymmetric form.

Disadvantages of sandblasting cutting:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • cannot be used at home.

Advantages of hydroabrasive cutting:

  • lack of damage and defective material;
  • ability to process a large amount of glass;
  • minimal pressure on the treated surface and thanks to this, the absence of risk of billets;

  • in the cutting zone, the temperature does not exceed 100 ° C, so the edges of the product are not melted;
  • only this method is manufactured, for example, openwork and some other products;
  • this method of cutting glass makes it possible to combine parts of different shapes and colors, while obtaining exclusive products;

Disadvantages of hydroabrasive cutting:

  • expensive equipment requires specially designated premises;
  • it is impossible to take advantage, not having knowledge and experience in operation.

Glass tables are invariably distinguished by their attractiveness and sophistication. They are able to give any interior, regardless of what style it was decorated, freshness and presentability. If in the near future your plans do not include the purchase of additional furniture, should not be upset. It is not too difficult to make the table from glass, and therefore even a novice master will be able to cope with the task. If you follow the instructions shown below, you can create a table with your own hands, providing it with a neat glass plate tabletop.

A variety of models is large enough, and therefore before the start of work you need to decide which option you need. If we consider the functional purpose, then the following types of tables can be distinguished:

  • magazine;
  • writing;
  • kitchen;
  • computer.

Written desk dining table computer desk coffee table

Determine not only the purpose, but also other furniture parameters before collecting a glass table. Products differ in shape. The model may have a round, square, rectangular or non-standard form.

Of course, if you are considered a novice master, it will be better to choose a simpler option to make the glass table to be successful. Use the finished drawing to simplify the task and do not make a mistake.

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What do you need to work?

To create a glass table with your own hands, it is successful, you need to purchase or prepare the following materials:

  • glass leaf. Suitable as ordinary and special glass, the main thing is that the thickness of the plate is at least 6 mm;
  • legs. The masters believe that chrome-plated metal blanks are best suitable in this situation;
  • fixtures for fastening legs;
  • glue for performing special works. Such a substance is suitable for connecting a glass surface and a metal element. It is important that after full frost he maintained transparency;
  • stacker, instead of which is allowed to apply a special means for grinding glass surfaces;
  • gasoline (as an option - acetone);
  • wood-chipboard or plywood sheet, which is then needed to ensure an even location of the glass plate.

It is impossible to perform work without having the following devices at hand:

  • a ruler for measuring;
  • marker (or simple pencil);
  • device for cutting glass;
  • glasses and gloves that are able to provide protection when performing work;
  • hammer with rubber nozzle;
  • drill;
  • grinding machine;
  • file;
  • felt circle intended for polishing.

How to make a glass table with your own hands?

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If you are interested in how to make the table, follow the instructions below:

  1. Cut the worktop and process its edges. That the result pleased you, make sure that the glass is located on a flat surface can use the glass cutting table if there is such an opportunity. Before working with glass, we owe it, removing extraneous particles, and polish. The fact is that even the smallest pieces of dirt can make it difficult to work on cutting. If you do not prepare the surface properly, then you risk do an uneven cut. Pencil or marker perform marking on the bottom. Place the line on top of the line. Apply glass cutting to cut the material on the marks made. Note that with the hardware cutting equipment is not very easy, and therefore it is better to practice unnecessary glass elements. Carefully catching up the cut line, separate the cut section. Put on gloves, performing this job to avoid injury.
  2. Carefully treat the extreme parts of the glass blank using special tools for this purpose. First, remove the largest uneven areas, applying the file, and then take the grinding machine and sandpaper to perform a quality work. Do not neglect the safety technique and wear glasses capable of protecting organs of vision from foreign particles. Remove the sharp edges by starting with the largest irregularities and completing the smallest flaws. Give the desired shape with a glass plate. Police the edges of the workpiece, using a special paste and felt circle. So the countertop will look more aesthetic.
  3. The assembly process requires increased attention. First flip the product, and then mark the markup by defining the places in which the legs will be. In the upper part of the product, drill holes to fix the sucker, apply a bit of adhesive composition and assemble individual design elements. Repeat the procedure by taking 3 the following legs. As a rule, it is enough to firmly attach one detail to the other. However, to make reliability compound, experts use a special adhesive composition. To make the finished product look presentable and carefully, you need to choose to be correct than to glue. It is important that after frozen it remained completely transparent and did not spoil the type of leg. Fully assembled tables must look carefully even with closest studies.
  4. If you wish, you can make furniture more mobile. The table on the wheels is always featured by ease of use and its practicality. When carrying out cleaning, you will be easily moved from place to place. To make your own hands on the rollers, follow the instructions suggested above. Having made a product according to this scheme, work over it with legs. Choose suitable accessories (if you wish, you can take rollers from the old skateboard, which is no longer used). Make sure that they are located at a distance of 100 mm from the edge and were fixed strictly parallel to the straps.

Glass tables look appropriate in any interior. Their elegant and air appearance does not overload space, visually leaving the room spacious and unlocked. From such a material like glass, you can make a serving, magazine, computer or even a dining table, and make the design is quite possible with your own hands.

Such interior items differ in form, design and execution materials. As for the geometry of the table top, the glass of glass happens:

  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • triangular;
  • square;
  • oval;
  • have an unusual curly shape.

Depending on constructive features, distinguish such types of tables:

  • transformer;
  • table with lower shelf;
  • sliding table;
  • mobile design;
  • monolithic table and others.

Such furniture can also be manufactured from various types of glass. For example, the coffee table is made of black, hardened, tinted, matte, transparent glass, or from a triplex.

A variety of execution is distinguished not only by table tops, but also a prestole and legs of structures. The most common option is the materials like wood or chrome metal. Very richly and sophisticated forged tables with glass, which are chosen for interiors in a classic style. Rattan's table with glass looks simpler, but fits well into most of the designs.

Pros and Cons Glass Designs

The positive qualities of glass tables include such:

  • beauty, accuracy, ease of appearance;
  • the ability to enter a similar element of furniture in almost any design;
  • ease of care, hygienicity, environmental friendliness;
  • sufficient strength;
  • resistance to chemical media, moisture and temperature conditions of the environment.

Among the minuses of glass tables should be called the following features:

  • on the glass often there are divorces from water or incorrectly selected care products;
  • poor-quality or cheap material quickly scratches;
  • on the glass often remain traces from fingers;
  • with neakkurat handling, you can get fractures and chips, and even smash the table at all;
  • finished designs are not cheap.

Make a glass of glass with your own hands

Preparatory stage

Having decided to make a glass table itself, you probably decided in advance with its location and role. Depending on where this subject of the interior will be placed and what function it will perform, the pre-sketch should be done on paper, taking into account the characteristics of the room in which you put the table. On the sketch you need to specify the table top and the placement of the legs.

To make a glass table, prepare such materials and tools:

  • glass thickness from 6 to 12 mm;
  • special glue for glass;
  • cleaning agent;
  • acetone;
  • fire or emery bar;
  • legs for design;
  • suction cups for legs;
  • sunflower oil;
  • phaneur or chipboard, on which you will cut the glass;
  • paste for polishing material;
  • marker or marker;
  • line and roulette;
  • glass cutter;
  • rubber head hammer;
  • rag;
  • protective glasses and gloves;
  • bulgarian with grinding circle.

In this paper, only clean and dry glass should be used, on which there is no dust and other, even the smallest, pollution. You can clean the material with a simple solution of food soda using a soft rag. If the glass remains dirty, it can get off the noise line.

Cutting the glass is more conveniently on a large sheet of plywood or chipboard, and the material should come into contact with the table with almost no gaps and pressed as close as possible.

Coffee table made of glass and metal, photo:

Features cutting glass

The glass is more convenient to cut the glass on a thin and long metal line, and you can draw the line in advance to the felt-tip pen, so that it is later a glass cutter on it. If you are a novice in a similar matter, it is better to practice on an unnecessary piece of glass, and then proceed to creating a table.

Note that the line that you will be cut the glass cutter is desirable to perform at once, and so that the tool worked easier and better slid, it is necessary to lubricate it with vegetable oil. When working with diamond glass cutter, a very thin and almost imperceptible line remains on the material. Putting the glass to the edge of the table so that this line coincides with it, the material broke through the end of the outbreak. Pressing force should be approximately 2 kg. Breaking the glass must be in protective gloves, so as not to cut your hands, and your eyes must be protected with glasses.

After you break the bulk of the glass, sharp protrusions or extra pieces can remain on the cut. You can remove them with pliers, put on special rubber lining. If there are no such lines, use paper folded in several layers.

The glass cutting is made from the far edge, making a fairly strong pressure on the glass cutter. If you work as a sharp tool, but no inclination does not work, lubricate the kerosene disk and spend the same line several times. If you are not sure that the incision turned out the desired depth, turn the glass to the back side and do the procedure again.

If you make a round coffee table with glass or work with any other complex curvilinear forms, for convenience the easiest way to use the stencil. Cutting the circle according to the stencil, swipe from it with a glass cutter rays and shake the glass in parts.

Reinforced glass cut in a special way. Initially, the smooth side is carried out with glass cutter, and then with the help of a sharp tool, a deep lust up to the grid is sprinkled. After that, the glass is turned over to the opposite side and bleed along the end line. The grid is snacking or cut off.

Table top processing

After cutting along the rim on the glass, sharp protrusions that should be removed are often left. At the production of ends treatment on special machines, under the domestic conditions for a similar purpose, you can use fir-handed tools. Please note that for such work you will also need to protect your hands with dense cotton gloves or mittens.

Clean the sections of the sections can be a file or emery bars. A file in the process of performing manipulations should be periodically wetted in a turpite or in kerosene. When working with thin glass you need to be very neat.

The next step is polished the ends, for which the grinder with grinding circle is used. The speed of the grinder should be small and reach 1200-1700 revolutions per minute, so that the glass has not overheated. The first occasion should be used coarse paper, then change it into a smaller one, and the final stage can be pulled out the ends of the fine-grained paper. In the process of operation, glass can be wedged with water. You can achieve a special smoothness using a felt circle or a special paste for polishing the glass.

To make a tabletop more attractive and unusual, there are several ways to decorate the glass. Methods are very often used:

  • decoupage;
  • etching glass;
  • applying sandblasting pattern;
  • toning;
  • printing images;
  • stained glass drawing;
  • use double glasses with decorative layers of flowers, stones, seashells, coffee beans and other elements.

Decoupage and stained-in painting are made from the "inside" table tops, so that the drawing is not damaged during operation. In addition to the above methods, the glass table can be decorated with decorative illumination, which looks very effectively, especially in the dark.

Fixation of legs

Before mounting the legs in each of them, it is necessary to make a hole from the end side. These holes are needed in order to fix special suction cups in them. For greater strength, the sucker is planting on glue.

While the glue dries, the marker is placed on the tabletop, where the legs will be mounted. In these zones, it is necessary to degrease the surface with acetone or gasoline.

As for glue, in the manufacture of a glass table, use the composition used for mirrors is not recommended, since it dries long and shines through the transparent surface. For a glass table, it is better to purchase special high-quality glue. In the Russian market you can find 2 popular varieties of such materials: the compositions "Glass-glass" and "glass-metal". For the polymerization of such adhesion, it is necessary to affect the ultraviolet lamp.

The legs are glued to the table one. Initially, the element is lubricated, placed it to a predetermined place, they are waiting for about 30-60 seconds, after which they direct the ultraviolet lamp to this section and leave so far to the total polymerization of the composition.

Since after the final frosting of the glue to dismantle the legs will not be possible, their locations should be noted very carefully.

The coffee table from glass requires special operating conditions. First of all, we note that you need to handle it carefully, trying not to smash the countertop. Caring for such a table does not represent anything complicated, glass needs from time to time to simply wipe the microfiber with a soft, using a tool for washing windows.

On the glass table, scratches sometimes appear. Fix the similar defect will help a special paste of Goe. It is fillaped to the state of very shallow crumbs, they are applied to a piece of cotton wool, wand or tampon, after which the damaged surface is polished. Do not do strong push. Scratch is processed within 15 seconds, then the paste is erased and repeat the procedure again. In some cases, the number of approaches can be large.

There are other ways to eliminate or disguise scratches on the glass. You can purchase a "polar" or its analogue in the store, you can use a simple toothpaste, although its efficiency is much lower. You can disguise damage and with the help of an ordinary transparent nail polish.

To prevent the appearance of scratches, the glass table is better putting napkins or small bamboo mats.

Coffee tables from glass, photo:

Glass table with their own hands. Video

The glass table in the interior of the apartment is more often used as a magazine. He is able to revive the furnishings of the room and is appropriate in the room of small sizes, as it creates a feeling of weightlessness of the product. The simplicity of design allows you to make a glass table with your own hands. It is distinguished by hygienicity, since it is racks to detergent and cleaning products. When using modern materials for the manufacture, the table will be very practical and will be inexpensive.

Preparation of material and tools

The countertop can be cut out of transparent, matte, textured, tinted glass or mirror canvases. Transparent glass visually expands the interior of the room. Color countertop can be an organic addition to the room atmosphere. Dark color will create a "glamorous" style. The kitchen table with black glass, supplemented with white chairs, will look spectacular.

In the absence of experience in the manufacture of furniture, it is better to make the table with your own hands with a solid tabletop and metal legs. Having mastered the technology of work with such material, in the future you can figure out how to make a table of glass more complex type.

For high-quality fabrication, you will need:

  • glass sheet;
  • metal legs;
  • suction cups for attachment to the tabletop;
  • carpentry glue for metal and glass;
  • mittens and protective glasses;
  • glue "Metal-glass", grinding paste.

Set of tools:

Glass cutting tools: 1 - Caller; 2 - Corrupt stone; 3 - Circle for cutting glass; 4 - pliers; 5, 6, 7 - glass cutters.

  • diamond or roller glass cutting;
  • pliers with rubber lining;
  • metal line of suitable length;
  • schlifmashinka (Bulgarian), drill;
  • grinding discs, felt circle;
  • pencil for marking.
  • fire (emery bar).

Glass should be purchased tempered, 6-12 mm thick. When cutting it should be clean and dry. On a dirty material, the cut can be uneven. Deciding with the location of the homemade furniture item, plan its dimensions. Taken sizes apply to the sketch. Mark the place of attachment of the legs.

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