Installation of the rafter system of the holm roof on the beams. Hipper Roof System: Design and Installation

The most important design of the house affecting the entire structure as a whole is its roof. The main design features of the roof depend on many factors, such as the maximum permissible load on the walls, the type of construction, the type of roofing material, etc. The hip roof of the rafting system of which is not quite simple, is nevertheless a fairly popular construction in construction. Its main advantage is considered, excellent ability to self-cleaning, as well as good resistance to strong snow and wind load.

Features of the design of a hip roof

Wide use in construction The hip roof has found due to its durable design features, durability and enough original design having a beautiful appearance.

The roof design allows you to equip the spacious residential attic floor with magnificent mortise windows, and the streamlined form reduces the aerodynamic loads from strong winds.

The rafting system of the holm roof consists of four slopes: two of which are the side (having the shape of the trapezium), and two more - hip (in the form of triangles). Thus, the design obtains two vertices combined with a skate run.

Basic structural nodes

  • Skown run - The main carrier axis in the upper part of the roof, which is the connection site of all four slopes. It is performed from the cutting board 50x200 mm.
  • Diagonal (Sound rafters) - An important carrier element of the frame, connecting the corners of the house with a convection run. Performed from the same board as the ski run.
  • Rafted side roof - Performed from the board 50x200 mm. Fastened to the skate run and the side walls of the structure or Mauerlat. Their main task is to evenly distribute the side load on the bearing walls.
  • Cropped rafters (Net Porn) - The board is sleeined at a certain angle, which is attached to the diagonal rafters and the hip side of the house or Mauerlat. Thus, there is no compound between narters and the convection run.

It is important to comply with the basic rules of the constructive nodes, the reliability and strength of the entire structure will depend on the quality of their bond. To do this, use only high-quality sawn timber and "horsery" nails.

Connection diagram of the main design nodes

Types of holm roofs

The options for performing holmic roofs are quite a lot, in addition to the standard still exist: (half-haul Dutch and Danish, tent, as well as broken roofs).

  • If, for example, the length of the hollow roof slope is less lateral, such a design is called half-haired (Dutch). Such a design with dignity withstands strong vyting loads, and thanks to sharp rods, the snow on it almost never long delayed. This type is more similar to the classical, but its characteristics greatly exceed it.

  • The Danish semi-haul roof is a bit more complicated by execution. The difference between the design lies in the fact that the hollow part is already not below, and from above the vertical fronton, which can be replaced with a beautiful frame with glass.

  • Buildings with walls are the same length (square), the tental roof is perfect. Unlike the Walmova, which has a skate run, the tent does not have such. The design looks as follows, four completely identical roofs, converge at one top point. Especially forming a pyramidal geometric shape.

  • Light roofs due to the complexity of the design are very rare. However, their look so fascinates that for a long time you can't take a look from it. It represents itself, a set of many slopes arranged at different angles relative to the walls. With her own hands, without having enough experience, such a roof is very problematic, so it's better to trust professional roofers.

Walm roof with her own hands

Correct calculations are the key to the reliability and durability of any roof. Having draws a design scheme correctly, you can easily collect it yourself, while having 2-3 partner in the subset. To resort to the help of the builders brigade will not be necessary, it is enough to do everything according to the plan and adhere to the specified calculations.

Tilt angle

When designing any roof, the angle of its inclination is chosen on the basis of climatic conditions, which in Russia differ greatly, depending on the region. If the structure is erected in the region with the prevailing winter with strong snow precipitates, then the angle of inclination is desirable to do large, so the snow will not be able to linger on the roof and constantly it will be crazy with it under its own weight.

In the southern regions where the sediments are quite rare, and only in the form of rain, but it is not uncommon to the strong gusts of the wind, the roofs are asked with a slight bias. The main task of which is the resistance to these wind loads.

Also an important factor in calculating the slope is the type of roofing coating. The fact is that some of them have the recommended height limit of the angle, which should not be neglected. And so as not to make mistakes, see each of them:

  • Slate - recommended slope angle 15º - 65 °. Failure to comply with these parameters can lead to moisture from the moisture to the sheets;
  • Ceramic tile - the best sloping corner 35 ° - 65 °. The disregard of the appliance recommended by the manufacturer will lead to the possibility of condensate formation;

  • Metal tile - the minimum bias for this material is 13 °, the maximum manufacturers are not installed;
  • Soft tile - the optimal size of the slope is considered no less 15º. Installation of the roof can be carried out at any other value of the angle above the minimum;
  • Ondulin - any angle of the slope no less 5 °From the size of the corner will directly depend on the shape of the crate.
  • Metal folding roof - should be applied when the slopes are bold 25 ° Degree.

Correct settlement area

In order to correctly calculate the total area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the holm roof, we first need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach slide separately, then the resulting numbers folded each other. As we remember the rods of a hip roof - these are geometric shapes of two trapezoids and triangles. Remembering the school curriculum, it is easy to calculate their total area.

If you are still afraid to be mistaken, experts can correctly make it possible to purchase roofing material, or you can use any of the online calculator convenient for you, which are fully on the Internet.

Exactly specifying all the parameters of the future roof, they will help everyone to calculate with accuracy to a square meter.

Calculation of the rafter system

To accurately calculate the System System, it is necessary to use the table below the ratio between the length and their placement.

The ratio of the corner of the roof Correction coefficient for corner rafters Correction coefficient for intermediate rafters
3:12 1.016 1.031
4:12 1.027 1.054
5:12 1.043 1.083
6:12 1.061 1.118
7:12 1.082 1.158
8:1 2 1.106 1.202
9:1 2 1.131 1.250
10:12 1.161 1.302
11:12 1.192 1.357
12:12 1.225 1.414

Based on the above table, the length of the rafter leg is equal to its work of the coefficient and projection. The application of the table will help to make all the necessary calculations as accurately as possible.

The calculation itself is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Using a regular rail, find the locking (horizontal projection) of the intermediate rafting leg. Find your slope coefficient in the table and multiply to the presented coefficient;
  • From the skate run to the place of attachment of the lower part of the wall foot, measuring the length of the rafted;
  • In the same way, multiplying the correction factor for the mint (horizontal projection), we find the length of the sink of the rafter. Or you can use the Pythagore theorem (see. GIS. 1).

  • Now find the length of the angular rafters. It will be clear that it will be easier to take advantage of this in the picture below.

Installation of timidate

Strengthening carcass

In order to give the design greater stiffness, it must be strengthened with additional corner disconse and vertical racks. The amount of them is calculated based on the maximum load of the rafter system. The weight includes weight: roofing cake and coating, as well as the mass of snow and wind load.

After the rafter system of the hip roof is reinforced, you can safely begin the installation of the crate. Its step and design depends on the type of roofing material you choose. For example, it should have a solid carpet.

The hollow roof is very practical and looks elegant. But effort and costs are decent. Its exaltation is possible, but the main thing here is to have certain construction engineering skills and clearly follow calculations and schemes.

The specificity of the roof of this type

It is one of the types four-tight roof. The top view of the house with her resembles a closed envelope. Two slopes of a slight area having a triangle format specialists were called "Walm". The form of another pair of skate - a trapezium. Their size is greater.

Valm roof form such nodes (scheme):

Cracker serves a peak of the roof. This is a line formed by rapid tandems on the site of their bonding. Specificity of the skate - it loses in the length of the overlapping structure.

Walves.These are triangular shapes. They are positioned above the end walls and are used instead of the front. They are diagonal and intermediate rafters (DS and PS).

Skats.Their form trapesis. Their start is obtained from the skate, and the completion - in the scene.

Ribra. These are the angles resulting in the climbing zones and rods. The number of Valm is equal to the number of DS. Their final number is 4.

Drainage network.Its components: funnels, pipes and gutters. It allows you to remove the unnecessary liquid from the surface of such a roof into the sewer.

Important! The hip roof does not provide for the creation of residential attic in it. Cause: Its two slopes significantly reduce the ceiling height in the underlined zone.

Rafters and supports

Differences in the installation of a complex hip roof from the banta are in the presence of a larger number of components. They are such (scheme):

Ski run.This is a special bar. It is mounted with rafting duets.

Diagonal rafters (DS).They constitute Röbra Valm. From the completion of the skate, they follow the corner nodes of Mauerlat, connecting with it. In length, they exceed standard rafters. Material for their creation should have a large cross section. And such is usually dual boards. By drawing up the drawings, it is important to take into account that the angle of the position of such rafters is more flat, than in standard (intermediate) rafters.

Standard or intermediate rafters (PS).The place of consolidation of their top is the ski run, and the zone of their ending - Mauerlat.

Central standard rafters. They are usually 6 pieces. They are joined with the completion of the skate and DS. It takes a lot of strength on this dock. Here you need absolute concentration and compliance with accurate marking.

Net pedigar or short length legs.In the upper side, their contact with the skate is not allowed. The place of their compounds is diagonal rafters the lower the position of the narchor, the one is shorter.

Tightening. This is a jumper from a bar. It is positioned between the standard rafting duet.

Rigel.This is a tightening, arranged in the upper zone of the roof, right under the skate .

Overlapping beams.These are tightening, mounted below, at the bottom of the rafted.

Rack.This is a vertical timing. It serves as a support of the skate, distributes the mass of the roof on the bearing elements. If you need to make a naked zone, the racks can be focused in the middle of the rafter.

Troop. These are supports fixed in perpendicular position to rafters. They save them from sagging. The pump is extremely necessary if the roof rates reach a length of 4.5 - 5 m.

Shprengel.This is a device for supporting diagonal rafters. Shprengel form two beams. One mounts two parts of Mauerlat. The second with the focus comes in the first and same in one DS.

Calculations, drawings, projects

Before creating a holm roof, it is necessary to scrupulously calculate the components of its design. How to do it right? Before calculations, a block of overlapping building with all parameters is created. Then, applying uncomplicated formulas on the basis of the Pythagora theorem, can be calculated:

Scheme with parameters:

  1. The value of the height of the skate. The data here is as follows: H \u003d B x TGα / 2. Here B is the length of the design between the rafters from the end plane. A A is an angle of the position of the skates.
  2. The length of standard rafters. Data: E \u003d b / 2 x COSα. Here B is the same length, and is the same angle, e is the length of standard rafters.
  3. Squata area. Data: S \u003d 2EA. Here S is the total surface area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, E is the same parameter of paragraph 2, and the length between the rafters along the structure of the structure.

DS length:

Walm roof with parameters:

These schemes help calculate the length of the specified rafters only with the presence of data on the parameters of standard rafters.

The desired step between the rapid tandems is also often found in reference books, based on the breed and thickness of the working material (wood) and the length of the skate. The results of the calculations are reflected in the drawing. On it Next, make the markup of the roof.

It is still very convenient to produce the above calculations on the calculator.

Montage Mauerlat.

Mauerlat is called the foundation for installing the roof. It is needed to distribute the mass of the roof over all carrier elements. It is usually created from a wooden bar, and the solid rock tree is used. The greater the roof mass and more complicated its configuration, the more the cross section of Mauerlat is obtained. As a rule, the masters use a pine timber with minimal parameters of 15 x 15 cm.

Installing Mauerlat passes before building a house. How to do:

  1. Work with a timber. It is measured, dumped on the desired length. In the angular sites, Maurylalat is attached to each other by the method "in the paw". To drink the groove under fastener is marked.
  2. On the last line of masonry create an armchair formwork. It is filled with viscous concrete. It introduces metal spiers to fasten the necessary bar.
  3. After hardening the concrete between it and Mauerlat is arranged hydraulic protection layer. Here you can apply bitumen mastic or rubberoid.
  4. Follow processing timber protective equipment. Need antiseptics and antipires of powerful penetration, as well as moisture protection varnish.
  5. In Mauerlat places and create holes for metal spiers. Marker will be used for marking. To create - drill.
  6. Bar. it is satisfied with these spiers and is powerfully fixed by anchor bolts.

Stages of construction

Here it is imperative to follow the instructions and technology. The stages of work are:

  1. Set tightening. They serve the beam overlap. They are required at least two. Racks are put on them. Experts on top of them are satisfied with the boardwalk. So the rafter network is erected more convenient and safer.
  2. Attaching racks to tightening. Racks can be used more. But the excessive mass for the design is needed only with a special need. While the network is not stable, the racks are fixed for some time by vertical struts.

Scheme stephago:

To create a hip roof, a soft roof is used. It is easier to cover the rods with a complex configuration. For such a roof, a solid doomba from the layers of moisture-resistant plywood is preparing.

  1. To fix the roofing material on the shepherd applied special fasteners. Its composition: Steel-stainless steel with a rubber hat. The method of positioning of sheets is a $ 10-15 cm. So defense creates from moisture. The cooler of the skate, the more you need to follow this method.
  2. After laying the roof, the roof is inspected from the inside. It can create windows, drain and even chimney.

For gazebo

Walm roof is the perfect option for private houses. Its competent creation is impossible without special skills, calculations, hard work and patience.

Walp roofs can be created on smaller buildings, for example - gazebos. But for such a roof, only the arbors of the following types come:

  1. Square form. Here the roof is made up of four-ropes - triangles of the same sizes. They are connected at one point. The horse is not created. Scheme:

  1. Rectangular shape. The roof form two skates - trapezoids and two skate - triangle. At the top - rustle. It follows along the long plane of the rectangle. Photo:

Required building materials

Walm roof Build from the following materials:

  1. Wooden timber. Long parameters: 10x10 cm or 15x15 cm. Maurylalat is formed from it, as well as vertical racks and tightening.
  2. Boards. The desired section: 5x 5 cm and 10x15 cm. Of these, rafters are formed. For diagonal rafters, the boards of greater length and thickness are needed. Therefore, the option with dual boards is popular.
  3. . Necessary dimensions: 3x10 cm or 4x10 cm. The lamb is mounted on them.
  4. Rake. Parameters: 3x3. They will serve counter-doom.
  5. Wind board.
  6. Cornice board.

All wooden elements must be treated with antiseptics, antipirens.

Construction of a rafter network


The creation of a hip roof for the arbor is also impossible without the stage of drawings and calculations. Calculate:

  • the angle of slope;
  • skate height;
  • load (to determine the cross sections of the rafter).

Based on the calculated data, the drawing is made. It reflects the parameters and the relative position of the components of the rafting network. She has a lot of analogies with a rafter network for coating at home. As can be seen from the scheme, there is almost the same composition. There are only some nuances:

  1. Opportal and distribution of the mass of the roof - This is the function of the upper strapping.
  2. Step between standard rafyleswhich rolled down on the ski run, and the bottom - the base (Mauerlat), such: 60 - 120 cm.
  3. NarozhnikiThe forming of the skate is set in increments of 60-80 cm.
  4. No need for formwork and its concreting.

Slingers of a holmic roof and erker from Anton Weber:

Steps of the Valm Roof Employment

The gazebo with a holm roof is erected by the following rules:

  1. The upper strapping of the army frame is enhanced. Here you need a board. You can act in two layers. Boards can be applied to each other. Along the longest side of the design to the strapping, the tightening beam is mounted. Fastening here - metal corners.

  1. From the middle of this tightening you need to retreat halfter. Two meter racks are placed on this distance. Their verticality is supported by temporary struts. Their tips are then fasten with a skate run.
  2. Installing standard rafters. Subject to a run in 1 m, it is required to mount a pair of rafters on each side, along the edges of the run. Between them, the meter interval is also.

  1. It feels a doom. It must be solid. It is sticking to nails.
  2. The roofing material is reproduced. It is fastened with galvanized fasteners (self-drawing). Shakes are covered with sealant.

The following is an example of a competently arranged hip roof on a gazebo:

How to create a project

On the creation of a hip-roof project for a bath in the Sketchup program, the author of the blog "Frame sauna in the village of own hands!"

The hollow roof is perhaps the most popular type of four-sheet roof. It is suitable for overlapping private houses of large and small square, bath, even gazebo. The recognizable geometry gives it a rapid system, a set of support elements working as a frame.

The complexity of this design consists in a large number of component parts and attachment sites requiring special skills and experience. This article will answer questions about what it consists of which materials are used for construction, as well as how to carry out installation work.

Construction of a holm roof

The hollow roof refers to a four-piece type, that is, it is formed from four slopes, planes having one common side. Two skates replacing the frontaths are called valm or end, they have a triangular shape. And the other two, in the form of a trapezium, denote the thermal facade. The line in which all four skate is converged - the hob, the highest part of the roof. The design of the Valm type consists of:

  1. Walm rods that have a triangle shape are located on the site belonging to the frontplates.
  2. Facade slopes of trapezoidal shape.
  3. The skate, the line, which form the upper connection of the rafter pairs, tops.
  4. Svea, serving beyond the perimeter of the house of the roof, formed by the length of the rafter feet or the kills. It protects the surface of the walls from melt and rainwater.
  5. The rafting system of the holm roof, the frame of the carrier and the distribution weight of the roofing structure.
  6. Roofing material, coatings that are laid on the rafting legs of a holm roof to protect against atmospheric precipitation.
  7. The drain, water diversification system, accumulating on the roof. It consists of a gutter, antelient funnel and a drainage tube and tolerate moisture from the blood surface to the storm sewage.
  8. Snowpotore holders, elements that do not give snow masses accumulated on the roof, to fall and injure passing people by people.

Types of the rafter system

The rafter system of the holmic roof can be three types, depending on how the rafters are located:

  • Hanging. This means that the rafters have a support for two points: at the top of the skate run, and in the bottom to Mauerlat. Hanging rafter system is experiencing a load on the deflection, compression and cutting. All these forces have a destabilizing effect on it, therefore additional compensating elements are needed - tightening, riglels, grandmas. They complicate the design and installation of a hip roof, so experienced roofers advise to abandon hanging rafters, if there is such an opportunity.
  • Cover. With this type of the rafter system of the holmic roof, the rafters have a support for three points: at the top of the horse, in the middle of the rack, and below the Mauerlat. Racks are installed on the inner bearing walls. Additional vertical supports reduce the deflection of rafting legs and eliminate the sawing force. Therefore, the slotted system is considered more reliable and more stable hanging, and besides easier in the installation.
  • Combined. This term means that the rafter system consists of alternating urban and hanging elements. This is possible if an internal carrier partition is used as a support for the rack, and a pillar or column. The roof is open, that is, all the beams and racks are not hidden by the trim, but are visible.

Important! With the help of a hanging rafter system, it is possible to block the structure of no more than 6 meters width. Using the utilization rafters with one additional support increases this distance to 12 m, with two to 18 m.

Material used

The rapid roof system of the Walm type consists of a plurality of component parts that reflect the drawing, they are made of the following materials:

Correctly processed and prepared wood - excellent material for the manufacture of the rafter system. It is much easier to work with him, it does not require a special tool. And the pleasant price will reduce costs. Moreover, the metal frame of the roof can afford only those who are confident in the boundary of the strength of the foundation.

Elements of the system

Depending on the area and features of the planning of the house, the rafter system of the holmic roof acquires various types, but the basis of it is the following elements:

Note! Some elements of the rafting system of the hip roof have a significant length. And the standard size of tree lumber is limited to six meters. To get out of this problem situation, the roofers are made of glued or typed rafters composed of two or three parts.

Montage Mauerlat.

Mounting Maurolalat - the starting point for creating a rafter system for a holmic roof. Proper installation will provide a reliable base for rafters. During the construction of a house from a bar or log, the role of Mauerlat is performed by the upper crowns. In structures made of bricks, gas-silicate blocks are fixed as follows:

  • On the upper cut of the walls, formwork is settled and poured concrete, reinforced reinforcement belt, in which metal studs are witched.
  • The Mauerlat Bar is treated with an antiseptic of deep penetration and produce holes under the heels in it. What is the location of the holes count so that they do not coincide with the places of attachment of the rafter legs, and were between them.
  • After pouring the concrete belt, which occurs within 2-3 days, the waterproofing is mounted on it. These functions usually performs folded in two soy rubberoids.
  • Maurylalat is placed on waterproofing and attract metal studs.

Please note that a large number of holes reduce the strength of Mauerlat, provoke the appearance of cracks, defects, reducing its reference functions. Remember, in Mauerlat never cut down under rafters, it is impossible to violate its integrity!

Stages assembly

The result of the calculation made by manually or the program is fixed by creating a drawing, which reflects the dimensions and the mutual location of the elements of the rafter system, and then begin to collect it according to the following plan:

Competent calculation, a detailed drawing and high-quality installation - a pledge of a long service and reliability of the rafting roof system.

Video instruction

(Four-tight, tent) Roof - one of the design options, when additional skates are built on the site of the frontones.

However, walp structures are widespread, especially in areas with frequent change of wind direction.

It turns out the roof, from all sides having inclined planes that creates a lot of favorable positions:

  • The absence of frontones makes the load on the foundation less, in addition, it is distributed absolutely uniformly.
  • Wind load on the skate is significantly lower than the vertical plane.
  • The costs of finishing the frontones are excluded from the overall repair estimate.
  • In decorative terms, the hollow roof looks more solid, assembled.

The disadvantage of such a design are:

  • Increased complexity of the construction of the rafter system.
  • A greater consumption that creates additional dangerous areas of possible leaks.
  • The presence of sawing loads on the bearing walls, causing the need to bundle the lower bases of the skates.

The main feature of the construction of the rafter system of tent type is the presence of diagonal ribsconnecting the angular points of the roof with a skate bar, which has a smaller length than the whole roof (the classic rod roof does not have at all, the ribs converge at one point).

In the rafter system, these ribs are called angular, or diagonal. Their presence requires installation as full rafterscoming from to the base - Mauerlat, and shortened elements - Nonigan connecting the base and diagonal rafters.

Scheme of a tent roof

Four-sheet roof: elements of the rafter system

The elements of the rafter system of the Valm type have a more numerous composition than with a double-tide structure. The rafter system consists of such parts:

  • Mauerlat.. Bar, laid around the perimeter of bearing walls and is the basis for the entire rafter system.
  • Sill. The horizontal bar of the same section as Maurylalat, located along the longitudinal axis of the roof and serving the support for the rock racks. Between the overlapping and flexible layer is required.
  • Shprengel. An element connecting and enhancing the corner compounds of Maurolat BRUSEV. Made from the same bar as Mauerlat and is set diagonally to it.
  • Tightening. Binding elements connecting parallel bars Maurolat along the long side. Remove the suspension load from the bearing walls.
  • Rack. Vertical element based on the tightening and supporting the skiing bar.
  • Run. Sking timber.
  • Diagonal (angular, covered) rafal. Connects the corners of Mauerlat with the ends of the run, forming the ribs - the planes of the roof planes.
  • Rafyla. Inclined elements based on Mauerlat from the bottom and on the run from above.
  • Narozhniki. These are those elements that are based on on top of diagonal ribs. In fact, it rafters, circumcised by the length required at this point.
  • Scrollish. Reinforcing elements, struts located perpendicular to the rafters and leaving at an angle of tightening.

The designs of all elements may have deviations from the generally accepted scheme Due to the need caused by the features of the project of this structure, the scheme as a whole consists almost always from the names of the details and does not have any radical changes.

The lines of the hip roof: the scheme and the photo below.

Scheme of the rafter system

Photo of the rafter system

Diagonal rafting legs

Elements of the rafter system, forming the ribs of the compound of the planes of the rods, are called diagonal (osicular, angular) rapid legs.

Strictly speaking, diagonal and accessible - not completely identical elementsSince the first mounting the corners of the Mauerlat, and the second - from the inside.

Otherwise, all the properties are the same.

Corner elements have certain features:

  • The length of the diagonal rafting legs significantly exceeds the length of the straight rafters.
  • Diagonal rafting legs serve as a support for narunaries on both sides of the connected planes.

The presence of such features creates an increased - about one and a half times - the load on the covered rafters compared to the usual. The length of them exceeds the usual length of the boards.From which rafters are made, therefore, for the manufacture of the covered boards, they are allocated - connected by plastic in two layers.

Thus, several problems are solved at once.:

  • You can make beams of any desired length.
  • Ability to use one modular material size.

Under the diagonal rafter it is necessary to install one or two supports (depending on the length), and the position of the support position is not in the middle, as it would seem at first glance, and at a distance of one third-quarters of the total length of the total rafter, counting from the top point, since it is in this area that the place of the highest stresses is located..

Diagonal rafting legs

Supports for diagonal rafters

As a support for diagonal rafters, either a sawp can be applied or vertical racks from a bar or paired boards. Rack can rely directly on the overlap, through a layer of waterproofing and a wooden lining.

This requires sufficient stiffness and overlap strength. If there are no such conditions, the subpatch is used, based on a litter and supporting the covered raftered at a specified point.

Tilt angle in this case the role does not play, the main thing is the connection point, i.e. Place focusing the load. With the length of the covered rafter to 7.5 m sufficiently pan from the top point of the maximum load, and with a length of more than 9 m, an additional rack is required at the bottom.

It can be either a support on the overlap, if it allows, or a support for Shprengel - so-called. The shpregel farm is a rack strengthened by struts on the sides.

Supports for diagonal rafters

The device of Narozhnikov

At the bottom of these people - the same rafters, have a completely similar way to mount to Mauerlat, the same installation step. Mounted strictly at right angles to the base, the upper part is to the angular rafter foot.

Fastening is made at least two nails or other elements. The upper part of the narison is cut under the desired angle to the horizon and to the diagonal rafter, to ensure a more dense adjoining and guarantees of stability.

The device of Narozhnikov

Walm Roof over Erker

Erker - Solid looking and decorating building Building, representing a small extension, a protrusion in the wall that performs mainly decorative functions. The roof area over the Erker may be a design of any type, but most often uses the option that is most suitable for the shape and cross section of the erker.

The hip roof over the erker may have an adjacent form, i.e. Be half a holm roof, a complex of three planes. Alternatively, there may be a dominant dome over the erker, towering over the main roof.

Anyway, erectation of such a design - a difficult task, and the difficulty is not in the technical sense, but in design and settlements. The combination of several planes in one ensemble is a complex problem, requiring accurate and neat thoughtful work.


The lack of experience in combination with a hurry can cause inconsistencies or miscalculations leading to disorders of the roof tightness and reduce the strength of the structure.

There are important moments that play a significant role - for example, the angle of inclination of the erker should correspond to the angle of inclination of the main roof, the length of the koblok should also be harmonized with all the roofs.

The main feature is a combination of hip elements with olenov, so the construction of the main rafter system should be carried out in parallel or to the erkerTo avoid unwanted discrepancies in the geometry of the system.

Walm Roof over Erker

Step-by-step instructions for the installation of a hipper system

The description will begin from the moment of laying Mauerlat, all previous operations are considered complete, the overlap is fully prepared.

Also completed all calculated and design work.

There is a prepared (dried) material - a bar and a cutting board of coniferous rocks, as the most suitable for the construction of the solo system in all indicators.

For the correct installation of the elements of the rafter system, it is necessary to stock elements to be connectingallowing some movement of parts relative to each other.

This is necessary to compensate for shrinkage processes of walls, foundation and system itself. This is especially important for some carrier elements based on Mauerlat.

The base movements at fixed compounds of the main nodes can lead to the weakening of the compounds and the formation of leaks.

Consider the stages of the facilities of the hipper system:

  1. Montage Mauerlat.. The timber is placed on the waterproof base, fixed with studs. If necessary, segments are connected along the length of "hardwood", with enhanced connections with nails. Immediately mounted tightening.
  2. Corners of Maurolalat are strengthened by the Wiregelsand.
  3. Montage Lenznya. One or two (depending on the project) Lenzny is stacked on a waterproof base.
  4. Install standswhich is fastened for a run. Thus, the carrier skeleton of the rafter system is created.
  5. The installation of diagonal rafting legs is made.. Immediately, depending on the length, the struts and (or) rack are mounted.
  6. Mounted rafters according to project data. Immediately adjusted along the length / corner and these are installed. All items like the need strengthened with pins.
  7. Rafters in places of fastening to the base and to run additionally amplified by brackets, wooden bars and other fasteners.

Actually, the installation of the rafter system at this stage is completed. Further work is to create roofing pie, facing the crate, roof flooring, etc.

It is necessary to take into account the impossibility of full and detailed lighting of all nuances and trifles, on which the quality and reliable structures of the rafter system depends, since there are many of them and all of them are worthy of separate consideration. However, the overall sequence is reflected in sufficient detail.

The creation of a hip truly system - the process is not so complicated as responsible and dangerous in that errors made in the early stages are becoming noticeable much later..

therefore it is very important before starting work to make a detailed plan of work., ensure complete compliance with the project and do everything carefully as possible. All holds on the joints of the wooden parts, so it is desirable to possess the experience and skills of working with a tree.

Without the possession of these knowledge, it is better to seek help from specialists, since the responsibility of the rafter system for the safety of the functional qualities of the whole building is too large.

Walm roof: the drawing of the rafter system below.

Drawing of the rafter system

Useful video

In this video, you will learn everything about the rafting system of the hip roof:

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The type of holm roof is most often used for private houses or cottages. The complex is arranged in the form of a four-tie roof with two slots of trapezoidal shape. It is based on complex elements consisting of rafters and beams. In this article, we will tell you how to install a hip roof, and also we will analyze the device of the rafter complex.

Elements of the rafting system are ulissive and hanging. The rolling line is considered the most profitable. Such a complex is used for supporting structures or structures with a medium carrier wall. Hanging system is applied on walls with external openings. The disadvantage of the virus complex is its complexity of installation.

For information! Due to the presence of an additional reference design, it is possible to significantly increase the span area. Most often, such a device is used in a four-tight roof with an angle of inclination at 35 degrees.

The hollow roof has the following device of the rafter system:

  • racks, soot;
  • trapezoidal skate elements;
  • nonocents;
  • shpregel;
  • rigel;
  • the invoice elements that are fixed diagonally either in the direction of the angles of the opening.

The diagonal chamber element is fixed edge into the lower support of the entire rafter or in the beam. This design has large linear dimensions and is able to make a high power load. Nonocents are rafting elements that have a small length. They are attached to the covered system at one point of the support, and the second is fixed at the bottom of the support. To reduce linear size, racks and saws are used. Such a connection allows you to install a hip roof without additional spacer. It is worth noting, in the skate element of the holmic roof it is possible to use spacers to maintain the entire structure. Exclude the formation of the returor will help the installation of a horizontal level, which is used along with the bottom support:

  • fxation on the beam, which is embedded into an additional bar and is located on the lower support;
  • fixation on the bottom beam with a mandatory strapping of the High Crowns.

Specialists do not recommend fixing into the lower support, because Such an action significantly reduces the strength and reliability of the structure. Regardless of the chosen roof design and the rafter, the waterproofing should be given due attention. For example, when laying a lying on a brick layer, a cross-section of a rolled waterproofing should be 100x150 mm, but when laying a lying on the wall openings or overlapping, its height can be 10 cm less.

For information! The litter may be absent from the rafted a holmic roof only in the absence of a troops on the roof.

Runs perform the function of additional strengthening of the entire structure. They have, as a subeau for a distance of 4.5 m. Installation of shprengels is performed taking into account the linear magnitude of the spans, and its manufacture is performed from a bar either a log. Sound rafters increase the load and switch to Shprengel.

Mounting process of the rafter complex

The device of the rafter system for a holm roof consists of actions:

  • Construction of Mauerlat around the perimeter of the walls. Fix it with a threaded spill, which are installed in the masonry and are firmly tightened with their nuts. In places of docking, Maurolalat find the landing plane and cut half the beams;
  • The next stage requires a clear observance of the drawings of the project of the house. If the width of the house is up to 7.5 meters, the hanging rafters bind the rigle in the upper part. With a width of the house, less than 6 meters are performed by the lower tightening;
  • After laying, Mauerlat is noted the central axis on the end wall, fix two extreme racks and put them on the beams of overlapping, fixing the temporary pink;

For information! If the roof design is covered with panels, the central beam should be installed on top, with the fixation of the lower ends of the extreme racks. If the structure is overlapped with beams, the racks are mounted on them and fasten with the help of self-samples.

  • The skiing bar is laid on the racks, on the Mauerlat itself, perform the mark of the rafter feet and make them install. The fastener of the raftered to Mauerlat is performed by the method of wrinkle. To do this, make a special cutout on a rafter foot, due to which the opaled elements are tight and provide high strength;
  • The covers and diagonal hip rafters are fixed on Mauerlat, and the second end to the site of docking the skate bar. The photo shows the element of the supported rafters on the holm roof.

Methods of fastening a narrower

Nonocents are made of solid material. To ensure the rigid attachment, the upper edge of the element in one area with the savory rafters is made. Setting the rafter is additionally enhanced with metal parts. Nonocents are mounted on the power frame of the roof, due to which it is based on the rafter, which significantly increases the reliability and safety of the roof. To increase the bearing capacity of the rafter system, the following method is used:

  • Perform all sides of the lower plane of the rafter element with bars with a cross section of 50x50 mm. Installation of the rafter should be made of well-dried wood, previously treated with special antiseptics.
  • If the installation of rafters on Mauerlat was completed, they are lengthened due to additional elements - the fake, which serve as a canopy over the wall.

Strengthening the rafter system

The device of the rafter elements should be seriously related to the docking nodes. It is possible to increase the carrier capacity of the Valma by installing a special rack, whose task is to connect slings and overlaps. Another important point is the crate device, which is made from boards or timber. The shadow step can be used any, however, when using soft tile, specialists recommend installing a solid crate, and in the other types of step is 20-50 cm. Comfortable accommodation in the house will provide a literate device for vapor insulation, waterproofing, ventilation and sound insulation. All building materials are stacked in the form of roofing cake.

For information! The roofing cake device will ensure normal ventilation of the room, and will also save the elements of the rafting system.

Installation of the rafter system of the holm design is a rather complex and long-term process that requires a clear compliance with the rules and norms. Each action in its device affects not only the appearance of the roof, but is also responsible for technical and operational characteristics. The competent calculation of all indicators and the correct structure of the roof will create comfortable living conditions in the house.