How to put plastic slopes on the windows. Window slopes from PVC - features and detailed installation

After the window is set, it remains to complete the decoration of the slopes on the plastic windows. PVC elements are not only decorative, but also important protective functions. You can install plastic slopes on the windows with your own hands. How to install plastic slopes will be described below.

What are they needed for

The plastic finishing device is the most common way to reflect the space of the window opening. PVC slopes have a pleasant glossy surface and combined with a window profile material. Plastic panels allow you to protect the mounting seam from the effects of sun rays and moisture.

The decoration finish after installing the window is performed using plastic

Installation foam, with which the window system is fixed in the opening, is a water-repellent material. But if it is not protected from the effects of direct sunlight, it will begin to collapse and in its pores will freely begin to penetrate moisture, destroying it from the inside. Therefore, the slopes for plastic windows must be installed in the near future after installing the window.. How to make slopes on the windows of plastic will be told in this article.

Properties of plastic slopes

Slopes for plastic windows can be performed from two types of material - it can be window slips from PCB panels or from sandwich panels.

Sunshift serves as protection of mounting foam from destruction

For both types of plastic panels, common positive qualities are characterized:

  • long operational period;
  • plastic slope for windows have decorative appearance and are combined with the material from which the window system is made;
  • the finishing of window slopes inside with plastic allows you to securely protect the mounting foam from environmental impacts;
  • installation of plastic slopes is possible for decoration of arched openings, as a flexible PVC flexible can be used;
  • you can install PVC panels with your own hands without having professional skills and special expensive equipment;
  • plastic panels for slopes can be cut with a metal with a metal, but it is necessary to do it carefully, without making effort so that the PVC panel is not cracked;
  • installation of plastic windows with their own hands occurs quickly and without the formation of serious contaminants and construction garbage;
  • over the panels of PVC just care - it is enough to wipe them sometimes with a rag moistened in the soap solution;
  • they have low thermal conductivity;
  • the plastic window element has a high moisture resistance;
  • the decoration of the slopes of plastic windows will reliably protect them from the freezing.

Products from PVC panels

Before installing plastic slopes with your own hands, you need to get acquainted with the quality of the material that is used for their manufacture. One of them can be a PVC panel.

Description of material

Another name of this material is the ceiling panels. They are made of polyvinyl chloride.

They consist of two plastic plates with rigidity edges inside. For some models, the presence of castle compounds on the ends.

Panels can have different sizes, but when installing them, they still have to cut in accordance with the required dimensions. Moreover, the panels can have a length of 3 and 6 meters, 6-meter products should be purchased. The thickness of the panels varies from 0.5 to 1.2 cm. Product type can also be different: panels, rails or PVC sheets.

Also acquire components for plastic panels. Included must be fastened and plastic elements. Their description is shown in Figure below.

One of the advantages of any plastic panels is their wide range of color gamut. Colored PVC slopes can be selected for any interior.

Color plastic color can be selected for any interior.

The interior decoration will look original when the windows are trimmed with plastic panels with an image or imitation of any natural and artificial material. When the windows are colored or brown, you can use painted products. It is important that in this case the windows fittings are combined with them..

PVC panels can imitate a wooden surface.

The panels can be monophonic, laminated, lacquered, have a printed pattern on their surface or an image applied by thermal printing. Installation of plastic slopes will give the windows neat decorative appearance. How to make plastic slopes will be described below.

Positive quality material

High-quality decoration of the plastic plastic is obtained by the properties of the ceiling panels.

  • the material is not toxic;
  • have high moisture resistance;
  • they are easy to install and care;
  • have a slight weight, so do not create load on the base;
  • plastic is a non-combustible material, but when melting, poisonous caustic smoke is distinguished;
    products are resistant to temperature differences;
  • possess frost resistance;
  • create an ideal smooth rigidly fixed surface;
  • have a modern look and are suitable for any interiors;
  • the cell structure provides reliable noise insulation;
  • do not accumulate static electricity on its surface;
  • panels are resistant to household chemicals.


How to install discovery from plastic on the windows with your own hands in stages, is shown below. Before starting the separation finish with panels, it is necessary to make measurements. Internal sides are measured twice - at the window and the wall.

  • the installation of plastic slopes on the windows begins with the fact that they remove the mounting foam, which went beyond the seam along the perimeter of the window frame. To do this, use a sharp construction knife;

    Before mounting, slopes are removed excess foam

  • on the perimeter of the window frame, it will be necessary to mount the wooden bar. When making a bar, you need to make a slope at one side. This is done so that it is possible to firmly fix the bar near the window frame;

    For attachment of slopes, a wooden bar with a slope is made

  • finished bars must be installed around the perimeter of the window frame in such a way as to enter it a bit. The mount can be made using self-tapping screws or dowels;

    The bar is fixed using self-tapping screws around the frame perimeter

  • plastic plank, which is called a starting profile, is purchased in a construction store. With the help of a construction stapler or self-tapping screws, attach it around the perimeter of the window to a wooden bar;

    Start profile mount to a wooden bar

  • upon previously obtained sizes make the necessary elements. Plastic cut gently to not damage;

    Cutting PVC panels must be performed without a strong pressure

  • you must install the panels first on the side walls of the window opening. Panels must be put in the starting profile;

    The panel is inserted into the starting profile

  • the item must be separated from the wall and cover the space by mounting foam. Then put it in place and press it a bit so that the foam grab;

    PVC panel is fixed using mounting foam

  • in this way, it is necessary to finish the entire window opening;
  • to properly make discover from plastic, decorative corners are attached to the decorative fragments. The finished product is fixed with painting tape to the full grasp.

    Painted tape records slopes to complete foam drying

Installing the slopes on plastic windows, platbands can be fixed on their corners. How to do slightly with a platband, shows a step-by-step instruction below.


Products from sandwich panels

Installation of plastic slopes can be performed using a multilayer material covered with two sides with decorative plastic. By installing the slopes from the plastic with their own hands using the sandwich panels, you can not produce additional thermal insulation.

Sandwich panels have high thermal insulation properties

The installation of PVC slopes when using this material happens quickly and with a minimum amount of garbage. The use of slopes from PVC panels of this type ensures the protection of the window from the freezing.

Sandwich panels have the following characteristics:

  • PVC provides reliable heat and sound insulation;
  • finishing of slopes of windows by this material increases the energy efficiency of the window system as a whole;
  • if you correctly make slopes from panels with your own hands, the window opening will acquire a neat appearance;
  • finishing windows with plastic with their own hands is performed quickly and efficiently;
  • make discover from plastic with insulation maybe even unprepared person.


The sandwich panel can be attached as well as the PVC panel. How to properly make such a finish, shown below.

Sunbathing device using sandwich panels

How to separate the windows of windows with plastic without starting profile step by step, shown below.

How to make slopes on the windows? This question worries many who, after replacing window structures, faced such a problem. Indeed, there have been serious works that will make surfaces reliable and beautiful. It should be borne in mind that the slopes perform not only decorative, but also a protective function. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this with all thoroughness. If you make mistakes or perform the work poorly, then many troubles will arise.

Window slopes are an integral part of any room. Some believe that such a design can be given minimal attention. But this is an erroneous representation that leads to the emergence of aesthetic and practical problems. The fact is that the internal slopes perform a number of important functions:

  1. Support a specific microclimate. Slopes prevent the heat from the room outside, and also the cold penetrates inside. Naturally, it is impossible to exclude the protection against moisture, which leads to the formation of condensate.
  2. Expand the service life of all designs. That is why such a finish should be carried out in a short time. Of course, inside the room can still be delayed on the installation, but outside, set the slopes is required for the minimum time.
  3. Create an excellent decorative component. The installation of slopes on the windows can be attributed to one of the main components of the harmonious interior. You can install beautiful metal-plastic frames, but if they are not properly noted correctly, they will lose their sophistication.

Therefore, performing all the work on your own, it is required to comply with all technological nuances and rules. Then you can be sure that it will be a reliable and durable coating that will delight the eye.

Design features

The device of slopes has its own characteristics. The fact is that it is necessary to take into account the main nuances that must be completed when working with their own hands:

  • It is necessary to separate the design so that the edge of the frame closes quite a bit.
  • It is necessary to take into account the location of the loops and opening flaps.
  • Crimping the foam is performed in a ram. If you remove a larger amount of substance than required, the design may appear. Also, any discovering residues will interfere with the finish process.
  • Special attention is paid to the mounting seam. From its thickness depends on the option that will be used to clamp the slopes of the window.
  • The process of sealing is a very important point. All places should be well missed.

But how to separate the slopes, location outside the room? Technology almost fully complies with internal work. But the mandatory and most important rule will be setting low tide.

Finishing options

It is customary to allocate two main options for cladding, which differ from the materials used.

Facing with panel products

This technology assumes that materials that are cut into the desired panel will be used.

When choosing this method, the following features should be taken into account:

  1. The quality of the material. It is necessary to carefully approach the selection of products used. The fact is that, if you install a poor-quality option, problems will begin to occur during the installation process. For example, cheap plastic is distinguished by the fact that it crumble and cracks when cutting, and after installation - it will not retain a good appearance.
  2. Proper technology of insulation and processing. When installing panel products, emptiness often occur, which can serve for the development of fungus and mold. Such places are the source of the penetration of the cold. Therefore, the surfaces need to be preprocessing and laying insulation, the choice of which depends on the specific situation.
  3. Careful measurement. The main mistake that can happen is inaccuracies in measurements. If you do not consider the location of the parts, there are extensive joints that cannot be hidden even decorative moldings.
  4. Finish finish. The installation of slopes from panel products should be combined with the correct selection of decorative elements. For subsequent decoration, special profiles and corners can be applied, as well as perform the spatlement of external joints. Carrying out the installation of overhead fragments, it is important to make the correct trimming so that all joints are equivalent.

On a note! To make the most accurate details on the slopes of windows, two methods are used. The first is in simple measurement and transfer of data to the material, the second - in the creation of stencils. This method is much more accurate, but requires more time, because it is necessary to perform a stencil at every stage of the work.

Application of solution

Such work consists in the fact that a certain layer of a prepared solution is applied to the windows with their own hands, which completely closes the entire surface of the slopes. This option is considered the most traditional. Its distinctive feature is low cost.

Finishing can be performed by two main scenarios:

  1. Traditional. The surface is fried by a mixture that is leveling at a certain angle.
  2. With additional insulation. Such technology involves the use of foam, which serves as the basis. In fact, this option can hire many problems. Incorrect installation of the insulation is a guarantee that numerous cracks and detachments will appear.

Preparatory activities

Before you wonder how to properly do the slopes, you should conduct thorough surface preparation. The number of works depends on the specific situation. There is a general procedure that is required to be executed:

Technology of making slopes

How to separate the slopes? There are basic materials that are used for such works:

  • plastic PVC panels for walls;
  • sandwich panels;
  • plaster.

Each option is selected based on several reasons:

  • The distance from the wall to the window frame. That is the thickness of the mounting seam.
  • Width of the plots.
  • Financial expenses.

Given that all the work of the master must be performed by itself, then the option that will be most acceptable is selected.

PVC wall panels

PVC panels - the most popular material for finishing window slopes

This material is used most often, especially if needed. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Cheapness. Modern technologies allow you to produce products that are available to everyone.
  2. Practicality. If you choose materials that do not belong to the category of economy, then they are unpretentious in operation and serve long enough.
  3. Easy installation. Works are performed quickly, without the use of complex tools.

Installation of slopes from plastic panels is carried out according to the following instructions:

But the window finish is not yet completed. A number of finish manipulations should be performed. They consist that all the joints are well a sealant. Decorative corners are installed from the outside. They must be properly cut to dock at an angle of 90 degrees.

When a dilemma arises about which slopes are better, there may be many proposals and opinions. But it will be indisputable that it is better to make slopes from the sandwich panels. They combine all the positive qualities of PVC materials, but have additional advantages:

  • Products include a reliable protection layer (one or two), as well as a layer of insulation. This avoids the need to use additional material.
  • Resistant to different impacts, due to which their service life is almost unlimited.
  • Have an excellent decorative look. Indeed, such panels are superior to the appearance of the walls for the walls. In addition, this material can be manufactured in a fairly wide size, which is ideal for large openings.

Make slopes on the windows with your own hands through such products is simple enough. It must be borne in mind that this option is perfect in cases where the thickness of the mounting seam is minimal. For work, a three-layer material is used.

Consider how to set the slopes from the sandwich panels. It is done as follows:

Use of plaster

Previously, it did not arise about how to make slopes on the windows. After all, there was one only option that was applied to plaster. This method is quite convenient and practical, but requires skills. Such a need arises due to the fact that you need to properly remove all the planes and observe the angle of inclination. Although, if you practice a little and understand how it is better to apply the mixture, then plaster works will not cause special difficulties.

General technology is as follows:

It turns out an excellent coating, which is characterized by increased reliability. The undoubted advantage of this option is that each plot made can be repaired and change the decorative layer.


Summarizing the foregoing, it can be concluded that there are various options for finishing the slopes of windows, which depend on the specific situation and financial capabilities. The main thing is to initially carry out all the work qualitatively, observing all the nuances.

The owners of apartments and private houses that have established plastic windows often appear desire to organize and the surfaces of the window openings. Often it is required to be done due to damage to old slopes when dismantling previous windows. The decoration of the slopes is also carried out to enhance the heat and sound insulation of window openings.

The decoration of the slopes of your plastic windows can be performed by several methods. Everyone has its advantages and disadvantages, and can be carried out with the participation of the insulation. PVC panels, plasterboard or plastering together with a mixture for putty can be used to design windows of windows.

Sucks from panels for plastic windows, very easy to fix with your own hands. This uses plastic lining and additional accessories, which is designed to hide the joints between the horizontal and vertical panels, and the gaps on the lines in which they are adjacent to the window frame.

PVC panels - a popular way of finishing window openings

In addition to the lining, the tenants often use a sandwich panels produced specifically for work on finishing window openings. The panels are made of several smooth plastic layers, between which the foamed polystyrene is located. The installation of slopes from this material will be slightly simpler, because you do not have to exclude the insulation separately. This method also allows you to do without the use of some fittings.

Along with the ordinary plastic clapboard, the sandwich panels will help quickly and gently arrange windows with their own hands. You can always choose not only the thickness, but also color finishes. Properly selected shade will help allocate window openings against the background of the overall interior of the room.

Before installing products, as in the case of finishing other types, you need to carefully examine the instructions and stick it throughout the work.

Application of plaster on the surface of the window openings is considered to be the traditional finish method. Properly applied material is capable of listening to a long time without loss of the original appearance. At the same time, do not forget that the "naked" plaster will not give the residents of protection from the cold, and there is no possibility of installing thermal insulation materials in this case. Among the minuses of this method, the duration of finishing works is distinguished, as it is necessary to apply the material in several layers, each of which must completely dry. To make such internal slopes for your plastic windows, you must have experience in working with plaster. Otherwise, you risk allowing a mistake and spoil all the opening.

Stucco finishing - the event is "dirty" enough. Working with this material, you will be forced to clean the room almost daily or not use it at all for several weeks.

Often, real estate owners are used to finish drywall. Install the slopes on the plastic windows from this material simply. The skin will last for a long time, and thanks to the insulation, it will not give the cold air to leak into the room. In essence, drywall is a dry plaster, but its installation will take much less time and forces. This method does not imply the appearance of spots on the windows or wall finish, and it is not necessary to have experience for it. Just follow the instructions specified by the manufacturer.

To date, there are several types of drywall. The highest quality is the material of the green color with the marking "G Clac". It is distinguished by high humidity resistance.

The only disadvantage of this method is possible possible complications when finishing the material - primer and putty. Without them, plasterboard will quickly come into disrepair, as it is characterized by a fragile structure.

The panels on the sides of the window opening are recorded on the same principle. If, after the installation of the sandwich panels, the gaps remained between them, they need to be filled with mounting foam. As soon as it dries, the extra pieces are cut off by a stationery knife. After that, the joints of the joints are closed with special profiles - platbands. To fix these elements are used.

Watching window openings - how to do yourself?

Making slopes from plaster for plastic windows, a metal guide will be required around the perimeter. They are better than wooden rails, as they have low adhesion and they will be much easier to extract. Guides must be fixed with dowels so that they perform for the corners of the window opening on the planned thickness of the layer of plaster.

The other guide must be fixed near the window frame. When installing, focus on the first guide, since the applied plaster will be aligned according to the plane given by both guide.

After that, start throwing plaster on the surface. At this stage, try to make an external angle as smooth. By the same principle of plaster applied to the surface in the rapid part of the window opening. Next, align the layer of plaster. At the same time, the main thing for you at this stage is not the perfectly smooth coating, but filling the plastering edges of the slope and grooves. The surface alignment itself must be performed after the solution grabs the walls of the opening. To do this, set the construction rule to the guides, and gently lift up, thereby neatly aligning the sketched solution. After that, remove the surplus plaster and leave the material to complete drying.

After that, it will be necessary to remove external guides, and in the corners set paint corners with perforation. Then another plaster layer is applied to the dry surface, the height of which should correspond to the height of the painting corner.

The finishing third layer should be applied with a special finishing putty, and it must have a thickness of no more than 1 mm. It is best to apply the material with a wide spatula, slightly pressing it to the surface. The tracks left by the tool must be immediately aligned.

The end step will be smoothing the finishing finish with a special grout. To do this, attach the product to dry putty and start moving with hand in a circle counterclockwise. If in the future you plan to paint the slopes, then before that they will be necessary to be closed. The primer will prevent paint seeping into putty, as a result of which the paint layer will turn out to be more even.

Over time wears. It requires a replacement or repair. Over time, scratches appear on it, which are difficult to close up so that they are not marked later. If it is plastic, then for several years of service it is deformed and changes its color, and with wooden panels can be lacquered. The plaster is better to carry the effect of mechanical loads and ultraviolet, but it gradually loses strength with high humidity and permanent temperature drops. You can repair the box with your own hands by setting the layer of heat and sound insulation and making the surface more resistant to external influences. In the article we tell how to correct the slopes on.

How to make slopes on the window yourself

Materials of slopes

The technical characteristics of the product depends on what it is made.

  • Plastic lining is selected under the color of the glass. Special elements of fittings are installed on the edges, which closes the place of adjoining the wall.
  • PVC sandwich panels are plates of foamed polystyrene coated along the edges of the polymer shell. When installing, less fittings are used than. Polystyrene supports burning and excretes toxic substances, therefore it will be correct to use another insulation. In addition, the polystyrene cells are well conducted. Their hard walls resonate, without reducing the noise, but enhanced it. For protection from cold, mineral wool or polyurethane foam is suitable.
  • Stucco - Usually it is a draft coating that runs under putty and painting. There are decorative mixtures with dyes and additives that improve decorative qualities. As such additives, particles of natural marble or other minerals can be used. Such a coating is capable of listening to an unlimited amount of time. It fireproof, not toxic and not allergenly. Playing the box yourself quite difficult. This requires special skills.
  • Plasterboard is used when installing slopes more often than other materials. It is durable, durable and no moisture is afraid. Sheets do not change the form when the temperature changes. They do not burn and do not emit toxic substances. In order to cope with their installation, professional skills are required. Plasterboard serves as a rough finish. Outside it is covered with primer and shuffle.
  • Wooden panels are used only in cases where it is necessary to emphasize the features of the interior. Natural fibers are subject to constant deformations. To solve this problem, the box is lined with chipboard or fiberboard plates covered with veneer. They do not change the form in the process of operation and are cheaper than their natural analogues.

Preliminary preparation of the foundation

With a complete replacement of design elements, start with dismantling old parts. To do this, you will need an ax, a sledgehammer and a punch with a flat nozzle-bump. Builders this nozzle is called a chisel blade.

It is possible to order a garbage removal container. To free the place, sometimes completely remove the old window sill and layer of plaster.

If you only need to remove the paint layer, there will be enough spatula and emery. Working emery paper is more convenient, wrapped it around a small wooden bar. Pokes and wallpapers are better away after they are swinging with water. Fat stains are removed with alcohol.

Near the glass is often, especially in the cold season. The new finish lies badly on the wet surface. Construction hairdryer will solve the problem.

Before installing the slopes on plastic windows, a dry base is cleaned and processed by primer with antiseptics that prevent appearance. It is applied in several stages after drying each layer.

How to launch a window box

The method allows you to create any forms and sizes. Its main advantages - durability and environmental coating.


In order not to engage in the search for consumables and tools in the process of performing work, it is better to prepare them in advance.

  • Putty knife.
  • Stretch or metal blade for solution.
  • Falcon - plate on which the mixture is stacked when applied. Used as an easel. Instead of immersing the spatula in the container each time, it is placed on the falcon and remove it with it with a trowel when applied to the surface.
  • Tool for leveling internal angles. It is a spatula drunk at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Grater or large grinding emery.
  • Kelma - she leveled the wet mass.
  • The rule is a perfectly smooth board that smoothes plastic mass.
  • Building plastic pelvis and drill with a nozzle-mixer.
  • and roulette.
  • Scissors or Hoven for Metal - with their help cut profile.

Finishing materials:

  • M400 or M500 brand cement and small-sided sand. On 1 kg of cement accounts for 2 kg of sand. To simplify the task and not to calculate how much cement and filler for sealing is better to use. They possess all the necessary properties. For proper laying, you just follow the instructions on the package.
  • Aluminum corner for creating guides.
  • Putclone for finishing surface treatment.
  • Primer with antiseptic.
  • Metal painting perforated profile - it is installed on the corners and close with a solution.


The installation of slopes on plastic windows should be made at a positive temperature. Otherwise, the solution will not be able to gain marching strength.

By perimeter, temporary guides from a metal profile are fixed on the corners. Instead, you can use smooth wooden rails. The profile is exhibited by level and installed on a dowel. The distance from it to the wall should be equal to the thickness of the plastering layer. The second profile is mounted near the window. Metal parts serve as guidelines for alignmenting the mixture. She is thrown by a trowel. When hit, it spreads and fills the voids of the base.

After laying, the solution is spilled by the rule, moving from the windowsill. The rule is applied to metal corners and slowly spend them on the surface, removing an extra array and filling the voids. When the mixture dries, the guides remove and instead of them, painted perforated corners are fixed to putty. They strengthen the surface by performing the role of fittings. From above, they are covered by another layer of plaster, the thickness of which corresponds to their height. From the outer part of the wall, the perforated edge is close to plaster with a spatula. For the creation of inner angles, a special folding spatula is used. After drying, the coating is ground and put off. Orthodiy eliminate with the help of a small emery.

Heat insulation opening

If the opening needs to be insulated, you will need solid porous plates having a shell. Maximum thickness - 2-3 cm. Flat will fit for this. It does not burn and does not distinguish harmful substances. Products are attached to the glue "Liquid nails" or on the mounting foam. First, it is installed on the walls, then on the ceiling. The joints are filled with mounting foam. For deep openings, wide plates will be required. They are fixed with the help of "fungi" - dowels with wide hats that do not fall through the loose structure of the insulation. Holes are drilled through the glued panels.

On the edges of the opening are glued with an angular profile with a painting mesh. It is pressed into the adhesive composition, the surplus is recreated or removed by the spatula. The plaster is applied on top.

Installing slopes from polymer precast details

Tools and consumables

Installation of slopes on plastic windows with their own hands begin with the preparation of the necessary materials and tools.

  • A sharp knife suitable for cutting PVC plates.
  • A gun in which a cylinder with mounting foam is inserted.
  • Roulette and ruler.
  • Building level.
  • Stapler with brackets.
  • Wooden strap about 10 cm wide.
  • Light silicone sealant - they close the seams.
  • Self-tapping screws - they are attached to the base carrying structural elements.
  • Primer with antiseptic.

Set of details

  • PVC panels or lining. Their number corresponds to the area of \u200b\u200bthe opening.
  • Starting P-shaped rail, to which the rest of the design is attached.
  • F-shaped rail.
  • Corners covering the outer side perpendicular panels at the junction.

Installation of coating

Sandwich panels with insulation inside are glued on "liquid nails" or mounting foam. The prefabricated elements are fixed by scotch until the foam is completely frozen. The tape is then removed, and the voids are filled with a solution and closed with platbands. This avoids the appearance of cold bridges transmitted by solid materials better than on loose and porous. Lining and plates without internal thermal insulation are fixed using the profile installed on the tapping screw.

To independently understand how to close the slopes after installing plastic windows or with overhaul, you must read the instructions.

  • First mark the markup. Then a wooden plank is attached to the base on the dowel. It is needed to make a connection with the wall and the ceiling more elastic and reliable. It is located on the near side removed from the glass.
  • If the box is too wide, the bar of the desired sizes is installed on it.
  • The starting strip is pressed against the window frame and the stapler sewn to the bruus. In the absence of a bar, the starting strip is sewn to the frame, refining it on a wooden bar.
  • In places where horizontal and vertical planes are connected, the angular elements with a relief are mounted, allowing you to fix PVC plates in them.
  • The F-shaped profile that holds the facing is attached to a wooden rail. So that the joints on the corners were smooth, it is cut with a stouch.
  • From the coating of PVC joinery knife, parts are cut out the parts of the required size and insert into the grooves.
  • To place the insulation, you need to create an additional volume with a J-profile located around the perimeter of each plane. One of his faces perpendicular to the base. The heat-insulating material is stacked between them. From above, it closes the PVC finish and snaps up with a CL-profile.

Installation of plasterboard slopes on plastic windows

The size and shape of the upper and side surface are transferred to the sheets. For cutting, a knife is used either saw with small teeth. The ends are put off to protect them from moisture. A putty is placed on the central part of the drywall and tightly apply to the installation site. To enhance the pressure, insert horizontal and vertical struts. They are removed in a day.

The edges are strengthened by painting perforated corners. They are covered with a spacion layer and smash it. After a day, the surface is processed by sandpaper.

To create a space for the insulation, the sheets are mounted on the aluminum frame.


Facing of internal slopes - the final stage when installing window blocks. So that the mounting seams are not blocked, the wing bridges did not arise between the structures, the niche necessarily insulate and sealed. Internal finishing of the opening gives a neat view of the entire room. As a rule, these works are carried out by specialized assembly brigades. If there are construction skills and knowledge about how to make slopes on the windows, you can make a facing yourself.

So that the room has as much as possible solar light, the slopes are formed under a slight inclination to the window plane, called the "angle of dawn". The name happened from deep antiquity, but its meaning is understandable to today.

There are no rigid criteria for the angle of dawn. It is believed that it should not be less than 10 °. It depends on the design of the opening, its depth, the gap between the slope and the frame. Recommended SCOS, which provides access to the solar rays and a harmonious view of the window - 1-4 cm for every 10 cm wall, but the owner can assign any value of the angle.

The correct form of the opening is the same angle of dawn on its side faces. If there are several windows in the room, this rule must be respected for all.

The angle of dawn window

Before making the slopes on the windows with your own hands, you need to independently set the angle of dawn. For this, the coal and tape measure measure the discrepancies between the sizes of the frame and the width of the opening in each window.

Important. Choose the minimum corner of the reversal by which the slopes of all the windows of the room will be aligned.

Types of slopes

The outer walls of houses in the regions of Russia are quite large thickness - 40-60 cm. This is due to the characteristics of the climate and used for construction materials - brick, blocks, concrete. Therefore, the task of high-quality finishing of the inner surface of the openings is relevant not only when installing new plastic windows, but also repairs or insulation of slopes with wooden frames.

Window niches are separated by materials:

  • stucco;
  • plasterboard;
  • plastic.

At the same time, foam, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, are used for insulation. They are glued or fasten with dowel-fungi into the plane of the opening. The finishing material is mounted on top. The role of the thermal insulator also performs mounting foam in the absence of emptiness in its mass.

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The construction industry does not stand still. Especially for the finishes of openings, a sandwich panel is produced, where the layer of the polymer insulation is concluded on both sides in the plates of polyvinyl chloride with a thickness of 1-2 mm. For installation there are plastic profiles. They are fixed along the perimeter of the frame, and the material is inserted into the grooves. The task how to make slopes on the windows is greatly simplified.

Plastic slopes "under the tree"

Important. When choosing a finish method, focus focuses the properties of the pipeline material, durability, practicality.

Plaster slopes

Plaster - traditional finishing of window openings. This is a time-consuming work related to "wet" or dust processes - kneading the solution, performing a spray, grinding graters. The masters must have professional skills and skills. Today, this method is supplanted by other, more technologically, with the use of sheet materials.

Preparatory work

Under the stucco, the slopes are carefully prepared:

  1. Cutting the surplus of the mounting foam serving the window plane.
  2. Sealant applies to the surface of seam to avoid penetration of water vapor through the mounting foam from the street and moisturizing the plaster.
  3. The radiators, the perimeter of the window block and accessories for protection against dust or spray solutions are closed with film.
  4. The surfaces of the slopes are cleaned with a rigid brush.
  5. Ground penetrating compositions.

When preparing a solution, use washed sand without clay impurities. Comfortable, ready-made mixtures that are indulging in water and thoroughly stirred.

Marking corners

At the bottom of the opening, the plane is noted, which is focused when pulling the side slope. To do this, applied the coal and fill the line at the rate of 1 cm for every 10 cm of the niche depth or for a previously measured value of the minimum angle of dawn.

If the line has not passed through the edge edge, the beacon profile is installed. It is glued to the solution, pressing up to the desired level and controlling verticality. Now the outdoor window outline is set. It remains to fill the plaster gap. If the voids are large, they are laid by brick.

The top slope is allowed to be performed without slope. If there are deviations from the correct geometry, there are horizontal lines on the side walls and secure the beacon profile.


Application of the solution is carried out in three stages:

  1. Spray. Use liquid solution, as a consistency like sour cream. It is intended to fill all irregularities or roughness on the surface. Pre-slope is wetted with water. Layer thickness - 4 mm for brick, 9 mm for wooden walls.
  2. Priming. The mixture is preparing thick for it. The main task is to align the surface, create plaster with the necessary thickness. Apply with layers of 15-20 mm, giving everyone to dry. Align in fresh solutions with sixrock or rule.
  3. Cover. The third layer of 2-4 mm thick is applied by a sour cream-like mixture prepared using sainted sand. Cit cell - no more than 1.5 mm. Thoroughly align, smooth the surface with half-sash or plaster cells.

After drying, the covers surface are ground and putty. Works are carried out in several techniques until the walls are perfectly even smooth and smooth. Now you can paint or stick wallpaper.

Plasterboard slopes

When the devils from drywall holds the rules:

  • use moisture-resistant types of material;
  • first install the side, then the upper elements or vice versa;
  • when using P- or L-shaped profiles, the grooves must comply with the sheet thickness, it is desirable to use components of one manufacturer;
  • if you need to change the angle of dawn, on the back side of the part of the drywall cut the V-shaped groove, allowing the sheet slightly.

Plasterboard billets are fixed in three ways:

  • glue by mounting foam or gypsum glue;
  • install in the profile system;
  • finish with self-drawing to the frame.

The choice of fastening method depends on the curvature of the facelight, the need for additional insulation.


Prepare the slopes on the windows of drywall is much simpler than under the plaster. Clean the old coating, garbage, dust. It is recommended to predict the surface to protect against the appearance of fungi.

If the curvature of the walls is significant, mounted a frame from metal profiles or wooden, treated on rotting of bars. Corrected plasterboard attach to it by self-draws. The space between the guides is filled with insulation - mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, foam.

If the opening is geometrically correct, without strong defects, it is not necessary to build a frame. Details are simply glued to smooth surfaces, adjusting the position on the markup.

Cutting and mounting

After the measurement of the depth and height of the faces of the opening, the plasterboard sheet is reusable. For this, on the placed points on the upper layer of cardboard, a knife cut the line. Throw over it the workpiece and cut off the paper from the bottom side. You can use your metal or a jigsaw.

Important. When attaching self-assembly, the caps are slightly interlaced in the canvas so that after putty they were invisible.

The mounting foam or gypsum glue is applied to the item from the reverse side and pressed against the wall. After the pouring of the void is neatly filled with a sealant. When expansion, it increases in the amount of 3 times and can take off the panel, so it is important not to overdo it.

Installation using profiles is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. On the perimeter of the window, it is set to P- or L-profiles with a short side to the center of the block.
  2. The billet from the drywall is introduced into the profile groove, flexing to the desired angle of dawn. Cut from the primary means template for marking the edges of the rest of the windows.
  3. The slot is measured between the slope and the wall, the workpiece is removed. Install around the perimeter of the opening of the rail, brackets or metal profile.
  4. Print to the wall insulation.
  5. The detail of the drywall is filled again in the profile groove, the other end is fixed with self-draws to the rake or brackets.

Sequentially mounted side and top slopes. The ends are shook down, the joints are closed with sickle and put off. It remains to perform the finish finish.

How to make slopes for plastic windows if there are no profiles? In this case, the installation groove under plasterboard is chosen in the mounting foam adjacent to the window box. The depth of the excavation should exceed the thickness of the frame by 2-3 mm.

Finishing with plastic materials

Single leaf or layered sandwich panels are used to favors slopes. The last option is most convenient and technologically, which allows you to combine 3 operations at once - insulation, sealing and finishing.

Polymeric products are durable, they are not afraid of moisture, environmentally friendly. Additionally create a soundproofing barrier. They are easy to care for them.

Important. High-quality plastics are not destroyed from ultraviolet, since they contain the additives that give light resistance, or coated with special renolite films.

Installation of sandwich panels perform according to the algorithm:

  1. Surfaces are cleaned, aligned.
  2. The dimensions of the windows are measured, placed on a sheet and rebate. Used for cutting with metal with metal, disk saw, "Bulgarian" or electric jig. There are tools from the front of the panel.
  3. On the perimeter of the window to the frame fasten the starting F or P profiles. Apply small screws.
  4. Sandwich panels are injected into the grooves, attach to the surfaces of the mounting foam. To fix the position of the design, glued to the walls with painting tape.

After soaking, the sealant and the sealing of the joints are arranged by plastic corners or a F-profile.

How to make slopes on the windows - an urgent question when replacing old blocks. Installation can be made from leafy materials or using traditional plaster. The main thing is good sealing of the opening, excluding the freezing of the walls and the loss of heat through the slots.