Furniture from pallets (pallets) with their own hands. Wooden pallets: interesting ideas for use in the house and on the plot How to make a chair for cottage from pallets

Wooden pallets that are used to transport large-sized cargo, often lie intelligently in garages and sheds, or turn into a stuff for burning a fire. However, these designs are great for creating many useful things. For example, in the skillful hands, wooden pallets can turn into beautiful garden crafts, comfortable furniture and even full-fledged arbors. The "Dream House" offers to consider in more detail what can be made from ordinary building pallets for office, for home or on the plot.

Houses and Pallet Offices

Western builders, architects and designers are passionate about the idea of \u200b\u200brational use of raw materials, so pallets are used in the process of creating their masterpieces. For example, Architect from Canada Justin Drazno, together with the artist Filippo Alard, decided to build a house from Pallel. The idea accounted for taste to the city authorities and they allowed masters to build an unusual house in the center of the industrial district of Toronto. For the construction of the construction of the architect, 810 wooden pallets took place. Interestingly, in the construction process, the master did not use absolutely no additional materials. Now the Canadian Pallet House is considered a place for meditation and relaxation.

Another interesting idea of \u200b\u200busing wooden pallets belongs to designers from the Netherlands company Most Architecture, which with the help of this material have been equipped with a full-fledged working office. Masters managed to create absolutely all furniture items from pallets, including tables for negotiation, jobs, cabinets and shelves. It should be noted that the "homemade" office looks incredibly representative, stylish and original.

7 original ideas for using pallets for home and summer cottages

Inspired by such bright ideas, we suggest you look at what you can do from wooden pallets yourself, thereby decorating the interior of the house or garden design.

1. Garden furniture

Wooden pallets are the perfect material for creating garden furniture. Of these, you can make gelatin and benches, sun beds, chairs, tables and even open-air bar. The process of manufacturing such objects is extremely simple: entire designs are used as tabletops, seats and bases, and from parts of pallets you can make backs for chairs, legs or chairs. To garden furniture It was stable and safe, attach the pallets to each other with long nails, screws or reliable glue.

Original garden furniture from pallets

Crafts from pallets for giving with their own hands

Since the pallets are made of wood, country furniture from them is not distinguished by durability, because Under the influence of moisture and damp, this material is inevitably deformed. However, you can extend the service life of your creations, if you pre-process the surface of the pallet. To do this, it is enough to open designs, and then coat them with a primer for a tree. If desired, pallets can be painted paint for outdoor work.

Products from pallets for giving photos

2. Furniture for home

From the pallets you can make not only the furniture for the cottage, but also for the house. For example, their design is great for creating a frame of bed. It is enough just to fold several pallets in a row and establish a convenient mattress on them. If the frame size is much higher than the mattress size, then the pallets can be beaten as a kind of podium or bedside shop. In addition, if desired, a homemade bed can be supplemented with original headboardcreated from pallets.

Wooden pallets bed

If you like to make crash, make a stylish sofa from the pallets, which is perfect for the design of the living room or the rest room. To create side handles and backs, use the design boards, and the seats will complement suitable soft pillows. To make a sofa, it is convenient to move and rearrange, you can attach to its base of the wheel.

Wooden pallets are almost ready-made material to create coffee or coffee tables. It is enough just to open the surface of the product, and then complement the pallet with legs or wheels. If you wish, you can put tempered glass on the worktop product, and then the table will look even more original and stylish.

And, of course, tables from pallets can be painted and complemented by various drawings, thereby creating exclusive furniture items.

Exactly by the same principle of pallets can be made komoti., hinged and bedside boxes, cabinets for the living room and even a staircase in the workshop.

What can be made of wooden pallets

3. Children's furniture

If there are excellent furniture items for adults from the pallet, then why not make them furniture for children? For example, baby bed? To do this, you will need to attach several boards to a whole pan so that they constitute the side and front walls. Now it's just left to pick up a comfortable bed children's mattress.

In addition, you can create an excellent game center for children from Pallet.

But remember that before use, especially in the children's room, wooden pallets need to be well treated so that their surface becomes perfectly even smooth.

4. Garden for the garden

To build a gazebo For a garden or cottage from pallets, you do not need to possess special skills. These facilities are collected by the type of designer: fold a few pallets horizontally and take the walls around them, putting the products vertically. The gazebo should be durable and safe, so use the most reliable fasteners.

5. Fence and fencing

Wooden pallets are the most suitable material for creating fences and fences. Just turn the products vertically and install them in a row around the perimeter of the desired area. Cross bars that are present in pallets designs, it is very convenient to use colors as coams.

6. Boxes and racks for flowers

From the pallets, excellent containers are obtained for seedling, bases for flower beds, plants and racks for flowers. Such products are made very simple and quickly, and at the same time harmoniously fit into any landscape design.

Catering crafts from healthy materials are not only a gorgeous opportunity to save on the purchase of necessary furniture and decor items, but also a chance to create truly unique things that fully meet your requirements for functionality and design. In the course, as a rule, plastic bottles and tires are going, but today they catch up with wooden pallets or pallets. This is a natural and durable material, the scope of the application of which goes far beyond the direct destination. Crafts from pallets for the cottage is easy to make with their own hands - we collected several of the most interesting ideas. We study, inspire and experiment.

Parameters and features of wooden pallets

The first and quite logical question, which may arise from any summer house, - where to take those the most wooden pallets?Firstly, they can already be able to stare in Saraj since some cargo delivered to the site, because the main purpose of the pallet is the transportation of various kinds of building materials. Secondly, they may be inherited from previous owners of the country area. In the end, if you inspired some ideas and certainly you want to build something for your cottage or at home, get the wooden pallets is easy - any more or less large construction store gives them for a penny. If we consider that of them you can make a full-fledged furniture or even build a gazebo, then attachments with more than paying off. Enontendants can try directly contact with construction companies and pick up unnecessary pallets for free - they will be happy to give them to not dispose of themselves.

Pallets were created for convenient moving cargo With the help of forklifts, a hydraulic trolley and other lifting devices. There is no single standard for pallets, but the so-called is the greatest distribution. europa dialons with dimensions 120 * 80 cmand the height of the side is 14.5 cm. The flooring is performed from the boards with a thickness of 22 mm, the distance between them should not exceed 5 cm. Curtain capacity of the Europaland - 1500 kg. Also used pallets with parameters 120 * 100 cmand 14.4 cm height ( domestic standard). Seven boards of different widths (14.5 and 10 cm) are used for flooring, the distance between them is not more than 4.5 cm, loading capacity - up to 2500 kg.

Used, as a rule, inexpensive wood breed Without a pronounced drawing, but durable enough: pine, less often spruce, aspen and birch. Elements are bonded with ribbed or screw nails, stand pallets on nine legs. Palms are characterized by excellent geometry, high quality, strength and, most importantly, environmental friendliness. This is an affordable and cheap material that is easy to process, the more creating structures from ready-made modules is easy.

Reanimate pallets, extend them their life and protect yourself and households from the regionalolationeasy enough. All irregularities can be smoothed by the plane, the surface is treated with a grinding machine, cracks to shake, treat the surface with primer and protective compositions for wood. After that, the pallet can be painted in the desired color and consolidate the result of varnish. Possible options for what can be made of wooden pallets, mass - they are limited only by fantasy, because of them they create literally everything: from the shelves and coffee tables to arbors, flooring and sheds.

№1. Coffee table of pallets

Most often, the second life is wooden pallets acquire precisely in the form of garden furniture. Even the most inatimate could notice that decent cafes often organize summer sites using pallets: it stylish, environmentally friendly, convenient, cheap and fast. Table from pallets to make the easiest. To do this, you will need two pallets that are installed on each other and fasten with nails, while you appear improvised shelves for storing logs and other little things. You can do with one pallet - it all depends on the requirements for the height of the future table.

It remains to paint a new object of the garden interior and equip tabletop, Which can serve as glass or a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood. For convenience of movement, you can equip the table with wheels. The manufacture will take a minimum of time, and painting into pleasant shades will allow you to get a stylish table, a real decoration of a plot, a decent coastal cafe. By the way, the finished product can be safely used even in the living room as a coffee table.

№2. Benches, chairs and sofas from pallets

In addition to the table of wooden pallets, you can make comfortable sofas, chairs and benches. The bench is constructed in this way:

  • divide one standard and pre-prepared trained pallet into two parts so that one of them is with 4 boards (future seat), and the second - from 3 (back);
  • combine the obtained parts at right angles and bore with self-drawers or screws, you can apply a double mount;
  • for a more reliable connection, the backrest and seats use wooden bars that can be taken from the disassembled second pallet or use the board available in the farm. They will also play the role of armrests. Basp is better in two bar on each side, connecting the back and seat, the length of the bars depends on the angle of inclination;
  • from the remaining boards, you can cut four legs. It is better that they are maximum width, but small height, which will increase the stability of the bench. The legs are fixed to the bottom of the pallet, you can additionally enhance the mounting the corner;
  • in the final, you can cut on the back of the decorative elements, then cover the lacquer bench or the paint of the required shade and decorate the pillows. The latter can be bought, make to order or sew yourself.

Similarly, you can equip angular bench or a separate small chair. From the manufactured benches, chairs and a garden in the garden easily equip the cozy recreation area.

Easy to create from pallet and sofas completely any sizes and configurations (direct, corner, P-shaped). To do this, you will need to consistently bore with each other a number of pallets to obtain the workpiece of the required length and form. From above the second row of pallets is attached to achieve a comfortable seating height. The backrest is attached to the finished design. Self-tapping screws and screws are used as fasteners. The billet is stained and decorated with pillows.

Number 3. Pallet Suspended Beds

If there is a suitable place in the garden or on the terrace, you can fix a cozy outboard bed there. It is made of two standard pallets, which carefully fasten each other. To reliably fix the mattress, you can build a special box and use the remaining third pallet for this. The height of the side will correspond to the thickness of the mattress. If desired, the remaining boards and bars can be used to build a headboard. To support the canopy of such a bed, along with resting on it, they will need durable chains or ropes, and reliable support.

№4. Multi-storey bed for summer cinema

Those who stick to the leg over time and uses the cottage not only for growing vegetable and fruit crops, know that you can organize your holiday outside the city with the help of a projector, several good films and friends. To equip a cozy place to view the cinema using pallets. To create a three-core bed, you will need 12 pallets: the base is knocked down 6 pallets, and the height of the first tier will be equal to the height of one pallet. To equip the second floor, to the central part of the foundation is fixed in the pallet. The third floor will require consistently fixing two more layers of pallets. It remains to paint the design and decorate with pillows. By the way, a similar solution come in handy and for the organization of home cinema in the premises.

№5. Wooden pallet bed

The bed of pallets is quite bold, at first glance, a solution that, nevertheless, is already beginning to be used in country houses, at dachas and even in ordinary city apartments. Pallets can be located as you like depending on which requirements are put forward to bed. Height is regulated by the number of pallets installed on each other, the presence or absence of legs, wheels, etc. The width and length of the sleeping place also adjust it is not difficult. If desired, from the same pallet you can make a headboard bed.

If the wooden base succeeds significantly more than the mattress, it can be used as an improvised podium or legroom. Holes that are formed during installation of one pallene tier on another are used to store bedroom accessories, books, logs, or to organize the built-in backlight. Pallets - durable material, so there is no need to worry about the reliability of the bed it is better to pay attention to choosing a comfortable ergonomic mattress.

№6. Bar rack from pallets

This idea is useful to those who are used to actively spending time at the cottage, arranging noisy parties. To create your own bar counter, it will take several pallets directly on the site (the amount depends on the required dimensions) and some patience. The base is collected from 2-3 pallets that are set vertically and fasten each other. The side walls are also placed by fastening the pallets, but the table top is better made of thicker and wide boards. The design is decorated and plunged into the ground for fixation, complemented by chairs if necessary. It is worth remembering that the length of the standard pallet is 1.2 m, so the height of the bar rack is limited.

№7. Flooring from pallets

From wooden pallet will be excellent terrace or flooring For those parts of the country area, where the soil is loose or impassable. Such a solution will cost much cheaper than the traditional fest, and with due protection and care will serve a lot. Installation should not cause difficulties, however, you will have to prepare the necessary number of pallets, and they will need a lot.

First you need to put pallets on the territory they should cover. Then it is necessary to thoroughly align the surface using the construction level. Under the pallets it will be possible to put bricks, boards, wedges or construction trash. Often the foundation under the pallets fall asleep with bulk materials. In order for the vehicle to be solid, individual pallets are combined with a dug, which are invested in the lumen between individual pallets and are attached by self-draws. Now it's smaller: to treat wood protective substances, paint or covered with varnish. If you wish from above, you can cover the floor with boards using pallets as a quick-scale framework.

№8. Paul in economic buildings

Wood pallets can be used as flooring in the cellars, basements, sheds, storerooms, storage facilities and smokeshief. They provide insulation from cold concrete floor, ventilation and dryness of the floor. The floor is equipped in the same way as the flooring on the terrace, only in some cases it may be needed an additional floor. For example, in the winter poultry house, it will not be superfluous to be used on top of a fine steel mesh so that the animals do not fall into cells. In the sheds and cellars you can tempt the board.

№9. Rabbar with pallet

Another interesting craft is a pallet - a hanger, which can be decorated with a country house or even an ordinary apartment. To create it, it will take the basis of the pallet (flooring), so the board must be carefully removed. Do not hurry to throw out the remnants - they may still need. The foundation is properly sandwicked, processed with protective equipment and color in the required shade. It remains to attach several hooks to it: their number and location relative to each other depends on your needs. The finished hanger is fixed on the wall near the entrance door.

№10. Chaise lounge from pallets

Recreation area at the cottage Many are equipped with sun loungers: ready-made sold in the store in the assortment, but if you have unnecessary pallets, you can do everything with your own hands. For the arrangement of one deck chair, you will need 3 pallets: two are the same and one is slightly wider. The first two put on each other and start the analysis of the third pallet, which will be the backrest. From it, all the lower boards are given, as well as bars from behind and in front of the pallet, and half of the boards from the top row, all work is carried out carefully, because the waste of this stage will still be useful.

The back is attached to the base, the legs made from the boards remaining at the previous stage are attached. Now you can fasten the rest of the elements among themselves, painting the chaise longue and supplement it with pillows.

№11. Shelf for shoes

From the pallets there may be a good junkry for giving. It is enough to cut one pallet into two parts, install them on each other and securely braid: on the square, which will take the shelf, it will be possible to place three times more shoes than before, and if the time to decorate the decoration of such a shoe, then it will decorate the country Domika.

№12. Fence of pallets

Wooden fences were and remain a classic, so enjoy the constant popularity in the fence of the country area. The pallet is the same tree, only to equip the fence will be even easier, because several boards are already actually shot down with each other. The construction of such a fence resembles a constructor.

Pallets will be located vertically, if necessary in two rows, if needed a higher fence. Opportments will serve metal pipes that are installed in the recesses and fill with concrete. Pallets are attached to the supports, the upper edge can be curly cut, and the whole design is to paint and, if desired, decorate the pots with flowers. If there are hinge installation skills, then the gate from the pallet is not a problem. If necessary, you can duplicate such a fence with a rubber grid or polycarbonate sheets.

№13. Arbor and cozpostroy from pallets

The exact geometry of wooden pallet allows them to be used in the construction of simple structures. From the pallets it is easy to get the construction of a square or rectangular form of any size. According to the same principle constructed arbors, sheds, smokeheads, small summer houses and even pets for pets - Decor and design features depend on personal preferences and fantasies.

Foundation For more or less large designs will be needed in any case, but what - depends on the type of soil. For plots located on clay soils, it is better to use the foundation on piles, for stony soils - a ribbon foundation. The floor of the construction can be made of a terrace board or the pallet themselves. As a frame, wooden bars or metal pipes can be used, and pallets in one or two layers will be attached to them.

You can close the pallets all the walls of the arbor, and you can only make them up to a certain height - in any case, the space inside will be filled with light and sufficiently ventilated. The roof of the arbor is best done from polycarbonateAmong alternative options is flexible tile, ondulin and metal tile.

If you sew walls inside, for example, plywood, then we get full summer houseWhich on the outside can be decorated with plants and flowers, because the pots will be conveniently located in the pockets formed. If you have such a building outside with siding, then no one ever guess about the peculiarities of its origin, and you can use the building for recreation, the storage of the country's inventory or for other purposes. Similarly, on the site, you can build a barn, woodwoman, chicken coop, dog booth or small house for childrenwho will become the center of the playground in the country.

And 9 more ideas of crafts from pallets (pallet)

Wooden pallets keep in themselves the unlimited potential of creating various useful things for giving and urban apartment. Here's another several interesting options for what can be made of wooden pallets:

  1. vertical landscaping site. The pallet can be the basis for hanging pots and containers with flowers;
  2. shelf for flowers and gardening inventory;
  3. interesting lamp;
  4. cabinet or chest - you just need to position the pallets correctly, and the options do the mass;
  5. fencing for sandbox;
  6. bedside table or television stand;
  7. parking for bicycles;
  8. cozy place for a pet;
  9. even the staircase in the apartment can be equipped, if you consistently add pallets and fasten them well.

And on this list does not end: I think a little and turning on the imagination, you can make other stylish and comfortable crafts from the pallets.

Pallets - an inexhaustible source of ideas for the arrangement of a country site. Of these, you can build comfortable furniture, functional systems for storing things and create original decorative elements. The main advantage of the pallet is that the material for their manufacture is the untreated wood, which serves as an excellent basis for creating elements of the exterior capable of presenting the comfort of your possessions. About how to adapt these transport structures and how to make furniture from pallets with your own hands, consider in more detail.

Pallets are wooden structures that perform the role of packing material, the use of which allows you to simplify the transportation of various types of goods.

Pallets have the form of rigid supports collected from knocked down wooden boards located at a short distance from each other.

The weight of empty pallets on average is 15-20 kg. The overall dimensions of the design depending on its purpose can be:

  • 120x100x12 cm (standard pallet);
  • 120x80x12 cm (Europallet).

Wood used for the manufacture of structures is chosen durable and durable. This is done with such a calculation so that they can withstand the cargo to 1000 kg. Therefore, even the pallets already used are capable of finding the second life, caring as a functional elements during the arrangement of the site not one season.

Today, furniture from the pallets among designer products in the rating of popularity occupies a leading position. Some designers produce entire collections in Eco-style, embodying the most incredible ideas in them with the help of ordinary building pallets. Taking the ideas that you like, you can implement them in your own way.

Where to get pallets?

The wooden pallets are pretty strong structures, but still many producers and transport companies are considered as packaging material.

Pallets, light-loaded, for the transportation of heavy loads can not be reused, so after operation they simply utilize them

Create a spent packing material by using one of the proposed methods:

  1. Buy used pallets. Ads of this kind you can easily find on thematic portals. The price of products fluctuates within 30-150 rubles per piece.
  2. Directly contact manufacturers or transport companies. Most of them are ready to give the spent packaging for free, if only it is not to throw it out.

If desired, pallet can be collected independently. Just stocking boards with a thickness of 15-20 mm and wooden bars with a cross section of 60-70 mm. Deciding for itself the dimensions of the future design, it is only necessary to cut the boards on the workpiece of the necessary sizes, and then copold elements according to the standard scheme.

Preparation of material

Wooden pallets are convenient because they can be used in a variety of way. It is convenient to smash and fasten them, cover with cloth and paint, combine with other materials and complement the rollers.

To use pallets for the manufacture of blanks, it is necessary to prepare the material. To do this, their first should be cleared of dust and pollution.

Extend the service life of wooden structures and eliminate roughness and sowing capable of delivering a lot of inconvenience during the operation of furniture, the surface grinding will help

The work is most convenient to perform, processing the wooden surface with a grinding machine. For security purposes, cleaning is better carried out in a well-ventilated room, putting a protective mask.

Grinding can not be subject to the entire design, but only the one part of it, which will directly "contact" with the body. Also, if necessary, the creation of blanks of non-standard dimensions, pallets should be predetermined. To simplify the work, the purified boards is better to sort as out of state and width.

And also, planning to place future furniture in the open air, it is worth considering that she is not terrible to have increased humidity. For this, the surface is desirable to cover the primer layer intended for external work, which has a moisture-repellent effect.

Without additional treatment under the action of atmospheric phenomena, light wood will acquire a grayish tint, and the lower boards in contact with the ground and rotate at all, without caring and more than one or two seasons

Furniture manufacturing options from pallets

Pallets, as if ready-made elements of the constructor, perform an excellent basis for the manufacture of functional interior items. In order to make furniture from pallets, there is nothing complicated. It is enough to remember how in childhood you collected lockers and cribs from miniature match boxes. The same skills you need only to apply when working with constructions a little large sizes.

Garden chairs and benches

To create a convenient and practical bench, we will need:

  • 2-3 pallet standard sizes;
  • wooden bars with a cross section of 50-60 mm;
  • metal corners;
  • electrode with a drill;
  • washers with bolts and screws;
  • defense (glasses and gloves).

To give a more presentable type of product, prepare also varnish or any paint designed for woodwork.

So, proceed to work. The standard pallet is collected from seven boards. For the manufacture of seating and backing the bench we take a pre-cleaned pallet and cut it into two parts.

To connect the back and seating, and the manufacture of bench armrests can be used boards, disassembled another pallet, or use the brucks available in the farm.

Along with the right angle of the edge of both parts, we fasten them with the help of screws or by screwing, firmly tightening the blanks

Increase the reliability and strength of the connection of the back with the seat with the seat, applying the double fastening method.

To give the stiffness of the structure on both sides of the United Parts, we attach 1-2 non-risks, placing them in parallel to each other

The length of the sidewall depends on what height they will be located. From the remaining boards, thorough or wooden bars drink 4 blanks for the arrangement of the legs.

The legs are attached to the lower part of the pallet on both sides, using metal corners to enhance fixation.

Collecting the main design, it remains to supplement it at the request of some elements, for example, cut on the back of decorative elements, decorate the sidework with armrests. The finished bench is covered with colorless varnish or paint selected shade - it all depends on your preferences and the overall design of the exterior.

By the same principle you can make angular benches, equipping cozy corners in the garden, or even to build separate chairs

Made by her own hand furniture from pallets, will be indispensable for the country site. Speaking with a worthy replacement of old worn furniture, it will easily fit into different interior styles.

Comfortable bench made of pallets, made of wood of a natural light shade, will excellently look in the garden against the background of juicy greenery and motley colors

Construction in half in such a way that four crossbars remain together, performing the role of seating, and three - became the back of the future bench

Suspended Beds and Sofas

Not much harder in the manufacture of spacious beds and suspended sofas. They will be a good addition to the interior of the terrace or veranda.

Having settled on such a comfortable sofa. Single pleasure to enjoy the picturesque landscape and charming sounds of nature.

The bed in a simple version of execution consists of two standard pallets, the side sides are thoroughly bonded with each other.

If you plan to build a more comfortable place to relax, equipped with a comfortable mattress, you will have to tinker. Under the placement of the mattress, you will need to build a special box, collect which can be from the boards of one of the remaining unused pallet.

For the manufacture of a box in pallets, drink the middle support, and fix the cut part between the sides, forming flights

As a result, the design should be obtained, the size of which corresponds to the perimeter of the bottom of the bed. The height of the angular vertical racks depends on the thickness of the mattress. The finished box is installed on the previously interconnected two pallets and fix the screws.

From wider bars or remaining boards, you can build a headboard. The intervals between the pallet ribs are conveniently used as boxes for storing pastel accessories.

The finished design remains only to cover the two and three layers of paint, or cover with a tight motley cloth or leatherette

If you plan to move a bed, changing the "scenery" of the blooming garden, equip the design with wheels. But note that for this purpose it is worth using only powerful wheels, which are able to withstand a lot of not only the design itself, but also the weight of a person standing on it.

With the arrangement of the summer cinema in the outdoor air, it will be quite a high-rise bed that can accommodate a large family or a whole company.

To make rest on this bed more comfortable, add the design with soft mattresses and bulk pillows

Protect the lower side of the mattresses from dust is the easiest way, having listed the surface of the pallets with breathable intricate material of the agrovoche type.

For the same principle, suspended sofas, equipping heavy structures with durable ropes or chains

Check out the video on how to make a sofa from pallets:

Dressers, tables and racks

A good complement to the chairs and benches will perform a garden wooden table made from those girlfriends.

The headset, decorated in a single style, is able to improve the garden plot, performing an elegant decoration of the country exterior

The tree is perfectly combined with other materials. Therefore, furniture made of wooden pallets can be safely complemented with textile accessories, glass elements, stone ornaments and vegetable compositions.

For the manufacture of a small table, only 2-3 pallets will be required.

In general, the technology of manufacturing a table of pallets is not much different from the one that apply when creating the chairs and garden benches described above

To create a construct decorated with a solid cloth, in the emptiness between the reckons of the first pallet, pack the boards from the second workpiece. The finished canvas carefully polish, cover the mourn and leave the workpiece until complete drying. To get rid of roughness, the surface can neatly rub the fine-grained emery paper or re-grind.

Go to the build assembly. At the corners of the lower part of the table by means of a bolted compound fix 4 legs. To improve the shelf under the working table, we screw the shield collected from the pallets disassembled on the board. In the collected design, all inoperated places are coated with two layers of the veil. Conclude rollers to the feet of the table.

It is interesting to watch tables, the working surface of which is complemented by mounted capacities under the planting of spicy crops

Stylization of street garden tables depends only on your imagination.

Garden table can be decorated under large sizes Playing deck or huge British flag

Old pallets are easy to accommodate even under the arrangement of multifunctional shelves, thanks to which you can accommodate small containers with flowers or the necessary things for plant care. An extinguishing regiment can find its use in the arrangement of the country area.

Folded, the folding regiment occupies a minimum of space, and in the unfolded - performs a comfortable stand to accommodate the necessary objects

Some craftsmen, developing the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating functional furniture from old pallets, went even further.

Original Buffets, Cute Dressers and Capacious Lockers - Not a complete list of objects of furniture that can be created from wooden packaging

If you wish, you can collect even the most real "dwarf house", which will become an elegant decoration of the terrace or playing platform in the garden. A two-storey house is assembled from vertically installed pallets.

The use of white in the design makes the design of visually light and weightless, and green touches allow you to harmoniously enter it into the surrounding landscape

The opinion that furniture from pallets can be created only exclusively for themselves, erroneously. Some craftsmen exhibit their products for sale, turning his favorite hobby into an income project. A bright example of this can serve as popularity of dog feeders.

Comfortable feeders on stable legs have a presentable appearance, thanks to which they can fit perfectly into the interior of the house and the surrounding landscape design.

The secret of the popularity of furniture from wooden pallets made with their own hands is easily explained by its originality of design. It is cheap, but at the same time not less practical. In addition, people who create or purchasing finished pallets furniture moves security consideration. After all, pallets are made of wood, not processed by any chemical means. Therefore, these products collected from the pallet can be attributed to the number of the most eco-friendly furniture items in the world.

And in conclusion, we offer several ideas for inspiration. Do not be afraid to experiment, making your life brighter. Pleasant creativity!

Video selection: garden pallets furniture

Today, often next to the waste collection boxes can be seen a bunch of pallets. At the economical person, the heart breaks down when he sees such mismanitality! After all, there are many ways to put in a matter of such a building material. Especially important is for the cottage.

What is the pallet?

Immediately, it is worth discussing what kind of building material will be discussed in publication. Pallet or pallet is a means of packaging to transport a fairly large cargo unit to which the item is installed, often attached specially intended for that with ribbons or belts. Wooden pallets are usually considered one-time, so utilized after shipping.

Brokes on the site

Small fences that are easy to do from pallets will serve for a dachank, which decided to contain a bird, goats, sheep outside the city. With their help, build a barrier for walking livery.

If such fences are decided to use to highlight the recreation area on the site, then they can strengthen the pots with plants. Especially luxurious will look in this case the belly, blooming beans, ivy. Shuffing the crossbars, the greens will give the fence of charm and originality.

Houses from pallets

Today, some craftsmen have been constructed from this redemption, gazebo ,.

And others even manage to build from them at home. So that the structure is well maintained heat, inside the pallets should be fascinated by the insulation. To give an aesthetic appearance on top of the wall, you can fly or hide siding. Such a building made of a throwing raw material will be difficult to distinguish from the purchased material built.

Finishing material for walls

It is possible to create an antiquity to the premises, create a certain rustic flavor with the help of dug from the used pallets.

To work with this material, you should carefully disassemble pallets, pulling all the nails, choose those that have excellent quality, attach them to size and fill on the wall. Then you can pass the surface to cover it with a verse or color varnish for wood.

In the same way, panels, hangers are built of panels. Moreover, in these cases, defective details go to the move - they only strengthen the rustic flavor of the interior.

Tables from pallet

Tables are considered the simplest product from the pallets. For their manufacture, practically nothing is required. You can simply set the pallet to the floor - and the table is ready!

Some pallets are true, require the application of human labor. Especially if the pallet is broken shoes. They must be removed and replaced by others. Yes, and to open the surface is not the last thing. Extra off-bements have not yet brought joy to anyone.

You can even cover the finished product with varnish or paint, all or partially.

Increase the functionality of the table is easy to equip the shelves under the table top, in which it is convenient to store a different trifle, or a sprouting of small boxes for it.

And it is possible to turn a thing into an extravagant interior object at all, adapting a glass countertop on it.

For the convenience of moving furniture, you can fasten the wheels from below. Today, buy them in stores is not a problem.

Sofas and pallets

Similarly, other furniture, such as sofas and beds is constructed. They can also be simply covered with varnish or paint in any color.

Similar interior items are used in styles:

  • country;
  • minimalism;
  • loft;
  • industrial pop art;
  • high tech.

Things created by hand from a material that is often used as a firewood, original, attracting guests attention to its originality and unusualness.

Often the masters use wooden pallets for arrangement. Make a miniature house for children or to build a swing can be literally in a matter of hours, and the joy of the result will be huge.

It is worth remembering the safety of children! Therefore, it is recommended to use only those pallets, all the details of which are strong, do not have cracks and are not touched by rotting.

Be sure to carefully polish all surfaces, make a paint coating. It will be necessary to take care of the fastening of product details - it is not necessary to hope that the pallets were once sloped, it is better to screw the screws once again or drive an excess nail.

Not all people love creative solutions when creating an interior in a residential room. Therefore, the tips to furnish the bedroom or kitchen furniture from pallets with delight will not be taken away. But the use of this building material to create an area of \u200b\u200brest at the cottage or in the garden will probably have to taste to many.

In fact, the pallet can be made much more things than it is presented in this article. And it will be just great if readers in the comments will share their work and fantasies on this topic.

29 Pallet Application Ideas - Video

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What are the pallets, remaining after construction on your site? Do not hurry to turn them into firewood on kebabs. You will be surprised how many original and useful things can be made of them in literally in a couple of hours. Our editorial office prepared for you a whole collection of ideas from pallets. You will learn which you can make furniture from pallets. Photos and detailed master classes will help you inspire your own experiments.

Pallets - Designer for adults, of which you can make a lot of useful for home and summer cottage

Pallets or pallets are a packaging material for heavy and overall cargo. They are transported, blocks, concrete structures. One pallet weighs relatively little - about 15 kg, and the size of the package has two generally accepted standards: 12 × 100 × 120 or 12 × 80 × 120 centimeters. For the manufacture of pallet, durable wood is used, able to withstand the load in ton. This design and attracts folk craftsmen - after all, such a durable material will be suitable for any crafts.

For your information! Construction rules prohibit the use of pallet again, for this reason they are simply disposed of after shipment of content.

If you wish, you will easily find the used pallets. They are sold through private announcements at a price of 30-80 rubles. Moreover, you can get this material completely free if contact some transport or construction company.

Furniture from pallets: arguments "For" and "against"

It is impossible to say that in the use of recycling, which, in fact, are pallets, everything is so cloudless. There are pluses and cons in such an atmosphere. First you need to actively use, but with the second - fight.

Furniture is going literally for the watch.Such furniture successfully will do not fit into any interior. Loft or country fit best.
From this material there are many constructive ideas.
The cost of the finished product is literally a penny.To care for structures from pallets is not easy - dust accumulates, which is not easy to clean.
Pallets are made of high-quality natural wood.
The products obtained will be original and practical.If you have not paid enough time to treat a tree, then risks unpleasant impression on guests.
Almost any technique can be applied to decorating wooden furniture.

Ideas for the manufacture of furniture from pallets

Pallet designs are a lot. The Internet is Pestrite with original design and samples of the creativity of folk craftsmen. Moreover, ready-made furniture from pallets can be bought in designer salons or order its manufacturer from the masters. We give you some examples of a variety of use of this material for different purposes.

Installation itself will become complicated only by installing lag at a distance of no more than 120 centimeters. You can not disassemble pallets for mounting flooring. Just set them down on the entire platform, aligning in height with bricks, and secure each other. To obtain a solid surface of the gaps between the boards, score by the rails. It will only be too clear and paint the finished flooring.

Look at the photo, how do similar products from the pallets, made with their own hands look like:

At the same principle, you can build or k. You will certainly appreciate them when rains are often often turned into a dirt. For the winter, such a track can be disassembled and removed in the barn for storage. Flooring from the pallet can be installed in. So that the bird does not fail, you need to throw a fine grid on top. And to clean the junction will be very simple - you only need to raise the pallets. Pallets will be useful for construction.

If you need a high fence, place your pallets in two rows. For racks, use a metal frame of pipes. Color the fence according to your taste and decorate it. To complete the design, you can make the corresponding gate.

Gazebo - an important building on the plot. How without it? And again you will have pallets. With their help, you can construct any rectangular room.

The only thing that will have to be purchased separately - and or. To make, you can use pallets only for flooring and roof dryers, for half-closed - install pallets half the height of the walls. You can bring the thought to the end and sew the walls of a closed arbor from the inside. In this case, in the summer house can stop seasoned guests.

By the same principle you can build, dog booth, a gaming house for children, a shed or woodwoman, a dacha shower or. And these are not all examples of using pallets for the country area. Of these, you can assemble the shelves for flowers, sandbox, original garden lamps, staircase, a bicycle stand, and much more.

Cretakes of garden furniture from pallets made by hand

The theater begins with hangers, and cottage - without fail. There are small children in the family or not - not so important. The pleasure of this attraction can receive both adults. From the pallet you can make a very solid construction that can withstand a lot of weight. May be not only with the seat, but even with the bed. Such pendant beds in the shade of trees will become a favorite holiday destination. As the basis, two pallets perform reliably bonded among themselves.

For mounting a hanging bed, it is better to use chains or durable ropes. On a hot summer day you will need a chaise lounge for sunbathing. For him you need to cook 3 pallets: two of them - for a sun bed, the third is for the back. It remains only to collect the simplest design, paint it and cover with comfortable pillows.

Family vacation in the country - these are games in the fresh air, lunch and dinner on and evening viewing good movies using the projector. To equip a country cinema for family and friends, you can make a multi-storey bed, on which all your guests will be cozy.

Furniture from pallets for giving can be supplemented for gazebo, bears for the garden. All this is done quite simply and does not require the use of special tools.In the photo below examples of garden furniture from pallets.

Article on the topic:

Practical recommendations, how to make furniture from pallets do it yourself

You made sure that you can make a lot of wooden pallets. We advise you to start with small designs that require 2-3 packaging solids. When you have a hand, you can proceed to more serious projects: gazes, peasants, cinemas, and so on. We bring to your attention information on preparatory work and step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of several simple piece of furniture.

Toolkit for work

To work with pallets, carpentry tools and fasteners for wood will be required. Check if everything from the list presented is in your arsenal:

  • electrode, dumping, nail-pressure, hammer, saw;
  • self-tapping screws or nails, bolts for collapsible structures;
  • sand paper, pva carbon black glue, soil for wood, paint, simulation or varnish.

If all this is in stock - you are ready for work.

How to choose the pallets

Pallets, of course, should be integer, without damage and cracks, fired by boards. But these are not all requirements. Pay attention to the labeling of the pallet. If the IPPC is standing - this means that the pallet wood has been processed in compliance with international security requirements.

This is a safe way for a person. Do not use for the manufacture of home designs pallets with marking MV or EUR. Such wood was processed to preserve chemicals hazardous to health.

Tip! Ask, what was transported on the pallets. If these were fertilizers or other chemicals, give up such acquisition.

Before buying, inspect the material for the presence of mold, rot and other damage. Pay attention to the nails in the pallet. If you disassemble it in your plans, it is important that the nails are scored smoothly, not at an angle.

Treatment pallet

It doesn't matter what you decide to do from the pallet, you need to carefully prepare it. Initially, the package is made of a non-stroke board, there are many burstles on it. Therefore, after cleaning from dirt, the tree must be carefully polished. If you have - the task will be much simplified.

Important! When grinding a tree, do not forget about your own safety: use gloves and respirator.

If you disassemble the pallet on the boards - sort the parts by width, it will simplify their selection in the future. Even before the assembly, you can process the tree with moisture-proof composition or even paint, because the finished design will be sharpening.

Article on the topic:

: for garden, children's room, kitchen, bath, garden, gazebos; How to renovate furniture items, useful tips and recommendations of specialists - read in our publication.

Step-by-step instructions from the photo of the manufacture of furniture from pallets do it yourself

And now we will proceed to the immediate manufacture of the most popular items: tables, chairs, sofas, shops and.

How to make the table with your own pallets

The table from the pallet is the simplest design of all possible you can build a full dining table and small - dimensions depend only on the number of details of the designer.

IllustrationDescription of action
Gently, not to split the boards, disassemble the pallets. Use a nail for this purpose.
Skill each board on both sides using sandpaper.
Dispise 8 45 centimeters boards.
Each pair is painted as shown in the photo, at right angles.
The obtained details are the legs of the coffee table.
Measure 4 bars 74 centimeters.
It is necessary to prepare another 4 brus equal to the length of six folded boards from the pallet.
Collect support details.
Supporting parts should look like.
4 transverse clusters for 75 centimeters will connect the support details.
Cut 12 boards of 80 centimeters for table top and bottom shelves.
Secure the tabletop and the lower part of the table.
Squeeze and cut the boards in order to close the cuts of the tabletop from the sides.
Surface them from above, bottom and end.
The coffee table is ready. If you need a table of other sizes, just increase or reduce the length of the details.