How to put garden tiles with your own hands. High-quality laying of paving slabs with their own hands

Forumhouse users know well that life outside the city is not only a pleasant pastime in a hammock in the garden, but also permanent business. Each manifests its "ten hectares" to its taste. And if the creation of landscape design is a matter of personal preferences, the garden tracks are simply vital on any subsidence and at any dacha. After all, in addition to purely decorative purposes, it is the tracks that allow us to move freely on the site, regardless of the time of year.

Therefore, enhanced requirements, such as wear resistance, safety, environmental friendiness, and presentable appearance are presented to materials for the paving of garden paths. The sidewalk tile meets all these requirements. Soviets of experts and step-by-step instructions from users of our forum in this article will help you put tiles for the path in the country yourself!

How to make a tile path. Planning.

Any construction should be started with careful planning of all works. It will not be an exception and laying of paving slabs. First of all, you should pay attention to such moments:

The total number of tracks and their location on the site. Tile for walkway in the garden.

The key rule can be formulated as follows: "The central path in the garden should lead from the entrance to the site to the house." If there is a garage, workshop or gazebo on the site, then the paths and to them should be put. Thus, you can ensure the zoning of the site, ensuring the unobstructed passage to each building.

Width of paving tracks

The track leading to the house should be so width so that two adults who go to each other can be easily located on it. On average, this value is from 1 to 1.5 meters.

The paths that are not used as often and lead to flowerbams or beds, you can make a width of 0.5 to 0.8 meters.

It should also clearly determine the functional purpose of the tracks.

Denis Bogdanov Landscape Landscape Specialist, Nick on Denis Vlad-H Forum

- I am clearly separating the tracks to the decorative, leading to the gazebo, and the functional, which are subject to large load and lead to home or garage.

The tracks that are experiencing a greater load require a more thorough preparation of the foundation than those tracks that use from time to time.

Denis Vlad-h

It is also necessary to take into account how you will take care of the garden walkway in the winter and autumn.

Unlike a bulk track, care for paving slabs is easier. Removing the snow and fallen foliage, you will not discard crushed stone.

The second is important, after the functionality, the characteristic of the garden trouting path is how nice to walk. And in order to understand this, you can take advantage of the secret of landscape designers.

Vladimir Petriv Director of Petriv Landscape Designe

I always advise first to walk along the pre-marked tracks and make sure that everything is comfortable, and it is convenient to move around to all the households. I can say that after such a "walk" almost always have to make adjustments to the initial markup plan for the track.

In addition to the definition of the garden track functionality, you must select the thickness of the tile. And here it is better to adhere to the following rules.

How to make a sidewalk: Step-by-step instructions

In addition to the definition of the garden track functional, you must select the thickness of the trouting tile. And here it is better to adhere to the following rules.

Konstantin MerzlyakovExpert plant "Gothic Factory", Moscow:

For the garden tracks and the local area, where the passenger vehicles does not drive, the paving track panel may not be thicker 40-50 mm. And for the track, providing the passage of the passenger car and parking, the thickness of the tile must be at least 60 mm.

Vladimir Petriv:

Initial preparation for laying garden tracks is usually associated with the ground withdrawal, and it needs to be linked to the geoplasty of your site. With high height differences, slopes, etc., it will take the movement and export of large land masses - a very costly event that requires the use of construction equipment.

Geoplasty is an artificial formation of the relief and architecture of the plot.

How to put a garden track from the tile. Recommendations of specialists.

Paving tile is an environmentally friendly and durable coating for a garden path. And its durability and beauty, first of all, will depend on the quality of paving slabs and compliance with the technology of laying. Tile on the tracks can be done with your own hands.

Konstantin Merzlyakov

Modern paving slabs are made of concrete. The tile shape can be absolutely any, which allows you to successfully enter the garden paths into the landscape design of any site.

The service life of concrete vibropressed tiles on average is 15 years old, provided that the foundation is properly prepared.

And, like any coating, paving slabs requires care during operation (cleansing, use of hydrophobic coatings, etc.).

The first stage of preparatory work for laying paving slabs is the breakdown of the contour of the stacked area and the exhibition of control "beacons". The corners of the territory are taken into account, binding to existing squares, biases. After the contour work was made, proceed to the preparation of the base, which includes the following types of work: layout, device of the carrier layer, installation of borders and the device of the leveling sand layer under the tile.

Sidewalks do it yourself

We make a path from paving slabs in such a step-by-step sequence:

  • Earthboxes under the onboard stone are torn;
  • It is installed around the perimeter of the site of the onboard stone. A curb stone is necessary for solid fixation of the paving slabs;
  • The underlying layer is poured;
  • Base laying is made;
  • Stacked tile coating;
  • Complete intercutant seams.

It is also necessary to remember that when laying the tile should be guided by the following standards.

Alexander LoginovTechnical Director of TD BERER

Work on the sidewalk device must be performed according to SNiP 3.06.03-85 "Automobile Roads" and SNiP III-10-75 "territory improvement".

And the independent styling process can be divided into a number of consecutive stages.

  1. Planning and design of the garden path. It is necessary to determine the type of soil on the site. Then to develop a layout of garden tracks, choose the design and drawing of the tile layout;
  2. Calculation of the value of the necessary materials;
  3. Performing work on laying a garden path.

Garden paths from tiles.

Consider more each of the items.

Alexander Loginov:

The choice of the method of laying the tile depends on the state of the country soil and the subsequent operating conditions of the site: a building of the building, a pedestrian area, a platform for travel and parking cars, etc.

It should be remembered that the result of your work, first of all, will depend on the thoroughness of preliminary markup and prepare the base under the tile laying.

The planning includes the following points:

  • draw a layout of the site to be cluttered;
  • measure the plot in order to apply the size of the plan;
  • based on the above items, it is calculated for the required amount of styling tiles, as well as the amount of materials to prepare the base of the tile path with a border.

After the development of the plan, you begin marking future tracks.

Alexander Loginov

First of all, determine the direction of water flow. Note that water should leave the building of the building or along the path in drainage wells or lawns. The bias can be made longitudinal, transverse, longitudinally transverse, but not less than 0.5%, that is, 5 mm per meter.

The direction of the slope should be so that water flows from paving to the drainage systems or on the lawn, but not to the building!

After the place is defined for laying the tile, indicate the boundaries of the track. To do this, on the borders of the site, pegs are driven through which the cord or fishing line is pulled. After that, you can proceed to the excavation of the soil, adhering to such recommendations:

  1. The ground removal is made so that after laying the facial surface of the tile came out on the specified level of your site;
  2. The site formed after the lamp is aligned and tamped;
  3. If the soil is soft, it must be moistened (shed water from the hose) and the ramp.

Vladimir Petriv

Drainage and drainage in a shower or a cumulative well, it is necessary to think over and mounted at the preparatory stage of work on laying garden tracks.

Laying plate

Konstantin Merzlyakov

When laying the paving slabs along a complex curved surface and with a large drop of heights, it is necessary when planning to lay a larger percentage of tile consumption (trimming, fitting, etc.).

Preparation of the base of the sidewalk

The most important stage of laying paving slabs is the preparation of the base. The correct base will not allow the track or the "Square" platform, ensuring their longevity. It should be borne in mind that, despite the dense stitches between the tiles, the base is still impregnated with water. Therefore, at the base, a water permeable drainage carrier layer (gravel, crushed stone) is needed. Then part of the water from the surface will be cast over a paving and carrying a layer into the soil.

How to make tiles tracks.

It is also important to understand which layers are the correct option of the base of the base of the tile laying.

Alexander Mishin Expert of the company "Winkerger Brick"

The pie is a few layers: a natural primer base, forging, the underlying layer, "bed" and, in fact, "sidewalk".

"Bed" is a layer of sand or small rubble. Posnova is a bulk layer of the soil, and the underlying layer consists of gravel or rubble.

Alexander Mishin

The thickness "bed" for any form of a soil base is 3-5 cm. The thickness of the remaining layers should be formed, based on such indicators of the soil base, as humidity, density and composition.

Alexander Loginov

For the main carrier layer, frost-resistant, homogeneous material (crushed stone, gravel) is applied. This material must be laid evenly in height and with the desired slopes.

To build a conventional pedestrian summer path, you will need to make a layer with a thickness of 10-20 cm. When the site of the site for travel and parking lots are used by a layer of 20-30 cm. At high loads, the carrier layer increases and placed in 2-3 layers, each layer is compacted. vibrating or vibratory bar.

As mentioned above, the method of preparing the foundation largely depends on the intended load on the garden path. It is also necessary to take into account the carrying capacity of the soil.

The user of our forum Oleg Novitsky advises how to build a paving track from the tile with a complex soil: if there is a so-called heavy or clay soil under the base, or you have a swampy cottage area, then the thickness of the rubble base must be made at least 10 cm.

Then the geotextile is stacked.

Geotextile misses water well and does not allow materials to mix (mixing materials leads to the formation of emptiness and failures in coatings).

Alexander Mishin

The use of geotextiles is appropriate when a natural primer base is located in a swampy zone and has increased humidity. The geotextile layer is arranged over a natural primer base.

The next layer of our "cake" is exploded on the basis of geotextile.

Oleg Novitsky

Sweep the section by screening (or sand). The drop layer should be at least 10 cm. This layer must be very carefully sealing. At this stage, it is necessary to accurately align the level of all the base under the laying using the rule or other tool.

Opening has a not very good property - peculiar. This means that over time, the base becomes almost monolithic, and then, due to its low strength, it cracks, and cracks and sinks are formed in the coating. To avoid such trouble, use vibration tools for seigning and tamping and do not work in rainy weather. The best screening for such works is dry.

Then we proceed to the creation of the level of the base, guided by the following algorithm:

  • Borders and axial lines of the site are marked by a rope;
  • Loose sand can be aligned just below the edge of the border;
  • We are sealing the resulting pillow with vibropilet.

Oleg Novitsky

For the seal of the sand layer, electric or gasoline vibrotable machine with a rubber sole will be well suitable. With its help, it is possible not only to qualitatively prepare a gravel-sand pillow, but also to avoid further sediment and falling the soil under the stacked tiles.

Alexander Loginov

It must be remembered that all layers of base are swept away, align and tamper, considering 0.5% bias!

Completes the preparatory stage with river sand or cement-sandy mixture. To do this, a layer of volatile river sand is poured on the base with a thickness of 1-2 cm without a seal, the layer should be loose.

The CPS (cement-sand mix) is taken in a ratio of 1: 8-1: 10, because Cement is necessary for binding sand so that it is washed out with water.

Alexander Mishin

The use of cement-sand mixture as the "bed" is justified only when an intensive movement of vehicles on the surface of the tile is assumed. Prigaja and pedestrian area of \u200b\u200ba private house do not belong here, because Movement and load here are not so intense.

Laying paving slabs

In order for the garden track to be durable, and the tile lay on it smoothly, her desktik laying must also be divided into several consecutive stages.

Stacking starts:

  • from the bottom point;
  • from optically important boundaries;
  • from elements challenging: porch, main entrance to the house;
  • manual laying of the tile is made diagonally in the direction "from ourselves" in order not to disturb the prepared top layer.

Before starting laying the first row of tiles, to comply with the exact location of the seams, it is necessary to pull the cord for the entire length and the width of this object. After that, adhering to the cord, proceed to the installation.

Verification of the location and straightness of the seams is recommended to perform every three rows of laid paving slabs. Laying is performed using a rubber hammer (Cyanka) with light blows on the tile. Each 3-5 sq. M labeled, but not yet compacted paving slabs, its surface is controlled using a two-meter rule or construction level.

Alexander Loginov

Burgundy stones should be used as the framework of the tracks on the country site. These fences should be done before laying the outdoor part of the track to prevent transverse displacements and precipitated tiles.

On the edges of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200bthe area along the stretched cord, dig a slightly size and depth trench (so that the border is included in this trench to the required level). The base of the trench must be tamped, squeeze the border to install on concrete.

Border can be visible or hidden - it depends on the desire. If the border is hidden, then it is necessary to put it so that the top of the tile exceeds the top of the border to the height of the chamfer.

Oleg Novitsky

To reduce the amount of tiles on cutting, start the longest row from the curb, laying out whole tiles directly to it. Formed voids should be exactly half a tile. When you cut from one whole, you will receive two right halves, and I suppose, waste can be completely avoided. This technique can be used for figured symmetric tiles.

The most important enemy of any paving slabs is freezing water. Therefore, it is impossible to put the tile on the monolithic, waterproof bases, a concrete tie. Outdoors forbidden to lay a tile on the solution.

Sealing seams and vibration

After layouts of the tile, the coating is compacted by vibration. After the first vibration removal of the coating on the surface, dry-sized clean sand pour into the surface so that the sand is easy and tightly falling down in the slot between the tiles. The scattered sand is placed evenly with a brush throughout the area and clogged in the seams, "tying" all the coating in a single whole.

And in order to build a durable coating, when working, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not lay styling tiles in rainy weather without a special canopy.
  • Do not draw seams with a mixture of sand with cement.
  • In case the site has a "complex", pumped soil, it must be borne in mind that its offset can deform the tile. Then the more complex laying is performed - with phased preparation of a concrete pillow as a base that guarantees durability.

Thus, with independent styling of garden tracks, it is necessary to take into account every trifle and carefully plan all the stages of work. After all, the path to your home begins with a garden path made!

How to put a sidewalk with your own hands without any problems so that it serves not one year? There are generally accepted recommendations that everyone should follow. In this case, it is easy to achieve high quality, applying the minimum amount of effort.

Benefits of material

Paving tile is considered a popular material that is used to form pedestrian tracks and sites.

Paving slabs

It is distinguished by numerous advantages:

  • a wide choice of shape, color, material textures, which allows you to implement any designer solution;
  • paving slabs are made of environmentally friendly materials, which prevents environmental harm;
  • the coating does not change the color and does not change the shapes when exposed to high or low temperatures;
  • laying the street tile implies the formation of drainage, which prevents the accumulation of water on the surface;
  • it is characterized by high strength to various types of loads and wear resistance;
  • operation of the finished coating occurs easily, since care for it does not cause difficulties;
  • laying paversing is carried out quickly and does not require the involvement of specialists.

Marking site

At the planning stage, it is necessary to carefully consider where the tracks from the paving slaves will be located, in which way they will fit. It is best to draw a site plan, which will allow you to calculate all the necessary areas.

After calculating the required volume of materials, add to the resulting number 10-15%. Putting the pavement tile may not be so easy, so the stock is necessary if it is damaged during the installation process.

When planning tracks, we should also not forget that borders are installed in its edges. They must be much thicker paving. The border will help maintain the integrity of the coating and give it a complete appearance.

To lay the pavement tiles with your own hands, use the following tools:

  • shovel (preferably to use scooping and bayonet);
  • rubber or wooden hammer;
  • building level;
  • bulgarian;
  • set of spatulas of different widths;
  • rule;
  • twine or cord;
  • roulette;
  • master OK;
  • capacity suitable for cooking mixtures;
  • rake.

Rake will help evenly distribute the material

Preparation of the foundation

Before laying a paving, you need to take care of. Initially, there are marking on the territory of the site, scoring wooden peasants along the edges. On them stretch cord or twine.

The obtained platform must be thoroughly aligned. In the process of conducting work, all hills are removed and pits are falling asleep. The laying technology of paving slabs involves the presence of a slope (transverse, longitudinal, transverse-longitudinal). During the rain, it will allow water to drain and prevent the formation of puddle on the surface.

After leveling the site, it will thoroughly tram.

Hand tamping different types

This allows you to prevent the uneven shrinkage of the coating during operation. It must be remembered that all the installed structural design will have a thickness of 20 to 30 cm. Therefore, in many cases it is recommended to remove the upper vegetable layer of soil and deepen the coating.

Laying paving slats on the base of concrete

Is it possible to lay pavement tiles on the base of concrete? It must be carried out if the coating is placed on weak soils. Such actions will prevent the premature destruction of the tracks. Share all the layers of the design can be in the following sequence:

  1. On the rammed base poured a layer of screed formed from.
  2. The surface is thoroughly aligned and compacted to remove air bubbles.
  3. It is necessary to put borders, falling asleep on two sides of the fine gravel.
  4. Borders are set, given the fact that there will be a pavement from their inner side (it is possible to the gap in 2-3 mm).
  5. Borders are concreted with a solution prepared using a ratio of 1: 2.
  6. The rules implies the use of cement-sand mortar as glue.
  7. In the gaps between the individual elements of the coating, the struts made of wood for the formation of seams are installed.
  8. After installing the entire track, the residue of the solution is neatly removed from the surface.

The process of removing residual residues from paving

Sand base

How to put the pavement tile on the sand so that the resulting coating is not served for one year? This base is the most successful because it executes the role of the drainage system. Sand enhances the stability of the design several times and prevents its premature destruction.

How to properly put sidewalk tiles in this case:

  1. On the whole surface, a sandy pillow with a thickness of 50-60 mm is equipped.
  2. Bulk material thoroughly smash with robbles.
  3. The sandy base is watered with water until puddles are formed.
  4. After 3-4 hours (in sunny weather) the cushion is given the desired shape.
  5. As a guide profile uses a conventional tube or bar.
  6. Pipes are placed at a distance of 2-3 m, and the sand in the interval between them is recomposed by the rule.

Laying paving slabs

Installation on the cement-sand mixture

How to put the pavement tile if it is expected to expose to a large load? Such recommendations should be followed:

  1. The prepared base is made of 3-4 cm thick with a thickness of 3-4 cm.
  2. Install the reinforcement grid, which will significantly increase the strength of the coating.
  3. It is necessary to mix dry sand shallow fraction with cement in proportion 4: 1 (in the store you can buy a special tile composition).
  4. The finished mixture is flushed on the surface (the maximum thickness of the preparation is 4 cm).
  5. To facilitate the execution of all operations, guides from rods of reinforcement or pipes are used.

Popular Staying Schemes

How to put a pavement tile so that it looks beautiful? There are several popular schemes.

Classic order

For a beginner, put the tile in the yard is easiest with the use of a classic scheme. It implies the placement of individual coverage elements with each other. In this case, it is best to use a blocking of the correct shape - rectangular or square. It is easy to lay, without having professional skills.

To improve the appearance of this coverage during the formation of the track, it is recommended to use a blocking of different colors and textures. In this way, the embodiment of various design solutions is possible.

Scheme laying "with offset"

This laying technology of paving slabs also relates to traditional. It implies the installation of individual items in such a way as to avoid the coincidence of the joints.

To achieve good quality coverage, it is recommended to use a paving the same form. At the same time there are no restrictions on the color and texture of the material.

Scheme "Fir-tree"

You can even put the pavement tile with a Christmas tree, which implies the installation of each coating element at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees.

In this case, the pavement can have a rectangular or curly shape.

An enhanced version of the Christmas tree is considered "Braided". It implies the alternation of longitudinally and transversely placed coating elements. In order for the resulting pattern is clear and aesthetically attractive, it is recommended to use materials only two colors.

Other schemes

There are other ways to lay paving slabs:

  • chess order. It is recommended to combine several colors;
  • diagonal scheme. The longitudinal coating is shunk relative to the human axis by 30-60 degrees;
  • geometry. We put out of the tile of the same size, but of different colors (various drawings are formed in the form of geometric shapes).

Terms of laying blocks

Start the laying of paving slabs is necessary in the direction of themselves. In this case, the coating is not deformed under the weight of a person. Laying sidewalk tiles on sand occurs according to the selected scheme. Each element is thoroughly exhibited by level and fixed with a chipping by the Cyonya.

Subsequent rows of coating are also installed with the preservation of 2 mm gap. During the installation all the time the stripping of the paving slaves is checked. When the marriage is detected, the tile is dismantled and installed in a new way.

After the laying of the blocks is complete, proceed to filling the seams. For this purpose, sand or sand-cement mixture is used.

At the finish stage of the surplus, the grouts are removed by checking the quality of the filling of the seams. They are also carefully wetted with water. The seams must be dense, as they take part of the load.

Some nuances of Montaja

Existing ways of laying paving slabs are embodied in compliance with such rules:

  • the installation of the pavement takes place from the lower point to the top;
  • when installing a circular way, work starts from the center of the figure;
  • during operation, the horizontal is checked through every 2-3 rows;
  • when installing paving slats on the sand, the gap near the curb is not concreted;
  • for better filling of seams with sand, the surface is recommended to be tamped by an area of \u200b\u200bvibrator.

Care and Operation Coating

According to the laid blocking, it is allowed to walk only after 2-3 days after the final sealing of the seams. To purify the surface of the contamination, a broom is used or washed with a jet of water from the hose. It should be constantly monitoring the safety of seams. Over time, the sand is washed away, so it must be periodically added.

The pavement is forbidden to clean with abrasive powders. To do this, it is better to use sidewalk river sand. If necessary, the surface can also be washed with a weak soap solution.

Laying the paving slabs with their own hands, the step-by-step instruction of which is presented above, is carried out without difficulty. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations of experienced specialists.

Make a beautiful and practical track is quite independently, if you read in advance with all the nuances of this processThe most common coating of tracks and sites is paving slabs. Properly conducted preparatory work on the installation of paving slabs - a pledge of durable coating. The laying can perform the wizards, as well as the panel on the pavement can be made independently, this will require efforts and knowledge of laying schemes.

Guide: how to put the paving slabs on the cottage

The preparation and marking of the soil is the most creative stage, since the site must be planned in advance, but this is also the most time-consuming stage that plays the most important role. It is necessary to place a zone in which the installation of the tile will be performed with their own hands.

Before laying the tile, specialists are recommended to start correctly prepare and place the soil

For this you need:

  • Set pegs;
  • Tighten them a solid rope;
  • Adjust using them the desired pathway or platform.

The next stage includes cleaning a part of the Earth at the place of installation. It is necessary to dig a soil to a depth of 20 cm in order to further replace it with more durable materials that are able to withstand the load during a long period of time. The stage of preparation of the soil by an ordinary tamper on the installation site of the tile is complete, it can be made by any ways, the main thing is to ensure that the soil does not care, otherwise the track from the tile does not last long.

High-quality laying of paths paving slabs in the country

It is not difficult to carry out the tile on the ground on the plot, the main thing is to take into account some rules. The presence is necessary drainage to effectively and quickly and rain water allotted from under the paving slabs. If you do not install it, then in the winter period, the tile absorbs the large amount of moisture and, during freezing, collapses. Drainage consists of a conventional subtype of a medium-sized rubble, which must be poured onto the bottom of the purified area, to align well and seal the rubbing. The crossbank layer must be at least 7 cm.

The border is not below the surface of the paving slabs, but does not protrude on it, which organizes the top pad or the site. The border holds back in certain places to the tile, so that it forms a whole fence, it is necessary to copy to each other qualitatively.

High-quality laying of paths from paving slabs will decorate the interior of the country area

To install the curb, it is necessary:

  • On the top of the drainage swelling to impose slides of the solution;
  • Mounted border;
  • At the edges, one border is enough a couple of pieces;
  • Next, so that everything looked beautiful, you need to align the top edge.

Sand is poured onto the crushed stone, alignment and tamper. It is necessary to take care of the absence of slopes. The sand layer is required at least 9.5 cm. It should be as follows: From the sand to the top of the border, there should be a distance that is equal to the thickness of the paving slabs, taking into account the pair of centimeters to the fastening material.

Installing the tile starts from itself to further move along the already installed surface.

It is necessary to monitor the evenness of each row. It uses a stretched cord between borders. Separate tile elements must be at a distance of no more than 2 mm. If there is a need for curly elements or a round site, you can use a grinder for these tasks, it will easily cut all unnecessary parts by the tiles.

Optimal laying technology paving slabs in the country

The laying technology begins with the preparation of a bonding material, which consists of cement and sand in the proportion of 1: 8, the dry mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, it is this mixture that holds the tile in the prescribed position.

In advance, it is necessary to prepare materials and tools for laying, so as not to be distracted during the work process.

After that, it is necessary to start directly laying tiles in the country:

  1. To do this, the fastening material is poured into place, it must have a layer at which, when the pavement tile is installed on the sinking, it is raised above the surface of 0.5 heights.
  2. This ottump must be evenly dissolved, it is not required to rub.
  3. After that, it is necessary to put the first tile, which is simply installed on the surface being dumping the surface and is clogged with rubber heavy inquiry into the cement-sand mixture.
  4. It is clogged until the height is equal to the border.
  5. After the second tile is taken and is installed in the same way.
  6. After installing all tiles, the extra fastening material must be deleted.

The completion of the installation occurs in the fake of the tile gaps with a mixture of sand with cement. From the lined surface, the mixture is neatly lowered by a broom in the seams. This mixture will fix the paving slabs in the prescribed position after the first rain when the liquid absorbs and hardens. New tracks are poured immediately with a hose with a sprayer, in such a case the tiles must be left alone for a couple of days.

Laying paving slabs occurs in different ways. On a sandy pillow. The tile is placed on a layer of wet sand. This walkway is done to decorate the garden. Water will not be stimple to leave precisely thanks to the seams between the tiles, which are filled with sand.

Cement and wet sand are mixed in proportions 1: 5 and evenly distributed to the top of future tracks.

Due to its ease, availability and reliability, is the most common way. Cement-sandy solution (sand, water and cement) are mixed in the concrete mixer, the resulting mass is distributed over the surface of the tile by a trowel. After that, the tile should be laid and rub. This is the most reliable way of laying, but it requires providing drainage.

There are several options for laying paving slabs, choosing which you can at your discretion

There are many options for laying paving slabs:

  1. Christmas tree or braid. The most common option. At an angle of 90 ° or 45 °, the tile is placed if the elements alternate with each other, forming the weave, then it is a braid.
  2. Chaotic masonry. The easiest way of laying, which looks quite interesting, consists of tiles of various colors and sizes. In this method, the tile must be seized arbitrarily.
  3. Chess order. Tile 2 species: figure and square 2 different colors, the technique of this method in laying by alternation.
  4. Circular pattern. The most difficult option. Circular patterns are created that look beautiful and from height, and from close range.
  5. The combination of lawn and tiles. The most original option when lawn or flower beds are combined with power tracks or platforms. For this method, the street tiles specifically designed for this type can be used.

To properly put the material, there are several tips. You must not forget about the slopes, you need to install a small tubercle in the middle with your own hands, it will allow water to leave better, and also in the cold season, it will make it easier to move the freezing of water and thaw.

It is necessary to introduce designer ideas. For example, mix sand and seeds and fall asleep the resulting mixture in the seams, then there will be a lawn between the tiles, which will allow tracks winning to stand out in the garden. Facing a parking area for machines is made on a concrete pillow, road plates need to be put down by tile.

Laying road tiles do it yourself (video)

The masonry question is solved quite simply, let the process is quite laborious, but according to the technical components absolutely elementary. Already after laying a blocking of 1 m2, you can feel like a real professional in this matter.

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Contrary to popular belief, independent laying of paving slabs is a completely feasible task. This is one of the options for finding a site at the cottage or near the country house, the execution of which is possible without assistance. In the article we will talk about the technology of laying paving slabs with their own hands, we will analyze the detailed step-by-step instructions, as well as show the schemes, photos and video materials.

It is necessary to carefully calculate the intended sizes of the site before starting work on its markup. The length and width of the pavement area is best made to multiple, based on the size of the prepared paving slabs, in order to avoid its cuts. Methods of laying paths from solid tiles are the most durable, so it is worth avoiding its cutting. After completing with the calculations, you need to measure the area for laying with the help of pegs and cord, stretched between them, as well as roulettes. Do not forget that you need to do a small groove for the curb around the perimeter.

After marking tracks, it is advisable to walk along the alleged route, because then it will be necessary to walk many times. If everything suits, then you can proceed to the next stage of work.

The first stage is the choice and preparation of the platform for paving slabs. Of course, you need to see if there are necessary tools. You will need:

  • pins or stakes (from metal or wood, not fundamentally);
  • rubber hammer;
  • construction level (for tile tilt);
  • hose with a divider or a large watering can (if there is no water supply);
  • broom;
  • rake;
  • smooth long object (channel, pipe or corner).

After making sure the availability of the necessary inventory, you can start work.

For high-quality work, you need to know how to properly lay paving slabs. The manual described below will help you cope with this task.

Plugs are placing the boundaries of the site where the laying is planned. If the fence is planned to paving borders, then a small supply should be left.

For a tile of 25 × 25 cm in size, it is logical to make the length and width of the area to multiple a quarter meters. If the tile is 30 × 30 cm, then multiple 30 simitiments, and so on. It will get rid of the need to cut the tile and make the design more durable.

Align the platform

In the process of laying the main task for high-quality coverage, the paving slabs will be a prepared level basis. It must be aligned throughout the area, so that later I did not have to redo anything.

From the selected area, it is necessary to cut the rod. This will ensure the removal of the root system, which will some extent prevents the germination of plants in the jacks of tiles. Such work is also useful in that the base is prepared for the subfolder, due to which the surface can be aligned. Now we achieve a smooth soil device on the site. We do it by cutting the hills and sludge the soil into lowlands and pits.

In the process of this stage, it is also necessary to take care of the availability of water drain, for which it is enough to make a small bias of the base. The formed surface is carefully processing rakes and tamper.

In the event that the soil is soft, it should be moistened and well tumped to prevent shrinkage.

Subsequent work on the preparation of the placed area

Having completed work with the relief, it is necessary to fall asleep 2 layers, the first of which consists of gravel, and the next from the sand.

If the coating will serve for the car parking on it, then the laying of paving slabs on the base of concrete is best suitable.

It is necessary to carefully catch each layer, the ideal size of which is between 3 to 5 cm. In some situations, geotextiles are placed between gravel and sand, which does not allow gravel with sand, but does not prevent the moisture outflow.

Cooking a layer of embossed

Here, the general case of laying tiles in the country can be divided into two options. The first is the laying of paving slabs on a concrete base, the second is the use of materials that allow laying without cement, for example, in the sand. The optimal height of the mound is about 7 cm. In the marking stakes, stretch the line or the rope along the selected level.

At the same stage, it will be necessary to determine the water flow line. Stagnant water is capable of blurring the base of the tile.

Install the border

Border set before faster. Prepare a small trench for installation of a curb and pour on the bottom of the sand layer at 5 cm. The trench depth is chosen with the calculation so that 60% of the height of the stone is under power.

The border must be installed in such a way as to withstand not only the steps of the child on it, but also to hit the car.

As already noted, to avoid trimming, paving slabs should be placed on accurate calculations, based on its size. If without trimming, it fails, use the "Bulgarian" with a cutting circle along concrete. And how does the paving slabs with cropped edges fit? As well as a solid tile, but in this case you should pay more attention to the drawing of the picture.

After determining the level of the base, we fall asleep the pad under the sidewalk of the sand, the rambling it. Then, according to the stretched levels, we spill the sand with robbles, configuring it to the condition of the smooth surface of the pipe (channel, corner). You must have a flat place. Now it must be moistened with water trickles (without pressure to avoid leaching).

Laying tiles

Making the laying of paving slabs on the sand, carefully press it to the base and, if necessary, cut the rubber hammer. Do not forget about the drawing that you post, as the pattern should go sequentially and in accordance with the planned scheme. When the tile is laid, it is desirable for an additional seal to pass the vibropilet. As a result, the surface will be absolutely smooth, each tile "will grow" with the base, and water will not accumulate on the surface.

To put the tile on bends and turns, it is necessary to increase the gap between it, and their maximum width should not exceed 0.8 cm. In general, a special tile with rounded edges is for sale (model "Classic"). Rectangular tile for this is better not to use.

It remains only to fall asleep the finished area of \u200b\u200bthe sand paving sand and lure a brush with a rigid pile. At this stage, the work in principle ends, and the new sidewalk can be used.

Fall asleep in the joints and on the surface of the sand should not contain organic materials and salts that are able to cause the appearance of hears.

In addition to the beautiful sidewalk, you can get excellent skills that can easily apply for the basis of your new business on laying paving slabs.

It is worth mentioning the minimum requirements for the main maintenance of new tracks. First of all, the paving slabs, like any other coating, requires systematic cleaning from dirt and dust. Given this fact, it is better to stop your choice on a dark tile that does not require careful cleaning. Tracks with patterns need to be installed regularly with a brush and detergent.

Special attention should be paid to the purity of the tracks in the winter season. It is strictly forbidden to use metal and sharp items in the process of care for paving tiles, for example, pricking ice, etc.

In no case cannot be sprinkled with sidewalks with salt, since it is a conclusion not only ice, but with it and the upper cement layer of tiles.

If you decide to take advantage of a special tool, it is better to check it on an imperceptible piece of tiles, as many chemicals that are able to spoil the appearance of the track. Cover the paving slabs with paints or varnish is undesirable to avoid loss of the initial appearance and aesthetic appearance, the more they can easily spoil the coating. We sincerely hope that our article will help you in work.

    If the option of self-laying of paving slabs does not suit you, then it is worth a responsible to approach the choice of the company!


    And now you can get acquainted with the laying schemes of paving slabs:

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An important characteristic of the landscape adjacent to the residential house is relief. It is he who determines the location of the arbor, a summer house, an artificial reservoir, a flower bed, a garden or a playground.

All this will be "connected" among themselves garden tracks, laid out paving slabs. The question arises: what to do if there is a bias when laying paving slabs? We will understand the article.

And how do and what the benefits of paving the tracks on your site brick, you will learn.

Middle degree slope

If the laying of tiles on small slopes is practical, then on average, it is more decorative element: we are talking about garden tracks. And there are some features in carrying out earthworks, as well as in the process of the device.

The greater the steepness of the slope, the greater the likelihood of "slipping" of the mixing. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the soil under a parallery from the landslide. To solve the problem, it is recommended to take advantage of a special nonwoven rolled material made of polypropylene - geotextile (or geography).

Geotextile properties:

  • water permeability;
  • high strength;
  • prevents the displacement of the soil layers under water;
  • high frost resistance;
  • aseptic: not affected by fungus, does not rot, not decomposing;
  • environmental: when strengthening the soil, it is good neighboring with any vegetation;
  • prevents the wind erosion of the soil.

When laying paving slabs on the slopes using geotextiles, earthworks are made to a depth, taking into account the thickness of the underlying layers and the height of the tile.

It is necessary to make a stock for the edges of the tile towering above the ground. It is about 20-50 cm.

The bottom and walls of the excavation are littered with geotextiles, which is stacked by crushed small fractions or gravel, is compacted and again covered with geography. Side edges of the material overlapped by curbs.

Laying paving slabs under a slope is carried out from the bottom point of the mixing (against the movement of water). At the bottom of the mixing, there are concrete drainage, which will play the role of a felon stone, i.e. The first rows of tiles will rely on it.

Otherwise, on the slope is carried out using the same equipment as on a flat surface. To better fix the elements of paving, instead of cement-sandy mixture, you can use a solution.