What are the characteristic features of the person. Characteristic features list list

The most frequently mentioned personal traits include: dominance, self-resistance, emotional balance, stress resistance, creativity, striving for achieving, enterprise, responsibility, reliability in the performance of task, independence, sociability. Let us dwell with more details on each of the listed features.

Dominacy Translated from English means "domination", "predominance", "influence". It is about dominance as the leader's desire to influence other people. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly remember the psychological side of the issue. Its influence should find an internal response from subordinates. Otherwise, the desire of the manager to dominate no more than on duty claims to power.

The next personal feature is called self confidence. In a difficult situation on such a person you can rely: it will support and protect. Such a leader provides certain psychological comfort and increases the motivation to fulfill the task. Subordinates, as a rule, feel very well the state of the leader, and the latter, no matter how the circumstances are, should, at least externally, to keep themselves quite calm and confidently.

Let us dwell on two kindred personalities - emotional balance and stress resistance. Emotional impassable can reduce human confidence in their power, and thus its business activity. But after all, the head of a living person. The constant suppression of negative emotional reactions, the containment of them in the public working environment are able to turn into a number of unpleasant consequences - non-believe and developing on them with psychosomatic diseases. Therefore, attention is worthy of attention related to the search for the head of emotional discharge funds. The means of discharge should be sought in the personnel leisure structure, the forms of which are extremely diverse.

With emotional balance, the stress resistance of the person is quite closely neighing. Stress is an overvoltage that reduces the vital activity, disorganizing behavior, weakening attempts to achieve the goal. All the complexity of stress is that the voltage level, which is favorable for effective vital activity of one of us, completely intolerable others. Different people are required for happiness different degrees of stress.

Another feature trait - creativity. Translated means "the ability to creative solving tasks." The ability of the head to see elements of novelty, creativity in the activities of other people, support their undertakings.

The following two personal characteristics - the desire to achieve and enterprise.In close connection with them there is a tendency to risk.

In the desire to achieve, the fundamental human need for achieving the goal is reflected. Such people are most preferred situations in which it is possible to take responsibility in solving the problem. They set themselves quite moderate goals, growing that the risk is largely calculated in advance and predict. People who have the need to achieve the goal want a specific feedback informing them about how successfully they cope with the task. Perhaps so they feel great in business life: it constantly creates situations with clear information about achieving success.

Now there are relatively two rather related personal characteristics - responsibility and reliabilityin performing the task.

We constantly feel the shortage of these human qualities in everyday life, Major Fruits of many years of depressing irresponsibility. Meanwhile, once in Russia, responsibility and reliability were business cards of entrepreneurs. Under honestly there were considerable deals, and God had not been violated the commitment taken: the defendant was waiting for big troubles, first of all, financially, they just stopped dealing with him.

A undoubtedly important personality feature that ensures the success of actions in various fields of life, including the decision-making, is independence. The main thing is that the leader has his point of view on emerging problems, his professional and human face and supported this property in subordinates. Outstanding entrepreneurs often encourage dissent in their companies, if it serves the social and economic health of the latter.

And finally, the last person in question here - sociability. There is no particular need to prove how important it is in any activity.

I would like to especially note such a personal quality of the leader as charisma. The charismatic impact of the person is built on the strength of personal qualities or the abilities of the leader. It is determined by the entry of other people to the leader. Charismatic influence - entirely personal. Here are some characteristics of the charismatic personality:

  • - Energy exchange. It seems that this personality radiates energy and charges it by the surrounding people;
  • - An impressive appearance. The charismatic leader is not necessarily beautiful, but attractive, possesses a good posture and is perfectly held;
  • - Independence of character . In his desire for well-being and respect, it does not rely on others;
  • - Good rhetorical abilities . He has the ability to speak and the ability to interpersonal communication.
  • - Perception of admiration for his personality . He feels comfortable when others express them admiration, not at all falling into the arrogance or selflessness;
  • - Decent and confident manner hold on. It looks assembled and owning the situation.

People more often experience the influence of those who have admiring character features and who is their ideal similar to which they would like to be.

We looked at a number of important personal traits. Of course, a person is not born with the finished set of these traits. All of them are a unique alloy, both the natural characteristics of a person and the socio-historical conditions of his life.

The main thing is that a person has a desire to self-improve, a distinct understanding of the need daily and hourly build their identity.

But the two presented roles (formal and informal) the structure of leadership is not exhausted. In the life of the team there are different situations and there may be so-called situational leaders in them - people who are able to negotiate the team on some time.

In addition, the team may consist of several microgroups, and they often have their own leaders. And they sometimes are able to have a significant impact on the life of the team, especially in cases where one or another group occupies a dominant position in the team.


Distinctive features of personality

So, what is the person, if you mean the specified limitations? Personality is a person taken in the system of such psychological characteristics, which are socially due, manifested in public relations and relationships, are stable, determine the moral actions of a person who are essential for him and others. Along with the concepts of "man", "Personality" in science, the terms "Individual", "Individuality" are often used. Their difference from the concept of "personality" is as follows.

If the concept of "man" includes a combination of all human qualities inherent in people, regardless of whether they are present or there is no particular person, the concept of "individual" characterizes it precisely and additionally includes such psychological and biological properties that, along with personal Also inherent in him. In addition, the concept of "individual" includes qualities that distinguish this person from other people and common properties for him and many other people.

Individuality is the most narrow concept of content from all discussed. It contains only those individuals and personal properties of a person, such a combination, which this person is distinguished from other people.

Consider the personality structure. It usually includes abilities, temperament, character, volitional qualities, emotions, motivation, social installations.

Abilities are understood as individually sustainable human properties that define its successes in various activities.

Temperament includes qualities on which the human response depend on other people and social circumstances.

Character contains qualities that determine the acts of a person with respect to other people.

Village qualities cover several special personal properties that affect the desire of a person to achieve their goals.

Emotions and motivation are, respectively, experiences and encouraging activities.

Social settings - convictions and relationships of people.

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Personality features (property properties, personality features) - features and characteristics of a person describing its internal (and even more precisely - deep) features. What you need to know about the peculiarities of his behavior, communication and response to certain situations is not specifically now, but with long-term contacts with a person.

Personality features include deep features that have both biological and social nature, and defining more superficial, situational manifestations.

Good faith, as a personal trait, in a particular situation will show itself as readiness to bring the case to the end.

Positive features are often called: personal qualities.

What features of the individual can be counted for personal traits? It is easier to note that the personal features do not apply. Are not the features of the personality characteristics describing:

  1. Subjective attitude towards personality (unusual, amazing, unpleasant).
  2. Physical qualities of a person (clever, beautiful).
  3. Social characteristics and "titles" (experienced, wise, conversion, holy, enlightened).
  4. Temporary, not sustainable state of a person, such as situational (tired) or mood-dependent (pouring or radiating happiness). In contrast to the position that you can quickly choose, the personality does not change promptly. Personal feature is a constant circumstance with which you can only reckon, use or overcome. Approximately as the weather outside the window: We can't change it, but if it rains there, we can take an umbrella and go where it is necessary.

Is it possible to bring a complete list of personality traits? - Create a complete, "correct" list of personality features is impossible: on the one hand, it is endlessly (limited only by the capabilities of the language and fantasy of its owner), on the other hand, this list is created under the specific needs of a particular study and therefore always arbitrarily.

Trying to achieve a comprehensive description of the personality, R. Kettell began from the collection of all the names of the personality properties, found either in the dictionaries of the type of Olborp and X. Odber, or in psychiatric and psychological literature. The list of titles (4500 characteristics) due to the unification of obvious synonyms was reduced to 171 personality properties.

Further, is some situational feature of her chosen position or a stable feature, not always possible. Position, this, this is a person chosen a certain way of thinking and relationships, then the features of personality are stable features of the person. In contrast to the position that you can quickly choose, the personality does not change promptly.

If a person behaves like a victim, is his feature or situational choice? To answer such a question, you need to watch a person in different situations. Many of the features of the person can simultaneously attribute to the traits, and to the position, while noting the "promotion" of one or another, characteristic of a certain culture of this time. For example, today is more often a position, rather than the personal feature of an adult. A little about whom we can definitely say that it is inherent in a stable characteristic to always take care of himself and always only at its own expense. More often a person in one way or another is promptly choosing such a way of life, and in another situation he can take another solution. However, we can talk about the fact that part of people adhere to the position of the consumer, making a conscious choice and making it already with their stable habit. And in this sense, a personality feature.

The most common list of personality features used in classical psychological tests: MMPI, kettell test and others. According to the kettel, it is primarily: "closedness - sociability", intelligence, "emotional instability - emotional stability", "subordination - dominance", "Restraint - expressiveness", "Low behavior regulatory is a high normativeness of behavior", "timidity - courage "," Stiffness - sensitivity "," CAN "SUSTAINMENT", "PRACTICALITY - DREATURE", "PRESIDENT - Diplomacy", "Calm is anxiety", "Conservatism - radicalism", "Conformism - Nonkonformism", "Low Self Control - High Self Control "," Relaxity - tension "," Adequate self-esteem is inadequate self-esteem "(primary test factors), as well as" anxiety "," Extraversion - introversion "," sensitivity "and" conformity "(secondary test factors).

It seems that a list of actual personalities in life is easy to continue: this is an adequacy, suggestibility, fancy, sincerity, perfectionism, restraint and many others.

Make a slender personality feature system is difficult primarily due to the fact that the features of individuals are associated with each other not only linearly, but also hierarchically. For example, such behavioral habits, like "nodes", "Cooker" and "Flashing Eyes" are components of the skill to submit hearing signs - the skills and habits of a higher level. In turn, the signs of the hearing together with adjustments by body, adjustments in the dictionary are components of the ability to listen. In turn, the ability to listen to together the ability to speak with clear theses, the skill of operating with facts and specifics and habit of summing up the components of thoughtful communication, which in turn is part of effective communication. Effective communication is included as an element, in effective leadership, and so on.

From the point of view of the needs of the practice, the list of personalities can be significantly narrowed by highlighting the root, fundamental, actually personality features. Such is considered to be

Character (Greek - sign, distinctive feature, distinctive feature, feature, sign or printing) - Structure of persistent, relatively permanent mental properties that determine the features of relationships and behavior of the individual.

When they talk about the character, it is usually implied by such a set of properties and personal qualities, which impose a certain seal on all its manifestations and acts. Character traits make up the essential properties of a person who determine one or another image of behavior, lifestyle. Collective statics determines the type of nervous activity, and its dynamics - the environment.

Character is understood as:

  • system of stable motives and methods of behavior forming behavioral type of personality;
  • measure of equilibrium internal and external worlds, features of the adaptation of an individual to the surrounding reality;
  • a distinct certainty of the typical behavior of each person.

In the system of personality relations, four groups of character traits are distinguished symptom complex:

  • the attitude of a person to other people, a team, society (sociability, sensitivity and responsiveness, respect for other people, collectivism and the opposite features - closedness, worn, dear, rudeness, contempt for people, individualism);
  • the features showing the attitude of a person to work, their work (hard work, a tendency to creativity, conscientiousness in work, responsible attitude to the case, initiative, perseverance and opposite features - laziness, a tendency to routine work, unscrupulousness, irresponsible attitude to business, passivity) ;
  • the features showing how a person belongs to itself (a sense of self-esteem, properly understood pride and the self-critical, modesty and the opposite features - self-conceit, sometimes turning into arrogance, vanity, arrogance, susceptibility, shyness, egocentrism as a tendency to consider in Center of Events
  • yourself and their experiences, egoism - a tendency to take care of her personal favor;
  • the features characterizing the attitude of a person to things (accuracy or slope, careful or negligent handling of things).

One of the most famous theories of character is the theory proposed by the German psychologist E. Krechmera. According to this theory, the nature depends on the physique.

Krechmer described three types of physique and the corresponding three types of character:

ASTENIKI (from Greek. - weak) - Thought people, with an elongated face. long hands and legs, flat (ore cell and weak muscles. The appropriate type of character - schizotic - People are closed, serious, stubborn, difficult to adapt to new conditions. With psyche disorders are prone to schizophrenia;

Athletics (from Greek. - peculiar to fighters) - People are high, broadcaster, with a powerful chest, strong skeleton and developed muscles. Appropriate character type - xotimiki - People are calm, unprepaid, practical, power, restrained in gestures and facial expressions; Do not love change and adapt badly to them. In the disorders of the psyche prone to epilepsy;

Picnic (from Greek. - dense. fat) - People of medium height, complete or prone to obesity, with a short neck, a big head and a wide face with small features. Suitable TIN character - cyclotimics - People sociable, contact, emotional, easily adapted to new conditions. With psyche disorders are prone to manic-depressive psychosis.

The general concept of the nature and its manifestations

In the concept character (from Greek. Сharacter - "Print", "Chacking"), means a set of sustainable individual characteristics, developing and manifested in activities and communication, causeing common behavioral methods typical.

When the character of a person is determined, they say that such a person showed courage, truthfulness, frankness, that this is a brave person, truthful, frank, i.e. These qualities are the properties of this person, the features of its character, which can manifest themselves under the relevant circumstances. Knowledge of human character Allows you to foresee and thereby correct the expected actions and actions. About a person with character is not rarely spoken: "He had to do this, he could not do otherwise - he had such a character."

However, not all human features can be considered characteristic, but only significant and stable. If a person, for example, is not polite enough in a stressful situation, then this does not mean that rudeness and incontinence is the property of its character. Sometimes, even very funny people can feel the feeling of sadness, but they will not be whisimists and pessimists.

Speaking as a lifetime person the character is determined and formed throughout the human life. Lifestyle includes the image of thoughts, feelings, motivations, actions in their unity. Therefore, as a certain lifestyle is formed, a person himself is formed. Public conditions and specific life circumstances are played by a major role in which the human life path is based on its natural properties and as a result of his acts and deeds. However, directly formation of character occurs in various levels of group development (friendly company, class, sports team, etc.). Depending on which group is for the identity of the reference and what values \u200b\u200bsupports and cultivates in its environment, the corresponding character traits will develop from its members. Character features will also depend on the position of the individual in the group, from how integrates in it. The team as a group of high-level development creates the most favorable opportunities for becoming better character traits. This process is mutual, and thanks to the development of personality, the team itself develops.

Character contentreflecting social impacts, influence, is the vital orientation of the individual, i.e. Its material and spiritual needs, interests, beliefs, ideals, etc. The orientation of the individual determines the goals, the human life plan, the degree of its life activity. The character of a person involves the presence of something significant for him in the world, in life, something, from which the motives of his actions, the goal of his actions, the tasks that he puts himself.

Decisive for understanding of character is the relationship between socially and personally significant for humans. Each society has its most important and essential tasks. It is for them that the character of people is formed and checked. Therefore, the concept of "character" refers to a greater extent to the attitude of these objectively existing tasks. Therefore, character is not just any manifestation of hardness, perseverance, etc. (Formal perseverance can be simply stubborn), but the focus on socially significant activities. It is the focus of the individual underlies the unity, integrity, nature of character. Possessing the objectives of life is the main condition for education. The abattrate person is characteristic of the lack of or scattering goals. However, the nature and director of the individual is not the same thing. Good-natured and cheerful can be both a decent, highly moral person and a person with low, unclean thoughts. The direction of the individual imposes an imprint on all human behavior. And although the behavior is determined not by one prompting, but a holistic system of relations, in this system always put forward something to the fore, dominating in it, giving the character of a person a kind of flavor.

In the resulting character, the leading component is a conviction system. Conviction determines the long-term focus of human behavior, his inflexibility in achieving their goals, confidence in the justice and importance of the case he performs. Features of character are closely related to the interests of a person, provided that these interests are stable and deep. The superficiality and instability of interest are often conjugated with a large imitation, with a lack of independence and integrity of a person. And, on the contrary, the depth and content of interests indicate the focus, personality perseverance. The similarities of interest does not imply similar characteristics of character. So, among the rationalizers, people can find people of merry and sad, modest and obsessive, egoists and altruists.

Indicative to understanding of the character may also be affection and interests of a person associated with its leisure. They reveal new features, the face of character: for example, L. N. Tolstoy was fond of playing chess, I. P. Pavlov - towns, D. I. Mendeleev - reading adventure novels. A person dominates spiritual and material needs and interests, they define not only the thoughts and senses of personality, but also the focus of its activities. No less important is the compliance of human actions to go to goals, since the personality is characterized not only by what it does, but also how it does. Integrity, it is possible to understand only as a certain unity of the direction and image of actions.

People with similar orientation can go completely different ways to achieve goals and using their own, special, techniques and methods for this. This nobility determines the specific characteristics of the personality. Character features, possessing a certain encouraging force, are clearly manifested in the situation of the choice of actions or ways of behavior. From this point of view, as a trait of nature, it is possible to consider the degree of severity in the Individuation of the Motivation of Achievement - its need to achieve success. Depending on this, some people are characterized by choosing actions that ensure success (manifestation of initiative, competitive activity, striving for risk, etc.), while for others more characteristic desire to simply avoid failures (deviation from risk and responsibility, avoiding manifestations of activity, initiatives, etc.).

Teaching about the character - character He has a long history of its development. The most important problems of characterology over the centuries was to establish the types of character and their definition on its manifestations in order to predict the behavior of a person in various situations. Since the character is a lifetime education of the individual, most of its existing classifications proceed from the grounds that are external, indirect identity factors.

One of the most ancient attempts to predict human behavior is an explanation of his birthday character. A variety of ways of predicting the fate and character of a person received the name of horoscopes.

At least, attempts are popular, to associate the character of a person, with his name.

Significant impact on the development of characterology physiognomy (From Greek. Physis - "Nature", Gnomon - "Knowing") - the doctrine of the connection between the external appearance of a person and his belonging to a certain type of personality, so that the psychological characteristics of this type can be established on the external signs.

No less famous and rich history than the physiognomic direction in characterology, has a chiromantia. Palmistry (from Greek. Cheir - "Hand" and Manteia - "Divination", "Prophecy") - a system of prediction of the character of a person and his fate in the skin of the palm.

Until recently, scientific psychology invariably rejected the chiromantia, but the study of the embryonic development of the fingertip patterns due to heredity gave impetus to the emergence of the new branch of knowledge - dermatoglyphika.

More valuable, in the diagnostic relations compared, say, with physiognomy can be considered a graphology - science, which considers the hand writing as a kind of expressive movements reflecting the psychological properties of the writing.

At the same time, unity, the multi-faceted nature does not exclude the fact that in various situations the same person show various and even opposite properties. A person can be at the same time very gentle and very demanding, soft and compliant and at the same time solid to adamance. And the unity of his character can not only be maintained, despite this, but it is in this and manifest.

Relationship of character and temperament

Character It is often compared with, and in some cases and replace these concepts with each other.

In science among the dominant views on the relationship between the nature and temperament, you can highlight four main:

  • identification of character and temperament (E. Krechmer, A. Ruzhitsky);
  • opposition of character and temperament, underscores of antogonism between them (P. Viktorv, V. Vienius);
  • recognition of temperament by element of character, its core, the unchanged part (S. L. Rubinstein, S. Gorodetsky);
  • recognition of the temperature of the natural basis of character (L. S. Vygotsky, B. G. Ananeyev).

Based on the materialistic understanding of human phenomena, it should be noted that the relationship between the physiological characteristics of a person is common to the character and temperament, and above all on the type of nervous system. The formation of the character significantly depends on the properties of temperament, more closely associated with the properties of the nervous system. In addition, character traits occur when temperament is already enough. The nature is developing on the basis of temperament. The temperament determines in the nature such features as balanced or impassable behavior, ease or difficulty in entering a new situation, mobility or inertness of the reaction, etc. However, the temperament does not predetermine the character. People with the same temperament properties can be a completely different character. Features of temperament can contribute or counteract the formation of certain character traits. So, the melancholic is harder to form courage and determination than choler. Choleric is more difficult to develop restraint, phlegmatic; Phlegmatics need to spend more forces to become sociable than a sanguine, etc.

However, as B. G. Ananyyev believed, if the upbringing consisted only in improving and strengthening natural properties, it would lead to the monstrous homogeneity of development. The properties of temperament can to some extent even come in contradiction with character. At P. I. Tchaikovsky, the tendency to melancholyachy experiences was overcome by one of the main features of its character - its performance. "It's always necessary to work," he said, "and every honest artist can not sit, folded hands, under the pretext that he is not located .. If you wait for the location and do not try to go to meet him, you can easily go to laziness and apathy. . It rarely happen to me very rarely. I attribute it to what is gifted by patience, and teach myself to never succumb to reluctance. I learned to win myself. "

A person with an formed character, the temperature ceases to be an independent form of personality manifestation, but becomes its dynamic side, concluding in a certain rate of mental processes and manifestations of the personality, a certain characteristic of expressive movements and personality actions. Here it should also be noted the influence on the formation of the nature of the dynamic stereotype, i.e. The system of conditional reflexes that form in response to a steadily repeated system of stimuli. The formation of dynamic stereotypes in a person in various repetitive situations affects its attitude towards the situation, as a result of which the excitation, braking, mobility of nerve processes may vary, and, consequently, the general functional state of the nervous system. It is also necessary to note the decisive role in the formation of dynamic stereotypes of the second signaling system through which social impact is carried out.

Ultimately, temperament features and character are organically connected and interact with each other in a single, holistic appearance of a person, forming an inseparable alloy - the integral characteristics of its individuality.

The character for a long time was identified with the Will of Man, the expression "man with character" was considered as a synonym for the expression "Volve Man". The will is connected, by the advantage, with a force of character, its hardness, determination, perseverance. When they say that a person has a strong character, then it would be like to emphasize his dedication, his volitional qualities. In this sense, the character of a person is best manifested in overcoming difficulties, in the struggle, i.e. In those conditions where the Will of Man is mostly manifested. But the character is not exhausted by force, it has content, determining how the will will function in different conditions. On the one hand, in the volitional actions, the character develops and in them it is manifested: the volitional deeds in the situation meaningful for the personality go to the character of a person, consolidating in it as relatively sustainable properties; These properties, in turn, determine the behavior of a person, his volitional deeds. The volitional character is characterized by certainty, constancy and independence, hardness in the implementation of the intended purpose. On the other hand, there are no cases when the weak man was called "inactive." From the point of view of psychology, this is not quite so - and in a haired person there are certain features of nature, such as childhood, indecision, etc. The use of the concept "inactive" means the unpredictability of human behavior, indicates the absence of its own or inner rod, which would define his behavior. Its actions are caused by external influences and do not depend on it.

The originality of the character affects the features of human feelings. K. D. Ushinsky pointed to this: "None, no words, nor thoughts, nor even actions are expressed so clearly and rightly us and our attitude to the world, like our feelings: in them is not a certain thought, not A separate decision, and the whole content of our soul and its building. " The relationship between the feelings and properties of the character of a person is also mutual. On the one hand, the level of development of moral, aesthetic, intellectual feelings depends on the nature of human activity and communication and from the character traits formed on this basis. On the other hand, these feelings themselves become characteristic, sustainable personality features, thus, in this way, the character of a person. The level of development of a sense of debt, sense of humor and other complex feelings is a rather indicative characteristic of a person.

Especially important for characteristic manifestations has the relationship of intellectual features. Depth and sharpness of thought, the unusualness of the question and its decisions, the intellectual initiative, confidence and independence of thinking - all this is the originality of the mind as one of the parties. However, how a person uses his mental abilities will significantly depend on nature. Often there are people who have high intellectual data, but do not give anything valuable precisely because of their own character characteristics. An example of this is numerous literary images of superfluous people (Pechorin, Rudin, Lestes, etc.). As I. S. Turgenev said well, the mouth of one of the actors of the novel about Rudine: "The genius in it, perhaps, is, but there is no nature." Thus, real achievements of a person do not depend on some abstract mental abilities, but from a specific combination of its characteristics and characteristic properties.

Character structure

In generality all character traits can be divided into basic leadingdefining the general focus of the development of the entire complex of its manifestations, and secondary, determined by the main. So, if you consider such features like indecision, fearness and altruism, then with the predominance of the first person, first of all, constantly fears, "no matter what happened" and all attempts to help the neighbor usually ends with internal experiences, and the search for justification. If the lead is the second line - altruism, then the man does not show oscillations outwardly by anything, immediately goes to the rescue, controlling his behavior of intelligence, but sometimes it may sometimes be doubted about the correctness of the actions taken.

Knowledge of leading traits Allows you to reflect the basic essence of character, show its main manifestations. Writers, artists, wanting an idea of \u200b\u200bthe character of the hero, first of all describe its leading, rod features. So, A. S. Pushkin invested in the mouth of Vorotnsky (in the tragedy "Boris Godunov") an exhaustive characteristic of the Shuisky - "Luchny Troadtorets". Some heroes of literary works are so deeply and correctly reflect certain typical features of the character that their names are becoming nominal (xles, bugs, manilas, etc.).

Although every trait of character reflects one of the manifestations of a person's attitude to reality, this does not mean that every attitude will be a character line. Only some relationships depending on the conditions become features. From the whole set of personality relations to the surrounding reality, the characteristics of the form of relations should be highlighted. The most important distinctive feature of such relationships is a decisive, paramount and general vitality of those objects to which a person belongs. This relationship simultaneously acts as the basis for the classification of the most important character traits.

The character of a person is manifested in the system of relations:

  • In relation to other people (in this case, such traits of nature can be distinguished as sociability - closedness, truthfulness - falseness, tactfulness - rudeness, etc.).
  • In relation to the case (responsibility - unscrupulousness, diligence - tape, etc.).
  • In relation to yourself (modesty - narcissism, self-criticality - self-confidence, pride is governing, etc.).
  • In relation to the property (generosity - greed, thrift - waste, accuracy - slope, etc.). It should be noted a certain conventionality of this classification and the close relationship, the interpenetration of the specified aspects of relations. So, for example, if a person exhibits rudeness, this concerns his relationship to people; But if he works as a teacher, here it is already necessary to talk about its attitude to business (unscrupiance), about the attitude towards himself (narcissism).

Despite the fact that these relationships are the most important in terms of the formation of a character, they are not at the same time not immediately become traits. There is a well-known sequence in the transition of these relationships in character properties, and in this sense can not be put in one row, admit, attitude to other people and attitudes towards property, since the content itself performs a different role in the real life of the person. A determining role in the formation of a character is played by the attitude of a person to society, to people. The character of a person cannot be disclosed and understood outside the team, without taking into account his attachments in the form of a partnership, friendship, love.

In the structure of the character, it is possible to distinguish features common to a specific group of people. Even at the most original person, you can find some kind of feature (for example, the unusualness, unpredictability of behavior), the possession of which allows him to attribute it to the group of people with similar behavior. In this case, it should be said about typical in character. N. D. Levites believes that the type of character is a specific expression in the individual character of the features common to some group of people. Indeed, as noted, the nature is not congenital, - it is formed in the life and activities of a person as a representative of a certain group, a certain society. Therefore, the character of a person is always a product of society than explains the similarity and difference in the characters of people belonging to various groups.

Individually reflects diverse typical features: national, professional, age. Thus, people of one nationality are in the living conditions of life for many generations, experience the specific features of national life; Develop the influence of the current national structure, language. Therefore, people of one nationality in terms of lifestyle, in habits, rights, character differ from the other people. These typical features are often fixed by the everyday consciousness in various installations and stereotypes. Most people have a formed image of a representative of a country: American, Scots, Italian, Chinese, etc.

The characteristic of the student in the draft board is a certificate containing a description of the characteristic and distinctive features and qualities of a teenager and reflecting the opinion of the educational institution about him. This document is needed in the case when the need to give an assessment of the young man and establish the rules of the authorities. It is from the content of the characteristic that depends largely, there will be a conscript to serve in the army or not. Therefore, the characteristics of the personality personality specified in this document should be stated clearly and reliably.

Document for the military commissar

Along with other standard documents, the characteristic is attached to the personal matter of the conscript. After a thorough study by a psychotherapist during draft activities, depending on its content, the decision is made about what types of troops are a customer's conscript.

The characteristic from the place of study for the military registration and enlistment office is important in that it contains an assessment of social activity, the initiative and behavior of the young man in society. Such documents play a far from the last role, therefore, the social and mental nuances of the personality should be specified here. Equally important are the data on student performance.

Specific value value

However, this is only in theory, in practice, the characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office is a purely formal character from the place of study. Most often, its contents take into account when it comes to distribution to elite types of troops. In this case, representatives of the Commissariat consider the psychological portrait of a young man. If the information specified in this document is negative, the conscript is unlikely to come to the service in airborne, uniforms of marine infantry or the presidential regiment.

Psychologists of the military commissariat carefully examine the nature of the conscript and, in the event of his wishes to get into an alternative civil service. Since the pacifist attitude of a young person is difficult to confirm documented, the characteristic becomes the main document confirming or refuting the moral mood of the conscript.

Who can give a personal assessment

The characteristic of the draft community to the student from the school can be represented in two kinds: ordinary or psychological. The first option is a must evidence. She writes a cool leader. In this case, the characteristic will contain the main items that will tell about the student's family, about its academic performance, intellectual development, the social status occupying in the classroom, the level of self-assessment and major psychological qualities. Thus, the pedagogical certificate should contain full and capacious information about the young man.

From the highest or secondary professional educational institution for the military registration and enlistment office, the characteristics of the personality of the student (student) records an official - an employee of the dean.

Psychological characteristic

Sometimes the psychological characteristic is requested at the request of the competent services. In addition to general information about the recruitment, this document must contain paragraphs describing the psychological features of the young man. In this case, the characteristics of the student for the military registration and enlistment office describes a psychologist.

However, before characterizing a young man, a whole range of research is required to make the most fully identifying its main features. In addition to the results, you will need to describe and the methods used to study and test the student. An important value will have a description of the behavior of the young man when conducting tests.

Form of document

The characteristic does not have any strict form of filling, however, during its design, specific rules and items that must be specified are taken into account. A similar assessment is written in a free hand-style or in princess.

Document structure

The rules for writing the characteristics to the student in the draft board are mainly consisted of certain generally accepted wording. The structure of the evidence determining the main features of the character of the young man should include:

  • A block with personal information, which indicates F. I. O. Pupil, date of birth, address of residence, place of study, year of receipt in an educational institution.
  • A block containing information about the composition of the family, material situation and intra-family relationships. Here are the next relatives.
  • A block describing the psychological portrait of a young man who includes information on its moral qualities and behavioral standards.
  • A block informing about behavior at the site of study and relationships with classmates and classmates. It is indicated by the average exploration score, the level of physical training and possession of foreign languages.
  • Successes and achievements in the course of study. Participation in the public life of the educational institution.
  • Hobbies of a young man, his habit.

The characteristic features of the student's personality for the military enlistment office should not only contain good qualities of the conscript, but also to indicate its disadvantages. Information should be made in a responsible person if the young man has drives to the police station, conflicts and inconsistencies to mood change, outbreaks of anger or depression. Despite the fact that many samples of the characteristics in the draft board do not contain this item, it is impossible to miss it in any case.

The importance of accurate information

Significant and complete information about the personal qualities of the conscript will help avoid unwanted situations. Timely informing of the employees of the Military Commissariat on the features of the character of the young man warns the occurrence of possible conflicts during the service.

Specificity of writing a common psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student

Some descriptions of the examples of the characteristics of the student's characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office, except for generally accepted items and blocks, may contain detailed information on deviations in the development or violation of motility in physical or cognitive activity and speech features. In points characterizing the mental abilities of the student, it will be necessary to reflect information about the characteristics of the ability to analyze and synthesize information obtained by visual and auditory perception.

The emotional-volitional scope of the student may be characterized here: sensitivity, prevailing moods, the level of psycho-emotional excitability, the presence of outbreaks of anger, subordination, suggestibility. Also, if there is, the pathological attractions of the young man are indicated.

When describing the characteristic features of the student, the teacher's teacher is entitled to draw conclusions about the identity of the individual. It is obliged to indicate the main interests, the criteria of self-assessment and responsibility of the student. The tasks of the responsible person finds an assessment of the behavior of the norms and rules of the student's behavior in society, to determine the place and role in the team, indicate the level of social adaptation of the young man and relationship with others.

In the characteristic component, the responsible person is entitled to reflect his own conclusions about the student or indicate the general opinion of the pedagogical composition.

Sample Characteristics of the student in a military registration and enlistment office

Characteristic to the student 11 "b" class

MBOU "Gymnasium number 5"

g. Barnaul, Altai Territory

Petrova Vladislav Fedorovich

Petrov Vladislav Fedorovich 1990. It is a student of the MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5" since 2008 currently completes training in the 11th grade.

The level of physical training is high. Healthy, physical training group is the main one. Alcohol and drugs do not use. Tobacocoine has a negative attitude. There were no drives to the police.

Growth - 172 cm, weight - 70 kg. Physical development complies with age standards.

Family composition:

  • Mother works as a chef in a school canteen, education - secondary special.
  • Father works technologist at the woodworking enterprise, education is higher.
  • Brother is studying in the 6th grade.
  • Father's line has a grandparents along the mother's line.

Live in their own home, housing conditions are good.

The family refers to the average level of material wealth.

Family relationships are warm, trusted. At home, the schoolboy belongs to care and understanding, control the observance of school discipline and the level of progress. In turn, a schoolboy with respect relates to loved ones. Special credibility he enjoys father.

During the study at school, the young man showed himself from a positive side. The pedagogical composition characterizes it as a responsible, hardworking and conscientious student. Disciplined, modest, independent, sociable and friendly relative to peers. Own opinion is able to defend.

The main subjects of the curriculum has the estimates of "good" and "excellent." Medium Operation Point - 4.1

By character - calm, balanced, seeks to prevent conflict situations. When conflict appears, it tries to compromise. There are many friends, comrades enjoys authority. Always ready to help classmates and maintain in a difficult moment.

Active participant in public and sports activities of the educational institution. School orders seek to fulfill with full return. From the second class it is engaged in athletics and periodically occupies prizes in district, urban and regional sports events.

Date - 01/15/2018

Director - Cherepanova Galina Petrovna

Cool leader - Frolova Irina Viktorovna


The characteristic for the military office from the place of study is a kind of resume. Therefore, to determine the main characterizing qualities and personal assessment, it is necessary to approach specially liable. After all, because the facts, not only the effective distribution in certain troops, but also the likelihood of conflict situations during military service depends, depends not only.