How to make an arc from Tesa. Installation of plasterboard arches

A simple way to increase the space of a small apartment and home-removed. To transfer or dismantle the walls is not always possible, and the event is quite costly and time consuming. The opening with the door-shot looks not too aesthetically, so it must somehow arrange in a new way.

The most popular way to do it is the design of the arch. More with the help of this element, it is possible to divide the long corridor into separate zones: it eliminates simplified geometry.

Such an architectural element can be equipped in any part of the dwelling - in, or living room. He will add home individuality and originality, will make it unlike standard apartments.

Making your own army is quite real.

This requires certain tools, materials and a detailed description of the process.


  • pencil, roulette ,;
  • scissors for metal;
  • bucket;
  • sharp knife;
  • rapid grater;
  • respirator, gloves and glasses.

You can build it where you are pleased with any dwelling zone. But in order for such an element perfectly fit into the design, we need Doorway not lower than 2.5 meters. It will be wonderful to look at any interior, but most suited as alternatives to kitchen doors or for long corridor.

Most of the arches noticeably reduce the doorwaythat in some cases is a significant disadvantage. You can check in advance how the selected type of arch will fit into the existing doorway. For this, a blank is cut out of cardboard or paper, which is attached above the door.

When metal profiles are firmly fixed on the wall surface, go to the installation of sheets.

It will be more convenient to apply electric with torque. If the thickness of the material is 12.5 mm, the screws of 3.5 x35 will be required, and for the sheets of 9.5 mm it will be sufficiently smaller to the size of the screws.

The inverse side of the arched frame is separated in the same way.

Screwing the screws with a screwdriver, should be controlled so that the caps of them are in the same plane with the surface of the material. If they are wrapped deeper, the resulting recesses will need to be lured.

For reliable fixation on the frame of plasterboard parts, the screws need to be placed at least every 15 cm.

Further, to enhance the rigidity of the structureThe curved metal profile is needed to fix around the edge of the arch. For this, the cutting of the metal profile is cut into the dimensions of the arc. Are used . Since the edges of the material are sharp, it is better to protect your hands with dense gloves.

How to bend a metal profile?

Only then the Arch will appear in front of us in all its completion. What is required? All joints and edges of drywall should be placed by a fiberglass mesh or paper tape. Next, several layers are applied.

How to make an arch in the doorway - the choice of material

To create an arched design, you can use any materials: brick, stone, wood, metal and plastic. The first is characterized by a lot of weight, and the second highest cost. The most popular and acceptable option is to install the arches from plasterboard. It is light, environmentally friendly and practical building material.

This design has several advantages:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • simplicity.

Its installation is not accompanied by large-scale work with increased noise and extensive consumption of building material. It will not be superfluous to note the available cost of all building elements used by mounting the arches from drywall and a huge range in each construction store.

How to make the arch in the doorway - preparing door opening

After selecting the type of arc installed, you can move to the preparation of the opening. First you need to get rid of the installed design, instead of which you want to build the arch. Remove the door and dismantle the door frame. For this purpose, you can use scrap and grinder. If the sizes of the opening do not satisfy you - correct the situation. You can cut part of the wall, and you can build a less overall design by reducing the distance in the opening. The surface should be cleaned from pinch, dust and pieces of concrete. To protect against fungus and mold, treat the wall with antiseptic impregnation.

How to make an arch in the doorway - installation of a frame

From the guide profile, the main frame arch is made. Prepared bands must be attached in parallel to each other on both sides and to the top of the opening. Drill in openings overlaps, with which you will fix the profile of dowels. Pay attention to install the main framework you need to depart deep into the opening. The retreat should be equal to the thickness of the sheet of plasterboard and putty. Thus, the surface of the door arch will have one plane with overlaps.

For the manufacture of an arcuate part of the frame, you will have to perform "non-voice" manipulation: supervise the side shelves of the profile and bent to the state of the arc. Cuts are made using a grinder or scissors at a distance of 50 millimeters from each other. The resulting arcs attach self-reserves to the main guide. The arc from the plasterboard, made by its own hands, must be strong enough. To do this, you need to install rigidity ribs from the carrier profile.

How to make an arch in the doorway - arcuate fragment arches

With the help of a tape measure, measure the length and width of the arc. Take a knife and cut a piece from the drywall corresponding to the sizes. Now, to bend plasterboard, you can use 2 ways:

  • Wet it. Suitable for creating minor bends.
  • We make cuts every 10 centimeters. Use the building level so that the cuts come out strictly perpendicular to the side edge.

Plasterboard should be flipped with cuts up. Gently give it the necessary form. Be careful and drywall will quickly acquire a form. Fixation Start from the top of the Arch by self-draws. Step by step a sheet of drywall will acquire a planned form.

How to make the arch in the doorway - registration

The formed and prostrate arch needs additional design:

  • Painting. The inner part is painted with light paint.
  • Wallpaper shook over the arch. This is a simple and affordable way.
  • Poliurethane stucco finish. Skills will not be superfluous, but everything is simple enough, because all the elements are going and glued in stages. The assembly begins with the top of the arch. Side elements are adjusted for the height.
  • Decoration stucco from plaster. The method is similar to the previous one, however, performing work with your own hands, you risk making low-quality seams and spoil the appearance.
  • Decorative stone laying. This work is better to entrust professionals.

Arched doorways give the design of the house a kind of architectural charm. Arches are designed to visually increase the room space. Make work with your own hands or contact specialists - everyone decides himself.

How to make the arch do it yourself? This question is worried about many who dared to make the design of interior opening on their own.

The performed door arch will make you be proud of yourself, thereby allowing something copyrighted in the interior of the room or bedroom, unique. Despite the fact that many newbies are tormented by vague doubts, in fact there is nothing terrible in this work, the main thing is to desire. If you have - our detailed work plan for you to help!

What is the arch and its varieties

The arch is an ancient architectural element that is increasingly used as an internal decorative element of the inlet or interior door, or rather the doorway. The arch is a universal opening in the wall, which is able to give a "volume" to a small room, and at the same time, zoning the apartment of a small quadrature.

Given the wishes of the owners of housing, thanks to the arms, designers can embody different ideas into reality, giving the door to the door to a different look. Today, modern materials allow them to give the arms a different geometric shape, as well as to form intricate vaults. Most often for the manufacture of arches and their cladding use:

  • Brick.
  • Wooden timber.
  • Phaneur.
  • Tile.
  • GLK, etc.

The structure of the arch is a support for partitions and walls. But, since in high-rise buildings, doorways are not bearing, the only requirement that is extended to them is to withstand its own weight (with finishing finishing materials). If the wall is carrier, the material must be chosen according to external loads.

Any variant of the arch, which is mounted instead of the door, performs exclusively decorative function. The framework frame can be performed even from a light profile for fiberboard or chipboard, you can also use a wooden bar. The only important point is a reliable fixation of the septum so that the decor does not fall off and was not deformed in a few days.

As we noted, the design of the house can be beautifully complemented by the arch, because its forms have a huge variety. They can be performed in a classic or romantic style. Modern is also often used. Ellipsy-shaped, trapezoid, "portal" and MN.Dra uses no less popular.

The first example is made as the correct half and the form of a semicircle. In the last photo, you can observe the square interroom opening, called the "portal". This method of registration is carried out with strict observance of rectangular outlines. All other samples are intermediate variations between two basic forms.

But, this is not all options. You can also experiment with lateral supports, use curved racks, etc. You can separate it and decorate it in different stylistics, the main thing is that the passage will harmoniously fit into the home interior. Some apartments have a great classic and round correctly curved arch, in other portals, it all depends on the taste preferences of the owners. Pay attention to the advice of experienced finishing:

  1. Classic arches are best done in apartments with high ceilings, not less than 3 m.
  2. In the high-rise buildings of the panel type, the framing of the doorway is best done in the modern style.
  3. Decorate wide doorways from the corridor in a romantic room for which wide racks are selected.
  4. The finish of the "Portal" opening is well combined with the interior of the room in which clear lines are used. The "portal" is ideal for homes that are made of lining, logs or timber. Such a combination is very elegant and harmonious.

What materials can be used to form an archer?

To make an arched arch, need to be stocking the following material:

  • Sheets of drywall.
  • Plywood.

It is worth noting that to see the frame best of all sheets of plasterboard, because it can be issued in the future with different decorative materials. But if you need to create a more sophisticated shape, select plywood sheets, as it is better than bend. The preparation of the arched frame is formed from:

  • Metal Poll.
  • Wood bars.

But, to build the arch, you can also take a concrete, aerated concrete and brick that finishing material. Despite the fact that such structures are solid, to build them in high-rise buildings is prohibited by virtue of their greater weight. It is also forbidden to manufacture a door edging from a metal, which, besides, will fly into a penny. And how to make the arch in the apartment do it yourself from the metal? After all, this is a very time-consuming process requiring the use of specialized devices. That is why there is plasterboard - the most acceptable material for decoration of apartments.

How to make interroom arch. Step-by-step instructions (video)

How to make an arch from wood?

The arch from the tree with their own hands, or rather a wooden frame, is formed without much effort. But, except for wood bars, you will have more plywood sheets. The first thing to be done is to extinct the width of the passage, take away the thickness of the materials, after which we get the optimal thickness of wooden bars. Then on the plywood paint the arc, which is cut with a jigsaw.

The subsequent installation is made by self-drawers (5cm), which fix the bars to the plywood. The arch in the doorway is also fixed by self-draws that are screwed at 15cm. Final stage - fixation of the 2nd plywood wall and its subsequent sheathing sheets of plasterboard. Note that the plasterboard sheets must be fixed with special self-drawing for drywall.

Mount the arch from plywood

How to make the arch do it yourself from wood, not using natural material? Today it is not difficult, because the tree can be replaced by plywood. In order to correctly calculate the number of necessary materials, including accessories, the first thing that experienced finishers make are to create a sketch.

To work with plywood you will be useful to such a fool's instrument:

  • Lobzik (or hacksaw).
  • Drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Sandpaper
  • Fixtures for finishing finish.

Since plywood is a fairly unique material that allows you to create original and unusual forms, you need to work with it, observing step-by-step instructions:

  1. Measure the doorway and mark the size of the arched arc.
  2. Then you need to trim the strip and carefully process it.
  3. The resulting band is slightly moistened and leave for a while.
  4. After the plywood manipulations made will be militant and easily will take the necessary form.
  5. The prepared bar is strifted in the desired way and immediately insert into the necessary door opening, carefully fix and set the struts in the corners.

Formation of the arch from plywood. After the canvas installed, you need to wait a bit until the sheet dry and takes its final look. At the next stage, you can act two scenarios:

  • To form inserts from wooden bars and sew the surface with plasterboard.
  • Use the mounting foam by filling out emptiness it.

Installing plasterboard arches

Working with plasterboard, as with plywood, is very similar and does not cause difficulties, but it costs cheaply. If you have the opportunity to raise the walls and form the arch at the same time, thus finish the work as quickly as possible. Before forming the arch, it is necessary to prepare the surface, namely:

  • Remove the old door panel, decorative lining, platbands and other fittings.
  • Close all damage on the walls to avoid trouble in the future.
  • Get tools.
  • Make a detailed work plan and sketch.

You can put the arch from drywall in different ways, then you will write each way in more detail. The first option is the most popular:

  • Take 2 sheets of plasterboard, one of which is cut in half.
  • In the doorway form a frame of a p-shaped form using metal profile.

  • One segment is fixed on the frame, after placing the 2 equal parts and noting the center.
  • A hole is drilled in the rake with the edge and centered. The distance between them should be equal to the middle of the arc of the formed arch. To do this, determine what distance will be respected between the edges of the semicircle.
  • Then the curve line is applied, with the help of which connect the hole of the middle of the rail with the center of the segment of the plasterboard sheet, which is fixed on the frame. Immediately it is worth checking whether the height of this opening is suitable.
  • Then the sheet is removed and cut off superfluous, after which they are fixed again on the frame.
  • The second sheet of plasterboard is installed on the opposite side. Taking the corner and the first segment (as stencil), tolerate the dimensions of the arc. Next, cutting the arc and its fixation is repeated by the same scheme.
  • After the work done, the emptiness is obtained in which the framework is mounted. For this, the profile is cut and bend. The resulting design is fixed to racks and plasterboard. It is also worth installing and jumpers for the reliability and strength of the design.

  • Next cut out the necessary strip, bend it, and with the inside make deep cuts. Fix it is necessary without a rush, neat movements.
  • That's all, the arch is formed. The point is left for the small - to leave the wallpaper or paint in the right colors.

The second way is much more complicated. The masonry is formed by this technology:

  • From the corners on both sides, segments of drywall are fixed with a mixture of PVA and water glue.
  • Gypsum Carton will be cut so that each next fragment is smaller for the previous one.
  • The work continues until the smallest fragment is installed.
  • As an additional fixation, self-tapping screws or anchor are used.

This is just a preparatory process. Next will be even more difficult. At the next stage, plaster and putty will need. Plaster close up large extensions and other defects, and a spacing solution creates a smooth arc. This is quite a painstaking work that requires a solid and experienced hand of the master, so the newcomer is better to immediately purchase template blanks.

Step-by-step instruction

If you decide to make work on the installation of the arch in the hallway, in the kitchen or on the balcony - follow the recommendations below:

  • Remove the old door and platbands.
  • Spend the extension of the doorway to the desired size.
  • Cover the walls and close all defects.
  • If the design is backlit, swipe.
  • Do all measurements in different places to minimize errors.
  • When uneven walls, choose the depth of the arch in the thick place.
  • Do not be lazy to make a sketch of a genuine value (this will allow not only to accurately install the arch, but also to pre-evaluate how the arch will look like).
  • Start work on installing the carrier frame is needed in such a sequence:
  • In the perimeter of the doorway, create the main outline from the profile and fix it on the wall.
  • Fix the frame system.

  • Vertical guides set with an indent from the plane of the introinate surface on the thickness of the drywall and add 2 mm to data (the reserve is made on the plaster).
  • Plaster surface need to roll up to maximum evenness.
  • To create a semicircle from the profile, cuts are made in 5-7 cm.
  • When an ideal curve is formed from the profile, it is installed in the right place and fixed to the frame.
  • For greater strength, the arc must be fixed with several suspensions to the horizontal top guide.
  • Then set the crossbars with a step in 40-60cm.
  • As a result, the design of metal profiles in the form of the arch should be constructed for further trim.

Finish finish

When the arched frame will be ready and trimmed, you can begin finish work. To do this, the edges and joints of the materials can be saved with a paper specialized ribbon or fiberglass grid. It will also be necessary to apply a putty, at least 3 layers, and stick the design. After you were convinced of the reliability of the formed design, you can act, observing some of the recommendations below.

To do all finishing work, you need to purchase an acrylic putty, which is intended for internal work. But, notice, it is better to act a special mass for drywall. Before use, the powder mass is coated well until uniformity.

Starting work, put on gloves and other personal protective equipment! The putty is applied with linear movements with a rectangular spatula. In addition, that putty fill all the irregularities and joints of the materials, it must be applied to the hats of self-tapping screws so that their edging does not appear. Such actions are carried out until the surface becomes perfect.

After the spit, you can begin the bolding of the joint and the edges to remove all sorts of irregularities and give material strength. To do this, you can take a grid of fiberglass or paper tape, it all depends on your preferences (both options are good). Cut the grid fragment and place it on the junction (in the very center), pressing your fingers to the not yet dried putty. Check if the ribbon reliably recorded and whether the folds were not formed.

After all the joints are processed by a grid, you can cover it curved parts of the arch. You need to perform work in a similar scheme. When, in the process of processing arcuate areas, the grid forms folds, they can be aligned, cutting the canvas with a sharp knife.

After drying, the putty will become snow-white. It will be a signal to what you need to take the sandpaper and go smooth the surface. But, work carefully, do not remove a lot of putty so as not to bargain the grid. For this work, use the respirator, because during surface grinding there will be a lot of dust, which is very harmful to human lungs.

When all 3 layers of putty are applied, and the surface is cleaned, you need to wait about 12 hours so that the design is completely dry. We will work again with sandpaper shallow grain, having achieved an ideal surface. That's all, you can decorate the surface.

Arch decoration

It is absolutely no important to which material you used to install the arch, because even the arch of the brick is your own hands performed in need of final design. To decorate the door arched arch, you can use such techniques:

  • Paint on the wall of the walls.
  • Sheathing with wood blocks (as an option, for this often use laminate, siding, etc.).
  • Fucking wallpaper.
  • Use artificial stone based plaster.
  • Decorate the design with mirrors or a mosaic (for mosaic you can use fine pebbles, corks, glasses, etc.).
  • Use molding from foam or surface painting.

Important! Try not to overdo it, so as not to climb the passage and not mix that is not combined. It is worth noting that sometimes quite ordinary painting to give elegance.

As you can see, there are a lot of finishing decoration options, for which it is possible not only natural materials. It all depends on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer and the wishes of the owners, as well as the overall stylist of the room. The classic dive interior can be supplemented with stucco, fabrics so that everything is harmoniously combined. No less concisely displaced the column, if clinker is glued on them.

Finished arched sets

If you are not sure of your own, and training video lessons from the Internet for you are not entirely understood, you can significantly ease your life by buying a ready-made kit for forming the arch. Such kits can be made from different materials, have a different design, color, design and invoice, which will allow each person to find the most suitable option. The most suitable option is a kit from Feds or MDF. Such materials are very similar to wood, but less complex in processing and installation. The finished standard set of interroom arch includes.

Arch in the interior is an architectural reception that allows you to divide the space of adjacent rooms. Arched arches allow you to lay an individuality of the model apartment. Before you delve into the technological subtleties of how to make the arch in the doorway, it is necessary to determine its configuration and finishing option. Only a properly chosen form, the design will give the interior of both rooms the necessary comfort and comfort.


There are several options for the forms of the doorway. When choosing, the features of both rooms should be considered - the height of the ceiling, the width of the doorway, etc. Some designs look well only in high rooms, others require the expansion of the doorway.

  • Classical Arch - suitable for rooms with high ceilings (from 3 m). The correct bending radius is equal to half the width of the doorway. Those. With the width of the door cloth 90 cm at least 45 cm up from it will occupy the arch. If we consider that during the performance of work, the width of the opening, therefore, the bend radius will increase, then 2.5 m of the ceiling height may simply not be enough.

  • Modern - used for the design of the doorway inside sample apartments. Radius of rounding exceeds the width of the door. Corners can be with rounded or sharp edges.

  • Romance is a good option for a wide opening, direct insert is made between rounded corners or horizontally or at an angle.

  • The portal is the usual processing of the doorway in the form of the letter "P".

The configuration may be wave-like, polygonal - it all depends on the fantasy, the taste of the owner of the housing, the properties of building materials.


The arched system can be made of concrete monolith, brick, wood, metal, plastic. Also, they can be made of chipboard, GCL, Feds, plywood, etc.

In addition, an infinite number of options for combinations of building materials and decorations, installation of backlight, metal, glass stained glass windows is possible. There are also options for finished products.


First of all, you should decide on the configuration and method of finishing. This can be done in two ways:

The appearance is chosen according to the interior design, and it must correspond to the interior of both rooms. From different sides, the arched system can be issued in different styles.

First dismantled the old door box. The hole is expanding to the required size. The easiest option is to install the finished design.

Note! If a building material is a stone, a brick, concrete, then take care of the foundation for their installation, as well as the binding of masonry to the wall with the help of reinforcement elements.

Leafy materials. The optimal option is before starting to make the arch in the doorway, make a template in full growth. At the same time, it should be provided for the installation of the lighting system, stained glass, other embedded elements.

  • Fix aluminum guides.
  • Before you bend the metal profile, you need to cut it every 5 - 7 cm.
  • Next, on the template, the framework details are manufactured.

  • The finished frame is mounted using screws.
  • Then the band is cut into the desired size to close the design. Its length should be more than 10 cm, and the width is 3 cm.
  • To bend off it, you need to moisten. Plywood, Fiberboard bends with water and hot iron.

Note! Finishing works begin only after complete drying of all modules.

Theoretically independently install the arched construction is easy. Mounting works do not require expensive professional tools. There is enough drill, hammer, hacksaws, metal scissors - existing practically every domestic master. In the absence of experience with such tools, it is better to contact the services of professionals.


If you want to know how the plasterboard arch do, see the following video:

And so install the finished wooden arch with decorative weighting elements:


The doorway will look more aesthetically, if we arrange it in the form of a semicircular arch. You can make it from drywall, without resorting to the services of professional builders.

Marking Arch

An essential disadvantage of such a design is to reduce the size of the doorway. To see, a successful arch will fit into a particular doorway, it is better to first cut a blank of paper or cardboard and consolidate it above the door. If the height of the opening is less than 2.5 m, it may take to reduce the bending of the arc or make small bends only at the corners of the arch.

Installation of arches with a small bend radius

To draw the top of the arch on the workpiece, we use circular. You can make it from the remedies: self-built or sewed, fixed in the center of the circle, thread and pencil. Evenly pulling the thread, and wake the required arc. The larger the length of the thread, the more often the arch arches will be.

Building a circle

Make a circular can be made of metal profile

Cutting drywall

1. Initially, the first layer of cardboard and the core from the gypsum should be cut through. To do this, a ruler is applied to the intended line, and spend several times along it. sharp knife or filling for metal.

Cutting the first two layers

2. To finally break the gypsum core, the plasterboard put on the edge and slightly climb the location of the cut. If the detail is a small width, the plaster can be reversed, just pressing the edge of the sheet.

Cut the second layer

4. To remove roughness around the edge of the cut, it is processed sandpaper or rashpyl.

Important! For the perfect docking sheets on the edges of the plasterboard, the sharp knife should be removed fack 45 °.

Removing chamfer

Cutting blanks for the top arch

More convenient to work with electrol-bike or special plasterboard plasterboard. With the help of them, any figures can be cut from drywall. Moreover, with this method, the plaster is practically not dust, and the obtained edges almost do not require additional processing.

Cutting electrolovka

Crop the curly edges can be used knife for plasterboard in the form of a saw or pellets for metal with small teeth. However, this will require a certain skill. The knife or saw is carried out along the planted line so that the blade is as deeply penetrated into the sheet. In this case, the tool should go strictly perpendicular to the surface. Next, the hammer should be hosted the location of the cut, if necessary, spend the knife over it several times.

Cutting with a knife saw for drywall

Then cut through the back side of the sheeton which traces of the knife pressing are already visible. Then extra pieces are trimmed, and the edges of the sheet are poured with sandpaper. If the cut line is large enough, it is better to cut a sheet inside the contour to segments.

For getting holes (For example, for mounting lamps or sockets) you can use an electric drill with a crown.

Crown for a drill

Cutting and bending of metal guides

Aluminum guides are cut in conventional scissors for metal. For mounting the top of the arch, you will need a special arch profile. It can be purchased in the store or make it yourself.

For bend profile on it are made nurses. The distance between them depends on the bending radius - than it is more, the more like notes should be made. For flexible, it is better to choose a L-shaped profile - it will be much easier to work with it, and the cuts will have to do only on the one hand.

Bending a profile

Flexible plasterboard

For the device Arch can be purchased arched plasterboard. It is more plastic and, since its thickness is less than ordinary sheets, easily bends. However, buying a whole sheet is quite ordinary. Some stores implement such a material not sheets, but segments, which is very convenient. If you have a small segment, there is no possibility, you can bent and a regular sheet of plasterboard.

Slim arched plasterboard bends easily, but it is more expensive

To do this, you can use in two ways: wet and dry. In the first case, so that the moisture is better penetrated by the sheet, before flexible harvesting of plasterboard should be rolled needle roller.

Before flexible, the workpiece is rolled by a needle roller

Next, the sheet is uniform wet water And laid on the curvilinear surface, repeating the shape of the arch, giving the cargo. The device for drying the workpiece can be cut from the residues of plasterboard or plywood.

Wet bending

Important! For any method, bending should be taken into account that the plasterboard is well bend only along the length of the sheet.

For dry bending Cuts are made along the entire length of the bend. And the larger the bend radius, the more likely such notches should be applied. You can make it quickly with a grinder, however, because at the same time a lot of gypsum dust is formed, work better work on the street.

Dry flexible plasterboard

Installation of carcass

After dismantling the door frame, the surface is cleaned from the detached plaster, dust and dirt and knock all irregularities. Further on the sides of the doorway with the help of dowels-self-samples in 20-30 cm increments are fixed two racking metal products. At the same time, 11-12 mm should be retreating from the edge for mounting drywall and putting the putty. If the width of the opening is large (more than 1 m), between two guides are attached jumper. Small sections of profiles connecting two side guides are mounted and at the bottom of the opening. They must rest in the floor.

At the top of the doorway are mounted two curved profile arc. If necessary, they also bind to each other by jumpers.

Fastening of the top of the profile

Mounting profile with jumpers

Between the profile segments are fastened with self-draws

Mounting plasterboard

The very first samores in a step of 25-35 cm Mix the blanks for the top semicircle of the arch. Their width should be equal to the width of the doorway plus 10-15 mm. You should not roll the screws too close to the corners - it is necessary to make an indent of 1-1.5 cm, otherwise cracks will appear in the fasteners.

Installation of plasterboard

Mounting corners

Important! So that the screws are not discharged over the surface, they should be dragged into a sheet for a couple of millimeters. In the future, the holes from them are embarrassed by putty.

Finished design is placed in a wide spatula at the beginning start-up, and then finish spacure. The solution is applied to the inner side of the arch, and then, after its complete burden, on the side walls. In places of drywall joints to protect the solution from cracking with a putty attached painting grid.

After the editing of the installation of the arch is covered with putty

Fastening the painting mesh