How to make flowers from the substrate for laminate. Products from the substrate under laminate - cheap and very beautiful! General considerations on laying

The most popular floor covering, which is used in the repair of apartments, is a laminate. One of the reasons for its wide popularity is an emergency simplicity of laying. Thanks to her, the owner of the apartment can lay a laminate on their own without prejudice to quality. The intricacies of this work describes below.

About choosing and buying laminate

A huge selection of all sorts of colors and drawings is another cause of the popularity of laminate. Manufacturers continuously expand the range. Even for the most exquisite design ideas there are two or three suitable variants of colors and drawings.
Choosing a laminate, pay attention to the following nuances:
Thicker material - more durable. The thicker laminate, the higher the profile of the locks, and, it means, the tensile strength of the elements.
Laminate with a chamfer around the perimeter of elements is preferable. It looks more natural. In addition, the chamfer masks small gaps that may appear during operation.
Some varieties of laminate are sold with an already glued substrate. Such a laminate absorbs the sound of steps and is somewhat easier in laying.

Requirements for the base

Laminate is a very "democratic" material. It can be successfully laid on old coatings: on parquet, linoleum, ceramic tiles, boardy floor and, of course, on concrete floor. The main requirement is the basis should be even. Most laminate manufacturers recommend that the curvature of the floor does not exceed 2 mm when measuring the meter rail.
It is important that the base is dry. If you are going to lay a laminate for a recently made cement screed, be sure to make vapor barrier: shook the entire surface of the floor with polyethylene with fattystone 30-40 cm.

Preparing tools and materials

In order not to spend extra time at hand, all the necessary materials and tools should be at hand:
Laminate in sufficient and substrate. Consider. That part of the material will go in trimming.
Plinth, connecting elements for it and fasteners.
Electric jigsaw and 2-3 replaceable caps for it.

Hammer, small mount or nail.
Roulette, square, pencil or marker for marking.

General considerations on laying

Do not be lazy to learn the instructions for laying the laminate. General principles of work for all types of laminate are the same, but there are nuances in working with different types of laminate. Note that in which direction - from left to right or right to left - you need to collect rows. Find out how the elements are connected on the short side.

All types of laminate are stacked by the "floating method": the material is not attached to the base. With changes in humidity, the material "breathes" - its geometric dimensions change. To compensate for these changes around the perimeter of the room, 8-10 mm gap between the wall and the laid coated is left. It is closed by a plinth.
Usually, the rows of laminate are located along the rays of the light from the window. Nevertheless, the laminate can also be in the transverse direction and even at an angle of 45 degrees. Often, but not always laying laminate starts from the wall in which the door is located or the closest to it.
Taking into account all these considerations, we determine where we start and start working.


1. On a purely marvelous floor base, we settle the first row of substrates. (If vaporizolation is required, the first spread it, and put the substrate from above.)

2. Collect the first row. The last element in the row is cut down in length and put it at the top of the next row. Having gathered completely two rows, check their straightness with the help of a strained thread.
3. Watch that the distance between short joints in neighboring rows was at least 30-35 cm. If necessary, start the next row with a longer or shorter item.

4. We continue to laying. When 3-4 rows are ready for a deformation gap between the laid coating and the wall. It is convenient to use small pieces of laminate, dried out of cropping.
5. As necessary, we settle down the substrate and continue the laying. Watch that there are no slighted slots between the elements. We eliminate them with the random blows of the hammer necessarily through the spacer made from the trimming of the laminate.

6. Laminate elements in the last row have to trim in width. The room may be indirectal. To cut the detail of the desired width, place the line of the cutting line "on the place", as shown in the figure.

7. To insert the elements of the last row in the locks without cracks, use the mount or nail.
8. Having finished laying, install the plinth. Laminate packs require a very careful relationship. It is easy to damage the locks and even not to notice. If this nevertheless happened, damaged elements can be used at the edges so that parts with the chips went into trim.

So that when cutting the laminate of chips along the cut, it was smaller, use special reverse toe pecks, as in the photo or place and saw laminate from the reverse side.

Carefully check the cleanliness of the grooves in the locks: the slightest sarex - and the slot will appear at the junction. On the bright laminate, the gap is especially noticeable.
To cut holes for heating pipes, use a narrow pink for figure cut. The gap between the laminate and the pipe fill the parquet sealant into the color of the laminate.
Laying of laminate in a room of 18-20 square meters. Meters require no more than 4-5 hours. One person can cope with her.
Paul is ready to use immediately! You can enter and live.

Such bottles-houses, of course, are not news. Many make them, using all sorts of different materials: putty, different plastics, fabric, leather, etc. etc. After one job, I have many pieces of cork substrate under the laminate - well, not to throw away !!!

The cork substrate is sold in construction movies in rolls and sheets. In rolls - thinner and cheaper, easily modeled, economically spent.

There was an empty already (alas!) Bottle from under "Cointreau" - brown glass, an interesting form, it seemed to me, you can make a house such ... Supplept.

From the residues of the cork sheet chopped "bricks", glue on the glass, leaving a place for windows-doors.

Frames and doors - from the ice cream shelves, steps, the "tile" on the roof - from the tube, chopped a lot of tiles and glue peeks. All glue shivel "moment-universal transparent".

Then painting and decorating. The paint is simply acrylic white paint - the wall of the house, toning "bricks" along the edges for the completeness of perception. The plug is painted very well, it becomes like a stone.

The "door" (from the sticks of the eskimo) also glued, painted the color of the old tree, painted the "loops" and "door ring".

Long painted the "roof": first with red acrylic paint, then long swing brown and black. It turned out the old tile. And how would the pipe. The lid is repeated.

Here is the "house" from all sides:

And then something inspired and also made a jar as well:

In the jar at the same time you can pour into a bottle.

Trifle, but nice ...

Have you ever seen products from a laminate substrate? I think that for some of you the first question will be - what is the substrate, and only then the question of products and crafts with your own hands.

Meet your usual to repair apartments, but unusual for needlework material - a substrate for laminate!

No, do not rush to leave the page, interesting only begins ...

Creativity is a wonderful occupation. The usual turns into an unusual, and the cast material is so interestingly processed that the masterpiece is obtained. And how cool it looks, made by your own hands from materials that are not intended for these purposes!

These include the heroine of our article - Substrate.

Where can I buy a substrate

You will not believe, but many masters and craftswomen often look into the store BUILDING MATERIALS. And since the view of them on things is infinitely creative, then with empty hands, they never go out.

Quality and variety of materials, paints, the tool is really pleased. It remains only to think about what, where and how to apply.

Experienced sellers in the store and the construction materials market will always answer you for any questions. And sometimes there are sometimes a lot - how to choose glue to the material, what kind of paint choose? You will definitely get the answer.

Characteristics and properties of the substrate

First of all, the substrate is a building material, and therefore you should not doubt its quality. In addition, the products made by their own hands from this material will not bear such loads as in construction.

pay attention to Properties Substrates:

  • soft
  • flexible
  • diverse gentle shades - white, pink, green, blue, yellow,
  • translucent and opaque,
  • durable
  • relatively durable
  • large width and length,
  • different thickness and density,
  • very cheap (item is quite important),
  • sold by a honey, not a whole roll.


Substrate - material for adult and children's creativity.

Where and how to apply this material depends on you yourself, from your creative fantasy.

From my own side I will try to please you with some ideas, pushing off from which you can invent your products.

And over time you will delight all a variety of small and large, flat and voluminous work!

Fastening and connection

This is one of the important items in working with any material, since all the work depends on this.

Everything needs to be checked experienced, in practice and necessarily on the draft material. The substrate is a material with a very smooth surface, so the glue is difficult to pick up. One thing through the corrosion of the substrate surface, the other does not connect it at all with any other material or among themselves. There are no speech on the thermopystole.

But the thread with a simple needle helps to solve the problem of connecting and fastening parts in products. Sew is very easy. The substrate freely makes itself a needle, the thread does not break it in places in the layout of the seam.

Many crafts do not require compounds and fastenings at all. In this case NOT Neither glue nor the needle.

Than draw

Working with the substrate, sometimes there is a need to transfer patterns or drawing using stencils () onto its surface. This can be done using a conventional ballpoint handle, the line from which is easily erased.


To cut the patterns and parts from the substrate, you need a stationery knife and scissors of different sizes.

For external lines, it is possible to use scissors and a knife for internal - knife.

But the most important thing is to choose to work the tool you conveniently work.

The substrate is cut very easily. But the tool must be sharp in order to cut, and not tear the material. Working a stationery knife, rush the end of the blade and continue the work with a sharp blade further.

Be sure to put a wooden bunch under work, so as not to spoil the surface of the table, and the small pieces after cutting do not throw away - they will be useful for the manufacture of small products.

How to erase lines

After cutting out parts or patterns from the substrate in some places, traces from the ballpoint handles can be left, which are easily erased from the surface.

You will need cologne, cotton disks and gloves. Mixed in cologne disks are rubbed a contaminated surface.

Work in gloves and in a ventilated room.

What are the product from the substrate

  • They keep the shape well
  • they are easy to care for them,
  • it is convenient to store them even in large quantities,
  • no moisture is afraid
  • very light and air,
  • just gentle and beautiful.

It remains only to say: "Thanks to builders for such a material!"

And you think about whether it is worth interrupted with this wonderful material from which you can make many interesting products?

Leave your reviews in the comments and share with your other experience!

Master class from the series "Crafts from non-traditional materials". Topic: Painting "White Lady"

rose flower
This flower is the most beautiful!
It can be white, and red,
Maybe yellow il pink color
Like perfume fragrant at the same time.
Only here twig rolling with spikes.
What kind of flower? Guess yourself!
Svetlana Jusis
Author: Morgalyuk Olga Stanislavovna, teacher of additional education, MKOU DOD "TSD", Kushva.
Purpose: Master - class is designed for children 10 - 12 years old, as well as teachers of additional education, and is one of the Master series of classes for working with non-traditional materials.
Purpose: Production of a gift, interior design.
Purpose:Make a picture in the frame with soleton roses.
- create conditions for mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills of work with isolon;
- develop creative thinking;
- to educate the prigidity, patience, accuracy.
Visual manuals: Ready work from Isolon.

The technique, which I suggest you master, - we invented an experienced way in classes with children. Children are small researchers, they check everything to the touch. Studying the properties of Isolon in classes, we found that the material is stretched, forming an interesting edge.

Properties of Isolon
Isolon is a technical tissue that serves for insulation and isolation. It is different thickness: from 0.2 cm to 1 cm., Width of material from 1m to 2m. Sold in construction stores, the price is relatively small. The color scheme is not very diverse, the main colors: white, green, yellow, red. Now the isolon coated with one side of the foil appeared, which gives certain effects. This material is not lit, but only melts; Durable enough during tension; It is well cut by scissors and cutter, which allows you to cut a thin pattern on it; With severe stretching, the hands are torn, and if stretching is not strong, then the wavy edge is obtained. Blooms badly, only with the help of a thermopystole. You can also connect with a stapler or sew. Crab can be acrylic paints. It is well stored in a roll, if stored in a bent state forms a scar. When stored for a long time in the sun can be brightened.

Materials and tools.
Materials and tools will be needed to work with Izolon:
Cardboard for templates, ballpoint pen, scissors, thermopystole, frame, grid packaging for pattern background, hair polish, cosmetic shine, aerosol paint.

Step-by-step work process.
1. Cardboard cut stencils for flower petals and leaves. The petal consists of the top and legs: template number 1 - 1 pc., №2 - 5 pcs., №3 - 5pcs. (Templates 4 and 5 for larger flower)

2. To transfer the stenchets of the petals to the isolon and circling the handle (the pencil does not draw on the insole, the marker is smeared).

3. Cut the circled details (parts need to be cut on the inner side, otherwise it will be seen a line from the handle, which gives the inaccurability of work)

4. Kray the upper part of the petal stretch, I called this technique "stretching". It is not necessary to pull too much to not break the workpiece. But if you have a little launched a little, do not be mistaken. This will give an additional petal volume.

5. Will the assembly from the middle of the flower, to do this, smear the bottom edge of the first petal glue and spin.

6. Printed 5 small petals (template number 2) in a circle, flaming the leg. Attach the petals according to the scheme.

7. Glit 5 petals (template number 3) in a circle, flaming the leg. Attach the petals according to the scheme.
The flower in the finished form looks like this.

8. For the composition, we will need 3 roses flower. Follow the first flower two more: using in the second flower templates No. 1; 2; 3; 4 and in the third flower Templates number 1; 2; 3; 4; 5.

9. Transfer the stencils of the leaves to the isolon and circling the handle.

10. Cut the circled details (do not forget to cut on the inside!). Stretch the edges of the leaves (carefully!) It turned out these billets of the leaves.

11. Trimming that you have left when cutting can be used. For example: if you stretch one edge of the strip, you will get an interesting element of the decor, and if you cut the circle on the spiral, then the curl will turn out. These details can be used when working out.

12. For the composition you need three roses flower, three sheets and decor elements.

13. Ready-made flowers sprinkle with hair and, until he dry, sprinkle with glitter and fasten with varnish.

14. Finished frame paint an aerosol paint. Grid paste on the frame from the inside using the thermopystole. For the background you can use the wallpaper.

15. Fragments of the picture of the grid with the help of a thermopystole. First attach the leaves, then flowers and decor. When drawing up the composition, it is important to remember the basic laws of the composition: the law of integrity is the indivisibility of the composition and the law of contrasts. To compile this panel, we suggest using asymmetry, which will help to make the work of dynamism, ease.

16. Finished picture.

17.Reans are different. Clear capabilities allow you to create different forms of colors.