Who in 1777 received sugar crystals. "Sweet Life": Sugar - Benefits, Harm and Consumption Condition

The life of a modern person is impossible to imagine without sugar.
Humanity still does not significantly know, in which age people could produce sugar and how long ago began to use in the diet. According to the assumptions of scientists, the history of sugar is originated in India more than 3,000 years before. e..
For the first time, the sugar was able to get from sugar cane. The first references to the product are described in the Indian Ancient Epos "Ramayana", and sugar received its name thanks to the Indian word "sarcara"that translated means sweet.
In the Middle East about Sahara, they found out at the beginning of the 4th century BC. er, thanks to the Arabs who brought the product from India. It exists that the method of obtaining refined sugar was first invented in Persia. Persians were first invented by the method of obtaining a sweet refined product, several times digesting raw and cleaning it. After a miracle of the plant, Portuguese and Spanish merchants and travelers learned about the miracle of the plant.

It is useful to know: Sugar was initially called at all sugar, anything "sweetness", "honey made without bees", "Sweet Solu" but not sugar.

Familiarity of Europeans with sugar

Europeans about the cane sugar first learned in 325 BC. e. Thanks to the great fleet and researcher, Naqqu after his journey through the Indian Ocean. However, the product has not received wide distribution at that time. Only at the beginning of the VII century, when Arabs conquered Asia and got a plant in the Mediterranean, sugar gradually began to conquer the hearts. The plant was successfully acclimatized in the Valley of the Great Nile and Palestine. After time, the cane appears in Syria and then conquers Spain and North Africa.

A new stage in the promotion of sugar came in the XII century, thanks to the hikes of the Crusaders on the Syrian and Palestinian lands, from where the plant hits the Mediterranean countries. Historically and geographically, it happened that with the development of the sale of sugar in XIV-XVV. Venice was a sugar capital. All sugar supplies from India stayed here. Here they also produced processing and cleaning of raw materials, giving sugar the form of a cone, after which the product was distributed throughout the Old World.

It is useful to know: at the beginning of the XIV century in England, the cost of one teaspoon sugar was equivalent to one modern American dollar.

At the beginning of the XVT. After the Portuguese colonized new territories, a sugar cane is beginning to grow on Maderah. The Canary Islands, located under the Spanish control become the place of active cultivation of the plant. Now every European country has sought to establish its own production of a sweet product.

It is useful to know: Up to the French revolution of 1789, France occupied the first place among the countries of leaders in the consumption of sugar from the cane.

First sugar in america

After Christopher Columbus opened America, the story of sugar received a new round of development. For the first time for the new light, sugar cane seedlings were planted on the island of San Domingo where by 1505 the first sugar was produced. Thirteen years later, 28rd enterprises for the cultivation and processing of sugarcane worked on the island. After some time, the plant hits the territory of Peru, Mexico and Brazil.
For 300 years, most of the global sugar production has been concentrated in the Caribbean. But the history of the propagation of sugar cane has not ended. It turned out that the climate of Indonesia, Hawaii, the Philippine Archipelago and the French colonies, who were on the islands in the Indian Ocean very favorable for growing plants. And already by the beginning of the XIX century, the whole globe knew about sugar cane.

How did sugar from sugar beets appear?

The fact that Sugar is located in Beckl, for the first time, it became known in 1575, thanks to the works of the famous researcher Olivier de Sere. Only two centuries later in 1747 this discovery was proven by the German chemist Andreas Sigismund Marggraf. Thanks to the experiments, he was able to allocate a small amount of sugar from three types of beets. The scientist himself, then I have not yet understood what great discovery he did. Data on his work, he published in the French scientific journal, but no reaction of readers and scientist followed.
After some time, Sigismund Marggrant appeared a follower and student Karl Franz Ahard, who was able to 1799g. Present a scientific work on high audience. Ahard managed to prove that it was much more profitable to get sugar from beets than from sugar cane. As a result, already in 1801 The first sugar sugar sugar production plant appears.
After Karl Ahard opened his own plant, his life was filled with great difficulties. It was not easy for a scientist, because the merchants of the cane sugar declared him a chemless war, having ridiculed his name in magazines, caricatures and tried to even bribe. Karl Ahard died in great poverty in 1821. But in 1892 On the building of the Academy, where scientists of Sigismund Marggraf and Karl Ahard were installed memorial plates with their portraits.

When did sugar in Russia appear?

For the first time, sugar in Russia was brought from Europe in the XI-XII centuries. At that time, this product in Russia was available only to wealthy and rich people. The first plant for the production of sugar in the first place was opened by Peter I and had the name "Sugar Chamber". Raw materials for production became exclusively due to the border. At the beginning of the XIX century, Russia was able to establish its own production of raw materials, growing sugar beets first under Tula, and then in other areas of the Great Power.

You can rarely meet a person indifferent to sweet, even if he has just stopped there are cakes with cakes for health. No sugar is difficult to introduce the workpiece of berries and fruits. Jam, compotes, grazing, a huge amount of confectionery, sweet tea or coffee - all this requires a huge amount of valuable food product. What makes sugar in the world are produced today - the topic of this article.

Sugar cane, beets

It is these plants immediately come to mind when it comes to traditional raw materials, methods for producing sugar. Accompanied by this and associations:

  • Sugarcane. Freedom-loving residents of hot tropical countries on their plantations, it turns out when they grow up, a sharp machete. Then boil it in large chains, preparing sugar syrup - the basis for obtaining a frozen, lumpy product. "Born in the USSR" is remembered by the island of freedom - a socialist cube, who was in those times the main supplier of snow-white sand for 94 full-fledged Soviet penny per 1 kg.

  • Sugar beet, which has seen little from urban residents. Sugar from her was no longer white, but some sulfur, unspoic, but cheaper - 88 kopecks. They grown, as today in Russia, in huge quantities, to then highlight the sweet component - sucrose from it.

Of which the sugar in the world is also produced, except for traditional raw materials, where the reed is accounted for up to 60%, and the beet is left without a small one:

  • From juice tree maple. Such sugar is produced in Canada.
  • From sorghum skes. In antiquity, he was preparing in China, later in the United States.
  • From the juice of different types of palm trees, including a dick.
  • Malt. Of the sprouted, and then dried, ground grain plants. Most often it is not an independent product, but a component of raw materials for the production of alcoholic beverages.
  • From corn starch. However, it is usually syrup, as well as obtained from maple, and sugar is called both in the habit because of the sweet taste, the scope and marketing considerations.

For residents of Russia, all listed varieties, varieties and methods for the production of sugar-containing products are exotic, and their use is usually limited to a violent fantasy of numerous guru - self-adjacent chefs, self-employed cooking dishes for complex recipes from the rarest ingredients on TV screens.

How to do sugar

Technologies for the production of a valuable product, regardless of the initial raw materials, are not very different:

  • Collection of raw materials.
  • Cleaning from dirt, organic impurities. This is especially true for sugar beets.
  • Grinding.
  • Double pressing (with water adding) to highlight juice - for sugar cane.
  • Extraction of sucrose with hot water - for beet.
  • The purification of the resulting dark solution containing a different amount of dissolved sucrose, depending on the species, grade of raw materials, from organic oxides, chemical compounds-impurities with lime milk, sulfur gas, binding, precipitating unnecessary substances.
  • Settlement of the solution, removing the resulting sediment.
  • Multiple filtering.
  • Removal of excessive moisture evaporation.
  • Sugar crystallization under vacuum.
  • Separation of sucrose and molasses (molasses) using centrifugation.
  • Final drying.

The last stages of the technological process is how sugar is made are repeated until the finished product is obtained - snow-white, crystalline sand, and then package.

Finally, about a well-known food product:

  • Motherland Sugar - India.
  • The usual sand sugar is independent of raw materials that served for its production has the same food value, the number of calories.
  • Brown sugar, obtained with the addition of molasses from the cane, does not become natural, useful to health, but only more expensive.
  • By the way, under the guise of an exotic product from hot countries, there are always tinted sugar from beets.
  • Small sugar, despite the steady delusion, not sweeter than the large, including slicing, but only faster dissolves.
  • The Motherland of Sugara Rafinal, having a cubic shape, - the Czech Republic. Year - 1843.

To know what the sugar makes a daily life is mined, informative. But do not forget that excessive use of it is not only possible to get rushing to the dentist, but also lead to diabetes.

In unimaginably imagine modern life without sugar. It is added to almost all dishes, ranging from desserts, finishing with salt fish. With regard to this product, there are plenty of theories and opinions: some associate sugar with a sweet life, others - call him "white death". So how do you treat him? What dose is considered the norm? What is the harm and what is the benefit?

History of the appearance of sugar

To unambiguously say what region is the homeland sugar today is impossible. Some researchers give the palm of the championship of Assyria and Babylon, others attribute these merits of India. Many scientists consider 510 to our era of the year of the birth of the sugar history, when the soldiers of the Emperor of Persia Darius found thickets of sugar cane on the banks of the Rivers of India and called him honey, which exists without bees.

However, it was from India that Sugar got to the Egyptians who tried to use a sugar cane for medical purposes and as a food product for slaves.

The sugar brought from Egypt to the Roman Empire, from where he was then spread over Europe.

Initially, the sugar was obtained by collecting sugar cane juice, which was then cooked and obtained sugar in the form of crystals.

For the first time in the second half of the 18th century, sugar beets began to be used to produce sugar.

Political action was provided for such a way of obtaining sugar when in 1805, Europe was cut off from the possibility of importing sugarcane. As a result, in 1811, Napoleon declared that from now on, the raw materials for the production of sugar is changing on sugar beet.

The raffin sugar appeared for the first time in the Czech Republic, when one of the owners of the sugar factory, experimented with this product, created sugar in the form of squares.

Sugar in Russia

In Russia, sugar appeared more than 1000 years ago. All really rich people could afford it. Peter first took over the construction of a sugar production plant in Russia. However, the raw materials needed to be imported out of the border, and at the cost of sugar and remained a long product.

Only 2000 years ago, sugar from sugar beet began to produce in Russia, thanks to which it was possible to reduce its cost and make it publicly available.

Only in the 20th century, sugar became a product of general consumption, appeared in each family, in every house, it is added to almost every product of cooking.

Scientists have more than a few hundred all kinds of sugar types. In each plant of green there are substances that allow you to get sugar. It is formed from glucose in the process of photosynthesis of carbon dioxide and water under the action of the energy of the Sun.

Sugar is considered the most popular:

  • From the cane (sugar cane)
  • From palm juice (base - coconut juice, difts)
  • From sugar beet
  • Sugar and silver maple juice get maple sugar
  • Sugar from sorghum

What is refined and unrefined sugar

Each of the above-mentioned varieties can be unrefined (brown in color) and refined (so white sugar looks like this).

Rafination is a procedure for the separation of crystals of sucrose from impurities - it is a pattern, vitamins, mineral salts.

Refined sugar is different in the degree of raffination. Initially, all sugar was unrefined.

It is believed that brown unrefined sugar is considered the most useful. It is less sweet to taste and for different reasons more expensive than white refined.

Sugar calorie and its composition

The famous fact that the calorie content is extremely high in the Sahara. In 100 grams of sand, Sugar contains 398 kilocalories. If we compose, then the content of kilocalories in all types of sugar is equal to 400.


In one teaspoon of sugar contained approximately 32 kilocalories.

In one tablespoon of sugar - approximately 100 kilocalories.

In terms of 100 grams of sugar, there are 99.8 grams of carbohydrates in the form of sucrose, while there are no fats and proteins.

It also contains 0.1 grams of water and ash.

If we talk about useful substances, for example, vitamins, then they are completely absent in sugar.

From micro and macroelements, sugar contains in small doses of potassium, calcium, sodium, iron.

Day of sugar

How much do you need to consume sugar per day

Traditionally, it is believed that the normal daily dose is the consumption of sugar in the amount of 50 grams, which is equated with 10 teaspoons.

However, scientists with each year reduce this rate. The fact is that our sugar organism is not needed at all. On average, a person drinks 2-3 cups of tea or coffee per day, which in the idea does not exceed the daily norm.

It is important to understand how sugar is available in almost all food products that are produced by a person. In addition, in most natural products there is a sugar content, for example, fructose - in fruits, lactose in milk, glucose in honey, maltose in beer and bread.


With a better scenario, sugar can generally be excluded from the diet, as it is simply carbohydrates without vitamins and minerals.

However, with a modern diet and lifestyle, it is extremely difficult to do it.

Doctors advise to reduce the addition of sugar to the maximum in tea, coffee, pancakes, cottage cheese, etc.

Negative effect of sugar

With the daily consumption of sugar, of course, it is not to be surprised by negative consequences.

  • There is a large number of kilocalories in Sakhar and there are no useful nutrients for the body, so sugar is called "empty carbohydrates." Including it really affects the formation of caries on the teeth.
  • Sugar can provoke liver overload. It is divided into fructose and glucose to get sugar in the bloodstream. If glucose does not enter the body from the outside, then it is able to develop it itself. If there are no fructose receipts, it is not terrible for the body. He does not need fructose at all. If the liver contains an excessive amount of fructose, then the body processes it into fat, which leads to serious negative consequences. It is important to pay attention to the lifestyle of a person: if it leads an active lifestyle, then his liver is able to cope with a large number of sugar than a liver of a person with a passive way of life. If we are talking about the consumption of fruits, it is almost impossible to obtain an excessive amount of fructose through them.
  • Excessive sugar consumption can cause non-alcohol liver dystrophy due to the fact that part of the fructose is not processed and postponed in the liver.
  • Sugar can provoke diabetes and metabolic syndrome, as it causes insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for penetrating glucose through blood flow. With incorrect power, insulin ceases to function normally, which is a catalyst for many cardiovascular diseases. Scientists have proven that insulin resistance in many ways occurs due to sugar use in large quantities.
  • People who drink with sugar for 83 percent are more susceptible to the appearance of a second type diabetes when the pancreas does not cope with insulin production in such a volume so that it can keep Ashar at a low level.
  • Sugar leans calcium from the body, making it more vulnerable
  • Stress - It turns out that sugar strengthens stress. Its action resembles the work of alcohol and drugs - first removes stress, and then "rollback" comes - the state becomes even more depressive.
  • Disrupts the metabolism in the body, which leads to atherosclerosis.
  • Sugar may cause a dependence, as it contributes to the release of dopamine - the brain receives a signal of the pleasure, which causes severe addictive to sugar.
  • Many studies have proven that those who consume a lot of sugar are more prone to a set of excess weight. Sugar can affect in such a way that a person loses self-control over food intake.
  • It has been proven that not fat, as previously thought, and sugar are the main cause of heart disease, as fructose negatively affects the metabolism.

The benefits of sugar

Of course, the full refusal of sugar will also be not entirely right. Sugar has a number of positive qualities, for example:

  • Sugar is applied in medicine when you need to establish the work of the spleen and liver - sugar comes to the rescue.
  • Sugar in small quantities reduces the possibility of arthritis.
  • Doctors proved that sugar contributes to improved blood circulation in the head and spinal cord.

How to remove excess sugar from the body

Reduce the level of blood sugar in the blood can be supplemented with proper nutrition.

To do this, it is necessary to remove everything sweet and high-calorie from the diet.

6-7 days to eat need food without carbohydrates - perfectly suitable protein food and any vegetables.

Nutritionists are advised to adhere to the next diet: in the morning there are only fruits, in the afternoon - lunch with protein content, 16.00 - snack, you can add a bun or some cookies, 19.00 - vegetable salad. Be sure to drink 2 liters of water daily.

It is useful to eat buckwheat, prunes, fish, onions, garlic - these are antioxidants that remove toxins from the body.

About Sahara, the transfer of Elena Malysheva

Use whether sweeteners?

The researchers adhere to the opinions that sweeteners are needed only by patients with diabetes.

One day an experiment was carried out, when one group of rats began to feed yogurt containing natural sugar, others - yogurt with sugar substitutes. It turned out that the sugar substitute influenced the increase in the feeling of hunger of rodents, and they began to get fat. Consequently, the same effect is observed in humans.


It is best to eat sugar, then in an amount not exceeding a daily day dose. The unequivocal effect on the body of the sacrarosis on the human body has not yet been studied, but according to modern data, the consequences of their consumption can be even worse than from the sugar itself.

What to choose: fructose or sugar?

Of course, if we talk about fructose contained in fruit, the answer is definitely in favor of fresh fruit.

If we talk about fructose obtained by an industrial path, then it is worth considering that the usual refined sugar consists by 50 percent of fructose. Is there any sense then?

What to choose: honey or sugar?

70 percent honey contains sucrose, glucose and fructose and is not much different from sugar. However, at the same time it contains a large number of useful enzymes, minerals and vitamins. So under all other equal terms, preference is worth paying honey.

But in this matter, it is important not to overdo it, focusing on the individual daily rate of consumption of honey. It is calculated as follows: no more than 0.8 grams per 1 kilogram body weight.

  • Up to 17th century, there was no sugar in Europe. He was replaced by sugar cane juice, which I was injured
  • Sugar at the beginning of his history was considered a symbol of luxury and wealth: what the black teeth have a person, the riche he was considered
  • In the 14th century in England, Sugar cost in the modern price equivalent 1 dollar for a teaspoon!
  • Sugar consumption is approximately 125-135 million tons per year.
  • Sugar consumption in Russia is approximately 5.5-6.0 million tons per year
  • Sugar beet has sugar content not more than 1 percent. Initially, to get 1 kilogram of sugar, it was necessary to use 1 ton of vegetables.
  • Today, 17-18 percent of sugar is obtained from sugar beets in the content of sugar in it, 17-18 percent of sugar.
  • On average, a resident of the United States consumes about 190 grams of sugar per day, which exceeds the norm three times
  • In Russia, a person per person accounts for 100 grams of sugar per day, which exceeds the norm 1.5 times.

Sugar. Harm or benefit?

Conventional sugar belongs to carbohydrates that provide the body with the necessary energy. Sakharoza, unlike starch, is very quickly split in the digestive tract on glucose and fructose, which are then enrolled in the blood circuit system. Glucose, as you know, provides more than half the body's energy consumption.

Another type of sugar is brown sugar - cane unrefined sugar, consisting of sugar crystals covered with cane molasses with natural aroma and color. Brown sugar is performed by the booming of sugar syrup by special technology.

Manufacturers include brown sugar to elite environmentally friendly delicacious products. On the other hand, according to nutritionists, crude sugar has a large calorie content and may contain foreign impurities.

For the manufacture of jam, jams, jelly use gelling sugar. This is the usual large-crystal sugar sand with the addition of pectin for rapid slurry and citric acid for better saving.

At first, the sugar was produced only from sugar cane, later for its production began to use sugar beets. Currently, 60% of sugar in the world is made of sugar cane, and 40% from sugar beet.

The main manufacturers of sugar in the world: Brazil (23.7% of the global sugar production), India (16.56%), the European Union (9.38%). Brazil exports half of all world exports of sugar.

Taste of sugar

Conventional sugar sand has a sweet taste.

To prepare a natural vanilla sugar, take the pod of Vanilla and put it in a jar with 250-400 g of sugar sand. After 2 days, the sugar will absorb the fragrance of vanilla and will become flavored.

Sugar combination with other products

Sugar is perfectly combined with any fruit and berries. Being a preservative, increases the shelf life of the fruit.

Use of sugar in cooking

Sugar is widely used in cooking, as well as in the confectionery industry.

Storage of sugar

Sugar sand should be stored in a dry place and away from products and things with a sharp odor: Sugar is very hygroscopic and easily absorbing foreign odors. Sugar can be stored up to 8 years.

Traditional role in dishes

Sugar in dishes is traditionally used in their intended purpose - to make a dish sweet.

Permissible substitutions

As a replacement of sugar, you can use honey and fruits containing fructose and glucose.

Chemical sugar substitutes - xylitis, sorbitol, aspartame are used in case of diabetes mellitus, and can also be used in the treatment of obesity. To taste, these substitutes differ little from ordinary sugar, 40 grams of xylitis are enough per day.

Another chemical sugar substitute - Sakharin - Sugar is 450 times. Sakharin was forbidden to use in our country in the 70s of the XX century.

Natural fructose sugar substitute in 1.7 sweeter than sugar. Calorie fructose, like sugar, very high, fructose is not a dietary product.

The best sugar substitute is stevioside - Stevia Grass Extract. Stevia is less toxic than synthetic sugar substitutes, has good taste quality. In Japan, where the average life expectancy is 90 years, and where the law is prohibited by the application in the production of synthetic sugar substitutes, consume 90% of the entire stevia produced in the world.

The history of the origin of sugar

Motherland Sugar - India. The word "sugar" in Russian and in some European languages \u200b\u200bborrowed from Sanskrit. In Europe, sugar was known for a long time, in the era of ancient Rome. Brown sugar was made from cane and carried from India to Europe through the mediation of Egypt, while the province of the Roman Empire. Later planting sugar cane appeared on Sicily, but with the fall of the Roman Empire, the tradition of cultivating sugar cane and the production of sugar was lost there.

The sugar was first brought to Russia about the XI-XII centuries, but at that time only the prince and his approximated could try it. Peter I at the beginning of the XVIII century was opened first in Russia "Sugar Chamber" for the production of sugar, the raw material for which was imported from abroad. Since the beginning of the XIX century, the production of sugar from its own raw materials began to be established in Russia: planting sugar bits appeared first under Tula, and then in many other areas of the country.

Impact on the human body, useful substances

Sugar sand does not contain any nutrients and is only energy value. It gives a lot of empty calories that would be better to get from other products. In addition, sugar is harmful to teeth: sugar converts bacteria contained in the oral cavity in acids that destroy dental enamel and contributing to the appearance of caries.

Immirement consumption of sugar is harmful for the shape and health. Excess sugar in the diet can cause the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease. Scientists have proven a direct connection between the occurrence of allergies with excessive sugar use. In addition, sugar causes violations of the body's immune system.

Interesting facts about Sahara

Sugar in anti-mines

Pressed sugar is used as a plug in the bottom anti-mining mine, installed at a depth of up to two meters. After installation, such mines open the lid, opening the access of water to the plug. In a couple of hours, the sugar cork dissolves, and the min will rise on a combat platoon. Such mines can be installed without danger to undermine their already established mines.

Who came up with sugar raffin

Sugar Rafine Cubes was invented in 1843 in the Czech Republic, his inventor - Swiss Yakov Christoph's Swiss worked as a sugar manager. Now there is a monument in the form of a snow-white cube at the site of this sugar factory.

As a result of experiments on rats, it was established that the use of sugar causes a dependence, very similar to those that arise under the influence of drugs or nicotine.

How to get a piece of sugar

To set fire a piece of sugar, you need to pour a little ash in the scene. The ash contains lithium salts, which are catalyst when burning sucrose.

How fast sugar dissolves

The refined sugar cube is completely dissolved in a glass of water at a temperature of 60 degrees for about 11-24 seconds without stirring water.

Sugar makes us happy

Sugar makes us happy, it contributes to the development of insulin, which leads to the release of serotonin - hormone of happiness.

In 1829, Brothers Thomas and Frantiwhels Biscuits founded in the village of Kuzhni Virgin near the town of Dacitis (South Bohemia), the first sugar manuff in the western part of the Austrian Empire. Sugar beets were grown on three hectares of land in the neighborhood, but the soil was inappropriate, and in 1833 the production was transferred to a sugar cane from Italian triesta (a sugar cane was delivered from Italian Trieste (the beet was switched significantly later, in 1844). Until 1839, the manufactory developed, but then financial problems began, and the owners were invited from the Vienna of the Crisis Manager.

Switzerland native Jacob Christoph's gladly took up the case. He expanded the production, installed new equipment (in particular, the first steam machine in the city), brought the number of workers to 30 and achieved the fact that the factory products were bought not only in Moravia and Bohemia, but also in Austria. I was glad also discovered in many major cities (Vienna, Prague, Lviv, Brno, Pest) branded shops, where you could buy sugar produced in Datch. And not only sugar - in 1841, on the advice of his wife, Jacob gladly launched the workshop for cooking fruit, sweets and chocolate, which were supplied to the confectionery shops of many cities of the Austrian Empire.

In the process of sugar production, the saturated syrup was poured into cone-shaped containers, where he crystallized. The final product that buyers were purchased in the store, at that time there was a sugar head - a fairly large cone-shaped piece of sugar with a base diameter up to 35 cm and a height of 80-90 cm. Chopping pieces from sugar heads. Housewives accounted for special sharp forceps, for this required Physical force and a certain skill. In one of the spring days of 1841, the wife of the manager Juliana is glad, getting slices of sugar for tea drinking, seriously cut. When the husband returned home, she demonstrated him a bandaged finger and exclaimed in anger: "That's what the damned sugar heads were brought! After all, the next time I can cut my finger! Do you really can't do something smaller?! " However, Julian quickly cooled and forgot about this case.

The finger has long healed when in three months, in August, Jacob gladly came home with a bandaged box in his hands. "This is what you wanted to get so much," he said to his wife, handing her a gift. Opening the box, Juliana saw inside 350 white and red sugar cubes. After a couple of years, January 23, 1843, Jacob gladly received a patent for his process of making sugar cubes by pressing from powder, and in the autumn of the same year the factory in the Dacitz began to produce this product called "Tea Sugar". The last step towards the global triumph of sweet cubes was made in the 1870s, when the German inventor, engineer and industrialist Eigen Langen developed the effective technology of its mass production.