How to make air heating in a private house. Air heating of a private house: Features of the system, its installation and maintenance of air heating

Before the construction of a country house or cottage, it is important to determine the type of heating system; There are many options that are characterized by the efficiency, complexity of installation and price. One of the most popular is air heating: for medium-sized area of \u200b\u200bpremises, compact fan tracking equipment is used, and a more complex project will be required for the entire building. Compared to water heating, the air must be considered as a real climate system, because it combines several functions, such as heating, ventilation, cooling, moisturizing, air purification and is characterized in operation.

We asked for more details on such systems, we were asked to tell the ATM Climate specialists - a company that occupies one of the leading positions in the market of climatic equipment.


Principle of operation and equipment system

Equipment for air heating is divided into two types:

    First type - with a heat exchanger in the form of a combustion chamber, in which gas is directly burning. Air passing through the heat exchanger heats up and fed into the room.

    Second Type - Water heat exchanger. For such a system, the heat source can be a wood-burning furnace, a solid fuel, gas or universal boiler. Also, the system is possible to install an electric heater, but it should be understood that the cost of electricity will be very significant, in addition, this option is not suitable for homes for which low dedicated electrical power is provided.

The most modern option is to install the thermal air pump. A favorable feature of such a solution is if the system is included in the air conditioner, this system does not require large additional costs of equipment, but it can significantly save on resources during operation.

The use of heat pumps of this type for the heating of houses is the world trend, since heat is obtained without burning the fuel and the contamination of the atmosphere.

Basic components of air heating:

    Fan. The heart of the system, it must be productive and durable.

    Heat Exchanger. It serves to warm up the air flow.

    Air ducts. These elements are used for directional air supply to the room.

    Filters, Moisturizing Devices. They are necessary for cleaning and maintaining the optimal microclimate inside the building.

    Air conditioning. Allows you to cool all the rooms in the house.

    Control system. It automatically supports and controls the temperature conditions, includes and disables the climate system.

Effectively and aesthetic for houses with panoramic glazed and second light Source

Note! There are no radiators in the air heating system. Air after warming up the rooms through the grids, the cold masses are turned upstairs and go through the air ducts to the heat exchanger. Circulation provides competent room heating and promotes efficient ventilation.

Circulation may be natural or forced. In the first case, the movement of the flow occurs due to the temperature difference, the fan is used in the second. As a rule, systems equipped with such equipment are quite powerful and productive. They are satisfied in homes with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 400 square meters, if the house area is greater, several systems are installed.

Professional advice on airborne heating of a private house you can get directly from specialists. Contacts of the company "ATM Climate" by reference. Or specify at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Advantages and disadvantages of air heating

Like any other system, this design has its advantages and cons. The following qualities can be attributed to advantages:

    Universality. Air heating of a private house provides not only heat or coolingbut also ventilation, cleaning and moisturizing The air is essentially a climate system to create an optimal microclimate in the building.

    Ease of operation. All system management can be fully automated.

    High Energy Efficiency (1.5 times more economical water heating). Air heating is optimally suitable if the owner is important savings in the process of use.

    Increased reliability. The system practically does not fail, needs more rarely maintenance. Inside due to the absence of fluid, an air stopper or leakage of the coolant cannot form. Such a phenomenon as "defrost" for such a system does not exist.

    Durability. The system, provided that the installation is properly installed, is able to work out several decades. In the process, it is important only to regularly change consumables and check for health.

In the event of an emergency power outage of the electricity, the system does not understand and will not spoil the repair Source

An important advantage of air heating is the ability to maintain the specified temperature for a long time. It does not affect the weather conditions, it is possible to regulate the mode using automation on a thermostat or manually using the control panel. Elements themselves, with competent design, occupy a minimum of space, look quite aesthetically, and for greater attractiveness it is possible, for example, hide the air ducts into special decorative boxes.

At the same time, air heating has a number of shortcomings:

    System must be installed in the house still during construction. Since the air ducts occupy a significant place in the house, they must be designed in advance.

    For small houses The air heating system will be somewhat more expensive than traditional heating.

    Set stretch ceilingIf it was planned, it becomes more difficult because you have to bypass air ducts.

    Installation is advisable to spend to the inner finishingOtherwise it will be impossible to hide the air ducts in the overlap of the house.

    The height of the ceiling in the location of the air ducts, with the impossibility of laying in the overlap, decreases by 15-20 cm.

    Before mounting required project creation, the work itself also needs to be entrusted to professionals.


How the air system is designed

Project creation is an important preparatory moment: if it is made with errors, the owner will face difficulties in the process of using heating. Thus, incorrect calculations lead to a lack / excess of power, improper ventilation, uneven warming up. In order for air heating at home without failures, it is required to pay attention to the following moments:

    Calculation of heat loss Made for each room. They depend on how much doors in the room, windows, because through these parts heat is more intense.

    Calculation of heat loss on ventilation Depends on the number of permanent people, to provide people with fresh air.

    Location of the main elements in the scheme, ratio with other engineering communications, structural elements of the house and interior items

    Determining the type of fuel and heat source power. When calculating it is important to remember that the heat source is calculated not only to the normalized winter temperature, but also for unforeseen negative temperatures.

    Selection of optional equipment - such as air conditioning, humidifier, bactericidal cleaner.

The project includes the calculation of all components of the system, the volume and value of materials and consumables. A competent project can only be done professionals.

The competent project allows you to optimally position the equipment and the main elements. Source

Nuances of Montaja

Even if the project is fulfilled with the full compliance with the requirements of GOST and designed by professionals, it is undesirable to mount the system with their own hands, since this is a very difficult process. However, it is necessary to know its features in any case:

    Section of air ducts It may be round, rectangular or square, the choice depends on the features of the room and the project itself.

    Air duct channels most often do from galvanized steel sheet: It has a small mass, not deformed and is not afraid of corrosion.

    Fixing duct channels possible inside the walls, in the floors, under the ceiling. They are disguised as needed by decorative panels: it allows you to create an attractive design of the room, without fear that the elements of communications will spoil the interior.

Note! In the course of circulation of air flow, the system makes noise, and to reduce it, the soundproofing layer will be installed. The materials used for this often serve as a heat insulator.

When installing a system with forced circulation, the device is connected to a heat source and a power grid, you can also use the emergency power supply in case of a sudden light shutdown.

Also for heating it is important to choose filters: they can be mechanical, electrostatic and coal. The first variety serves to delay dust particles and dirt, the second is used for a thinner cleaning, the third to eliminate unpleasant odors. These elements most often require replacement, they usually need to be changed every 2-3 season if the building is used for temporary accommodation, or at least once every six months with permanent operation.

Service: Main features

For the number of breakdowns during the service life is minimal, it is necessary to provide a timely service system. The frequency of holding depends on its complexity, the intensity of use, other factors.


Air heating of a country house requires the following regular actions:

    Visual inspection Equipment, diagnostics of individual nodes.

    Cleaning and replacing filters, cleaning and replacing the pillow of the humidifier, cleaning the heat exchanger.

    Automation check.

Timely service will avoid power loss, equipment breakdowns, repair. Some works can be carried out independently, for example, replacement and cleaning the filter or cleaning the heat exchanger. Other works require qualifications and better grant their implementation to profiled companies.

Video Description

In this video, we will discuss whether it is possible to mount air heating on their own:

So that the procedure has passed successfully and quickly, it is recommended to order a regular check of the system in a proven company. Many users conclude a service agreement in one company, and experts perform work every season or with other established periodicity.

Properly designed and serviced system will serve long Source REMLANDIA.RU

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer a service. designing country houses. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".
Air heating air or air heating. Pros and cons of air heating:


Creating an air heating system is a profitable solution because it is distinguished by practicality, high level of comfort and economy. It is recommended to carry out the design at the construction stage of the building: this will help take into account all the scheduling nuances, calculate efficiency and prevent such errors as installation of insufficient power equipment or uneven heating. Since the installation requires special knowledge and experience, the arrangement of air heating is required to be entrusted to those skilled in the art.

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Maintain a comfortable temperature in the house, while spending the minimum amount of cash - the dream is absolutely any homeowner. As part of this article, we will look at how to perform the air heating of a private house with their own hands, as a similar system is arranged and what is its advantages. Some nuances of self-installation and operation of the air heating system will also be covered. Let's get started!

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning in one installation

The system of this type includes either water calorifer, or a heat generator. These devices are responsible for heating air. In the room, warm air is distributed using a special fan, which sends it to the desired zones. The best way to organize the air heating of premises is portable thermal guns. They quickly and intensively heated the necessary sections. Currently, very many began to apply this method in country houses and in the country.

Pros and cons of air heating in the house

The advantages of this method of heating include:

  • Efficiency is up to 93%;
  • there are no intermediate links during the transfer of warm air, such as radiators and pipes;
  • you can easily combine the heating and climatic system. Therefore, the room temperature is supported by exactly which users set;
  • a small passivity of the system, with which you can heat the necessary sections to a high temperature.

But, despite the many positive qualities of heating, there are also cons. They are required to remember those who want to make air heating of a private house with their own hands. These include:

  • installation of installation can be made only during the construction of the room. Be sure to develop and calculate all system parameters before construction work;
  • air heating must be constantly servicing;
  • this system is not improved;
  • electricity consumption is large enough. To save it is best to acquire a backup source of power supply.
It's important to know! This type of heating is widely known and applicable in European countries, and since there is a fairly cold climate, 80% of houses and cottages located outside the city are heated in these ways.

Scheme and installation device

Below are the components of the air heating of the private house with their own hands:

  • Bake;
  • Filtering elements;
  • Pipe that takes air from the room;
  • Hood;
  • Pipe that brings fresh air;
  • Supply of warm air into the room;
  • System that has been out of cooled air from the house;
  • Chimney.

In the form of a thermal generator, a liquid or gas heater is perfect for a programmable controller. After the house is completely warmed, automatics immediately triggers and maintains the temperature according to the specified parameters.

Note! The heater should be automatically automatically 4 times a day, under the condition of highly performed thermal insulation. This mode helps save energy resources.

Air heating of a private house with their own hands: types of schemes

In order for air type heating to work as efficiently as possible in your case, everyone needs to know all available types of organization schemes. Each species has fundamental differences and installation subtleties.

System classification

Air heating on the principle of air circulation is natural and forced. With natural circulation, the air rises to the ceiling and moves through the air duct in one or another portion of the house, which must be heated. Forced air circulation is performed by using powerful fans in the installation.

By type of scale, heating is local and central. The local system is needed to create a comfortable temperature in a particular room. A centralized air heating system for a private house provides heating and maintaining temperature throughout the residential building.

According to the principle of the implementation of the installation heat exchange, they are divided into supply, recycling and partial recirculation. Supplies are used to use air from the street, which is supplied by the fan to the heater.

With partial recirculation, it is used as air from the street and warm air from the premises of the house. With a recycling principle, the air is constantly updated, winding in the rooms and again heating in an air heater or recuperator.

By the location of the system there are suspended and outdoor. With the help of floor installation, the air is not only quickly heated, but also in the air ducts falls into all the premises, giving them heat. This system can be added to the climate control. This means that in the summer, in hot time, the temperature can also be reduced. With the help of such a function in the room it becomes quite comfortable.

If the purchase of the purchase will stop at the air heating of the house on the Canadian technique, then this means that at your disposal it will be possible to set and control not only the air temperature, it is also humidity and degree of cleaning.

Article on the topic:

Heating at home with electricity: the most economical way. If the gas highway does not pass nearby, then heating the house with electricity is recommended. The most economical way can be chosen by analyzing all available options. Take about it and talk.

How to calculate air heating

In order to correctly make the calculation of heating and distribute all the equipment, do not do without the help of designer engineers who have tremendous experience in this case. To independently perform all the work on the calculation and selection of equipment, you must follow some rules:

  • calculate the heat loss of the whole house and every room separately;
  • select the type and power of the air heater, as well as the ventilation unit;
  • calculate the necessary air exchange based on SNiP requirements;
  • perform the aerodynamic calculation of the system to determine the losses of the air pressure in the air duct and determine the diameter of the air canal.
Helpful advice! For each 1m. sq. It is necessary an average of 80-100 W heat. For more accurate calculation, use the calculator below.

If at least the slightest errors in the calculations of the heating, some unpleasant moments will arise: noise, draft or overheating, and then breakdown equipment. It is necessary to check everything several times to avoid discomfort.

The most economical option of the air heating of a country house is the use of solar panels. This method is gaining popularity due to increasing availability. It has the value of the number of sunny days a year, then calculate the number of collectors that absorb the energy of the Sun and, and later, processed in heat. Collectors are best put on the roof and walls of the house or on specially constructed structures for this purpose.

Calculator calculating the necessary thermal power for air heating

Calculator calculating the necessary thermal power of air heating

no one two three

35 ° C and below from -30 ° C to -34⁰С from -25⁰c to -29⁰ from -20 ° C to -24 ° C from -15⁰s to -19 ° C -10 ° C to -14⁰S not colder -10⁰

Cold floor on the soil or over the unheated room a warm floor on the soil or over the unheated room heated room

Heated room Warm attic or other room Cold attic or unheated room

up to 2.7 m 2.8 ÷ 3.0 m 3.1 ÷ 3.5 m 3.6 ÷ 4.0 m more than 4.1 m

No one two three

Do not fill if you do not need to send results

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Help in choosing a heat generator and installation steps

Air ducts are usually ordered at special enterprises producing such equipment. If there is a desire to install, then you need to warm the supply air ducts. Condensate for thermal insulation does not appear. In order to establish a trunk duct, it is recommended to choose galvanized steel. It is covered with foil self-adhesive insulation with thickness, about 5mm.

In order to hide the air ducts, it is recommended to use the interporal space, which is located behind the suspended ceiling. There are 2 types of air ducts: tough and flexible. They are chosen for a certain type of air heater. Aluminum Scotch is used to connect several air ducts.

The most important point when performing installation is the procedure. First of all, it is necessary to install an air heater with a heat exchange chamber. From it there is a layout and fastening of an air heater. The thermal insulation of the channels should be carried out at mandatory. Through flexible sleeves, taps are performed. The sleeves in turn are mounted in the wall.

Tip! It is necessary to take advantage of a specialist when choosing a good model of a heat generator for the air heating of a private house, the price of which depends on its technical parameters. And the devices are better to put in the premises specially designated for this.

The heat source is the most important detail. In order to connect it, it is best to use the services of specialists. But if there is a desire to independently perform this work, it should be very thoroughly read and sort out the instructions. Install the design is recommended in a separate room. The basement is perfect. Chimney is desirable with. The heat exchanger itself is connected to the air duct, and the fan is located under the combustion chamber.

Installation of air heating systems is a complex and responsible process to which the painstaking calculation and selection of equipment is preceded. With due theoretical preparation it is quite possible to perform work with your own hands. In all other cases, refer to the specialists.

Air heating (video)

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Traditionally mounted heating contour in buildings of various purposes - water (furnaces, fireplaces, "goats" and so on not in the account), although the so-called "non-freezers" can be used as a coolant. In individual residential buildings and apartments, electrical systems have recently become installed (the most common options are wearing cables, mats, IR appliances).

But if you ask the question what air heating is, it is unlikely that out of 10 people at least two will answer it correctly. Although for installation in a private house, the system of this type is more than an attractive engineering solution. What it represents with itself, which is characterized by many other things - this article.

Principle of operation

The air heating system is mounted according to different schemes, depending on the heated area, the floors of the private house and a number of other factors. If briefly, its work is to heat the cooled air masses, which are served in the heat generator, followed by their definition of "channels", which are responsible for the heating of individual rooms.

Device of the heating system

It can be different elements, depending on the specific project. The main (basic) are:

  • Heat generator. Air heater can serve as a boiler, a water calorifer, a fireplace, a thermal gun. There are other options, such as solar panels;

  • Air ducts. Actually, these are channels for which air flows circulate. There are various execution of such products on sale. Differences in material, section (circle, rectangle, square), sizes. The articulation of individual sections is simple, so the installation on its own does not represent any complexity;
  • Heat exchanger (economizer, recuperator). It is not always set, but for large systems, as a rule, mounted;
  • Additional equipment (valves, fans, distribution heads, grilles and a number of other system elements).

Options for air heating

Air mass circulation - forced or natural (gravitational). The last variation of the system is mounted, as a rule, in small one-storey buildings.

It is characterized by some inertia (due to architectural features of the building), but the contour is non-volatile (there is no need to use fans and other electrical appliances), and its installation is cheaper. In fact, this is an improved heating of a private house.

The advantage is that the air can be closed from the outside (open cycle).

Consequently, it is possible to regularly refresh. Moreover, at any temperature "overboard", while high-quality ventilating rooms in the winter period by opening windows and doors in some cases is undesirable. For example, if there are small children, "capricious" plants and the like. The minus is clear - the higher cost of installation and the need for constant EN / support.

Features of air heating


One of the main is the lack of risk of leaks. They are not in principle, given that the coolant is air. This can also add that the freezing of such a system is excluded. For a suburban structure, in which the hosts will only be occasionally - more than relevant.

High efficiency. To better understand, it should be understood in detail, due to which the costs are reduced:

  • Professionally completed installation of the system will provide its efficiency at a level of at least 93%. If we consider that for water circuits, this indicator rarely reaches a value of 75%, the advantage is more than weighty.
  • Fuel consumption is minimal. Firstly, due to the high inertia of the heating system of this type (the coolant heats up faster). Secondly, the mode of operation of the heat generator is more "gentle". It turns on only when the temperature drops below the limit that automatically is set. Consequently, its functioning is the alternation of periods of inclusion and rest.
  • Pipes, batteries (radiators) are not used in such systems. If you compare total equipment installation costs, then for heating of air costs somewhat less than water.
  • The possibility of combining heating functions and. After installation in the private structure of the air type heating system, the purchase of other household instruments of the category "Climatic equipment" is not required.

Quick installation system. Even if you have to do this yourself, specific tools and devices will not need. For example, "Iron" for plastic pipes and a number of other not related to domestic.

Silence of the air system. First, the pipe coolant for pipes does not "rustle" that some people are very annoying. Secondly, the owners of a private house will never encounter such a "surprise" as regular hydraulic blows. Especially if the structure of more than 2 floors.

The minimum list of works provided here. From the point of view of operation, a fairly favorable system.

The reader for which these arguments are not very convincing can be given another - the long operational service life of the air system. Compared to water heating, the excess of about 2.5 - 3 times.


If you carefully in the essence of claims, which are presented to the air heating system by its "benevolents", then we can conclude that they, as well, and everything in this world is relative.

The impossibility of alteration. What exactly? This is the question first of all and should be clarified.

EL / Power Dependency. This applies only to heating systems in which air circulation is organized forcibly. The same can be "put in a peak" by almost any circuit of heating, except for those where non-volatile boilers are used (TLO type).

The need for more frequently. Service needs any technical equipment (mechanism, system). The whole thing is how competently the owner is exploited. With regard to air heating, the focus is on timely removal of condensate and in the air ducts. However, in a professionally designed system, it is provided for how to minimize the data "Disadvantages" and facilitate technological operations.

The air system cannot be installed in the exploited private or in another structure. And again not quite right. At the design stage, the method of laying cable channels is selected. Basically there are hidden schemes. Some of them really, just do not remake. But who prevents the installation of various false panels, the installation of stretch ceilings. If you choose the right view of the web (for example, on a tissue basis), then most of the air ducts will be covered.

The author recommends not judging so definitely about the shortcomings listed and their quantities. The ideal does not exist - this is well known. And various minuses can be "smoothed" if you understand the principle of operation of air heating, the more mounted the system on the project compiled by a professional.

The cost of air heating

It is appropriate to designate only approximate data, as the costs depend on the scheme, the composition used by the equipment, the architecture of the structure, and so on.

Contractors are assessed by their services for installation (without materials) within 920 - 1 140 rubles / m2. If you do it yourself, this item in the estimate will be absent. But for the development of documentation it is better to pay, since it is hardly possible to carry out the calculations.

Nothing to note than the design errors are fraught:

  • Permanent drafts.
  • Presence in houses at home outsiders.
  • Overheating of the air and draining the premises.

And these are only the main, most often "having a place to be" trouble.

General information is enough. Decide, reader, whether you need such heating in a private house. But the fact that this system will save from many problems associated with water contour - unambiguously.

For reading 12 min. Views 1.2K.

At the stage of construction and arrangement of their home, it is important to consider the optimally suitable version of the heating system. Today the owners of private houses, as a rule, are facing the choice between water and electric heating, which in the first case is very difficult for installation, and in the second it is extremely expensive during operation.

Therefore, cheap and simple air heating systems are becoming increasingly popular, which can be installed by the owner of any private building.

When using almost any housing heating designs, the last element of heat transmitting from the heat generator to all objects in the room, including a person is air, which was heated protruding in the role of intermediaries by radiators, pipes, warm floors and other aggregates.

Most often, in these intermediaries and lies all the problems, inconvenience and lion's share of energy loss. It is possible to exclude this weak link, you can use heating by air, thanks to which the heat energy is transmitted directly into the heated space space, because the thermoregulation occurs due to the injection of heated air into the room.

The following components are included in such a system:

  • The network of air ventilation channels allows for heating to pump warm air into rooms throughout the house.
  • Water calorifer or heat generator for heating air.
  • Distributive fan heads, to control the movement of air flows around the house.

The main component of the heat generator is the combustion chamber, burner and calorifer. Cold air is supplied to the heat exchange chamber by the lower fan. When combustion of fuel, thermal energy is generated, the heating heat exchanger and the air circulating through it, which then goes up the air ducts, distributed through the rooms of the building.

In accordance with the specific type of unit, heat generators can function on the main and liquefied gas in cylinders, or diesel. The burners are distinguished by unpretentiousness and work when burning any fuel. In addition, they can be changed to new devices even in standard heaters.

True, all undermining design is installed with them. Exhaust gases are removed from the system by means.

The heat carrier in the form of warm air is transported by special air ducts that can have both round and square cross-section. The first option wins on aerodynamic characteristics and provides a more free movement of the coolant through a pipe with a diameter of 10 to 30 cm.

The second is simpler when installed and easily place due to boxes of the square form 10x15 or 32x40 cm.

When arranging such heating in a separate house there are advantages and disadvantages. His advantages are features like:

  • high efficiency, in some cases exceeding 90%;
  • complexity with a large number of complex, expensive and severe parts of the type of radiators and steel pipes;
  • you can configure the optimal microclimate conditions for each room;
  • almost instant response to the temperature regime regulation;
  • due to the fact that fans are compatible even with solid fuel furnaces, it is possible to heat absolutely all rooms at home without restrictions;
  • the system of filters on the path of circulating air, purifies it from allergens, dust and other particles;
  • built-in moisturizing filter;
  • in the summer, when coercive air circulation and the heat generator is turned off as a powerful cooling system;

Such a heating design does not claim perfection, as there are disadvantages in it:

  • this method of heating should be provided for by the construction of the house while it is erected;
  • its installation is relatively complicated;
  • needs regular maintenance;
  • poorly modernization;
  • this method of heating makes it take care of filter cleanliness and adjust the saturation of the atmosphere of moisture;
  • it needs a spare electricity source for efficient operation during interruptions with its feeding from the main network.

In order to describe the air heating system in its own private house, it is necessary to choose between two installations of its installation - two circuits of air circulation organization schemes: forced and gravitational.

  1. The first requires installation in the fan design, which would force the gas heated gas under pressure to circulate in air ducts. It is installed under the heater regardless of the type of system. The air sucking with a fan is pre-purified from dust, dirt and microbes. Back it returns through the ventilation grids or inverse air ducts.
  2. The second scheme operating under the action of gravity with the natural movement of air masses, Works on the principle of changing air density. Its main advantage is independence from power supply, because it does not have a fan of electricity. But such a system is not very stable and the movement of warm air may be difficult to be common. In such a scheme, heating of the same room is not uniform so warm streams without control always strive for the ceiling and cold to the floor.

Designs that use the forward flow most popular with an independent organization of heating in their own home. The principle of their action is simple - the fan drives the air flow through the canorior and further through the air ducts in all rooms.

Going out of transport boxes, warm gas, heats the atmosphere of each room and goes through ventilation or reverse mine. Such a scheme of work is considered the most pure, but it is not deprived of its minuses. First of all, it is a significant proportion of irrational waste of energy.

Recycling heating system. Nuances

This design is characterized by increased economy. It works as follows - the air heated by the calorior is diverged through the ventilation channels in all rooms at home.

There, he gives his heat space of the room and objects in it, and itself is cooled, compensating for the heat loss, and moves in the opposite direction to the source of energy, so that he would warm up and repeat the cycle of its movement.

Of course, the hygiene of this scheme causes questions, because harmful substances along with the gas move along a closed circle, constantly returning to the rooms at home. Therefore, the recycling movement is suitable only in the absence of the need for ventilation of the room.

Design and calculation of the air heating system

Before assessing air heating with your own hands, you need to think through its scheme and design for a particular private house. For this, the paper includes an approximate project of such a system.

Then, depending on the requirements for heating, such parameters are calculated in a particular building as:

  • intensity of injection of heated air;
  • the optimal power of the heat generating unit, for heating the room of the corresponding area to the required temperature;
  • air section;
  • aerodynamic features;
  • the volume of heat loss on the surfaces of the premises.

The preliminary scheme with a complete set of components that meets all the requirements is advisable to agree with a specialist in order to avoid any errors and shortcomings that can lead to the appearance of drafts, noise or vibration.

Professionals can also help choose the optimal heat generator model, so that it provides a comfortable temperature and did not overheat.

The equipment is best mounted in a separate, designed room for this.

The design of air heating is several species depending on their parameters.

By circulation, air they happen:

  • with the natural course of air masses;
  • with the forced air movement under the influence of pressure generated by the fan.

In size and scale:

  • local, intended for heating of one or two rooms in a small private house;
  • central - for heating multi-storey buildings and large warehouse or factory hangars.

According to the implementation scheme of heat exchange:

  • supply, which are drawn into the room and heated street air;
  • recycling, that is, the same air moves, cooled and heating inside the room;
  • with a combined recirculation, when the air is aligned and fresh from the street.

By location in the room:

  • suspended;
  • outdoor aggregates.
  • Select the heat generator.

The source of thermal energy is always the heart of the entire heating system, so it is precisely from its type, power and design that the comfortable temperature of the private house is depends on. Heat generator sets are two types: mobile and stationary.

The first are represented by gas mobile heat generators, which are distinguished by large dimensions. They are used for heating large areas of industrial premises, such as factory workshops.

The latter has an isolated combustion chamber and are designed to be installed in special rooms with a smoke system. They are produced by manufacturers in two versions: like outdoor or suspended equipment. The second type of construction is referred to as canorrifer, that is, performing the heating function of only one room.

They are installed in country country houses, since such a device can warm up a small back area in just a few hours.

The suspension design is compact and when working minimizes noise. It is made of poorly conductive materials, so it is safe for operation even next to the wooden walls.

The outdoor unit is much more powerful and more, so with the help of it you can protrude even a wooden cottage in several floors.

Today, the use of heat pumps is increasingly relevant instead of boilers as sources of heat in the house. The cost of such installations by extracting thermal energy from the environment becomes more accessible, although it is also very far from ideal.

The principle of this kind of heating devices is similar to the operation of heating split systems. Air having a temperature above absolute zero, in any case, has a thermal energy that such a pump is selected from him, making it even colder on the street.

The heat obtained is thus transmitted in the inner air of the room, distributed throughout its area.

This is a fairly effective system because the costs of electricity to the operation of fans and compressors are only 1/3 of the heat obtained from the air. Therefore, the thermal pump is one of the best options, albeit the most expensive.

Equipment for mounting

The personnel installation of the air heating system in a private house requires the purchase of equipment that is part of it: air ducts or tin pipes, heat generator plant, fan, sleeveless for the fence of street air and decorative lattices.

Installation of the heating system is performed in a strict sequence:

  • Installing the boiler and the heat exchange chamber.
  • Installation of the fan.
  • Installation and dilution of air ducts into heated rooms.
  • Warming and insulation of pressure and intake channels.
  • Conclusion to the street through a special hole in the wall of the house sleeves for air intake.

The first thing is the main element of the design - the boiler. It is mounted in the basement or special chunned room. Despite the fact that such a simple heating system can be collected absolutely independently, only professionals can connect it to main gas supply.

Chimney is made from cheap sheets of tin. From above, the heat exchanger is joined with a feed air duct, and the fan is mounted below the combustion chamber. From the reverse side, the return pipeline is supplied to it.

The procedure for dilution of air ducts along the premises begins with connecting to the mains of the feed box of flexible air ducts. More often they have a round cross section. Then the pipe performs the function of the reverse thrust. Its diameter is greater, and branchedness is less than the feed.

Warming of sleeves prevents moisture condensation. Then the throttle of throttle type to regulate the volume of fresh air is mounted. After installing and docking all the system nodes, decorative works are carried out on hiding pipes and wires in plasterboard boxes.

  • For fixing and docking, the pipeline layout is optimally proven aluminum tape with reinforced coating.
  • Attach the pipe to the ceiling floors is best with the help of clamps.
  • Air ducts designed to feed the heated air, it is necessary to have the lowest possible near the floor, otherwise it will remain relatively cold.
  • If there is an air conditioner in the house, it is necessary to warm all the designs from the pipes so that the pairs forming the condensate moisture can be seen.
  • When using intricate sleeves with a variety of knees, bends and a different pipe cross section, it is recommended to use additional flaps.
  • Installing additional filters for air purification increases the cost of the entire system.

Air heating of a private house - reviews

"We already live with such a heating system for a year, and in practice we have developed a certain opinion with your pros and cons. It's good in it that it does not drink anywhere in the form of cast-iron radiators or pipes, in the floor just a hole from where warm air goes. When operating there is no high costs because the burner works on the usual gas. The main disadvantage of such a system, I believe that with the time of the pipe, the dust is clogged, which will have to breathe. "


Svetlana, Voronezh

Air heating is one of the new ways of heating private houses and cottages. Increased efficiency and simplicity of installation increasingly increase the demand for such systems.

Under air heating, they understand a special system of thermoregulation. It implies the flow of heated to a given air temperature directly to the premises of a residential or non-residential structure. Compared to furnace and radiator systems, such heating is characterized by a number of advantages.

Air heating of the house - a lot of advantages, and little disadvantages

Many of the modern heating systems have quite serious disadvantages. It forces property owners to look for more efficient heating options. In recent years, air systems have become considerable popularity, which equally qualitatively heated and huge premises (both residential and production or administrative), and very small houses with several rooms. This type of heating is characterized by the following advantages:

  1. 1. There is no need to spend money on the purchase of pipes and heating batteries, as well as on their installation.
  2. 2. The efficiency of air systems is approaching 90%.
  3. 3. The possibility of arrangement in a single project of a combined complex for maintaining the required temperature in a private house (air conditioning plus heating).
  4. 4. Full safety of equipment operation. The systems under consideration are equipped with highly sensitive automation. It is she who every second control the work of heating. As soon as any failure occurs, the leakage danger appears, the automation shuts off the air sets used.
  5. 5. Small energy consumption, available cost and fast payback of installed equipment for heating. Air will be truly advantageous and economical.
  6. 6. Aesthetics. The dwelling is not necessary to clutch radiators and highways connecting them. Due to this, all free space indoors can be used to create chic interiors.
  7. 7. Easy operation. Starting the system, selecting the required mode of its operation, stopping the equipment and many other processes are performed in automatic control mode. The likelihood of an error from a person when using air heating is reduced, in fact, to zero.

In addition, the described type of heating is distinguished by durability and reliability. If the heating project is compiled correctly, the installation is made without errors, and regular service is made on time, the network will serve 20-25 years without the slightest accidents. Note and the unique high speed of air heating. In cases where the temperature in the room was zero or negative, after starting the equipment for complete impact warming, a maximum of 30-40 minutes is required.

The lack of air heating includes the need for quite frequent (and necessarily regular) its maintenance. Another minus is the energy dependence of the described complexes. Equipment runs from electricity. If there is no light in the house, the system will stop. You can solve this problem in only one way - to take care of the installation of an additional (autonomous) source of electrical power supply.

Varieties of systems - how to choose optimal?

Acquaintance with the types of air heating makes it possible to pick up the configuration that is suitable for a particular residential building in all characteristics. Systems you are interested in classroom

  • place installation of equipment;
  • version of air circulation;
  • type of thermal exchange;
  • scale.

The air heating system by location is suspended or outdoor. The first option involves the installation of channels (air ducts) to fill the room with heated air under the ceiling, the second - under the floor. Important. In both cases, the channels are easy to disguise using decorative elements and plinning structures. In private housekeepings, experts advise the use of the outdoor scheme, as it first heats the lower part of the room, providing maximum comfort in the inhabitants of the dwelling. When installing suspended air ducts, there is a possibility that heat will not be able to reach the floor surface. This will bring a certain discomfort to man.

By type of air circulation, the air system is calculated to forced and natural. This moment is important. With natural ventilation, air lifting is provided with heating. The hot mass is sent to the ducts, heats them, and then goes back to the heat exchanger device. If during the operation of the system to the room it will fall cold air from the street (for example, through windows or door), it will become accumulated from the floor. As a result, it will always be cooler at the bottom of the room.

When using forced ventilation described above, the problem does not occur. In this case, the system is supplied with a special fan. Its task is to form a given pressure, in which the heated air moves along the room much faster. Due to this, the heated room occurs within a few minutes. Cold air in the presence of a fan simply cannot change the temperature mode provided by the system. Nuance. Ventilation equipment in operation makes a tangible noise.

If you consider yourself an overly susceptible to strangers annoying sounds, it is better to stop your choice on networks with natural ventilation.

The heat exchange in the systems described is influencing and recycling. Here you need to remember the following. If the heating takes the air exclusively from the street, then we have a supply system before us. For its arrangement, fans are needed, capable of directing the streets of air to the heating installation. If the air is closed from outside, and inside the house, we are talking about recycling heat exchange.

By scale, air heating range to one of two types. The first is local. It is suitable for the heating of private house-building areas. The second type is central. Such a scheme is good for warehouses, entertainment facilities, sports facilities, large stores and so on. Introduces it in the dwelling (even in large) there is no particular sense.

The heating device - what elements will you need?

Regardless of the type of the selected system, it will take the purchase for its arrangement:

  • thermal generator;
  • air ducts;
  • fan;
  • lattices for the fence and supply of air.

The heat generator is a furnace (boiler) for burning a certain type of fuel in order to heal air. It can function on any mercy. For the operation of the air heater, natural gas is used, liquefied or liquid fuel, even firewood or coal. Important moment! The boilers for the heating systems under consideration make it possible to switch from one fuel at any time to another. If the operation of the heat generator comes from natural gas, it is enough to change the burner on the unit to start using diesel fuel. This is a matter of literally a few minutes. In cases where the need to burn natural gas appears instead of liquefied, you only need to establish a replaceable nozzle to the unit, which is characterized by a different cross section of the conductive holes.

Air ducts are branched channels intended for feeding the heated air flow into heated rooms at home. These devices are made in a round or rectangular form. The difference between them is insignificant, but it is. Rounds have a cross section within 20 cm, they are described by low resistance (aerodynamic). Due to this, the efficiency of heating increases slightly. The connection of individual parts of round air ducts is carried out with pins or clamps. The cross section of rectangular channels is usually a little more. Such designs are easier to enter into the home interior. For this reason, for the supply of heat to private dwellings, they are used much more often round.

The air heating device requires applications and some other elements. At the sections of the air ducts in heated rooms, air intakes and air distributors are always mounted. Also necessary fan (trimming). It is inserted into the air duct warmed air flow. Installation of the fan is performed under the compartment of the combustion of the boiler used. It is usually supplied with a filter device that cleans the air from small dust particles and other impurities.

Calculation and independent installation of the heating system - will it work?

The calculation of air heating and the compilation of its exact project is the required steps of the system installation. These operations are required for:

  • determining the speed with which air should move;
  • selection of the heating installation with suitable power characteristics sufficient to heat the house;
  • obtaining an accurate installation scheme of all elements of the heating network;
  • definitions of the aerodynamic indicator of the system and the volume of heat flowing from the house through the door and window openings, the floor base, roof, wall surfaces.

It is difficult to perform a literate calculation with your own hands. You need to have knowledge of the engineer-heat engineering. We recommend entrusting the design stage by specialists. And the installation work, having a heating scheme, you can do it yourself.

The video below shows the sequence of actions that need to be made when assembling and connecting the air heating system. The first step is the choice and. It must necessarily have such modules - regulation of the intensity of burning and autocontrol safety of the functioning of equipment. The unit without such systems for the arrangement of air heating is not suitable.

To the boiler installed in the selected place, connect the air ducts. Metal flexible channels and galvanized steel products are allowed. The first with each other is connected and sealed with a special reinforced tape, the second - with studs, clamps. If the combined heating and air conditioning system is mounted, the air ducts should be carefully insulated. Then condensate will not be formed on their surface.

After laying the air ducts, you can mount lattices, and then decorate the laid channels under the available interior (of course, if you planned such works). Carefully watch the video, listen to the advice of experts, and you will definitely get a high-quality and durable air heating system. Let them always be cozy and warm!