Mobile office partitions. The types of partitions for the office are called partitions in the office

The use of office partitions in administrative and commercial buildings helps to properly zonate the room to provide every office manager workplace. Today we are studying office partitions, their classification and manufacturing materials.

Naturally, there is no uniform hour in the rhythm of office life to spend it on the renewal of the office or some improvements. Therefore, the creation of additional or distinguishing existing jobs in the room must be performed on time. It concerns these large offices, call-centers, administrative departments, where hundreds of people work. Of course, it is impossible to allocate each individual, and therefore, for mid-link workers - operators, managers, clerks and other employees, special jobs are organized, which in one room there may be several dozen. Each similar place is strictly zoned by a special partition, the production of which we will talk today.

Office partitions are most often far from the capital designs, and not even those partitions from drywall, which we are accustomed to erect in residential buildings or retail premises to highlight the territory into several zones or branches. These are stationary or removable, folding rebels between employees work places.

The manufacture of office partitions can be factory, and can also be done in place, it all depends on the order and the project, the requirements and budget of the customer. The factory office partitions are easy to install and dismantle, if the office needs to move and form a similar room in another building, the same partitions, which are made on the spot, are quite often fixed to the floor or walls, and therefore, it is almost impossible to dismantily dismantle them.

Classification and types of office partitions

Office partition systems can be made of a wide variety of materials, it all depends on the requirements of the customer, budget and timing to build partitions.

Aluminum office partitions

Standard office partitions made on aluminum frame. Often, office partitions from aluminum collapsible, mobile, mobile, that is, they can be freely mounted on the spot, and if necessary, moved to another room.

Sliding office partitions from an aluminum profile are most popular, since it is enough to simply form jobs of any value.

Office partitions Glass

More expensive and presentable partitions for the office, which can often be found not only in commercial organizations, but also in administrative buildings. They are very practical, but only if they are made of durable and high-quality materials.

Popular is considered to be office partitions made of matte glass, which partially limit visual access to the employee.

Office partitions plastic

Economy office partitions, as plastic is considered the most inexpensive material. Naturally, in practicality, they are a little inferior to other partitions. But, it is quite realistic to find the design office partitions from plastic, which will cost expensive and not in grams will not be given to partitions from glass or type panels.

Polycarbonate office partitions

Polycarbonate took a strong place in construction and repair, this material was reached to office buildings, where it becomes practical and really high-quality material for creating partitions for the zoning of rooms. Polycarbonate partitions are installed quite quickly, which is very in demand in the offices of large companies, where the new division of premises is constantly occurring, a set or dismissal of employees, formation and reconstruction of jobs.

Stationary and mobile office partitions

These types of partitions differ only in one item, which is disclosed by their name. What partitions are more convenient to install in the office space?

Stationary office partitions

This type is most suitable for stable companies that work in their own premises and organize jobs once and for many years. Stationary partitions for the office are more durable and durable, they do not lose their original qualities due to constant installation / dismantling and transportation, can be installed in the customer's room from factory elements or produced in place. Stationary partitions are made of wood, wood-based panels, PVC elements, glasses, polycarbonate, they can be installed on a metal profile for office partitions, aluminum or PVC profile.

Mobile office partitions

These partitions are convenient in that at any time they can be moved from one office to another. This fact is interesting to companies that are engaged in advertising actions, financial campaigns, coaching, conferences. In this case, the partitions are more needed not to organize jobs, but to form separate seats in the centers of trainings.

Naturally, mobility slightly spoils the quality of partitions, since already after a few moves they can lose in stability, stiffness of fasteners and so on. But it all depends on the initial quality and attitude towards such furniture.

Choosing office partitions, present them a number of requirements.Strictly for your own considerations of the practicality and reliability of this furniture. Office partitions that will raise more points on a personal counting system, say, 2/3, and will be the best helper for zoning your office.

By purchasing or ordering a partition for the office, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the materials and production of these items, but do not forget that the installation of office partitions will be played in the final quality of the structures.

Video about what is modern office partitions

Today we conducted a brief study of the partitions for offices and considered which materials they can be performed. But, since our project is devoted to drywall and work with drywall, we will soon introduce you to the material in which we will discuss in detail how to arrange office partitions from drywall, we will study the process in gradually and help with the details.

The use of factory glass partitions in the office is relevant in any sphere. Constructions have many advantages and practically devoid of deficiencies, if manufactured according to standards and correspond to GOST. There are dozens of glass products: transparent and matte, smooth and rough, sliding and swinging. And each of these species is perfect for the arrangement of office space.

Glass partitions are used to separate space in shopping centers, administrative buildings, offices. They are well suited to separate corridors, showrooms, meeting rooms, and shopping centers easily delimit sales departments.

Important! To create privacy, use monochrome or colored blinds, as well as matte or glossy films.

Installation of an office glass partition - a process that does not require coordination with separate instances. Due to this, redevelopment of the room passes without tightening.

The designs of particularly durable glass are manufactured: reinforced, shockproof, triplex. Only such products comply with the requirements for partitions. Another feature of office fences is the possibility of using different types of glasses (tinted, providing an overview on one side scattering).

With the arrangement of office space, the owners can choose different variants of decorative coatings.

Basic requirements for glass designs

Any office partitions from glass must correspond to 3 parameters: safety, fire resistance, technology that preserves the canvas when breaking is solid. This means that when buying a product with one glass, it should be shockproof tempered. Such a canvas when breaking remains on one film, or crushes on stupid fragments. They are not able to hurt a person.

The second parameter is fire resistance. Products are tested by temperature, this should be reflected in the documents. Also used similar accessories, which does not melt under the action of fire. The goods must be resistant to burning within 30 minutes. The utilization of such goods should be carried out only through special enterprises.

When using all-glass partitions in offices or shopping centers located in seismically unstable areas, they must be resistant to such an action. When buying, you need to contact the integrity of the design. Any cracks and scratches are a critical defect, it is impossible to sell such goods.

If they buy bulletproof glass, then they must withstand at least 3 shots without striking. For the test use weapons described in Guest.

Advantages and disadvantages

Office partitions from glass many advantages caused by the features of the material used:

This saves several minuses. The ability to change the space with such structures does not provide for the installation of additional elements on glass walls.

Glass partitions have increased fragility, and also cost much.

Another disadvantage is the inability to resize the finished partition. When cutting, such products begin to crumble. High-quality configurations weigh a lot, you can not install them in all rooms.

Classification and features of glass office partitions

There are several options for the classification of partitions for the office made of glass.

First - by type of construction:

  1. Frame. Aluminum profiles are used for installation. If the double glazing method is used, sound insulation increases. One-piece design is created at the expense of the frame, a slightly narrow space, but the rapid reliability of products.
  2. All-glass. Tolstoy material is made (up to 1 cm) lasting. Mixed to the floor and ceiling by point elements. The glasses are located close to each other, there is no aluminum profile.
  3. Block. Made from small glass "bricks", bars or panels.

You can divide the glass partitions by type of glass used. So, allocate the most common species - transparent and matte. The first category involves the use of hardened polished glass. The matte canvases are processed by chemicals (satina), which gives a special structure of the canvas. Such products dispel light and create more privacy.

Important! Interestingly, textured partitions in the office: under the "sand", corrugated, ribbed.

Additional types of appearance of glass products: a stemalite, that is, staining in production, decorative stained glass windows, appliqués, smart glass, changing color in the action of light or electricity.

Toned glasses with a special film - a universal option. After all, a similar sticker can be removed at any time.

Stained steel partitions look unusually - small color or different parts are used in their designs.

The separation is possible by the amount of glasses used in the design: double and single glazing. In the first case, sound insulation increases, but the installation requires more attentiveness. If you allow an error, dust may appear between the glasses. With single glazing, ease of care and low cost is preserved.

Types of glass structures

There are 4 types of glass products that are suitable for use in office space:

  1. Transformable. They are made of independent canvases, which are moving along special rails located in the ceiling. However, it takes place on the edges, in narrow openings it is very difficult to install. In an easy form, both stationary walls or doors-compartment are used. Installing guides on the floor is impossible due to the design features.

  2. Sliding. Made in the form of glass sections. The sliding glass partition works using a sliding mechanism, which is located in the floor and on the ceiling. Sections can be represented in several forms: sliding, swing, as well as suspended.

  3. Stationary. The name of such partitions were obtained for the features of glazing: they are attached directly to the walls, ceiling and floor. Outwardly resemble ordinary walls, and also have maximum sound-insulating properties. From stationary systems, you can create unusual figures: they are installed by waves, under the tilt, and also straight. Stationary products have maximum strength through the use of all-glass or frame-colored canvases.

  4. Mobile partitions. Installation of products takes a minimum of time and resources, and if necessary, the canvas are easily removed and installed on a new place. Modules made from modules with clips profiles. Performed in the form of an outdoor or desktop screen, sometimes implemented in the form of a screen. For installation use wide supports. Mobile structures have minimal soundproof properties.

Any glass partition looks beautiful, and when choosing the optimal configuration, it is easy to achieve the desired quality from the design.

Glass Plumbing Partitions

Similar canvases are used to arrange toilets and other rooms (for example, kitchen).

They have a simple configuration, but retain the properties necessary to improve premises with elevated sanitary requirements:

  • good strength;
  • opaque designs can be used;
  • infertility moisture;
  • easy to wash;
  • do not come into contact with household chemicals.

Plumbing partitions form full-fledged cabins in toilets. They can be combined with individual doors, providing latches or spinages.

Material for the production of partitions

Compared to window glass, thicker sheets are used for partitions (from 8 mm). They have improved optical characteristics and mechanical strength. Such products are suitable even for use in schools, offices and kindergartens, clinics.

Important! In order to increase strength, triplex glass is used, or a strengthening film.

There are names that determine the type of material used. Float is a thermalized glass, smooth and transparent, which, deserved maximum popularity with office space owners.

Mollaned glass passes hardening and has a bent texture. But the optivotes belong to the most expensive materials, as it has high strength and maximum transparency on a par with a large thickness. Used most often in all-glass partitions.

Glass products also include partitions from organic substitutes:

The glass partitions for office space are relevant when you need to save the maximum space, save the integrity of the room. At the same time, it will not have to sacrifice privacy: blinds and color films are able to solve the problem, retaining the advantages of glass structures. However, you should be prepared for the fact that such products are expensive.

Now there is little office can do without partitions. Often, such premises exist in old factory workshops, warehouses, new buildings - those places where there are no walls to delimit the workspace of many employees. And it is at this moment that it becomes necessary to quickly and efficiently divide the room to formed personal offices, conference rooms, separate jobs for employees.

Unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, it is not always possible to engage in a full redevelopment of the room and build the most common walls, but the office partitions will be allowed to obtain the desired result as a short time.

The main advantages of office partitions are the speed and ease of installation, the possibility of a slight dismantling and use in a new place, the possibility of transformation and a minimum of space that must be highlighted under the partition itself. In addition, such structures practically do not take away the useful area, do not twist the space, and some species are even capable of visually expanding it.

A modern choice provides the opportunity to choose the best option to each work room. To decide which type of office partitions is suitable in each particular case, and will most apply to your requirements, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the diversity of office partitions.

Design of office partitions

Modern office interior partitions are so diverse that without preliminary preparation it will be very difficult to choose the desired option. Therefore, let's try to deal with the entire choice. So, according to the type of construction, partitions are divided into stationary, mobile, sliding, desktop and folding.

Stationary office partitions

Partitions of this type are more reminiscent of ordinary walls. They erected right in the office, are attached to the floor, ceiling and carrier walls. Their design allows you to organize full-fledged doors and window openings, creating separate rooms, working areas, meetings for meetings, etc. To their main advantages should include a high level of sound insulation, strength and durability. In addition, they provide ample opportunities for decorating the walls obtained, which cannot be provided, for example, mobile partitions.

Mobile office partitions

Mobile partitions are often called portable, or modular office partitions, since here the whole design is assembled from individual parts - modules that can be collected in an arbitrary convenient order, then disassemble and reconstruct again with new requirements. Mobile partitions do not need to be attached to the floor and walls, there are no dust and dirty processes during installation, it is easy to move, and when moving just take with you and install on a new place. Such partitions often serve only the psychological boundary to distinguish between space, but they protect weakly from noise. It is worth noting that sometimes they are still attached to the walls for greater reliability, but it is not necessary. Mobile partitions today in the market presented a huge amount.

In height, they do not exceed 2 meters, they can have built-in shelves, countertops and even doors. Thus, mobile partitions are most comfortable and can be disassembled and collected in another configuration and in another room. Ideal for small offices, since it does not interfere with the passage of sunlight, as well as the premises in which the permutations are often satisfied.

Folding office partitions

Folding or sliding partitions are an excellent option that has absorbed the advantages of mobile and stationary partitions. For them, as for stationary, it will take installation, as such structures are installed on the lower and upper guides. But then, if desired, it can easily be transformed, in a matter of seconds, connecting or separated by each other, for example, a conference room and a head office. The partition itself is made of several canvases interconnected by the type of harmonica. Also possible is an option to open a piece of coupe when the flat web moves along the guides, or the book, when two panels are folded when opening, and the lower guide is not required at all.

Desktop Office Partitions

There are still office partitions screens, or desktop partitions, which are great for separating the space of several employees, whose working tables are on topics to each other. Such partitions are attached to the tables, and if necessary, can be easily dismantled and transferred to another workplace.

The height of the desktop partitions, as a rule, does not exceed 50 cm, but the materials for execution can be the most varied - from glass to wood. Recently, magnetic partitions are also popular, which, firstly, dispel electromagnetic radiation, which comes from computers, and secondly, they can be used as magnetic boards to secure on their own elements.

All listed partitions may find use in the same office space, performing a little different roles, and complement each other.

Office partition and glazing material

From what material the partition is made, and the comfort of the office itself is largely depends, and what impressions will be indoors from customers, so it is necessary to find a gold middle between price, appearance and comfort. Most often there are partitions made of drywall from aluminum profile and plastic partitions. All of them can be deaf, have looting for glazing or completely performed from glass.

Office partitions from plasterboard

Plasterboard is the most popular material that is used to erect office partitions. It also applies to the most affordable materials, thanks to it, you can quickly allocate functional zones in the office, and besides, drywall is an excellent alternative to more capital designs. And due to the fact that such partitions are erected quickly, it will be unnecessary to change the usual mode of operation in the office. In addition, the resulting design can be decorated with any convenient and affordable ways: you can paint it, shove wallpaper, separated by plaster - everything, as with ordinary walls.

Aluminum office partitions

Especially and very popular partitions are used with an aluminum profile. First, they have a much more pleasant appearance than plasterboard, and many European companies have already passed on such materials. So if the appearance has priority importance, then you need to pay attention to such options.

Secondly, aluminum partitions are durable, allow you to withstand huge loads, but together they can be easily mounted, and if desired, you can dismantle and transfer to a new place. You can fill such a frame as you like with the material - wood, glass, plastic, etc., the benefits of such partitions can also add environmental friendliness and high sound insulation.

Plastic office partitions

This is another modern and popular material that bribes the variety of appearance. So, plastic can be of any color, can be matte or transparent, can vary in terms of sizes. In addition, plastic partitions are distinguished by a high level of sound insulation, so thanks to it you can make a huge office as functional as possible.

Plastic partitions are reliable and relatively durable: the average service life is about 10 years, so that they will withstand any movement and moving office. Such material is light, but, it means that it will not create an excessive load on the bearing structures. Yes, and in the care of these partitions, the most simple as possible, which is important for the conditions of the modern office - it will be enough to be easy to wipe them with a damp cloth with a detergent.

Although plastic partitions cost more precipitant, but on the solidity of the appearance, they significantly lose partitions with an aluminum frame. If the company's dear image enters your plans, it is worth thinking well before choosing plastic partitions. And choosing, try to find those people who are capable of qualitatively to mount such a design, otherwise it may be trouble with its deformation, which will be difficult to correct.

Frameless office partitions

Frameless, or all-glass office partitions - a modern highly aesthetic and functional solution. It is used, as a rule, tempered glass with an additional coating in the form of an anti-vandal film. As a result, we get a stylish, fully transparent partition, which, however, is distinguished by high sound insulation capabilities, it does not take away the useful space and natural light.

They can be any configuration and complexity, incarnate the smallest fantasy. In addition, thanks to, for example, the blinds fully open for the eyes can turn into a more cozy space in a few seconds.

By the way, all-glass stationary partitions may often be such invisible that employees or customers may try to pass through them. To avoid accidents, it is better to decorate the coating with some patterns, for example, a company logo.

Deaf and Combined Partitions

Fully transparent structures, of course, have their advantages, but their arrangement will require significant investments, and the purchase of blinds or tinting films is additional embezzlement. From the point of view of functionality and appearance, the optimal is the partial glazing of partitions.

Combined office partitions - the optimal option for saving the desired privacy of the workplace and its openness. The opaque part reaches the height, as she was vaccinated, 1 meter, so the furniture can be placed in an arbitrary order, without fearing to damage the partition.

By type of glazing partitions can be single and double. Externally, the differences will be invisible. Well, with a purely functional point of view, double glazing wins, so if reliable sound insulation is important for you, you stop at such a solution, even though it will cost and a little more expensive.

If the partition is completely devoid of glazing, then it belongs to the type of deaf. They are well suited to create completely isolated premises that are needed for the negotiation room, the cabinet of the head, etc. If such partitions are used to distinguish between the space between workers' work places, then note that they must be installed strictly perpendicular to the windows in order not to deprive them The desired stream of sunlight. Deaf partitions can be made of drywall, chipboard, PVC, etc.

Fire Office Partitions

Separately, it is worth highlighting fireborne partitions: if the safety of the room and employees is in the first place, it is better to take care that all the details of the office are, since the partitions, the most resistant to the action of fire. So, fire resistance is determined by how many minutes the material is able to resist high temperatures during the fire. The highest indicators in this sense show all-glass partitions, as well as partitions made using an aluminum or steel frame and filled with glass.

So glass partitions are not only beautiful, but also practical in terms of security. By the way, on sound insulation, a dual glass partition almost does not lose drywall, which is able to delay the sound of 40 dB, and the double glass is 39 dB.

Decorative elements and fittings

When the type of office partition is selected, and it is decided where it will be located, do not forget to pay due attention to its appearance and various trifles. It is important to choose the right color so that the office interior causes the confidence of customers and the desire to work for employees. If there are doors in the partition, then you need to take care of suitable handles and locks to ensure not only convenience, but also the safety of all things and documents.

In addition, partitions with solid or partial glazing can be supplied with additional protection against extraneous eyes - blinds or tinting film. It is better to decide in advance which option suits you.

Do not forget that whatever durable material would be chosen, the installation of an office partition is still of great importance, on which it depends whether it will be durable, reliable and protect against noise.

Office partitions are so entered into our lives, which is even difficult to imagine: they weren't it ever? Today, when planning the office interior, a unique opportunity to avoid long-term repairs appears using modern systems of office partitions. And their manifold will allow not to limit their fantasy and desires, choosing the necessary planning solution.

On the floor and on the table

For appointment, all partitions can be divided into four types: stationary, mobile, desktop, transformable.

Turn to the first type. Stationary partitions are attached to walls, floors and ceiling and collected in place. Their task is the separation of all rooms on the functional zones and the creation of individual spaces (receiving, cabinets, etc.).

Often such partitions are also called "frame": the fact is that the construction is the framework - the framework. In turn, the frame consists of a profile on which the panels from various materials are attached.

Leading foreign and Russian companies are constantly working on the improvement of office partitions offered by them. For example, the Design Bureau of the Studio of Office Systems and Technologies "Astart Prestige", stationary office partitions on the frame of the aluminum profile "Triasta" was developed.

The so-called "solid" aluminum is used as raw materials for its manufacture. In composition, it is identical to the material that is used in the defense industry.

When developing the TRIAST office partition system, the specifics of Russian buildings were taken into account, associated with the inaccuracy of the premises geometry - the partition is assembled in place, which allows the installation of structural elements during the mounting process (floor, walls, ceiling) during the installation process.

Thus, the racks of the system are capable if necessary is not located directly, but with the repetition of the irregularities of the walls. Filling also takes into account these features. In this case, its form is not rectangular.

High strength and rigidity of the entire design is provided by using reinforced mounting corners connecting vertical and horizontal racks. In addition, the carrier elements of the system are equipped with additional ribbed ribs.

The second type is mobile partitions. They are also designed to separate space, but, in addition, make it possible to frequent interior change. Mobile partitions can be attached to furniture (usually to the tables) or walls without mounting to the floor and ceiling. Due to this, literally in one day without additional costs, you can create new jobs or integers, changing the configuration of space.

Unlike stationary structures, the height of which is average equal to 3 meters, mobile partitions below: usually about 2 meters, sometimes 2.1 - 2.2 meters.

The next type of partition is desktop. They are also called "desktop screens". They are mounted on desktops in order to improve the ergonomics of personnel jobs. Their height is average equal to 50 cm. There is an opportunity to choose the color of the desktop screens that will coincide, for example, from painting furniture.

Moreover, for example, when developing a Russian series of operating furniture "Spectrum", special attention was paid to solutions for open spaces: for this, ergonomic form tables are complemented by desktop partitions and shelves.

Transformable structures play the role of partitions and doors simultaneously. They are sliding or folding. The sliding office partition consists of a fixed panel and a movable part moving along the suspended guide profile. Depending on the location of the rollers, partitions are distinguished by suspended (at the top) and supporting (bottom). In the latter case, the guides are made in the heating of the floor (a depth of about 5 cm).

You can use them, for example, in restaurants: in the afternoon you have separate rooms, and in the evening, "spreading the wall", you get a large banquet room.

Our intentions are transparent

The second feature, according to which you can qualify all partitions, is a way to fill their frames. Filling can be transparent, deaf or combined.

According to the management of the meat processing company "Meat Land", in the office of which the overwhelming majority of intuophical partitions make up glass walls, such a solution gives ease and airiness to office space.

In the transparent partition, glass is used as filling. All popular partitions are especially popular. Separation of space with the preservation of visual volume and the maximum of natural light is the requirement of modern design. Performing it is easiest to achieve precisely with this type of partitions.

Of course, ordinary glass in this case cannot be used at least according to safety requirements; Wide distribution in such structures received special tempered glass.

It is stronger than the usual approximately 6 times, and when destroyed, it crumbles on very small fragments with stupid ends, which is impossible to be injured. In addition, tempered glass is not only a beautiful light-up material, but also the self-supporting element of the entire partition. In other words, such glass does not require an additional framing, which means that the unique integrity and beauty of the whole design is created.

In the domestic market, the leading positions on the production of organic glass sheets for partitions has a Dzerzhinsky organic glass plant from Nizhny Novgorod. Among foreign manufacturers, we note such brands like "degussa", "Rohm".

Partitions may have single or double glazing. Apply different types of glasses, including tinted, mirror, textured. Partitions and double, and with single glazing allow interframe blinds to be installed.

If there is a need to create glass fences that exclude direct visibility through them, apply deaf windows, into space between the glasses of which fiberglass, kaolin wool, matte, including synthetic, films are placed.

In the previously mentioned company "Astarta Prestige", leading examples from this area are also called the technology "Magic Screen Glass". Using the remote control at any time you can make a partition or completely transparent or, on the contrary, matte.

The second type of sections is "deaf". The most different materials are used in this role: MDF, plastics, aluminum lining, chipboard, plasterboard. The partition with the use of "deaf" materials has the highest sound insulation characteristics, often superior to similar parameters of the overhaul.

The third type, combined, will allow you to take advantage of all the pluses of glass and opaque material. The upper part of such a partition is transparent, the lower - is performed from the materials listed above. They retain the lower part of the partition from possible damage and scratches.

Partitions around us

Finally, you can try to qualify all partitions depending on the scope of application. It is obvious that while they are mainly used in offices, from here and a steady combination of "Office partitions", but only works by work premises is not limited.

Recently, they allocate a new variety - "trading partitions". They are designed to create or divide retail premises and include showcases, counters, commercial windows and other for trading (shields for consumers, shelves for bags, etc.).

They use the so-called "stained glass windows". They are distinguished by a large area, allowing you to create fully glass partitions with a height of up to 3 meters and 2 meters width.

Variants of stained glass are also varied: transparent, matte, tinted, mirror, corrugated, with a pattern.

Plumbing partitions, as follows from their name, are designed to create toilet and shower cabins in public areas. Given that such partitions are subjected to frequent wet cleaning, usually laminated chipboard and MDF are used to fill them.

The designer from Moscow Larisa Velikanova notes that "Fashion for open space went on: besides ordinary partitions, the main advantages of which are mobility and instantaneous installation, a whole direction of design partitions appeared. They are distinguished by unusual legs, tangible frames, combinations of expensive materials. And instead Blinds can be used in a variety of drawings. "

Designer partitions can be used in reception rooms, meeting rooms, in general, where it is required to make a proper impression on visitors.

Very close to designer partitions and designs that can be called "representative". They are used in the offices of the leadership and top managers. A distinctive feature is a rich finish, for example, under a tree; Coloring partition profile under bronze or gold.

In such partitions, you can install plasma screens and other items at the request of the customer.

We will also add that in modern partitions, almost any doors are easily mounted, not only the traditional office, but also non-standard equipment, up to the aquariums.

And if there are no office partitions in your office or other room, we are sure: in the very near future they will appear, and you personally make sure all their advantages.

Alexander Majorov, based on the press service of Astart Prestige