Is it possible to insulate the ceiling with raw sand. How to warm the ceiling under the cold roof: we understand in all parts

A very significant part of the heat generated in the house goes through a cold ceiling and an attic if the overlap does not have reliable insulation. Therefore, high-quality thermal insulation of this design is extremely necessary. Warm air always strives up. And if there will be a cold barrier on his way, he will become rapid cool. And this means, firstly, that the heating system will partially work on anyone not the necessary heating of the displeasted overlap, that is, to spend expensive energy invested. And secondly, a meeting with a cold barrier leads to condensation of water vapor, which is always contained in the atmosphere of the premises. Well, who will like that the ceiling is constantly wet? Yes, and on the durability of the finishes and the overlap itself, this affects the most negative way.

In a word, the ceiling, or rather, the overlap between residential rooms and a cold attic should be inspired necessarily. Moreover, if earlier it was problematic to find the appropriate material, today the market offers a very wide range of various insulation on "different taste and wallet".

To begin with, we present some of the main characteristics of the insulation listed above:

Title of insulationThermal conductivity, W / m × toA combustion groupEcology material
Glass Vata.0.038 ÷ 0.046NG - G3.contain phenol formaldehyde resins
Basalt Wat.0.035 ÷ 0.042.
Slag Wat.0.046 ÷ 0.050
Cork slabs0.03 ÷ 0.05NGnatural
Ekwata.0.038 ÷ 0.045G3-G4.natural
Linen mats0.037 ÷ 0.04G4natural
Peat blocks thermal insulation0.052 ÷ 0.064.G3-G4.natural
Foamglo0.045 ÷ 0.07NGnatural
0.032 ÷ 0.035G1-g3can be isolated toxic substances, especially with thermal decomposition
Sprayed polyurethane foam0.028 ÷ 0.030Г2.danger can represent the initial components before mixing, foaming and polymerization.
Ceramzit0.16 NGnatural
Slag0.29 - boiler; 0.15 - GranularNGmay contain dangerous to human health substances
Sawdust0.06 ÷ 0.08.G4natural

Mineral wool

Mineral wool can be made of different materials - these are basalt rocks, glass raw materials and slag. Materials have different characteristics, therefore, products from them differ among themselves with some parameters.

Mineral wool of any type is made in mats and plates with different density, and the scatter is very large: from 25 to 200 kg / m³. Products of low density are used mainly for thermal insulation of horizontal surfaces. More dense options are made in the plates and are suitable for insulation of facades, roofs, floors, etc. For thermal insulation of the ceiling (that is, the attic overlap) is not necessary to chase at an increased density.

Basalt (stone) wool

This type of material has the best operational performance of all mineral wats. True, it is more expensive.

Perhaps you will be interested in information about what the insulation

A stone wool is made from the melt of mountain rocks of the gabbro-basalt group. Microscopic fibers are pulled out of the molten mass, of which mats and stoves are then formed.

Thanks to the special processing of high-quality products, they have a low coefficient of moisture absorption, sometimes reaching almost complete hydrophobicity. This suggests that the insulation does not lose its thermal insulation qualities throughout the entire period of operation.

High-quality basalt wool withstands high temperatures. Many products are completely non-combustible, that is, refer to the NG group. The advantage is both increased flexibility and elasticity of fibers. With such material and work easier, and the tendency to the shrinkage in high-quality basalt wool is practically not observed.

By the cons of this material include the content of phenolic resins, which serve as a binder for fibers. If it is decided to acquire a similar insulation, then it is worth paying attention to the products with the marking "Eco". Such materials are certainly have a higher cost, but the manufacturer guarantees their environmental purity, since they are binding to the Olokon, acrylic resins are performed in them.

Glass Vata.

For the manufacture of glass gamblets, glass battle, sand, soda, limestone and bora are used - they are all safe for human health and the environment. These components are also melted, turn into fibers. However, the same phenol formaldehyde resins that are connected to them, which is one of the "minuses" of this material. Moreover, the evaporation of these substances can occur throughout the operation of the insulation.

Glass fibers are much more fragile compared to basalt. They are able to apply surface damage to the skin, enter the respiratory tract, represent the danger to the mucous membranes, especially when entering the eye. Therefore, when installing insulation of glass gambles, it should always be used the means of protecting open areas of the body (overalls), eyes (glasses) and respiratory organs (respirator).

To the positive characteristics of this material made without violation of technology, the following types of its quality are:

  • High fire resistance.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Inertia to the effects of chemical reagents.
  • Affordable price - glass whale will always be cheaper than basalt analogue with the same operational characteristics.

On thermal insulation qualities of glass gamble, sometimes even surpasses its basalt "fellow". But due to insufficient elasticity and strength of fibers, it is still exposed to shrinkage, which reduces the thermal insulating properties of the material. Her worse and hygroscopicity indicators, that is, it is much easier to wash the insulating layer.


Slagovat is made from a domain slag. The material consists of fibers (again, stretched from melt), slag dust and solid particles, although the presence of the latter speaks of low quality insulation.

Since the waste of metallurgical production is used, it is not completely excluded that the substances can be included in the composition of slags. In addition, such a "chemical bouquet" is capable of leading to the rapid development of corrosion on metal elements of the design, in contact with the insulation material.

To date, this insulation in individual construction is practically not used. There are too many risks that do not at all justify the available price. Yes, and other significant flaws are enough:

  • High hygroscopicity - slag well absorbs moisture.
  • Over time, the material gives a strong shrinkage, while its thermal insulation qualities are reduced.
  • Presence in the composition of material not only formaldehyde binders, but also other dangerous to human health substances.
  • The material is fragile, the fibers are stroke, that is, slag is also very uncomfortable in work.

So, the optimal choice is visible basalt wool. However, both high-quality products from glass gamblers (in many of them, its disadvantages are minimized), it is also well suited for the insulation of the overlap. Slotovat is better not even considered as a possible option.

With all the merits of mineral wool, she has a serious "minus"

Although very often manufacturers assure that mineral wool does not attract rodents - it is impossible to agree with it. Mice feels perfectly both in basalt and glass, and in slag insulation. They are equipped in the stakes of the nest and tear down, and especially often it happens if the insulation is in a closed state. So you have to take some protective measures, for example, to surround the thermal insulation layer around the perimeter of a small metal grid so that in principle, to exclude the possibility of penetration into it.

Cork slabs

Plates made of genuine plug (agglomerate) can be called a unique material. They are made from the cortex of cork oak, and natural wood adhesives serve as a binder for crushed crumbs. They are activated when processing raw materials under certain conditions of temperature and pressure (pressing) Therefore, cork plates can be safely attributed to environmentally friendly insulation.

Due to the peculiarities of natural raw materials, the heat insulator has excellent performance, namely:

The disadvantage of this material, perhaps, can only be called one factor - this is its value that significantly exceeds the price of mineral wool of any type.


Equata is made from cellulose fibers, as well as from waste of cardboard and paper production. For sale, this material enters the packaging - scattering or in the form of mounted plates of the established size.

The scattering version of the material is used in a dry form for filling the cavities left for insulation, or in a moist, applying a spraying method. The most convenient installation of the slab material is most convenient, since the process of insulation does not require additional equipment.

The advantages of insulating materials based on EcoWhat are the following qualities:

  • Pretty high soundproofing.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • High vapor permeability, which means that in the layers of the insulation, subject to the rules of laying, the moisture will not be linger.
  • The material creates a monolithic seamless coating, which eliminates the emergence of "cold bridges".
  • Quite affordable cost.

Equata and their cons:

  • High levels of hygroscopicity.
  • Over time, the thermal insulation quality of the material is reduced due to its shrinkage. Therefore, it may occur periodically to add eco-house to the original layer.
  • The complexity of applying is the "wet" way, since this purpose requires special equipment and skills to work with it.
  • Equata gets processing from excessive ignition characteristic of cellulose. But it is still impossible to call it completely non-combustible material.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam is a modern slab material that can have different thickness and density. This insulation is used for both internal and external insulation of residential and non-residential buildings.

The insulation consists of 98% of the air, therefore it has very high thermal insulation capabilities.

The benefits of this material include its following qualities:

  • Low thermal conductivity, one of the lowest among all the heaters in general ..
  • Easy processing and installation, along with high strength and stability of forms during the entire period of expansion.
  • Long service life without loss of thermal insulation properties.
  • Almost complete absence of moisture absorption.
  • The composition of high-quality material introduces antipyrene additives that impede the ignition of polystyrene foam in extreme situations.
  • Chemical stability, resistance to biological striking.

The disadvantages of extruded expanded polystyrene can be called:

  • With long-term exposure to open flame, the slabs are still ignited and melted, and the molten mass is able to spread, spreading fire. But it is even more terrible that when burning is highlighted extremely toxic, fatally life-threatening smoke.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam is not vapor-permeable, that is, it is not a "breathable" material. This should be considered when planning a "insulation cake".

We clarify one point: the article intentionally does not consider the "close relative" of the exwrested polystyrene foam, namely, the usual white foam. Just for the reason that he has serious drawbacks much more, and use foam for inner insulation of the house or apartment - the matter is very risky. Exported expanded polystyrene is still much safer.

Sprayed polyurethane foam

This insulation is manufactured directly in the process of applying to special equipment by mixing two source components. These components with stirring are reacting, the result of which the formation of a foamy substance becomes. It is sprayed on the surface with a relatively thin layer and begins to expand, filling out all the surrounding free space, forming a monolithic coating.

After expansion, the psyche phase occurs, and a solid thermal insulating coating is obtained, which is a homogeneous porous mass with isolated gas-filled cells.

Polyurene foam is one of the most efficient, reliable and durable insulation. This is spoken by a number of his advantages:

  • Very low thermal conductivity. And the monolithic of the applied layer excludes the emergence of "cold bridges".
  • Pretty high strength of the frozen layer with a small specific density.
  • Complete resistance to moisture - the material is impenetrable for water or water vapor.
  • High adhesive abilities practically with any building materials.
  • High noise insulation qualities.
  • The material does not settle and over time does not lose its thermal insulation qualities.
  • High speed of thermal insulation works on structures of any degree of complexity.

Disadvantages of sprayed polyurethane foam:

  • The material is not "breathing", but in some cases it can be regarded as a positive quality.
  • Low resistance to ultraviolet radiation - insulation requires unconditional protection against sunlight.
  • Flavoring material with prolonged exposure of open fire. True, its rapid self-filing is observed, if you remove the source of the flame. In addition, the material does not flow when the fire is exposed, and the coagulation of the upper layers prevents the further spread of the fire focus.
  • Very high cost of material, taking into account the invitation of the wizard with equipment. Disposable kits for self-applying appeared on sale, but also their price is as soon as it seems frighteningly high.


One of the options for insulation of the ceiling is the use of clay of various fractions. This is a natural material produced from clay by its special heat treatment.

Ceramzite has a number of positive qualities:

  • Environmental purity. The material does not contain and does not release toxic substances.
  • Pretty low thermal conductivity. Ceramzite throughout the entire period of operation does not lose its thermal insulation qualities.
  • Good noise insulating abilities.
  • Low moisture absorption.
  • High vapor permeability.
  • Ceramzite refers to non-combustible materials.
  • High frost resistance.
  • Inertia to temperature drops.
  • The biological stability of the material, that is, the pathogenic microflora does not form on it, rodents bypass it.
  • Easy use.

But, despite the numerous advantages, Keramzit has its drawbacks:

  • In terms of thermal insulation, it is almost three times with modern insulation of type mineral wool or polystyrene foam. That is, for a full, high-quality overlap warming, a very thick layer of clay is required, which is not always possible.
  • Since the ceramisite will need a lot, it can lead to a significant increase in the cost of the project warming project. Moreover, even taking into account the transport of large volumes of material and the rise of them to height.
  • Material bulk and pretty dusty, especially if a variety is used with a small fraction of clay. This affects the device "Insulation Cake."


Wood sawdust - one of the oldest insulation materials for thermal insulation of private houses. The thermal conductivity of sawdust may be somewhat higher than that of modern materials, however, the totality of all characteristics often looks advantageous than the use of synthetic insulation.

So, sawdust have both positive and negative qualities. To the first one can attribute the following characteristics:

  • Available material cost. Sometimes he gets free.
  • Low thermal conductivity, although for sufficient heat insulation will have to lay a thicker layer of material.
  • Excellent vapor permeability. Sawders are a "breathable" heat insulator, which does not delay moisture. They have unique properties to absorb excess moisture, and with a decrease in air humidity - give it to the environment.
  • Long service life. Properly prepared sawmills will serve as a heat insulator 50 or more years.
  • Environmental purity of the material.

The disadvantages of sawing insulation include its following characteristics:

  • Combustion. However, if the wooden house is insulated by them, he himself has the same characteristic. When burning sawdust do not give toxic smoke.
  • The need for special processing to prevent biological decomposition or material damage. That is, sawdust will serve for a long time without loss of initial thermal insulation qualities only if they are properly prepared.

The ceiling insulation with sawdust is produced in three ways:

Failure to float cavities with treated boric acid, lime, antiseptics and antipiren sawdust;

Pouring with a solution of sawdust of plaster, cement, clay or plow glue;

Formation of sawdust and clay of insulating plates.

In any case, time for high-quality insulation sawdust will be needed. Such a complexity is just often and scares the owners of private houses, and they prefer more simple in laying ready-made materials.

Installation of different types of insulation during ceiling thermal insulation

As mentioned above, there are slab, rolled, falling and sprayed insulation. Some of them apply to very similar technology. Therefore, this process will be considered in this way.

Use of slab and rolled insulation

If a slab or rolled insulation is selected, then during work is usually followed by the scheme below. However, the use of mineral wool and extruded polystyrene foam has its own nuances, since materials differ in their density and rigidity.

The layout of the materials during the insulation of the ceiling by the attic looks as follows:

  1. Overlapping beams.
  2. Windproof membrane.
  3. Insulating material.
  4. Parosolation membrane.

The process of insulation is step by step as follows:

  • If plates or rolls of mineral wool, linen plates or other vapor-permeable material are used, then the first step of the overlap surface is covered with a vaporizolation membrane.

The material envelopes the beams of overlapping and freely lays between them, then attached to the wood with a stapler and brackets. Parosolation will protect the insulation from evaporation from the premises of the house - there is a pressure of water vapor always higher, especially in the cold season. At the flooring of the membrane, it is necessary to navigate on the marking on the film. The manufacturer indicates which side it must be laid down.

The membrane is laid by stripes with an overlap by 100 mm. By the joint line is sealed with moisture-resistant tape.

  • In the case of use for the insulation of the foam (although it is honest, it is better not to use it at all) or extruded polystyrene foam, under its installation will have to align the surface between the beams of the overlap - it is usually stuffed with a black sheer ceiling. If the mineral wool takes the form of the base due to its elasticity, the foam stoves will simply break down when pressed on them. That is why the foundation should be even. Under the extruded polystyrene foam, in fact, vaporizolation can not be stacked at all, as it is a steamproof, non-hygroscopic, that is, does not absorb pairs and moisture.
  • The next step on the vapor barrier film between the ceiling beams is stacked by a slab or rolled insulation.

Installation of a slab or rolled insulation is a simple process. Usually it is already in advance such a step between the balas (lags) so that the plates or rolls fit the versius.

If the foam or other rigid plates is stacked, they must be cut exactly on the width of the step between the beams or a little less. If after installing this insulation between the beams and slabs, the gaps will remain (and this, one way or another, cannot be avoided), they must be filled with mounting foam.

  • After laying insulation, the entire surface of the attic overlap is delayed with a windproof membrane that is fixed with brackets on the beams.
  • Further, if you plan to equip the floor in the attic, the teady or plywood flooring is laid on top of the wind protection. At the same time, it is desirable to leave the ventilation gap so that moisture from the insulation it is easier to evaporate into the atmosphere.
  • When using a heater with a foil layer, resistance to heat loss will be increased. In this case, the insulation is stacked by a foil side down.
  • If the beams of overlapping are recessed in the backfill, the lags are perpendicular to them in the "Light" increments of about 550 mm. After that, vaporizolation is fixed on the surface, and then the insulation is stacked.

The laying of thermal insulation is not necessarily to be carried out from the side of the attic, although it is probably still easier. Sometimes the installation of the "insulation cake" is also conducted from the side of the room. But the location of the membrane is preserved. That is, after laying the insulation, it should be from the bottom tightened with vapor barrier, and only then the ceiling liner is made. This will be discussed in detail below.

Laying of flowing thermal insulation

In order to insulate the ceiling on the side of the attic of a falling material, it is necessary to prepare the base.

You can prepare the grounds in two ways:

Wash the material that will retain a flowing insulation in the required zone without allowing you to get into the slots between the blackboard boards of the ceiling;

Move the gaps between the boards, as well as between the boards and beams overlap with a solution of clay and lime.

The second option requires more time to work, but the amount allocated to the loose material will be saved.

Ruberoid, pergamine or the same vapor insulation membrane can be used as a loose coating under the loose insulation. The canvases are stacked by 100 ÷ 150 mm, and are sampled with a wide moisture-resistant tape. If the runneroid is used, then its joints are sampled by bitumen mastic.

If such a falling material is selected, like sawdust, then the preparation of the base under it should be made by means of the liner-limestone mixture. For EcoWhat, it will be better to apply a vapor insulation membrane.

When filled with an emotor overlap, it is necessary to raise it well, otherwise it will give shrinkage over time.

When the overlap is completely covered with the insulation, the entire surface is closed by a diffuse membrane, so that the moisture from the top (for example, during the roof leakage) does not fall into the heat insulating layer, but could freely evaporate from it. Again, it is recommended to leave ventilation lumen.

Well, and then the attic floor is laid.

Sometimes, in cases where the attic does not become operated by the premises, but there are no doubts in the reliability of the roofing coating, they are completely without the top membrane, and without the board, too.

Video: Ceiling insulation Private house with clay

Warming ceiling from the inside of the house - step by step

It is clear that the overlap warming is more convenient from the attic. But it also happens that the roofing rates are located under a very small angle, and there is no possibility of free work in the attic.

For example, the process of such insulation will be stepped out - on the side of the room. However, some processes still may require penetration under the roof. As in this case, the master solved this problem - will also be presented in the instructions for laying insulation.

To begin with, it is worth identifying a list of all necessary for work:

  • Insulating material. In this case, this is a mineral wool "Person Profi" in a roll, but you can also purchase a slab option.
  • Windproof membrane "Eau return".
  • Parposolation membrane "Eaulet".
  • Brew with a cross section of 50 × 50 mm.
  • Boards 120 × 15 mm for crate under the ceiling trim.
  • Antiseptic impregnation for wood processing.
  • Kapron or polypropylene twine.
  • Material for external sheaving - plasterboard, lining, plate "QWICK DECK", etc.
  • Saws of different lengths.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Scaffolding or reliable stable staircase (goats).
  • Stapler and brackets.
  • Building level.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Respirator to protect the respiratory tract, gloves and clothing, fully closing the skin surface.
IllustrationBrief description of operations performed
So, in the room of 9 m² you need to equip and insulate the ceiling overlap.
As you can see in the photo, while only overlap beams made from a 200 × 50 mm board are fixed on Mauerlat.
To perform work, the timber will be required, the size of a section of 50 × 50 mm.
The bar must be smooth and clean. Therefore, if black mold divorces are found on its surface, they are recommended to be cleaned, for example, using an electrical ruble.
Then the wooden parts are processed with an antiseptic solution - antipyrin.
It is best to use solutions having a peculiar tint - then treated places will immediately be visible.
Covering a bar with an antiseptic convenient, setting the details in a row. Applying on one side of the wood, the bars turn the other side - and so that all the material is not processed.
The next step on the perimeter of the ceiling, under the beams of overlapping, the prepared timber is fixed on the end of Maurolalat.
Next, for the convenience of laying a windproof film, temporary backfield boards are stacked on top of the overlap beams. They are not fixed, as they will be shifted.
The windproof membrane is laid on top of the board. In this case, the "Isover HB Light" hydraulicer is selected.
The membrane is first fixed on the extreme beams, as well as on the end boards (Mauerlat) installed on the concrete strapping of the walls.
Fixation is carried out with a stapler and brackets.
Neighboring membrane canvases are caught up with 150 mm.
Further, the work is carried out by the attic, as it is necessary to secure windpower to the upper ends of the ceiling beams.
For the safety of movement on the beams, the master of the membrane put the supporting boards in 150 ÷ \u200b\u200b170 mm and 25 mm thick, perpendicularly beams.
The next step was previously fixed bars framing the ceiling, it is necessary to supplement the crossbars. They seem to be built into the frames.
These jumpers will be a good support for the mineral wool blocks when styling them between beams, and subsequently serve as a ceiling crate.
The step is chosen so that the insulation strips are tightly entered between the crossbars. That is, a roll of 600 mm wide is used, then between the bars in the light should be about 550 mm.
As a insulation, the master was chosen from the mineral wool "Ilo Profi", which sells in a roll. Material thickness - 100 mm.
Purchase thermal insulation material in a roll is more convenient because of it you can cut the plates of the required width. Thus, you can get a smaller amount of waste.
The first step of working with the insulation of it is cut from it strips for seelings of gaps between the Mauerlat and the windproof membrane throughout the ceiling perimeter.
The width of the strip should be 40 ÷ 50 mm.
Next, it is made of cutting mineral wool from the roll on the plates of the required length and, if necessary, the width.
The calculations carried out in advance showed that the layer of insulation in 200 mm will be required. It was provided - the height of the overlap beam board is just 200 mm, that is, two layers of the insulation with a thickness of 100 mm will be required.
Prepared fragments of mineral wool fit between overlap beams.
Each layer is carefully distributed in space and gently pressed to the windproof membrane.
Then below the second layer of insulation. At the same time, the place where the blocks of the mineral wool of the upper layer were shown, the whole plate overlaps in the lower.
To speed up the work, you can immediately from two pieces of insulation with a thickness of 100 mm to form a 200 mm mat and stacked it under the crossbars from a bar fixed in the beams of overlapping.
However, you should not forget that laying the insulation in this way, it is necessary that the joints of the plates of the upper and lower layer are isolated between themselves, about 250 ÷ 300 mm.
Such a location will completely remove the question of possible "cold bridges" in the layer of insulation.
If there are a lot of trimming, then you can collect the internal (upper) layer, and the bottom to do from one-piece pieces.
So that the insulation does not lead down between the bars of the jumpers, it should be supported by a plastic twine, fixing it on the end of the ceiling beams with a stapler and brackets.
For this purpose, the usual inexpensive, for example, a cape or polypropylene tweer is used.
It will be needed quite a lot, as it still has to be credited and the lowest layer of the insulation.
Silent the twenty is not recommended. Let everything be reliably.
The latter, the outer layer of the heat insulation material is mounted along the stuffed bars
Its thickness must correspond to the thickness of the bar, that is, 50 mm. For this, the chopped plates with a thickness of 100 mm must be divided into two thicknesses.
Here, laying every slab, it is immediately necessary to fix the twine, shooting it to the bar.
Next, the thermal insulation design should be close to the layer of reliable vapor barrier material so that the moisture from the inside does not penetrate the insulation.
Do not confuse this material with windproof membrane! It is important here exactly that the pair is put by a reliable barrier.
If the moisture will accumulate inside the mineral wool, it will lose its thermal insulation qualities. Yes, and the overalling of the wooden parts of the design for the benefit does not go.
The master uses the vapor insulation membrane "Isover VS 80".
It will be more convenient to work if you choose a material equipped with a duct strip, which makes it easier to bonding two next to the clouel. The adhesive strip is closed by a protective film that is removed before bonding the canvas.
After the second web will be fixed with the first on the width, usually indicated on the linen itself itself, the protective film is removed from the edge of the first canvas.
After that, it is enough to spend on the junction with a hand with a hand so that they are securely connected to each other.
If the connection seems not solid enough, it can be punctured by scotch.
For this purpose, the reinforced plumbing tape is best to apply, which is distinguished by moisture resistance and good adhesive abilities with almost any surfaces. In any case, on any membranes, he keeps perfectly.
The membrane is exhibited by the ceiling size and fixes from three sides. Then, holding the canvas with a piece of metal profile or by the construction level, the membrane is pulled up and fixed on a bar finally using a bracket.
For the convenience of performing work at a height, it is recommended to use reliable forests or goats. If you work with them, both hands of the master remain free, and there is also an opportunity to cover a fairly large workspace.
With an ordinary larger, you can have a lot.
Fixing the last side of the vapor barrier material, it is better not to tighten it, but to gather in the "harmonica" Yayayayayayayayayayaya, in order to compensate for the linear expansion of the material when the temperatures change.
To "harmonica" held in the required position, it should be fixed with scotch.
The junction between the wall and vapor barrier should be glued with a sealant.
For this, the edge of the canvas is raised upwards, the sealant is applied to the wall, then the edge of the material is lowered and pressed against the wall.
The main task of using the sealant is that moisture does not penetrate the insulation during the operation of the premises.
The remaining edge of the vapor insulation membrane can then be docked with vapor insulation of the walls if it is necessary.
Further, on top of the vapor barrier to the bars, perpendicular to them, the shaft boards are attached for the subsequent ceiling.
In this case, the step between them is 600 mm, but if you wish, they can be installed more often, depending on the chosen decorative material.
Self-tapping screws, it is clear that the holes in vapor barrier do, but the boards are securely pressed in these places to the boards, they will not be able to penetrate the insulation.
If the vapor barrier film randomly in the course of work was pushed, the hole should be immediately sealed with a plumbing tape.
The result of the works of the work became closed with membranes on both sides the insulation, concluded between the beams of overlapping and supported by the shellboards.
The boards stuffed from the bottom is not only a frame for finishing the ceiling. They also specify the necessary ventilation gap between the vapor insulating membrane and the finishing layer. If this is not foreseen, the condensate can begin to accumulate on the surface of the ceiling.
Ceiling trim can be made by plasterboard or clapboard. But in this case, the master chose the moisture-resistant sheets of Quick Deck.
For fastening sheets, you need to choose the screws of such a length so that they do not stitch the crates through the boards and did not break through the vapor barrier.
For the convenience of fixing the trim on the crate, it is recommended to push the screws at the edges of the plate in advance.
Before fastening the trim, you need to not forget to carry out an electrical cable for the lighting ceiling instrument. It must be insulated in a special corrugated tube.
Further, the sheets are fixed to the shells of the crates using selflessness, the hats of which should be recessed into the plate material on a small depth (about 1 mm). This is easily solved correctly adjusting the moment of tightening the screwdriver (ratchet).
Between the wall and plates of the trim, it is necessary to leave a small gap for the thermal expansion of the material when the temperature and humidity can be changed.
If necessary, additional marking, cutting and fitting sheets.
The Quick Deck panels are equipped with a "Schip-Paz" lock, so when they are installed, the compound is obtained dense and even. At the same time, the castle itself provides for the temperature gap.
First, the plates are sticking out in several places, and then fixed by capital additional self-drawing.

Thanks to the exact markup and well-fitted details, the ceiling turned out to be smooth and neat. Further? The surface is putty and stained or is covered with decorative material. But this is already - finishing work, but with the insulation of the ceiling, we, in fact, figured out completely.

As can be seen from the presented description, the ceiling insulation is quite possibly independently, not attracting professional builders. True, working extremely neatly, with accurate compliance with the sequence of installation of the layers of the total "cake" /

And we had an unclear one more important question - and how the thickness should be a sufficient layer of insulation? Consider it in the annex to the article.

Appendix: What is the thickness of the ceiling insulation?

To determine this parameter, it will have to make a small heat engineering calculation. You should not immediately be afraid of this - with our calculator, to perform the necessary calculations - will not work.

The calculation itself is based on the fact that the total thermal resistance of the ceiling structure under a cold attic (or without without it, for example, with a flat roof) should be no less than the set of normalized value. And this general resistance is made up of the indicators of each of the layers of the structure. Thus, knowing the manufacturer materials and thermal conductivity indicators, having a clear plan for the further covering of the ceiling and the attic floor, it is easy to calculate the same layer and what insulation will provide the desired thermal resistance value.

And the normalized heat transfer resistance value is for your region to find out according to the proposed card scheme. A small nuance: for walls, overlaps and coatings it is different - therefore the values \u200b\u200bin the diagram are highlighted in various colors. In this case, you are interested in "for overlaps" - these indicators are highlighted in blue.

We will not overload the reader with formulas, and it is better to immediately offer an online calculator. Directly under it will be given a number of explanations, possibly necessary for a quick and accurate calculation.

According to researchers of thermal conductivity of materials and structures, through the ceiling in the house leaves 25 to 40% of heat transferred by air. Naturally, this figure varies depending on the specific conditions - the type of ceiling overlap, the location of the floors in the house, etc. But no matter how it was, the ceiling is the most vulnerable area for heat loss after windows and doors, where direct heat leakage occurs. Therefore, it is impossible to underestimate the insulation of ceiling overlap. Saving materials in this part of construction inevitably leads to further financial costs of heating during the operation of the building.

Do I need to warm the ceiling at a cold roof

In order to understand whether it is worth using the ceiling insulation in the house with a cold roof, it is necessary to get acquainted with the structure of the roof as a whole.

The roof protects residential premises from all types of atmospheric precipitation

The roof (or roof) is called the upper part of the building covering the entire structure.

Its main purpose is the protection of the structure from rain and snow, as well as the removal of melting water.

As can be seen from the definition, the function of the roof does not include the task of conservation of heat in the house. Therefore, it is often projected on the basis of the tasks of the drainage, without any insulation.

If the insulation is not laid in roofing pie, it turns out the classic design of the cold roof

The roof forms are the most diverse. They differ in variety and materials from which the roofing canvas is manufactured. But be that as it may, the roofers respond only for the waterproofability of the roof, but in no case for thermal insulation. Moreover, in order to avoid damage to the materials, the occurrence of stagnant and putrefactive processes in rafters and lags, the attic room is customary in such a way that it is well ventilated. In this case, the moisture for wood and metal moisture does not accumulate under the coating. It is important that the air temperature difference occurred between the external space and internal. Then the moisture is not condensed on the bearing elements, and the roof will last as long as possible.

But at the same time there is a problem to preserve heat inside the building, which is particularly relevant in the northern regions. It is solved in two ways, each of which has its own characteristics.

  1. Warm roofing device. Such roofs appeared quite recently, with the advent of insulating materials produced on a synthetic basis. The insulation layer is placed on the inside of the roof, fully isolating the attic space from the external environment. Today, the builders have learned to warm up the entire plane of the roof and not allow a dew point inside the insulation. The lion's share of merit belongs to the chemical industry, which produces polymer (rolled and sprayed) insulation. A large minus such technologies is the high cost of installation and materials. But as a result, an additional room appears in the building, suitable for housing or other household needs - in attics there are clubs, sports halls and even saunas.

    The classic diagram of the device of the roofing pie of a warmed roof involves laying the insulation and a layer of vapor barrier

  2. Cold roofing device with insulation of the attic overlap. This method is more traditional, not one generation used. In this case, there is no need to warm the roofs of the roof, all attention is paid directly to the overlap between residential and attic rooms. The space under the roof remains auxiliary place to store things, drying fruit, mushrooms, etc. Sometimes the attic is equipped for life in the warm season, turning it into a summer attic. Compared to the warm roof, this method of thermal insulation is much cheaper. In addition, the high advantage of the cold roof is its simplicity, reliability and availability during repair.

    With a cold roof device, the first floor overlapping is insulated, laying the insulation plate between ceiling beams

The choice of the type of roof in the house depends on different circumstances. Below will look at the second, more common option.

How better to warm the ceiling

First of all, it is necessary to deal with how exactly the ceiling overlap: outside or from the inside.

From the side of the attic to insulate the ceiling much more comfortable. This work, how to say, dusty. And if people live in a house or apartment during the work, all home apparers and the owners themselves will experience temporary, but discomfort. The external method of insulation has several advantages.

  1. Synthetic materials can be used, which inside the residential premises will cause harm to human health. For example, polyurethane spraying, one of the most effective thermal insulation coatings, should not be applied to the ceiling from the inside of the house as well as the foam, mineral or basalt cotton wool. All these materials are well kept warm, but harmful gases and caustic dust are distinguished into the atmosphere.
  2. If the ceiling overlap is made of reinforced concrete slabs, it accumulates excess heat. When the air is cooled inside the housing, the stove gives heat back. But for this it is necessary that the thermal insulation is from the outside.
  3. If the overlap is wooden (brica or timber), then the attic insulation is favorably doubly. Carrier parts of the ceiling, which themselves are an excellent heat insulator, along with an additional layer from above give a very good total result.
  4. The degree of fire danger when insulating on the side of the attic is much lower. Even if the non-flammable insulation is used inside housing, the threat of the collapse of suspended, glued or stretch ceilings is always preserved.

In the operational reports of the State Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the real incidents are described when people get heavy burns and respiratory poisoning during fires in houses with tension ceilings. The material of such ceilings is a fuel, and when heated heated is strongly deformed, pulled out and falls, covering all the lively stitching sheet.

Cool-roof insulation technology

For insulation, a variety of materials are used - natural or synthetic. Depending on this, various insulation styling technologies apply.

The main principle of insulation of the attic overlap is the creation of the most sealed layer that prevents heat leakage. This task is solved by the elimination of air leaks and eliminating cold bridges in the elements of the roof design.

Natural materials for ceiling insulation outside

They were used even when the chemical industry did not exist. But many people today are returned to these means to preserve heat in the house. The distinctive properties of such materials are low cost and environmental friendliness.

Sawdust and chips

When erecting wooden houses, many waste is formed, including sawdust and chips. But on the full warming of the overlaps is not enough. Therefore, they have to buy them. Fortunately, the price of such material is usually stopped. A large number of sawdust accumulates on furniture factories and sawmill enterprises, you can always agree on delivery. When choosing this insulation, you need to consider three important features.

The clay itself is a wonderful heat insulator. The only drawback is its weight. Therefore, often use various lightweight options. A straw or wood chips is added to the liquid solution of clay. The proportion is selected in such a way that the coating does not lose its plasticity and easily filled any slots. The advantage of such insulation is that clay is almost everywhere, it is not necessary to additionally process it - only dilute in water. Usually use construction trough, from which it is convenient to switch the resulting mixture to the insulated area. After drying, the resulting cracks are treated with a liquid solution with the addition of sand. The coating layer is regulated taking into account climatic conditions. It can be from 15-20 to 30 cm. The main advantage of clay insulation is high fire safety. In addition to using clay as the main insulation, it is often used as an additional coating over combustible materials.

Clay, diluted with fillers, pour between lags and align the rule

This type of natural insulation today is rarely used. Mostly due to the fact that it burns very well. But mixed with clay or pressed straw is practically devoid of this shortage. If there is a collective farm next to the construction, in which wheat or rye is cultivated (and rye is preferable), you can order a straw compressable in the bale of the desired form. Work on the laying takes a little time and does not require any special devices. In this case, the heat-saving effect is very high. The optimal is considered a layer of insulation at 25-30 cm. It is desirable to process with antipirens. The price is very affordable.

Straw sprung in bales practically does not support combustion

Reams as insulation

Reed grows around many reservoirs. His billet is a rather painstaking process. For insulation of the house use reed, linked to mats (preferably metal wire). They put them between lags in a few layers, filling the seams and slots. A distinctive feature of the root is its resistance to rodents and a long service life. Even if the moisture falls on the mat, he does not lose its properties and does not rot. The ignition temperature of the root is much higher than that of straw or sawdust.

Related mats from the cickens stalks are laid between carriages of the overlap lags

Leaves, dried grass, moss

Today it is a rather exotic and rare method of insulation. However, it is still applied in rural areas, as well as during the construction of hunting huts and forest cordons. Preference is given to the leaves of oak, the ramp and the needles (from the moss - Yagly). The necessary condition for the use of such material is dry and coating from above with reliable non-flammable material, for example, the same clay or slag. Over time, grass and leaves are compressed in a solid layer, which is impossible to set fire. The initial mound thickness is from 20 cm.

Moss - a universal insulation that is applied not only inside, but also outside the building


As each year, the surf throws a ton of algae, the inhabitants of the coastal regions learned to use this natural material for the insulation of their homes. As a rule, it is a Kamka - a view of long, branched algae with a solid structure. Dried and assembled into large ohares, they are evenly distributed throughout the plane of the attic overlap. They can not even be laid even to the end of the dried - with the time of the plant fill the slightest holes and acquire a rigid texture. They are not afraid of air humidity differences, mold and rodents. For a long time, the Kamka gives an iodine accumulated in seawater water, cleaning air from bacteria.

Algae are mainly used in coastal areas where they are usually available in large quantities.

Artificial insulation for outdoor ceiling mounting

If work with natural materials does not cause big questions from the user, the synthetic insulation requires strict performing technological conditions. Failure to comply with the rules of operation leads sometimes to the exact opposite result. Before performing insulation yourself, you should carefully read the properties, conditions of application and laying technology. This group of materials includes the following insulation.


Very common insulation, which is used both in private and industrial construction. Complies with the requirement of fire safety, absolutely does not support combustion. It is made of clay by foaming and firing. It has a small proportion, convenient in transportation and operation. There are several clamzite fractions, depending on the size of the granules. For the insulation of private houses, clayzit is most often used with a grain size from 4 to 10 mm. When filling the clamping mixture, the waterproofing or vapor barrier layer is pre-stacked. This type of thermal insulation is applicable to all kinds of buildings. Ecology and unlimited service life are considered positive qualities. Since the ceramzite consists of natural clay, it does not cause any allergic reaction in people with increased sensitivity. Most often, the insulation fill the space between the lags, which is then covered with boards. But this is not a prerequisite. It is permissible to use it and without additional trim. The height of the mound is regulated depending on local weather conditions.

The layer of claymps is poured into the space between the lags and are covered with a layer of vaporizolation

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is made of silicon-based vitreous material. Release form - rolls and mats of different sizes. For private construction, this insulation is recommended only provided that it will not openly contact with residential space. This is due to the adverse effects of fine dust, which the material allocates when laying, on the human mucosa. It is permissible to use in closed structures, such as plasterboard partitions, ceilings or walls. When using mineral wool, it is necessary to use a membrane film as a barrier for small particles propagating through air.

Mineral wool need to lay rows close to each other to eliminate the formation of cold bridges

The filling is made only in the respirator and gloves. Getting into lungs, small dust can cause the disease. To achieve the best result, it is necessary to carefully fill the slit, the gap between mats should not exceed 2 mm. Cutting the coating carpet is carried out with a sharp long knife.

Video: How to warp the ministerial ceiling in a private house

As the name follows, this material is made from solid basalt rocks. As a result, high strength, plasticity and moisture resistance. Mats and basalt wool rolls are produced, coated with metal foil - it increases the thermal insulation properties of the insulation. The range of application is very wide - from blast furnaces to ordinary baths. It can be used wherever there is a need to maintain high temperatures inside the closed space. Of all the types of construction workers, basalt insulation is best suited for private construction. However, one should not forget that the general weak link of this kind of materials are phenol formaldehyde resins, which are included in the adhesive components. Over time, the substance passes the step of a half-life and harmful gases are distinguished into the surrounding space. Formaldehyde resins belong to the group of carcinogens, increasing the risk of cancer.

When laying a foil basalt cotton wool, a metal film is directed down

Laying mats does not require special training. However, do not forget about the rules of personal security. Cut the roll is needed on a solid support, laid under the place of the cut board, or large scissors. The optimal result is achieved if the wool is not crushed.

Warming residential houses slag not recommended. It is produced from the waste of metallurgical production, in particular, slags of blast furnaces. It has a low cost, but at the same time very well absorbs moisture, after which the acid is distinguished, which negatively affects other structural elements (especially metals).

Application slags allowed only with draft mounting works outside the premises


Equouth appeared on the insulation market relatively recently, it has been launched in mass production 5-7 years ago, after it was recognized as one of the best materials in its industry. It is made of natural cellulose by recycling paper and wood waste with the addition of natural dyes and binders. Equata has gained popularity due to technological features and laying capabilities with a mechanized manner. The undergraduate application is carried out manually and with special equipment. The liquid mixture is ready to use, is supplied to the insulated surface of the compressor installation with high performance. As a result, a seamless layer of a given thickness is created, which, when frozen, forms a solid crust. From the point of view of fire safety, Ekwata refers to the category of self-fighting materials. Manual styling is also carried out pretty quickly, since the mixture has a small weight and is easily processed. Experts believe that the environmental cotton has a large construction future.

Mechanized applying EcoWati significantly improves productivity

There are two ways to insulate an Eco-Way:

  1. Wet. The preparation of the working mixture is carried out in a special installation for spraying. The binder is the lignite, which has excellent adhesion. The insulation can be applied both horizontal and vertical surfaces. For insulation of private houses, it is rare, as it assumes the use of expensive equipment.

    Before applying, an eco-tailed surface is mounted metallic or wooden drying

  2. Dry. This method is much more affordable, since the tools are needed only an electric door with a mixer and a volume bucket. The calculation of the knead is made according to the formula M \u003d S * L * P, where m is the mass of the solution, S - the area of \u200b\u200bthe surface coated surface, L is the thickness of the insulation layer, P is the proportion of the insulation (ranges from 45 to 65 kg / m 3 depending on the ramp ).

    The insulation of the Eco-star is preparing in a construction bucket with a mixer

Video: Ceiling insulation EcoWable


Polystyrene has excellent insulating properties, the composition is 90-95% contains air. It is produced in the form of plates and mats of different density and destination. However, with all its practicality and an affordable price for insulation, it is used in a limited range, due to the fact that poisonous carbon monoxide is distinguished during heating and burning. Also refers to the inability to pass the air, which leads to moisture condensation. Styling technology in wooden floors is simple. Polystyrene sheets are cut under the desired size and laid in one plane between carrier beams. The mount is carried out by special adhesives and additional fixation by plastic dowels of the mushroom shape. The seams are filled with construction foam, and the cement screed of a small thickness is filled from above (but not less than 5 cm).

If you manage to pick up polystyrene sheets strictly under the size of the span between beams, insulation will be much more efficient

Polyurethane insulation

Two-component polyurethane foam is designed for industrial facilities in zones with low temperature indicators. The coating is usually two-layer and requires the use of special equipment. The application of the working composition is made under pressure, you need at least two people for work.

Benefits of polyurethane foam:

  • high performance characteristics;
  • resistance to mechanical exposure and moisture drops;
  • good sealing properties. The material covers the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe solid foamed polymer layer;
  • simple processing after frozen - with a knife or saw.

However, it should be said that the spraying of polyurethane foam is a fairly expensive technology that is used mainly for office space: hangars, warehouses, garages.

The application of the polyurethane layer is performed by a qualified operator in a protective suit using special techniques.

Video: How to choose a heater

Methods of internal ceiling insulation

Sometimes there are cases when insulation has to do inside the residential premises. For example, if the attic is not available. Then the internal heaters are used, which are classified as follows.

  1. Frame structures are a type of mounted ceiling, in which raster elements are used to fix the finishing material at the desired level. Suspended ceilings are used for insulation both independently and in combination with other insulation:
    • stretch ceiling. Consist of solid canvas, stretched throughout the plane of the room and fixed around the perimeter with metal profiles. Specialized organizations are engaged in the installation of such ceilings. It is impossible to manufacture and install the web yourself, as it takes a loose workshop and thermal guns. But you can warm the existing ceiling by foam mats without assistance. At the same time, they use the same techniques as when placing mats in the attic: glue and plastic dowel fungi. To level the harmful effects of polymers, the insulation from two sides is closed with membrane moisture-proof films. You can consolidate them with a stapler or double-sided scotch. When the installation is finished, you can invite the brigade of the installer of the stretch ceiling;

      The installation of the stretch ceiling can be carried out immediately after the overlap warming

    • the cutting ceilings consist of a carrier frame, firmly attached to the ceiling, and metal (or plastic) rails that form one or more planes. The installation preparation algorithm is similar to tension ceilings, only at the beginning of the fasteners of the frame (as a rule, wire suspensions) are mounted, and then the insulation is already attached. The speech ceiling itself cannot prevent heat exchange, it performs the role of cosmetic cladding. Therefore, to install the insulation must be carefully, covered with pre-all holes and slots in the ceiling;

      The cam ceiling does not have an additional heat insulating action, so the insulation under it needs to be stored with a dense and smooth layer.

    • ceilings from drywall are worth a separate item, as they are recognized as the optimal solution to the issue of finishing overlaps. Certified materials and technologies (for example, KNAUF systems) allow you to be guaranteed to get the desired result. Qualified engineers work on the development of systems, all materials are tested. Since the leading developers conduct research within the framework of the maximum safety of consumers, the foam insulation are not considered in principle. Danger and risks for man are too large. Ceilings are insulated only with mineral wools, such as URSA, Rockwool and others recognized as minimally dangerous. Rolls or mats fit into a pre-assembled frame and closed with polyethylene film. Then the plates of GCL are installed. All joints between the plates are carefully put on two times with a gypsum composition, the slots between the suspended ceiling and the walls are processed by an acrylic sealant. If lamps are provided in the ceiling, they are installed last. And it is allowed to use only factory models of lamps, in which the rated voltage does not cause the risk of ignition.

      Installing the insulation is made after installation of raster design

  2. Sticking the insulation at the carrier ceiling. There is a group of materials intended for the ceiling insulation without subsequent cladding. It includes:
    • panels from foam. They differ from the usual insulation outside. This is usually a decorative surface with a repeated ornament. The thickness of such plates is about 1.5-3 cm. They are easy and well attached to glue to a smooth ceiling. Sometimes there are such products with locks around the edges. This increases the tightness of the coating as a whole. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget when installing the edges of the edges of the sealant;

      Installation of foam panels In addition to insulation well masks defects of concrete slabs of overlapping

    • cork cladding. It is used in premises with increased security requirements. For example, in children's rooms. It has a pleasant natural texture and does not secrete toxic substances. Fixed adhesive sealant directly to the main ceiling. The only drawback is a high price.

      Cork can be inspired not only the ceilings, but also walls inside the building

  3. Special plasters. Such materials for insulation arose literally a few years ago and came to the free sale of innovative industries (aircraft enterprises, military and space technology). For example, the thermal insulating shp can series of "actor" at a layer of 1 mm is equivalent in its thermal characteristics of 5 cm of foam. Inside the composition there are ceramic hollow balls in size in several microns. Working with this coating requires special skills. It is important to scrupulously withstand the ratio of all components in the preparation of the composition. Today, the massive use of such high-tech materials is limited to the price of the product and rarely used in everyday life.

    Water pipes covered by "actor" are not afraid of frost

Video: Heat ceiling under plasterboard

In conclusion, I would like to note that the insulation of the ceiling overlap is an easy thing. However, it requires accuracy and accurate knowledge of the properties of materials. Over time, some of the insulation give a shrinkage or saturated with moisture. If you do not respond on time, the level of protection against temperature fluctuations will decrease. Therefore, once a year you need to do an audit and check the condition of the insulation.

In the cold season, any house loses heat because of looser in the joints of construction structures, slots in windows and doors, as well as due to thermal radiation of walls, floors and ceilings in the surrounding space. At the same time, the stake of ceilings and roofs comes from 15 to 45% of all heat losses. Therefore, the ceiling must be insulated, excluding heat loss due to the output of heated air and due to heat transfer. Most of the methods of insulation do not require expensive equipment and special qualifications of workers. They are completely on the shoulder to perform work on the warming of the house with their own hands.

In addition to the most important task - heat conservation - work on thermal insulation solve and one more - maintaining optimal humidity. For this, except for insulation materials, steamer and waterproofing membranes are used, preventing condensate accumulation on ceilings and walls. Semi-permeable membrane films passed through themselves into one of the pair of water and do not let moisture in the opposite direction.

General scheme of ceiling and roof insulation

Ceiling and roof insulation schemes

From the point of view of insulation, all roofs are divided into two types:

  • Warm. There are several layers under the roofing material: vapor barrier, insulation for ceiling and waterproofing. They hold the crates - spatial structures that are fastened to the rafters. The attic premises ceiling is insulated according to such a scheme.
  • Cool. Have a layer of roofing material and carrying the structure and the layer of pair-hydro insulation substituted under them. The air layer in the attic is an additional barrier on the way of heat loss. The ceiling, located under the so-called cold roof, should be insulated and waterproof.

Features of ceiling insulation

The main feature of the insulation of a flat ceiling is the inability to arrange the flow of condensate, as they do for inclined roofs. Therefore, almost all warming decisions are aimed at removing the water pairs up, providing them with unhindered passage through all layers.

Cold overlap

How to warm the ceiling under a cold attic? Over the cold or heat-conducting overlap (for example, concrete) leave air gaps. The first, auxiliary between the vapor barrier film and the insulation, comes into effect at large temperature differences and abundant condensation. It should be well ventilated. The main gap between the insulation and the waterproofing layer is easier to make ventilated - it is enough to leave a small slot around the perimeter. Cold overlap is preferably insulated both from above and below. The insulation used for the ceiling under the cold attic must be moisture-resistant.

Warm overlap

Warm is called the overlap made from low thermal conductivity materials, such as wood. Such floors, by themselves serving the heat insulator, can only be insulated from above. Even if the condensate is formed with the temperature differences, it is absorbed into wooden structures, without changing their properties, and will later evaporate. As a rule, this process is invisible for the inhabitants.

Steam barrier is laid on the overlap without the gap, then the insulation is laid. The air gap between the heat insulation layer and the hydrobaric membrane should also be left and will provide the possibility of ventilation.

Materials for insulation

To the question of which insulation is better, there is no definite answer. The choice is determined by several factors, such as:

  • thermal insulation properties;
  • features of the ceiling design;
  • price;
  • requirements for qualifications and equipment
  • availability of materials.

Materials for insulation are divided into basic and auxiliary. The auxiliary includes barrier and membrane.

Barriers and membranes


Parosolation barriers are needed so that water pairs do not pass through them. For their manufacture, polypropylene films are used with a thickness of more than 55 microns.

Polyethylene as a vaporizolyator is unsuitable - over time, it is cracking over time from temperature fluctuations and starts to skip the couple. However, if you solder the layer of polyethylene and a foil layer - it turns out high-quality vaporizolation.

The pholoisoles also provide a layer of fibrous nonwoven material of the type of synthesis. This layer collects moisture from the insulation and the capillars takes it to the side. With its availability, an additional air gap over the cold overlap can not be done.


Multilayer reinforced membrane materials skip pairs in one direction and delay moisture in the opposite. The reinforcing grid layer ensures the strength of the film, does not allow it to be saved and guarantees the constancy of the magnitude of the main air gap.

Membranes with reinforcing layer

Read also - do it yourself.

Membranes for laying under the roof have a metallized outer side. It increases resistance to weather conditions - high humidity, wind loads and temperature differences.


What is better to warm the cold ceiling? The main thermal insulation materials used to insulate the ceilings can be divided into the following categories:

  • Solid. Such materials consist of foam plastics, are little exposed to moisture, conveniently mounted.
  • Fibrous. Mates or rolls are formed from compressed fibers. Inexpensive, have good thermal insulation. Sensitive to moisture, with wets lose thermal insulation properties.
  • Bulk. Traditional bulk materials -, ceramzit, etc. The cheapest, possess weak heat insulation. Separately, EcoWhat is allocated - not cheap, but extremely effective material.
  • Sprayed. Modern coatings of foamed plastics. They are spared at the place, do not form joints and seams. The best thermal insulation, very expensive equipment.

How to insulate the ceiling, each decides itself, based on its needs and opportunities.

Mineral wool

Rolled Minvata.

The most popular type of fibrous materials. Produced from several types of raw materials:

  • Basalt wool from volcanic rocks. High strength and density, short rigid fibers. High moisture resistance.
  • Glasswater from secondary glass. Low strength, light and elastic, long elastic fibers.
  • Slotted from damage waste. Low thermal insulation properties, low cost. For residential buildings does not apply.

For the insulation of the Minvata, special equipment is required, the process of laying is simple and quite fast. Available in rolls and stoves of the insulation thickness up to 150 mm.

Mineral wool is harmful to health, during styling it is necessary to use the respirator, protective gloves and glasses.

Attention! If the fibers hit the mucous membranes, in the respiratory organs, digestion should be consistently console to the doctor.

After laying during operation, the mineral wool is completely harmless for living in the house.

An important feature of the Minvati, which should be taken into account when designing and laying, is a large number of joints and adjoints. They need to be carried out so that the gap is minimal, stove laying to the guides and to each other. Polusantimeter slots between the plates can reduce the coating efficiency by a third.

Proper and incorrect laying of insulation

The heat-insulating properties of minvats are reduced up to their loss during the wetting of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the diversion of vapors and condensate.


The most suitable and popular material for thermal insulation of ceilings is a polystyrene foam. It is made in the form of panels 1200 * 600mm, equipped with sheets. This allows you to make high-quality joints when installing. In addition, the gaps and gaps are compacted by mounting foam. Material racks to moisture and temperature fluctuations. Perfectly manifests itself with the insulation of the ceiling both outside and from the inside

The disadvantage of it is low fastness to fire. With burning, it highlights substances harmful to health.

Insulation polyurethane foam

Polyfoam, or foamed polyurethane, is significantly cheaper than polystyrene foam, but has low strength and prone to choking. Suitable for insulation ceiling from the inside.

Sprayed and bulk materials

Sprayed materials are very effective, do not have joints and seams, almost do not burn. They can be effectively sprayed in hard-to-reach places and cavities, providing thermal insulation where other materials can be placed only with partial disassembly of building structures.

The main drawback is the extremely high cost of equipment and high qualification of the operator. This is holding back the widespread dissemination of the promising method.


Very promising both bulk and sprayed insulation for roofs and ceiling. It occupies an intermediate position between sprayed and bulk materials. It is made from secondary paper, thermal conductivity coincides with the Minvata. Fibers with the addition of glue are fed to the surface or to the cavity under low pressure and are frozen there. When wetting partially loses its properties, but after drying, they are returned.

Supplements in the composition of EcoWhat make it little combustible, environmentally friendly and unattractive for rodents and mold. The material does not cause allergies and does not contribute to the development of cancer.

Methods of installing EcoWati

Applying eco-art does not require special qualifications, and the installation is slightly complicated by a vacuum cleaner. One of the few drawbacks is the requirement for applying: not lower than +23 o

Ceramzit and crumb foam glass (Penolrochka)

When dripping with clay and foamin, it is necessary to take into account that its thermal insulation properties are small compared to more modern materials. Therefore, the layer will need significantly thicker.

Ceramzit - traditional bulk insulation

Few merits of the material - its cheapness, moisture resistance and non-causing.

Ceramzite is used in budget decisions, as an external layer, internal thermal insulation is performed by mineral wool

Scheme of two-layer insulation with clay and minor

Sawdust and chips

These materials can attract their cheapness, sawdust and chips on woodworking industries can be free. The chips possesses high fire hazard, sawdust is lit much worse.

Heat ceiling

Consider the process of insulation ceiling the attic of the Minvata. Technology differs based on specific designs and selected schemes.


The easiest and fastest heat insulation method is inter-bull. If the ceiling is made of massive boards, vaporizolation need to circle around the beams or make the films of the film on them. If the ceiling is dialed out of thin lining or slats, the foil vapor insulation film is fixed below the beams, on the ceiling.

Wooden ceiling insulation methods with attic

The complete insulation scheme requires significantly more labor, materials and time, but it is much more efficient. A scribal double layer of plates is added to the inter-bull layer from rolls or mats. Stop layers are needed with overlapping.

How to insulate cold ceiling from the inside

choosing a method of thermal insulation ceiling from the inside, you need to understand that any of them will reduce the height of the room. The minimum loss of height will be in the case of the installation of the stretch ceiling or the suspended ceiling of the plasterboard. In this case, thermal insulation slabs can be laid between guide metal products.

Fastening basalt wool on plate dowels

If the suspension ceiling is not planned, the insulation plates can be fixed in various ways:

  • Still making guides from wooden rails or metal profiles.
  • Secure the panel with special plate dowels. On one mat size 1200 * 600 mm you need at least 4-5 dowels
  • Printed to overlapping mastic.

The reinforced grid is glued to the lower part of the insulation, and the leveling soil and paint layers are applied to it.

Without attic

In case of insulation of buildings without a attic, in addition to solving the problem of actually conservation of heat, it is necessary to provide an overview of excessive moisture, as contained in the air in the form of vapors and condensing on cold surfaces.

Scheme for buildings without a attic

Parobarrier is laid under a slight ceiling, a layer of thermal insulation of the material is stacked on it. It is necessary to provide two ventilated gaps - between thermal insulation and waterproofing and between waterproofing and roofing material. Along the skate you need to arrange a product or just lift the lining of the skate so that the air can go out free.

Special cases

Consider a few special cases.

In an apartment building

Apartments on the last floors of apartment buildings are known as cold. Especially if the builders performed thermal insulation overlap with violation of technology. Any independent work in the attic of an apartment building is illegal, it is better to spend time on the claims to a construction or operating organization and make them fulfill their obligations to ensure normal temperature. But the complaint process is not a quick thing, and it is cold in the rooms today.

However, warming the ceiling quickly and inexpensively can be from the inside and cope with its own. We will have to "please" by the neighbors drilling numerous holes in the ceiling under the dowel, but the result is worth it.

Ceiling insulation in an apartment building

Another disadvantage will be a decrease in the height of the rooms by 4-5 cm, and around the perimeter of the ceiling - and up to 40 cm. But heat is more expensive.

On the warm ceiling, a system of guides from wooden rails or a metal profile height is installed 4 cm. Better layers of 30 mm thick are laid between them and attached to the ceiling on the plate dowels.

After that, on the lower edges of the guides, foil vapor barrier is attached. On the perimeter, the slope is performed by a radius of 40-40 cm, which provides a smooth pairing of the planes of the lines of the rash-brake and walls. At the last stage, the sheets of moisture-resistant plasterboard are attached. The curvilinear slopes fall asleep with a crumb of foam, starting with short sides of the room. Suitable for this and Eco.


The residential attic should necessarily be inspired. It will not hurt insulation and non-residential attic - it will be an additional barrier on the way of cold in residential floors. How to reliably insulate the ceiling on the residential attic? The most common scheme is insulation with minvati plates or polyurethane foam with styling between rafters. For vertical walls, it will be necessary to take a special cotton wool with a low shrinkage coefficient.

Scheme of thermal insulation of mansardes

Special attention will need to pay vaporizolation. In the already built house, the steering space is not always available. In this case, it can be avoided - it can be blown through the temporary technological holes, which are further compressed by the mounting foam.

Garage and Banya

The roof of the garage is often kept on the metal beams of the 2-way profile. When installing the guides for the insulation, drilling holes from the bottom up in the steel beam is inconvenient, therefore the method shown in the figure is used. The insulation plates are placed in two layers with overlapping. Instead of fibrous materials, you can try EcoWhat. In this case, it is possible to do without folgic, and instead of it for a false-brace, sash kraft paper.

Mounting Schemes for Bath and Garage

A standard thermal insulation scheme is used for the bath. Increased moisture content requires the use of basalt wool - the insulation of the ceiling of the construction glass is not recommended. Special attention should be paid to the quality of the ventilation of the gaps. EcoWhat must be made with glue. If a bath ceiling is insulated by working on the side of the attic, the bulk materials, such as sawdust and chips, are often used.

Employee skills and tools

Popular insulation methods do not require expensive equipment and high qualifications. For insulation, the home master will be sufficiently general construction skills and conventional tools:

  • a hammer
  • screwdriver
  • hacksaw
  • step
  • roulette

When installing guides, it is best to call an assistant. It does not prevent help and with stripping and laying rolled materials.

Before starting work and procurement of materials, it is necessary to make a sketchy drawing. This will help not be mistaken with sizes and correctly calculate the number of purchased materials.

The quality insulation of the ceiling in a cold roof house reduces thermal costs, reduces heating costs and improves accommodation. Thermal insulation is carried out in different ways, using a variety of materials according to the composition and form. How to choose the best option?

We will tell about what methods are most effective in the system of a system that prevents heat leakage through the ceiling. Let's tell me what to pay attention to when choosing a heater. In the article proposed by us, you will find valuable recommendations for improving the thermal insulation characteristics of the house.

Cold roof is a budget and practical version of the organization of the roofing houses for seasonal residence. Such a design essentially saves construction costs, but does not contribute to the preservation of heat.

The question of the thermal insulation of the ceiling zone is desirable to decide at the construction stage of the house. However, insulation is often resorted to the exploited room.

The warm air of the heated room rises up and, in contact with the cold overlap, is quickly cooled. The loss of thermal energy through a laptile roof and the ceiling reach 25-40%

The ceiling thermal insulation solves a number of tasks:

  1. Reduces the intensity of cooling heated air, contributing to saving costs for housing heating.
  2. Enhances the soundproofing indoors, the humming of the wind or the noise from the torrential rain.
  3. In summer, the insulation material contributes to maintaining the coolness in the room, not passing the heated air from the outside.

The ceiling insulation increases the comfort of a private house and optimizes the microclimate of the room. When compliance with the installation technology, thermal insulation eliminates the appearance of condensate on the structural elements.

Ways of heat insulation overlap

Reflecting how correctly under the cold roof, first of all, it is necessary to determine the heat-insulation method.

Distinguish two drastically different approaches:

  • insulation on the side of the attic;
  • installation of thermal insulation material from within the room.

The first method is more preferable for a number of reasons. Thus, the technology of installation itself is significantly simplified - there is no need to build a suspended frame or fix the insulation on glue to overlapping.

External insulation eliminates the conduct of expensive repair inside the room, and also does not reduce the height of the ceilings. The latter is especially important if the distance to the ceiling does not exceed 2.5 m in the premises

Also, with this approach, the risks of condensate are minimized. What you can not say about the thermal insulation from the inside of the room.

If you incorrectly pick up the insulation and do not exclude the contact of warm air with a cold stove, then water vapor from the room will accumulate - it is fraught with the appearance of dampness, fungus and gradual destruction of the overlap.

However, in some situations, the inner insulation of the ceiling is a forced measure, for example:

  • lack of access to the attic;
  • conducting the reconstruction of the old building with the already finished attic overlap;
  • thermal insulation of the garage placed in the basement.

If necessary, internal insulation should adhere to the installation of installation in order to prevent the condensate inside the construction. It is important to follow the two requirements: block the flow of water vapor and use the insulation of sufficient thickness.

Overview of the best insulation for ceiling

The choice of method of installation determines and a list of possible versions of thermal insulators. When insulating on the part of the attic, the range of materials is significantly larger - from natural compositions to technological modern solutions. Installation from within the room imposes a number of restrictions.

Regardless of the placement method, should have a low thermal conductivity. The coefficient determines the ability of the insulator to carry energy from the heated elements to the cold. The lower the thermal conductivity, the better the material holds heat.

An important parameter of the choice is moisture resistance. The ability of the material to maintain physical characteristics in a wet environment is particularly relevant when insulates from the attic when the roofing coating was sufficient

Among the additional requirements can be allocated:

  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness and safety for man;
  • low ability to fire - better use non-flammable insulators, compositions with minimal smoke formation;
  • resistance to the effects of rodents is relevant for materials placed in the attic.

It is important to take into account and the indicator of the paramountability of the insulation. But here there are nuances. With the thermal insulation of the concrete slab on the side of the attic, it is necessary to use a material transmitting material. To install from within the room, on the contrary, - the steamproof insulation.

View # 1 - Mineral wool insulation

The popular thermal insulator holds the position of the leader due to the pricing accessibility, ease of installation and good heat efficiency.

For installation under cold blood, minvatu with synthetic binding, basalt insulation and glass gamble are used. Maximum heat efficiency provides the last option. Thermal conductivity of glass gambles - 0.044 W / (M ° C).

However, it should be used with caution - the particles cause skin irritation and mucous membranes. Glasswater is unacceptable for indoor use. These shortcomings are deprived of basalt insulation. Additional pluses of material: fire safety and plasticity.

Common minuses of mineral wool materials:

  • water absorption;
  • low strength;
  • a tendency to shrink;
  • the content of unsafe components - abrasive particles or formaldehyde resins.

To accommodate the layers, the Minvati will require the installation of wooden lag, the insulation itself is desirable to hydroize the insulation.

View # 2 - Bulk cellulose insulator

Bulk material produced from paper production and cellulose waste. Synthetic components add synthetic components to protect against rotting and ignition.

The material is used with an external means of insulation - in the attic. Ecostat is sprayed around the overlap or apply a mixture with glue. Special equipment is necessary for work.

The characteristics of the pulp insulation and the technology of its application were given a modern method of thermal insulation near the advantages:

  • good heat efficiency - the thermal conductivity indicator of about 0.038 W / (M ° C);
  • the material fills all empties and cracks, forming a solid canvas - cold bridges are not formed;
  • thanks to light weight, the installation of any thickness is allowed;
  • durability of the service and the preservation of the initial properties;
  • ecology - Equata does not allocate toxic vapors;
  • low flammability and self-filing ability;
  • parry permeability.

Despite the mercy of the merits of Equata did not have won a special popularity. The main reasons for low demand: high cost, the impossibility of mounting itself.

In addition, Equata is prone to shrinkage and crumples - it is desirable to equip a rigid support for movement in the attic.

View # 3 - slab polymer species

This group of insulation includes: foam and (EPPS). Their heat efficiency exceeds the indicators of mineral wool insulation. The leader is an EPPS, the thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.038 W / m ° C.

The polystyrene foam is superior to the foam in terms of strength, rigidity and fire safety. However, during a fire, the plates of EPPS also identify toxic pairs

Polyfoam is cheaper than polystyrene. Among the common advantages are distinguished:

  • water resistance;
  • low biological activity;
  • wide selection of geometric sizes and thicknesses.

Both materials are playproof, so they are used to insulate concrete and brick surfaces.

Material is suitable for. Penofol is placed by a foil side inside the room - the canvas not only holds heat, but also partially reflects it back.

As an independent material, the foam polyethylene is advisable to use in the area with a mild climate. In the regions with harsh winters, a good effect shows a combination of foam and inferno.

View # 4 - bulk insulator

Lightly porous material in the form of rounded granules. As part - burned clay. The natural origin of the insulation explains its environmental friendliness.

Additional advantages of clay:

  • fire resistance;
  • ensuring a good degree of sound insulation;
  • durability;
  • chemical inertness;
  • does not represent interest for rodents;
  • the insulation does not give dust.

The heat efficiency of the ceramizite depends on the density of the embankment, the size of the granules.

To ensure the conservation of heat, it is necessary to use a mound of 20 cm thick and more, in the cold regions, the layer is raised to 40-50 cm. This leads to the increase in the cost of insulation procedure and significantly increases the load on the overlap.

View # 5 - liquid polyurethane

Polyurethane foam is fed to the surface under pressure, special techniques use for spraying. Polyurethane foam is an excellent solution for attic floors with a complex relief and thermal insulation of hard-to-reach places.

The main advantages of foam ceiling insulation:

  • the formation of seamless hermetic coating;
  • high adhesion with materials - polyurethane foam fills all cracks and emptiness;
  • low water absorption;
  • an excellent indicator of heat efficiency due to the porous structure of the frozen foam is a thermal conductivity indicator of about 0.027 W / m ° C;
  • preservation of qualities in wet conditions;
  • the possibility of multi-layer spraying is relevant for cold regions;
  • ensuring acoustic isolation;
  • the durability of the coating is about 25 years;
  • speed processing;
  • resistance to microorganisms;
  • the ease of material - does not put pressure on the overlap.

Polyurethane foam is difficult to ignite, the insulation does not spread the burning.

Spray isolation is considered one of the best solutions for treating the attic overlap. The limited application of polyurethane foam is explained by the high cost method.

The total cost includes the price of the insulation itself and the cost of attracting masters with equipment. Spraying foam can not be carried out if the air temperature in the attic is below +10 ° C.

View # 6 - Natural Materials

The main advantages of folk methods: available cost and environmental friendliness. The technique of using and the effectiveness of such natural materials as sawdust and algae, different.

Features of insulation sawdust

Bulk Woodworking Waste is often mixed with chips and distribute to overlapping the attic.

Hearth Methods:

  1. Dry fridge. Wooden lags are mounted on the floor, cells are filled with sawdust. The material over time gives shrinkage and requires a periodic update.
  2. Wet method. Connect sawdust, cement and water in proportion of 10: 2: 1.5, respectively. Such a thermal layer is more durable.

Weak sides of sawdust: flammability, fear of rodents and water absorption.

Characteristics and varieties of algae

In coastal areas, algae is used everywhere, the second name of the insulation - Kamka. The material is distinguished by naturalness, good thermal insulation characteristics. In algae, rodents are not breed, and the insulation itself is not afraid of moisture and does not rot.

There are three types of Kami:

  • weight - bales or loose rolls collected from dried pressed algae;
  • mats in grids - 10 cm thick cloths, tied with synthetic thread for the convenience of mounting;
  • dense stoves - in the composition of up to 85% of algae, the rest is a binding component, for example, silicone.

In terms of heat efficiency, the Kamka is significantly inferior to many insulation, the heat capacity coefficient is 0.087 W / (M ° C).

Calculation of the thickness of the heat insulating layer

From the accuracy of determining the thickness of the insulation, which is part of the thermal insulation depends on the efficiency. In addition, the indicator allows you to calculate the loads placed on the ceiling construction. When calculating, the values \u200b\u200bof permissible weight and the required thermal protection are compared.

The thickness of the insulation is determined by the formula

Q \u003d R * k,

  • q. - the thickness of the heat-insulating material, m;
  • R. - thermal resistance, m 2 ° C / W;
  • k. - thermal conductivity coefficient of insulation, W / (M ° C).

The value of R is determined by tabular data - the indicator is designed for each region, taking into account the characteristics of the climate.

For example, the normalized heat resistance of overlaps for Nizhny Novgorod is 4.26 m2 ° C / W. If used for insulation, the ceiling of the Penoplex, it will take a layer of thermal insulation with a thickness of 12 cm

To calculate, it is sufficient to multiply indicators 4.26 and 0.038. The last value is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of extruded polystyrene foam. The weighting of the ceiling is calculated based on the volume of the insulation and its density. The first indicator is determined by the product of the area and the thickness of the heat insulation, the second is a tabular value.

The minimum load on the overlap is exposed to polyurethane foam and eco-water, their density in the range of 25-60 kg / cube. m. One of the most severe insulation is a ceramzite - 180-330 kg / cube. m.

Features of the installation of different materials

The tactics of action depends on the selected material and place of its placement - from the inside of the room or on the side of the attic.

Laying of mineral wool

Installation of insulation produced by attic overlap.

When the heat-insulating cake is important to withstand two conditions:

  • provide the protection of minvati from water vapors entering from the inside of the warm premises;
  • equip the ventilation of the outer surface to weathering moisture from the insulation.

Plates of mineral wool are laid between beams or planks of the prepared crate. Possible installation on the surface of the overlap.

Before starting work, you must check the boards for the presence of rot, process the wooden elements by an antiseptic. It should be verified that the roof does not proceed

The surface is cleaned of garbage, if necessary, a wooden framework is built.

Next steps:

  1. To lay a vaporizolation membrane.
  2. Roll out rolls or place mats between beams.
  3. Mount the wooden base, withstanding the ventilation gap between the insulation and rigid floor.

The last stage can be missed. However, in the attic it is impossible to walk or store things there, since the Minvatu cannot be pressed.

Cleaning from inside polystyrene foam

This thermal insulation option is suitable for a concrete ceiling. Plates of polystyrene foam fixed to the surface of glue and fix "fungi".

Before mounting the insulation, the ceiling is treated with antifungal composition and primer.

The order of fastening plates of polystyrene foam:

  1. Apply glue to the insulation, attach and press to the ceiling.
  2. Cove the entire area with plates, not leaving gaps between the elements.
  3. Perforator drill holes under the fasteners.
  4. Score fungi.
  5. Shakes and gaps between stoves to fit.
  6. Foam residues cut, fix the reinforcing grid with adhesive composition.
  7. Surface is projected and plastering.

After drying the layer, clean the ceiling and apply the finish decorative coating.

Failure of the attic ceramzit

The minimum layer of a bulk insulation is 20 cm. To regulate the height of the backfill, it is necessary to prepare a beacon - on the segment of the reinforcement make the desired label, fixing the piece of tape.

If a wooden base is insulated with a clamzite, then the overlap must be sealing with waterproofing with an occasion at the walls. Polyethylene film is suitable

On a concrete basis, it is not necessary to sharpen the hydrobarrier.

Sequence of work:

  1. Pour clay and evenly distribute the granules.
  2. Control the thickness of the insulation layer. Its height should be 3-4 cm below the floor flooring. If this norm is neglected, then when walking in the attic, the sound of friction granules will be heard.
  3. Fulfill a layer of vapor insulation membrane, the joints of the canvas should be punished with a scotch.
  4. Mount the hard base. Boards, fiberboard or OSB panels are suitable.

The floor on top of the ceramisite facilitates the movement of the attic and increases the efficiency of the heat-insulating cake.

The use of sprayed isolation

Perform work will not work independently, since it will require expensive equipment for spraying - high pressure apparatus. In addition, work skills are needed for uniform distribution of polyurethane foam.

Work is better to trust a specialized firm and conclude an agreement with them to provide services. At the appointed time, a brigade comes, stretches into the house hose with a gun

  1. Mount on the floor of the attic wooden lags. They will be needed for the subsequent fastening of the flooring.
  2. Fill the device with components in the desired proportions.
  3. Stop minimal foam feed strength on a gun.
  4. Apply polyurethane foam between lags with a uniform layer.
  5. Wait for drying the composition. If the thickness of one layer is not enough, then the processing must be repeated.
  6. The frozen coating to align, cutting the surplus to the level of the lag.
  7. Mount on the boards a rigid base.

To insulate a personally small ceiling, you can use a disposable package for spraying foam.

The set includes everything you need: cylinders with components for the preparation of foam insulation, spray gun, hoses, personal protective equipment

Assembly and preparation takes a couple of minutes, the power sources are not needed - the device works autonomously.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Overlapping technology of the overlap of Minvata:

Thermal insulation of the ceiling of private house sawdust:

The ceiling insulation with a cold roof is one of the conditions for comfortable and economical operation of the house. When arranging the heat insulating layer, it is important to choose the material correctly. The method of installation, as well as the mandatory formation of a reliable cut-off of condensate is important.

The insulation of ceiling structures in a private house is one of the stages of the ceiling arrangement, and far from the most difficult. All that needs to be done to perform this work is to understand the thermal insulating layer device, choose the optimal insulation for a particular situation and to mount it correctly. How correctly insulate the ceiling in a private house, and will be discussed in this article.

Selection of insulation

For a long time to reflect on whether it is necessary to insulate the ceiling, it does not have to, because the answer is obvious. The thermal insulation is designed not only to preserve heat within the building, but also to reduce heating costs. The fact is that the thermal energy seeks to get out of the house, and the greatest leaks always occur through ceiling and outdoor structures. The insulation of inter-storey floors can be mediocre, but the ceiling, followed by a unwanted attic, should be protected very well - otherwise most of the heat will go through the roof.

Choosing the insulation on the ceiling in a private house, you need to take into account the whole complex of parameters, among which:

  • The level of thermal conductivity - the lower this indicator, the less heat loss will be;
  • The coefficient of moisture absorption - a decrease in this parameter is directly proportional to the volume of moisture, which can absorb into the insulation;
  • Weight and density - the lower, the more convenient the material will be mounted;
  • Class of flammability - it is desirable to select the products of category G1;
  • Ecology.

For the manufacture of floors in private homes, it is used or concrete, or a tree. The insulation of concrete structures can be carried out with bulk and sprayed materials, as well as slaughter products. For working with wooden floors, any kinds of insulation are suitable - if only they had a minimum thermal conductivity. Ways to mount insulation may differ, so it is necessary to consider each case individually.

Methods of thermal insulation ceiling

The ceiling insulation in a private house can be performed in two ways:

  • Internal;
  • Outdoor.

Methods are quite different, and each of them has a number of characteristic features. Both insulation variants can be used both apart and together (in the latter case the greatest efficiency is achieved). To insulate the ceiling in a private house with their own hands, it is worth considering both ways to look for more details and understand the nuances peculiar to them.


Performing ceiling insulation in the room, it is necessary to mount the framework on which thermal insulation materials will be kept. This method is not very profitable - first, the useful volume of the room after the installation of all elements is reduced, and secondly, to mount the system under the ceiling is quite uncomfortable, so it will take more time and effort.

So that the ceiling insulation inside the house could function normally, it is necessary to mount the vapor insulation layer. The thing is that steam inevitably moves up and tries to go beyond the placement. If this does not happen, then the pairs of moisture will lead to the rotting of the insulation, as a result of which he will lose its properties.


With outdoor insulation, the situation is much easier. Mounting the frame in this case does not have to be installed, and as a heater you can use any materials that have a low degree of thermal conductivity - sawdust, slag, eco-water, ceramzite, etc. This method of insulation is especially relevant for attic rooms that are not planned to be used as residential.

With the arrangement of the attic in the attic, the external insulation will be one of the floor mounting stages. Of course, the complexity of installation is increasing because of this - you will have to collect the framework for an outdoor structure, which in the future (after laying the insulation) will be sevented outside. It is possible to cover the floor by any materials that are used to cover the floor - boards, durable plywood or OSB plates.

Concrete ceiling internal insulation device

It is much easier on the side of the attic room to equip the thermal insulation of concrete floors - each stage of work will be quite convenient. However, there is no such possibility, so it is necessary to carry out the ceiling insulation in the house from the inside, forming a frame for heat-insulating materials under the overlap.

For mounting you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • Perforator or drill (for drilling holes in the overlap);
  • Screwdriver and drill set;
  • Building level;
  • Cord and marker for applying.

Also even before heating the ceiling, you need to purchase all building materials:

  • A sufficient amount of metal profiles for drywall (a good alternative will be wooden bars of a square cross section of 40x40 mm);
  • Suspensions for profiles;
  • Fasteners (the "crabs" are best for suspended ceilings);
  • Thermal insulation material (foam or mineral plates, or rolled insulation);
  • Sheets for outdoor framework (drywall or plywood);
  • Variazolation film.

The insulation of the ceiling from the inside in a private house is as follows:

  1. First you need to mark the markup. In order for the design in the end in its place, the markup must take into account the features of the frame and the room. The frame itself consists of transverse and longitudinal racks that are attached to each other with the help of "crabs" and hold onto the ceiling by the suspensions.
  2. To simplify work, it is necessary to mount the longitudinal racks in such a way that the step between them coincides with the width of the selected insulation. However, an excessive increase in step (over 80 cm) will also not lead to anything good - as a result, the rigidity of the structure will be insufficient.
  3. The markings itself is applied to all the walls along which the framework will be installed. The markup is applied in accordance with the cord, which is stretched between the corners and is checked for level alignment. Having placing the walls, you need to go to the ceiling and make all the necessary marks on it.
  4. Now you need to mount profiles. First of all, the guide metal-plastic is installed, which must be placed in accordance with the marking available on the walls.
  5. The next step is the installation of suspensions. These elements are usually located on the ceiling in a step of about 80-90 cm. Deciding with the mounting points, you need to drill in the overlap required by the required number of holes.
  6. It's time to form a frame, mounting longitudinal and transverse racks. Of course, when installing these profiles, you need to navigate the markup.
  7. The selected insulation is mounted in the assembled frame. To keep in his place, you need to bend the edges of the suspensions - they will ensure the fixation of the material in the installation process.
  8. Next you need to install a layer of vapor barrier. With the film you need to work very carefully - it has a fragile structure, and it is very easy to damage with something sharp. The vapor barrier film is neatly stretched between the frame racks and is attached to a bilateral scotch.
  9. The last stage is a framework of a frame. Sheets of the skin must be attached so that the minimum clearance is between them. The optimal location of the sheets is perpendicular to the guides. Between themselves, sheets are connected in the middle of the profile. Self-tapping screws are used for fixation, the hats of which need to be slightly drown in the thickness of the material. The distance between the self-pressing for reliable attachment should be about 30 cm, and from the corners of the sheet it is necessary to retreat about 3-4 cm.

Performing the insulation of the ceiling with your own hands from the inside of the house, you need to ensure that the clearance of at least 1 cm remains between the trim and the heat insulator. This gap is necessary to ensure normal ventilation of the structure.

Installation of external heat insulation

The external ceiling warming can have both a single-layer and multilayer design. However, regardless of the design of insulation, it is necessary to try to reduce its total weight, and this is properly relevant for any types of overlaps. If we are talking about bulk materials, then you need to competently determine the required layer thickness. For example, for sawdust, about 25 cm will be required, and a layer of 15 cm thick for high-quality insulation is sufficient.

To move on the attic it is worth collecting a simple frame and put on it the boards or plates. Mount the frame is best made of wooden boards or brusons. The latter will be the perfect option if the final construction will have a small thickness.

Installation algorithm includes the following steps:

  1. First you need to decide on the installation step of the framework. It is best to repel from the width of the selected insulation so that it was convenient to mount it.
  2. Next you need to decide how the transverse and longitudinal frame elements will be installed.
  3. Boards in accordance with the finished scheme are installed by the ends into place and fixed using metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Outdoor insulation can be performed using a variety of thermal insulation materials - mineral wool, foam or bulk insulation. Choose material has individually depending on the financial capabilities and requirements. It is worth considering several options in more detail.


Warming with foam plates is the easiest option. Polyfoam has fixed dimensions, which allows you to do without a trimming, mounted in advance by the framework, taking into account this parameter. Special requirements are not presented to the dimensions of the plates of special requirements - standard sheets can be a meter and half-meter width, and this difference does not affect the quality of insulation.

Another thing is a foam brand. If we are talking about the insulation of the attic overlap, then the best option will be C25. The density of this brand is high enough, due to which a small thermal conductivity is achieved. If necessary, you can purchase more expensive foam of the C35 brand or polyurethane foam - these materials are considered the most reliable.


Another good option is materials based on mineral fibers. All these materials have excellent performance, but they have a general drawback - mineral wool is very hygroscopic. This suggests that when moisture gets into moisture, the material absorbs her and loses most of its properties.

It is because of this shortage of the possibility of applying minvats are limited. However, this restriction can be bypass for which it will have to take care of the high-quality waterproofing of the attic and overlap, so that the material does not have the ability to contact even with moisture couples, not to mention direct contact.


One of the answers to the question of how to fall asleep the ceiling in the house is sawdust. Sawdust is the cheapest thermal insulation material that is suitable for external insulation. However, low cost can be called hardly the only advantage of this material. Sawdust is an organic material that can be rotable, so it must be mixed with lime before use.

You can also knead the solution consisting of 10 parts of water, one part of the water and one part of the sawdust. When the ceiling heat insulation with sawdust is performed, the stirring process looks like the same as when mixing concrete. The resulting composition is used to fully fill the place in the frame. Before the trim, the material must be left for some time so that it is dry.


The most convenient bulk insulation is a clay. It is a granular material having particles of different sizes. In order for the effectiveness of insulation to be the maximum, when drought, it is necessary to alternate small granules with large - as a result of voids in the layer it will be less, and it will improve the quality of thermal insulation.

Technology of insulation When using clay, no different material differs from any other bulk materials. First you need to mount the formwork (frame), and then fill it with a uniform layer of granules.


The raw materials for making are the EcoWhat are not environmentally friendly materials, as it could seem due to the name, and various waste - newspapers, packages or cardboard. The components are processed by acid, so that the finished material has a minimal flammability and is well protected from biological influences.

Of the advantages of eco-houses, it is primarily to note a small thermal conductivity, providing good insulation, and the ability to skip steam, due to which the material does not affect the fungus and mold. In addition, this material is very easy to install and quite suitable for insulation with your own hands.

The insulation of the ceiling is an eco-art in a private house can be carried out dry, wet and adhesive. The first method is quite simple - the material simply stacked in the frame and compacted. For the second and third method, special equipment need to be separated from the desired sections.

Polyurene Foolder

In modern construction, polyurethane foam is very popular, which, in addition to other purposes, is used for insulation. This material is produced as a foam, which can be applied to any types of surfaces. A distinctive feature is the lack of need for any mounts - this insulation for the ceiling inside the house on the cottage itself is alone with everything, which comes into contact.

Among the main advantages of polyurethane foam is worth noting the following qualities:

  • Low flammability;
  • Lack of toxic discharge;
  • Good chemical resistance;
  • Low hygroscopicity;
  • Long service life.

The sprayed polyurethane foam forms a solid layer that does not have cracks and gaps, due to which low thermal conductivity is achieved. However, steam can be easily passing through the pores of the material, so it is not necessary to equip vaporizolation. To apply this insulation to the coating, it must be pre-dried (for concrete floors, the allowable moisture level is 4%, and for wooden - 12%).

Plots that should not be insulated, you need to close well before work (polyethylene film or tight fabric is quite suitable). Polyurethane foam is applied with layers subject to constant control of spraying thickness. You can apply the subsequent layer only after the complete pouring of the previous one. Being the most expensive insulation, the polyurethane is very easily applied and perfectly performs functions assigned to it.


The insulation of the ceiling in a private house can be carried out in several ways. In some cases, it will have to make more effort, with others it will be easier, but you have to pay more. The main thing is that for any conditions you can choose the optimal option that will be quite profitable and effective.