When is the landing of late cabbage to the ground? The cultivation of late cabbage in the open ground growing cabbage in the open soil from the seed.

The cabbage is called ladies on the garden: the whole such beautiful, round, smooth, in a thousand clothes ... just to grow a cabbage of excellent quality is not so simple. A rich harvest begins with growing healthy, strong seedlings. And here it is worth paying attention to the duration of planting cabbage. They depend on the variety and varieties of cabbage. In this article we will analyze dates of planting seeds to seedlings and disembarking it into open ground . It will be about white and cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels, Savoy, etc. In a word, the maximum of information on the timing, we tried to collect here.

Table: Dates of planting cabbage and other cultures

The sign is convenient, but does not fully disclose all information on time, so we turn to other sources.

White cabbage

The varieties are divided into three types:

  • early
  • secondary
  • late flight.

Depending on the time of ripening the seed seed seedlings are calculated:

  • From the date of the possible landing of seedlings are deducted 45-50 days.

The seedlings of white-coated cabbage of the middle and late varieties are most often grown under film shelter in the open ground or in greenhouse, starting from April. Seedlings of early varieties can be grown on the windowsill, seeding seeds in March (then at the end of June - the beginning of July it will be possible to harvest).

  • early cabbage: March 20 - March 25 (harvest is collected in late June - early July),
  • association: from April 20 - 25 to May 1 - 3,
  • lovely: From April 1 to April 15.

In open ground seedlings White cabbage sit down, as a rule, on such dates:

  • early cabbage: in late April - the first decade of May,
  • average: from May 25 to June 5 (no later than June 10),
  • lovely: May 15 - 25.

Seedling, ready to transfer to a permanent place, has 4-5 real sheets and a height of approximately 15 cm. Plants having a greater number of sheets have grown. Extra leaflets (2 lower) are recommended to turn, they ultimately become covered, but up to this point will only interfere with the plant. Planting seedlings to the ground is best in the evening, and the next day to pronounce, if it is hot and sunny weather.

The red cabbage ripens longer than white-cooked, so seeding seeds are carried out earlier: late-leather varieties are sown in early March, early - in early April.


Thanks to excellent taste, this type of cabbage is grown by almost all daches. Putting it with a seedy and sowing seeds in an open ground. On personal experience we can say that an excellent broccoli cabbage grows from our seedlings grown by us on the windowsill. In March, we sow seeds to seedlings, and at the end of May, we plant seedlings to open soil. Young, not yet hardened plants cover the cropped 5 liter bottles. Get miniarters. Seedlings are serious. Our favorite variety is "Linda". Well, now more about the timing.

Sowing broccoli seeds at seedlings produced 40-45 days before disembarking it into open ground. Optimal duration of landing seed - mid-March . Seedlings ready for landing in the ground permanently in May Month. By this time, the plant should have 5-6 leaves. It is better not to wait until the seedlings turn out, such plants are fine heads.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels Cabbage, like other varieties, are grown by a seaside. Seeds at seedlings You need to have time to sit no later than April 25 (in the middle lane of the Russian Federation). Seedling, ready for landing at a permanent place, should also have 5-6 leaves. The plant at the age of 40-50 days planted into the open ground in late May - the very beginning of June.

Interestingly, Brussels Cabbage is a biennial plant. For the first year - fruits, for the second year - gives seeds. That's what happened when we accidentally left the stem of Brussels cabbage in the ground for the winter:


Perhaps the most capricious variety of cabbage. Cauliflower is sensitive to soils, winds, low temperatures and especially vulnerable in the early stages of growing seedlings.

Timing of seeds of cauliflower seeds:

  • Seed seed on March 15-25, and seedlings put in the ground in late April-early May,
  • Seeds seed into open ground from the first decade of May until mid-June.

In open ground seedlings Sit up aged 45 - 50 days.

Our harvest:

Cabbage Kohlrabi.

They are grown by a seedy and sowing seeds immediately in open ground, in several times.

Seedlings are planted in 3 times to stretch fruiting:

  1. Seed seed in the mid-end of March, and at the end of April, seedlings will be ready for landing,
  2. Seed seed in early May, and then on June 10-12, the seedlings can be planted at a permanent place,
  3. On the last week of July - seed seeds, at the end of August - the seedlings landing.

Savoy cabbage

Timing seed seeds:

  • early grades: 2 decades of March, they can be planted in several - until the end of May,
  • mid -) varieties need to have time to plant no later than April 25 (under the film or in the guy),
  • the remaining varieties are grown similarly to white cabbage.

Seedlings of this type of cabbage land at a permanent place at the age of 35 - 45 days, when 4-5 leaves are formed on plants.

Terms of disembarking seedlings in the ground:

  • Early varieties begin to plant in 1 decade of May, then the secondary, and in the 2nd decade of May - the middle-plant.

Chinese cabbage

Sit into several deadlinesAs a seedy, and planting seeds into an outdoor ground:

  1. In the first decade of April, seed seeds, and after 3 days the first sprouts appear. After 7 days, they can be signed in the pot. In early May, 30 days after the landing, in the phase of three leaves, the seedlings of the Beijing cabbage is ready for landing at a permanent place.
  2. At the end of the summer, the Beijing cabbage can be landed as a second culture for the released areas. Seeds are soaked and seeded in July in July, then dive and young plants planted at the beginning of August. If at the end of the summer it will be enough rains, you can wait for a rich crop 😉

UV, as regards the timing of cabbage landing, it seems to have figured out. We hope the information was useful for you 😉 Successful sowing!

In the article, we collected the recommendations of agronomes on what should be the right landing and the cultivation of seedlings of late cabbage, and what time frame should be observed to obtain good yields. In the photo and video, you can see how and when to carry out the right landing of late cabbage into the ground and seedlings.

Garden cabbage is a two-year plant with high stem and sisovato or gray-green naked leaves that fit tightly to each other and form an edible kochan on the stem. Flowers large multi-scale brushes. Multiplied by large (2 mm long) seeds of dark-brown color. There are several types of cabbage, among which red and white and white, Chinese and curly kale, Portuguese and Brussels, Savoy and Kohlrabi, broccoli and color. Early and secondary cabbage is used mainly in the form of salad in a spring-summer period, and later varieties - for long-term storage throughout the winter season and frivors. From how cultivation will be, its development and harvest depends.


When is the late cabbage plant and how to ensure the maximum cultivation of the seed? First of all, ensure the quality of the seeds of purchased varieties and the dates of landing. Late cabbage is used for start-up and winter storage, its cochanists should be dense and strong. Sow late cabbage seeds in April - in the first-third decade of the month. If you put them late, they may not have time to form a quochey by the end of the autumn season. The resulting seedlings can be planted into open soil in forty-five - fifty days.

After selecting late grades seeds, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil in autumn. To do this, you need to mix in equal proportions of humus and turf, then add a canteen as a source of micro and macroelements on a kilogram of the mixture and the antiseptic. It is aslats that will help you protect the saplings of cabbage from the black leg.

Admissible soil mixture with the addition of peat. Cabbage will grow well only on air-permeable and fertile soil, where other garden crops grew.

To germinate seeds, it is necessary to lower them in hot (up to 50 ° C) water for twenty minutes, then fill with cold water for five minutes to increase immunity to fungal diseases. After water stimulation, you need to prepare a solution of a stimulator of the growth of any company - Silk, Epin, Humat or the other.

On the eve of sowing, the soil should be abundantly pouring, after which it watered to stop until the appearance of germs.

Seeds should be shown to a depth of near the centimeter, the first bed should be covered with paper or film, to create a greenhouse effect and prevent the evaporation of moisture from the top layer of the Earth. Temperature should be no less than 20 ° C.


Seeds should come into a 4-5 day, then the bed open and reduce the ambient temperature to 6-10 ° C. Wait until the first full-fledged sheet is growing. This will take place by the end of the week, then it is necessary to raise the temperature to 14-16 ° C. Take care of the minimum half of the day (14-15 hours) The sunrise was lit by the Sun, but on cloudy days it is possible to include a phyto or luminescent lamp. To seed out the cabbage late varieties grew cheerfully, air the room where the boxes are with its seedlings, but do not allow drafts.

As soon as you remove the coating (film or paper) from the boxes, follow the state of the soil. Now it can be moisturized, but it is not plentiful, so that the black leg will not appear. For prophylaxis a week after crossing seeds, paint the soil with a fastening solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate (for the decades water capacity of 3 g of powder).


In order for the seedlings there were more food area for rapid development, seedlings need to dive. How and when to plant them right? Before the procedure plenty of the soil, then remove the seedlings with a narrow blade, do a third of the roots and land the root, preferably a peat-humus, deepening in the soil before seedlings.

Why do we offer to take advantage of such cups? They are pronounced from the humoring and peat, so it is possible to plant in the ground right in them, the root system in the further growth of the seedlings will calmly sprust through the walls of the cup and will continue to grow. This is how the most rational cultivation of cabbage seedlings is obtained.


How to determine visually, is it time to plant cabbage seedlings in open soil or wait? Look at the seedling. If you have a late satiety, the height of the seedlings is 15-20 cm, 4-6 leaves on the stem, which means it is time to plant it from the middle until the end of May in the open ground.

By the way, the soil thoroughly prepare if you are interested in a good crop. Late cabbage will grow perfectly on loam or clay ground, but not on sour soil. The perfect hydrogen indicator should be -7.0.

On the first day of the autumn in dry weather it is necessary to move the area under the cabbage, and do not align the land. The more irregularities, the better the soil will absorb moisture for the winter and spring period. Only after the melting of the snow will need to "close moisture", that is, slightly dissolve the surface of the soil with robbles to eliminate the rapid evaporation of moisture.

Planting scheme

Seedling should not grow chaotically. How to plant it right? If you want to get an excellent crop late cabbage, there is a landing scheme - 60 × 70.

It is necessary to eliminate the congestion of the beds, because the cabbage requires a large amount of sunlight and space for the free development of kochanov.

What should be the right drop in the late varieties? Take advantage of the searches for the searches, while setting a mixture of fertilizers. It is necessary to mix for each well handful of peat with a handful of sand, add two johns. Horing and 50 g of wood ash. Throw 0.5 tsp as fertilizers nitroposki. As soon as all the wells are fertilized, their abundantly, and lower the cups with seedlings, which should be covered with a wet soil from above, press slightly and sprinkle dry.


And so, you finally finished planting seedlings to open soil and prepared to reap the fruits of your work. However, before the time it comes to collect elastic dense cochanists, you need to take care of the protection of cabbage from various insects of pests and diseases.

What need to do? In hot sunny days, take care of the shade of seedlings with newspapers or nonwoven material. We need planted seedlings for the first seven days to water daily in the evenings from the watering can with the divider. If night frosts have already stopped, removing the shelter calmly.

Up to harvesting, you can regularly water developing seedlings, carefully loosen the soil under them, put the weeds in time, regularly make fertilizers and proceed from diseases and pests.

When after the landing, three weeks will be held, each cabbage seedlock should be emphasized, and in ten days again repeat the injection procedure.


For cabbage, access to water is very important, which is why for obtaining a good harvesting on the open ground you should stick to the irrigation regime. What does it mean:

  • Water only in the evening;
  • In sun-hot days, cabbage needs water every 2-3 days;
  • Cloudy days - reason to go to watering every 5-6 days;
  • After watering, necessarily loosening the soil with the simultaneous extracting of seedlings.

Want to get the highest possible cabbage harvest? The mulching layer should be a height of at least 5 cm and consist of peat, which will not only keep moisture in the ground, but also will be an excellent source of nutrients during the plant development.


It is mineral fertilizers that have a direct impact on the growth of the plant. That is why already on 7-9 days a dive of seedlings need first feeding. You need to prepare a mixture of 2 g of ammonium nitrate, 4 g of superphosphate and 2 potash fertilizers to then dissolve it in a liter of water. The resulting solution is enough for 50-60 seedlings.

So that fertilizer does not fall on the plants and did not cause burns, it must be pouring into the moistened soil.

Two weeks later need a second dialing of a double dose of each element of fertilizer per liter of water.

The third feeder is called quenching, because it is done in two days before the cabbage will plant in an open ground. Here is the composition: per liter of water 5 g of superphosphate, 8 g of potash fertilizer, 3 g of ammonia nitrate.

What do potash fertilizers in high concentrations lead to? They help stick to seedlings on the outdoor ground.

Is it possible to replace all three feeders with a ready-made mixture? Pay attention to the liquid "Kemira Lux", which is a comprehensive fertilizer in rational cappos proportions.

It is advisable to continue to feed the plants even after disembarking seedlings in the ground. For the active development of kochanov, it follows in the stage of formation of Kochins to make a liquid feeder at the rate of 10 liters of water 8 g of potassium sulphate, 5 g of double superphosphate and 4 g of urea.


After disembarking in open ground, gentle seedlings of lateral cabbage need reliable protection against diseases and pests. How to do it:

  • Get rid of the invasion of flew and slugs will help breakout with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust;
  • To destroy the caterpillars and the TRU, take care of the timely spraying with infusion from tomato tops. To do this, take 2 kg of plants, fill with 5 liters of water for four hours and boil through three hours. When the infusion cools, it is necessary to strain it, dilute with water 1: 2 and pour 20-30 g of the tar soap, grated on the shallow grater, so that the infusion was holding on the leaves.
  • The second version of the fight against tool and caterpillars is to use infusion of lows. Tightly type a liter bank and pour this quantity with two liters of boiling water. Two days later, the obtained infusion must be strain, add 1 tbsp. detergent for dishes or liquid soap and dilute the mixture with two liters of water.
  • To deal with the larvae of cabbage flies, scoops and the May beetle apply a tricky maneuver. Divide jam or honey water, pour into a jar and join it on the plot. Black ants will crawl on sweets, and between the case they will eat all the larvae.
  • As an additional measure of combating harmful insects will help landing near the cabbage area spicy plants, including rosemary with basil, cilantro, sage, mint and velvets. The rider beetles will fly to their fragrance with gold-profiles, ladybugs and other predatory insects, large lovers of flew, slugs, butterflies and fonders.


Get the big crop of cabbage late varieties is very simple. To do this, you need to adhere to the rules of care of seeds, sowing, germing, dive. Landing late cabbage to the ground must be within a certain time using stimulating agents. Equally important importance to the timely landing of seedlings and feeding fertilizers, regular watering and soil loosening in beds. Chemical and independent protection products are used as protection against pests and diseases, as well as attracting predatory insects to combat pests. The use of recommendations for care and cultivation will allow you at the end of the autumn to get a wonderful crop of tight and juicy kochens late varieties for long-term winter storage and salting.

Cabbage is a very important culture that grown from time immemorial. Nowadays there are more than ten of its species and many varieties.

Cabbage contains a lot of useful substances: proteins, fiber, vitamins, macro and trace elements. Regular use of any varieties of cabbage is good prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Cabbage is useful in various diseases such as anemia, different infections, skin diseases, etc. In addition, they are used in the form of compresses with different wounds, headaches, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Many gardeners are interested in how to grow early cabbage on their plot. It is quite simple, this culture does not require special conditions of cultivation.

Preparation of seeds

Growing early cabbage begins with the preparation of seeds that need to be sorted and disinfected. To do this, they must first be placed 20 minutes in hot, then one or two minutes in cold water and drown. If you purchased seeds in the store, then there is no need for such preparation.

Before boarding, it is desirable to soak the seeds of the early cabbage and handle them at a temperature of +1 ... +2 ° C of about a day. Thanks to this, they will germinate faster, in addition, such preparation increases the cold resistance of plants.

Dates of sowing

The timing of disembodies depend on what kind of grade and the type of early cabbage. When to sow best to get a good harvest?

Early grades of white and red cabbage for obtaining seedlings are evisted in late March, broccoli cabbage and color - from mid-March to the end of April, Brussels - from the middle to the end of April. It is very important to take into account the climatic conditions.

Growing conditions

It is necessary to take into account several important points in order to grow well and earned early cabbage. Landing and care for various varieties are mainly similar. Cabbage can not be grown in the same place for more than three years. It gives a good harvest in areas where legumes grew earlier, beets, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, cucumbers.

Any species of this culture are well suited for fertile, light lighter, samp, turf-podzolic, peat soils with acidity close to neutral. There will be no good harvest on sandy and heavy clay soil.
The plot must be open and well-lit.

Preparation of the site

Of great importance is the preparation of the site on which early cabbage will grow. Plant landing and care begins in the spring. Plot for early cabbage must be prepared from autumn. For this, it is drunk and make fertilizers. As fertilizers, the use of humus, manure and compost in the amount of 1-1.5 buckets on m 2 is effective.

In addition, more mineral fertilizers are made in the amount of 40 g of superphosphate per 1 m 2 and in half a less acidic soil lime.

With the arrival of spring, the land on which the landing of the early cabbage will be carried out, dripping, loose and make fertilizers. Manure is used as a fertilizer (one bucket per square meter) and wood ash (1-2 tbsp. Per square meter).

Eat growing

Growing early cabbage from seedling allows you to get a good harvest. Seeds are seeded in boxes filled with soil, which must be predetermined and pouring. Then they make grooves with a depth of about 1.5 cm, in which seeds are sown at a distance of 2 cm. Until shoots appear, it is necessary that the temperature in the room is about 20 ° C. When the seeds are going, the temperature is reduced to 8 ° C and maintain at such a week, after which it needs to be increased to 16-18 ° C during the day and about 10 ° C at night.

After two sheets appear, the seedlings are picking in separate containers. It is important to take into account that for good growth and cabbage development requires additional lighting.

After the appearance of 5-6 real leaves, seedlings are planted into open ground.

Growing without picking

Sutting off early cabbage to seedlings in this way, use cups, peat pills, pots or special trays. In each container or cell, two seeds must be sink. When shoots appear, they leave only the strongest plant.


When the air temperature exceeds 17 ° C, and the soil temperature is 14 ° C, the seedlings of the cabbage of the earlier landed into the ground.

Seedlings of different varieties landed by different schemes:

Early white and red cabbage - 30 × 40;
- Broccoli cabbage - 30 × 60, in order to develop side shoots - 40 × 60;
- Brussels cabbage - 60 × 70;
- Early Kohlrabi - 30 × 40;
- Savoy cabbage - 70 × 30;
- Colored early cabbage - 30 × 60.

Best cabbage to cloudy or rainy weather. In order for the soil not seal and not covered with a crust, it must be regularly mulched or loosen.

Reckless way

With this method of growing early cabbage, seeds are sown directly into the ground. Growing early cabbage this method has its advantages. The plant does not have to transplant, the development of the root and overhead part occurs faster than with a seaside process of cultivation, yield increases. Sowing early cabbage is made in different times, depending on the growing region.

Before planting to protect against pests, seeds are treated using 12% hexahloran. Sowing rate - 2 kg per 1 hectare, landing depth - 2-3 cm.

After the plant appears 4-5 real leaves, the cabbage is thinned, leaving one plant at a distance of 40-50 cm from the other. Further care is the same as when growing with seedlings: watering, loosening, protection against pests.

Feeding and care

How will leaves grow and what size will be a kochan, depends on how much the plant is provided with nitrogen. A special need for nitrogen cabbage has before the start of the formation of Kochan. When the Kochan begins to get tie, the plant needs potassium.

A week after the seedlings were planted, it must be filtered, using a solution of urea (for feeding ten plants - 3 tbsp. L. On 1 bucket of water), before tie of the Kochan, nitroposka is used (the same proportions per five plants).

Using organic fertilizers for feeding, their solution is prepared per day before feeding. The container is filled with a bird with a half, poured with water. Fertilizer must be stirred several times a day until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Immediately before feeding, the fluid must be diluted with water ten times.

Cabbage loves moisture, so it is necessary to prevent the soil drying. Early cabbage is watered three or four times a week. Before harvesting, if its further storage is assumed, watering is stopped for 35-45 days.

After irrigation, the soil must be loosened, with each time reducing the processing depth so as not to damage the root system. To grown a healthy earliest white cabbage, it must also be dipped, but not dry soil.

Fighting pests

Insects and other pests can cause irreparable damage to crop, so it is necessary to take care of the protection of plants.

Early white cabbage, as well as color can be damaged by the larvae of which cause damage to the roots of the plant. At the same time, the cabbage begins to wither in hot weather, and its lower leaves become bluish.

To combat this pest, use DDT DDT or 6% hexahloran dryer, which pollinated the plant after planning. The procedure is carried out two or three times with an interval per week. The soil is watered using 30% thiophos (concentration - 0.03%). You can sprinkle the earth near the plant with naphthalene, mixed with sand (1: 5).

The plant that only began to give germs can damage the cruciferous flew that is powered by cabbage leaves. Early sowing and planting seedlings can protect against this pest, which allows plants to grow before the flea is activated. To accelerate growth and increase stability, the plant is fed using a saltper and a nasce.

Huge harm to the plant is caused by the colonies of cabbage tri, which suck juices from plants. Leaves after that are covered with stains, begin to curl. Cabbage growth slows down, Kochan's tie stops.

To combat this pest before the start of the coaching, the plant spray, using anabazine sulfate (concentration - 0.2%) or 2.5% of the metaphos dryer. Effectively spraying the decoction of tobacco, to obtain which you need to pour tobacco dust (400 g) with water (2 l) and boil within 2 hours. The stoned solution is filled. Then it is necessary to add soap (50 g) and solve everything in the water bucket.

Growing early cabbage in greenhouse

Cabbage is one of the main crops disembodied in the greenhouses. They are mainly grown white early cabbage. When to sow seeds with this method?

To grow early cabbage in the greenhouse, the seeds need to be buried in early February. In early April, seedlings are planted at a distance of 35-40 cm. Seedlings should have 3-4 real sheets, it is pre-hardened.

The appearance of seedlings can tell about how the harvest will be. In plants that have green leaves, a weak root system. And this means that seedlings will be bad. In the form of a sheet, you can judge the shape of the head. If the leaves are large, and the leg is short and thick, it means that there will be big kochens.

The soil on which the cabbage will be grown in the greenhouse should be well fertilized, dense, loamy and well delay moisture. It is necessary regular loosening of the soil with a feeding solution of manure.

The temperature range for the cultivation of cabbage is from 5 to 20 ° C. Young seedlings need extra lighting. During the formation of the head, the plant needs a lot of moisture.


Early varieties of cabbage are kochevy appear approximately 55-60 days after seedlings have been planted, that is, at the end of June - early July. The maturation of the kochanov is not simultaneous, so it is necessary to remove them in several techniques, cutting off with a sharp knife. At the same time, 2-3 sheets and a noram are up to 2 cm long.

Important rules

Thinking over how to grow early cabbage, first of all it is necessary to take care of the quality of seedlings, and for this you need to remember some important points:

1. Before sowing seeds, they must be prepared to avoid infection of plants with infectious diseases.

2. Used soil mixture should not be severe. If the soil from the garden is used, it is pre-treated with cold on the street or on the balcony, heat treatment is also necessary. The optimal option is the acquisition of a special finished mixture.

3. It is very important to observe the time of sowing. Early cabbage sees in mid-March. To extend the harvest timing, it is possible to sow it in two or three days for two weeks.

4. Capacity with seedlings should be located in a place where enough sunlight. Otherwise, the seedlings can occur. Additionally, highlighting daylight lamps in order to achieve a total duration of the daylight 12-14 hours.

5. After the first real leaves appeared, it is necessary to temper the seedlings. In addition to low temperatures, we harde the seedlings with bright light. To do this, it must be taken to the street. It helps to avoid stretching seedlings.

6. Watering must be moderate to prevent the roots. For irrigation, a sparkled water is used by a temperature of 22-23 ° C.

7. Before moving seedlings, it is not watered. Plants that were slightly engraved, not so break.

Compliance with such simple rules will allow to obtain a wonderful harvest of this useful culture.

Cabbage is one of the most frequent "inhabitants" of gardens in our country. This vegetable is perfectly leaving for different climatic conditions, it is distinguished by good yield and excellent taste. Late cabbage uses very popular among gordowniks, since it is suitable for long-term storage in the fresh form, chairs, marinations and other types of processing.

Long-weighted cabbage varieties are unpretentious to the choice of soil, so even heavy soil is suitable for their landing. They grow them mainly through seedlings, which allows you to get strong plants and a rich harvest. Knowing ,, can provide yourself with a margin of vitamins and other beneficial substances for a whole winter.

Landing deadlines for late cabbage seedlings

Late cabbage should be seized on seedlings, starting from mid-April and before May. Thus, in the first half of June it will be possible to transfer seedlings to open ground. In the regions where, due to the climatic conditions, the summer is short, plant seeds can be seeded a little earlier - from the end of March.

Experienced gardeners advise to determine when to sow late cabbage to seedlings, focusing on the desired harvest period. Thus, the late satisfied varieties are completely ripening, on average, in 190 days (including time on the cultivation of seedlings). To calculate the optimal date of seed planting, you need to take this number from the planned collection time of vegetables. It should be borne in mind that in different types of late cabbage the time of ripening may differ from each other.

Select variety

You need to choose a variety of late cabbage, guided by the goals of its cultivation. Various hybrids have different flavoring characteristics, and are not very suitable for storage. The most common late varieties are considered:

  • "Moscow Late 015";
  • "AMAGER 611".

They are great for growing in the European climate, are characterized by high yield and are suitable for long-term storage.

It is best for brewing and marinating such varieties like:

  • "F1 warranty";
  • "Centaur F1";
  • "Askania F1".

The universal variety is recognized as the "Supermarket F1", since it can also be used for conservation, and for storage in the fresh form.

Cabbage seeds worth buying only in proven stores that sell certified products and comply with its storage rules. Many dackets recommend purchasing several varieties at once from different manufacturers to increase the likelihood of obtaining a good harvest.

Preparation of seeds and soil

Before sowing seed cabbage to the seedlings need to be drawn to their disinfection. For this, the seeds are placed 20 minutes into the water heated to +50 degrees, and then another 1 minute in the cold. Next, they are poured by a solution of trace elements for 12 hours, the field of which is washed and leave for a day in the refrigerator. Often, the seeds are disinfected with a solution of manganese, but the temperature processing is much more efficient.

It is worth noting that the procedure described above is only for seeds of their own billets and those that have not been treated in production.

The soil mixture for planting cabbage should consist of peat, turf and sand, which is mixed in equal proportions. It can be prepared independently or buy a ready-made substrate in a gardener store. It is categorically not recommended to use the garden land, since it can be infected with various diseases.

Landing late cabbage to seedlings

The seeding technology of late cabbage to seedlings does not differ from the sowing of other varieties: the seeds need to be close to the soil mixture to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and to ensure regular watering, the optimal temperature and good lighting. You can grow seedlings of cabbage two methods:

  • With picking - low drawers (5-6 cm) are filled with a substrate in which the grooves depth 1-1.5 cm. In these "beds" placed seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other, the ground is slightly tamped and watered. After the first real leaflet appears on the shootings, they are transplanted into individual capacity with fresh soil (dive).
  • Without picking - Seeds are sown 2-3 pieces immediately in separate containers (disposable cups, peat tablets, cassettes with special cells, etc.). Slightly grown shoots simply thin, leaving only one stronger sprout.

In order for the seeds quickly and friendly, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature in + 18-20 degrees is sowing. After the appearance of sprouts, the microclimate in the room is changed, cooling the air to 7-10 degrees so that the plants do not stretch and do not fall. Throughout the period of growth, seedlings need intensive lighting - the day should last at least 12 hours.

You need to water the sprouts not very often, only when the top layer of the soil begins to push. Excessive moisture content of the substrate can lead to a plant disease with a black leg.

Also, you need to carry out the extractive feeder of seedlings twice: in the phase of two real leaves and immediately before hardening the seedlings (2-3 weeks before landing in open ground). For the first time, the sprouts should be made a solution of microelements (0.5 spoons per 1 liter of water), and in the second time - a solution of potassium sulfate and urea (1 tbsp. A spoon of 10 liters of water).

Rechazzle seedlings in open ground

It is possible when it reached the phase 5-6 of the real leaves. For 2-3 weeks before this plant, it is necessary to teach to the external environment (harden), for which it is enough every day for a few hours to endure them on fresh air.

For planting cabbage you need to choose areas that are well illuminated by the Sun, which previously grew potatoes, cucumbers, grain or legumes. If other cross-color grew on the selected beds, then it is possible to plant a cabbage there only after 4 years.

For planting seedlings in a pre-explosive and crumpled land, it is necessary to make a hole at a distance of 70 cm from each other, while maintaining the interval between the rows of 60 cm. Plants are placed in ready-made pits together with a lump of land so as not to damage the root system. Then the land is rambling and watered near them, directing the water under the root of seedlings.

To get a good harvest, you need to correctly grow seedlings and care for plants at all stages of vegetation, and also correctly pick up the varieties suitable for a particular region. In fact, it is possible to grow a white cabbage in an open soil in any region, regardless of climate.

Following the advice from the article, you can grow a juicy crispy cabbage with your own hands. We also tell you how to collect and keep the harvest of vegetables, as well as harvest cabbage for the winter.

Growing white cabbage in open ground

Grocery for cultivation is prepared in advance, pumping it from autumn. Spring makes manure and leaving again. The plot should be even or with a small southern slope and well lit. It is desirable that the soil retains moisture well.

Grain, legumes, onions, cucumbers, potatoes and roots are considered the best predecessors for culture. Since during the growth of cabbage pulls a lot of useful substances from the soil, it is re-seated in one place by reapplying no more than two years in a row. But it is better if the landing is carried out at the same place no more than 4 years. Culture can not be planted on the plot, where radish grew, cress, salad, repa or radish.

Cabbage varieties

Many white cabbage varieties. When choosing a variety is guided not only by the climatic conditions of the region, but also by consumer purposes for which a vegetable is grown. For example, early grades are designed for consumption in fresh form, and medium and late - for salting and long-term storage.

Popular early varieties include (picture 1):

  1. Malachite - The earliest grade. Heads are small, but very juicy. In addition, the vegetable is growing rapidly, and during growing in the greenhouse, the period of vegetation is reduced to 5 days (under the condition of frequent irrigation).
  2. Taurus F - Early grade designed for growing in the open ground. With proper care, the head weight can reach 6 kg. In addition, the variety is resistant to diseases and pests, and the first harvest can be obtained from 100 days after the seedlings landing.
  3. Ditmarsher Fruier - A variety derived in Germany. The basic value is to obtain a large harvest in a short time, although the heads are small (weight rarely exceeds 1.5 kg).
  4. Sugar crunch - One of the earliest and most high-yielding varieties. The term from landing to harvest is approximately 105 days.

Figure 1. Early grades: 1 - Malachite, 2 - Taurus F1, 3 - Dit Marsher Fruier, 4 - Sugar Crunch

Special varieties are selected for salting and long-term storage, the period of vegetation of which is longer, but fresh kochens can be stored until spring. Such varieties belong (Figure 2):

  1. Geneva - It is considered the most earlyness among late varieties, as the apeget period is 140 days. Thanks to a dense structure and good fourth, it is great for transportation and can be kept until the collection of new crop.
  2. Moscow late - Growing such cabbage, you can get a cochanic weighing 8-10 kg. In addition, the grade has a high resistance to disease, well tolerates low temperatures and is not damaged during transportation.
  3. AMEGER - Designed for long-term storage (5-6 months). The variety is resistant to diseases and pests, the heads are not cracking during storage. However, it is not used for chairs, as it can acquire a bitter taste.
  4. Slav - Late variety, which is used not only for storage, but also by digest.

Figure 2. Late varieties: 1 - Geneva, 2 - Moscow Late, 3 - Amaager, 4 - Slav

Preparation of seeds and seedlings to landing

Capust can be grown and a reckless way. If it is planned to receive an early harvest, it is better to use seedlings. But regardless of the types of cultivation, the seeds need to be properly prepared for landing:

  • Seeds are laying on a bandage or gauze, folded in several layers and placed 15 minutes in hot water, and then another 2 in cold. This will allow to disinfect seeds;
  • After that, the fabric is laid out on the saucer and keep wet for a day so that they increase slightly;
  • Next, for quenching seeds, they are transferred to the lower shelf of the refrigerator for another day.

After that, you can proceed to sowing (Figure 3). Pre-seeds need to dry so that they become more bulk. If it is planned to grow seedlings at home, it is better to buy a special land in the store. In the greenhouse, the seeds are simply sessoled into the ground at a distance of 2 cm from each other and put to the earth. When the first shoots appear, you need to ensure that the seedlings did not overheat and were not too moistened, as this is given to the stretching of plants and they will be too weak.

Figure 3. Sowing seeds in seedlings

When the seedlings are 20 days, it is priced, that is, they are searched in separate containers. If the seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, they simply disappear for a greater distance. The seedling is neatly taken out of the ground, and together with a room of soil tolerate to a new place.

Growing in the open soil: features

Planting seedlings to open soil start in late April or early May. Grokes are drunk, loose ground with robbles and make holes at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. With the cultivation of Brussels and the Savoy, the distance increases to 70 cm, and Kohlrabi can be grown more tightly (the distance between the holes 30-40 cm).

Further planting cabbage is carried out so (Figure 4):

  • In each well, a handful of humus and wood ashes are stacked, and is abundantly watered with water;
  • Seedlings are placed right into wet soil, slightly sprinkled with dry ground from above. If the plant is too stretched, it is necessary to immerse it in the ground so that the stem is not located above the surface, but only the first two sheets;
  • If the weather is too sunny, the plants are acting, and after a week shelter is removed, because during this time the seedlings have time to take care;
  • Every evening spend moderate watering.

Figure 4. Transplant seedlings in open ground

With a reckless way to grow, the seeds are sown directly into the prepared bed with loose land. For this, there are small grooves, 1 cm deep, watered them with a weak solution of mangalls and seed seeds. From above above the garden, the shelter of arcs and the film must be installed. When the seedlings grow up (about 3-4 weeks), it is cleared more freely. How to plant and care for the cabbage will tell the author of the video.


The main care requirement is abundant watering. It is better to water in the evening, in hot weather - every two or three days, and on cloudy days - about once a week (Figure 5).

Note: The soil around the plants regularly loose. You can also apply an emphasis, sprinkling the earth around the bushes peat. This will help fight weeds and keep the necessary moisture.

An important stage is the introduction of fertilizers. For the entire period of vegetation, they contribute 2-4 times, depending on the development of plants. After each feeding, the leaves are sprinkled with clean water to wash off the remains of chemicals.

Fertilizers are carried out like this:

  • The first time 2 weeks after the seedling landing. To do this, you can use chicken litter or a coward, diluted with water. However, if the soil feels like landing, the first feeding can be skipped.
  • The second making fertilizers make a month after landing, using the same organic mixture. Especially effective feeding for early varieties.
  • For the third time only the middle and late varieties 2 weeks after the previous fertilizer application.
  • The fourth feeder is carried out only late varieties and, if necessary (if the plants are weak or suffered a disease). Fertilizers can be made only 3 weeks after the previous time.

Figure 5. Care for white cabbage seedlings

In addition to organic fertilizers, special solutions of industrial production can be used for feeding.

Cabstone requires not only regular watering, feeding and loosening, but also freedom from weeds. Pests can live in them. In addition, weed plants are tested from the soil nutrients necessary for the formation of kochanov.

Diseases and pests

Cabbage care includes timely struggle with pests and diseases. The most common pests of vegetable are considered (Figure 6):

  1. Cabbage fly - Externally resembles a conventional fly, but it lays eggs only on the leaves and the stems of the vegetable. Pest larvae after hatching begin to nibble roots and the plant gradually dies. Early and medium varieties are especially affected. To combat insects, a dryer is used, and for the prevention of the soil around the roots, a mixture of naphthalene with sand is sprinkled.
  2. Cruciferous fleece Able to damage young shoots and seedlings. For the winter, pests are hiding in the ground, and with the onset of warm weather they begin to nibble plants, including the leaves. In order to prevent the death of plants, the seeds need to plant early spring and feed them with an associate or dung alive.
  3. Capping Scoop and Belyanka - These are butterflies that lay eggs on the inner surface of the leaves. After about 2 weeks, caterpillars appear, which can almost completely shrink the leaves. For the struggle, the same solutions are used as to eliminate cabbage flies.
  4. TLL - Insects will fall on the leaves of large colonies and suck juice from the plant. As a result, brown spots are formed on the leaves and gradually the plant dies. Special chemicals or tobacco decoction are used to eliminate.

Figure 6. Common pests of white cabbage: 1 - cabbage fly, 2 - Conducting flea, 3 - cabbage scoop, 4 - cabbage fault

There are a number of diseases that can reduce the harvest or completely destroy it (Figure 7):

Fungal disease affecting roots. Begins to develop with too abundant irrigation. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine that the plants are infected. To do this, you need to dig one and inspect its roots. If there is bloating or growths, you need to take action immediately. There are no effective methods of fight against kila. Infected plants just dig and thrown out. The soil is treated with bordeaux liquid or formalin, and it is possible to plant the culture on the plot only after 5-6 years.

  • Fusariosis

More often the seedlings, although adult plants may be subjected to this disease. To determine the presence of a fusariosis, you need to cut one of the leaves of the pet. If there is a brown ring on the cut, then plants are infected. Infected plants can not be cured, because inside their leaves are already damaged. Such plants simply dig up with the root, and the hole is sprinkled by the Bordeaux liquid.

If the cabbage began to ripen, it can be sprayed with fungicides, choosing the least toxic. That is why it is recommended to use grades resistant to fusariosis.

  • Blackleg

Amazes not only cabbage, but also tomatoes. Distribution promotes high temperature and humidity. At the affected plants, the stem darkens and becomes thinner. Gradually, it ceases to obtain nutrients from the soil and dies.

Figure 7. Signs of diseases of the white cabbage: 1 - Kila, 2 - Fusariosis, 3 - Black leg, 4 - White Rota, 5 - gray rot

As a rule, drugs that are used to combat a black leg cannot be used for cabbage, therefore the affected plants are digging, and for the rest, watering is reduced. In addition, it is necessary to dive denier seedlings.

  • White Rot

On the affected head there are wet spots with a white mucous base. The appearance of white rotors contributes to the lack of potassium and phosphorus, and for prevention, it is necessary to regularly fertilize plants and observe crop rotation.

  • Gray Gnil

The disease is striking heads folded. Externally, the fungal disease resembles a white rot, but the bloom has a gray shade. In order not to lose the crop, the storage room must be handled with chlorine lime or formalin.

Cabbage Cleaning and Storage

Crop the cabbage collect when all the cochanists will divert on the garden. But in the process of growing vegetables, we can gradually tear and use. Determine the maturity of the head simply: it should be a dense power.

It is not recommended for a long time to leave mature cochanists on the garden, as they can crack, and when frosts appear - to spoil. Collect the harvest is better in dry and cool day. So you can protect vegetables from rot.

Heads are cut with a knife, leaving a root with several leaves in the ground. After sending a harvest to storing the bazers digging, because after rotting they can provoke the development of disease.

Note: After harvesting, all the bars are inspecting. Dense leave for long-term storage, and damaged is sent to the salinity or quay.

If the cabbage is stored in the cellar, the room must be properly prepared (Figure 8):

  1. Casuals can not just dump a bunch, as they will quickly begin to rot.
  2. It is necessary to place heads on racks or shelves in a checkerboard order, in one tier and up with norama.
  3. Under the kochans are put on a straw or dry fern leaves. These plants absorb water and prevent rotting.
  4. The storage temperature should be -1 - +2 degrees with a humidity of 90%. If there is warmer in the room, the vegetables are quickly rotated, and with strong cold - they are broken and ruled.

Figure 8. Collection and storage of white cabbage

A small yield can be stored in another way: each coach is dipped into liquid clay and give to frozen in the air.

Soldering and saving cabbage for the winter

Jumping and salting is a great way to prepare cabbage for the winter, if the finished kocheans have any defects. To do this, select medium and late varieties, since the early have a characteristic green color and contain too few sugar to activate fermentation.

Quake cabbage is better in wooden personnel and barrels. But you can use any enamel container or glass jars. To allow you to use aluminum container, since the workpiece becomes gray in it and the metal taste becomes.

Note: For the junction you need to take 10 kg of chickle cabbage, 0.5 kg of carrots and a glass of salt. Sometimes dill and cumin seeds are added to the mixture.

Crumpled vegetables need to be mixed with carrots and a half salt, a little to melt hands before the formation of juice and shifting into the container for chairs, slightly pressing it in order to start the juice. Capacity should stand at room temperature about a week. So that it turns out to be crisp, daily need to pierce it to the bottom with a clean wooden spoon or wand. The sign that the cabbage is ready, the decrease in the juice and the sedimentation of the general level of vegetables. But it is still trying to try it: if it seems that it is not sufficiently sour, you can leave it for another day or two. The finished cabbage can be decomposed on separate containers and stored in the refrigerator (Figure 9).

Soldering is slightly different from the base. First of all, you need to choose correctly and prepare products:

  • For salting, tougher toughens are suitable without damage (late varieties);
  • The head is cleaned from the upper leaves and cut;
  • Prepare spices and salt. You need to take only a large stone salt.

Figure 9. Jumping and salting of white cabbage (left to right)

The finished cabbage is folded into a wooden or enameled container, speaking a salt layer. The oppression is installed on top and wait until juice appears. Periodically need to check whether the liquid highlights a vegetable. If the juice is not enough, you need to increase the weight of the oppression. From the video you will learn how to solit and pick up cabbage.