How to remove the sexual screed from the neighbors. How to quickly remove the old floor tie? Features and screed removal methods

Floor screed can significantly extend the service life of the floor covering, assumes the load on the supporting structures, and also protects overlaps from damage. However, over time, the base is destroyed and requires replacement. The repair of the concrete slab is a rather laborious and cost-consuming process, so the full dismantling of the screed is most often performed.

Before considering the basic methods of removing the foundation, it is worth lifying situations where such a procedure is inevitable.

When dismantling screed

Dismantling of floor screed is necessary if:

  • you want to reduce the level of floors;
  • the old base was deformed and crackled;
  • it is required to repair communications located under the concrete layer;
  • floor coating will be replaced;
  • you are planning a major overhaul;
  • cement leaked through the seams of the floor covering.

Also, the old screed is removed, if in the process of its primary laying, a poor-quality mortar was used or its proportions were violated.

In order to disassemble a cement screed, you can use the various tools and methods that we will consider in more detail.

Methods of dismantling tie

Thanks to modern technologies, remove the old base can be as follows:

Impact method

In this case, a jackhammer, a sledgehammer and scrap is used to dismantle the screed. Although the electric tool allows you to perform work much faster, it is worth being very careful and consider the following nuances:

  1. The jackhammer cannot be used if there is present in the screed.
  2. The tool needs to be lubricated at least 4 times a day.
  3. It cannot be used as a scrap if the hammer is included in the network.
  4. Keep a jackhaft can be strictly for an isolated surface.

Despite strict rules for using a jackhammer, this method is considered the easiest.

Useful! Remove the screed shown is safer if you use the usual sledgehammer.

Diamond cutting

For cutting, a special electrical appliance is used, equipped with a rotating diamond disk - a swordzer. This tool is able to cut the plates with a depth of 30 cm and fittings.

Important! When working with this equipment, be careful, as you can damage the overlap.

Of the advantages of this method, it is worth noting not such a strong noise as in the case of a jackhammer, as well as small dimensions of the tool. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to cope with a squeezing alone and dangerously, so the dismantling of a concrete screed is necessarily carried out by two people.

In addition, to work with this tool will require uninterrupted three-phase voltage up to 14 kW and water supply (the equipment must be constantly cooling).

It is also worth noting the high cost of the device whose rental is also strongly "hit the pocket."

Diamond drilling

Equipment for diamond drilling is considered the most expensive, and to work with such an aggregate you need to go through special training and get a certificate of the machine operator. Therefore, such a technology for removing the base is not suitable if you want to remove the floor yourself.

Of all the listed methods, the only accessible dismantling method of the screed is the use of sledgehammer, scrap and jackhammer.

Remove the screed

After you have prepared a room for noisy and dusty work, you need to dismantle the old flooring. At this stage it is worth considering the features of dismantling of the wooden floor:

  • The most difficult to disassemble the piece parquet, and if it is glued, you can not even hope to save the coating.
  • To remove parquet shields, it is enough to find the latest open-groove board (usually it is located at the door).

However, if the flooring serves for quite a long time, it is possible that it is damaged by fungus and mold. In this case, it makes no sense to try to save it.

After removing the finishing floor layer, it is necessary to get rid of ventilation and any designs located at the base (if access is available).

At the next stage, the concrete slab is divided into pieces that are utilized. After that, the wet cleaning of the entire room is performed.

Important! In private houses, the wiring for the lower floor is most often located under the top-level tie. Usually wires are hidden under corrugated insulation.

In custody

It is very difficult to remove the screed on your own, as it will require a lot of time and physical strength. It is better to contact the specialists. The cost of a specialized dismantling of the foundation is about 300 rubles for the "square" of the screed with a thickness of up to 40 mm. Thus, in order to prepare a room for repair, about 4500 - 7000 rubles will be required.

Removal of plinths

It will take a nail, a hammer and a set of screwdriver.

Start from the corner of the room. Otherwise, the plinth will strain and most likely break. Insert the sharp end of the nails between the floor and the plinth, and then using the lever rule, separate them. Having pulled out the first nail on half, do the same with all others. After that, go back to the initial nail. Plinth, fixed by screws, remove easier - you just need to unscrew the screws. If nails are clogged with conscience, disassembly make in small steps.

In the primary inspection, it may be found out that it will have to damage the coating of the plinth. Remove the top layer using the chisel. So you are freeing the nails and can easily get them.

It is possible that the plinth is covered with paint, which is an additional bonding material. Stay under the Point of Support Dores. Slightly hit the hammer along the nail to drive it. If the nails are long, and the nail stroke is missing, you need to put a bar.

When the layer of paint is too thick, it is difficult to determine where nails are located. In order not to break the plinth, go to the corner and retreat 15 cm. To the sharp end of the nail. Find the first nail under the plinth. Pulling it, lift the plinth, and, focusing on my bending, find the next one.

Important: More often, the plinths are nailed with nails, and the paint is applied in two or three layers. Fastening sites in these cases are most likely located at a distance of 50 to 65-70 centimeters. When working, shake the nail to the nails so that the shtalavka pecks the nails - it is easier to pull it out without damaging the material.

If the plinth is attached to the wall, insert the nails in between them. The procedure for removing nails is the same as in the case of an outdoor plinth.

Floor removal

Having removed all the plinths, start disassembling the floorboards. The floor is placed from the board, which is turned thoroughly to the wall, therefore, it is necessary to remove it, starting on the reverse side. So you can save the boards and use them hereinafter. If there is already a cropped board, you need to start a dismantling with it.

Climbing clouds fixed with screws facilitate the task several times. Remove the screws with screws, and then look for a chalkboard with a groove, remove it and remove the floor. In the event that the floorboards are naught by nails, the technology will be as follows:

  • find from which side the last floorboard;
  • score a nail to her using a hammer;
  • lift for 2 centimeters;
  • come on the board - it will fall into place, and nails will hang out;
  • nails remove the nail.

Important: In order not to sell the board, put the wooden bar under the tool.

To remove the extreme board, get nails and insert the chisels between two floorboards. Expanding the gap, you will reduce the risk of damage.

If the upper part of the groove for some reason broke, lift it with a small nail or use superciles. The appearance of the board will be spoiled, but the functionality will be restored.

Sometimes the boards are too tightly adjacent to the wall and the nail is not climbing. In this case, you will have to drive it with a hammer. Damaged places can be in the future to hide under the plinth. When it is impossible to push the nail-tooth, even knocking the hammer, drill the flooring, freeing the place for the tool, or wipe the tree near the nails, as the board is already damaged and it is not necessary to regret it.

Lags are most often lying on the substrates. Between them can be insulation, it needs to be pulled out. If glass gamble was used as a heater, expect caution. Lags can be sucted crowded or just break, as they rotted and cannot be reused from time to time. After removing the lag, the dismantling of the wooden floor is completed.

Video - dismantling of wooden floor

Disassembly of concrete floor

Concrete floor can be covered with tiles, so consider the option of its removal.

If the tile is planted for cement, it is impossible to remove it without damage. With a jackhammer or chisel, hammer the tile until it is destroyed. In this case, the concrete floor is likely to be damaged, and it will have to be aligned, poured by cement the deformed areas. The work is sufficiently dusty and noisy. Warn your neighbors about what is going to beat the floor in your apartment, take out furniture, clean things, protect your eyes and respiratory organs.

The tile placed on the glue, remove easier. You will need a spatula, knife, chisel, perforator and water. Remove the seams between the tiles using any convenient method for the resulting gap moam with water. Do not spare water, you need to pour as much coating under the tile as possible so that the glue dissolved.

Important: Do not overcome with an abundance of water, if you do not want to flood your neighbors!

Gently apply a spatula under the tile and remove the coating. If it does not work, use the chisel. Cleaning tiles behind the tile, you gradually clean the floor. Now proceed. This is a difficult job that can be entrusted by specialists, but consider an independent version.

Video - how to remove old tile from the floor

To cope with a durable coating, you will have to spend time and make an effort. The concrete screed is an intermediate layer, which is located between monolithic plates and floor coating. The screed performs the main function - lines the floor surface. Over time and concrete comes to unsatisfactory condition - cracks, peeling, and therefore it is necessary either to restore or remove it.

Impact way

Impact method for removing a screed is not only the most efficient, but also the most noisy. Determine the layer thickness and use an electric jackhammer. There are other ways, such as drilling and cutting, but for their implementation need professional tools and workers.

Important: Use this way, firmly knowing that the screed does not contain fittings! Otherwise, it is dangerous to dismantle the concrete floor.

A jackhammer is not an ordinary tool that you use every day. Carefully observe all the requirements and order of the work below.

The tool must be constantly lubricated, in one working day no less than four times. Inspect the hammer for faults, the impact mechanism and the handle must move freely, without difficulty. Then blow the sleeve with compressed air, then fasten it with a clamp and a nipel on the handle and check that the mount is reliable. Do not forget to wear an end spring, without it can not be turned on with a hammer. Pour the lubricant through the bag and insert the impact tool.

IMPORTANT: in no case do not use the tool as scrap, if it is included in the network.

Before starting to remove a concrete screed, put the protective equipment:

  • respirator;
  • anti-vibration mittens;
  • headphones Antinoise and building glasses.

Always keep the hammer for an insulated surface - it will save if it is negligent to stumble on the electric wire. Make sure the bit is securely fixed. Take a steady position and tighten the tool with two hands. Make sure that the hands do not fall under the moving parts of the hammer. Start work with small revolutions so that the tool does not jump out of the hands. Choose concrete pieces on small pieces, do not forget to take breaks for rest.

When a concrete screed is removed, the garbage must be taken out in strong bags or special containers.

In conclusion, we consider two time-consuming methods, to implement that impossible without specialists and expensive tools.

Diamond cutting

The second way of removing the concrete screed is the use of a squeeze. Working with it is possible if the layer of concrete is not more than 30 cm and does not contain fittings. Work is carried out at least two people. The tool is expensive and usually used by specialists of companies engaged in similar works.

Shvondurchik is a disk machine on wheels. There is a diamond disc on his shaft, which cuts a durable coating. Most cars have small dimensions, which allows them to be used in residential premises. In addition, the necessary conditions for operation are the presence of water supply and three-phase voltage up to 14 kW.

Diamond drilling

To perform this method, the installation of diamond drilling is used, the average price of which is 150 thousand rubles. Obviously, such a tool cannot be lit into the storeroom at the "home" master. The installation drills the cylindrical holes in the floor and can be used to remove the concrete screed at the corners. In addition, the use of the unit implies special training of the operator of the machine.

As you can see, the removal of sex implies complexity at the final stage of work. With the help of a jackhammer with a concrete tie, you can cope with yourself. But for this you need handmade skills and proper use of the tool. Often, the removal of the floor is limited to cleaning the wooden coating and its replacement, which does not represent special problems, and the removal of concrete coating during the repair of apartments is rarely required.

Video - Dismantling Floor Shrews

Video - Dismantling of the floor with your own hands

The concrete screed is a special coating that acts as an intermediate layer between the monolithic reinforced concrete slab and the finishing flooring. With its help, the floor surface is aligned and the seams of intercutric space are filled. The height of the screed may differ and, as a rule, varies from 3 to 5 cm. After a while, it can no longer perform their functions, because concrete begins to crumble, peel and be covered by cracks.

To solve this problem, you need to disassemble a concrete floor. And below, we will look at how much the dismantling of the tie of the floor, considering the average market prices.

Floor screed and its main functions

The screed can be both a monolithic, made of cement-sandy mixture, and the composite, the basis of which represents a combination of several layers of gypsomment or ceramzite concrete. For higher reliability, the base is additionally reinforced with a steel grid.

Among the basic functions that fall on the floor tie, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • floor alignment;
  • protection of overlapping from negative external influences;
  • perception of load on supporting structures;
  • the basis for further laying of the floor covering;
  • heat distribution in floors having built-in heating.

3 main ways to dismantle floor screed:

  • Drilling.

It is used if you need to disassemble the entire surface, but a specific floor section. Moreover, drilling is not so noisy way and therefore best suited for repair in residential buildings.

  • Hit.

Removal of the coating is performed using an electric jackhammer, a grinder or perforator. But this method can be used only if there are no reinforced elements in the concrete surface.

  • Cutting

In most cases, a diamond cutting is used, with which the surfaces of any strength are removed. In order to perform work with a diamond instrument, uninterrupted water supply and nutrition, which is needed to reduce dust concentration in the room and permanent cooling of the equipment.

Why is it worth removing the screed?

It should be borne in mind that dismantling of the floor screed, concrete or cement, is performed if:

  • Planned overhaul of the house or apartment.
  • Requires a change in the floor level or reinforcement of the screed.
  • Repair or installation of pipes or cables in a concrete base is performed.
  • There were irregularities.
  • Outdoor tiles require replacement, because emptiness formed under it.
  • Specifications have deteriorated significantly and signs of the broom - cracks and bundles manifested.
  • The cement is seeping through the seams of the finish coating.

How much is the dismantling of the ball screed?

The main factors depends on the price of the service:

  • type of coating and its thickness;
  • the amount of necessary work;
  • the complexity of the task;
  • availability of additional services.

Therefore, give an unequivocal answer, how much costs 1 m 2 dismantling, it is possible only after analyzing the object, as well as the study of its features.

Floor repair in the apartment is a complex technological process that requires technical and physical training, and therefore, it is extremely recommended to dismantle with your own hands. An inexperienced worker can flood their neighbors and damage the plumbing pipes or stumble upon the wiring, which will lead to an accident or fire. Therefore, we recommend inviting professionals, which have the necessary tools, the necessary experience and knowledge.

The average cost of dismantling the old concrete floor is presented in the table

Removing the old flooring allows you to prepare a surface for a better and new base. Also, as noted above, the demolition value depends largely on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the floor thickness, material, the method of removal and the presence of a reinforced base.

Before proceeding with the dismantling of the old screed, the finishing coating is performed, which should be paid separately. The price depends on what is required to remove - linoleum, plinth, laminate, parquet, tile or carpet.

The price of dismantling the screed per m 2 depending on the materials


It is worth recognizing that the performance of high-quality disassembly of the screed is always very problematic. The procedure itself requires not only knowledge and experience, but also the availability of special tools and devices, the purchase of which can do in a decent amount of money.

In the process of performing major repairs, it may be necessary to dismantle the old flooring and screed, which is located between the bearing overlap and the final finish. How to fulfill the specified operation is most effectively and what aspects to pay attention is the subject of this review.

And first a little theory. Floor screed is monolithic (made of cement-sandy solution) or composite (for example, dry screed) structure that is applied directly to existing overlaps and allows you to solve a number of important construction tasks:

  • Filling emptiness, chosel, assembly seams and floor alignment of the floor (for the possibility of subsequent finishes);
  • The possibility of increasing the consumer characteristics of the object (when laying under the screed of additional layers of thermal insulation, waterproofing and noise absorbing materials);
  • Improving the strength characteristics due to the introduction of reinforcing metal grids into the tie.
  • Increasing the carrier loads of the whole building as a whole.

However, over time, the existing base may be deformed that it is the most common reason for dismantling the floor screed.

In what cases justified the removal of the screed

Of course, before making a decision to remove the existing screed, it is advisable to produce an audit and conclude about the feasibility of the specified event. After all, in some cases, the restoration of the floor may be a completely acceptable solution, without removing it.

In general, the reasons for dismantling the floor screed can serve as the following factors:

  • The extremely unsatisfactory state of the screed (widespread cracks, chips, potholes, the presence of significant drops in height, etc.);
  • The absence of the possibility of laying a new screed layer over the existing (especially relevant in houses with wooden or mixed overlaps);
  • The need to reduce the existing level of gender (for example, to eliminate drops in height between adjacent rooms and when weaving heterogeneous materials);
  • When laying a warm sex or repair of engineering communications laid in the thickening screed.

In any case, before removing the old tie, it is advisable to consult with the expert.

How to dismantle the tie of the floor alone

Preparatory stage

Before the direct removal process, a series of preparatory works should be made. Namely to prepare all the necessary snap and make dismantling of all outdoor materials available on the floor.

That is, laminate, linoleum, tile, floor plinths should be removed before the start of dismantling operations. By the way, difficulties may arise with a floor tile, in view of which its removal is made together with the dismantling of the floor screed.

As for the construction tool, its selection should be carried out depending on the type of existing screed (monolithic, multilayer, composite). Most often, concreterasis, corner-grinding machines, drums (jackhammer, perforator) are used to carry out such works, and operations are made manually using a chisel, scrap, sledgehammer and hammer (justified to remove a small area screed).

Also at the preparation stage, you should decide on the installation of engineering communications, in order to remove the screed, do not deform them. In standard apartments, the electrical wire of the lighting system of the lower floor apartment is located on the floor in the apartment of the upper floor. In view of how to start working, it is advisable to search for hidden wiring. And necessarily take care of de-energizing the place of work.

If the heating systems are laid in the thickness of the screed, then it is necessary to take care of the plan of their laying, in order not to damage in the process of work.

Dismantling shrewing by a shrewing method

Ensures chickping pieces of screed and phased removal. This work is performed using shock tools. In some cases, it is allowed to use a sledgehammer and scrap.

Working with a jackhammer or similar electrical equipment should strictly observe all security measures and use protective equipment (respirator, glasses, earplugs, protective overalls, anti-vibration mittens, etc.).

Also before starting work, check the equipment for performance (pour oil, set the bat, etc.).

Hold the percussion tool only for insulated areas, in order to exclude the blow to the current when accidentally hidden electrical wiring.

Shock removal of the screed is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. It should be firmly taken to the instrument in the hands and take a steady position (nothing should interfere with the work);
  2. Turning on the tool first into small speeds, you should dismantle the screed, starting from the long corner of the room;
  3. Chopping small segments of the screed, should be moved deep into the room;
  4. At the same time, you should remove the broken pieces of an old screed (for which building bags or similar products may be required).

It should be noted that by performing the removal of the floor screed by a shock method, the power tool (perforator, jackhammer) is usually used, in view of which it is necessary to produce with interruptions sufficient to cool the electrical equipment. Usually after 10 minutes of work there can be enough 5 minute break.

Removing screed by cutting

It becomes possible when dismantling a sexual screed that does not have metal inclusions (fittings). Most often, such works using a stroke cutter or a skews, which, by its design, resembles a grinder on wheels. However, in some cases (when working at home), cutting the screed can be carried out using a conventional grinder equipped with a cut-off disk with diamond spraying.

The essence of the work in this case is reduced to the fact that the screed is first cut into small segments of 10x10mm (20x20mm), and then "pieces of pie" simply is simply smelted from their places with a long chisel or scrap. The only restriction is the depth of the screed, and if it is greater than the cutting disk radius, then the removal of the material by cutting will be very problematic.

The advantage of the specified dismantling method of the screed before the previous option is that the work does not create a large noise and happen more accuracy. Although the dust and dirt still will not get rid of.

In order for the process of dismantling the old screed, it is most optimal that it is advisable to adhere to basic recommendations.

So, first, it is necessary to study the type of overlapping and take into account the possibility of its destruction together with the screed (there may be a breakdown, etc.). And also to coordinate your actions with neighbors (especially below below).

Secondly, in the behavior of dismantling work, many construction dust can be formed, in view of which the surface should be periodically moistened with water.

Thirdly, to export the construction trash should be in specially designated places or use the services of specialized companies.

And finally, when all the works are made, and the construction trash is removed, it is necessary to make sure the integrity of all engineering communications and prepare the basis for laying a new layer of solution.

Video review for the removal of the screed of the floor:

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During the overhaul of the outdoor cover, the question arises about the feasibility of dismantling the old screed. Such work is not always justified: sometimes it is enough to just renovate the existing layer. But in some cases, disassembly screed is needed.

Screed is an important element of the floor design that performs the functions, enhancement of rigidity, thermal insulation and sound insulation. From how correctly and exactly the screed is laid, the operational life of the finishing flooring is depends.

The screed is cleaned if deep cracks and irregularities appeared on the surface that cannot be repaired. Sometimes disassembling the screed is needed to reduce the floor level, gaskets, or in the case of laying a new flooring, requiring other material for the leveling layer.

Before proceeding with the dismantling of the screed, furniture and other interior items are made from the room. Then remove the plinths and disassemble the floor covering. If the finish coating materials are planned to be used again, they are stored in a specially reserved place. Unnecessary construction trash must be placed in a container for subsequent export.

Great value has the right choice of tools. Since in most cases it is necessary to remove a concrete or cement screed, the tool must be able to break the heavy slab, often also reinforced with the grid.

The dismantling of the concrete screed is made in two ways - manual and mechanized. Manual method involves the use of sledgehammer, scrap, hammer. Handmade disassembly screed is very laborious and long, it is used in the case when there is no electricity in the apartment, or for some other reasons it is impossible to work with power tools.

The mechanized method allows you to quickly cope with the work. Usually use a perforator, a pipe saw bladler on concrete, a diamond drilling device, a jackhammer. Removing the reinforced screed is convenient to perform a special squeezing, which can cut both concrete and fittings.

In the process of breaking the concrete, a lot of dust is formed, the power tools work noisily, so it is before the start of dismantling a screed must be prevented by neighbors about possible inconveniences, and work on working days in the time established by law.

Features of technology

The cement-sand or concrete mixture is gaining strength and in its properties is approaching stone. The main task in carrying out works is to break the screed into small pieces so as not to damage the slab overlap.

The jackhammer can be used in non-residential premises and new houses with durable overlaps. If the house is old, then it is better to disassemble concrete with a manual way to reduce the likelihood of damage to the overlaps.

The optimal version of the removal of an old screed is diamond drilling. In this case, the concrete is cut into square tiles, which makes it easier to disassemble the layer and removal of garbage. In addition, the diamond drilling method and cutting allows to reduce dust formation, since water is supplied to the operating part of the installation for cooling and removing concrete crumbs.

Slices of concrete and debris, remaining after removing the insulation and waterproofing, are loaded into the container or cargo vehicle and exported to the landfill. After cleaning and cleaning overlaps, dismantling work is considered complete. You can start laying a new base under the floor covering.

Offers from our company

Disassembly screed is a responsible and complex process. It requires professional construction skills and diverse, sometimes not cheap, tool. If, when removing the screed, the slabs of the overlaps will be damaged, then the apartment will be in disserval.

Whether dismantling work on their own or invite specialists to solve you. But is it worth a small savings of funds spent effort and time?

We propose to ask for help in our company: you will get a right and qualitatively executed service, and you will not worry about the negative effects of dismantling.

Our prices

Work on the removal of an old screed has its own features for each object. Therefore, the final cost of the service is calculated after assessing the complexity and volume of work in each particular case. The price depends on the thickness of the concrete layer, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe screed, the presence of reinforcement. Approximate prices for dismantling work are shown in the table.

Screed thickness (concrete, cement)Units. changeprice, rub.
less than 5 cmm2.from 155.
5-7 cmm2.from 250.
7-9 cmm2.from 300.
9-11 cmm2.from 425.
11-16 cmm2.from 550.
16-21 m2.