Unusual Baby Beds: Original Design Solutions. Beds in the Children's Room - Overview of the most fashionable options (50 photos) Beds for children Original

Healthy and safe little kid is of great importance for physical and mental development. In the first 4 weeks of life, the child spends in a dream from 16 to 20 hours, a year and up to seven years - from 10 to 12. Therefore, it is so important to provide a child comfortable, and most importantly, a safe place to sleep.

Among the diverse models of sleeping places for kids attention is worth paying a baby bed with sides. This is a reasonable choice for parents taking care of the health and development of the child. In order for a sleeping place to love the child, and also provided healthy strong sleep, it is important choose a suitable modelcorresponding to the age and needs of the child.

Age from 3 to 7 years is characterized by a continuation of intensive age, increased curiosity and activity. Three-year-old Chudo has already grown out of his infant bed, which means the time comes to think about buying a new one.

Often baby sleep at this age troubled, at night the kid is spinning and turning over. To protect the child from injuries and falls, when buying children's furniture for sleep, you should give preference to models equipped with sides. Furniture stores have a large range of similar children's beds, but they are all differ from each other, functionality, complete set and design. Consider the most popular types of beds for children from 3 years old.

Classic without unnecessary parts

Children's bed without unnecessary details perfectly fit into any interior. It can be made of wood, plastic or even metal. The single model is equipped with built-in or removable sides that can be adjusted in height.

The crib does not have additional supplements, so it only performs the feature of the sleep space. Nevertheless, in a situation where the children's the room is fully equippedThat is, there is all the necessary furniture, except the bed, it makes sense to choose this particular model. It does not occupy a lot of space, and the design options are so diverse that you can embed it absolutely in any interior.

An important parameter is the preferences of the child itself. The bright and original design will delight and attract the attention of the baby. The boy can choose a bed in the form of a rocket, car, a motorcycle or even a pirate ship. Girl in the form of a fabulous carriage, a children's boat.

The original idea for the girl will be a shutter bed. Bursts of such a model are made of soft tissues that are fixed from above and around the perimeter. In addition to unusual design, the bed has the function of protecting the child From falls and other external factors, such as insects. You can choose a silent place in the form of a circus tent, tents with drawings from your favorite cartoons or the form of a fabulous tower.

Original baby beds (video)

Single bed with boxes, shelves or chest

Often, the children's rooms with a small square are discharged. In such a situation, it is important to think not only about the beauty and safety of furniture, but also about its functionality and ergonomics. Bed with sideboards additionally, it can be equipped:

  • drawers;
  • superstructures with shelves;
  • writing desk;
  • dresser;
  • small cabinet.

Boxes and chest can be highlighted under small baby underwear or toys. Retractable boxes are at the bottom of the bed, they will be available for kid. The child can independently get and remove the things you need, it tends him to independence and work.

A bed, complemented by a writing desk or a wardrobe, will solve the problem with a small space in the children's room. Additional furniture will no longer need to buy, and the elements of the interior will be harmonized with each other.

Bed-attic and bunk bed with sides

For children of age from 5 to 8 years old, you can choose a baby bed. The sleeping place will be on the second tier, to climb on which the child is needed along the stairs. Downstairs, as a rule, is located gaming or training zone.

This model is quite functional, as it may include a written children's table, cabinets or entertainment zones.

The bunk bed is best suitable for a family with two children. This can be both a standard model with sides and more original. For example, the lower bed can be a sofa bed that can be folded. Duplex beds are often supplemented with cabinets, bedside tables, shelves and drawers, which allows ergonomically to place the furniture in the children's room.

For children from 3 to 4 years it will come more retractable model bunk bed. Sleeping places are much lower, besides, they are protected by high sidelights.

Gallery: Baby Beds with Sidelights (25 photos)

Transformer model

Transforming beds are suitable for the smallest children's rooms. Night beds in the afternoon will turn into a closet or sofa. Frames in such beds are usually removable, therefore there are places for storage.

Material Fortikov

When choosing a cottage bed, except design and functions, it is important to take into account the quality of the materials used. Not only the material of the bed case plays the role, but also the sides themselves.

Bursts can be:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • soft fabric.

Soft sides perfectly protect the baby from shocks and injuries. However, it is important to remember that any fabric is a dust collector. They should be erased regularly, so when choosing it is worth paying attention to the fact that they have been removed.

Ideal, in terms of strength and practicality, will wood and metal boards. They do not require special care and can serve for a very long time. If the side is made in the form of a series of regards, be sure to pay attention to the distance between them. A large distance between the rails is unacceptable, since the legs or handles of the child can be stuck between them, it will lead to injuries.

Choosing a crib with plastic sabers, pay attention to the quality of the material. Plastic should be certified, there should be no caustic chemical smell from it.

Usually, the sides are located not all over the perimeter of the bed, but only the headboard and the upper half of the body. It is very important because solid sides, especially in the form of tents, prevent fresh airAnd it can harm the child.

Guided by these tips, you can easily choose a safe bed for any child. And the original design and the bright appearance of this furniture will make the children's room with the favorite place of your chad.

The area for recreation and sleep is one of the most important details in the bedroom, especially if this applies to the children's room.

It is here that the child must restore his strength after an active day or gaming activity.

At each age, its features, therefore, the bed is needed in accordance with certain age characteristics.

How to choose a crib?

Sleeping place for a child, regardless of the age norm, have common characteristic features suitable for any gender:

  • natural materials for the manufacture - it is better to give preference to the tree (polished wood) if the bed has a coating, the tools must have all the necessary quality certificates;
  • the absence of sharp corners - will make it possible to upset the child from injury;
  • stability - the presence of wheels or pendulum is relevant only in the first months of life, after which the bed should be firmly fixed.

All other requirements are considered depending on the age of the child. Basic requirements when choosing a crib, we will consider below.

Varieties of single-tire beds

As a rule, the very first cribs imply use for 3-4 years. They have special protective sides that protect the baby from a possible fall. Also, for security purposes, a protective bumper is used.

The classic option implies the presence of a bed of rectangular shape with four legs on the base. As for the differences, this is directly connected with the total size of this object of furniture.

In some cases, parents acquire an adult single bed, it is related to cash savings. Modern varieties of cots have an unusual design based on the interests and hobbies of children.

There are models that include drawers that are mainly used to store baby clothes linen or toys. There are beds that are equipped with one side by a changing table. This is a more compact option than the purchase of a separate chefty chest.

A rocking bed is considered an equally demanded option. When choosing, several features and rules should be taken into account:

  • the presence of a smooth swing for a calm dashboard;
  • lack of foreign sounds (squeaks, noise);
  • fixing mechanism (prerequisite).

Some models involve the presence of an automatic molding mode.

Another good option is the Bed Manege. This variety is suitable for the smallest. Such a model is not distinguished by stability, so at the first attempts to stand on the legs, additional mounts should be installed or change the bed variety.

If you want to provide your child with a place to sleep for a long time, purchase a bed - transformer. This popular model, despite the high cost, will save your budget in the future significantly, as it will serve almost adolescence.

They are comfortable for babies, as equipped with high sidewalls, which are subsequently removed easily, and the bed turns into a cozy bed for a older child.

A table for swaddling, which is included in the kit, is also useful as a writing table or storage stands. Models for older children provide for the possibility of arranging a working area or an additional space for sleep.

Bunk models

Models of modern baby cots will debunk your opinion that bunk samples are intended for two children. For owners of small-sized apartments, this option will be an unusual and convenient solution for one child. Consider the most popular two-tier beds.

Bed - the attic with the working area - the optimal choice for one-room housing. This model decides at once two tasks: a cozy sleeping place and an ergonomic working area for study. Designers have developed a model with a completely dedicated space that provides a personal corner to your baby.

The cabinet connected to the sleeping place will serve not only the place for storing things, but support for the bed. The staircase on the second tier can be made functional, equipping the steps - drawers. Thus, the staircase will become a kind of chest.

Sofa - bed - the most convenient option for small-sized. At night, such a model can be used as a bed, a day to equip a sofa for games and recreation.

Selection of the model according to age

Often parents are tormented over the question of how to choose a cot, suitable in the age of child. Let's try to figure out what models to give preference.

For newborns, an excellent option is the cradle, designed to have a kid. They are supplied with wheels, rocking or suspended mechanisms. The only flaw of these models: the child grows very quickly from the cradle.

It makes sense to buy a cot for 3-4 years of age, equipped with an additional block, which can be used as a cradle.

Model up to three years old must have protective sideboards. It is important to provide such detail in it: starting to walk confidently, the baby must be selected on his own. To do this, it is enough to remove several rails. In copies from 3 to 5 years old, it is worth abandoning high sidewalls.

For children of school and school age, the bed must meet the following characteristics: made of durable materials, have a convenient and high-quality mattress, steadily posted. The main thing is that she liked the owner. It is allowed to choose bizarre forms and a variety of colors.

Teenagers are optimally suitable for stylish and comfortable furniture, practically not different from adult models. The choice can be entrusted to the child yourself or make it together.

Below are a variety of models in the photo of cribs are presented.

Remember that a full healthy sleep is a guarantee of good health and well-being of your child. Choosing a children's bed, do not forget to take into account the wishes of the child older and make the most comfortable place.

Stock Foto Cots in interior

All parents want for their children the best, and the design of a children's room is one of the ways to express your love. Therefore, when the child turns three years and the time comes to update the children's, many moms and dads pay attention to unusual baby beds.

After three years, the child has almost formed in nature and their favorite things appear - toys, cartoons, books, and understand how he can "please", in favor of which crib to make a choice is not difficult. In addition, in the designer bed, even the most naughty child will go to bed with pleasure.

For boys

There is a great many unusual beds for boys. "Classics" can be called a bed in the form of a sports car. But this option is suitable for a child older, 8-12 years old. Boys from 3 to 7 years old should like a cheerful train, boat or a funny bus.

If your child adores superheroes, then it will surely come delighted with the Batmanmobile bed or decorated in the style of a man-spider.

Do not forget that an unusual bed will become the defining object of the interior, and the entire design of the room must be associated with it. For example, if this is a ship-ship, then marine motives can be expressed in the form of curtain sails or gulls on blue walls. And if it is a bed in the style of a spiderman, you can also make a pillow, carpet or curtains.

For girls

Each little girl dreams of being a princess, so she wants a crib like a princess - a pink, elegant, with many cute ornamental details - flower, hearts, fairies or bears. An excellent supplement for the princess bed is a long beholder from organza or tulle, sometimes performing just a decorative function.

One of the most beautiful options for the girl is a coach bed or bed-lock. Such structures perform the function not only of the bed location, but also a full-fledged playground.

A small fairy or a wizard will probably like the idea to go to bed in a wonderful forest, if you get a headboard in the form of a large tree, or lay a bed inside the trunk.

Just like boys, girls love the beds, only made in pink tones, or beds with the heroes of the cartoon "Hello, Kitty", "Pig Peppe", "May Little Pony" and others.

For two children

For children of twins or with a small difference in the age, manufacturers of children's furniture also provided many creative options. Double beds turn into a fabulous house, in the London two-storey bus, a large truck or a fire truck.

In addition to traditional bunk beds, parents offer retractable beds that are retractable one to another, and folding, assembled by the type of carriage seats.


Designer furniture studio Incredibeds Bedjammies offers one of the most unusual options for a children's bed - in the form of a huge soft toy. The bed has the shape of a cartoon animal, and suitable for both the girl and the boy. Huge rear paws perform a decorative function, it is convenient to fall and jump on them, the front long paws can be thrown onto the bed, and sleep in them as if in the nest. The model range is relatively not big - dinosaur, crocodile, bear and kind dog, but the child will definitely not remain indifferent.

Another version of the bed-toys has developed the Vietnamese company Kidsmart 123. They produce huge pillow beds in the form of cartoon characters - minions, Pokemon, Kitty and funny animals. One of the advantages of such a bed is its mobility - if desired, a huge pillow can be taken out of the house and comfortably accommodate it in the garden.


To order or do it yourself?

Most models of unusual beds are impossible to just buy in the store. They are made to order, taking into account the wishes of the parents and the child. Especially often at the production of unusual furniture specialize small studios and workshops who will fulfill your order in a single copy.

If you have the necessary skills, the baby bed can be performed with your own hands. To do this, make an accurate plan, choose the material and tools. For some parents, this can become an excellent game with a child if you allow him to choose the items yourself, to participate in the process.


Like any exclusive product, made to order, an unusual children's bed is not cheap. Basically, the price depends on the materials used, design features and the master level of the wizard. For example, on the bed incredibeds bedjammies, the price tag begins from $ 299, and other manufacturers estimate their products no less. In general, if you decide to please your child an unusual bed, laid the amount from 20,000 rubles to the family budget. And remember that the joy you deliver is worth any money.

If a couple of decades ago, the fashion with the pisch was to have something that there is "in all", then today the trends have changed, and the chic is considered to be individual. The modern world allows you to have atypical (even the most unexpected) hobbies, and the current possibilities of industry allow the most intimate dream into reality.

If adults do not always bring self-expression to the fore, then the children are very important that their room will be unusual, the most corresponded to their interests.

Unusual baby beds will become an excellent addition to the interior of the room.

Original Designer Cots

It should be understood that the absolute majority of original models are not produced serially, but is made under the order. There are about the same as many people who want to create ideal conditions for their children.However, some of the most vivid samples received certain fame on the Internet, thanks to which other parents are ordered by the same or similar beds.

At the same time, unusuality can be wounded in both design and in practical moments.

For boy it is best for a typical boyish topic - for example, transport. The bed in the form of a sports car can no longer be called too original, but analogue for preschoolers in the form of merry train, buses, boats are still a great rarity. Consider that the big and unusual bed will clearly become the central element of the entire interior, so the repair must be made with a discount on its design. The crib, decorated in the form of a ship, can be supplemented with sea landscapes on the walls or curtains in the form of sails.

Girls also love beautifully decorated beds, And their favorite theme is princesses. The simplest solution is a sleeping place in the image and similarity of the beds of real medieval princesses, but it is possible to complicate a little, turning the crib in a carriage or a whole lock. The last option takes up a lot of space, but it is successfully replaced by not only sleeping, but also a game zone.

In second place among the preferences of young ladies - fairies and wizards, and they live in the forest, so try to beat this topic (at least in the form of a tree of the head of the head). Typewriters like both girls, but with the right approach - in pink performance.

For two children, the compositions are not so much- Usually such products either represent a large transport (for example, a two-storey bus), or beating the theme of fabulous housing - palaces, houses on the tree. For two children you need a lot of free space, so much attention is paid to both practicality, because the compact bed does not necessarily have to be bunk. One bed can "hide" in the case of the second.

Enjoy popular and bed-toyswho do not have the hull at all - at first glance. This is a big soft toy (or even a pillow), from which you can play, but also equipped with a sleeping place. Similar beds are even produced serial - in the form of animals (brand Incredibeds BedJammies.) and cartoon characters ( Kidsmart 123.).


Since each such bed is individual and unusual, the materials used in its manufacture can be very unexpected - especially considering the fact that the product is almost always on the order, according to the customer's project. Choosing materials, you are free to experiment, and the only raw material that is to avoid is that which can harm the child.

Such materials refers Chipboard Low quality. In essence, it is ordinary wood, its individual particles are glued with a large number of synthetic glue, the origin of which is often very doubtful. Many species cause similar concerns plastic - This material can highlight harmful evaporation into the air, and with the slightest fire, it will simply destroy the atmosphere in a closed room.

The third material to which the caution should be taken is paintwork. It is probably present on any unusual bed, but it is worth distinguishing high-quality and poor-quality varieties. To do this, pay attention to quality certificates. If the product is still purchased in the store in finished form, it will help to determine the poor quality lacquer or paint - it only happens in harmful chemistry.

As for the materials that got the green light, then wood - both an array and MDF. This is a durable and durable material, which has an environmental origin, and therefore completely harmless and does not even cause allergies.

Wood is also distinguished by a wonderful appearance, which only contributes to the beauty of the finished furniture.

Internal parts from durable metals can be used to enhance a large and severe design, and it is recommended to be revealed to outward them only in the situation when the design requires. Admissible and use of plastic, but only the best samples. Of the relatively atypical decorative materials, textiles and perforated plates are actively used.

How to choose?

An unusual bed model can how to reveal your delicate taste, and it is a complete misery. Choose an atypical model so that it is to the place, you can, focusing on the following tips:

  • Do not forget that the bed you do not choose, and the baby.Many design models are forced sincerely even adults, but this does not mean that your children want the same thing that would make you happy in childhood. Ideally, it is worth consulting with the child about what he would like to see in his bedroom.
  • Do not try to enter an unusual bed to the usual interior.Otherwise, it will attract attention, because of which all the rest of the furniture and accessories will seem faded. If you decide to place the room unusually, develop the selected topic to the entire room, not limited to the bed.

In order for the child normally developed by him, a comfortable sleep should be provided. It is for this reason that the question of choosing a bed in a children's room is always sharp enough.

If you decide that it is time to buy a bed in the children's room, the photo will help to understand how well it will fit into the overall interior of the one or another model.

The following are several articles that will allow you to determine how children's beds should be in a small room.

Important moments when buying a bed

Since the bed is considered in any apartment one of the most important items of the interior, when choosing it is especially important to stop on the model, which besides beauty, will allow the child to have a really strong and healthy sleep.

And then we want to inform you the good news that very pleasant waterproof mattresses on the rubber band are on the official website of our friends and partners!

This is due to the fact that the spine of a child during sleep needs high-quality support, and besides a good bed, nothing can affect this night.

Only in this case, the child will be able to fully recover and be prepared for a new day meeting.

When choosing a bed, many parents are mistaken with its size. Take advantage of those advice that the following and the task for you will be completely solved.

Bed size

Modern manufacturers will not store on ideas and offer a wide variety of options: and a sofa bed in a nursery, and a chair bed in a children's room and much more.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of bed size, you need to know the most sought-after:

1 The size of the bed size is 70 cm for 160 cm. This bed is suitable for a child to ten years. Externally, it looks sufficiently neat and in general is compact, so it can be installed in the room of any area. In any case, it will not look too cumbersome.

2 Bed options - this is 80 cm for 160 cm. This bed can already be called enough spacious and best of all it is suitable for especially active children who are often spent at night.

3 Option - 90x180 cm. The convenience of such a bed is that it will be able to accommodate it at the same time, except the child also his mother. Regarding the above options, it is much more spacious and comfortable for sleep.

4 Option - Bed with a size of 90 cm 200 cm. This type of model is considered in the furniture world fairly dimensional and for this reason are used mainly for adolescents.

Nevertheless, there are no cases when the choice in favor of this size is made and the moms of kids, which is rather rational, because the child grows, but as long as he is small near his free place he will be able to put his most beloved toys with whom he does not want to part even in a dream.

How to choose a mattress for bed

By importance after choosing the size of the bed, immediately the second gets the topic of buying a mattress for a child. Recently, almost any even bunk bed in the children's room includes a mattress with an orthopedic effect.

This is a particularly comfortable thing that will enable the bedroom while sleeping to support your child's spine health at a decent level.

It is worth noting that in most cases this product is performed exceptionally standard single size, and therefore, if the baby's bed is non-standard in size or, for example, in its form, then choose the mattress will be quite difficult. For this reason, it is not necessary to strongly sophisticated when buying a bed.

When designing a children's room, everyone knows that the bed in the children's room for the girl occupies a particularly important place and for this reason it is immediately worth deciding in which part of the room this product will be installed.

It is from this fact that will mostly depend on the size of the bed.

After that, it is necessary to hold various measurements of free space to understand what size the bed can you buy. During measurements and in the future, consider a number of moments:

Parameters of the bed almost always happen more than the size of the bedroom. For this reason, remember that it is not only a mattress to measure, but the whole piece of furniture is completely.

If you intend to put a bed straight to the wall, then in this case you definitely make sure that there are no irregularities.

If you notice any drops, then take them into account, adding a few more centimeters to the bed length.

Stock Foto Bed Design in Children's Room