How to increase the efficiency of the heating battery. How to increase the heat transfer of the radiator - tips from the master - Stroyremontiru Blog How to increase the efficiency of heating pipes

So that in the apartment it was comfortable, in the winter it should warm up to a certain temperature, and for this, the heating system must be correctly mounted. For its high-quality and trouble-free operation, it is necessary to observe all the conditions not only when installing the municipal network, but also during operation and maintenance.

The heat transfer from the battery to the room takes place in three ways: heat exchange, convection and radiation.

From the heating network it is required that it evenly warms the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room, and so that it does not have to reduce the heat of the radiator in the middle of the season (keep open windows or windows).

But it can happen with an accuracy of the opposite, which means that the batteries will begin to warm the room badly and if this happens, then take advantage of the same memo.

How to increase heat exchange heating batteries? Memo

To increase radiators heat transfer, you must perform five basic conditions. Consider them:

  1. It is impossible to allow dust on the heating device, as microparticles significantly reduce heat transfer, it is also necessary to contain cleanliness and internal part of this device;
  2. Cancel heating devices are better in a dark color, since it is precisely such shades that contribute not only to the absorption, but also to the radiation of the light. To do this, it is better to apply the use of zinc-based and then the efficiency of the heating system and in particular batteries will increase by almost 15%;
  3. The simplest answer, to the question: - How to increase the heat transfer of batteries? - It is advice: - on the wall behind the radiator it is necessary to hang a reflective screen, for this, an ordinary foil is suitable, which will redirect the heat outgoing outside the room. Take this material or metal sheet and secure it on the wall (behind the heating device) and it will immediately feel that the air warmed up;
  4. In order for the heat transfer of the heating battery to increase, it is necessary to increase the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe radiator, for this we use housings that can be from aluminum. In the event that the battery does not heat the room, then it is that such covers are used, since this metal is quickly heats up and gives heat.
  5. If the batteries are often disconnected, you need to purchase an iron element that heats longer and heat transfer transmits a longer time;
  6. When warm air from the battery circulates in an unnecessary direction, the air flow from running fans, which redirect hot air to the right channel, is directed to the radiator;
  7. If at home there are several computer coolers that do not apply, then they are located at the bottom of the radiator, and they will help the warm air, to circulate faster from the floor to the ceiling.

Considered cases are answered to the question: - How to increase the heat transfer of batteries? But besides, it is necessary to take into account other factors, such as the power of the heating device, its quality, method of connecting and complying with some rules during installation.

Rules that need to be observed during installation

  • In order not to accumulate air, the construction level is used when installing the heating battery;
  • From the floor to the radiator and from the battery to the windowsill, the distance should be 10 cm, and from the wall heating unit is located 3 cm gap;
  • If the furniture is placed in front of the front panel of the heating battery, then the desired distance (10 cm) is observed;
  • But remember that the front panel of a poorly operating heating device cannot be closed with curtains, decorative lattices and screens, as well as cables;
  • When installing the eyeliner does not apply contact, the system should also not rise or resist;
  • If the battery heats badly, then one of the reasons may be clogging of the pipe or heating instrument itself. It may appear due to sowing on the threaded connection and therefore it is desirable before installing them to determine them;
  • Also, the increase in the heat transfer of the battery can be achieved by increasing the sections. But in the event that the connection is lateral, then it will be ineffective, because the extensive battery will be heated slowly and the output from the current situation will be transition to a diagonal connection;
  • One of the first reasons for the wrong installation and insufficient heat transfer of the heating device is the inclination of the radiator, its close installation to the wall or to the floor, as well as the overlap of furniture or decorative elements, which was stipulated above.

How to calculate the power of the heating battery

It should be noted that the heat transfer is the power or heat flux of the heating device. Consider how it is calculated for a particular room, which in our case has an area of \u200b\u200b14 m 2 and the height of the ceiling 2.7 m.

The most common way of correct calculation is based on the presence of outer walls and windows in the room. For example:

  • if the room has one wall overlooking the street and one window, then 10 m 2 requires 1 kW of power;
  • if the room has two outer walls and two windows, then at 10 m 2, the heating device with the heat transfer is 1.3 kW.

Consider the second method for determining the desired amount of heat flux for heating of one room or another:

  • S * H \u200b\u200b* 41, where S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • h - ceiling height;
  • 41 - the minimum power indicator per 1 m 3 of room.

By making calculation for this formula, we define that for our room with an area of \u200b\u200b14 m 2 and the height of 2.7 m, we obtain that we need to purchase a radiator with a capacity of 14 * 2.7 * 41 \u003d 1549 W, which corresponds to 1.5 kW, And since one section (depending on the brand) has power up to 100 W, it can be easily determined that it will be necessary to purchase 15 sectional heating battery.

It is important! If there is not a whole expression during the calculation, then it is rounded into the biggest.

In the event that you want to know how to adjust heat in batteries, it is necessary to make work on the installation of the thermostat, which ensures uniform warming up the room to a certain temperature.


For high-quality operation of the heating device, as well as to warm up the room, it is necessary to determine the heat transfer of the battery and, if necessary, try to increase it.

We considered how to independently work on improving the heat transfer of the heating system, but if you don't understand what, then, call the plumbing, which not only quickly and efficiently fulfill all the necessary work, but also explain what and how it is necessary do.

Sometimes it is difficult to choose the optimal model. In most cases, several factors are taken into account - the complexity of installation, service life and heat transfer. The last indicator is the most important thing, since it is from it that the efficiency of the device will depend on it.

With the advent of new materials for the manufacture of radiators (aluminum, bimetallic) cast iron, they moved to the "background". But their unique performance characteristics again forced the buyers to draw attention to themselves. First of all, these are good performance properties. In contrast to aluminum and metal, cast iron can accumulate heat and when the water temperature decreases, radiators will be warm for some time.

But back to the issue of heat transfer. With a detailed methodology for calculating, it is possible to familiarize themselves in which the calculation technique is described in detail and methods for increasing this indicator are indicated.

Almost all manufacturers indicate the nominal thermal conductivity value at ideal temperature modes - 90 ° C. However, actually achieve this from heat suppliers in apartment buildings is problematic.

As a result, the heating indicators of the room differ significantly from the calculated one. In this case, you can use several small "tricks" that can increase the temperature in the room under the current heating system.

In order for thermal energy to be absorbed by the wall, you can install the reflective screen from the foil.

In this case, the efficient radiator heat transfer will increase - by 5-10%. But it should be remembered that if the wall is outer, then without proper heating, it can cause heat losses in the room.

Installation fan

The heating of the room from iron radiators occurs with the help of natural convection. To increase the passage of air masses through the instrument section, you can install a small fan on the wall behind the radiator. This will slightly increase the temperature in the room, but also at the same time the cooler cooler is caused. This method can be used for the central heating system.

Installation of steel decorative casing

They artificially increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe radiator and will contribute to the best heat transfer. At the same time, the heating time will increase, which will affect the inertia of the heating of the room from the autonomous heating system.

These are only a few methods of artificially increasing the heat transfer of cast-iron radiators. But the most effective will be the observance of the temperature of the coolant. To do this, it is necessary to either improve the quality of the services provided by the management company under the central heating system, or to do autonomous.

Heating Heat / Battery

Began the real cold and the temperature dropped in the apartment? Very common problem. The most popular way to combat cold in the apartment is the purchase of additional electrical heaters. However, there are cheaper options.

Cold in the apartment: What does the legislation say about this?

The regulated air temperature in residential premises in the winter is not really high: 18 degrees in ordinary rooms, 20 in the angular and 25 in the bathroom. The norm cannot be exceeded more than 4 or lowered more than 3 degrees. The differences are allowed only at night: temperature fluctuations in the afternoon threatens public utilities administrative recovery. The maximum allowable break in heating is 24 hours a month.

A one-time pause cannot be more than 16 hours, for each additional cold hour, the charge for heating at residents should decline. Failure to comply with the established norms - a reason for complaints in Dezzh, HOA or a management company. However, in this case, the recovery on the perpetrators is most likely imposed. The easiest and most effective way: to leave a complaint in the urban office of the Goszhiliospection through a hotline or online form.

Cold in the apartment: How should radiators and risers work?

If the regulatory 18 degrees seem insufficient - the problem will have to be solved independently. To begin with, it is necessary to find out how optimally the radiators are working: the entire surface must be a freezing evenly, the total temperature of the battery and the riser does not differ much.

The causes of the malfunction can be several: the general wear of the heating system of the house, a malfunction of a particular radiator or rigid limiters on the thermostat. However, replace the batteries or to carry out their overhaul in any case will be able only in the summer when heating in the house is in principle disabled. Standard temperature maximum for radiators is usually set at 35 degrees, but in some cases, the comfort temperature of 17-19 is considered the maximum. The device is usually possible to simply reconfigure.

Cold in the apartment: Cut the batteries to work more efficiently

Increase the temperature in a room for 3-5 degrees can be easily installed by a fan that will direct the air flow along the battery. Experts note that the fan work in this case will be equivalent to the use of an additional heater with a capacity of 1 kW. To win a few more degrees will be able to stick onto the wall, behind the surface of the radiator, a piece of reflective foil or a special heat-reflecting material with a shiny surface - foam. The design will make it more efficient to distribute the heated air, reflecting it from the wall. After installing the reflector, the gap between the wall and the battery should not be less than two centimeters, otherwise the impaired air circulation will provide the opposite effect.

To be not as cold, check the slots in the windows and doors

About 30% of heat leaves through various slots in the windows and doors. It makes sense to stick up the frames at the same time, only owners of conventional glasses, modern plastic packets of a priori are protected from ponds. Close the slots in the doorways and on the balcony can be using a mounting foam or wool cord, a special tape. The shelf life of the temporary insulation is very small - only one season.

Cold in the apartment because of the gaps in the corners and in the walls

It is more difficult to deal with simple slits in the corners and walls. The optimal option is to order a thermalview study, a snapshot of an apartment from a special device, on which the warmest and cold housing zones will be reflected. Problem places can be eliminated by the results of the study. The average cost of the service in Moscow varies from 4 to 6 thousand rubles, in the regions the heatalog can be ordered for 3 thousand rubles.

Such an operation can warn against more serious spending - for example, widespread laying of a warm floor or pasting insulating material of all walls, because the total temperature in the room can only be reduced due to one corner.

The centralized heating system involves heating the coolant in the boiler room and its further distribution in residential premises using a system of pipes and radiators. So that the heating is as efficient and uniform, it is necessary to choose the right radiators, as well as take additional measures to increase heat transfer.

In the long term, knowledge of how to increase the heat transfer of the central heating battery will help the owner to achieve maximum comfortable and smooth heating of its home, and forever solve the problem of cold in the apartment when the heating system is enabled.

To understand the principle of action of various methods of increasing heat transfer, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the variables that affect the efficiency of the battery for heating for central heating located in the apartment.

In general understanding, the level of heat transfer of the radiator depends on the following factors:

Also there are indirect factors, because of which the heating battery connected to the contour does not work for complete power, this is:

Improving air convection

Among the simplest methods that will help to understand how to increase the heat transfer of the heating pipe with their own hands is the use of convection laws. Often, in battery apartments are forced furniture objects, protected or hidden behind heavy curtains. All these elements prevent air circulation and the room is quite difficult to achieve comfortable temperature conditions, even if the central heating works at full power.

To optimize the speed of air flow, it is necessary to maximize the space around the radiator.

Without meeting obstacles on its way, the air warmed by the air will freely move around the room and ensure the maximum level of heating provided by the radiator power.

Using an electric fan to improve convection

Owners, which are well known to physical laws, according to which heating is projected by the heating of water supply, it is understood that the air circulation rate affects the heat transfer of the battery. The faster the air circulates in the room, the more heat he can pick up from the radiator for a certain period of time.

To improve natural convection, electrical fans can be installed near the radiators. Preference is preferred with silent models that consumes the minimum amount of electricity. Installation of the fan should be carried out at a certain angle to the battery. Such a simple method is quite effective. It is able to raise the temperature in the room for several degrees.

Reflective screen arrangement

In the form of a tool to increase heat transfer can be used foil for heating batteries, which will help to direct the flow of thermal energy into the room. From radiators that are not equipped with a reflective screen, heat to diverge in all directions, including given by the cold outer walls. The screen helps focus the direction of heat flux and boost the temperature in the room.

The screen design is simply and accessibility. He must have a greater area than the area of \u200b\u200bradiators, and installed on the clean wall behind the battery. Instead of foil, it is possible to use folgisolone - a special material, which, on the one hand, has a foam base, and the other is covered with reflective foil. Mount the screen on the wall is needed using any high-quality construction glue.

Purge of radiators

With difficult conditions, the battery of central heating can over time to clog or get carried away. Such changes are accompanied by poor circulation of the coolant and the appearance of cold sections. Eliminate air traffic jams and blockages will help the blowing of heating batteries - a fast and economical way to increase heat transfer.

There are several methods of purge, implying the use of various types of equipment:

The use of one or more radiators purge methods will make it possible to increase the efficiency of the radiators and will allow you to forget about cold and discomfort in the apartment.

It is worth remembering that the central heating system is a complex network of radiators and pipelines.

Therefore, some types of battery blowing are appropriate to perform together with neighbors, because otherwise, the cleared sections will re-reduce the heat transfer after a few weeks of operation. In more detail about the washing methods of the heating system, you can read.

Following the simple and affordable recommendations, it is possible to increase the heat transfer of any type of radiator and get the opportunity to extract the maximum benefit from the use of the central heating system. Integrated use of methods is the most rational solution to the problem of poor heat transfer and will help the owner to achieve effective work of heating devices in its home.

The main task of any type of heating batteries is the highest possible room heating. The parameter determining how the device corresponds to the tasks set is their heat transfer. But not only this may affect the frequently arising problem, which is how to increase the efficiency of the heating battery. It is possible to cope with heat loss, it is possible to find enough facilities, but before that it is necessary to find out what can affect the process of heat transfer into the surrounding space. Consider the main factors affecting the efficiency of heating devices:

  • Radiator model, number of sections and size of the battery itself;
  • Type of radiator connection to heat supply network;
  • Placing the heating battery indoors;
  • The material from which the battery is made.

What is kpd and how to calculate it

The heat transfer of heating devices, which include batteries or radiators, consists of a quantitative heat indicator, which is transmitted by the battery during a certain period of time and is measured in watts. The process of heat transfer by batteries is due to the processes that are known as convection, radiation and heat exchange. Any radiator uses these three types of heat exchange. In the percentage of these types of heat transfer can vary from different types of batteries.

What will be the CPD of the heaters, in the overwhelming majority depends on the material from which they are made. Consider what advantages and disadvantages have radiators made from different types of material.

  1. Cast iron has a relatively low thermal conductivity, so the battery from this material is not the best option. In addition, the small surface of these heating devices significantly reduces the heat transfer and is due to radiation. Under normal conditions, the capacity of the cast iron battery is not more than 60 W.
  2. Steel is slightly higher cast iron. More active heat transfer occurs due to the presence of additional edges that increase the heat radiation area. The heat transfer occurs as a result of convection, the power is approximately 100 W.
  3. Aluminum has the highest of all previous versions with thermal conductivity, their power is about 200 W.

An important role in an increase in the efficiency of heating batteries is played by the connection method, which should correspond to the type of battery and the material from which it is made. A direct one-sided connection has the highest rates on the efficiency of heat transfer and the lowest heat loss. The diagonal connection is used in the case of a large number of sections and significantly reduces the possible heat loss.

The lower connection is used if heat-conducting pipes are hidden under the tie of the floor and does not exclude heat loss in an amount up to 10% of the source value. The least effective is considered a single-tube connection, since the power loss of the heating appliance can be achieved 45%.

5 ways to increase the efficiency of the heating system

  • Maintaining the surface of heating devices clean.

No matter how incredible this statement does not seem, but even a thin layer of dust on radiators leads to a decrease in heat transfer. For example, the efficiency of aluminum radiators contaminated by a layer of dust can be reduced by 20-25%. In addition, the inner part of the battery needs in regular cleaning. With the first problem, you can cope on your own by ordinary wet cleaning, but for the second will have to turn to a qualified technician. Plumbers are in service with knowledge and skills that will help in a short time to clear the radiator from scale and other contaminants accumulated during operation.

  • Coloring radiators appropriate to their purpose of paint.

First, it is necessary to pick up the paint of dark colors. Due to this, it will be possible to achieve not only good heating of batteries, but also a significant increase in heat transfer. Secondly, you must choose to dye suitable paint. As a coating for cast-iron heating radiators, it is better to use all enamels known to all, and acrylic, alkyd and acrylate enamels are more suitable for aluminum and steel batteries.

  • Use reflective screens.

The heat that emits the battery is distributed in all directions. Therefore, at least half of the useful thermal radiation goes into the wall located behind the heating devices. You can reduce in vain heat losses by placing the radiator screen, for example, from a conventional foil or ready, bought in the store. When using even a self-made screen from a thin metal sheet, the wall is not only stops, but also auxiliary heat source is created, since, heating, the screen itself begins to give heat into the room. When using a reflective screen, the efficiency of pig-iron batteries, and many others, you can increase to 10-15%.

  • Increase the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe battery.

Between the surface area that radiates heat and the number of this heat is the most direct dependence. An additional casing can be used to increase radiators heat transfer. The material from which it will be made is necessary to carefully pass. For example, aluminum housings have the greatest heat transfer. They are used as a supplement to cast-iron radiators. With frequent interruptions in the work of heating systems, it is worth thinking about the purchase of steel casing, which for a very long time retains heat obtained from radiators. Accordingly, this type of battery casing gives heat to the surrounding space much longer than others.

  • Create additional indoor air flows.

If you send the air flow to the heating devices, for example, using an ordinary household fan, then air heating in the room will occur much faster. It should be borne in mind that the direction of the air flow should be vertical and directed upwards. With this method, an increase in the efficiency of radiators can reach 5-10%.

Using even one way to improve the heat transfer of batteries, it is possible to significantly increase the temperature in the room and reduce the costs of additional heating. Before you start improving the characteristics of radiators, make sure that they are connected to the heat network and in the fact that the heat supply regulators on the latest generation devices are set to the desired value. In addition, with a constant problem with heat supply, it is necessary to pay attention to the thermal insulation of walls and windows through which the heat usually goes. It is necessary to insulate not only the outer walls, but also those that go on the staircase.