Negative program. We reveal individual negative programs

In the bustling of modern life, under the oppression of regularly emerging problems, people are increasingly born negative thoughts. They interfere normally live, achieve success and be happy. Over time, these negative thoughts are transformed into mental viruses, contributing to the formation of sustainable psychological barriers and complexes.

Not everyone can get rid of viral programs independently. Most often requires the help of a qualified specialist - an experienced psychologist. But you can try, otherwise, the thoughts that fell deep in the subconscious will attract all the negative, from which life will become absolutely unbearable.

Mechanism of blocking power engineering

Any person surrounds his energy shell - biofield (aura). She is fragile and sensitive to everything that happens in the life of its owner. Someone has a strong biopole, and someone has a weakened. But, as we loose, there is every. At the birth of a thistle aura, but during life it begins to form under the influence of external factors (environment, relatives, home atmosphere, etc.).

It turns out that the person independently forms its biofield and the energy that it is filled. Partly the degree of power Aura depends on the upbringing and people who surrounded a person in childhood. And not all parents, grandmothers and grandparents give the child a positive. Unfortunately, some.

If a person grows and develops, receiving positive attitudes, it will definitely be a successful person and will find his happiness. But when a person's life from birth is filled with only a negative (events, thoughts, suggestion, examples of adults), his life path is likely to be difficult and unpredictable.

In the second case, a person violates the connection with the Universe, which enriches the aura with positive energy, contributes to its update, preservation of integrity and strengthening. It is because of the doubt and the lack of a positive, which would attract such things to himself, people cannot, love, career and health.

The most common mental viruses

Name - mental virus - It is not necessary to be chosen by chance, because mental viral programs can be transmitted from person to person as well as their "biological fellows". Below are the most common negative internal installations or as they are also called mental viruses.

"I am an unlucky man"

Success does not come to those who are not confident in their own power. The more often the person has similar thoughts, the less likelihood that he is lucky in situations where the random configuration of the circumstances will play a decisive role. To correct the situation, psychologists advise more often to utter such installation: "I am a magnet for good luck."

"I never succeed."

This is a typical viral program that configures a person in advance to defeat, making him knowingly losers. If there is such an internal mood, it is hardly possible to achieve success in anything. It is important here to eradicate negative thoughts and make an inner reconfiguration by the pronunciation of the following: "I'm talented and a smart, so I can do everything as it should be."

"In the past, I already got into trouble like this kind, this will happen this time."

Failures from time to time can pursue everyone. And you should not fall into despair because of them, thinking that in the future you are waiting for the same. Remember, any experience with which the fate introduced you is important. It is he who is the key to the lucky future. After all, you can avoid such mistakes. No failure is not any successful life project. The only chance to completely avoid defeats - to live in imprisonment, without developing and not going forward. We often say: "I learned to exist with problems, they make me only hard and more confident in themselves."

"I am an unfortunate, sick and lonely man"

Instead of complaining, try finding the cause of your distress. In the case of poor health, you may not carefully follow it. If you are tormented by the lack of happy events in life, maybe you do nothing to happen. If you have loneliness, you may be at the subconscious level to avoid serious relationships due to fear or internal complex.

There is such a concept as the relationship of biopoles. In other words, the human energy is reacted with the aura of those who surround it. And if there are many people who consider themselves to be doubly in your nearest surroundings, it will be difficult to achieve success. Change the environment, that you facilitate your way to a happy existence.

Generic mental viruses

Often, the carrier of mental viral programs may not be a separate person, but all his family. Even


Negative installations are the most wonderful opening of psychology. Doubt?

I'm not, because, each of you will agree that if you know the enemy in the face, you can defeat it!

Knowledge that you can reveal your negative installations and remove them, is stunning for all of us. After all, this means that you can change your programs in the subconscious and create a new destiny.

Results are awesome. All that we write will come true at the speed of light !!! Do not believe?

Want to make a practice yourself? Then this article is for you!

What is the installation?

Installations are our opinions, thoughts and beliefs.

For example, I live in Moscow and believe that 100 thousand rubles is an average salary on which you can exist, but it is difficult to live well. After reading this phrase, a resident of another, less rich city will think that I went crazy. After all, in its city to earn 100 thousand rubles - it means to be rich.

Who are our rights? We are both right. We just live with different system of beliefs.

Imagine two women aged 40 years. One of them lives for many years in a happy marriage with a good husband. They adore each other and do all things together. This woman is convinced that in the world there are many interesting smart decent men who are honest, true and sincerely take care of their women.

The second woman is not so successful in relations. She is often not lucky and she sincerely thinks (or more precisely) that there are few men in the country (everyone was killed in the war), those who remain either alcoholics or ladies. In general, men are difficult to believe, so everything is changed.

Which of them is right? Both. They just have different belief systems.

How do these beliefs arise, I wrote already in the article

How do the installations determine our life?

Part of you, dear readers, could think that there is nothing surprising - one person is lucky to live in Moscow, and as for women - the fate has happened so ...

Reality exists regardless of you until you agree with that.

In fact, it is not a reality determines the beliefs, but quite the opposite. The system of our belief literally creates our lives.

Our brain is simply not able to see in the reality of what is not in our belief system.

The effect of cognitive distortions

Thinking errors (limiting installations) form a person's ideas about themselves and about the world.

Imagine a person who is convinced that the acting skills do not earn. He meets with friends and hears two different stories from them. In one friends tell him about the success of a classmate, who became a highly paid actor. In another - about how their former colleague quit work and burned on his decision to try the acting career.

Whose story does he believe? More chances that the second. Thus, it will demonstrate one of the cognitive distortions - a tendency to confirm its point of view. Or a human trend to look for information that is consistent with its point of view, belief or hypothesis.

Beliefs often have nothing to do with reality. And instead of facilitating our lives and protect us from frustration and pain, they make us less happy.

Now imagine that he introduced him to the successful classmate who made the acting career. Will he change his opinion or demonstrate the effect of belief resistance when the opinion persists even when supporting his evidence was refuted?

Beliefs are formed thanks to the experience and received from the outside of the information, they are due to numerous distortions of thinking. Beliefs often have nothing to do with reality.

We see only what is consistent with our convictions.

In essence we are blind ...

Neurobiology on beliefs

The more often a person repeats a certain action, the stronger the neural bond between the brain cells, which were jointly activated to implement this action. The more often the neural bond is activated, the higher the likelihood of activating these neurons in the future. And it means, more likely to do the same as usual.

The opposite statement is true: between neurons that are not synchronized, the neural connection is not formed.

You should know - the synoptic connection between neurons is able to change. The use of neural connections representing a certain skill and method of thinking leads to their strengthening. If the action or belief is not repeated, neural connections weaken.

So the skill is acquired: Whether the ability to act or the ability to think in a certain way.

Remember how you studied something new, once again repeated the learned lesson, until they achieved success in learning. Changes are possible. Belief beliefs.

The best technique of developing negative beliefs

This practice shared with me Oksana Kamenetskaya, that's what she talks about the history of the creation of this technique:

Once in 2012, I heard this exercise from Lisa Nikols. She told him very quickly with a shining smile and it seemed to me that it was all so simple easily, somehow funny, and I decided to just take it and repeat it. I did not have a mentor, there was no coach, I had no one to tell me. Accordingly, I just took and did what she said.

We will need simple tools. We take notebook, the most common from the stationery store. By 18 sheets, no less. You still need a simple pencil (it is very important to have the most ordinary simple pencil, not a handle), a handle with red paste and eraser.

The principal moment is that the notebook should have a minimum of 16 sheets, not 16 pages, and sheets. This notebook will be required for six next months. She will be your native, amazing dream, which will lead you to a new life.

Exercise must be done, strictly following step-by-step instructions.

Imagine that I gave you a recipe for your new life. If you consider it necessary to do something in your sequence, you will get another result, but it will not be so fantastic.

How to identify limiting beliefs?

We need to take and write down everything, absolutely alllimitations in life, what we have. But the fact is to say about it easy: "You write your negative beliefs."

And how to write them, where to find them, where to take them from?

Let's agree on the terms. We will talk about whatour restrictive beliefs are just oursustainable thoughts.

This is the inner conversation, an internal dialogue with you,which we lead.Very often these thoughts we don't even notice, we justso live. But it is these thoughts formed for very long years,by long repetitions of the same self, form our today's life and today's reality.

And the exercise is that this is such a game, it is such a race, hunting. Your task is to find, catch and record these beliefs pencil. And the task of these beliefs from you to hide.

Which of you will win, you will live such a life.

We start with that part of the exercise that is not the most positive, but it is the main.

If you have now internal condition, what to live like thisit is impossible if you say yourself:

Since I live, I can't live like that more and I do not want. I can't live anymore in such a relationship or without a relationship, I can no longer live in a lack of money, I can't do anything, for which I undertake everything does not fold, notlucky in everything and so on.

If you are ready to change something - remember, today is your day.

How to get rid of negative thoughts?

Very good and important if you are already prepared forthis exercise. Well, if you have been reading my blog for a long time, trying to set goals, try affirmation.

But the meaning of this exercise is that if you are justread affirmations:

  • I live in a beautiful house
  • I have good and harmonious relationships
  • I have a good team
  • I travel around the world

But internally, you consider quite differently, your inner beliefs will win.

Let's take our notebook and a simple pencil or a red handle.

On the tetrade itself, write today and phrase:Today I start my new life.

Over time, everything is forgotten, and in a year you look at this notebook and remember why it all started.

Open a notebook. On the first sheet, we write the sphere of life on which we will work. And then leave four more sheets.

Then again we write the name of another sphere of life and leave four more sheets. And also do with the third sphere and the fourth sphere.

If you obeyed me and took a notebook by 18 sheets, you will have more sheets for the fourth sphere.

  1. We take the first sphere, we write: money, work and business.
  2. Second sphere: Relationship.
  3. Third sphere: Health.
  4. Fourth Sphere: Personal Growth.

This exercise cannot be performed on the computer, it will not mean anything. We work only in the notebook. It is fundamentally. Here is the work of your hand, notebook and subconscious. It is this combination that gives the result.

As for the fourth sphere, many people say: "I will not even write two lines." But still, believe me, leave 6 sheets for this sphere. In this area, you can write to infinity.

You must write the whole notebook, in a different way and should not.

Step-by-step plan for negative beliefs

Under the very first heading "Money, work and business" we write alone only the phrase with a pencil, which we think about money. And we do the same by the rest of the spheres. Pencil.

Attention, we write with a pencil only one phrase. And after each written phrase in each sphere, we leave, approximately, paragraph, that is, as many places as the phrase already written by you has occupied.

Then we write the next phrase that we think about this area, only with a pencil. And again we leave the place after this phrase.

And so continue to do with all the spheres. It is very important at this stage to write a pencil for all 100%.

Thus, you must have the entire notebook pencil. Including empty places that you left after your phrases, there should be no empty leaf in the notebook. Fight a pencil, leaving empty paragraphs after each phrase.

Only after you write all your beliefs on all four areas, you take a red handle in your hands and you will do the second part of the exercise.

What are your beliefs now?

Limiting beliefs is what was formed in us all my life. Usually, these are thoughts that begin with such phrases: "I think I'm confident / iron / guaranteed / no doubt."

If you can say about something: well, yes, it seems to be so, I heard - This is not your belief.

Expression: "That's why I will not take in life - the failure will be guaranteed" - this is your belief.

"I believe that all troubles in life from money" is your belief.

You take this notebook and you have the first idea: "So, so what can Ihere to write, what do I have restricting beliefs? "

Do not think about it, do not think about the subconscious programs. Simplyask yourself questions about each sphere.

Attention! Often, restrictive beliefs sound in our head with the voice of parents, grandmother or strict teacher. If you often consider yourself unworthy to have anything,

How to identify negative installations about money, business work?

You started money. Work and business. Ask yourself a question: h what am I thinking about money and business? What do I think about finance?

You can think:

"Money does not grow on a tree, rich - evil and cynical people to earn a lot - you need to work for days."

Remember what they told you in childhood about money. And so write:

"My grandmother has always argued that the money is not bringing happiness."

Or you look at your life and think:

"I miss money to pay for a communal service, I have no money for a vacation, I always live from salary to salary."

You write what you really think. Write short phrases, no need to describe long stories. When you write all this - proceed to the next sphere.

Browse this article to understand which of the settings are peculiar to you

Negative beliefs about love and relationships

Here we are talking not only about love relationships, but also about family relations, with parents and children, with colleagues at work, neighbors and so on.

How to get rid of negative installations See in video

Ask yourself the question: "What do I think about relationships?"

Frequent beliefs about love relationships that live in people, it is:

  • All men co **
  • All women need only money
  • All my relationships quickly end
  • No one loves me
  • Always in a pair, someone loves stronger (and this, of course, I)
  • If a person sees my love, he immediately leaves

Planned deeper, maybe in childhood someone said something bad about your appearance, and it sees it in your subconscious.

You can enter your thought about yourself, if you think you are ugly / ugly, you have too big ass, or short legs. All similar beliefs are recorded in a notebook.

Your task to find all your thoughts on any relationship and unload everything on paper. They wrote a conviction - left the place after it. They wrote another - left space.

Negative health beliefs

Go to the field of health. How it is right, no one wants to write anything in this area. This means that there is a lot, what to work, but we hide it. Our task is to be honest to the end.

We write: I have a teeth curves, I don't do my health, I don't do sports, I drink a lot, I smoke, my eyes hurt, because I sit a lot at the computer.

Your personal attitude to medicine, doctors, clinics is also beliefs. If all your life negatively treat medical professionals - you may have health problems.

And this negative and fear do not go to the hospital just leads to what you have to walk through hospitals and doctors.

And the last sphere, the largest and most important.

Negative beliefs about yourself and their abilities

Here are such beliefs here:

  • I watch TV too much.
  • I spend a lot of time on social networks.
  • I read little.
  • I'm not developing enough.
  • I run out a lot of courses, but I do not use the knowledge gained.
  • I do not understand the power of thought.
  • I am not able to stop in place.

While you write similar beliefs, you should not have an internal dialogue (why do I write all this? How will it help me fix my life? What does this have to do with my restrictions?).

Also, you do not need to think, a good one thought or bad. For example, you think: I earn little. Is this good or bad? Maybe it's good for you that you earn little. It is your right.

We are talking about what we write all our beliefs on paper. And the more beliefs you will write down in the notebook in the sphere of personal growth - the better.

How do you count on your strength? Do you hope for the help of others, but no one helps you? Do you trust your intuition? Do you know how to set goals? Do you know how you dispose of your time?

All your thoughts about yourself who are not directly related to money, relationships and health - all this you write in the fourth sphere.

If we were taken simply the overall picture of life, we would have written very little. And if we choose the four spheres of life, then it is easier for us to think where any thought in my head can be attributed.

You could see my beliefs in my examples. If not, sit down and think about your restrictions, that parents, teachers, neighbors, colleagues, bosses, and so on, told you. Collect all your beliefs and distribute them in a notebook in all four areas.

As soon as you all do it with a pencil, at the very end, be sure,it is necessary to make two things. At the end, the pencil will write the phrase that you somehow formulate yourself. Approximately something like this: "If I become a successful, happy and rich man, most likely I will not benefit people.

But only you write a pencil and in the key, as you see it yourself.

And one more mandatory phrase that should be at the endto be - whether you trust the highest strength at all. Do you believe in God, do you trust God. You can say - I count only on my strength and so on.

It is important to identify all the installations!

Because without making it now, then they will also give you life ... I believe that it is even better not to do it in one day.

First spend the time to write your beliefs with a pencil, relax and the next day take a handle with red paste.

Important advice. When you write red paste, you do not think about what is happening in your life, you forget that you have in your head and what is currently surrounding you.What you will write red paste has nothing to do with your life.You will not need to think anything, you just will come up with new phrases.

Therefore, the next day you take a handle with red paste and start from the very beginning. But here it will be easier, you do not need to think. Imagine that you just have a creative task. On each phrase you wrote a pencil you just write a refutable phrase.

In the present, it should be positive and it should not use "not" with verbs.

For example, you wrote in the field of "Money, Work and Business":I am a poor man, I earn little.

You do not need to write red paste:I'm not a poor man.

It will not work. You need to write:I am a rich man, I am a secured person, I am a thriving person.

If you say that "I do not earn little" - it is also not necessary. Need to write:I earn a lot, I have enough money for everything I want.

And so we pass throughout the spheres. In no case in thismoment Do not think:

Well, why am I writing this nonsense, it has nothing to do with what I think and think.

Yes, it has nothing to do with what you think and think. Your task is just whatever written by a pencil, write nextred paste, refuting, in the present time, without "not" and be sure to add some emotion of happiness.

For example, you wrote a pencil:

  • "I can't afford to dwell on expensive hotels"
  • "I can't afford to buy expensive gifts."

Then below you write:

  • "I am happy and grateful to the fact that resting in the besthotels of the world "
  • "I buy gifts to your loved ones."

And so until the very end.

The phrase that I recommended you to write at the end (about money that when you achieve success, you will not benefit), you change on"I get even better, every day I approach more and more benefits to other people, the more money I have, resources, the opportunity, the better I become."

This is a very important program. The subconscious will help you more and more develop.

And a very important point where we are talking about the confidence of the universe.

I will share with you a big phrase, which I wrote quite recently and it should be final after all of your story red paste:

The highest strength loves me and contributes to the implementation of the conceived by me. I trust the divine intelligence and give him my request. The deep wisdom of my subconscious mind knows how to implement and implement everything conceived by me for the benefit of harmony, peace, good, health, prosperity of me, my family, other people and nature.

And it will be the conclusion of your notebook. It will be on the final sheet itself.

How to finish with negative installations forever?

And the final of all this is. Three days later, only after 3 days you can take an eraser in the hands. Before that, three days I recommend that you read in a row all your story in the morning and in the evening. All you wrote pencil and red paste.

Reading 16 and 18 sheets takes 1 hour. About 1 hour you remember about what you wrote. You will start something like Shelling in the head This happens because you have formed new connections. They are still unstable, but the brain begins to form new neural connections and these ties begin to move.

The first feeling that this is normal, it should be right. The second feeling that you will have it, about this:

"Well, why now I read everything that was written with a pencil? I no longer want to read it, I want to read only that red paste is written. "

They should be fixed in each other for three days. And it looks like this:

The subconscious takes only what the red paste is written. But first need to hook so that the subconsciousness knows that this is not affirmation, and what the old file you want to replace the new one. And then, when you have already read all three days - it looks like when you want to overwrite files in your computer.

The subconscious asks if we save this file, then an existing one, the old file will be deleted forever.

Replace Replace.

Thus, we all replace it. From the moment you erase the whole pencil you will have only red paste.

Will erase the pencil and all your limitations will disappear.

There will be a new picture of your life and you start reading it just as, every day, in the morning and in the evening. You will already leave for this 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening.

And so, for 6 months.

And that's all that you will write, just that it will deliver you fantastic pleasure, you will gradually begin to implement these new programs.

On the first week you will begin to see how unusual events in your life occur.

If you never talked compliments, here you write red paste:

"I bathe compliments" and you will receive them.

If you have not received thanks, you will start receiving gratitude. If you did not receive gifts and surprises, then that never happened to you, starts to happen with you.

And if you are interested to know about my experience of visualization of the desired, come to my free master class \u003e\u003e\u003e

Very often we are faced with such situations when close or acquaintances begin to complain that they all fall out of the hands that they are inadequate that nothing of what was conceived is not embodied in life, incomprehensible diseases that cannot be diagnosed. And we think, and whether someone has damaged to them, do not smoothed them. Those., Many of us know that such negative energy, which one way or another prevents the full life of a person.

Negative influence can be divided into 4 groups:

1. The evil eye is a strong negative emotion that distorts the normal course of the body's vitality. The stronger the negative emotion, the more radical distortion and the sharper you will feel: something has changed, spoiled inside you, around you. Signs of the evil eye are diverse. In general, "where it is thin, there and breaks." If for example, a person is inclined to elevated arterial pressure, he having received a portion of the unchalled, he may feel characteristic unpleasant symptoms. According to the subjective feelings of the evil eye, as a rule, manifest themselves like this:

- dizziness
- Fast and increased fatigue
- drowsiness
- irritability
- colds, runny nose, cough
The evil eye may often be unintended. It can be smoothed as a familiar and unfamiliar to you. The people say "bad eyes", meaning a person who is voluntarily or unwittingly can cause the evil eye. For this not necessarily experience negative emotions. Many have come across that someone smoothed young children, speaking, what kind of child is pretty, healthy. As a result, this child was sick after a while, became a capricious, lost sleep, appetite. The most dangerous in the evil eye is the power of emotion. In young children, biofield is formed up to a year, so many parents do not show their children to strangers so that they do not spoil the screaming biofield. Because There is almost no biofield, there is enough small energy impact to harm the child.
Thus, the evil eye is often an unintentional energy impact based on strong emotion. In order to protect against the evil eye, the following measures must be observed:
- Wrong church candle in front of images, read "live help".
- To drink and wash the face of holy water.

You can also spend other rituals:
1. Slide the flowers collected on the trinity. Put the flower on the dish, water with water, pumped three times your own theme and drinking residues.
2. I urge all the good forces of my guardian angels and the highest strength to merge with this negative energy.
Pets (cats, dogs), which feel changes in the human biopol, very often react to the evil eye. If the homemade pet has become not so reacting at you, as before, it is worth thinking about whether you did not smoke you. Thus, you can diagnose yourself and remove the evil eye.

2. damage. There is a more serious negative impact that will not be compared by its strength of exposure to the slogan, it is damage. Damage or envoltling - the harm caused to the magical way (an evil will, acting on elementals or egregors of evil by spell supported by magic techniques). There are many ways of damage: damage to infertility, damage to spouses, damage to babies, damage to trade, damage to animals, and so on.

The word "damage" itself comes from the verb to "spoil", i.e. to damage, worsen, to do from a good bad. Evil so spoils man: worsens his health, relations with people. Good, healthy people become weak, aggressive. The damage can cause many diseases in man. The impact of one person on another may be the most different. The mechanisms of impact are very much. It is not possible only to use remedy: earth, salt, heads, doggy litter, food, wine, water, but also church rites: funeral, funeral, risen, weddings, wedding, christening.

"How, food products can be spelling media?" - You will say. Yes they can. The Orthodox Church explains this action of demons. Psychics say: "Items, like people, possess memory." The sorcerers themselves also do not complicate their explanations. One sorcerer, who smelled to spoil the wedding (he could do so that the lovers began to quarrel right at the table), to the question, for which punishment, was briefly replied: "Divor will find for what."
And indeed, the devil, being the prince of the current system, easily uses all the earthly against a person. And the most small thing is that the items spoke his tongue. If the subject prepared in this way will be in your home, it, as a source of radiation, will become a carrier of a destructive program.

A favorite intake of black magic - when food with food spank their sacrifice. In this case, accurate and fast execution is achieved: food, wine, water quickly penetrate the blood. And the blood contains a soul. That's the whole process of exposure. In this case, the souls are inserted by performers who make what is laid in them by the impact program. In often the sameness is made, which are also designed to destroy the human biopol. Therefore, before making a love spell, think what consequences can it lead.

Pretty frequent reception (relatively simple for implementation) - the introduction of needles with a sprinkle. The needle can imperceptibly lower the plinth, stick in the upholstered furniture, carpet.
A resident of Ukraine turned to inspect the housing, who killed her husband, and there were suspicions about the mother-in-law for witchcraft. I pointed out the location of the needle, they turned out to be sewing. In my advice, she had to split them hot in a gas stove and quit in cold water. She failed to do it. The exposure to the conspiracy was such that when heated steel (!) The needles they melted like lead.
Most often to introduce negative information, that is, speaking by the folk language, damage, use such places like a bathroom, toilet room, pantry, kitchen, especially place behind the refrigerator. The best way to neutralize the action of suspicious objects is to wash the premises with a strong brine, followed by spraying with holy water.

No wonder before going out of the house, children and adults were poured from the Salt's macup. In a number of African countries, salted sticks were worn instead of amulets, and one of them was one of the spells from evil spirits: "I eat salt!".
Do not be afraid to scatter salt. Believe that wake up salt - to a quarrel, goes to those days when it was extremely expensive when waking salt meant additional high costs, which, naturally, could not not lead to a quarrel.
Salt quality was not fully understood: with home billets, only certain varieties of salt are used. Salt does not allow to spoil the products not because it is salt, but because it neutralizes the negative types of energy informational effects with its own radiation.
No wonder all the experiments of medieval alchemists did not work out without salt. And further. In the salt caves quite successfully treated earlier and continue to treat a number of diseases, especially related to respiratory authorities.

3. The curse is the most powerful energy impact formulated in the words Magically informed oath, forcibly imposed victim, mandatory for execution by the victim, leaving the roots in the victim's vice, transmitted and propagating in the world by the victim.

More often in practice there is a generic curse, whose purpose to destroy the entire genus of this person. The person who made this curse may not be suspected of this, because With it, various troubles are practically not happening, but the members of his family suffer very much. Accidents, ridiculous deaths, disability, alcoholism, drug addiction, cancer and other misfortunes go to the family one after another. Generic curse can be a consequence of negative ancestors or targeted effects on them from the side to punish. The feature of the generic curse is that if it is not eliminated, it will be transmitted by the genus to infinity, burdened more and more.

Characteristic signs that the seal of the generic curse carries the genus:
- women (or men) in the family are sick of similar diseases;
- on the female or male line there is no continuation of the kind;
-How to a certain period, a person in life loses everything
and it starts all over again and so several times. It may be
and multiple care from families "with nothing", and the ruin of the company,
when it repeats repeatedly, and constant wandering:
change of work, place of residence. This program is taken to remove not all healers and parapsychologists, because This requires a very large resource forces.

Another type of common curse is a crown of celibacy. Let's figure it out what it is. In most cases, the crown of celibacy is the most complex karmic problem, in which a woman cannot get married and live with any man. That is, this problem is not a kind, but the woman herself, which she pulls from past lives. An example of such a curse you can read below: "Worked with a scored weight after giving birth, which could not be discarded. At the same time, the relationship with her husband did not work out, and the spouses divorced. After divorce, the relationship with men did not make up. When the mass associated with the non-acceptance of his body was almost dissolved, it turned out to be a piece that did not want to dissolve. It turned out to be a record from the past life:
- Two women swear. One of them is (client). Another woman shouts at me and throws something in me with some words. It gets inside of me (like a white ball), turns around the body inside, then the head of the snake looks out of me, the woman is still present.
It was a curse for loneliness due to the fact that I took her husband. I asked: "I led him or he wanted to leave?" In response he heard that she did not know, just offended by me, because he went to me. I asked for forgiveness with her, we hugged. The ball came out of the body into the ball, and the snake got out into the ball.
After the record with the curse was removed, the woman had a feeling that the air was coming out of it, like a toy sophisticated.
These surprises can be stored in conventional excess weight. Just do not think that any extra kilograms are associated with a curse. In this situation, this belonged to the topic of loneliness, was the mechanism of obtaining a complex of inferiority at the woman itself.
Alone to remove the "crown of celibacy": to score with seven different churches of water. January 19, just a little before dawn, pour this water to the top of myself (at least liter).

4. Obsession - the launion - the full and comprehensive subordination of the human mind is something, in some religions: a state in which a person is subordinated by one or more spirits, gods, demons, demons or devil. It is not always necessary for obsession to a person to a person, sometimes the source or sources of obsession can control the person at a distance. Many refer obsession to damage, however, an obsession has a certain series of signs, according to which there is no possibility to take them. If you return to the beginning of the article, you will see that damage is an extraneous impact on a person with the help of magic. Then, as an obsession can be provoked by both the person himself (the devil took, seduced), i.e. The man himself, without the help of anyone, inquired another entity. Of course, there are such cases when a person "is planted" and grow in it the essence (something like damage), but the mechanism is involved in another, rather than damage.

Consider signs of obsession:
- aggressiveness, curses and curses in the address of the Christian church, saints, etc.
- cramps, epileptic seizures.
- Signs of mental illness: strange behavior, hallucination, etc.
- Obsessive talking from the face of those who are obsessed.
- anxiety when reading someone prayers, sending religious rituals, etc.
- The intolerance of water, especially Holy.
- detection of abilities for levitation, telecision, teleportation, etc.
- The appearance of the ability to talk to the languages \u200b\u200bunknown people (the phenomenon of xenoglossee).
- obsessive thoughts on suicide / murder.

In medicine, the expression obsession appeared as an attempt to explain the various human diseases, in particular, mental disorders. The so-called obsessed is the classic symptoms of hysteria, manic syndrome, psychosis, turret, epilepsy, schizophrenia or split personality.
In parapsychology, it is possible to explain the obsession and intercourse into a person as the transmission of information (emanation) at a distance. In this case, a person acts as a receiver or resonator. Thus, the person can be transmitted information-emanation by passing the perception authorities. Intiments on this phenomenon there are many. There are options with the transfer of the information of the timelist of the time coordinate. Taking the distribution of matter along the coordinate of time in the form of a normal distribution, we obtain the possibility of existence in one space of several parallel worlds separated in time, between which information-emanation flows can be transmitted.
The following observations of historians can serve as an example of obsession: in the Ursulinka Monastery in Ludede, described in the Psychiatry Guide, by Professor V. P. Osipov. The manpower of the monastery of the Aristocrat Jeanne de Belfil began to appear at night the ghost of the late prior of the monastery. He bothered her with bad words and shameless caresses. After the superior told about this with another "sisters", demonatherism took a massive character. Ecstases of erotic nature mastered the nuns at night and during the day, and they blissfully spoke about marriages with angels and demons. They were covered by terrible convulsions, during which they wriggled and pierced, flexing to the contractions, touching his heels to the back of the head, shouted to different voices, "they ran dogs, pucked by birds, climbed by cats." They called demons, they owned, shouted the names of individuals who allegedly frightened the unclean spirits. Claries expelled the demons by spells. Osipov leads to an extraction from the book of the St. Iosifa Father about this procedure: "On the day of worshiping the Magi (Christmas Eve), the demons began to be tormented by magnificent (Ursulong monastery). Her face cried, and the eyes stared in the image of the Lick the Mother of God. Was already a late hour, but Father Suren decided resort to enhanced spells to force the mouth of demons in fear before whom the Magi worshiped. To this end, he introduced an obsessed into a chapel, where she said a lot of blasphemy, trying to beat those present ... Then he ordered to bind an obsessed to the bench and after several appeals Leaded the demon Isaacarum to leave the NIC and worship the baby Jesus; the demon refused to fulfill this requirement, extinguishing terrible curses ... More new attempts were made to force the demon to repent Jesus ... Before God's mother, during which the Igugeen appeared so terrible convulsions. What I had to untie her from the bench ... Isaakarum, by shifting it to the ground, exclaimed: "May Mary and Fruit will be damned, She wore her! "The caster demanded that he immediately rejoiced in front of the Virgin in his blasphemy; But, wriggling along the ground, as a snake, and licking the floor of the chapel, he refused everything ... "

Some mediums claim that during spiritual sessions they become obsessed with spirits or creatures with which they are associated and broadcast from their face. In such a state, they can either speak or write words (automatic letter).

An exorcist, parapsychologist, a clergyman can be expelled to the devil. The church recognizes obsession as power over the body and the reason for the devil man.
As we see from the above materials, the impact on a person may be different. Fully thin face between different types of energy impact will be able to determine only an experienced parapsychologist. He, if this is in his power, can eliminate this ailment or will recommend another, more experienced or strong specialist.
If you promise to remove damage for 1 session - do not believe this specialist. As a rule, this ritual takes an average of 2 weeks to a month. As for curses, it may take an even longer period of time. For 1 session, you can really remove only the evil eye.

And one more warning: free help for removing negative energy does not happen. Free from the phrase "Dev is paying." You can shoot the evil eye free of charge, and put the energy essence from another person in the fee. Think before asking and take something for free.

The evil eye is a direct energy breakdown caused by a person as a result of a hard negative emotional impact. For example, with a strong quarrel or clarifying relationships. Often the main cause of the evil eye can be an envious look, envious word.

Schalz - the most common energy defeat. And if you felt lethargy, stupid, care, anxiety, you have worsened the mood, and physical weakness appeared, small trouble began - know these symptoms of the evil eye. For the evil eye, there are also sharp jumps of temperature, insomnia, a large weight loss, or his rapid set, long-term diseases that began troubles in personal life, sudden injuries. Not only people, but also animals, dying flowers and trees suffer from the eviang.

The evil eye can be removed independently, but if a person is not familiar with the methods of psychological protection and does not own techniques to restore its energy, then such a breakdown can last long and result in very unpleasant consequences.

Curse - This is a magical effect, aimed at causing (or desire) of all sorts of troubles without self-analytic participation in harming, implemented in the person's field for destruction. Usually, the curse "impose" as revenge or influence, but also for protection purposes. The curse is transmitted through words (spoken out loud or mentally, or written) and through physical objects. It can wait for its o'clock for years and decades, to be included under the appropriate conditions And influence almost all aspects of human life. The difference between the damage from the damage is that, although in both cases the destructive program is brought from outside, you will not receive it. The curse is always preceded by a certain event that serves as the starting point.

Generic curse This is a curse that fell on the genus due to the activities of one of the members of the genus, transmitted by inheritance throughout the many generations, and, depending on severity, up to the total destruction of all members of the genus. It can manifest similar diseases, deaths, weaknesses or misfortunes, infertility on a female or male line. Generic curse can not be easy to interrupt, the laid program is triggered in each subsequent generation. When someone talks among your friends about the curse, you should know that in most cases it is just a series of certain events or bad heredity, the indicator that in the family is not all right. If this is really a curse, try to find a key event served as the beginning, the point of reference, in reality it will help to understand how to redeem the deleted and annul the repetitive destructive program.

Parental Curses They are superimposed with family strip, as a rule, at the time of the scandal, when emotions are increasing, represent unbearable statements. The most terrible unpredictable consequences that work quickly are triggered. Children who are damned by their parents are doomed to numerous vital vitality and difficulties. Parental curses include not only curses from parents to children, but any intramey.

Program- Common negative impact. It is raised automatically when interacting with an energetically stronger person when he is trying to introduce your thoughts and desires. Symptoms: unnatural actions, discomfort, oddity of behavior. In everyday life, people affect each other randomly, aimlessly and meaningless, and the fruits of their influence almost do not use.

Zombie differs from the program by the fact that it is placed at the level of consciousness in the object of attention of the object. Energy does not show itself, but creates stable results.

North Roads after the death of Kim Chen Ira behaved like zombied

Zombie The ordinary implies a certain manipulative goal - to get some benefits by managing the actions of another person, without taking into account the interests of the latter. This is a substitution of its own programs of the individual part of the awareness of each client in such a way that it (the client) considers someone else's program of his own. This is primarily advertising, social programming, the formation of public opinion, religious (patriotic, national, etc.) education. For ordinary zombie, the plot point and the control lever are beliefs. Internet resources - "... any conviction connects man, makes his worldview fixed and therefore vulnerable to attack. Destroy the fundamental beliefs of a person, erase the borders, put forward the weighty counterproofs against these beliefs, and when you succeed, you will see that the person is confused and disoriented, take the role of the lead and manage it. "

The main task of rigid zombies is to break the will of the victims and thus increase its susceptibility to the orders given to the subconscious. Those. Zombie specialists affect, as a rule, not consciousness, but on the subconscious. That is why such a negative is very difficult to neutralize. It turns out that a person who has undergone such an attack, sincerely and firmly believes that he was forced to believe. At the same time, a person can not be in conflict for a long time, because everything that he feels and does, he realizes and agree with that. Moreover, he himself seeks to fulfill the program imposed on him, believing that performing it, moves to the right goal.

Coding - This is an introduction to the subconscious or consciousness of an alien program. A person is introduced into the trance and it turns out to be a psychological or hypnotic impact. In the process of psychological encoding, the "code" is introduced - a certain psychological program, which under the fear of death or severe illness imposes a ban on unwanted behavior. As a rule, this program enters a contrary to the installations of a person, and therefore after a while gives a failure. Coding does not solve the problem at the causal level and sooner or later rejected by the body.

Psychological blocks - Energy traffic jams of the mental body. Arise as a result of doubt and self-name. The most "popular" - understated self-esteem, this is not a high opinion about himself, the confidence is that life is unfair. "No one loves me ...", the state of "victim of circumstances." It often develops into hatred towards himself and the world around when overflowing the insult, the feeling of guilt and remorse. The protracted conflict between the intention and desire, on this background, the development of depression and stress occurs, which leads to integrated defeats of systems and organs, disease development.

Essence - Inorganic education, aware of themselves, having glimpses of the mind and behavior program. The movement of the essence is controlled by the well-known universal law: this is attracted to the like. Therefore, entities are attracted to the thickens of the energies secreted, which have similar vibrations and feed them, provoking a person for even greater return to them for them. The reasons for the appearance of entities can be the following: strong negative emotions, chronic maliciousness, negative thoughts, pride, excessive desire for material benefits, sexual irregularities, vanity, fascination with scenes of violence, etc., as well as artificially created distortion of the energy field. Essences can cause restless dreams, repeating troubles, accidents.

Egrigor connection. Egregor- A combination of unidirectional thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires of a large number of people. Includes thought tolements and threatening thinking. He is an independent essence. Egregors are intelligent, since they are generated by the human mind. Egregors are prone to continuous saturation of energy and growth. The smallest egregor is a family. There is a constant exchange of energy between Egregor and his member. Large and famous egregors - Egregor Christianity, Muslim Egregor, Money Egregor, etc. Any egregors completely replace the action of space energies with their programs and threads. But there are egregors actively destroying personality - black schools, sects (white fraternity, for example), egregor of alcoholism and drug addiction. Without the conscious participation of man and targeted systematic attempts to change the inner world, purification from negative egregional influence is almost impossible.

Vampirism - pathological energy exchange between people or unconscious energy pumping towards another person. Vampire suckers are installed as other people or objects and the person himself, for example, when he constantly thinks about bad, destructive. At the same time, there is a sharp deterioration in the mood, physical weakness, the appearance of lethargy and apathy. Energy vampire is a person who, due to some reasons, turned out to be "cut" from the source of space energy and is forced to pump out energy from the people around. Very often, people with disabilities, elderly or seriously ill people become energy vampires. Often after communication, a simple call on the phone with a person Suggesting someone else's energy, you can suddenly feel the decline of forks, headache, the desire appears to lie down to rest. As a rule, vampires play on pity and compassion of a person, on the feeling of his guilt. If this fails, they are trying to cause irritation or manifestation of other emotions in any way. Start "download" the energy of the donor. The energy vampire does not calm down until it receives a portion of energy from the victim. There are people who vampire completely consciously, these are the so-called "black vampires" they love to download energy in children, as well as young healthy Men and women.

Necrotic communication It is a channel of leakage of vital energy from a living person to the deceased, most often it is formed when, after the death of a relative or friend, a certain emotional or psychological affection remains, regretful of loss. There are two types of such connections - the "corpse of the corpse", when a person died with his death, from old age, and for some reason remained in a relative's cocoon; "Live Corpse" is not at one time, such dead jealous for their pleasures, beloved, so attach to people to be able to indirectly feel life. It happens that necrotic connections are set targetly, in order to harm when the sacrifice is under the door or even eat the land from the cemetery, or put the photo and personal belongings of a living person in the coffin to the deceased.

To be successful in life, both personal and professional, you need to be able to seek the desired and attract the necessary events and people. If you can not achieve what you want, it means, internal barriers are prevented, that is, mentally emotional programs. Negative programs consist of improper thoughts, beliefs, false ideas and motifs that cause negative emotions. These formations are settled in a man's aura and interfere, on the one hand, the influx of energy from higher plans, and on the other, they attract trouble. Therefore, if you can not succeed at work, improve your material well-being or find your second half, then you should analyze your inner state for the presence of these most negative programs.

The very first step to do is to find a program that poisoned life. The problem is easier to decide when you know the reason, but to fasten the cause, you need to work hard. First, the initial condition for detecting the causes of your troubles is the truthfulness with himself. Often, people consider themselves truthful if they speak the truth around others. But to be truthful with himself is much harder, because you need to admit what I thought and did wrong. If you do not fulfill this condition, nothing will happen. A person who does not recognize his mistakes and blames others in his troubles, is doomed in advance for defeat, and nothing in his life will change. To be the master of your destiny, you need to stop thinking that someone is to blame for your problems, and take responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

To detect a negative program, you need to carefully examine the motive of your actions and aspirations. Ask yourself - why do I need it? What do I want to achieve this? What am I doing this? Who will win as a result? If, as a result of this analysis, it turns out that you strive for something not from good motivations, but from mercenary, then this is a negative program. This is the awareness of the problem. You fastened the negative, pulled it on the surface, and now it is necessary to work with him, clean it, neutralize it.

The awareness itself is half gives a solution to the problem. Next should be praying or some other way to switch attention and raise it up. In religion, this is called repentance. That is, you understood what they did, thought, reacted incorrectly, and now, realizing it, they decided to correct. I want to note that repentance is not a charge of yourself, you don't need to scold yourself that you are such a bad sinner, otherwise your repentance will turn into a self-destruction program, which can lead to various diseases. It is better to focus on solving the problem and change yourself. We are all imperfect. And born just in order to become better.

To remove the program, you can also replace the motive with a negative to be replaced. The essence of each program is captured, motivation, and in the future the inner motive of action, desires and thoughts when interacting with the outside world is tracked. And when a false, negative motive is discovered on a positive motive.

For example, you strive for material well-being. Analyze, why do you need it. Count what you do when you get money. If you are striving for money in order to raise over others, prove your exclusivity and talent or to gain self-confidence, it says that you have a false motive. Next you need to replace the motive with a false to true. For example, you can strive for money to implement the highest goal - to help people, invest in the development of something, build a new one, etc., or you want you to have a beautiful wife or husband. If you are aiming for this for this in order to impress your friends and acquaintances, so that everyone is abuned and began to respect you more, it means that the desire for love relationship is motivated by the desire to increase your status. With this state of affairs, it is necessary to understand that it is incorrect, and replace the false motive to positive. For example, you can also want a beautiful spouse, but not guided by the desire of prestige, and the desire to make it happy and give it everything you can.

Another rather common situation is the desire for knowledge due to fear. A person is afraid of unforeseen events and wants to get as much knowledge as possible to manage the situation and the outside world. The more knowledge will be received, the more a person knows how to avoid conflicts. From this it is clear that the desire for self-improvement is motivated not to the divine essence, not love for the world, not the desire to serve the neighbor, but a personal mercenary motive. Such is the problem of many advanced people. Allow this problem will help constant control of the motive of his actions, feelings and thoughts and discarding those that imply a priority of lichovenary benefits. Also help the awareness of herself in the appearance of where the physical body and personality is considered as a tool for practical interaction with the material world. Then maintaining good health, the desire to obtain knowledge and the development of abilities will be considered as the improvement of this tool for more successful work.

Negative programs can be represented as a false person, living in man. Maybe you noticed that sometimes you have the thoughts and emotions that you would not want to experience. This is the manifestation of false personalities, or negative programs. They exist, as it were, for themselves, make a person make it wrong to react, condemn and criticize. And to get rid of them, you need to be conscious. Be conscious is to constantly observe yourself, for your thoughts and emotional reactions. Watching yourself, track your false states and with the help of will replace negative programs for positive.

With awareness, you deprive them of energy feeding and thereby clean your thin bodies. If you constantly slow down the manifestation of false personal programs, they gradually deplete and disappear. And the smaller you have negative programs in the aura, the higher your energy. And, accordingly, you can quickly realize our goals and attract only positive events. Therefore, awareness is the most important quality of a person who decided to follow the path of perfection and manage his destiny. Communicating with people, Verifying or any other action, try to watch your inner state. And when you reacted to something, ask yourself: "What happens to me?" This most you will pull out your negative on the surface. And already pulling it on the surface, it will cope with it easily.