How to choose a writing desk for a child. Choose a desk for your favorite first! Than good adjustable table

The choice of a suitable written table - the process is definitely important, because the correctness of the solution will depend not only the performance of the sitting, but also health. This is especially true when it comes to a child and its emerging organism.

What are the standards taken

The health of a person working at a computer requires special attention. When choosing, all factors should be taken into account, on the size of the monitor to the height of the written table. Wrong calculations can lead to problems with the spine and impairment of vision. In addition, if a person working at a computer will feel discomfort, it is quickly tired and, as a result, his performance will fall.

Exists "MODULOR" - The system according to which the standard proportions are detected for all modern furniture, including the height of the tables. This parameter is very important, because it is precisely the position of the sitting person. Low-table stunned and leans forward, and sitting in high forced to raise his head upwards, which naturally is erroneous.

Do not forget that the correct position of the human body implies a straightened back, freely underlying forearms and the lack of tension in the shoulder belt. In addition, legs should be on the floor and bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

How many centimeters is height?

Taking the basis of the average growth of an ordinary person, constituting 175 cm, the creator of the modulor system Le Corbusier came to the conclusion that the height of the written table should be between 70 to 80 centimeters. Thus, the standard value is 75 cm in the case of a male growth of 175 cm and female 162 cm. This formula is correct for the bulk of people with typical growth. Naturally, there are exceptions if a person is significantly lower or higher.

If your growth goes beyond the standards, first, you can change the height of the seating (as a rule, modern models are adjustable). Do not forget to add a stand under your feet so that your knees remain bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Secondly, you can make the table by individual order. Thirdly, it is possible to choose a table with an adjustable tabletop height.

Are there any other dimensions?

Comfortable work is impossible without the correct definition of the width of the table top, that is, the distances between its left and right edges. The minimum size is 60 cm, but it is recommended to choose models with large indicators. Correctly calculated the depth of the table for an adult is from 35 to 60 cm. The space where your legs are located (the length between the legs or Tumb) should be at least 52 cm. Also important is the definition of parameters such as the width and height of the stool. According to the calculations Le Corbusier, for comfortable work the width of the seating should exceed 40 cm, and the height is to be between 42 to 48 cm.

What is a good adjustable table?

Adjustable models usually buy for children. Such tables can be used for a long time, despite the fact that the growth of the child will change. The essence of such furniture is as follows: it is possible to raise or lower the worktop at the expense of extending legs, as well as change its tilt. These tables can be wooden, plastic or with a metal frame. Very often, the design is combined with a chair whose height can also be adjusted. In essence, the design is the desk.

Adjustable adult table will be an excellent solution for families in which people of different growth are forced to use the same workplace.

How to choose a written desk?

Deciding to buy a written table, you need to first decide which sample you need is a regular writing or computer. In the second case, make sure that the subject has special places for the system unit, speakers, keyboards and wires. Next, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the cost. The price of a future purchase depends on the following factors:

  • Where is the furniture and is it under the "cap" brand? Tables made in Russia are usually cheaper than foreign. Also consider that sometimes little-known firms can surprise the high quality together with low prices.
  • Material. Products made of plastic, chipboard or MDF are much smaller than the model from the wood array.
  • Dimensions. The smaller the table size, the lower its price.
  • Decor. The presence of accessories significantly affects the final cost of furniture. The higher the quality, more accessories and intricate design, the more money you have to pay.

For a child

The main thing is what should be remembered by choosing a table for a child - these are the requirements of its health. Store the following rules:

  • The width of the tabletop must be at least 100 cm, and the depth is between 60 to 80 cm.
  • For the child, the child should remain a space of approximately 50 * 45 cm.
  • Take into account the difference between the height of the table and the chair: this parameter should be 20-24 cm.

Buying a table, take a kid with you to the store and ask him to sit at the selected model. Look at the elbows and legs: the first must be freely located, and the second turn out to be bent at right angles and firmly stand on the floor. Between the worktop and knees, try to leave the gap of 10-15 cm.

Also from the table top to the eye of your child, it is necessary to withstand the distance equal to the distance between its elbows and the tips of the fingers. In addition, there are some more recommendations for the choice of a workplace for a schoolboy. Consider the interests of the child and make sure that the table is roomy: during your homework, the schoolboy must calmly post textbooks, notebooks, stationery and other necessary items.

Models of children's tables are different, you can choose a design with a design that meets your child's interests:

  • Standard rectangular design with multiple boxes. The price depends on the material, but, as a rule, it is the cheapest constructions.
  • Computer desk with computer necessary parts: panels under the keyboard, monitor space, wire holes and others. Such models are made of glass, wood and furniture shields.
  • M-shaped table that allows you to combine and place for a computer, and space for homework.
  • Transformer (adjustable), which makes it possible to change the height of the table when the child grows. Sometimes such models are orthopedic or folding.

Do not buy a schoolboy an expensive table, Children are unlikely to leave it in the original state and do not swap with paints or handles. Also watch safety: separate types of plastic can be toxic and have a strong smell causing allergies, moreover, they quickly come into disrepair. In no case do not save on quality.

For adults

How to correctly calculate the dimensions of the writing table, was mentioned above, however the choice of a workplace for an adult is largely depends on its purpose.which determines both the material and functionality, and the size of the structure:

  • Big tables are the most expensive models. Made usually from valuable high quality wood rocks, they are decorated with skin, carvings and designer fittings and are complemented by numerous drawers and stands.
  • Mid-sized tables can be made of both a solid of wood and from furniture plates. Their price depends on this. Such tables perform the same functions as large, but due to smaller size and other material won in value.
  • Little tables are usually bought for small rooms, which are important to save space. They are cheap, quickly collected, but do not have drawers or shelves.

Choosing a written table, also pay attention to the manufacturer material, capacity, your needs (for example, if you have bad vision, it is not recommended to purchase a closed design table) and a place where the furniture is located. Basic materials for tables: MDF, chipboard, wood, glass or plastic. Determine the number of shelves and boxes depending on your needs: what they are more, the higher the functionality of your design.

When choosing accessories, give preference to steel alloys.

Overview of popular models

Model "Micke", IKEA

A writing desk is made of chipboard, MDF and DVP, offered in white and dark brown colors. The model has a laconic neutral design, which allows it to fit into any interior. To increase the working space, you can add the table with the couches and a variety of modules for things. Behind there is a hole for wires, that is, the table also acts as a computer, and the drawer is equipped with a special design that prevents falling. The surface is covered with acrylic paint.

Model "Chemneces", IKEA

The surface of the standard table is treated with a white verse, but the furniture can also be represented in light brown and dark brown colors. Made a table from the pine array, which increases its environmental properties. Computer wires and extension cords can be hidden on a special shelf under the tabletop. There are two drawers and two closed shelves. Classic design.

Even the era of total informatization cannot fully negotiate the need for a letter from hand. In the next 10 - 30 years this will certainly not happen. Therefore, it is very important to know how to choose the properly writing desk, what should be sizes.

Features of the school written table

This piece of furniture is most often acquired for students in school - and it should be very serious from the very beginning. After all, he must serve for many years, from entering the first class before leaving the graduation work in a professional educational institution ideally. The magnitude of the written tables should be determined not only by the size of the room and personal tastes, but also with medical considerations.

According to statistics, the overwhelming majority of cases of curvature of the spine and other disorders in children's and adolescence are associated with incorrect landing. Orthopedists recommend oriented on such indicators as:

  • width - at least meter;
  • depth - minimally 0.6 meters;
  • space for setting hands - 50 to 50 centimeters.

Considering the fact that the child and teenager are continuously growing, a writing table with a variable height and a slope is much more preferable to the usual option.

Age parameters and individual selection

In most cases, you can take the following numbers as a basis:

  • with a height of 1 m 10 cm - 1 m 15 cm. The edge of the table top and the floor must separate 46 centimeters;
  • 1 m 15 cm - 1 m 30 cm implies optimum in 52 cm;
  • growth 130 - 145 centimeters is best compatible with a height of 58 cm;
  • for children from 145 to 160 cm, tables in 63 centimeters high are desirable;
  • with a rise from 160 to 174 cm inclusive, the distance to the floor should be 70 centimeters;
  • and for grown to 175 centimeters and only 76-centimeter tables are suitable for at least one.

It is easy to see that a rare family will be able to highlight enough money to buy new furniture on time. Therefore, it stands from the very beginning to invest a little more money in the exhaust model, and then no longer worry about the wallet, nor about the health of your chad.

Any specialist - both the doctor and the representative of the furniture industry, tells you that the size is purely individual, and the above figures are only approximate, averaged. Therefore it will be more correct joint visit to a specialized store.

When a schoolboy sits at the table directly and in a comfortable position, the tabletop must be parallel to the solar plexus. Make sure that you do not have to press foot or pull them to the limit on the ground, that the feet are put on the floor exactly and do not even hang in the air even just a little.

Functionality above all (except health)

They always write at the table, and not on it. It follows that it is necessary to always fold notebooks and notepads, separate sheets and markers, handles and pencils, circus and pencils, textbooks and diaries, and some other things too. Before all of them, you need to be able to get fast, without going somewhere to the other end of the room. Therefore, the standard of choice of writing table requires to take into account its functionality.

One bedside table, which comes in the kit may not be enough to place everything you need. As a result, both on the table, and in the repository itself there is inevitably chaos. When the bedside tables are two, decompose the stationery and training literature as it should be easily, but another problem occurs - there is no place to "go legs". Then do not be surprised, again, spoiled posture.

But the addition or downtime modules allow you to provide a balance between the convenience and safety of use. The shape of the table in the form of the letter G gives you the opportunity to combine in one place work at the computer and prepare for school classes - but not in any room there will be enough space for such furniture.

One-piece headset is more expensive, but allows you to place both the main workplace and accessories for performing work and various minor things, household items.

Even on the use of a written table

Standard dimensions should allow it freely and easily take such a posture:

  • fully relying on the floor legs (complete foot, without tearing);
  • on the surface of the table hand;
  • back, strictly parallel the back of the chair and does not break away from it;
  • from the edge of the countertop to the solar plexus of the sitting should be the gap, in which you can put calmly palm.

Make yourself

Many in order to save ways are deciding to make a written table on their own. In this case, the possibilities are limited, and it will not work, for example, to prepare a system of altitude change. It can not be made in handicraft conditions as it should. We'll have to limit the classic unchanged dimensions - 110x60 centimeters.

To independently the table, the table was not just reliable, but also functional, it is desirable to equip a pair of penalties.

For this, the sidewalls of 160 per 40 centimeters are taken, the front upper lobes of which twisted the corner method 2x2, and the lower rear is flooded under the plinth 4.5x5.5. To make it convenient to use the shelves, their internal dimensions should be 400x350 millimeters. Four shelves are fastened with self-draws on the sides, and for fifth use special fasteners. Then they drink the back upper bar and fix on the tapping screw.

Note that the width and depth of space under the tabletop can not be less than 50 centimeters each, otherwise it will be not too convenient to use it. Typical size countertop 0.7 meters, and her height is 0.76 meters. Focusing on these parameters, you will be able to provide schoolboy the opportunity to quietly and freely write, read, engage in mathematical computing.

Take into account computers, printers, scanners and other auxiliary devices that will have to be placed on the table. This is important anyway, and when you make it yourself, and when you choose in the store.

Please note that from the eye of the seating to the monitor should always have a minimum of 60 centimeters.

When the hand is omitted, between its elbows and the bottom edge of the countertops, the optimal distance is 5 cm. If the sitting schoolboy puts his arms before sather on the table, it should not have an unnatural tension in the shoulders.

On how to choose a written desk for a child, see the following video.

Table not for a student

The need to write and read at the table occurs not only among those who study at school, university or college. Such a need may appear from accountants and secretaries, managers and translators, proofreaders and teachers. Yes, anyone from time to time you need to write - at least to fill out receipts about utility services, while working with documents at the table occurs much more convenient and more comfortable than without it.

For adults, the minimum written table sizes are:

  • in height - 75-80 centimeters;
  • at least 0.7 meters long;
  • in the width of the table top from 0.35 to 0.6 meters.

But this is the smallest indicators. Write a letter, read the newspaper (book, magazine) or put a signature under the contract - this is its limit, in fact. Architects and designers, engineers and designers, artists and other people who are constantly working with large sheets of paper will correctly buy a table of at least 1.2 meters in length and 0.7 meters wide. Useful feature - Tilt Top, Thanks to it, it will be much more convenient to work with drawings, drawings, diagrams and sketches.

The optimal distances from the eye of working to monitors, written texts and so on (no matter whether the speech is about adults or children) are calculated based on the assumption that the angle of view is from 0 to 30 degrees, while the neck does not deviate any back, nor forward .

Russian GOST provides that office tables with a changeable height should be adjusted from 68 to 80 centimeters, and with immutable - strictly 72.5 centimeters. The depth of the working surface at the same time is set to 60 (80) cm and 120 (160), see at least, respectively. Invalid the presence of sharp edges and angles. Niche for legs under the office desk should be no lower than 60 and not already 50 centimeters, in depth - 0.45 meters at the level of the knees and 0.65 m with elongated legs.

Rectangular writing tables without a highlighted front edge should be in width 160 and in a depth of 80 centimeters. This is enough to safely work with texts and episodically with a laptop if necessary.

Currently, there are many different tables for the student, but it is not so easy to choose some specific model. In most cases, the purchase reference is the price and dimensions. Parents often forget about some other things, no less important than the cost and size.

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Features and requirements

The usual rectangular shape of the school countertop for the house is acquired by parents quite rarely. Now you can purchase a table that is absolutely different and the form, and the functionality from the primeval. Consider the positive and negative points of this acquisition.

  • First, the arbitrary form of the table top is undoubtedly an interesting option. But this fact can develop an incorrect posture from a schoolboy, because it is only formed.
  • Secondly, the most suitable and economical option in the children's room is to buy an angular school table. This is especially true for small-sized apartments. After all, in addition to the working area for lessons, a teenager will also have a sea of \u200b\u200bspace for other, no less important things. For example, he will be able to put his tutorials and notebooks no longer on the work area, but in the locker. Also, the souls will also be the retractable shelves, where you can hide the most intimate.

From the required requirements for this table, the following aspects can be distinguished:

  • The convenience of the angular model for the schoolchildren will be guaranteed if its length is not less than 1 m. And on the left, and to the right of the working area there should be a free space that can be used under a computer, for example, or a cell phone. The elbows of the schoolchildren should not be filled.
  • Also worth paying attention to the width. For a first grader, 60 cm usually grabs, for older schoolchildren - 80 cm. When installing a computer, the width should be even more - about 1 m.
  • It is worth paying attention to the height of the school table. The optimal option will be the distance from the floor in 70-90cm. Otherwise, the child is expected permanent pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back, as he will be inconvenient to study at this table.
  • Another equally important point is the absence of sharp corners. Otherwise, the corners will be all shaders, and the child can be injured.

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For girl

The appearance of a table for a girl in the children's room is a continuation of a previously invented fairy tale. The new attribute should be perceived with joy and serve as a kind of game. Continuing to disassemble the toys, the little girl will gradually begin to pull into the educational process, and the game will help her in this school. After all, here she can act as a teacher and ask homework to their animals and bups.

The optimal design option for the girl for a girl is a low tabletop, a chest of drawers or a bedside table with notebooks and toys, top - shelf and again with toys. The choice of color gamut is the taste of parents. And it is not necessary to be pink tones. The table can be selected and under the interior of the room. The main thing is that this attribute is not gloomy: it is desirable to use a bright color palette.

For boy

Furniture for lessons is all for later. First, the first grader will place a garage for machines in the table boxes, the tabletop will go as a bridgehead for assembling the latest model of the starship, and the shelves for books can be used for the airfield. Well, of course, you can put the designer under the table or put a large technique in the garage.

Gradually, various stationery will come to replace the machine, and half of the workspace will take notebooks - the main thing is to prompt the child on time that the process of acquaintance with study does not delay.

For two children

Consider examples that can help equip the workspace of the children's room with two children. Do not forget that every workplace, in addition to permanent access and excellent lighting, should be equipped in accordance with the individual needs of each child.

  • If the size of the room is not too small, then you can create two independent jobs for each of the guys. A pair interior with the same school attributes is the optimal choice for a large room. After all, each child should have their own personal space. It is desirable to place tables from different sides so that the guys do not interfere with each other to do lessons.
  • Along the walls can be placed a long rectangular table with separation using the shelf into two working areas. Such a choice is suitable for children who do not bother with each other.
  • The third model of the product for two children looks like a long countertop with a separator in the form of a partition or couch. In this case, for each child it is worth adjusting a separate shelf.
  • For the bulk room, the best option will be a tabletop with a length of 1.6 m, which would share the room along the window into two halves.
  • Long M-shaped option. Children can accommodate at different ends of the table in such a way as not to interfere with each other.

For a teenager

The child grows - he needs more space. A computer that requires space for a system block, monitor, keyboard and mouse appears on the table.

Also, a high school student takes place for textbooks and books, and a schoolboy's passioned hobby - for his items.

Girls at this age are most suitable tables with secret boxes and secrets. Here they will be able to store the most intimate: notes, diaries and much more. Unforgettable and about cosmetics - it can also take most of the space designed for study, unless, of course, there is no option to install a toilet table.


There are several ways to determine the correct height of the children's training table for the home:

  • The height of the countertops and the solar plexus of the child should be on the same level.
  • The distance between the elbow of the lowered hand in a sedentary schoolchild and the lower part of the table top should be 5 cm.
  • If a sedentary schoolboy will put hands in front of him, then the shoulders should be in a natural state.
  • Between the lower part of school furniture and knees, the most comfortable distance varies from 10 to 15 cm.

Form and style

A variety of children's tables for classes is no longer surprised. However, you can create an original image of a nursery, and this will play a big role in the classroom.

There are several variations of this attribute, which can be found below.


Reminds the school desk. If its dimensions are not very big, then it will be suitable for a small children's room.

This kind of children's furniture has several features. For example, the table model is most often equipped with shelves and niches from below, thereby leaving the worktop free. Addurations are allowed, but only on the corner, in order not to close the light stream. The location of this table near the window will be optimal - it will turn out something similar to a children's corner.


Three main versions of this table can be distinguished:

  • Classical.
  • Oval or seized.
  • Triangular or corner.

Most models of this category are equipped with a variety of additions: retractable shelves, footrest, multi-level mini-shelves. Here you can accommodate notebooks, and stationery. A free space is enough not only under a computer, but also under MFP or printer. However, if this is not there, then parents still have to buy a written table.

Experts do not recommend planting a child to make lessons for a computer table for two reasons: due to limited workspace and constant child abstraction from classes.

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With shelves

In order for the place to have enough space for training material and not only, additional attributes are often acquired to the table for classes: shelves, racks, couch.

Suspended shelves are comfortable - after all, now everything is at hand.

With superstructure

The original version of furniture, which includes an equipped workplace with attached boxes or shelves, included in the training space. Such a designer solution will fit well into a small room.

The originally decorated design allows you to mask the table inside the cabinet, thereby saving the place for anything else.


Drawing attention to the materials from which furniture was performed, make an emphasis on its safety, ease of care and wear resistance.

Below is a list of materials from which you currently make a variety of school tables.

  • Chipboard - The optimal option for those parents that value quality at a great price. Due to its reliability, this option of furniture will not only serve you by faith and true for many years, but will surprise with its variety of colors and forms.
  • Ledp.- Such material is cheaper than chipboard. However, it is not necessary to look closely in view of two very good reasons. First, after a while, he begins to allocate harmful toxic substances, which is unsafe for sitting at such a table. Secondly, over time, this table loses its presentable look. When buying, ask the seller's security certificate.
  • MDF - Furniture from this material is pretty good. First, it is cheaper than a wooden analog. Secondly, he has a huge number of positive properties: excellent quality, presentable appearance, durable, durable, safe and easy to care.
  • Natural tree or array- This option is better to acquire for high school students, as they are more careful than schoolchildren of junior classes. The material is distinguished by reliability, durability and environmental friendliness. However, it is worth such an instance quite expensive.
  • Plastic - Optional furniture from this material is rarely on sale. But if you still found such an instance and decided on its acquisition, then ask the seller the quality certificate to the goods. Make sure it is safe and the quality of the material is good.
  • Combined table category - In the manufacture of this type of children's countertop, a metal frame and a tabletop made of wooden component are used. In this case, special attention should be paid on how painted metal parts are painted, and in what condition the fittings and other parts are located.

Plastic has very tangible disadvantages: it is not durable, after a short period of time, scratches and other flaws will be visible. Therefore, this table is only suitable for first grades, and after some time, replace something better.

Writing table almost indispensable subject of furniture in any apartment. And no matter how it believed that this furniture is the relic of the past, categorically we will not agree with this. In almost every home, this subject of the interior is successfully used and finds itself. Whether a schoolboy room or a student, a business man's office or businesswoman workplace. In large cabinets, an expensive writing desk is also an indicator of a certain status of its host.

Critical differences between a computer and writing desk, as such, does not exist. But still they are. Tell some of them:

  • stand or separation under the system unit. The main distinguishing feature of furniture for a computer. In the writing table, there is no extra and unnecessary detail;
  • stands under the column. Small shelves on the superstructure. Most often located on the sides of it. There are almost all computer and not in any written table;
  • retractable shelf under the keyboard, located under the tabletop. Very convenient object for computer furniture. If you do not need to print anything at the moment, it simply moves and does not take place. In the written table is not needed in principle;
  • cable Channel and Wiring Holes. Even if you work on a laptop sitting at your desk, the wires will not be needed. The charger in the laptop is connected, as a rule, at night, and during operation, the mobile gadget is powered by the battery and does not need a power cord;
  • table top decoration. In the exclusive and expensive samples of furniture for the letter, this technique is very often practiced. This is not only beautiful, but also practical. In the computers' furniture models, this type of finish is not applied;
  • fasteners for the monitor. In some tables of tables for a computer, special attachments are made on the table top, in which the "smart machine" screen is recorded. There are no products for letters for complete inappropriateness.

But despite many constructive differences, these interior items are undoubtedly similar. Special similarities can be observed between and their computer "brothers". Yes, and on the dimensions in the tables are not enough. In general, based on all the qualities of furniture for writing and computer, we can conclude that they are close relatives and differ not very substantially. And in many ways even similar.

Do you know what height should be a written table? Read about it in the next section.

Note that even a fragile girl will be able to collect a writing desk from the girlfriend. Do not believe? Then see the following video:

Product Parameters

For adults

We mention about the parameters of writing tables. In some articles of the section, we reflected on the sizes of writing desks in the context of the convenience of their placement in the office or the working area. But the conversation about the dimensions attached to anthropometric data did not enter either this topic was mentioned casually. And it is no less important than furniture parameters in the interior. Let us dwell on it in more detail.

The comfort of work at the desk depends largely on the size of the human body and the right choice of furniture parameters. According to the "Module", which was developed by the Great French-Swiss Designer and Architect Le Corbusier, identified special proportions. All modern furniture, including written tables, is being made. On the convenience of landing and health affects only one single parameter - the height of the table.

Le Corbusier Based on the averaged growth of an ordinary person, it brought that the height of the written table according to the standard should be not lower than seventy centimeters, but not higher than eighty, with a rare exception. But this is a private case, rarely in our life there are giants and very little people. The proportions are designed for the bulk of people living on Earth. Written tables are made on them. The average growth of all the inhabitants of our planet, according to which the height was considered, is one hundred eighty-three centimeters.

Such a parameter as the length of the table is also important for comfortable work. The length of the table is the distance from its left edge to the right relative to the person sitting at the workplace. The minimum table top length should be at least sixty centimeters. This minimum envelope is needed for comfortable work of one adult. We emphasize the word minimum in this statement, it is desirable that the length of the workplace is more.

The distance for the legs (the fact that between the legs or table of the written table) should be at least fifty two centimeters.

An important role for determining a comfortable pastime at the desk play the width and height of the chair. They are also calculated in the "modulor". The width of the working chair or chairs should be at least forty centimeters at a height of forty-two to forty-eight centimeters, respectively.

But these are all overall furniture for adults.

Stock Foto Written table with shelves posted by the window

For a child

But how to correctly pick up a desk and chair for a child? We describe the main criteria:

  • when landing at the table, the feet are completely on the floor, and a straight angle is formed between the shin and thigh. If the angle is stupid - the chair is too high, the angle is sharp - pick up the furniture higher;
  • in the depths of the chair are defined so - the seat should not be dug in the drop-down joints;
  • the distance between the knees and the countertop should be ten-fifteen centimeters;
  • the correct distance from the eyes to the table covers should be equal to the distance from the fingertips to the elbow of your sibling.

If you have already managed to buy a desk, but your child is not, then before running in the furniture store, we advise you to see the following video:

Where is it better to place such an item?

When purchasing a written table, the question often faces: "And how and where is it better to place it?". Many are guided by the considerations of personal taste, someone puts the table on the basis of the convenience for work and the right light, and some are guided by the teachings of Feng Shui. And we will focus on all these aspects.

The desktop, according to Chinese teaching, should have not only a beautiful appearance and, but also excellent Feng Shui. Factors that need to be observed for this:

  • it is impossible to sit back to the window;
  • do not sit opposite the door to the room;
  • carefully refer to water symbols (images, aquarium, indoor fountain or waterfall). They should not be behind her back. Place these characters before your eyes or above;
  • the larger the size of the table, the better;
  • mandatory order on the table. Countertop, littered with papers - it is not on Feng Shui.

As Chinese philosophy teaches, subject to these factors, the owner of the cabinet, where the table is correctly installed, will be carried in affairs and finance.

Based on health reasons, the table is installed in front of the window, so that you sat to the person face. Daylight should fall so that the shade of hand does not close what you write.

And with artificial lighting, it is important to ensure that it is not more dull than the sunlight. Ideally, white, and not a yellow shade approximate to the daily. So advise doctors oculists.

And of course, all of us have their own vision of the location of the table in the room. Here you can guide our advice, and you can also put furniture for your taste. As they say, the owner - Barin.

In more detail about the nuances of Feng Shui, related to the placement of written tables, will tell the following video:

Sales and ways of saving

On the question of buying can be answered immediately. As we repeatedly wrote in many of our articles about the furniture, the easiest all is inexpensive to buy furniture, incl. And the desk in the online store: and save money, and time. Yes, and you can choose among the huge number of manufacturers, without driving around the furniture salons of the entire city. In addition, online stores offer photos, and video, and 3D products of products, so you can consider everything to the smallest things even better than live.

As for saving when buying a written table:

  • brand and manufacturer country. Domestic tables are not as an example of the cheaper Italian. A less well-known factory does not donate prices due to popularity. Although sometimes its product is much better;
  • material. What it is easier, the table is cheaper. Products from chipboard cost three times cheaper of furniture from the wood array;
  • dimensions. The written table is more compact, the less material went to manufacture, and, therefore, below the price;
  • furnitura. Various handles, loops and guide boxes also have their price. What they are better, the more expensive the product.

Writing table for two

Price abundance

Well, finally, we got to price categories of written tables. They are not so much:

  • . The most expensive type of tables. Made, as a rule, are separated by carvings, inlays, leather. This furniture is 40,000 to 800,000 rubles. Pricing depends on the tree of wood and manufacturer. Often performed in;
  • middle. Made from both natural wood and from wooden-containing materials. And the price of these categories of products will differ in two or three times. The functionality of the average tables is the same as the large, only they are cheaper and places occupy much less. For what and popular people. The price of this category is from 5,000 to 35,000 rubles;

What should be the height of the table and a chair for a child?

The parents of each first grader face the problem of selecting the right table and chair for your child. After all, the workplace should be simultaneously comfortable, and beautiful, as well as stimulate schoolchildren to study. Unfortunately, parents are unable to control which party's party in school, but they can still take care of creating a cozy and comfortable place.

Incorrectly chosen furniture can adversely affect the posture and vision of the child. Therefore, it is not worth neglecting the rules and tips on the choice of children's furniture.

Children's height selection table and chairs for growth

As already mentioned, incorrectly selected furniture may be the emergence of health problems in the future. For example, if you are mistaken in the choice of chair and bought too low, then the child may break the blood circulation from low seats. From a highly high table, a schoolchild can, the symmetry of shoulders will change for the worst direction, too low - can provoke a violation of vision and operation of the respiratory system.

Therefore, in order to properly choose a chair, you must take a child to him and make sure whether it really fits him. Here are some recommendations that will help you not make a mistake in the table and chair choices:

  • The feet of the child must stand on the floor all soles, while a straight angle should be formed between the shin and the thigh. In case, instead of direct angle formed stupid, the seat is too high for the child, if the angle is sharp, then you need to pick a chair a little higher.
  • Also pay attention to the distance between the shanks of the schoolchildren and the worktop. It should be about 10-15 cm.
  • The seat of the chair should not crawl into the poned cups.
  • The back of the chair should have a straight corner and be firmly fixed so that the schoolboy can rely on it if necessary and not deviate a lot ago.
  • It is not advisable to buy a child with a spinning chair, it is best to stop your choice on a chair with four legs.
  • In the event that you bought a too high chair, make a wooden stand under it so that the baby's legs do not hide.
  • Proper attention needs to be given to what remoteness from the cover of the table is the face of a child. The correct distance is easy to measure - it should be the same as the distance from the fingertips of the child to the elbow.

To facilitate the choice of workplace for the schoolchildren will help you with a special table, which indicates the growth of the child and the corresponding height of the table and chair.

Table of middle growth of children by age (from 1 year to 15 years)

Very often, people pick up the table in accordance with the average child growth in a certain age. But in fact, it is not necessary to be guided by this, since the children of the same age can have completely different growth. It is best to adhere to the above recommendations. But just in case, we made a special table of the middle growth of the child by age from 1 year to 15 years.

Other parameters - length, width and depth

Basically, parents buy a table with a straight tabletop, but still if you manage to find a lid with a slight inclination, it will be the best option. The fact is that a small tilt of the table covers will facilitate eye work.

If you failed to purchase a table with an inclined tabletop, do not be discouraged, it can be replaced with a stand for books. This will help post a tutorial at an angle of 30-40 degrees.

As for the width, it must be at least 1 m or more, but the depth is 60 cm. If you buy a table with boxes, then you can watch the table for the legs, it is desirable that it was not less than 50 × 50 cm.

If you select a written table for two children. We advise you to get acquainted with the article specified above.

Color also matters. You should not take the table too bright shades, as this may affect the concentration of the student. It is best to choose pastel tones and soothing, for example, peach, beige, cream or on the color of the tree.

If the table is too high - what to do?

It also happens that when buying the table corresponded to all recommendations, but coming home, parents notice what was mistaken in height. What to do in this case, leave everything as it is or take some measures? The answer will be - take some measures! The fact is that it can affect the posture of the baby and on vision. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Stand under the legs. To begin, it is necessary to determine how much the table you bought above the norm is above, after which this difference is displayed in the foot stand. Stand can be made of any tree and cover with a cloth so that winter legs were warm.
  2. Cut legs. This is another effective way to help you make the desired table height. The only disadvantage is that children grow very quickly and perhaps you will regret it, we decided to cut the legs. Therefore, probably, the optimal option will make a stand under my feet.

Increase the height of the table if bought too low

  1. Increase the height of the table using the podium. It should be a little wider than the legs and countertop. In addition, this design firmly will fix the table, and it will not be fused. The podium height needs to be done as you need to raise the table itself. Another plus of the podium is that it will serve for you as a footrest.
  2. Also, the legs can be replaced with longer. Now in stores you can purchase ordinary legs without the table top.