What is the width of a double bed. What are the sizes of the bed: standard and non-standard models, Eurostandard, how to measure dimensions

The size matters, especially if we are talking about the bed. The current trend of saving space, compactness of the beds, sometimes leaves a chance of a full-fledged bed. And in vain, because the quality of recreation depends not only on the quality of the surface, but also its size. In this article, we propose to figure out which the parameters of the bedrooms are, what is the difference between standard and non-standard beds, as well as demonstrate the schemes of the most popular bed.

Domestic bed standards

The sleeping place of domestic production is three sizes: for one person, one-time, for two. At the same time, the length of all products is the same - 2 meters. They differ width (both beds in general and places for the mattress).

Sleeping place for one

Such a bed can have a width of 70 cm. Up to 90 cm. Depending on the model and the manufacturer. It is designed for one person of medium height and physique. If the weight turns over the norm, the person has a large set, he just do not fit on such a bed. Rather, he will be able to lie down, but there is no, most likely, the hands will hang on the sides. Therefore, do not hurry with the acquisition of a single bed, the savings of space may entail the comprehension of comfort. Before choosing a model, produce houses such measurements: Looking for a sofa, put your hands under the head and measure the distance from the elbow to the elbow. To the resulting digit, add 20 cm. It will be the optimal sleeping width for one. If it rolls over 90 cm. It is better to see the model of the next value.

Bed of one and a half size

Onespoon, as it is customary to be called in the people, is considered universal furniture that can be used for one or two people. The width ranges from 120 cm. Up to 160 cm. If 1 bedroom model is still focused on adolescents and young people, then the standards of the 1st bed can comfortably accommodate a major man (by 120 cm.) And a young married couple (160 cm.) . This model is the most popular in the furniture market, because it takes a relatively few space, but is able to provide a full-fledged rest for two.

Double bed and its size

The width of the dual bed of domestic production is from 160 cm. Up to 200 cm. The scheme allows you to see that the side strips are not included in this parameter, i.e. In fact, the furniture will occupy more space, which should not be forgotten by planning a purchase. It is also necessary to take into account that the placement of a bed for two, implies 2 free passages, which means the room should be quite spacious.

Such a bed, due to its dimensions, is often equipped with additional features: a lifting mechanism, niches with linen storage boxes, which allows not to clutch the room with additional furniture.

Eurostand pallets of sleeping places

European manufacturers have not too big spreading in the sizes of beds compared to our. They use the same metric system, but the width range is slightly smaller. So, Europeans are preferable not to produce too narrow beds, because they will not be in demand. For example, a single-sized single bed of size can be of two quantities: 90cm. and 100 cm. In width, with a length of 190 cm.

The one-and-a-half model also has a small width ranging: 140 cm. - 160 cm., Focused on consumers who are looking for an oversized bed for two. This is often an iron bed, with a reinforced frame, without sideboards. Models providing 1.5 beds (120 cm. In width) Eurostandard does not provide.

Full-fledged double beds from European manufacturers reach 180 cm. - 200 cm. In the width smaller in this category are not released. A large, square bed, with the parameters of 200x200 cm. Read more King Size - Royal Size. It can afford the owners of spacious bedrooms, because in aggregate with sides, passages, more than 2.5 meters of width are needed.

Such disintegrations in the manufacture of furniture explain why euro underwear for bed is always more than our. Manufacturers focuses on their standard sizes that suggest a minimum width of 90 cm. At the same time, our bed linen manufacturers start with 70 cm wide.

What are the non-standard bed sizes

On the domestic furniture market, 2 categories of beds are considered non-standard:

  • completed to order (with an increased long or width);
  • produced in America model (characterized by the system of magnitude).

The first option is impossible to meet as an exhibition sample. It is made solely on request. For example, create a bed for a high person, with a parameter of a length of 210 cm. Or perform a width of a bed 250 cm., According to the designer, under a specific space. Such models are characterized by a high cost, compared to finished products, because each step is extra charged to the side of the zoom (1 step is 5 cm.).

In the manufacture of American beds, inches are the measurement unit. So, a single bed, translated into centimeters, will have parameters: 90x190 cm. With TWIN marking. The overseas half-timer pulls on 122x190 cm., 137.2x190 cm., 152.4x203.2 cm., With the corresponding names: Small Double, Double, Queen. The double bed of American production fully corresponds to the King console used to all models. Their width is more than 200 cm, and the length ranges from 183 cm. Up to 198 cm.

What to choose the size of the bed depends on three parameters:

  • room dimensions;
  • the amount of sleeping;
  • restlessness.

They are fundamental in the selection of furniture, allow you to find the optimal option between the size and comfort. And you can meet your perfect bed on, elegance and beauty of models will not leave anyone indifferent.

One of the closest and most expensive objects in the house is undoubtedly a bed. As - in no way, and here is far from the worst one third of our life. This furniture product existed in ancient Egypt. From the fact that the place for sleep was arranged under the roof, the roof (perhaps, from here and the name - bed).

This item was decorated with lace, brushes, curtains, figure threads. In Russia, such a finish of silver and gnaw, so that this product had a lush, luxurious appearance. In the course of its evolution, it passed a long way from a straw bag to a modern variety of sizes and shapes. The constant leader in this market segment (39%) in Russia today is a single bed.

The most common type of sleeping places

In some countries, for example, in China, its size is very peculiar - the width of the pillow. In Western and, possibly, richer countries, on the contrary, for one person make this furniture. Watering: in the region of 120-150 cm.

Such wide, comfortable beds for one person were first called "one-hour", or "half-one", but over time, the same term was included in the source - "single". It was a kind of cunning sellers: "After all, the double is just 40 cm wider, buy it better!"

The bed can have a lot of features: appearance, color, material, lifting mechanism, niches for linen, etc. In this case, of all the characteristics, the most important is the size, and especially the width. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to this parameter, especially with age, when you want to sleep less and less.

How to choose the right size?

Want to calculate what your single bed should be? Its dimensions to determine easy. It is necessary to lie on the back, combine the fingers of the hands and dilute on the side of the elbows. After that, from the corners of the elbows to count on 10, and even better 15 centimeters to the right and left, and then measure the resulting distance. This will be the perfect width for the bed.

The second way is as follows. It is necessary to lie on the side, pull the knees to the stomach and measure the distance from the back to the knee cups, adding at least 15 centimeters to the resulting digit.

Also, watch how you sleep. If most of the time in a dream you spend on your stomach or back, then you need a mattress sewing. Lokia on the side, we occupy much less space.

Standard Single Beds

In Europe, as in Russia, the single-bag has been distributed have a width of 90 to 100 cm. At the same time, the length of such a bed is usually from 200 to 210 cm. In the States size twin with the same width has a length of 190 cm. In Russia, the corresponding Analogue is considered a children's adolescent bed.

Most often, the size of the single bed (standard) is in length 2 m, sometimes 1 meter 90 cm. Less often occurs 1 meter 95 cm. But there are products for giants - 2 meters 20 cm! It is believed that comfortable length is calculated by adding 30-40 centimeters to growth. Thus, the standard sizes of single beds may have oscillations in certain boundaries.

However, if you have a non-standard growth or weight, modern customer service service will increase the length of the bed for the needs and even order an increase in its frame with special jumpers with additional supports.

And in general, the manufacturers for individual order will create a masterpiece for you the most unusual forms and sizes. Now it is no longer a problem.

Bed option for your home

Today we have many options and furniture modifications depending on the needs of the buyer. With a limited area, it is suitable, for example, a chair-bed. You can also buy a wardrobe bed. It will not take a lot of space and the bed compartment.

If there is a lot of free space in your home, then you probably have a room for guests. It is usually put a bed of a small single bed, but having two storage boxes for storing accessories or baggage came.

The most important thing is that you like the sleeping place was comfortable. Even a small bed can be decorate with stylish bed lover and feel yourself on her, as in paradise!

How to choose a mattress size?

First of all, it is necessary to accurately make a breakpoint measurement. The size of the mattress on a single bed of different manufacturers can have significant differences. It depends on the manufacturer's country and from the company. It is important that the mattress you choose had the same parameters as your single bed. The dimensions of these products in the standard version are as follows:

  • Width, as a rule, 80, 90 cm.
  • Length is almost always - 190, a maximum of 200 cm, but an intermediate option is possible - 195 cm.

If these sizes do not suit you, it is easy to order your option. Manufacturing time is almost the same as for standard furniture. Additional charges for such a service will be 5-10% of the usual cost of the product. Selecting the length for your mattress, it is necessary to take into account the excess of your growth at least 15 cm.

In addition to length and width, the mattress still has such a characteristic as the thickness (or height). Here any options are possible, but the inner height of the bed's sidewalls is still less. Another nuance: with a solid weight of users, it is better to choose a standard height usually - 16 cm, but in a flanned product it may vary from 15 to 24 cm.

Children's single bed

Fortunately, the household conditions of modern parents are increasingly allowing them to allocate a separate room for a child, where he can safely do, play, take his friends, relax.

For him there is no need to purchase a double bed. Usually, children's products are always single. Better, if made of natural material, such as a tree.

Designers well worked on the creation of copies, a variety of frame and colors. There are beds in the form of a car, a pirate ship, a cozy house or a castle. Sometimes a sleeping place is at the top level, and the lower present presents a message.

For girls, you can find or in the form of a carriage. But the main thing is the sleeping place for the child should be optimally suitable for its growth. Single beds typically have such parameters: 90 cm wide and 2 meters long.

A married bed requires a maximum of attention. Therefore, your choice should determine not only the budget and the availability of free space in the room, but also the personal preferences of each partner.

There are many double models of different manufacturers on the market. And they are all designed either in the English measurement system (inches), or by European (centimeters).

Translate inches into centimeters, of course, it does not represent. But the result will be not in integral: instead of the usual 200 cm length, we get 203.2 cm.

Mattress will find a suitable such bed, as well as with, since we are dealing with different manufacturing standards.

It is not surprising that our compatriots prefer Italian, French, German and Russian manufacturers.

Double beds produce a width of 160 to 200 cm, although they meet more. Model length - 200 cm, but in the market you can find models and 190, and 210 cm.

Within these limits in Russian stores there are models of different parameters. For example, a bed for two unusual designs (in Art Deco style, from birch, with an upholstery) 192x221 perfect under the mattress 180 * 200.

With the same characteristics, but other sizes - the bed 178x224 is created for mattresses 150 * 200.

Recently, you can meet in the catalogs miniature double beds 140-150 cm wide. Two may well fit in them. But it's hard to call such a night vacation comfortable, because sleeping will feel discomfort due to lack of space.

Even fragile girls need a minimum of 170 cm wide to turn free, but do not disturb your partner. It is hardly possible to be considered appropriate when the price tag with the inscription "Little Double Bed" hangs over the "half-one".

It is noteworthy that the bed, which in Russia is considered, in Europe and America is considered two-dimensional. In European countries, it has a width of 120-140 cm, in the US - from 135 cm.

Beds, which are calculated by our standards for two people, the name "Royal" were called abroad. In England - a width of 150 cm, the Eastern variant has parameters 193-198 * 203.2 cm, Western - 182.9 * 213.4 cm.

Dimensions in the United States are indicated by the words: Standard denotes King (literal translation - king), adding Western or California if the bed is 10 cm longer, but at the same time.

Olympic Queen has parameters 168 * 203 cm. In England, the Super prefix means a length of more than 2 m.

Dimensions of double beds

The production of furniture for sleep is based on the provision of free space to each person. So, dimensions are focused on human growth and weight standards.

Double bed with shelves may not occupy precious space if they are built-in.

Of course, in the choice of large corner modular sofas there are its underwater stones, which only professionals know about. What nuances of the purchase still should be taken into account during the acquisition process, read in the article.

Constructive solution. The complexity of the model, for example, in the form of upholstery, columns, cumbersome headboard, draped tissue curtain - that's what the square centimeters in the room eats.

Double bed without a back, on the contrary, takes a minimum of space. Representatives of such models have a rectangular base, upholstered outside beautiful high-quality cloth. Inside there is a place for linen.

Sold in different sizes: Starting from 160 * 190 and ending 180 * 200.

Kits. Holding the space that the sleeping bed will also take into account, you will buy a whole kit or only a bog.

The fact is that a double bed is in great demand with the couches - as ideally combined interior items, since they are made not only in a single style, but also from one material.

Such a kit will take: 169 * 216 cm (bed size) and 30 * 40 cm (bedside table). In order to save space, you can purchase a model with embedded shelves built into the headboard.

Choosing double beds

Choosing a bed, do not forget about the suitable mattress. Ideally, he should be from the same manufacturer. Not to mention the size of the sizes.

To make the right choice, look for the label parameters of the bed. This will be the width and the length of the mattress.

The size is determined not only width and length. Height also plays a role: get up easier with a high bed; And go to bed - on low. The optimal option is the bock height to the hinder level.

The height of the bed is not so much depends on its model, but from the mattress. The highest representatives are multi-layered mattresses.

The exception is the double bed podium - it is placed on an elevation specially created in the room, which can be done any height. "Podium" option is more suitable for spacious bedrooms.

If the space in the bedroom and the budget, it is better to choose a wider model. The ideal option today is considered the maximum wide and long (200 * 210) double bed with an orthopedic mattress height to the thigh.

It is about such a bed that are dreaming modern married couples. And only on such a bed a calm dream and a full vacation will be guaranteed.

When choosing a bed, it is worth paying attention to materials, design, build quality and, of course, dimensions. Even if the double bed is made on certified equipment, using wood from environmentally friendly areas, its size in any case plays an important role. It is from him that the further selection of mattresses and bedding will be dependent, comfortable placement on the bed during sleep.

What size is a double bed?

In the choice of dimensions of the bed, it is important to consider:

  • room size: The small bedroom does not fit a great place to sleep or create inconvenience;
  • how many people will sleep: one, two or family with children;
  • interior style.
  • habits and sleep needs: whether there are health problems that require a special approach to the choice, etc.

Standard double bed size - from 140-160 cm wide and more. Length can be any. Most often it is 180-200 cm. High people are recommended to choose a length of 200-220 cm.

There are beds and 250 cm wide. You can get a product of any dimensions to order. It is important to remember that the standard bedding sizes rarely exceed 200 * 240 cm, and for the bed of personal sizes will have to make sheets to order. The same with the mattress: the mattresses of only standard sizes are in the free sale.

Rule: the length of the bed should be 20-30 cm more than the growth of its owner.

In addition to width and length, beds differ in height. Allocate three groups:

  • high (0.7-0.9 m);
  • average (0.4-0.9 m);
  • low (below 0.4 m).

The average height of the product is suitable for the interior in the classic style and for people of medium height.

In the interior, performed in the Loft style, the low bed will fit perfectly.

For people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system or simply high growth, bed is suitable above the average.

What size of the double bed is the most convenient?

There is no single size that would come up with everything.

Standard Double Bed size:

  • 140x200.
  • 160*190
  • 160*200
  • 180*200
  • 180*210

Bamboo beds are manufactured according to other standards. In such products, standard parameters are 200 * 220 or 200 * 200. There are 240 * 200 cm models.

The double bed, which is bought for one person who loving space, can be 140 cm wide, such a place is enough with an excess. If one person plans to sleep, loving to scatter "asterisk" during sleep, it is better to give preference to the bedroom place 180 * 200.

For a couple, a bed from 160 cm and more is useful. Do not forget about the individual mattresses! So both sleeping do not disturb each other.

In a large family with children, the sleeping place 2 meters wide will prevent. Often, the manufacturer offers family beds behind the floor, to make it more convenient to climb them.

Select the length of the bed easily, if you focus on the above rule about adding 20-30 cm to the human growth. If the use of large pillows is assumed, the competent solution will add not 30, and 40-50 to growth.

Tips for choosing the right bed lengths:

  1. Pay attention to products from bamboo, where the length of length is 2 meters.
  2. To give preference to the bed without a back - it will save space.
  3. Buy pillows according to European standards of smaller size.
  4. Make individual standards.

For a teenager or man of low growth, the length of 190 cm will be sufficient. If a high person is sleeping on the bed, it is better to choose a bed longer.

The customer of a non-standard bed chooses not only width, length and height, but also the form of a future object of furniture. If the bedroom dimensions are allowed, the double bed can be made in the form of a circle. The diameter is usually 200-220 cm and more.

An important point is the selection of the mattress. Buy the product is needed simultaneously with the bed to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

Different countries have received different measurement standards. In Europe, dimensions are measured in centimeters, in America - in feet. Therefore, you need to buy a mattress and a bed that are manufactured by the same standards. The clearance even 1-2 centimeters can prevent comfortable sleep.

The width and length must be approached by the selected bed. The height of the product is important: too high will be written, creating inconvenience. A little towering on the bed mattress - the norm.

Manufacturers who care about customer comfort are usually applied to the beds a certificate that indicates which dimensions fit a suitable mattress. This facilitates the task: with the famous dimensions they will not have to re-make measurements. It is enough to buy a product in an online or offline store. With a certificate easier and order a mattress in the workshop.

The width of the mattress matters not only because it can be great and not fit into the frame. A loosely adjacent mattress rides on the inner surface of the bed and quickly wipes and wear out.

Standard Mattress Length - 190-200 cm. Separate manufacturers offer 195 cm options along the long side. For a bed, more than 2 meters long will have to make a personal standards mattress if there is no mattress of such non-standard measurements

To save space in the bedroom, you can choose a half-gun bed, usually its width is 140 cm, which is comparable to the smallest 2 bedroom. The main minus - on a dorm of a width of 140 cm together will be uncomfortable, you will have to constantly close.

The perfect option is 180 * 200 or 200 * 200 (King Size). On the bed of this size, two people will calmly lie, do not disturb each other. Such parameters are good for families with young children when children often resort to bedroom to parents behind a fairy tale at night or just play. Places enough for everyone!

Double bed for two sizes 200x200

Beds are made by individual order in 5 cm increments.

Bed for two is better equipped with an independent mattress or two separate. This will allow you to individually adjust the rigidity and angle of the slope of the bedroom, two people will not disturb each other while sleeping.

You need to choose a bed for two people in practice: come to the store, try to sit down, spread your arms and legs. To trace so that in any position the body was comfortable, there was no close anywhere. If you do not do this, suddenly it turns out that the bed is small and will have to endure the inconvenience during sleep or buy a new one.

On a note: To check whether the bed width is suitable, you need to lie down on your back and dilute elbows in different directions. On the bed, the suitable width of the elbows from the edges will not hang. If this happened - it is worth considering the bed wider.

What to take into account when buying?

  1. The growth of both people: worth navigating the one who is higher, choosing the length of the bed. It is better if the bed is slightly longer than you need, than too short.
  2. Bedroom area. It is important that the passages on each side of the bed are 0.7, and even better - 1 meter. In the small bedroom it is better to lay a bed of modest dimensions, but to leave enough space for the passages.

Properly chosen bed - the key to healthy sleep. Choose products based on its size, considering your own growth, weight and habits. Materials must comply with environmental and sanitary standards, assembly to be high quality. It is not necessary to buy upon purchasing a 2 bedroom bed: high quality natural materials cost weekly, but will serve longer than inexpensive analogues.

Each person, studying the room atmosphere, draws attention to such an aspect as the dimensions of the double bed. This is especially true if the apartment does not differ in a large area. But even with a rather spacious room, except the bed, I want to establish other interior items, and it ranks a dominant role in the bedroom, so the size of a double bed is a fairly serious question.

What you need to know about the dimensions

Before you go to the furniture salon, you must calculate the dimensions of the future bed. The size of the lodge itself must be considered, but at the same time turning attention to the details:

  • height;
  • beloved sleep pose;
  • age.

If you like to sleep on your stomach or back, spreading your hands wide, then double upholstered furniture should allow this, but at the same time you should not interfere with the partner. A man in old age requires a lot of free space, choosing a model for such a category of people, consider this feature.

Basic size beds

Standard furniture sizes

The size system used in modern models has two types of designations:

  • english system that is measured in pounds and inches;
  • metric system, meters and centimeters are used as units.

The first system uses American manufacturers, and the second - European.

Dimensions of double beds in the English system of measures

The traditional size of 2 soft-type sleeping furniture looks like this: 2x1.5, where 2 is the length of the bed, and 1.5 is its width. Foreign models have small differences, length can vary from 2 to 2.2 m, as for the width, its permissible dimensions are 1.80 and 2.2 m.

When choosing a bed, it is important to take into account the size of the bedroom, and accordingly the mattress.

Traditional sizes of mattresses

Scheme of proper measurement of the height of the mattress


When choosing a bed, experts recommend paying attention to such a criterion as a human growth. If you are small or medium height, then concern about this disappear. When a person's growth goes beyond the established standard of beds, then such a person needs much more space for a comfortable stay. How to find out this indicator? The easiest way to determine it will be added 30 cm to its growth. In some cases, it is recommended to add another 10 cm, but this is if you prefer to sleep on your back and on large pillows, stretching out in length in string.

Standard size is 2 meters or 1.9. In exceptional cases, plants manufacturers enter the order for a length of 1 meter 95 cm. The standard size of bamboo models exceeds the above indicators, as a rule, they reach 2 meters 20 cm. Customers are closely attractive to the wishes of the client, and offer to lengthen the bed as much as you want to lengthen the bed as much as you want to lengthen the bed True, for such a service will have to pay well.


The width of the sleeping bed is an indicator that allows you to determine the comfortable location of two people, a couple or mother with a child. In accordance with this, the indicator affects the type of product. The bed has a single, double or one-time.

The width of the double model of the bed is strictly stipulated in the rules, its minimum standard is 140 cm. This place will be enough to accommodate two people.

Width of a double bed

To be comfortable to rest, and you did not interfere with your second half, experts recommend to pick up products whose width will be equal to 160 cm. According to statistics, it is the most popular model. There are other options whose width range from 150 to 170 cm. As a rule, they are ordered less often.

If for some reason you do not suit the standard size of the bed, then you can always order its manufacture in its standards, in this case, width, length and height stipulate with the manufacturer or private firm. But, such an individual project is very expensive, except for the work itself, you will need to order a mattress and bed linen, the corresponding size, and these are also additional costs.

The width of European beds exceeds the standard indicator of our models, they do not spare for this extra centimeters, allowing its size to 180 cm. Sometimes it can reach two meters.

Double beds beds


A high bed is customary to use for the rational use of space in small apartments. The subcreational space serves as an excellent place to locate boxes with winter things or bedrooms. But you need to remember that this is a place to sleep, and only then the place to store things.

On average, the height varies depending on the selected models:

  • the bed podium is produced with a 45 cm high;
  • the height of classical models varies from 50 to 65 cm;
  • models stylized under the old days have a height of 90 cm.

Double Bed Height Options

The standard indicator of most double models comes up to 50 cm, but it all depends on the growth and method of using the useful space. Retractable boxes in the sub-space is, of course, well, but such convenience requires certain conditions. Depending on which part of the boxes will be opened, the space should be free to ensure unhindered access to them. In a small bedroom, such a model is inappropriate.

If there is a need to place a part of things in the undercut space, then experts advise to select models with a turning mechanism. Their height allows you to place the most sought-after things inside the box, and a simple lifting design with gas shock absorbers will allow you to do without much difficulty. Such a bed with two bedrooms will easily fit into the interior even the smallest bedroom.

But, picking up a high bed with inner boxes, you must remember that this height looks very cumbersome, especially if the area is small. In large bedrooms, decorated in Turkish style, this image will be more appropriate.

If you are not afraid of visual decrease in space due to the height, then add to the general picture of the cavity or a plurality of pillows, but within reasonable, so as not to get an incomplete setting of the room.

Non-standard models

Sometimes the choice of the presented model affects personal preferences or designer sizes. Some people even the largest standard size seems small or inconvenient and they decide to order a non-standard model for personal design. Sundar models can be purchased in the finished form or order a project developed by your ideas. Such models can be attributed to the beds:

  • original form;
  • with a large or small bedroom size;
  • with a unique design;
  • calculated for the number of more than two people.

The standard width of the model presented in the modern market varies from 140 to 180 cm, so the beds, with a width above 200 cm already fall under the category of non-standard.

The most popular non-standard idea will be a round bed with two places for sleep. Even with the most minimal dimensions, the bed will reach 220 cm in diameter. And if the room and financial capabilities allow, the diameter can be enlarged. For example, a round model will be required for sleeping space with dimensions of 200x160, with a diameter of 265 cm without taking into account the back.

When placing such a model in the room, a harmonious ratio of the room with dimensions and the design of it should be observed. The room decorated in an ethno interior or modern loft does not harmonize with a round-shaped model. The Scandinavian style does not accept it either, but for the Art Deco style or for the room decorated in oriental style, it will become a real decoration.

A large bed model will be appropriate and elegant in a large and spacious bedroom, while the space of a small bedroom she will shry. It is necessary to select it not only based on the size of the room, but also on the style of its design.

With bedside tables
Round with Tumba

How not to make a mistake with the choice

Before you go to the store for the presented bed type, repent once again, all to the smallest detail. A huge selection presented in stores does not allow fully focused, and you can be confused, so there are parameters that should pay special attention to:

  • the width of the model - it depends on the growth, beloved posture, age, size of the room or individual preferences. What factor will affect your decision, we cannot know, but the selected model should provide you with a full-fledged rest;
  • model length - the length of furniture products depends on the growth of its owner. Specialists recommend to add 30 cm to it, and you will get optimal length;
  • the location is an important aspect, since with incorrect identifications you risk losing useful space;
  • units of measurement - depending on the country of the manufacturer, the size of the products may be denoted by pounds, inches, meters and centimeters;
  • when you decide on the bed frame, think about the rest of the objects of the sleeping bed - mattresses and bedding. Their size must correspond to the acquired frame;
  • if you are confused and can not decide on the model of a double bed, then experts advise to lie on it to visually evaluate the space you engaged, comparing whether there will be enough space for the second half;
  • if your height does not fall under the established standard of mattresses, it is more expedient to order it according to individual standards, in the price you will not lose much, but a comfortable stay is guaranteed.

Mattresses from Europe are not suitable for American-made products. The reason lies in different measurement systems. The ratio of length and widths in inches of 80x60 is transferred to our centimeters as 203.2x152.4. Therefore, purchasing a bed from the American manufacturer, the mattress is looking from there to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.