How to make door arches with your own hands. We make the arch from drywall do it yourself

One way will increase the living space - remove the doors. But it is not always possible or the desire to destroy the walls. Then the former doorway is drawn up in the form of an arch. Another option to use arched openings is to divide the long corridor on the zone, breaking too simple geometry. When repairing on its own, the plasterboard arches are most often made: they are easiest to make them the easiest.

Types of Arok.

Interroom or corridor arches can have a different form. They differ in the main form of the upper part and sometimes - a way to connect with vertical parts. Their main types are presented in the photo.

In this group there is no one of the most popular recent - half a day. They have a rounded corner only on the one hand, on the other it remains direct. Hence the name - half a day. It looks good in modern inverters: minimalism, high-tech, maybe in Art Deco.

The classic is distinguished by the right form of the vertex. It is strictly harder, the radius of which is equal to half the width of the doorway. This species looks good at the height of the opening of at least 2.5 m. It fits well in any interior, but it looks best in in a long corridor, or instead of the entrance door in the kitchen.

Arched opening in the style of "Modern" is distinguished by a small radius of curvature and a sharp transition at the place of a joint with vertical components of the opening. It looks good if the walls and ceiling have a more or less simple design. It looks great on the site of the former balcony door, good at the entrance to the office.

The arch of the style "Romance" is more likely rounded angles (mostly the master so called it). It looks good with great width and not the highest altitude.

The form "Romance" is good with great width and low height

The form "Ellipse" "is very close to" romance ". It differs only greater curvature in the middle. Also suitable for low and wide opening. Looks just a little softer.

The trapezium is a non-standard design consisting of broken lines. It is difficult to play in the interior, therefore it is used infrequently: for some non-standard designs.

One of the design options - a trapezium

Very similar to the usual opening, yes it is essentially it is, only without the door canvase. For greater originality, it is often accompanied by wooden carved elements in the form of columns on the sides. In this form, it is good for classic interiors, as well as ethno-style - Greek or Roman, depending on the type of columns.

For decoration in modern styles, another approx - next to the main arch, have smaller portals. This technique allows you to "beat" a simple form.

More option Arch "Portal"

Before you begin to make the Arch, you need to decide on its parameters. Select the type and then the parameters: where it will start, and which radius of curvature will be. This can be really steep bending, and can only some rounding corners.

To understand how the form you selected look, you can cut a pattern from cardboard and attach it on the doorway. Rate effect. If everything suits you, you can make a blank on this template. But only one - for one side of the opening. The second should be done at the place, otherwise it will be crooked.

Step-by-step instructions with photos: the fastest way

Arches from plasterboard do with their own hands in different ways. This one takes a minimum period of time. Deciding with the form proceeding to the installation. On the prepared opening - purified from the peeling plaster and relatively aligned, in size for the future arch, the framework of the framework. It is made from the profile for drywall or a dry wooden bar of a suitable size. Sometimes, if the wall is narrow, you can only pick up wood.

To begin with, we cut a rectangle from drywall in size to the sizes of the future arch, we find it middle, mark, after which we are temporarily screwed into place. We retreat from the edge of 12.5 mm - the thickness of the sheet of plasterboard. If the adjacent walls are already plastered, add a couple more millimeters on putty - so that you can align the surface.

Now we take a piece of profile or a hard corner, from one edge laying half the width of the opening. At this place in the corner we do a hole, insert the carnations into it. This nail stick to the middle of the doorway marked earlier on the sheet. It turns out a kind of circuit, with which it is easy to draw the perfect line.

Devices for delineation of arc

Changing the fastening height can be obtained more or less than a high arch. If you need a more common curve, increase the length of the "Circular".

Removing the sheet, on the outlined contour arc cut out. This can be made with a special sawmaker on plasterboard, saw for metal - with a small tooth for a more level edge, an electroll (there will be a lot of dust). If the slice was not very smooth, aligned with the sandpaper fixed on the grater. This adaptation is achieved by the perfectly smooth curve of the form we need. The carved fragment of the arch - the side wall - again secure in place.

If everything is exactly, no distortion or irregularities, on the other hand, we attach the same sheet of plasterboard, as a few steps earlier - a rectangle or square - depending on the form. It must be fixed strictly vertically. Now transfer the shape of the arch on it. We take the square, a straight angle and one side we are pressed to the plasterboard, on which we carry the arch, the second side - to the sum. Having put the carbon perpendicular to the pencil point. We make such points throughout the arc. The more often they will be made, the easier it will draw a line and more accurate will be the coincidence - the less will have to begden.

Why is it so difficult, and not just make a copy of the first sheet? Because few of the openings are symmetrical. As a result, install the second sheet so that the arches lines coincide very problematic.

Noting all the points, leaf removed, draw the line, drink it on it. Mount to your previous place. Now we take the smoothness with emery paper and now there are both edges before the complete coincidence. One moment - the ironing should be wider than the opening so that both walls of the arch be captured in one pass.

We measure the length of the arc, cut out a piece of the profile of the same length, we make notches on the walls every 3-4 cm. This tape will need to fasten along the arch of the arch from one side.

Breppy on the self-tapping screw, neatly, pressing the profile and holding it with Bru, and not with his fingers: to get a screw in the fingers elementary. By the way, you need to work with a chopped profile in gloves. If without - the hands cut exactly.

By the way, the back of the profile can be placed on the edge - it is easier to work, and the junction will still have to be embedded. Similarly, screw the strip to the other side.

This is the bottom view - on the sides are attached profile.

There is a second method of fastening the profile - to plant it on a rapidly grappling universal glue, such as liquid nails. This method is acceptable if the width of the opening is small. With a large thickness of the arch, the glue may not withstand the masses of the plasterboard, which will be attached from the bottom.

The next step is krepaim jumpers. First, the depth of the arch will be lost, 1-1.5 cm is deducted from it. This will be the length of the jumpers. Cut pieces of a profile of such a length.

Jumpers are cut from the same profile

In places of attachment, the jumpers are cut off "petals", the trained fragment is installed and fixed. It should not be restricted into the walls, is approximately 5 mm from the back. The jumpers are needed that the design is more rigid, otherwise she "walks" when pressed.

Next of the plasterboard it is necessary to cut a rectangle that will close the design below. Its width is simply determined - from the outer edge of one sheet of GLC, to the outer edge of the second sheet. Length is measured by a flexible tape (tailoring) or tape measure with an assistant. This leaf is attic self-drawing to the frame of the arch. The sheet has to bend, and how to do it just below - closer to the end of the article.

Arched opening of drywall: second way (photo report)

This method is good if the thickness of the partition is small: try to cover the profiles, if the gap between them is a few centimeters, and then pull the jumpers. It all starts: the first wall of the arch is cut, attached and transferred to the second sheet.

After the width of the gap between the two sheets, wooden crossbars are cut out, which are attached along the edge of the arches on the self-tapping screw.

The carved drywall strip is fixed, starting with one of the sides. To make it more convenient, it is possible to fix clamps, the benefit of the thickness of the simpleness is small. When attaching the band, you can navigate on the self-tapping screws that bruks were screwed. So accurately get into the crossbar.

Then it remains only on the corner to consolidate a special perforated corner and charm the irregularities.

A corner is attached along the arch, everything is putting

It is also more convenient to smoothly put the dry putty to the entire plane of the sandpaper, fixed on the grater. It is unpleasant that at the same time dust fun in the eye, so it is almost impossible to work without glasses.

How to make an arch instead of the door: the way the third is a typical technique

Another way to make arches from drywall do it yourself - a set. The arch is broken into segments and collect from pieces that create a close to the desired curvature.

Fasten them on a putty, diluted with a mixture of PVA with water. It dries such a knee quickly, therefore, we first cut the plates and try on. You can be folded on the table, only the arch will be turned upside down, but how surely the plates are assembled will allow.

Then the plates begin to mount to the impex, for reliability, periodically strengthening with self-draws. Under the heads put the washers - so as not to sell the cardboard. Remove excess putty immediately. If it grabs, tear off unreal. The finished surface is primer to improve adhesion (clutch), and then put sand, aligning the arch. To make it easier to output, you can use the template attached from both sides.

It is not easy to do steep in this technology, but for rounded corners and seven marters - a great way to do without profiles.

How to bend plasterboard

One important detail: Standard wall plasterboard beeps badly. For curved surfaces, thin - 6 and 6 mm thickness were made specifically. This bent part is easier to do from it. With a small curvature, such a thin sheet may be easily reached without trustees. If the subtle GVL buy no desire, there are two ways to bend standard.

First - Take a needle roller and hire a carved cut on one side. It is necessary to roll with effort to break the plaster. Then the sheet is water with water and leave for two or three hours. After such procedures, he must be neglected. You take it fix on the one hand, and gradually pressing the arches to the frame, bend, screwing gradually at the edges of the self-draws. The method is not bad, just with a lack of experience and insufficient processing of plaster sheets can burst. We will have to do or then mask the gap, or start first.

Second The method bend plasterboard: On the one hand, to make a knife with a knife about every 4-5 cm. Shells should cut the paper. Such a lane is also gradually fasten, breaking as necessary plaster. It bursts on the lines of the cut from light pressed.

Video on the topic

During the repair or redevelopment of the apartment, the owners are often wondering how to make with their own hands in the doorway. After all, it is an elegant and practical decision that you do not think better.

But before you understand how to make the arch in the house, it should be understood which style prevails in your room and in accordance with this choose the style of the arch.

There are several types of interroom arches:

  • classic;
  • modern;
  • romance;
  • ellipse;
  • trapezium;
  • portal.

Below is presented how these types look like. According to pictures, you can easily understand how to make an interroom arch.

But you should not hurry, without sobering in all the intricacies of how to make the arch on your own.

The arch can be made in the wall or in. Make the doorway in the form of the arch is subject to almost everyone, we will tell about it in detail below.

But in the wall of the arch does not need to do. The reason is simple: if you do not have the appropriate formation or skills of correctly changing the walls and understanding how to make an arch in the wall, you will spend too much time and money. So to then correctly remake the arch will have to hire specialists.

Perhaps you will have a desire to make the arch in the bearing wall. It is possible to do this, but remember that any openness in the carrier walls must perform working certified firms that have a SRO tolerance.

Master class on the manufacture of plasterboard arches

Since the most common material in the manufacture of arched structures is drywall, the master class will be devoted to how to make a plasterboard arch. Stages:

  1. Take drywall and cut off two identical rectangles in terms of opening. Gently pull them out with the help of self-tapping screws.
  2. Putting these sheets on a flat surface to find the middle and fought the line.
  3. Measure from the edges of the "Circular" 8-10 cm and draw a semicircle between the marks.
  4. Electrolzik cut out the workpiece.
  5. The resulting parties arches attach in the opening.
  6. Inside the acre copp UD profile and slice of drywall. Must be emphasis.
  7. On the inner width, cut the pieces of drywall. The width must be 10 cm.
  8. Dilm gloves for drywall and glue slices of drywall inside the arches so that they do not protrude beyond.
  9. On the vertical parties, the arches glue aluminum corners and top-arched. So we see how to make a frame for the arch.
  10. The question is how to make an arc with backlight - separate. This moment needs to be thought out in advance. The arch inside should be left a little hollow, and not completely picked up slices of drywall. This cavity needs to put wiring. In places of installation of lamps, cut holes for the desired shape and sizes depending on which bulbs will be installed there. You need to cut holes after the final decoration arches. Otherwise, they will not accurately match the plane, and there may be a problem when putting the arc.

How to make an arch in the doorway - the choice of material

To create an arched design, you can use any materials: brick, stone, wood, metal and plastic. The first is characterized by a lot of weight, and the second highest cost. The most popular and acceptable option is to install the arches from plasterboard. It is light, environmentally friendly and practical building material.

This design has several advantages:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • simplicity.

Its installation is not accompanied by large-scale work with increased noise and extensive consumption of building material. It will not be superfluous to note the available cost of all building elements used by mounting the arches from drywall and a huge range in each construction store.

How to make the arch in the doorway - preparing door opening

After selecting the type of arc installed, you can move to the preparation of the opening. First you need to get rid of the installed design, instead of which you want to build the arch. Remove the door and dismantle the door frame. For this purpose, you can use scrap and grinder. If the sizes of the opening do not satisfy you - correct the situation. You can cut part of the wall, and you can build a less overall design by reducing the distance in the opening. The surface should be cleaned from pinch, dust and pieces of concrete. To protect against fungus and mold, treat the wall with antiseptic impregnation.

How to make an arch in the doorway - installation of a frame

From the guide profile, the main frame arch is made. Prepared bands must be attached in parallel to each other on both sides and to the top of the opening. Drill in openings overlaps, with which you will fix the profile of dowels. Pay attention to install the main framework you need to depart deep into the opening. The retreat should be equal to the thickness of the sheet of plasterboard and putty. Thus, the surface of the door arch will have one plane with overlaps.

For the manufacture of an arcuate part of the frame, you will have to perform "non-voice" manipulation: supervise the side shelves of the profile and bent to the state of the arc. Cuts are made using a grinder or scissors at a distance of 50 millimeters from each other. The resulting arcs attach self-reserves to the main guide. The arc from the plasterboard, made by its own hands, must be strong enough. To do this, you need to install rigidity ribs from the carrier profile.

How to make an arch in the doorway - arcuate fragment arches

With the help of a tape measure, measure the length and width of the arc. Take a knife and cut a piece from the drywall corresponding to the sizes. Now, to bend plasterboard, you can use 2 ways:

  • Wet him. Suitable for creating minor bends.
  • We make cuts every 10 centimeters. Use the building level so that the cuts come out strictly perpendicular to the side edge.

Plasterboard should be flipped with cuts up. Gently give it the necessary form. Be careful and drywall will quickly acquire a form. Fixation Start from the top of the Arch by self-draws. Step by step a sheet of drywall will acquire a planned form.

How to make the arch in the doorway - registration

The formed and prostrate arch needs additional design:

  • Painting. The inner part is painted with light paint.
  • Wallpaper shook over the arch. This is a simple and affordable way.
  • Poliurethane stucco finish. Skills will not be superfluous, but everything is simple enough, because all the elements are going and glued in stages. The assembly begins with the top of the arch. Side elements are adjusted for the height.
  • Decoration stucco from plaster. The method is similar to the previous one, however, performing work with your own hands, you risk making low-quality seams and spoil the appearance.
  • Decorative stone laying. This work is better to entrust professionals.

Arched doorways give the design of the house a kind of architectural charm. Arches are designed to visually increase the room space. Make work with your own hands or contact specialists - everyone decides himself.

Modern repair requires large investments both to pay for materials and directly performing tasks. No wonder that many are trying to save, performing various processes on their own, it only wins. For example, the arch in the apartment will cost much cheaper, and the realization that all this is done by you will warp the soul.

Creating various architectural and design solutions, you not only create unique design elements, but also work with the ergonomic of the room itself. It is known that rounded angles are better perceived and add a visual component of coziness to any room. That is why this method was used in various vintage buildings. Rectangular sections today is just an attempt to perform more economical solutions, since mass construction does not favor individual solutions.

What are the arches?

Before the arch in the apartment, it is worth dealing with the fact that, in general, it is a solution. As a rule, the arch is called any opening that does not have the door. This, of course, is contrary to the opinion of many users for which such solutions contain only a semicircular completion. In fact, species arches exists not so little:

If you decide to create a really cozy and high-quality design in the apartment, then you will most likely have to make an arch. The price of such work ranges from 2000 to 4000 rubles. It can not be called too high, since a variety of modern materials allow you to make such processes very quickly and. However, you can and save by doing everything yourself, of course, if you have knowledge and abilities to such work.

How to make the arch in your apartment?

How to make an arch? First you need to decide on the type of design so that it exactly corresponds to the selected design of the entire apartment. After that, it is worth starting the choice of materials.

One of the best components to create such a design will be a plasterboard sheet. It is very easily processed and for creating a curvilinear site you will not need any special devices. It will be possible to limit the hacksaw, and better - the electrolovka. Of course, there are other materials, but work with them requires a special approach and is carried out longer, and more difficult.

In order for all work to be completed correctly, it is necessary to place all areas to begin. Determine the radius of the rounding, the beginning of the curvilinear area and the point where it will pass.

Then, according to the projected circuit, the profile is mounted for mounting the plasterboard sheet. Please note that when measurements need to be taken into account not only the form, but also the thickness of the mounted material, then not to receive protruding from the wall of the plots.

When the installation of the profile is completed, and, consequently, the frame on both sides of the opening is ready, it is necessary to cut the necessary sections from a drywall, which will create an arched transition. Finished pieces of material are fixed on the frame, and the general type of construction will already be approximately visible.

The final phase of the draft assembly will be the fastening of an arcuate area between arched transitions. It will act as a material all the same plasterboard. By the way, if the bending is very cool and there is a possibility that the leaf will crack - moisten it in water, then its flexibility will increase.

Posted by this site, you can consider all the work almost complete. It will only remain fixing the forming corners and close all the seams, after which it is best to carry out the finishing materials that are best suited for the design of your room.

All such works can be, and you can invite specialists for these purposes - this decision you need to accept you personally, because there is no particular difficulty in such work, but it is also very simple to be called.

Video about how to make the arch in the apartment do it yourself

In addition, even small deviations from the desired dimensions can cause various skews, so if you first make an independently arch in the apartment, be prepared for the fact that the process may have to be repeated until a qualitative result is achieved.

If such a method is complicated for you, you can perform an arc from bricks, aerated concrete blocks and even apply a polyvinyl chloride film as in stretch ceilings. Use any technology that is more convenient to you or is available to make the most attractive design in your apartment.

The owners of small apartments prefer not to close the door open openings, but to decorate their arched structures. At the expense of this, the space is visually increasing, the interior of the room becomes much more elegant and the combination of two rooms in one thing is carried out.

You can use ready-made arched structures that are sold in construction stores and represent a set of details, and you can assemble the arc with your own hands, pre-harves the necessary materials.

How to make elegant elements? Look at the photo of the arch do it yourself. List of technologies and materials used - huge - fantasize!

Installing arches in the apartment

At home you can not resort to the help of a construction team and engineering skills to establish incredible beauty of the arch. It is enough to choose your favorite arched design and a material with a tool to make it. If you follow the instructions below, you can avoid the most frequent errors that make newcomers.

The arches structure themselves in the construction industry usually play the role of supporting elements during the construction of ceilings and walls. In our example, the doorways are not supporting structures. For the first case, materials are taken, given the serious load on the walls, decorative arched structures must withstand only their own weight.

The door arch in the apartment replaces the door, it is installed on the same place as a movable design. This is the future element of designer design.

The ideas of the arches are dumbfounded, the most simple we describe in our article. You can make an arch using a bar 2-3 cm by a cross se section or light profile. This design in any execution will be perfectly held the weight of the finish. The main thing is to reliably consolidate all the elements on the wall so that the beautiful decor does not sprinkle after a couple of days.

Note! Decorative arch more plays a designer function in apartments, it is not supported by the main designs. The main burden in a similar situation on the walls of concrete and jumpers.

There is a huge selection of arched forms and design solutions, each of which is selected under the case.

The arch presented above as a visual example of the arch has the form of a semicircle of the correct form. In the latter case, the passage with strict outlines of the rectangle. The intermediate options for arched structures go further.

There are a mass of other examples where only one support is used or curved racks. The appearance of the door arch directly depends on the selected room design.

It is necessary to take into account the size of the openings, the height of the ceilings and some possible features of the planning of the room. Someone at home in a classic retro style will be perfectly fitted with an elegant arch with a semicircular shape, in others in the modernist - rectangular portal form.

These things affect the taste of the owners and the design features of the apartment. Someone chooses the cone-shaped arches at all.

Choosing a classic, note that the ceilings in the apartment are tall and have a height of at least 3 meters. If you have a typical panel apartment with a low ceiling, use the arched system "Modern".

Wide racks of the Romance model will be perfectly complemening the army of the face with wide racks. The arch model "Portal" is suitable for the interior with clearly predominant direct forms. This option is the perfect choice for log houses.

Do the arch do it yourself

Make an elegant arch can be quickly using plastic and laminated elements, step-by-step instructions How to make the arch is presented on. They are cut to the desired size in height, and then they are attached according to the instructions in the right places. These are the standard options that are made on a single template, they do not surprise the buyer, and the price is not always tempting. Yes, and choose the model of the desired size under your discourse is sometimes very problematic.

To make the design elements of the arch, we will need the following materials: Fiberboard plates, drywall plates and plywood. How to make the arch do it yourself? If you watched as professional builders work with drywall plates, they probably guessed that they are best to choose to cover. They can be separated after installation with various materials. In turn, the thin plywood has one big plus - it is easily bent.

The frame of the Arches is made from the bar with a cross section of 20 x 20 mm (30 x 30 mm) or a metal profile.

How to make the arch in the opening?

Bright and causing arc made of red brick, concrete or aerated concrete blocks. Red brick can be used without finishing materials. Such an arch will emphasize the solidity and material security of its owner.

Perfect for the modern design of the premises. The weight of such a design is very large and in old apartments to build a similar one is not recommended, a large load on the walls.

Metal structures of complex form should be left for work by professional designers and engineer. Metal is difficult and troublesome, these projects are very complex in their implementation and engineering documentation is prepared in advance.

Profile and drywall are the simplest and most affordable things that allow making the designs of any shape and style.

Arch of wood

Not everyone likes a pine person, but for finishing works, any other noble wood material can be used: oak, ash and others. Beautiful arches in the interior will complement the elegant classic wooden furniture.

In general, working with any tree without experience is very difficult. Better all work entrust to professional builders. Focus on your own features and experience.

The opening of the arched construction from the tree is created by assembling a variety of small fragments. With the help of pressing, they make round elements, then glue them or twisted each other. At this stage, a lot of tools and time will be required.

Photo arches do it yourself