Which thickness to use a substrate for laminate. Substrate for laminate (cork, conifer and others)

The selection of the substrate for the laminated floor is the stage that very little attention is paid at the time when it really needs to take care. What do you know about the thickness of the substrate under laminate? What should she be?

Often thick such a question leads to a stupor. Some do not know what to say. Others are guided only by the basic principles: for lamellas 7 mm thick substrate 2 mm, for 8-9 mm - 3 mm, 10 and more - 4 - 10 mm. These are very standard indicators, and they should not be taken seriously. Let us try to figure it out in more detail in the question, what should be the thickness of the substrate under the laminate.

Choosing a thickness of the substrate

Rule 1. The optimal thickness should be from 2 to 5 mm. It is also very important to take into account the material, strength, the thickness of the lamellae, as well as the curvature of the draft base;

Rule 2. If you choose a cork, buy sheets of 2-3 mm. Is your choice of polyethylene foam? Take a look at 5 mm samples, because with time the material strongly sends, which is reflected in the quality of all the flooring and the period of operation.

Rule 3. A thicker layer is used in rooms where additional heat and sound insulation are necessary.

! Never laid the material in several layers with the goal. The fact is that such a soft flooring will lead to an increase in bending in the lamella. Every time you step on the floor, the load will increase, and the comb can break.

What should be the substrate for the best sound insulation properties? Many argue that the thicker, the better. In truth, putting more than standard sizes is not recommended. More elastic material will be compressed at any pressure. Suppose that the pervolored height difference is about 2-3 mm per square meter, then the general backlash can reach a mark of 3-4 mm. This is the limit value, taking into account the side junctions of the floor. By increasing the size, you increase the risks of the bums of the joints.

But, it all depends not only on technical indicators, and from the material:

  • Foamed polyethylene and isolon. These are the cheapest interlocks. They are not afraid of moisture, and also endowed with sound insulation properties. At the same time, they are quite simple to mount and easily. Here the thickness does not affect the properties;
  • polystyrene. It is created using aluminum foil. The cost of the layer is very high, but the benefits of mass. In addition, the coating fills the entire space between the draft base and lamellas, not moisture, neither mold;
  • bung. This option is not pressed at all. Such a layer has only a positive effect on the sound and thermal insulation of the entire room.

So, the substrate for a 2 mm laminate is the so-called required minimumwhich is capable of compensating only the most minor irregularities of the draft base within 2 mm x 2 mm.

As a rule, this is a foamed option, in the structure of which sealed air chambers, providing excellent moisture resistance, as well as fairly tolerant sound and thermal insulation.

Such interlayers are very popular because of their cheapness. The advantages should also be attributed to the fact that they are not infected with nutritional nor bacteria, but also do not provide special interest in insect or rodents. But, it is worth noting the negative side: the sheets are poorly preserved the form, spread over time and fear of ultraviolet radiation.

! In some cases, such a material is also equipped with a layer of aluminum foil or protective metallized film.

If you are looking for a really reliable 2 mm layer, pay attention to the Silent System substrate from the Norwegian company Aloc. It is characterized by elevated sound insulation properties, a dense surface and a porous structure. Recently, the Norwegian firm Alloc began to produce laminate with an already glued substrate (Original, Original Trend and Domestic).

The most optimal option is a substrate for a laminate of 3 mm. She immediately solves several main tasks:

  1. Finally smoothes irregularities;
  2. becomes a shock absorber between the coating and the screed;
  3. has the shock noise that occur when walking.

Under such a layer, it is necessary to additionally lay a polyethylene film (0.2 mm).

Isoplaat is considered a good example of such a layer. The material has a high mechanical strength, it is due to it that it maintains pressure to 20 t / sq. M. At the junctions. At the same time, due to porosity, it is light and rather soft, which means that any defects smoothes quickly.

If the board is sufficiently dense and thick (8-10 mm), then substrate for laminate 10 mm Use as an embodiment of surface irregularities, because the exposure to the load at the point of the gap can lead to a breakdown of locks.

In truth, the last option is practically not used, since it does not justify yourself. But, in the case of installation in a room with low passability, its use is very helped.

And the last one should not think that the thickness can save all the flooring or hide all the flaws. For a while - yes, but not forever.

The thickness of the substrate under laminate: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 mm. What should be the thickness of the substrate?

4.8 (95%)
Voted 4.

Laminate as an outdoor coating in modern interiors is used everywhere. The reason for the practicality of this material and the optimal price-quality ratio. In order for such a floor to serve for many years and did not deliver any trouble to the owners, it is important to choose the right to choose the floor material, and the substrate for it.

Why need a substrate

The appointment of the substrate for laminate is determined by those functions that it performs:

  • Laminate is sensitive even to the minimal irregularities of the roughing. If there is a "backlash" even in 2 mm, the material begins to "walk", the slots are formed on the place of the joints, the locking of locks is weakened. For example, even a new concrete screed can have small differences in the surface level. Therefore, the main function of the substrate under laminate is the level alignment in order to prevent oscillations under the influence of the load.
  • When laying a laminate, a floating method is used, the material is not attached to the base. In combination with an elastic solid surface, a peculiar sound membrane is formed. Under the influence of the load, such gender makes loud noise, unpleasant and masters, and neighbors. Properly chosen substrate extinguishes shock oscillations and eliminates unnecessary noise, performing an important function of sound insulation.

Help: In the manufacture of laminate 32 and 33 grade, a number of manufacturers use the technology of an integrated substrate. The noise insulating substrate is glued to the back of the sheets of laminate. Such material is easy to lay, however, its value is significantly higher than the usual material.

A qualitatively selected substrate for laminate saves from a number of problems.
  • The substrate performs the function of thermal insulation. Laminate itself is a heat insulating material, and in combination with the substrate, the ability to retain heat increases. In this regard, the owner of the dwelling can not be conceived of other methods of thermal insulation. On the other hand, when using such a coating, it is impractical to use the "Warm floor" system, since the efficiency of heating elements can be reduced to zero.
  • The waterproofing function performed by the substrate is associated with the need to neutralize the negative impact of humidity. Laminate is made of wood dust, it has the ability to easily absorb even small amounts of moisture and deform under its impact. A competently chosen substrate protects the lower surface of the coating from high humidity, creating an optimal microclimate.


Depending on the material, manufacturing techniques, technical parameters, several types of substrates under laminate can be distinguished. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each, the home master will select the material that is optimal in the volume of the functions performed, price and quality.

  • One of the most popular substrate materials is foamed polyethylene, or isolon. This material has good waterproofing and thermal insulation properties, is not subject to infection with bacteria and fungi. Rodents and insects do not like him. Positive parties also include low cost and a small amount of waste remaining after laying. This material is also available with additional layers or in the form of a foil aluminum substrate, or in the form of a metallized film. These varieties increase the cost of the material slightly, but strengthen positive qualities. The material has a number of disadvantages: the material is not well preserved enough after deformation.

Polyethylene foamed most often used as a substrate
  • The following substrate material is the extruded polystyrene foam. It usually has two layers - the substrate in the form of a polystyrene plate, on which a layer of aluminum foil is fixed. This material is more resistant to the loads due to the elastic structure, well performs noise absorbing and moisture insulating functions. The positive parties include low cost. However, polystyrene foam is poorly rolled during styling and presses with significant loads.

The polystyrene foam substrate is more resistant to loads compared to isolon

Help: A number of manufacturers produce combined substrates using polyethylene and expanded polystyrene. This material is a kind of sandwich, in the middle of the layers of polyethylene, polystyrene balls are located. Such a composition has the advantages of both materials and devoid of their shortcomings.

  • The substrate from the technical cork is a material made from pressed oak bark. This environmentally friendly material is an excellent thermal insulator, not prone to deformation throughout the life and smoothes all the irregularities of the base. At height and sound insulation characteristics. However, the cork coating is sensitive to moisture and, when used, it is possible to form condensate on the lower surface of the laminate. The substrate from the tube in view of the high costs is impractical to use when laying the floor from cheap laminate.

Cork is an environmentally friendly material.
  • Bitumen-cork substrates have much better moisture insulating properties compared to traffic jams. They are made from craft-paper-processed by bitumen, the surface of which is covered with cork crumbs. Along with reliable moisture insulation, such substrates provide good air exchange. Disadvantages of such substrates are the same as the skils, and the main one is a high price.

Bituminous-cork substrate has high waterproofing properties
  • Relatively recently, another type of substrate appeared on the market - coniferous. It is made of natural needles by pressing, and the connector is coniferous resin. As a result, natural material is obtained. It is produced in the form of small tiles, has high strength, creates conditions for optimal air exchange. The material is heat-resistant, so it can be used with a warm floor system. The minuses include a property easid and for a long time to absorb foreign smells. In addition, in such an environmentally friendly material can easily start rodents, harmful insects and bacteria. The cost compared to synthetic substrates is also high. When using such a substrate, there is a risk of refusal warranty on the coating, since its thickness is from 4 to 7 mm.

The coniferous substrate is placed by diagonal rows

What to choose for an apartment and at home

Determined with the type of substrate, it is necessary to take into account the view of the room in which the floor is laid, the conditions of operation, the estimated maximum load and economic feasibility.

Rules for laying on the floor under laminate

Each type of substrate has the characteristics of the stacking. The general rule is a thorough preparation of the foundation. The surface should be carefully cleaned from the garbage and speakers. If the base is the concrete screed, and the substrate is not equipped with a waterproofing film, it is necessary to provide insulation with a polyethylene film. Wooden floors usually do not need additional waterproofing, but often have irregularities. You can get rid of them in different ways. For example, a parquet floor restored the missing elements and then cycled. If the floor level drops are large, they are eliminated by styling on top of the floor of plywood sheets. When the base is ready, proceed to laying the substrate. For cutting all types of substrates use a construction knife.

  • The insolent substrate is spread on the floor with a fathom on the walls. The overlap of the layer on the floor is not allowed. For the convenience of the canvas at the junctions are attached to the floor and with each other with the help of bilateral tape.
  • The polystyrene substrate is sold in sheets, which are laid out on the basis, in this case the overlap of sheets is also not allowed. Falloon on the wall is not produced, the sheets must lie close to the walls, but not to enter them. Other sheets are connected by construction tape. Some wizards for better waterproofing are recommended to use metallized tape.
  • Cork substrate sheets are located on the basis of without rehearse, while the distance to the walls within 10 mm is left to ensure moisture removal. The ends are joined with the help of construction scotch. Before this substrate is allowed to close at room temperature for adaptation to the coating.
  • The substrate made of coniferous material is produced in the form of a tile, which is steel on the floor at an angle of 45 ° to the walls. The first tiles are cut diagonally, and the laying begins on the far corner of the room. Tiles are joined ends and additional mounts do not require. On top of the laminate.

The use of a suitable substrate will provide a flooring from laminate multi-year service. At the same time, the disadvantages of this coverage are eliminated, which will significantly increase the conditions of comfort in any room.

The substrate, or lining, under the laminate is a thin material that closes the base base for the subsequent laying of the finish coating boards.

The substrate should ensure the execution of a number of tasks. The main functions of this material include:

  • alignment of concrete base;
  • ensuring the elasticity of sexual coating;
  • ensuring the soundproofing of sexual coating;
  • ensuring waterproofing;
  • ensuring thermal insulation.

The main tasks of the substrate device is the leveling of the base, ensuring elasticity and sound insulation. Requirements for heat and waterproofing are considered optional and are presented when flooring in rooms with certain characteristics.

Elimination of shortcomings of concrete base

The area of \u200b\u200bany, even the smallest size is impossible to be perfectly prepared for laminate flooring. On the surface of the screed, treated with a grinding machine, remain unevenness that prevent high-quality laying of lamellae.

If laying a laminate without using lining, all errors in the form of pits and tubercles will cause the formation of bending of the floor surface. To disrupt the integrity of the lamellas, 2-3 mm of deflection is enough. As a result, the floors begin to creak, and later the destruction of laminate boards locks occurs, which leads to the need to fully replace the sexual coating.

A to avoid the described problems will help the lining. It smoothes small irregularities of a concrete base and forms a single, level platform, which makes it possible to significantly extend the service life of the coating.

Elimination of flooring fluctuations when load

The floor is constant dynamic load when walking, as well as the sound effect of reflected waves.

Ensuring the damper (stunt) effect in this case is assigned to the substrate. It avoids the impact of sound oscillations and smoothes the voltage in the locks of the lamellae occurring when walking. As a result, the integrity of the coating is preserved.


The peculiarity of the concrete base is the strong sound-conducting of this material, and if the laminate is to be token without using the gasket, the sounds from the lower floor will take practically no encountered barriers. Laminate thickness of 8-12 mm is also not a serious barrier to penetrate noise.

Neighbors will be constantly dissatisfied with the increased hearing from the top floor. Only the use of lining will help avoid penetration of foreign sounds.


This function is required for the organization of sexual coating in the rooms located on the first floor or in areas with high humidity, and in most cases the waterproofing properties of the material when the base of the base under laminate is not important. To ensure waterproofs in standard rooms, it suffices to select PVC film under the substrate.

There are special types of lining with moisture-proof coating, it is such a material that is used in such conditions.

Heat insulation

Any coating for laminate, regardless of the manufacturing material, allows you to protect the sexual coating from heat loss. Such an obstacle will reflect thermal waves and will not allow to leave warmth through a concrete base.

When organizing warm floors, a special type of substrate will be required, which has a high thermal conductivity, otherwise the effectiveness of the warm floor will be low.

Types of substrates

The selection of the substrate for laminate depends on the characteristics of the room. Modern industry produces many lining varieties, and it is possible to choose the necessary material for specific operating conditions without problems.

Substrates are distinguished by three main parameters:

  • Form - substrates are rolled or leafy.
  • Material is made of natural or artificial raw materials.
  • The type of raw materials - most often released lining from: polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, penprovelene, plugs, bitumen-cork material, coniferous mixtures and in combination form.


The most affordable material for organizing lining for laminate. It is produced by foaming polyethylene and ultimately the material is obtained, which perfectly resists the destructive effects of microorganisms, has a high level of thermal insulation and hydraulic protection, and also perfectly revealed.

The disadvantages of polyethylene are weak sound insulation and low strength characteristics.

Polystyrene foam

Inexpensive material with all the necessary types of substrate under laminate: Aligns small irregularities of a concrete base, copes with high loads without changing the structure, extinguishes sound waves, can act as a waterproofing material. It is made of extruded polystyrene foam.


This material does not use wide demand due to its bubble structure. During operation, the bubbles are bursting, the integrity of the canvas is disturbed, which leads to the chains of the lamella lock.

It is more often used as a waterproofing material.


Natural material perfectly copes with all loads, has increased thermal insulation properties and protects the room from sound waves. The disadvantages include the high cost of cork substrate, so it is recommended to use this material at the flooring of expensive and durable laminate.


A bitumen layer and cork crumbs are applied on kraft paper. As a result, it turns out a durable material with an increased resistance to moisture.


For the production of a coniferous substrate use natural wood. This material has elevated sound insulation properties, well levels the surface of the screed, absorbs condensate, but, like cork, quite expensive.


It is produced by splicing three layers. The upper and lower layers are made of polyethylene, and intermediate - polystyrene. Such material is perfectly coping with high humidity, getting rid of moisture vapor through the porous structure of polystyrene foam.

Combined substrates have good flexibility, have a long service life, while maintaining the original shape, and well align the surface of the screed. The disadvantages include high cost and unwanted evaporation of polystyrene foam.

What kind of substrate to choose

The diversity of lining types puts a beginner builder in a dead end, but experienced finishers can easily determine which substrate to choose under the laminate based on the parameters and destination of the room in the apartment, as well as from the thickness of the customer's wallet.

Criteria for selection and requirements for material

In order to understand how to choose a substrate for a laminate, you need to decide on key selection criteria. General requirements include the following points:

  • the estimated service life of the coating;
  • acceptable corner of prices for material;
  • operational properties (resistance to aggressive environments);
  • the degree of environmental material.

Also pick up a lining for laminate on special criteria:

  • degree of moisture resistance;
  • thermal insulation level;
  • required coating thickness;
  • degree of sound insulation;
  • a variety (rolled or sheet material).

The best substrate for a laminate that is suitable for specific tasks, which in turn depends on the location of the apartment and the purpose of the room where the floor laying is being conducted.

To organize the coating of the first floor room, the substrate with increased thermal insulation properties will correctly use. The nursery is well suited a substrate with elevated sound insulation characteristics.

For floors with substantial (up to 3 mm), the drops are recommended to use thicker substrates. In private houses located in fairly wet areas, in addition to the standard floorproofing floor, use the Eco-Cover substrate, which will protect the room from dampness.

For premises with standard technical characteristics, it is enough to use 2 mm rolled material.

Substrate thickness

A standard error is a little informed owners of the apartment - to the maximum thick coating under the laminate. Thus, in their opinion, the best thermal insulation and noise protection is achieved. The reasoning is correct, but does not take into account the nature of the work of the laminate bending board.

When the vertical load is distributed, in the case of using a thick substrate, the boards are deformed at the clutch area with the adjacent board. As a result of a long dynamic impact, the locks on the lamella lose their properties and break.

When choosing a substrate for laminate, this feature should be taken into account and select the material with a thickness of no more than 3 mm, since the main purpose of the lining is the alignment of the surface of the floor under the subsequent organization of the finishing coating, and special advantages (thermal insulation, sound insulation and waterproofing) depend greater from the quality and type of material .

The main criterion for choosing the thickness of the material for laying the laminate is the quality of the base surface. If the concrete screed has significant drops, it is recommended to use a lining with a thickness of 3 mm, in other cases, it suffices to select a thickness of 1 to 2 mm thick, which provides the necessary insulating characteristics.

An exception can be a lining for thicker (up to 33 mm) and expensive laminate panels, in this case the lining material is used with a thickness of up to 5 mm.

Rating sublated

Above the main conditions for selecting the substrate were considered above. What a better lining fit into a particular room depends on its purpose and location, but there is an objective rating of the highest quality materials, which takes into account all the pros and cons of cover.

The most popular species include the following brands:

  • Isolon;
  • Tomplex;
  • Izosum;
  • Eco-Cover;
  • PetroForm.

Isolon, Tupilex and PetroForm are produced in the form of rolls, isozum and Eco-Cover belong to sheet materials.

The most popular and inexpensive linings include the following types:

  • PetroForm, 2 mm thick;
  • Isolon, 3 mm thick;
  • Jermaflex, 3 mm thick;
  • IsoPlaat Startfloor Barlinek;
  • Isopoline.

Laying the substrate for laminate

Cutting the substrate.

Welcome a substrate for laying a laminate will be able to any beginner master. Enough to adhere to the following rules:

  • Before laying the substrate, it is necessary to clean the surface of the floor from dirt and dust.
  • The next step is placed PVC film, which performs the function of waterproofing. The edges of the film should be on the walls for 5-8 cm, the joints are sampled by scotch.
  • Now you can fit the substrate. Sheet material is stacked with a roller cut off with a margin on the wall.

  • The connecting seams fasten with scotch.

The sheet substrate under the laminate is unfolded immediately along the entire floor surface. If rolled materials are used, each new piece of stelites after laying the laminate on the already prepared surface. Such an order of laying is necessary to preserve the consumer characteristics of the substrate for laminate in rolls, as the rolled materials are more tender and it is not recommended for them to go in the process of laying.

Video on the topic

Updated: 09/18/2019 22:45:13

Expert: Lion Kaufman

* Overview of the best editorial board. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.

One of the most popular flooring is currently laminate. Stacking technology implies the use of a special interlayer called a substrate. When buying a laminate, users pay a minimum of attention to this additional material, most often it offers the seller. But from the quality of the substrate may depend not only the durability and integrity of the floor covering, but also comfort indoors. What moments should pay attention to?

How to choose a substrate for laminate

  1. Many Russian users, following the example of the neighbors, begin to take care of their own relatives. Therefore, they prefer environmentally friendly building materials. You can find products from natural raw materials (wood) or high-quality synthetic analogues. At this stage, it is important to take into account the tendency of different people to allergies, the reaction to smells, etc.
  2. Heat insulation. Laying the substrate allows you to improve the microclimate in a specific room. First of all it concerns heat. Residents of private houses and apartments located on the first floor should be chosen by the substrate taking into account thermal insulation properties.
  3. Soundproofing. In a multi-storey building, weak sound insulation becomes a serious problem. In order not to hear the noise in the apartment below, you should give preference to the materials that absorb sounds and vibration.
  4. Thickness. High-quality laminate laying is possible only on a flat surface. It is difficult to achieve on a screed or old milk ground. But with the help of the substrate, it is possible to eliminate the irregularities and floors of the floor. The worse the base, the thicker the layer is selected under the laminate. The standard thickness is considered 3 mm.
  5. Moisture resistance. Modern floor covering (laminate, parquet board) is quite sensitive to moisture. And if the spilled fluids can be eliminated in a timely manner, then the high humidity from the overlap panels or screed will damage the panels. It is best to make a simple test for determining the moisture content of the base, putting a polyethylene film overnight. If the morning will appear by the morning, an ordinary substrate is suitable.
  6. Manufacturer. As for the choice of the manufacturer, today domestic brands are competing with imported manufacturers. Some of them use foreign developments and technologies, someone introduces their own inventions.

Our review fell the best substrates for laminate. When drawing up the rating, expert opinions and feedback from domestic consumers were taken into account.

Rating of the best substrates for laminate

Nomination a place Name of product rating
The best substrates for laminate from natural materials 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.7
5 4.6
6 4.5
The best substrates for laminate from polymers 1 4.7
2 4.6
The best extruded polystyrene substrates 1 4.6
The best polyethylene substrates 1 4.7
2 4.6
3 4.5

The best substrates for laminate from natural materials

A whole set of benefits has a substrate from natural materials. Most often it is made from different components of wood (chips, crumb, plug), natural or artificial resins and adhesives can be used to connect small fractions. The only disadvantage of natural substrates is the high price. Experts allocated several high-quality products.

The most eco-friendly layer between the base and laminate is the Steico Underfloor substrate. It is made from natural wood of coniferous rocks, individual fibers are bonded into a single integer with wood resin. The manufacturer offers its products in the form of rectangular plates in size 790x590 mm, depending on the requirements of the homeowner according to the degree of thermal insulation, a substrate with a thickness of 3.6-7 mm is selected. The material ranks first in the ranking for excellent properties, it is not afraid of moisture, a solvent or glue.

Experts note good leveling abilities, the use of the product allows you to smooth out the height drops up to 3 mm. Users often use the material when laying a laminate in children's rooms.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • good leveling abilities;
  • a wide range of thicknesses;
  • high performance qualities.


  • not detected.

The high quality of the manufacturer boasts a PREMIUM CORK cork substrate. In environmental friendliness, the material is not inferior to the leader of the rating, but the price of this natural product is high enough. Product is produced from cortex bark without adding chemical reagents. Experts sharpen attention to the fact that the cork substrate saves all the most important properties. This is the excellent thermal insulation qualities, the ability to absorb noise, floor alignment. Pests, mold and fungus do not settle in traffic. Such a substrate will be particularly relevant to people suffering from allergies.

Users pleases the simplicity of base preparation. Dust and dirt are removed from the surface, after which the roll is rolled. Such packing for some builders is a minus.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • long service life;
  • good sound and thermal insulation;
  • simple preparation of the foundation.


  • high price.

The Parcolag substrate has a successful combination of natural and synthetic materials. It is made on the basis of a dense cardboard, which is applied to the cork to the bits with bitumen. The main of the advantages is thermal insulation. Experts recommend the product of the Russian company Icopal owners of private houses and apartments on the first floor. With it, it is possible to put a reliable barrier of cold and moisture. The elasticity of the material increases the service life of the laminate.

Thanks to the triple structure, there is a good air exchange, therefore neither mold nor fungus appears in the substrate. In the trading network, the products comes in 15 mm long rolls. From disadvantages, users mark the steady smell of bitumen, so the applicant ranks third in the rating string.


  • reliable heat and moisture insulation;
  • good ventilation;
  • elastic structure;
  • high strength.


  • not suitable for a warm floor;
  • the smell of bitumen.

One of the most attractive prices for a natural substrate offers a Tarkett brand. The material is made from a genuine plug, which predetermines a number of positive points. Polyurethane resin acts as a binder component. First of all, the product is environmentally friendly, which expands its scope. The substrate quickly restores the initial state after compression, and good thermal insulation properties reliably hold cold masses from the basement. In the sale of the material can be found in the form of rolls with a length of 10 m. The manufacturer took care of fakes, order a product on the official website. From shortcomings, users note a small range, the quality of the traffic jam leaves much to be desired.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • affordable price;
  • elasticity.


  • thin layer;
  • low quality cork raw material.

In the production of the ISOPLAAT substrate, the main emphasis is made on noise insulating qualities. The material is made on the basis of sound insulation panels. It successfully combines natural components and modern technologies. Special fibers are formed from the coniferous wood, thanks to which it was possible to obtain a porous structure. It is distinguished by durability, and due to the introduction into the composition of antiseptics in the substrate does not multiply the fungus and mold. The product can be purchased as 850x590 mm panels. The maximum level of noise insulation can be achieved with a material with a thickness of 4-5 mm.

The advantages of the product, users include the absence of smell, high-quality manufacture. However, it is not possible to find such a material in every construction store. Therefore, the applicant does not fall into the top three leaders.


  • excellent sound insulation;
  • elasticity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability.


  • deficiency in the trading network;
  • overcharge.

The optimal ratio of quality and price is present in the Arbiton Cork substrate. The Polish manufacturer delivers products to the Russian market in the form of rolls (10x1 m). The required rigidity and thermal insulation of the floor covering provides material with a thickness of 2 mm. Experts pay attention to the fact that the substrate withstands the temperature differences. It is recommended to be used in floor systems with warm (water) floors. However, it is required to lay shielding interlayers. The material is created on a natural basis, it has elasticity, leveling all loads rendered to laminate.

Builders praise material for the formation of a smooth layer without waves. Only the edges of the material are fragile, so careful appeal is required.


  • acceptable price;
  • heat resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • no memory effect.


  • fragility;
  • the inhomogeneity of the composition.

The best substrates for laminate from polymers

Synthetic substrates perfectly combine the affordable price and good performance characteristics. They create a reliable hurder and moisture barrier on the border of concrete and laminate. But noise insulating capabilities in the composite material are limited. Experts chose several products.

Wide use finds a domestic substrate Eco-Cover. It is a product based on vinyl acetate and ethylene. Ecologists have no complaints in terms of material security, so it is possible to apply it in office space and in residential buildings and apartments. Experts note excellent leveling abilities, and due to elasticity and high strength, the surface of the coating is hard. The product is produced in the form of plates, for the convenience of transportation, they are twisted into rolls.

The substrate becomes the winner of our rating for excellent specifications. It successfully fights noise, moisture, retains all its qualities in a wide temperature range (-40 ... + 80 ° C). The finishes praise material for ease of work and a large selection of sizes.


  • wide scope of application;
  • good noise insulation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • easy to work.


  • high price.

One of the best indicators of noise insulation (21 dB) has a Refoam 3002 substrate. The material is a crosslinked polyethylene, which is safe for use in children's and medical institutions. Experts appreciate him for high density and elasticity. Due to the combination of these qualities, the substrate is convenient in operation, and the floor covering is characterized by integrity. Production technology was invented in Japan, and products in Russia are produced and implemented. The stores presents rolled products (10x1.2 m), the optimal stiffness of the laminate is provided with a thickness of 2 mm.

The product does not have the best water absorption capacity, so it is not recommended to use it on the first floors of high-rise buildings. The material takes the second line of the rating.


  • good noise insulation;
  • strength and elasticity;
  • convenience in transportation and laying;
  • no smell.


  • does not absorb moisture.

The best extruded polystyrene substrates

Extruded polystyrene is widely used in construction, made from it and a substrate for laminate. The strengths of the material should include the price availability and a wide choice of thickness.

The most affordable option for the floor covering from laminate or parquet board is the use of an extruded polystyrene substrate. Products are produced in the form of sheets that are convenient to transport and lay. Isopolin is called a quiet floor due to good noise absorbing properties. The product stands out against the background of competitors with a large assortment of thicknesses. The product has a small weight, which is why the air flows are often raised from the floor separately lying sheets. Specialists advise immediately connect them using Scotch.

Users are satisfied with the availability of material and simplicity in laying. The disadvantages include fragility, a modest leveling ability of thin sheets (less than 3 mm). Roofing Finnish technology is implemented in the Tuplex polyethylene substrate. Between two films are located foam balls. Moreover, the lower layer has a special perforation that allows moisture to penetrate inside the material. It turns out water together with air flow through the edge of the substrate. It is clear that we are talking about a small amount of moisture. Otherwise, mold or fungus becomes in the material.

According to experts, such a breathable design is easily in the installation. There is a small percentage of waste that is also inherent in other competitors. For good technical parameters and the original design of the substrate becomes the winner of our rating.


  • unique manufacturing technology;
  • good moisture absorption;
  • breathable design;
  • effective ventilation.


  • limited assortment in thickness.

At the same time, protect the floor from the cold and moisture allows the foil isolon PFE. The substrate is a stitched polyethylene, which is produced in rolls. On the one hand, an aluminum foil is attached to the substrate. Due to such design, the material has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. The material perfectly protects the laminate from steam and moisture, often foil isolone is used as waterproofing. Along with durability and resistance to rotting, the product has environmental safety. It is suitable when installing floors with heating.

When laying a laminate, a problem arises with the formation of a solid layer. As a result, the joints become weak places for the penetration of cold and moisture.


  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • safety;
  • elasticity;
  • ability to reuse.


  • high price.

The owners of apartments living above the 2nd floor when laying a laminate or parquet board can be used as a layer of insulating PPE. Unlike foil performance, the material does not apply for the title of the best insulation or vaporizolator. This is not required from it when the floor covering is mounted on dry and warm overlap. The basis of the substrate is the same foamed polyethylene foam, stitched into a single roll. Due to the multi-layer cellular structure, the product perfectly absorbs noise and vibration, additionally preventing thermal losses in the room. Experts note the inertia of polyethylene agent, it itself does not secrete harmful compounds, does not react with gasoline or detergent on an alkaline-based basis. A set of useful features allows the substrate to occupy the third place in our ranking.


  • affordable price;
  • inertness;
  • good noise insulation;
  • safety.


  • the gradual refinement of the substrate.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.

During the repair, the laying of the floor covering is of greater importance. After all, the comfort of people living in the house will depend on it. When choosing a laminate, it is necessary to take into account all its pros and cons, also before it is styling it is important to determine the choice of substrate. About this in detail and told in the article.

Why is needed?

To begin with, it is worth saying that the laminate is one of those floor coatings that are made of wood materials. The disadvantages of this coverage are the intolerance to moisture, deformation from temperature drop, a large porosity. In order to ensure the coverage of reliable protection, various substrates and insulated compositions are used.

They are stacked on the basis of the floor. Also, the substrate is capable of extending the service life of the vinyl laminate, therefore it is worth a responsible approach to its choice. It is not recommended to lay the laminate on the "naked" base without a special lining.

The lining first of all serves for the additional strength of the flooring, as well as so that the load on the floor is uniformly distributed. If there is no lining, the coating will quickly deteriorate and come into disrepair.

Another function of the substrate is soundproofing.Incorrectly laminated laminate can creak and transmit the sound of steps, it can be associated with a panel thickness. Usually its thickness is 8 mm. But even with this size, the laminate is able to withstand heavy loads. This problem can be resolved by placing an additional lining that has good sound insulation.

Some manufacturers equip the laminate with a special substrate, gluing it on the back of the boards. Such a laminate is not often found, since the price of it is quite high.

Therefore, in order to save items, you can purchase a substrate separately so that it possesses the characteristics that will suit you the most.

Additionally, the lining can perform leveling function. She smoothes irregularities that are present on a concrete tie. Any small deviations may be negatively affected by laminate. Any irregularities and differences of the base may affect the formation between panels and concrete lighting of the backlash. In simple language, the coating will be seen in those places where the clearance is extremely large.

At first glance, this problem may seem insignificant, but afterwards the backlash will be strongly noticeable on the floor surface, especially when walking.

Another important function of the lining is waterproofing, Since laminate, and many floor coverings, poorly carry the impact of moisture. In this case, the lining is implemented by a moisture protection function, supporting the appropriate microclimate for both concrete base and for the reverse side of the floor covering.

But to begin with, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the coating, before repair work will be carried out. First of all, the cooked base for laying the laminate should dry well. Often this process lasts about a month. Therefore, it is not recommended to hurry with laying laminate, otherwise condensate will accumulate between the low surface and flooring.

The sound insulation function of the lining will protect you from various sounds. Setting a high-quality lining with a foil layer, you can avoid the appearance of the creak of a laminate board.

The vaporizolation function is necessary in order to be covered with an extra moisture and pair under the coating. If you lay the substrate with a foil layer, it will be possible to protect the laminate from their negative impact. Such a lining will ensure your coverage durability and will save money.

The thermal conducting function is another characteristic that the lining must be answered, especially if you plan to install the "Warm floor" system. Using this heating function, the heat will always spread evenly on the floor covering. In this case, the concrete base will not be warm.


The obligatory stage during repair is the laying under the laminate of a special lining. Therefore, before buying it is worth finding out all its advantages and disadvantages in order not to face the problem of poor-quality laying of the coating.

Before laying the coating, pay attention to the state of the concrete screed prepared as the basis. If the surface is smooth, the substrate with a thickness of 3 mm completely will be combined. And if the basis with small irregularities, it is better to align it using a lining with a thickness of 5 mm.

Most manufacturers advise the lining of the same firm as the flooring. But in fact it does not matter much, so absolutely any qualitatively manufactured material is suitable.

Today, among the most famous varieties of lining under laminate, polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, combined, coniferous, and cork and bitumen can be distinguished. Also lining can be divided into types. Sheet lining is made in the form of sheets.

Suitable for premises of any size, convenient in laying. Usually, in this form, lining from natural materials are produced, which are not harmful and do not accumulate condensate, non-combustible and moisture resistant, are well warmed and breathed. Wherein the leaf linings have a rigid basis that is not remembered and withstands heavy loads.

Roll lining are manufactured by most manufacturers. They have low cost, compared to sheet linings, they are not afraid of temperature drops, cold air and moisture, as well as they are not prone to rotting. The only disadvantage is that they are not suitable for premises with a big passabilitySince they are able to quickly remember.

The "Harmoshka" lining is sheets bonded among themselves. It is very easy to fit due to its form.


The lining from the tube is in the form of rolls and in the form of sheets. It is also available with a metallized top layer. She has certain advantages over other materials: high thermal insulation and sound insulation, resistance to rotting, mold, the ability to use with the "Warm floor" system and "floating" floors.

The cork lining under the laminate perfectly copes with the functions allocated to it. The main disadvantage of the cork liner under the laminate is its cost, especially if it is laying a cheap coating with a short service life. Also, this material is characterized by the appearance of condensate on the back side of the floor covering. It may not affect his condition.

Polyethylene (Isolon)

Thanks to such indicators, as thermal insulation and moisture resistance, the polyethylene lining has long been highly popular in the construction market. Its synthetic structure is capable of providing protection against penetration under the floor covering of pests, insects and rodents. Mount and lay the polyethylene lining is very easy.

Individual manufacturers produce such lining with an additional top layer of foil. But the service life of this material is only a few years, which will be unprofitable to the buyer. After all, over time, he will quickly see and come into disrepair.

The substrate isoplat is 4 and 8 mm thick. They are specially manufactured for flooring flooring, as well as for the repair of old floors. It can be a concrete screed or wooden floors. Isoplat corrected irregularities of such surfaces, insulates them, provides high sound insulation and moisture resistance.

Polyurethane lining and foamed polypropylene have the same properties. The main disadvantage of these materials is non-environmental friendliness.

Polystyrene foam

Such a lining under the laminate is one of the most popular. It has good resistant to large loads. This material is good for premises with a lot of permeability, as it is not remembered. Another polystyrene foam lining is capable of aligning the concrete surface of the base.

Polystyrene foam is a material with high elasticity, so its thickness will be maintained for a long time. Besides, it is able to absorb vibration when walkingWhat makes laminate more silent. Its special structure does not let moisture and does not allow condensate to form on the surface of the coating.

This material has high quality, it is available and costs the buyer very cheap, but its main disadvantage is not an eco-friendly composition.

Extruded polystyrene, or foam, differs from polystyrene foam material with a special production technology. It is called extrusion and allows the flooring to acquire special qualities due to the transformation of the polymer. His cells provide high sound insulation properties. The extruded polystyrene is usually produced in the form of plates with a special markup, which will help to easily install the material on the base surface.

This material has good moisture resistance, so there will be no risk that the laminate will not swell and deform. The composition of such a material is opposed to bacteria, as well as resistant to caustic aggressive substances, while it does not rot and is not covered with mold.

Another type of flooring under the laminate is a foamed lining. This material is characterized by quite good thermal insulation properties, but the main disadvantage is that the foamed lining is not suitable for use in residential areas.Also, at frequent loads, the lining is rapidly pressed.


As mentioned earlier, many materials are no environmentally friendly, but, nevertheless, there are exceptions among them. For example, a sheet coniferous substrate for a laminate, which is made of wood fibers. It is also called fir, since it produces from pressed needles. Its porous structure has good sound insulation and has a function of air circulation, which will provide a coating a long service life.

Laying the coniferous litter will not cause great difficulties even in a person who stacked the coating for the first time. After its use, reviews of satisfied buyers who provided their accommodation reliable and eco-friendly floor, confirm it.

The only drawback may be a high cost of material


Such a gasket consists of two layers - isolon or polystyrene, as well as from a foil layer. The thickness of such a heater is no more than 5 mm. Metallized lining can be used in a low temperature room. Foil coating increases thermal insulation and resistance to temperature differences, and the polystyrene layer provides good sound insulation in the room.

This material has a high moisture resistance, so it is not necessary to carry out the additional layer of the polyethylene film. In addition, metallized lining it reliably protects the floor covering from the penetration of various fungi and mold.

The material is used in the repair of the floor in the rooms where there is a great risk of moisture penetration into a concrete tie. This can be attributed to the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and basement. Before choosing a substrate for a laminate, it is necessary to take into account its thickness.

It can reach up to 10 mm. The selected thickness depends on the type of flooring and the level of floor drops. It is still necessary to take into account the fact that over time, polyethylene can occur, therefore, with an incorrectly selected lining thickness, the quality of the installation of the laminate and its use is reduced. To install under the laminate, you need to buy a lining with a layer thickness to 2 mm.

Other options

The rubber lining is an integrated material, as it is immediately glued to the laminate in the process of its manufacture. The rubber coating has a thin protective layer of a special material, which is capable of increasing the shelf life of the lining. Rubber is one of the durable materials that is not deformed over time, and also does not deteriorate when exposed to moisture and water.

Its sound insulation is at a high level, so it is able to absorb various noises and vibration when walking along the laminate. The only drawback of this material is the high cost.

The bitumen lining is manufactured with special raw materials. Bitumen is applied to dense kraft paper, which acts as the bottom side of the lining. This material is very durable and resistant to moisture. Parts of this lining are docked together without adhesion and fasten with scotch.

The jute substrate is distinguished by the fact that it is made of nonwoven fabric, which contains vegetable fibers in its composition. Its production occurs at high temperature by punching the fibers that are fixed with each other. Thus, a fabric is formed, which is characterized by high strength and elasticity. In order for the material to be resistant to rotting, it is treated with a special means.

Although the jute lining easily absorbs moisture, it is not deformed and when drying it acquires the initial look.

Heat is one of the modern insulating materials, which has the best heat and sound insulation. It is widely used when insulation and insulation of floors.

The rubber transformation lining is made of tube and rubber. This combination provides this material high waterproofing. Packed and sold, as a rule, in rolls.

The felt insulation is made of wool by the method of felt. It turns out very dense, as wool fibers are treated with steam and special means that protect the felt insulation from fire and rotting. His main advantages are Ecology, good thermal conductivity, abrasion resistance.

Plywood is one of the natural materials, which is ideal for laminate or other flooring. It can withstand heavy loads, aligns uneven floor and is an affordable material.

Fiberboard is also suitable as a substrate for laminate. This material is produced from wood fiber. Fiberboard is a natural material, as well as a bamboo substrate or plywood. The main advantage is that it does not allocate volatile chemical compounds.

Combined types

As part of a combined type lining is the synthesis of various materials, such as polyethylene or polystyrene foam. The most famous is such a lining produced by the "Tomples" brand. Its main feature is that it has two layers of polyethylene, between which one layer of polystyrene balls is located. This structure it is capable of providing good air circulation. The substrate thickness is about 3 mm.

She is sold, as a rule, in rolls. It is possible to put this material on any basis, since it does not let moisture, has high strength and ability to smooth out the flaws of the base. Tomples nits well and saves thick throughout the entire operation time.

Which is better?

To decide which substrate under the laminate is better suitable, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to its technical characteristics and quality. To date, there is a large variety of assortment, so it is not easy to make a choice.

The substrate under the laminate should have a long service life, because you will use it for many years. If you take such a parameter as thickness, then here It is not recommended to use too dense lining.Otherwise, it will quickly affect and spoil the flooring.

If you decide to establish a "warm" floor, then it will be necessary to lay a perforated insulation, as it can provide high heat transfer.

It should be noted that it is also necessary to pay attention to the following criteria: insensitivity to aggressive substances or materials; antiseptic treatment; thermal conductivity and moisture resistance; presence of protection against insects and rodents; High strength and durability.

You also need to know that a high-quality lining allows you to increase the service life of the laminate.

What to choose?

To make the right choice, when buying a lining for a laminate, you must take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of this material. It should be said that it is not difficult to put it, but it is worth it only on a flat surface, otherwise the flooring will quickly come into disrepair.

The lining should have high thermal conductivity, sound insulation, vapor permeability, mechanical resistance, and the seller must have a certificate of conformity. If you compare customer feedback, it is worth saying that inexpensive materials are most popular, but they have an unnatural composition, which makes them less environmentally friendly.

On concrete

Concrete is one of those materials that does not hold heat and at the same time forms condensate. Even with good processing it is difficult to maintain its surface smooth. For such a base, a lining will be suitable, which will have high thermal insulation properties and protect the floor coating from the temperature difference.

Types of substrates can be different, both from artificial materials and from natural. Foam polyethylene, polystyrene, as well as cork and coniferous. Will not be superfluous if The reason to make in advance smooth, dry and clean.

On a wooden base

For the wooden floor, the topics that have good vapor permeability are suitable. This can be explained by the fact that the tree is a natural material that should "breathe". Otherwise, the wooden base will be able to quickly contradict and deteriorate.

For such a base, plug, coniferous or composite materials, bitumen-cork material, polyethylene foam and polyurethane foam material are best suited.

On "warm floor"

Before moving to the flooring, it is necessary to figure out which lining is suitable for laminate on the "warm floor". First of all, it should not change its shape under the influence of heat and not to allocate harmful chemicals into the air, that is, there must be heat-insulating, and also be able for air microcirculation.

Also, when choosing a lining for laminate, pay attention to the special labeling, where it will be indicated, whether it is suitable for a warm floor.


The size of the substrate is diverse. The main qualities depend on it. For example, a thick lining has good noise insulation and provides high protecting flooring. But this material is better used for its intended purpose. After all, it can quickly shrink, and the laminate and its castle connections spoil.

Typically, the thickness of the substrates under the laminate varies from 3 mm and 10 mm. The optimal option will be a thickness of 5 mm or 2 mm.Natural substrates usually have a greater width, and those that are made of artificial materials are usually very thin. They are ideal for even floor, in which height drops are no more than 3 mm.


In order to correctly pick up and lay a substrate in the apartment, it is not necessary to have professional skills. You can do work and do it yourself. Just need to follow certain rules. The main point in the laying of the substrate is its location. First, the substrate must be treated under the laminate in the opposite direction, Since with an inaccurate movement, part of the floor may shift. Secondly, the substrate should be on the walls.

So that the coating light up as long as possible, do not use a damaged or damaged substrate, and replace it immediately to the whole. It is recommended to lay a substrate across the laminate, because it will not happen the coincidence of the joints and panels of the laminate.

Otherwise, the board will be sesshed, thereby the life of the coating will decrease. Another important point is the ones to lay a lining. It all depends on the variety of material. If it is a relief film, then lay it with a ribbed side down. And the material from the foil base should be placed on top.

But first need to align the surfaceto which the subject will be shaved. In order to ensure good vaporizolation of the coating, it will take dense polyethylene, whose sheets are attached to the brass of each other. The film is reliably glued in this way will not give to penetrate moisture.