Equipment for the manufacture of PVC windows. Accessories for plastic windows

The least good location of the windows is considered if the openings come out strictly to the south or exclusively north. As a result, it is recommended to avoid buying such real estate. A useful and interesting review with practical recommendations published on the window, allowing you to choose housing with the optimal location of the windows. However, it is not always possible to follow the advice, therefore this article will help minimize negative consequences of emerging to the north or south of openings.

What if the windows come south

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the competent approach to the configuration of window structures will allow for comfortable conditions for accommodation and work even in adverse conditions. In addition, this location of the openings has not only disadvantages, but also the advantages:
  • the maximum possible amount of natural light, which in the daytime enters the inner premises;
  • savings on heating due to the energy of the sun.

The main problem of premises with the windows exit to the south is overheating of rooms in the summer season. Also, due to the long-term exposure on the constant basis, the UF-radiation in the rooms can burn furniture and other premieres of the interior. It is recommended to deal with such manifestations in comprehensively using the following decisions:

In some cases, buyers choose stained glass or electrochromic windows. The second option is more preferable, since it limits the flow of sunlight only in those moments when it is necessary for the owner of the property.

When buying windows from a profile painted for installation in the outlook, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and careful. The fact is that the profile of the dark color is heated faster and can be deformed during operation, if it was made of poor-quality polyvinyl chloride. As a result, in such situations it is recommended to choose windows with bindings of light color. The same applies to products made of laminated profile, the dark film in the complex with poor-quality plastic guaranteed to provoke the deformation of the window structure.

Tips for real estate owners with emerging to the north windows

In this case, the choice of designs is the main effect on the choice of windows to hold heat and skip the maximum possible number of day windows. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use:
  • two-chamber windows with inert gas - they are best preserved heat in the interior;
  • A 5-chamber reinforced profile of a small width - the window bounds with narrow jumpers pass more light, and a large amount of internal cavities contributes to the increase in the energy efficiency of the entire structure.

It is also recommended to warm out the external and internal slopes. These elements of the openings are additional wool bridges, so reducing heat transfer to these zones as much as possible. In some cases, it is recommended to use glass winds with heating. These models significantly reduce heat loss and help to save on heating.

Special attention should be paid to the installation of windows. The shortage of sunlight on the north side often leads to the fact that the outer walls are cheese. If, the whole design "breathes" and does not miss moisture, due to which condensate does not fall on the windows, frame and slopes and the mold is not formed.

The location of the windows should not affect the basic configuration of structures. Regardless of which direction it turns out the opening, the windows must ensure the possibility of trouble-free ventilation of the premises. To do this, they are equipped with a rotary-folding opening system. However, sometimes such a complete set is not enough to create comfortable conditions, and additional integration of supply valves of the supply ventilation or micronizing devices is required. For more efficient valve control, complete the sensors controlling the temperature and humidity in the interior. These measures make it possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of condensate and air the rooms even in winter.
Wide window sills do not allow the top of the warm air from radiators, which leads to a large heat loss and abundant condensation. To solve the problem, it is necessary to cut special lattices into the windowsill.

In addition to the possibility of ensuring a constant inflow of fresh air, sound insulation of windows is played. Even when the openings go to the quiet side, experts advise to take care of a high level of noise absorption. The best sound insulation in windows with double-chamber windows, in which inert gas rank. However, the problem can be solved with the help of special polymer films. It is important to know that the deterioration provokes not only high heat loss, but also reduces the level of noise absorption of windows, therefore it is always necessary to monitor this parameter.

It should be borne in mind that successfully selected components will provide harmony, both with the internal interior of the room and with the style in which the facade of the building is made.

By the way, the design of a modern plastic window is a woven together a system that includes a certain number of parts and mechanisms. In this article, we will try to consider in detail, from which it takes shape of the PVC windows and describe each element of the structure.

What is included in the design of the plastic window?

Let's start with the fact that without all the current components of the modern light-up design, simply will not function. Window accessories with which it can optionally be supplemented at will are designed to provide security and ease of operation.

Below will list the main components of the plastic window.

Frame. It is a framework for which the rest of the design elements is carried out. For its manufacture, a profile of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used.

Impost. Divides the frame into several parts. In most cases, it is located vertically, and only occasionally, with a non-standard method of opening sash, horizontally.

Sash. Fastened to the frame, mobile. Its design allows you to function in two positions: in the swivel and in the folding.

The largest component of the window system. It takes about 90% of the area. It consists of one or more cameras limited from two sides with glasses. Effectively copes with the holding of heat indoors and ensuring the creation of conditions for the penetration of sufficient daylight.

Stocker. Located along the border of contact with the visible part of the glass and sash. Designed for dense glass hold in the window design.

This concept includes many components united by one task - ensuring the correct movement of parts and mechanisms in the window system.

Read more with what is each window element, you can read by going to the relevant links.

Additional accessories.

Without having in its composition, comfort from the operation of the window and its functionality will be noticeably reduced. Therefore, it is so important in advance, even before placing the order, consider the requirements for additional component parts of the window.

Of course, most of them can be ordered after installing the design to a regular place, however, in this case, it is necessary to be ready to avoid unnecessary cash spending.

Additional elements.

It is worth noting that the modern window cannot but include individual elements that extend its life, as well as a aesthetic appearance that give the window accessory. List them:

one. . Serves as an additional part of the window design. Combins two functions at once: closes the lower part of the window opening and the creation of additional facilities in the room. Window sills can be used both as storage facilities and serve as a place for growing colors and fruit and vegetable crops. Sometimes the windowsill serves as a continuation of the table or a convenient point for reading. Modern window sills are made from the following materials:

  • plastic.

In principle, for installation, together with PVC, the window will suit any of the above materials. The main thing to "catch" is the successful combination of color and material that is harmonious with the interior of the room.

2.. The purpose of window slopes is reduced to the closure of emptiness of the opening and giving the last improved properties on heat and noise insulation. Their location is the upper and side parts of the opening (the lower side of the windowsill). Sucks can be made of different materials. They are:

  • plaster;
  • wooden;
  • marble;

As well as window sills, window slings in combination with a plastic window to go with various materials.

3.. Included in the number of mandatory accessories that are equipped with windows of any type. Located on the side of the street. Its appointment is the removal of incoming water from the junction of the opening and the design of the window itself. Depending on the type of material, they have different characteristics. There are:

  • metal;
  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • plastic.

four. . The main purpose of this product is, of course, ensuring reliable protection of the premises from the penetration of blood-sucking insects through the window opening. To date, there is a huge number of types of mosquito nets, differing, first of all, methods of installation and functionality.

Some models, in addition to the main protective functions, are performed and additional - protected from falling out of the domestic window (grid "Antikushka") or protect the room from penetrating particles of dust or pollen colors (Mesh "Anti-Tilt"). We will list the types of mosquito nets available today:

five. . Their destination is reduced both by the formation of an obstacle to sunlight penetrating the room and to the creation of a certain aesthetic component of the internal interior. Depending on the material used, a large number of types of blinds are distinguished, for example:

  • etc.

Can be installed not only on the room window, but also on the balcony windows.


Summing up the above, it can be noted that today the Russian building materials market is ready to offer the final buyer to choose a fairly large number of windows of plastic windows, as well as a wide range of additional accessories intended for them. Our largest popularity in our country has gained PVC windows.

The window is a design from a window profile and a glass package that is attached to it. This is the basis, but in addition to it there are details, without which the view of the window will be monotonous and ordinary.
Therefore, when ordering windows and glazing, additional components play an important role that will help to make windows both comfortable and practical and more beautiful and individual. On our site you will find a large selection of fittings and additions for the design of your windows.

Types of components that can additionally pick up

Additional details can have both practical appointment and a purely decorative slope. For example, designer solutions include:

  • artistic stained glass windows;
  • decorative layout;
  • blinds and curtains, which, in addition to unique design, will protect the room from bright light and prying views;
  • shutters and shutters performing not only a protective function, but also the windows that give the windows.

Practical benefits include mechanisms and equipment type:

  • children's lock, warning window opening without a special key;
  • mosquito nets;
  • built-in and external combs to adjust the opening;
  • sucks and lowers;
  • window sills of different widths and from various materials;
  • double glazed windows with various spraying (self-cleaning, energy-saving, shockproof filled with gas);
  • climatic valves for venting without opening the window.

Selection of the required window configuration

In order not to get lost and choose the really necessary additional components when ordering windows, it will be a reasonable step to contact the designer. He will make the necessary changes to the project. In the case of a typical order or purchase of ready-made windows, consult with our manager about the correctness and necessity of the elements you have chosen.

For decades, components for PVC windows have been actively developing and improved, but always included about the same elements. Regardless of the manufacturer and model of the plastic window, there is a specific set of components and accessories in which it is useful to understand the order for the order.

For the production of metal-plastic windows use a chemical product protected from moisture, cold and ultraviolet. Inside the profile, there is necessarily a metallic reinforcement, which gives structures additional strength and resistance.

The thickness of the window sash is determined by the number of air chambers provided in the glass-paste of a particular model. For operation in conditions of moderate and cold climate, it is better to choose 2-chamber and 3-chamber, and for hot countries - 1-chamber windows. If an increased protection against street noise is needed (for example, the windows overlook the lively roadway, or the house is located near the tracks of the railway), the number of cameras should be enlarged.

PVC windows include the following elements:

  • Rama is a fixed element located around the perimeter of the window. Mounted in the window block, consists of PVC profile and reinforced frame inside;
  • The sash is the movable part of the metal-plastic design, fastening with the frame and opened by the fitting mechanism;
  • The impost shares the frame into several parts. For example, one half to the imposed can be deaf, and the second one opens;
  • Strapboard is an integral part of the plastic required for reliable fixation of the glass unit;
  • Double-glazed windows - occupies most of the PVC window, consists of several glass and hermetic aircame rooms between them;
  • Fittings - all mechanical elements as part of the windows responsible for opening it. Can support various ventilation modes and be supplemented with an internal lock;
  • Sealing tires - provides additional sealing of the window due to the dense joint of the sash with the window block.

Additional accessories for plastic window:

  • Singing - puts on the outside, serves to remove precipitation and moisture;
  • Sunshine is located in the inside of the window opening, invariably deformed during the replacement of the window to the new one. Therefore, after installation, it is necessary to finish the slopes that perform not only aesthetic, but also the protective function: it is due to them that the installation seam is not destroyed over time;
  • The windowsill - installed under the PVC window, above the heating battery. It should be borne in mind that the windowsill should not close the battery entirely, otherwise moisture drops (condensate) will appear on the surface of the glass;
  • The grid of insects is stretched over the glass package and serves to protect against mosquitoes, flies, leaves and fluff. Recommended for installation in the room where there are pets and small children. It happens both removable (seasonal) and constant.

Before buying a plastic window, take into account the presence of all the necessary components and accessories, as well as consult with the manufacturer for related issues. And remember: it is always better to overpay for a full set of components than to buy something in the future and install yourself.