How to create a monochrome white living room interior. Magic of colors: noble and chic interiors organized by monochrome palette

Light monochrome shades optically increase the size of the room, which is why white and beige colors became the basis of the color solution. The layout of the public part - the combined living room - the kitchen - allowed to create a comfortable and well-lit space.

Living room

The recreation area indicates the composite center of the combined area. From the side of the window to it, a wide loggia with panoramic glazed, from the inside - dining area, kitchen and aisles in the corridor and sleeping rooms.

The monochrome living room interior is formed by the clean white color of the walls, the ceiling, the elevated wooden floor, the upholstery of the sofa group. The volumetric texture of surfaces (moldings on the walls, different levels of the ceiling with backlight) enriches a visual series, remaining within the selected palette.

Beautifully smashes the white-white space of a dark brown wooden lining in the TV zone and on the loggia, the same dark base of the coffee table. As a transitional color element, which softens the contrast, beige shades of carpet, sofa pillows are in the design of the living room.


The dining group is also withstanding in an elegant white color and forms a harmonious ensemble with a kitchen edge. Contrast details of brown tone (marble apron and table top, wooden legs of chairs, facing of the fireplace portal) enhance the freshness and purity of the light background. Gold accents in the form of suspended and wall lamps emphasize the community of kitchen design and living room.

Hall and corridor

In one-color version, the input group is decorated. White marble floor Specifies background for handsome contrast with a dark banquette. The mirror wall expands and lightens the space even more. The white chest built into a niche of a white dresser with golden handles is logically continued by a mirror wardrobe in the corridor. The same technique is used in the wall decoration as in the living room: solid white surfaces, so as not to seem monotonous, transformed with moldings and high plinths.


The monochrome bedroom interior is painted into more muted - beige - shades. The color background is set to the wall behind the bed, the facades of the built-in wardrobe, an outdoor carpet, a little lighter bedside tables, a suspended lamp. High quilted headboard bed is one of the caterands of 2020 interior.

White color plays in the room design the role of a balanced supplement. Wall with a TV panel, highlighted by classic moldings, stylistically links the bedroom design with a living room decoration.


The room is designed for living two girls. Storage systems are solved in the form of a large wardrobe, chest and two identical racks with lower retractable boxes. The function of sleeping places is performed by sofas. For the entire length of the room, the desktop is designed, such a technique will allow you to organize an autonomous workplace in front of the large window for each of the girls.

The room is withstanding in the neutral beige gamma. White cabinet furniture emphasizes bright decoration, and toys, textiles, wall graphics can be played as bright strokes.

The allocation of white and beige base color makes it possible to create a beautiful, cozy and bright living space with a modern finish. Shades are universal for finishing a public part and bedrooms, forming a holistic image of the project.

Monochrome interior - three rules of implementation

  1. In order for the design created by one color, it did not seem one-dimensional, you need to contact the columnal palette of the color dominant. Due to the combination of halftone, the desired depth and volume appears, the design becomes more expressive. It is allowed to include a contrasting color for the alignment of accents.
  2. Neutralize the effect of some boring monochrome setting will help textures. The same color is disclosed in different ways on various surfaces: matte and glossy, skin, fabric, trees, fur things. Interestingly and originally look at the volumetric sections on a smooth wall - untreated brickwork, relief decorative plaster, 3D panels.
  3. Monochrome design always needs competent, good lighting. The dim light drops neatly built from the halftone composition, make it inexpressive. Conversely: The correct sources will emphasize the textures, patterns, volumetric parts, the built-in backlight transforms the ceiling and will help visually separate it from the same color walls.

Light and dark gamma

When choosing a homogeneous color row, it is important to understand what the palette is intonational closer. Light pastel shades are considered calm and comfortable for everyday perception. They are well suited for rooms where there is not enough natural lighting or low ceilings. Create a cozy, friendly atmosphere. Adding an accent shade will not allow the setting to turn into an amorphous light spot.

In creating a dark monochrome color scheme in the interior, such saturated paints, like blue, green, burgundy and even black are involved. Dark color needs to truly love so that he does not suppress emotionally. The overall impression may seem dramatic, it will dilute the glamorous metal decor in the form of lamps, mirror frames and accessories of neutral shades (light beige carpets and bedspreads, white photo frames, monophonic light curtains).

Monochrome style options in the interior

Use one-color decoration in an apartment or house means to surround yourself with beautiful and rich halftons of your favorite flavor.

  • Elegant white

White color helps push the borders of the room, is great for repairing small apartments. It looks concise and fresh both in classic design and modern. Depending on the tonality of lighting (cold or warm), it becomes more rigorous or more gentle.

  • Noble gray

Monochrome - universal alternative to white design, when I want to create a light and cozy situation in a muted version. The palette is well suited for the aesthetics of the Scandinavian style, saturated with textures and natural materials. In the gray range, walls, ceiling, furniture and accessories (pillows, carpets, blankets). A wide range of shades allows you to find very thin combinations.

  • Calm brown

Brown gamma is rich in shades - from neutral to very warm. So the room decoration will also receive the desired volume, and expressive due to the combination of dark and light surfaces. Adding a bright white color (white plinths, eaves, ceiling, the framing of doors and windows) equilibrate the saturation of the paints.

  • Red and purple.

Color solutions in the red gamma perfectly combine cold and warm tones: cherry, carmine, wine, pomegranate. When adding brown and orange, beautiful complex shades of the base color are obtained, perfectly suitable for velvet sofa, matte walls.

The original design of the apartment in the Art Deco style can be performed on the basis of purple. A dense intense tone needs a light decorative environment - silver pillows, golden luminaires - and sufficient natural lighting.

Monochrome interiors are fascinating and painstaking work with shades of the same color, where it is important to find combinations such and successful accents to avoid the visual monotony and dullness as a result.

In each project design of apartments and houses, we embody the most winning balance of architectural, planning and color decisions, taking into account the interests and wishes of the customer.

Ecology of consumption. Interior design: Today we will talk about monochrome interiors. If you do not know what the monochrome interior is, then this is the interior, the color solution of which is based on the basis of the same color, and it does not matter, chromatic is color (color), or achromatic (black, white gray). Although in most cases, colors in monochrome colors are still two: white color and any chromatic or achromatic color.

Today we will talk about monochrome interiors. If you do not know what the monochrome interior is, then this is the interior, the color solution of which is based on the basis of the same color, and it does not matter, chromatic is color (color), or achromatic (black, white gray). Although in most cases, colors in monochrome colors are still two:white color And any chromatic or achromatic color.

In other words, monochrome interiors are interiors built on a combination of a set of shades of one color. It does not mean at all that, for example, a bedroom or an entrance hall will look boring and faded. An interesting interior, in this case, is created using the right submission (contrast, nuance) of the set of shades of one color. While their improper use can completely destroy the beauty of the monochrome interior, so let's understand more and more specifically.

Some people prefer any single color in the interiors (and not only interiors). Creating a monochrome interior based on one dominant color is the most simple task for the color solution that any novice designer and the owner of the apartment or at home can solve. If desired, and you can easily create a monochrome interior based on the shades of some color, reading this article, looking at some examples and following the tips below.

So, we already know that the monochrome interior is created on the basis of one color, but in different shades. Now let's find out how to competently distribute the shades of one color in the interior to achieve an interesting color solving room. In total, there are three basic principles of the color solutions of rooms in monochrome colors.

1. The first principle of the combination of shades in the monochrome interior:- elements of large sizes (walls, floors) - the brightest shade; furniture items are darker; Accessories - the darkest.

It is almost impossible to make mistakes using this principle, even if you do not have experience like this color solutions. And in order not to spend in vain tools, you can first walk on shopping, put the wallpaper suitable for color and style, curtains, furniture items, the necessary accessories. It would be nice to make their photos. At home, once again appreciate the combination, trying on the geometry of the room and the illumination of the room, and then boldly go shopping.

2. The second principle of the combination of shades in the monochrome interior:- Select the most dark for the walls, and for furniture - the brightest colors, if a light gamma dominates in the interior.

You can choose some dark color. However, for such a solution, the combination of shades is somewhat harder. It is worth implementing it only in case of confidence that the saturated color of the walls will not diminish the room. Remember both such an important detail of such an interior like a bright carpet. It will make the room lighter, neutralizing the dark tones of the walls.

But in general, this principle is better suited for a combination of bright shades in monochrome interiors. For example, you can use yellow, blue, salad, pink. Such options look good in the bedrooms (except blue), the windows of which come to the north side.

3. Third principle - These are homogeneous-bright monochrome interiors, which are created with small differences in the level of lightweight (darkness).

They are most suitable for rooms:

    with windows overlooking the north

    with low ceilings,


    designed for relaxation.

Uniform-bright interiors look air and gentle. However, due to the light of the used color palette, they also appear the effect of fog and floating pattern. Even snow-white vertical parts will not save it (window frames, canvas, headboard bed, etc.), because the color gamma interior is too light and cannot create the necessary contrast with white. As a result, often the atmosphere of the interior "floats", and he himself acquires a basic shade, and the picture loses a steady look.

Such an effect is not considered a bad or successful. However, you need to know and cannot be ignored. If desired, reduce the feeling of airiness of the room, with a monochrome color solution, the following techniques should be used:

Add an emphasis color, not similar to the dominant. It attracts the look and serves as a "reference point" supporting the whole interior.

Use the strip. In homogeneous-light interiors, the strip sets the structure, does not allow the picture "break" and what is important, visually makes the ceiling visually above. In rooms with low ceilings and windows overlooking the north side, due to vertical strips, homogeneous-light monochrome interiors will look lighter and greater.

Use the wallpaper combination. Decorating the surface of one wall or site on it with wallpaper with a beautiful texture or pattern, emphasizes the structure of the interior, give it a kind of "playfulness".

In general, as you could have noticed, the third principle of the combination of shades is the most difficult performed. There are many bright shades with small variations, and the necessary accents are set by special techniques.

Most monochrome interiors, nevertheless, based on shades of light palette. But when one color is too much, it is done almost "tangible." Therefore, it is better to stop your choice on not very obsessive light color.

You can also have a reasonable question: "Is it possible to create an interesting monochrome interior based on dark or bright, and not bright colors?" Yes, it is quite possible.

For example, an unusually beautiful interior is based on a deep purple color. The game of many shades is always fascinating. But you probably have already flashed a thought - will it be comfortable to relax in such a room? Will it make sure of the quick interior? Of course, it all depends on taste and individual preferences. Therefore, the monochrome interior based on one dark color can only be chosen by one hundred percent convinced that it is your color scheme.

In the absence of the necessary experience, make the beauty not to the detriment of comfort in the interior of purple or burgundy shades is quite difficult. Usually this work is able to only experienced designers and decorators.

Less Elegance interior, which is based on blue. His "salvation" is modern idleness. Therefore, the Middle Design Master, and the person who studied the principles of the decor of the premises can also create it.

The combination of the interiors of the same bright shades is infrequent. To decorate the room only in one bright, for example, orange, you have to be very in love with it.

In a monochrome interior, based on green color, decorate the walls is better in neutral tones - gray, beige, cream, smoky, but not green. Then it will be easier to choose furniture items and additional details.

I do not know if you draw attention to the fact that in most described variants of monochrome interiors very often used white color. This is necessary so that the interior does not too air, dark or bright, when using the shades of one color. Based on this, it follows that the addition of a large amount of white (to a lesser degree of gray and black) to the shades of the dominant color is also a prerequisite. Of course, some conservatism of the interior can occur, but it will look extremely solemn and stylish.

The place of pink, for example, can occupy any other colors, because white is easily combined with any of the color palette. But the main thing when creating such an interior is their balanced ratio. Snow-white should be half the wall surface, the surface of the floor and the ceiling is mandatory.

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10 tricks how to make a small bathroom visually more

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About the ceiling It is worth saying a little more, since you can allow a common designer error. You can not decorate the ceiling one of the shades of the dominant color. In this interior it will "closer" space, create a feeling of a certain closed "box". And most importantly - the ceiling of the main color will not allow manifests to manifest themselves, will suppress them. Therefore, in the monochrome interior, the snow-white ceiling will best emphasize the game shades, while color - it will destroy it or will be suppressed.published

Create a fashionable interior in a monochrome color palette is quite simple. The interiors in one shade are charming, as they look very stylish and tastefully. In such premises, everything is thought out to the smallest details. You only need to get acquainted with the inspiration from this article and correctly decorate the room.

The main principle of monochrome interior - choose the right base

The choice of the main one, that is, the base color will affect not only the appearance of the interior, but also on your well-being. Before you do it, you should learn more about the effect of color on the mood. Not every color will work in a specific room at home. The key to the stylish composition is the correct combination of shades and skillful saturation management and the tone of the specified color.

For example, red, although the interior attaches a cozy atmosphere, does not fit into the bedroom, because it has a stimulating effect, which makes it difficult to fall asleep, leading to fatigue. It is better to make a living room in this color.

Blue color is perfect for a relaxing room. This cool color helps calm down and relax. Purple works in the same way.

In turn, orange and yellow optimize the mood, introducing heat. Orange also increases appetite, so it will be excellent choice for the kitchen or dining room.

Tender whitewashed greens, warm gray color - a color palette that contains many thin sentences for people who feel well surrounded by neutral shades.

If you prefer attractive solutions, pay attention to the matted plum or bright greens.

Tip! Keep in mind that saturated colors are faster than those who are considered neutral.

Monochrome design room: one color has several shades

The choice of one color actually does not limit you to the use of other shades from the preferred gamma. You just have to learn to allocate color options from the base. The variable coloring intensity is enough to make an interesting interior of the room. In addition, you have various decorative details and subtle accents of other, carefully selected shades.

Tip! Color the walls with the easiest shade of the base color. For more intense toning, choose a sofa or curtains. The interior can be made bright with the help of decorative pillows or other accessories in the darkest version of the selected color.

How to break monotoncy correctly?

The monochrum in the interior will not be boring, if you dilute it with various materials and textures. It is worth combining matte and glossy surfaces. The same color will look different on the wall, on a leather armchair or fluffy carpet. Do not forget about the possibilities offered by contrasts. To prevent monotony, designers often include various forms and textures in styling materials such as metal, glass or tissue. In addition, each of the materials works completely differently with the light, the decorative capabilities of which are practically not limited. This is a very important element that determines the appearance of the entire interior, not only in the case of monochrome arrangements.

Monochrome color in the interior: Fashionable combinations

Currently, among monochrome stylizations, those in which neutral colors are used, such as white, gray or beige, are very popular. To avoid boredom and decorate the interior slightly, they are usually combined with natural and organic materials, such as trees, stone and textiles.

Graphite and white

The combination of white and black has an interesting visualization. If you like this composition, but you want to dilute it a little, use intermediate colors from the same palette. Shades of graphite and white will create a clean and expressive composition and at the same time give the room a comfortable atmosphere. Complete the layout of accessories in bright colors to create a pleasant and elegant contrast.

Blue, Blue and Gray

Choose blue as an elegant alternative to black. This will add the depth of the decor without worrying about the dominance of all stylization. Blue and white is a classic, proven combination. If you want to use smooth transitions, then white replace the light blue or light gray shade. If you are interested in more rich colors, select a dark blue that is an elegant alternative to black, and at the same time will add stylization of depth without an overwhelming effect. Use wooden products with glossy color so that they can stand out on the background of walls in dark blue color.

Gray and his shades

The dark shade of gray is a choice for those who appreciate the elegance of the style, filling the house with a relaxing atmosphere in combination with a lighter tone. The bright shade of gray became extremely popular in recent years as a universal alternative to cream and white. On the other hand, the dark gray color palette is an ideal solution for those who appreciate simplicity and elegance. Such a combination is perfect for the role of neutral interior.

Dark and pastel green

Green color is usually seen as the personification of the world, so it works best in places that should be an oasis of relaxation, that is, in bedrooms and living rooms. A deep and delicate green color in combination with a thin, pastel column creates an atmosphere of freshness and is an excellent solution for all nature lovers. It is also an optimal solution for people in need of concentration, so it is worth using it in a student's room or a doctor's office.

Beige and white

The combination of warm beige and snow-white is a proven way to achieve an elegant style in a modern house. It is also the perfect solution for small rooms. Warm and bright colors allow you to use the optical expansion of the room due to the natural light, where everyone will feel comfortable. To enrich such a combination of colors, complete all the styling accessories in neutral colors with pleasant to the touch fabrics.

The monochrum in the interior is a great idea for modern design, where everything is executed consistently and deliberately. Select the basis of your room and complement it with the corresponding gamut of shades.

Have you thought to transform the design of the interior of your housing, but already at the stage of painting walls faced with a difficult choice of color? Then our article will be interesting to you, we have collected for you a selection of amazing options for designing space in monochrome gamme.

Interesting ideas, deep and fresh shades that will decorate all the secluded corners of your home. And do not think that one-photon stylization will be too intrusive or boring, carefully study all the examples presented, perhaps some of them will be the ideal guidance that inspires you to the embodiment of the most bold fantasies.

Luxurious chocolate

Noble image

The brown itself does not represent anything interesting, if you think so, they are deeply mistaken. The correctly chosen tone works as well as other classic paints, but it is more friendly and can be pleasant to please different shades.

Such a color in the interior will be a source of heat and comfort, an atmosphere that will flick into your bedroom of a lung chic.

Deep midnight

Chic design style

Black is a classic to create a simple and elegant style, place them all the room and then you will get a great interior. But do not forget about contrasts and it should not always have sharp transitions, the perfect addition will be coffee or gray. In the illustration above, animal prints were beautifully made, which slightly revive the space and add interest.

Purity Aura and Cock

Pastel tones visually make space more

Transform your kitchen, bathroom or bedroom can be painted, which provides a breath of fresh air. Mint color in the interior has exceptional quality and is a good base tone.

Juicy cherry

Intrigative imagination image

Would you like something daring? Then bold colors are for you. Do not be afraid to express your personality, even if it seems too bright to you. The passion and playfulness of the shade of Cherry will be relevant for both the bedroom and even for home office.

Charming glamor

Dreamy design

If you taste the pink shades to taste, then you can safely decorate the space feminine and cheerful color. Correctly picking up the palette, you will make any room unique.

Eclectic peach

Own character of the exquisite bedroom

Refreshing, possessing notes of romance and visual ease.

Spring green

Freshness and creativity of the situation is impressive

Any shade of green will provide a healthy and original organized interior. But with a bright Laima Tint, any space will gain a festive and lively atmosphere. Moreover, you can harmoniously combine not only paints, but also textures and prints for this purpose perfectly suitable home textiles introducing a variety of monochrome color gamut.

Noble blue

Unconditional favorite among noble paints

These colors are always relevant and there is an opportunity to choose both brighter, almost blue and saturated. A serene, relaxing and universal shade will be a bright character expression in the living room, office and any other sector of your home.


Elegant setting with luxurious colors

A rich, unique and warm choice, it is a bit complicated, but stylish variations of purple look luxuriously!

Clean and Fresh Blue

Neat Living Room in Cool Tones

You never lose, choosing a shade of light heavenly blue, it will open the entire potential of the room for you and make it more spacious.

Energetic lemon

Cheerful kitchen

Revinct the dim room and saturate the corner with a bright color, which sings happiness and invigorating energy using a combination of yellow color in the interior. It is perfect for sulfur-shades of concrete, warm shells of wood and impeccable white.

Optimistic cranberry

Playful motifs

Passionate and bold shade of pester attractiveness and unsurpassed charm.

Neat white white

Beautiful single-paced project

The calm and measured atmosphere in the bedroom is the ideal conditions for a full-fledged rest. One-photon stylization in this case will be defective, but in this room the balance is formed due to textiles and finishing of the furniture facade.

How to work with color - or its absence, if we are talking about monochrome - know the British best. Changeable weather, the gray sky taught this nation to seek beauty even in the brightest or vice versa of the most dark shades, redeeming and playing the richness of the neuropal palette. Gray, all shades of brown, finally, just black and white interiors are found in England hardly more than in Scandinavia.

We asked for the famous British Colorists David and Ruth Mottershead, the creators of Little Greene and the owners of the Paint & Paper Library brand, producing world-famous paints, show on specific examples, how to work with a lack of gamut so that the interior is stylish.

In pure form

Black and white - it would seem that you can say new here? But even these, elementary colors, can be very different. Ruth recommends not to use them in pure form. This combination is perceived as psychologically unpleasant, can cut eyes. That this does not occur, they can be used in small rooms, for example, in the design of the guest bathroom, and also definitely dilute the interior with living plants.

Texture game

In Europe, the black and white trend, played by the "orchestralo", is gaining. That is, designers apply one shade in different textures. Look at the design of this bathroom. Ruth draws our attention to the combination of ceramics, ordinary surfaces under painting and black glass. It looks extremely stylish!

Warm shades

"In fact, white is rarely purely white, but a black pure black," says Ruth. - For example, in our new monochrome palette there are warm and cold shades of both colors. All - as in the case of tuning brightness. If you want to create a pacifying, enveloping atmosphere in the interior, use a monochrome on the basis of warm shades, as in the design of the living room in the photo. "

Cold spectrum

"If you strive to give the interior of freshness, take a colder spectrum. As in this example in the photo: the basis of both monochrome shades took a light blue tone. It does not appear, but it is, "stitched" inside the paint, and it is perceived by the eye and feeling as a cold shade. Although, I repeat, it's all the same black and white, but what is different, "says Ruth.

DNA color

Favorite shades of the Black and White Father Ruth, David, who once created the Empire of colorful color, - shades of chalk and ink. In their DNA there is a "genome" of light green. "As a consequence, they will be perfectly combined with all the deaf and warm shades of the Green, - teaches David. - I have a workbook in this range, which leaves the windows in our such English garden. Believe me - I think perfect! "


The paintings of individual parts can be emphasized the mood of the interior, without having fluttered with color planes. Ruth demonstrates this on the example of a bathroom in an English home. The window frame painted in black, while the walls are a harmoniously selected shade of white. This focus of the black gives the interior of the completion.

Basic color

"Nothing prevents the show and the color underlying the shade - says David. - For example, we have two shades of black and white, created using fawl pink. This color can be "getting", as in the case of the interior in the photo, and introduce as a spectacular accent. He completely transforms the interior. True, you no longer seem to be a monochrome? On the contrary, a cozy house filled with autumn colors, Bouire. Meanwhile, after all, the lion's share of the room is painted with black and white paints! "


"The shades are largely determined by the natural lighting of the room, the root comments. - For rooms overlooking the windows to the north and south, where the lights of a priori will not be as much as in the rooms with a dawn and sunset, and it will be more uniform, we offer to use shades of fuel milk and coal black. After all, they are based on a soft, warm light brown, and therefore they will make the room visually more comfortable, there will always be a feeling of soft backlight. "