Which of the Russian kings played the soldiers. Tsar Peter III: biography, politics, reforms

7 facts from the life of Emperor Peter III

Peter III was a very extraordinary emperor. He did not know the Russian language, loved to play the soldiers and wanted to baptize Russia on the Protestant rite. His mysterious death led to the emergence of the whole Pleiada of impostors.


1. Heir to two empires

Already from the birth, Peter could claim two imperial titles: Swedish and Russian. On the Father's line, he had to be the grandchildren of King Carlo Xii, who himself was too busy with military campaigns to marry. Sant Peter from the mother was the main enemy of Karl, the Russian Emperor Peter I.

Early orphaned boy spent his childhood from uncle, Bishop Adolf Eitinsky, where he was brought up in Hate in Russia. He did not know the Russian language, was baptized in Protestant custom. True, other languages \u200b\u200bbesides the native German, he also did not know, only a little spoke French.

Peter was supposed to take the Swedish throne, but the childless Empress Elizabeth remembered the son of his beloved Sister Anna and announced his heir. The boy is brought to Russia to meet the imperial throne and death.

2. Games in the soldiers

In fact, the painful young man was not particularly needed by anyone: neither aunt-Empress, nor caregivers, nor, subsequently, his wife. All of all his origin was interested, even the cherished words were added to the official title of heir: "Petra I's grandson."

And the heir himself was interested in toys, first of all - the soldiers. Can we blame him in infantality? When Peter brought to St. Petersburg, he was only 13 years old! Dolls attracted the heir more than government affairs or young bride.

True, with age, his priorities do not change. He continued to play, but secretly. Catherine writes: "The afternoon of his toys was hiding in my bed and under her. The Grand Duke lay the first after dinner and, as soon as we were in bed, Cruz (Cameric) locked the door to the key, and then the Grand Duke played to the hour or two nights. "

Over time, toys are becoming more and more dangerous. Peter is allowed to write out the regiment of soldiers from the Holstein, which the future emperor with enthusiasm chases the rain. And at this time, his spouse teaches Russian and stirs the French philosophers ...

3. "Mrs. Beat"

In 1745, in St. Petersburg, the wedding of the heir to Peter Fedorovich and Ekaterina Alekseevna, the future Catherine II were magnificently celebrated. There were no love between young spouses - they too differed in character and interests. More intellectual and educated Catherine rises in his husband's memoirs: "He does not read books, and if he reads, then either a prayer room or descriptions of torture and executions."

With a married duty, Peter was not all smooth, about this testify to his letters, where he asks his wife not to share the bed with him, which became too narrow. From here and takes the beginning of the legend that the future emperor Paul was born at all from Peter III, but from one of the favorites of loving Catherine.

However, despite the coldness in the relationship, Peter always trusted the spouse. In difficult situations, he applied to her for help, and her tenacious mind found a way out of any trouble. Therefore, he received Catherine from her husband an ironic nickname "Mrs. Beat".

4. Russian Marquis Pompadour

But not only children's games distracted Peter from the married bed. In 1750, two girls were presented to the yard: Elizabeth and Ekaterina Vorontsov. Ekaterina Vorontsova will be the faithful companionship of his royal target, Elizabeth will also take the place of his beloved Peter III.

The future emperor could take any court beauty in favorite, but the choice of his fell, nevertheless, on this "fat and incompetent" Freillina. Love evil? However, whether to trust the description left in memoirs forgotten and abandoned his wife.

Acute to the language of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna found this love triangle very funny. She even nicknamed good-natured, but narrowly Vorontsov "Russian de Pompadur".

It was love that became one of the reasons for the fall of Peter. At the courtyard began to happen that Peter was going, following the example of ancestors, send his wife to the monastery and make marriage with Vorontsova. He allowed himself insulting and to crack Catherine, who, in appearance, tolerated all his whims, and actually cherished the plans of revenge and was looking for powerful allies.

5. Spy in the service of Her Majesty

During the seven-year war, in which Russia accepted the side of Austria. Peter III openly sympathized with Prussia and personally Friedrich II, which was not added popularity to the young heir.

But he went even further: the heir passed the secret documents, information on the number and location of the Russian troops! Having learned about this, Elizabeth was in rage, but she talked a lot to a nearby nephew for his mother, his beloved sister.

Why is the heir of the Russian throne so openly helps Prussia? Like Ekaterina, Peter is looking for allies, and hopes to find one of them in the face of Friedrich II. Chancellor Bestuzhev-Ryumin writes: "The Grand Prince convinced that Friedrich II loves him and responds with great respect; Therefore, he thinks that as soon he will go to the throne, the Prussian king will look for his friendship and will help him in everything. "

6. 186 days Peter III

After the death of Empress, Elizabeth Peter III was proclaimed by the emperor, but not crowned officially. He showed himself an energetic ruler, and for six months his reign was managed, contrary to the general opinion, to do a lot. The estimates of his rule will highlight: Catherine and its supporters describe Peter as a weak, ignorant soldier and Russophoba. Modern historians create a more objective image.

The first thing Peter concluded the world with Prussia on the conditions unfavorable for Russia. It caused discontent in army circles. But then his "Manifesto on the Worn's Validity" presented the aristocracy of huge privileges. At the same time, he issued laws prohibiting torturing and kill serfs, stopped the persecution of the Old Believers.

Peter III tried to please everyone, but as a result, all attempts turned against him. The reason for the conspiracy against Peter was his ridiculous fantasies about the baptism of Russia along the Protestant sample. Guard, the main support and support of the Russian emperors, spoke on the side of Catherine. In his palace in Orienbaum, Peter signed a renunciation.

7. Life after death

Peter's death is one big mystery. The emperor Paul did not compare himself with Hamlet: Throughout the Board of Catherine II, the shadow of her deceased husband could not find peace. But was the empress guilty in the death of the spouse?

According to the official version, Peter III died of illness. He did not differ good health, and unrest related to the coup and renunciation could kill a stronger person. But a sudden and so ambulance Death of Peter - a week after overthrow - called a lot of things. For example, there is a legend, according to which the killer of the emperor was the favorite of Catherine Alexey Orlov.

The illegal overthrow and the suspicious death of Peter gave rise to the whole Pleiad of the impostors. Only in our country more than forty people tried to give themselves for the emperor. The most famous of them was Emelyan Pugachev. Abroad, one of the false Petrov became even king of Montenegro. The last impostor was arrested in 1797, 35 years after the death of Peter, and only after that the shadow of the emperor finally found peace.

If someone from modern Russian fictionalists decided to create a collection of "Cursed Tsari" like the literary series about the French kings, the emperor Paul I would take a worthy place in this epic. In domestic historiography, not to mention the cinema, it is customary to represent the "monarch of a shameful and mentally unbalanced." But was it really possible? The Military Historian reflects on the emperor and his reforms in an interview with "results" Andrey Malov-Gra.

- Surely, Andrei Gennadyevich, the inertia of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe emperor in the form of a "venance self-playing playing in the soldiers", stubbornly continues to act?

Do not be surprised. The history of the reign of Paul I is written by the hands of his murderers. Or rather, by order of those most people who hated him. Studies of Pavlovsk Epoch are based mainly on the memories of the top of the nobility of the pore. And she underwent a lot from the sovereign, because he did not give an elite to rob the country. Paul was not a revolutionary, he just wanted to bring order in a huge country for the European sample.

- First of all on Prussian?

There is nothing wrong with this: in Prussia, too, by the way, the fortress state, was order. Paul became a hostage such a situation when he was almost the only official who sought to register Russia. The rest wanted only to stay in: In the postpept times, the nobility was accustomed to this.

Take the position in the army. Let's say, in the guard, the number of nobles noded under the banners exceeded the staffing of 2-3 times. Thus, the Siberian Hsenther battalion stood "in the depths of Siberian ores", and the "extra" officers, which were kept in it, were constantly in St. Petersburg and wore the form of this military unit. Paval comes to power and command: "Everything is in line!" And in the noble environment begins howl: "How so? Where are our class liberties?! " The number of junkers in the battalion just shrinks! Paul also strictly restored what was under Peter I: in order to have the right to become an officer, a young nobleman is obliged to arrive in the regiment and pass the ordinary soldier service.

With Pavel, it turns out, Junkers served for 7-8 years. Up to thirty-two years! How so? Everything is simple: once you "do not know", "let's not understand the letters, stay in junkers. With Catherine, this was a long time would have been produced in officers and it would have risen in St. Petersburg on the Balah to dance. Paul was harsh. He dismissed 333 generals and a 2261 officer who did not manage to answer simple questions about military business. He expelled all the lower ranks from the nobles that were nosed at the shelves and are in long holidays. Forbade officers and leaves of vacation more than one month in the year. Not to mention the fact that the king strongly forbade the use of soldiers as labor in officers or general estates.

- About this in more detail, please. Very modern sounds, you know.

Take statistics from the same Hheer's battalion, initially called the 1st Siberian Hsenther. Major Gavril Sidorov was set aside from the service for "to have a soldier's own consumption." Speaking otherwise, the soldier mowed a meadow owned by the Major personally. For the fact that Major Alexander Korneev was dismissed, and Major Alexander Korneev was dismissed, when the command was learned about such Stroybat ... It is significant that these officers were brought to the state without a pension.

- Why do historians write with such disregard about the "Prussian uniforms" introduced by Paul?

Yes, because they are "ugly and bagged", as stated in the memories of the pore. The fact is that at the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries in the Russian army there were two cuts of the uniform. Standard, Western European, former in the Catherine Army: Fitting, looking beautiful, but in our natural conditions there is a very uncomfortable - with an open stomach, with tight cuylow pants. I liked the nobleman: the fur coat threw - and the order! And the soldier in this outfit on the clock stand, at night and frost. Maximum, that on top was put on, it is a fucking - a short crank to the knees. And all!

Stayed in everyday life and form of the Potemkin army. This clothing is lighter: the war was usually carried out with the Turks, in the south and, as a rule, in the summer. So, you need canvas pants and lightweight shirt. And Paul, who perfectly understood that future wars threaten Russia primarily from Europe, introduced the same form. Kaftans are strongly debt, Falda can be disassembled and, like a chinel, cover legs. In addition, it was Pavel that came up with the lower ranks as the subject of the shape of the closed overhang, which we have in the army to this day. It is difficult and to imagine that earlier Russian soldiers had only tight uniforms for the winter. And Paul ordered: "Wide the uniforms are wide, in order to rise to them well." Paul was the first of the Russian emperors in a man's soldier. Introduced for winter time for watch guard sheepskin coats and boots. Moreover, the boots in the guard should be as much as it is required that every change of sentries to wear dry shoes. This rule is valid today ... nobles did not like all these innovations. After all, officers should now comply with the same form as ordinary.

- What about hairstyles with letters entered by Paul for soldiers?

The hairstyles of these awkward were introduced by Anna Ioannovna, they were left at Pavle. He, however, introduced a relaxation: from soldiers such hairstyles only needed on parades. And on ordinary days it was necessary to walk with long hair collected in a maiden or in a beam ...

- They say that Suvorov opposed. Considered it nonhygienic.

They can not do anything, in any case, in all European countries, the warriors were wore long hairstyles, and the lice at that time were almost all. The stories about the so-called Protests of Suvorov is most of its faith. As it will seem strange at first glance, the military concepts of Paul and Suvorov largely converge. When we look at Pavlovsk citizens and compare them with the "Regimental Institution" of Suvorov, it turns out that it is about the same thing. Their main essence: We must protect and appreciate the soldier! Pavlovsk citizens launched in the Russian army until the middle of the XIX century - to the Crimean War.

- And yet: was Paul had significant contradictions with Suvorov or not?

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was famous for conservative views. He sincerely loved Empress Catherine, who raised him and made a prominent figure of the state. And then he sees that the son of the queen, over which all Velmazby laughed - until forty years old in the soldiers playing! - Begins to displacing everything that was connected with his great mother. Suvorov was outraged. He demonstrated his emphasized "Russianness", given that Paul introduced many elements from the Prussian military charter in the army. For example, the watch booth is the so-called platform where the guard is worth. The emperor causes Suvorov. When the general comes to the "platform", the clock must cause the entire guard and build for greeting. Suvorov is in a hundred steps, and the clock gives the team: "Won!", What is nothing more than a translation into Russian Heraus team! What makes Suvorov, having heard it? It turns out and leaves ... it turns out that from the emperor several times sent for Suvorov, and he does not come. Finally contact him, and the general says: "I scream:" Won! ", So, the sovereign does not want me to see me." Identka by and large! The king does not allow Suvorov to contact him and sends it to the village, to the link.

However, the anger of the emperor lasted not long. Paul always treated Suvorov with great respect and recognized his merits to Russia. And Suvorov in the estate graduated. He understood how many Paul makes for the army. The king considered the nobles of the Castow, created to defend the Fatherland. If the nobleman does not know how much worse - it does not want to do this, he is worthy of the most severe attitude towards him.

- Knight's code is essentially ...

Exactly. Paul could say: "In Russia, only the one with whom I say and while I speak with him," but the emperor believed that the nobleman could not humiliate, he "should be not right." There have been cases when the emperor wade a cane on an officer, but never beat. How did the career of Peter Palon, the future Military Governor of St. Petersburg and soon one of the killers of Paul? Somehow, on the divorce, the king, who came into rage from someone's clumsive act, wanted to strike the officer to the cane. And General Palen turned out to be near and intercepted the cane. Paul was taken away: "How dare?!." - "Sovereign, a nobleman and an officer. You will not forgive yourself then. " Paul awarded an officer, and Palena, who brought to himself. With all his hot, the king was leaving and objective.

In 1798, Paul I banned the nobles, who served less than a year on officers, to ask for a resignation, and in 1800 - to take on the civil service of the nobles who did not undergo military service. Evasion from military duties was regarded as a serious violation of laws, the execution of them was imposed on the governors and prosecutors. The nobility was seeded, but nothing could do anything. Paul also introduced permanent cash charges from the nobles to the content of the troops. The amount of tax directly depended on the amount of land and the number of serfs.

- In other words, the nobility was for what hate Paul ...

The soldiers were recruited primarily from the peasants, and the king made incredibly much to facilitate the position of serfs. The emperor allowed the peasants to file complaints about the oppression of landowners to court and directly the emperor. In 1797, Paul canceled all the arrears of the peasants, replaced the residential and road service, as well as the bread supply to money collecting, a year later organized in all provinces of bread in case of crawling. Specific and government peasants were provided by land in 15 tents, could receive passports when leaving for earnings. They were allowed after paying the redemption amount to move into merchants.

You can reproach Paul in inconsistency, but some of his manifestos were truly historical. So, in April 1797, a decree was issued "On the three-day work of landlord peasants in favor of landlords and not coercion to work in the days of Sundays." Fasteners were forbidden to sell without land, at auctions and bidding, with fragmentation of families. For the first time! Moreover, the peasant was entitled to bring oath and file appeals to court. The serfs, regarded earlier only as a two-legged cattle, was recognized as Pavle.

- However, corporal punishments in the Russian army still continued.

But they were appointed for very serious actions: escape, insulting the commander ... Paul regulated the corporal punishment of the lower ranks, especially noting that "these to allow in extreme cases." Punished with sticks, or spysruten. There was a scale, which was given. Fresh through the company - two hundred shots ... but it was not as often used, based on the notorious "class approach", in Soviet times.

The Russian army was humane than others. In her, let's say, unlike English, the Andreevsky Cross did not catch anywhere and did not beat the whites. Paul introduced the real disciplinary and criminal liability of officers for the preservation of the life and health of the soldiers. The king needed healthy warriors. Under the fear of cortics, the commanders were forbidden to hold from the soldiers' salary and under the fear of death - the uncomipable of the soldier's salary.

- Could the Nest-Safe become an officer of the Russian army?

It was the Soviet myth in the style of the "Fortiece Actress", that Paul allegedly banned the Nedanlan to officers. This is another focus folding. The king was forbidden to raise the officers not from the lower ranks, but from Laces and Bradobreyev. That is, from non-blood, non-participating in the combat actions of the ranks. From the Podkhalesov, Klyantic Awards from the commanders ... The king ordered all the opening officer vacancies to fill out only by graduates of military-educational institutions or experienced Unter-officers from the nobles who passed the exams for literacy and knowledge of the Charter. But simplotine could be made to officers if you pass the necessary exams. Only the soldier or nonsense officer service will be longer - depending on the social class, from which he came.

- And a non-Officer is what?

Sergeant, speaking modern tongue. If, with Catherine, military ranks were on French manner, with Pavel - became German. The nobleman was served by the serve, three - a non-commissioned officer, and then they were produced in officers. If, of course, he learned what was supposed and passed the exams. If not - go and further in ordinary, my birthday! Reforms and the military medical part were carried out. In pavel, only persons who have surrendered a special exam in the medical board were allowed in the regiment. During the matter of the years, Russian military medicine has become headed above the European. With each shelf, climbing were established.

Paul did not at all overnight became the reformer of the army, he was preparing for this all his life. Being remote from St. Petersburg to Gatchina and playing there "in the soldiers", he worked out future statutes on military units given to him by the Department of Empress. This is the Kirassir cavalry regiment, and the infantry battalion, and the equestrian root company, and the semi-posters of the sailors. The excited Gatchina Mini-Army became the prototype of the future powerful Armed Forces of the Fatherland. Having come to power, Paul freed the military collegium from administrative, economic and judicial functions. Now she was engaged in recruiting, weapons, combat and construction preparation, outfitting and food for personnel, not to mention the operational and tactical management. The emperor made the ruled monthly reports of parts and units.

To eradicate treasures, by the tradition of a corrosive Russian army, Paul has created an audit department to whom the broad authority provided. Former military leadership forgive the king of such a revolution could not. Moreover, Paul had a very narrow team that supported it. It is characteristic that the names of these bright, but at all not noble people mentioned in our historiography certainly in a negative context. Say, Alexey Arakcheev. The leaving of the poorest nobles, he was a brilliant artillers: the rupties of the guns reconstructed, reduced the number of calibers and, most importantly, introduced, again, on the "damned" Prussian pattern, equestrian artillery.

Cavalry was significantly reorganized. Previously, fought most often with wild hordes of the Turks and Tatars, she became severe and tuned to war with the West. And after fifteen years after Pavlovsk reform, Russian pures did not give way to "Iron people" of the French general Etienne de Nancy, figuratively speaking, the tanks of the then Europe. Alexander I army, established Russia from Napoleon and taking Paris, is in fact the Army Paul. Such is the axiom. People are the same, only the uniforms have changed. But, as you know, people are fighting, not uniforms. By the way, about Alexander. He did not help his father when Paul was engaged in the army, but the younger son Konstantin.

"I can't help but ask you about the so-called Indian campaign, the last military action of Paul."

After the betrayal by the Austrians of the Russian Army in the war with the French and the flight of Suvorov "Miracle Bogatyer" from Switzerland, it became obvious that other landmarks need foreign policy. Paul first realized that Russia, ready to crush and Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire, need such a mighty ally as Napoleon. After the seizure of the British Malta, which the emperor, being the head of the Maltese Order, considered as the Russian territory, became clear: the United Kingdom is the main enemy of Russia.

The package of 22 thousand Cossacks led by Ataman Vasily Orlov's campaign through Khiva and Bukhara to India is, of course, part of the AntiBritian policy of Paul. Not sure that the action was conceived together with the French. I think it was only intelligence. 41 regiments accompanied only 12 guns. With such artillery and fortresses, they do not take, and with regular troops, which were near the British in India, do not fight ... Another thing is that the "Indian campaign" was so alarmed the British that they decided to speed up the operation to eliminate the Russian emperor.

It's not a secret: to kill Paul's conspirators went directly from the St. Petersburg residence of Lord Worth, the former British ambassador in Russia. And London, and the Russian nobility Paul Imbered as a great reformer. For the people, the king was the tragedy. Soldiers cried, standing in Karaul. There are memories that the officer asked serving, because of what he cries, because the king of soldiers often punished. The Suvorov veteran replied: "I used to only rollers, and with Pavel Petrovich was justice - for everyone they punished." Such is the view from below.


Russian history knows many incomprehensible characters. One of them can be called Peter III, who was destined to become the emperor of our country. Peter-Ulrich, such a complete name, was the son of Anna Petrovna, and she, in turn, accounted for the eldest daughter Peter, and the Duke of the Holstein Kala (his named Friedrich). The future emperor of Russia was born on February 21, 1728. His mother, Anna Petrovna, died from Chakhotka, just three months after the birth of his boy. At 11, Peter-Ulrich loses her father. And the Swedish king himself, a famous historical person, Karl XII accounted for him to his uncle. Peter himself had full right, both at the Swedish and Russian throne. The future emperor has lived in Sweden from 11 years. It was there that he was in every way brought up in the spirit, so to speak, Swedish patriotism, as well as Lyutoy Hate to Russia. Peter-Ulrich grew by a painful and nervous boy. To a greater extent, it was connected with the manner of its upbringing. Teachers accepted very severe and humiliating measures against him.

In 1741, Elizaveta Petrovna, aunt Petra-Ulrich, became an empress of Russia. She immediately proclaimed the heir. It is not surprising that the receiver was Peter-Ulrich himself. However, he had an unhealthy form, a low level of education and possessed a mediocre mind. In 1945, Peter III entered into a legitimate marriage with a certain Sophia Frederic Angular Anhalt Czyrst. Directly upon baptism, she was given the name of Ekaterina Alekseevna. She, after a certain period of time, took Russian throne, and in history entered as Catherine II. Relations between spouses were not charged from the very beginning. It was too inflatable and limited, and Ekaterina Alekseevna did not like it. For example, he played the soldiers with great ecstasy, attached to various children's fun. In a word, Peter III was not going to grow up. After the death of the Empress itself, Elizabeth Petrovna (this happened December 25, 1761), it was Petr Fedorovich immediately asked Russian throne. But he did not have time to crumble.


Going to the Russian throne, the emperor Peter III immediately made an unprecedented thing. It is worth recalling that Russia then took part in the seven-year war (Alexander Suvorov stopped at the time on the battlefields). So, the seven-year-old war developed so successfully, which could absolutely boldly put a cross on the existence of the German state. There was another option - to oblige Prussia to pay a huge, in those times, contribution, as well as knock out trade agreements unfavorable to it. Peter III turned out to be a big fan of Friedrich II. Therefore, together the above actions, I simply concluded a gratuitous world with Prussia. The Russian people like this could not, because people with blood and courage sought success on the battlefields. Therefore, this step on the part of the emperor cannot be called otherwise as Samoram and betrayal.

If we talk about the internal policy of Peter III, then it turned out rather active activities. He issued a huge number of different legal acts, and all this in a short period of time. It is necessary to especially allocate from them the manifesto on the liberation of the nobility, the fight against dissent and the elimination of the secret office. It was under Peter III that the persecution of the Old Believers completely stopped. But in the army, the emperor began to impose Prussian orders. Thus, he managed to set up a significant part of the country's society against himself.

Peter Fedorovich never acted within a single political program. Most of his actions, according to historians, had, so to speak, chaotic order. Every day, the displeasure of society became stronger, and then followed the state coup. Immediately after that (in 1962), the Russian throne took the wife of Peter III - Ekaterina Alekseevna. The story will remember it as Catherine II.

Peter III died with very mysterious circumstances in the suburb of St. Petersburg. Someone believes that it is a vehicle disease that suned him, while others believe that the conspirators, they are supporters, Catherine II just helped him die. Rules Emperor Peter III is only six months (December 1761-July 1762). This time can be characterized by only one word - misunderstanding.

Psychologists argue that the human hobby is his failed profession. Even the power of caviar at all times is sometimes distracted by pleasant lessons: someone closer poetry and aristocratic hunting, someone collecting or painting. Today it will be about alter-ego Russian celersists.

Yaroslav Wise - First Bibliophile All Russia

In the ancient Russia, the princes spent free from wars and public affairs time behind the peyots and wars. The first Kiev Prince, who acquired a hobby, who fell in the chronicle, became Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich on nicknamed wise, who lived approximately from 978 years to 1054. They say that he received his nickname thanks to the books.

Yaroslav Wise became the first prince of Kievan Rus, who suffered a diploma, studied foreign languages \u200b\u200band read independently. He created the library, the books in which, by his command, were taken from Europe and Byzantium, they rewrite and kept carefully. For his time, Yaroslav Wise was very knowledgeable in the field of world politics, which helped him to become one of the greatest princes of Russia.

John IV Grozny - Lover of Heavenly Light and Chess

The Russian king of John the IV of Grozny was, it turns out to be a very harmless passion, which did not have anything in common with such widely known entertainment, as sitting on a barrel with gunpowder or a wheelchair. John Vasilyevich fell weakness to heavenly luminaries and was seriously fond of astrology. He not only bought the cards of the starry sky, but also made them their own. Judging by the cards, John Grozny knew exactly that at different points of the earth, the picture of the starry sky looks different.

But the real passion of the Russian king was chess. The permanent partners in the chessboard were Prince Ivan Glinsky and Boris Godunov. But Malyuta Skuratov, despite all the efforts of the king, the science of chess has not mastered. According to John Iv and died, sitting at chessboard.

Peter I "loved Srebro not for Srebro"

Peter I can be considered the first Russian "professional" numismat. The first Russian emperor fell special weakness to coins, however, not as a payment facility, but as to the subject of collecting. In the collection were domestic coins, and Arab, and Greek. Of particular interest, he caused coins of European chasing, and rare coins belonging to the coins of ancient Rome, Peloponnese and Persia were invaluable for Peter.

At the first Russian emperor there were even several albums for storing coins made by hand. In his free time, Peter could switch coins for hours, clean and consider them. The Emperor's interest in the coins played not the last role in the formation and development of the Russian mint.

Peter III: Toy battles under vodka

Extremely unusual hobby was Emperor Peter III. In addition to traditional Russian weakness to alcoholic beverages, Peter III loved to play toy soldiers. However, he treated his hobby of autocrats with all seriousness, it did not allow anyone to mock and always tried to replenish the "army" with new figures. In the collection of Peter III there were several thousand soldiers who constituted units and even whole army. Monarch could put them on a special table, modeling the course of battle.

However, once the misfortune occurred. The Palace Rat thoroughly cocked three soldiers from the collection. The ruler to demolish such an insult inflicted by him and the Russian army, let both the toy, could not. Already on the same day, according to his decree, the rat was caught and publicly hanged. However, they did not cease to nibble soldiers from this rat.

Nicholas I - Emperor Couturier

Self-settlement All-Russian Nicholas I Putal Passion for Clothing Design. Contemporaries have repeatedly mentioned that the emperor loved to engage in the design of military uniforms of the Russian army. They say that Nikolai I is not worse than any tailor disassembled in the sewing case, knew the appointment and application of all the elements of the uniform and could even carry out the drawing of sketches, their refinement and the incarnation of sketches.

Nicholas II - Sign of Violins

He was fond of collecting and the last emperor of the Russian Empire - Nicholas II. He collected violin. In his collection there were 128 violins and even the violin of the Great Antonio Stradivari. Like any collector, Nicholas II very painfully treated its exhibits. There is a legend that in the Winter Palace for the violin of Stradivari was equipped with a cache in the column of the palace.

Not proletarian entrepreneurs of the leader of the proletariat

The leader of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's hobbies were by no means proletarian. Contrary to the ideals of social equality, Lenin was interested in cars, very much loved hunting, cycling and horseback riding, reading books and classical music. The leader of the proletarians of all countries was not sensible to painting and the theater. He did not advertise their hobbies, while many of his associates were divided.

Stalin - Sign of wines and movie lover

Father of all peoples Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin has a special weakness of Putal to the cinema, including the Hollywood Westerns. He believed that the love of Orlova could make a worthy competition of Greten Grebo, and the USSR still "will give a bitten" Hollywood. After the death of the leader in his documents, a leaf was found with the words of the song "Easy to heart from the song Merry" and the film "Volga-Volga".
Another hobby Stalin is a wine of its own manufacture. In the basement in the near dacha, there were always bottles with Georgian wine, in which various berries were added to the leader's leader.

Sibarrit Brezhnev and poet Andropov

Gensen Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev more orders loved, perhaps, only hunting. He did not refuse this enthusiasm even in recent years of life, conducting a weekend in military hunting hovero. It is said that the boars there were specially embarrassed by potatoes, and as a result, the beast came to the hunters on meters 30. It was simply impossible to miss, but the huntsman did just in case a shot simultaneously with Brezhnev.

But Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, who delayed the Secretary General for a long time, and more famous as the most mysterious Chairman of the KGB of the USSR, wrote poems. And it is worth noting that very good. Someone from the contemporaries called him a fair and wise statesman, someone is a cunning and ambition politician - the facts in his biography are enough with an excess of both images. He has the same different poems: both lyrics, and comic, and not even quite decent content.

It is said that somehow the historian of the RAS Academician George Arbatov and political scientist Alexander Bovin sent an Andropov a congratulatory letter, in which Casual expressed concern about the fact that the power spoils people. The Secretary General replied to him by the poem:

I got some kind of loci,
As if spoils the power of people.
About that all clever people say
Since then, many years in a row,
Without noticing (here to attack!),
What more often people spoil power.

As we see - nothing human is alone even "the strong world of this." In any case, the pretty characteristics of the character make each of them more understandable and close to descendants.