Norms and design rules. Fire protection systems

Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Disaster


01.06.2011 № 000


On approval of change No. 1 to the SP of the Rules of SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm installation and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules, approved by the order of EMERCOM of Russia

In accordance with the Federal Law of 01.01.01, the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 30 (Part 1), Art. 3579), Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 01.01. № 000 "Questions of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense Affairs, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Disaster Consequences" (Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 28, Art. 2882; 2005, No. 43, Art. 4376; 2008, No. 17, . 1814, No. 43, Art. 4921, No. 47, Art. 5431; 2009, No. 22, Art. 2697, No. 51, Art. 6285; 2010, No. 19, Art. 2301, No. 20, Art. 2435, no 51 (Part 3), Art. 6903; 2011, No. 1, Art. 193, Art. 194, No. 2, Art. 267), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01. № 000 "On the procedure for developing and approving rules arches "(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 48, Art. 5608) and in order to ensure compliance of individual provisions (requirements, indicators) of the CP Rules 5.13130.2009 interests of National Ional economy, the state of the material and technical base and scientific progress I order:

To approve and put into effect from June 20, 2011. Ancaded Change No. 1 to the SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire Protection Systems. Fire alarm installation and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules, approved by the order of the EMERCOM of Russia.

Director of the Administrative Department


to the order of EMERCOM of Russia

from 01.06.11 № 000

Change number 1.

to SP 5.13130.2009.

OX 13.220.01

Change No. 1 to the SP of the Rules of SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm installation and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules »

Regardless of square and storey

4.2 for maintenance and repair

Object protection


5 buildings with a height of more than 30 m (with the exception of residential buildings and production buildings category G and D for fire danger)

Regardless of Square

6 Residential buildings:

6.1 Hostels, specialized residential buildings for elderly and disabled1)

Regardless of Square

6.2 Residential buildings with a height of more than 28 m 2)

Regardless of Square

footnotce "2)" shall be amended as follows:

"2) The AUPS fire detectors are installed in the hallways of apartments and are used to open valves and turn on air and smoke reinforcement fans. Residential premises of apartments in residential buildings three floors and more should be equipped with autonomous optical - electronic smoke fire detectors. "; Table A. Z:

item 6 include in the section "Production premises", eliminating it from the section "Warehouse premises";

paragraph 35 shall be amended as follows:

Object protection


35 rooms for accommodation:

35.1 Electronic computing machines (computers), equipment ACS TP, operating in control systems of complex technological processes, whose disruption affects the safety of people5)

Regardless of Square

35.2 Sound Processors (Server), Magnetic Media Archives, Claimers, Printing Information on Paper Media (Printer) 5)

24 m2i more

Less than 24 m2

35.3 To accommodate personal computers on user desktops

Regardless of Square

complete with a footnote "5)" as follows:

"5) In the cases provided for in paragraph 8.15.1 of this Code of Rules, for premises requiring the equipment with automatic gas fire extinguishing installations, it is allowed not to apply such installations, provided that all electronic and electrical equipment are protected by autonomous fire extinguishing installations, and an automatic fire station is installed in the rooms. signaling."; Table A.4:

complete paragraph 8 of the following content:

complete with a footnote "1)" as follows:

"The equipment listed is subject to autonomous fire extinguishing installations.";

complete the following content:

"Note: electrical installations located on stationary terrestrial and underground objects of the metro should be protected by autonomous fire extinguishing installations.";

annex D to complement the following items, respectively:


D. 12 Regulatory volumetric fire extinguishing concentration of CF3CF2C (0) CF (CF3) 2 CF3CF2C (0) 2.

The density of the vapor at p \u003d 101.3 kPa and T \u003d 20 ° C is 13.6 kg / m3.

UDC 614.841.3: 006.354 OX 13.220.01

Keywords: fire distribution, protection objects, public buildings, industrial and warehouse buildings, high-rise objects

Head of FSU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia


Development Manager


Leading Researcher FSU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia

Name of fuel material


Regulatory bulk fire extinguishing concentration,% (about.)

D. 13 Regulatory volume extinguishing concentration of chladone 217J1 (C3F7J).

The density of the vapor at p \u003d 101.3 kPa and T - 20 ° C is 12.3 kg / m3.

Name of fuel material


Regulatory bulk fire extinguishing concentration,% (about.)

D. 14 Regulatory volumetric fire extinguishing concentration of CF3J chladone. The density of the vapor at p \u003d 101.3 kPa and T \u003d 20 ° C is 8.16 kg / m3.

Name of fuel material


Regulatory bulk fire extinguishing concentration,% (about.)

D. 15 The regulatory bulk fire extinguishing concentration of the gas composition "Argonite" (Nitrogen (N2) is 50% (OB.); Argon (AR) - 50% (about.).

Vapor density at p - 101.3 kPa and T - 20 ° C is 1.4 kg / m3.

Name of fuel material


Regulatory bulk fire extinguishing concentration,% (about.)

Note - The regulatory bulk fire extinguishing concentration of the above gas response to extinguishing a fire of class A2 should be made equal to the normative volumetric fire extinguishing concentration to extinguish N-heptane. ";

OX 13.220.10 UDC614.844.4: 006.354

Keywords: autonomous fire extinguishing installation, automatic fire alarm, fire extinguishing agent, protected object

Head of the Developer Organization FSU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia



Development Manager

Head of NIC PST



Head of Department 2.4 FSU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia

Head of Department 3.4 FSU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia

Deputy. Head of Department 2.3 FSU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia

© "MES of Russia" 2011

Change N 1.
to the sum of the rules of the joint venture of 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm installation and fire extinguishing automatic. Regulations and design rules"

OX 13.220.10

Date of introduction 2011-06-20

Approved and put into effect by order of EMERCOM of Russia of 01.06.2011 No. 274 from June 20, 2011

1) in section 3:

item 3.99.

"3.99 sprinkle-Drencher AUP (AUP-SD): Sprinkler AUP, in which the Drencher control unit is applied and the technical means of activation is applied, and the feeding of the fire extinguishing agent into the protected zone is carried out only when it is triggered by a logical scheme "and" of a sprinkler and technical means of activating the control node. ";

complete paragraphs 3.121-3.125 of the following content:

"3.121 fire automation system: Equipment combined with connecting lines and working according to a given algorithm in order to fulfill fire safety tasks on the facility.

3.122 air compensator: A fixed hole device intended to minimize the likelihood of false responses of a signal valve caused by air leaks in the feed and / or distribution pipelines of air sprinkler AUPs.

3.123 irrigation intensity: The volume of fire extinguishing fluid (water, aqueous solution (including aqueous solution of the foaming agent, other fire extinguishes), per unit area per unit of time.

3.124 minimum area, irrigated AUP: The minimum value of the regulatory or design part of the total protected area exposed to the simultaneous irrigation of the fire extinguishing fluid when all the irrigances located on this part of the overall protected area are triggered.

3.125 thermoactive microcapsulated response (thermal-response): The substance (fire extinguishes or gas) contained in the form of microscopes (microcapsules) in solid, plastic or bulk materials, released when climbing the temperature to a certain (specified) value. ".

2) Clause 4.2 of Section 4 shall be amended as follows:

"4.2 Automatic installations (with the exception of autonomous) must be performed simultaneously and the fire alarm function.".

3) in section 5:

in notes to Table 5.1 of paragraph 5.1.4:

paragraph 4 shall be amended as follows:

"4 If the actual protected area is less than the minimum area, irrigated AUP, indicated in Table 5.3, then the actual consumption can be reduced by the coefficient.";

complete paragraph 7-9 of the following content, respectively:

"7 The duration of the foam-based foam with foam of low and medium multiplicity at a surface fire extinguishing method should be taken: 10 min. - for premises of categories B2 and B3 for fire danger; 15 min. - for the premises of categories A, B and B1 in the explosion and fire hazard. ; 25 min. - for the premises of the group 7.

8 For draincore, AUP is allowed to alignment of rods with distances between them more than those shown in Table 5.1 for sprinkler rods, provided that the regulatory values \u200b\u200bof the irrigation intensity of the entire protected area are ensured, and the decision has not contrary to the requirements of technical documentation for this type of irrigation .

9 The distance between the coating rods with a slope should be taken along the horizontal plane. ";

clause 5.4.4 to exclude;

paragraph 5.8.8.

"In the sprinkler water-based and air APUs, the installation of a locking device for a signal valve is allowed to ensure that the status of the locking device (" closed "is" open ") with the output of the signal to the room with a permanent stay of the duty personnel.";

paragraph 5.9.25 add the following content with paragraph:

"Calculated and reserve volumes of the foaming agent is allowed to contain in one vessel.".

4) Table 8.1 of paragraph 8.3 of section 8 shall be amended as follows:

"Table 8.1

Liquefied gases

Compressed gases

Carbon dioxide ()

Cladon 23 ()

Argon ()

Cold 125 ()

Cold 218 ()

Cladon 227EA ()

nitrogen () - 52% (about.)

argon () - 40% (about.)

carbon dioxide () - 8% (about.)

Cladon 318c ()

Hexfelt sulfur ()

nitrogen () - 50% (about.)

argon () - 50% (about.)

Cladon TFM-18I:

cladon 23 () - 90% (mass.)

iodide methyl () - 10% (mass.)

Cladon FC-5-1-12 ()

Cold 217J1 ()


5) in section 11:

paragraph 11.1 shall be amended as follows:

"11.1 Autonomous fire extinguishing installations are divided by the type of fire extinguishing substance (AUT) on liquid, foam, gas, powder, aerosol, fire extinguishing installations with thermal-response and combined.";

paragraphs 11.3, 11.4

"11.3 Designing offline installations is made in accordance with the design manual developed by the project organization to protect typical objects.

11.4 Requirements for the reserves of the autonomous fire extinguishing installation, must comply with the requirements for the automatic fire extinguishing installation of a modular type, with the exception of autonomous installations with thermo-activating microcapsulated resp. ";

complete paragraph 11.6 of the following content:

"11.6 Offline fire extinguishing installations are recommended to be used to protect electrical equipment in accordance with the technical characteristics of electrical equipment.".

6) in section 13:

clause 13.1.11 shall be amended as follows:

"13.1.11 Fire detectors should be applied in accordance with the requirements of this Code of Rules, other regulatory documents on fire safety, as well as technical documentation for specific types of detectors.

Execution of detectors should ensure their safety with respect to the external environment in accordance with the requirements.

The type and parameters of the detectors should ensure their resistance to the effects of climatic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, radiation and other factors of the external environment in the places of detectors. ";

clause 13.2.2 shall be amended as follows:

"13.2.2 The maximum number and area of \u200b\u200bpremises protected by one address line with targeted fire detectors or targeted devices is determined by the technical capabilities of the receiving and control equipment, the technical characteristics of the detectors included in the line and does not depend on the location of the premises in the building.

In the address loops of the fire alarm, along with targeted fire detectors, address I / O address devices, address modules for the control of bezadrescent loops with bezad-like fire detectors included in them, short-circuit separators, address executive devices. The possibility of including address devices in the address train and their number is determined by the technical characteristics of the equipment used in the manufacturer's technical documentation.

Addressable detectors or non-addressed security detectors can be included in the targeted receiving and control devices, subject to the necessary algorithms for the operation of fire and security systems. ";

paragraph 13.3.6 shall be amended as follows:

"13.3.6 Placing point thermal and flue fire detectors should be made taking into account airflows in the protected room caused by supply and / or exhaust ventilation, while the distance from the detector to the ventilation hole should be at least 1 m. In the case of aspiration fire detectors The distance from the air intake tube with the holes to the ventilation opening is regulated by the value of the allowable air flow for this type of detectors in accordance with the technical documentation for the detector.

The horizontal and vertical distance from the detectors to nearby objects and devices, to the electric vehicles, in any case should be at least 0.5 m. The placement of fire detectors should be carried out in such a way that nearby items and devices (pipes, air ducts, equipment, etc.) are not Prevented the effects of fire factors on detectors, and sources of light radiation, electromagnetic interference did not affect the preservation of the performance detector. ";

clause 13.3.8 shall be amended as follows:

"13.3.8 Spot flue and thermal fire detectors should be installed in each compartment of the ceiling with a width of 0.75 m and more limited by construction structures (beams, runs, ribs of plates, etc.), protruding from the ceiling for a distance of more than 0.4 m.

If building structures protrude from the ceiling for a distance of more than 0.4 m, and the compartments formed by them are less than 0.75 m, controlled by fire detectors, the area indicated in Tables 13.3 and 13.5 decreases by 40%.

If there are protruding parts on a ceiling from 0.08 to 0.4 m controlled by fire detectors, the area indicated in Tables 13.3 and 13.5 decreases by 25%.

The maximum distance between the detectors along linear beams is determined by Tables 13.3 and 13.5, taking into account paragraph 13.3.10. ";

clause 13.15.9 shall be amended as follows:

"13.15.9 Connecting lines, made by telephone and control cables that satisfy the requirements of paragraph 13.15.7 must have a reserve stock of cables and terminals of connecting boxes at least 10%.";

paragraph The first paragraph 13.15.14 shall be amended as follows:

"13.15.14 A joint laying of fire alarm plumes and connecting lines of fire automation systems with voltage up to 60 V with voltage lines 110 V and more in one box, pipe, harness, closed by the construction structure canal or on one tray.";

paragraph is the first paragraph 13.15.15 shall be amended as follows:

"13.15.15 With a parallel open gasket, the distance from the wires and cables of fire automation systems with a voltage to 60 V to power and lighting cables should be at least 0.5 m.".

7) in section 14:

paragraph 14.2 shall be amended as follows:

"14.2 Formation of control signals of alerts 1, 2, 3, 4 types of software, equipment protection, general ventilation and air conditioning, engineering equipment involved in providing fire safety, as well as the formation of commands to disable consumers' power supply, scored with systems Fire automation is allowed to be carried out when one fire detector is triggered, satisfying the recommendations set out in Appendix R. In this case, at this case, at least two detectors included in the logical scheme "or" are set. The detectors are carried out at a distance of no more regulatory .

When applying detectors, additionally satisfying the requirements of paragraphs.13.3.3 (a), b), B), in the room (part of the room) is allowed to install one fire detector. ";

paragraphs 14.4, 14.5 shall be stated as follows:

"14.4 In a room with a 24-hour stay of duty personnel, notifications of control and management devices installed outside of this room, as well as communication lines, control and control of technical means of warning of people in a fire and management of evacuation, anti-inflammatory protection, automatic fire extinguishing and other Installations and fire protection devices.

The project documentation should define a recipient of a fire notification to ensure tasks in accordance with section 17.

On objects of the functional hazard class F 1.1 and F 4.1 of the fire notice should be transmitted to the fire protection division on the radio channel dedicated in the prescribed manner or other communication lines in automatic mode without the participation of the personnel of objects and any organizations broadcasting these signals. It is recommended to use technical means with resistance to the effects of electromagnetic interference not lower than the 3rd degree of rigidity according to GOST R 53325-2009.

In the absence of personnel, leading round-the-clock duty, fire notice must be transmitted to the fire department for the radio channel dedicated in the prescribed manner or other communication lines in automatic mode.

On other objects, if there is a technical ability, it is recommended to duplicate the automatic fire alarm signaling signals in the fire department for the radio channel dedicated in the prescribed manner or other communication lines automatically.

At the same time, measures should be ensured to increase the reliability of fire notice, for example, the transfer of "attention", "Fire" and others.

14.5 Starting of the aircraft ventilation system is recommended to carry out from flue or gas fire detectors, including in the case of applied on the object of the sprinkler installation of fire extinguishing.

Starting the system of aircraft ventilation should be made from fire detectors:

if the response time of the automatic installation of the sprinkler fire extinguishing time is more necessary for the operation of the air ventilation system and to ensure safe evacuation;

if the fire extinguishing agent (water) of the sprinkler installation of water fire extinguishing makes the evacuation of people.

In other cases, the system ventilation systems is allowed to include fire extinguishing from the sprinkler installation. ".

8) paragraph 15.1 of Section 15 shall be amended as follows:

"15.1 According to the degree of ensuring the reliability of the power supply of the fire protection system, it is to include category I according to the rules of the electrical installation device, with the exception of the compressor electric motors, the pumps of drainage and pumping the foaming agent belonging to the III of the power supply category, as well as the cases indicated in PP.15.3, 15.4 .

The power supply of fire protection systems of the Floor Fire Danger Class F1.1 buildings with a 24-hour stay of people should be provided from three independent mutually reserving power sources, as one of which autonomous electric generators should be used. ".

9) in Appendix A:

paragraph A.2 shall be amended as follows:

"A.2 under the building in this annex is understood as the building as a whole or part of the building (fire compartment), isolated by fire walls and fire-fighting overlap of the 1st type.

Under the regulatory index of the room in Section III of this Annex, the area of \u200b\u200bthe building or structure is understood, highlighted by enclosing structures, attributed to fire resistance to fire resistance: partitions - no less EI 45, walls and overlaps - no less rei 45. For buildings and structures, As part of which there are no parts (rooms) allocated by enclosing structures with the specified fire resistance limit, under the regulatory index of the room in Section III of this Annex it is understood as the area allocated by external enclosing buildings or structures. ";

table A.1:

paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 shall be stated as follows:

Object protection


4 Buildings and facilities for cars:

4.1 Parking of closed type

4.1.1 Underground, overhead height of 2 floors and more

4.1.2 Overhead single-storey Buildings I, II, III degrees of fire resistance

With a total area of \u200b\u200b7000 m and more

With a total area of \u200b\u200bless than 7000 m Buildings IV degree fire resistance class structural fire danger C0

With a total area of \u200b\u200b3,600 m and more

With a total area of \u200b\u200bless than 3600 m Buildings IV degree of fire resistance class structural fire danger C1

With a total area of \u200b\u200b2000 m and more

With a total area of \u200b\u200bless than 2000 m Buildings IV degree of fire resistance class structural fire danger C2, C3

With a total area of \u200b\u200b1000 m and more

With a total area of \u200b\u200bless than 1000 m

4.1.3 Buildings of mechanized parking lots

Regardless of square and storey

4.2 for maintenance and repair

5 buildings with a height of more than 30 m (with the exception of residential buildings and production buildings category G and D for fire danger)

Regardless of Square

6 Residential buildings:

6.1 Hostels, specialized residential buildings for elderly and disabled

Regardless of Square

6.2 Residential buildings with a height of more than 28 m

Regardless of Square

footnotes "" shall read as follows:

"AUPS fire detectors are installed in the hallways of apartments and are used to open valves and turn on air and smoke reinforcement fans. Residential premises of apartments in residential buildings are three floors height and more should be equipped with autonomous optical electronic flue fire detectors.";

table A.3:

item 6 include in the section "Production premises", excluding it from the section "Warehouse Premises" section;

paragraph 35 shall be amended as follows:

Object protection


35 rooms for accommodation:

35.1 Electronic computing machines (computers), equipment ACS TP, operating in control systems of complex technological processes, whose disruption affects the safety of people

Regardless of Square

35.2 Sound Processors (Server), Archives of Magnetic Media, Claimers, Printing Information on Paper Media (Printer)

24 m and more

Less than 24 meters

35.3 To accommodate personal computers on user desktops

Regardless of Square

"In the cases provided for in paragraph 8.15.1 of this Code of Rules, for premises requiring equipped with automatic gas fire extinguishing installations, it is allowed not to apply such installations, provided that all electronic and electrical equipment is protected by autonomous fire extinguishing installations, and automatic fire alarms are installed. ";

table A.4:

complete paragraph 8 of the following content:

Object protection


8 Electrical electrical cabinets (including distribution devices) located in the facilities of the F1.1 Fire Danger class

complete the footnote "" following:

"The listed equipment is to protect with autonomous fire extinguishing installations.";

complete the following content:

"Note: electrical installations located on stationary ground and underground metro objects should be protected by autonomous fire extinguishing plants.";

annex D to complement the following items, respectively:

"D.11 Regulatory bulk fire extinguishing concentration of refrigera TFM-18I. Vapor density at 101.3 kPa and 20 ° C is 3.24 kg / m.

Table d.11

Name of fuel material

Annex to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of 01.06.2011 No. 274

OX 13.220.01

Change No. 1 to the SP of the Rules of SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems.

Fire alarm installation and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules »

Date of introduction from 06/20/2011

1) in section 3:

paragraph 3.99 shall be amended as follows:

"3.99 Sprinkle-Drakecaric AUP (AUP-SD): Sprinkler AUP, in which a drainage control unit and technical means of activation is applied, and the supply of the fire extinguishing agent into the protected zone is carried out only when the logical scheme" and "of the sprinkler irrigation and technical means of activation is triggered control node. ",

complete paragraphs 3.121 -3.125 of the following content:

"3.121 Fire automation system: equipment, combined

connecting lines and working according to a given algorithm in order to fulfill fire safety tasks on the facility.

3.122 Air compensator: A fixed hole device intended to minimize the likelihood of false responses of a signal valve caused by air leaks in the feed and / or distribution pipelines of air sprinkler AUP.

3.123 The intensity of irrigation: the volume of fire extinguishing fluid (water, aqueous solution (including aqueous solution of the foaming agent, other fire extinguishes), per unit area per unit of time.

3.124 Minimum area, irrigated AUP: The minimum value of the regulatory or design part of the overall protected area exposed to the simultaneous irrigation of the fire extinguishing fluid when all the irrigation of all rods located on this part of the total protected area is triggered.

3.125 Thermoactive microcapsulated response (thermows):

The substance (fire extinguishing fluid or gas) contained in the form of microscopes (microcapsules) in solid, plastic or bulk materials, released when climbing the temperature to a certain (specified) value. "

2) Clause 4.2 of Section 4 shall be amended as follows:

"4.2 Automatic installations (with the exception of autonomous) must be performed simultaneously and the fire alarm function.".

3) in section 5:

in notes to Table 5.1 of paragraph 5.1.4:

paragraph 4 shall be amended as follows:

"4 If the actual protected area is 8f less than the minimum area

S, irrigated AUP, specified in Table 5.3, then the actual flow rate can be reduced by the coefficient K \u003d BF / S.,

complete paragraph 7-9 of the following content, respectively:

"7 The duration of the foam-based foam with foam of low and medium multiplicity with a surface extinguishing method should be taken: 10 min. - for the premises of categories B2 and VZ for fire danger, 15 min. - for the premises of categories A, B and B1 in the explosion and fire hazard, 25 min. - for the premises of the group 7.

8 For draincore, AUP is allowed to alignment of rods with distances between them more than those shown in Table 5.1 for sprinkler rods, provided that the regulatory values \u200b\u200bof the irrigation intensity of the entire protected area are ensured, and the decision has not contrary to the requirements of technical documentation for this type of irrigation .

9 The distance between the coating rods with a slope should be taken along the horizontal plane. ",

clause 5.4.4 eliminate

paragraph 5.8.8 add the following content by paragraph:

"In the sprinkler water-based and air AUPU, the installation of a locking device for a signal valve is allowed to ensure that the status of the locking device (" closed "is" open ") with the output of the signal to the room with a permanent stay of the duty personnel.",

paragraph 5.9.25 add the following content with paragraph:

"Calculated and reserve volumes of the foaming agent is allowed to contain in one vessel.".

4) Table 8.1 of paragraph 8.3 of section 8 shall be amended as follows: "Table 8.1_

5) in section 11:

paragraph 11.1 shall be amended as follows:

"eleven. 1 Autonomous Fire Extinguishing Installations are divided by type of fire extinguishing agent (AUT) on liquid, foam, gas, powder, aerosol, fire extinguishing installations with thermal-d and combined. ",

paragraphs 11.3, 11.4 shall be stated as follows:

"11.3 Designing offline installations is made in accordance with the design manual developed by the project organization to protect typical objects.

11.4 Requirements for the reserves of the autonomous fire extinguishing installation must comply with the requirements for the automatic installation of the modular type of fire extinguishing, with the exception of autonomous installations with thermo-activating microcapsulated resp. ",

complete paragraph 11.6 of the following content:

"11.6 Offline fire extinguishing installations are recommended to be used to protect electrical equipment in accordance with the technical characteristics of electrical equipment."

6) in section 13:

clause 13.1.11 shall be amended as follows:

"13.1.11 Fire detectors should be applied in accordance with the requirements of this Code of Rules, other regulatory documents on fire safety, as well as technical documentation for specific types of detectors.

Execution of detectors should ensure their safety with respect to the external environment in accordance with the requirements.

The type and parameters of the detectors should ensure their resistance to the effects of climatic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, radiation and other factors of the external environment at the places of detectors. ",

clause 13.2.2 shall be amended as follows:

"13.2.2 The maximum number and area of \u200b\u200bpremises protected by one address line with targeted fire detectors or targeted devices is determined by the technical capabilities of the receiving and control equipment, the technical characteristics of the detector included in the line and does not depend on the location of the premises in the building.

In the address loops of the fire alarm, along with targeted fire detectors, address I / O address devices, address modules for the control of bezadrescent loops with bezad-like fire detectors included in them, short-circuit separators, address executive devices. The possibility of including address devices in the address train and their number is determined by the technical characteristics of the equipment used in the manufacturer's technical documentation.

Addressable detectors or non-addrescent security detectors can be included in the targeted lines of receiving and control devices, subject to the necessary algorithms for fire and security systems. ",

paragraph 13.3.6 shall be amended as follows:

"13.3.6 Placing point thermal and flue fire detectors should be made taking into account air flows in the protected room caused by air and / or exhaust ventilation, while the distance from the detector to the ventilation hole should be at least 1 m. In the case of applying aspiration fire detectors The distance from the air intake tube with the holes to the ventilation hole is regulated by the value of the allowable air flow for this type.

detectors in accordance with the technical documentation for the detector.

The horizontal and vertical distance from the detectors to nearby objects and devices, to the electric vehicles, in any case should be at least 0.5 m. The placement of fire detectors should be carried out in such a way that nearby items and devices (pipes, air ducts, equipment, etc.) are not Prevented the effects of fire factors on detectors, and sources of light radiation, electromagnetic interference did not affect the preservation of the performance detector. ",

clause 13.3.8 shall be amended as follows:

"13.3.8 Spot flue and thermal fire detectors should be installed in each compartment of the ceiling with a width of 0.75 m and more limited by construction structures (beams, runs, plates, etc.), protruding from the ceiling for a distance of more than 0.4 m.

If building structures protrude from the ceiling for a distance of more than 0.4 m, and the compartments formed by them are less than 0.75 m, controlled by fire detectors, the area indicated in Tables 13.3 and 13.5 decreases by 40%.

If there are protruding parts on a ceiling from 0.08 to 0.4 m controlled by fire detectors, the area indicated in Tables 13.3 and 13.5 decreases by 25%.

The maximum distance between the detectors along linear beams is determined by Tables 13.3 and 13.5, taking into account clause 13.3.10. ",

clause 13.15.9 shall be amended as follows:

"13.15.9 Connecting lines made by telephone and control cables that satisfy the requirements of Section 13.15.7 must have a reserve stock of cables and terminals of connecting boxes at least 10%.",

paragraph The first paragraph 13.15.14 shall be amended as follows:

"13.15.14 A joint laying of fire alarm plumes and connecting lines of fire automation systems with voltage up to 60 V with voltage lines 110 V and more in one box, pipe, harness, closed channel of the building design, or on one tray.",

paragraph is the first paragraph 13.15.15 shall be amended as follows:

"13.15.15 With a parallel open gasket, the distance from wires and cables of fire automation systems with a voltage to 60 V to power and lighting cables should be at least 0.5 m."

7) in section 14:

paragraph 14.2 shall be amended as follows:

"14.2 Formation of signal control signals 1, 2, 3, 4 types of software, equipment protection, general ventilation and air conditioning, engineering equipment involved in ensuring the fire safety of the object, as well as the formation of commands to shut down the power supply of consumers, scored with systems Fire automation is allowed to be carried out when a single fire detector is triggered, satisfying the recommendations set out in the R. Appendix in this case, at least two detectors included in the logical scheme "or" are installed in the premises (part of the room). Decalogues of detectors are carried out at a distance of no more regulatory.

When applying detectors, additionally satisfying the requirements of paragraph 13.3.3 (a), b), B), in the room (part of the room) is allowed to install one

fire detector. ",

paragraphs 14.4, 14.5 shall be stated as follows:

"14.4 In a room with a 24-hour stay of duty staff, notifications of control and management devices installed outside of this room, as well as communication lines, control and management of technical means of warning of people in a fire and management of evacuation, anti-inflammatory protection, automatic fire extinguishing and other Installations and fire protection devices.

The project documentation should define a recipient of a fire notification to ensure tasks in accordance with section 17.

On objects of the functional hazard class F 1.1 and F 4.1 of the fire notice should be transmitted to the fire protection division on the radio channel dedicated in the prescribed manner or other communication lines in automatic mode without the participation of the personnel of objects and any organizations broadcasting these signals. It is recommended to use technical means with resistance to the effects of electromagnetic interference not lower than the 3rd degree of rigidity according to GOST R 53325-2009.

In the absence of personnel, leading round-the-clock duty, fire notice must be transmitted to the fire department for the radio channel dedicated in the prescribed manner or other communication lines in automatic mode.

On other objects, if there is a technical ability, it is recommended to duplicate the automatic fire alarm signaling signals in the fire department for the radio channel dedicated in the prescribed manner or other communication lines automatically.

At the same time, measures should be ensured to increase the reliability of the fire notice, for example, the transfer of notices "Attention", "Fire" and others.

14.5 Starting of the aircraft ventilation system is recommended to carry out from flue or gas fire detectors, including in the case of applied on the object of the sprinkler installation of fire extinguishing.

Starting the system of aircraft ventilation should be made from fire detectors:

if the response time of the automatic installation of the sprinkler fire extinguishing is more necessary for the operation of the air ventilation system and to ensure safe evacuation,

if the fire extinguishing agent (water) of the sprinkler installation of water fire extinguishing makes the evacuation of people.

In other cases, the system ventilation systems is allowed to include fire extinguishing from the sprinkler installation. "

8) paragraph 15.1 of Section 15 shall be amended as follows:

"15.1 By the degree of ensuring the reliability of the power supply of the fire protection system, the category I categories should be included in accordance with the rules of the electrical installations, with the exception of the compressor electric motors, the drainage pumps and pumping the foaming agent belonging to the III of the power supply category, as well as the cases specified in P.P. 15.3, 15.4.

Power supply of fire protection systems of the Floor Fire Danger Class F1.1 buildings with a round-the-clock stay of people

it should be provided from three independent mutually reserving power sources, as one of which autonomous electrical generators should be applied. ".

9) in Appendix A:

paragraph A.2 shall be amended as follows:

"A.2 under the building in this Annex is understood as the building as a whole or part of the building (fire compartment) isolated by fire walls and fire-fighting floors of the 1st type.

Under the regulatory index of the room in Section III of this Annex, the area of \u200b\u200bthe building or structure is understood, highlighted by enclosing structures, attributed to fire resistance to fire resistance: partitions - no less EI 45, walls and overlaps - no less rei 45. For buildings and structures, As part of which there are no parts (rooms) allocated by enclosing structures with the specified fire resistance limit, under the regulatory index of the room in Section III of this Annex it is understood as the area allocated by external enclosing buildings or structures. ",

table A. 1:

paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 shall be stated as follows:

4 Buildings and facilities for cars:

4.1 Parking of closed type

4.1.2 Overhead single-storey

Regardless of square and storey

Object protection


4.1.1 Underground, overhead height of 2 floors and more Buildings I, II, III degrees of fire resistance

With a total area of \u200b\u200b7000 sq. M and more

With a total area of \u200b\u200bless than 7000 sq.m Buildings IV degree of fire resistance class of constructive fire danger CO

With a total area of \u200b\u200b3,600 sq. M and more

With a total area of \u200b\u200bless than 3,600 sq.m Buildings IV degree of fire resistance class structural fire danger C1

With a total area of \u200b\u200b2000 sq.m and more

With a total area of \u200b\u200bless than 2000 sq. M. Buildings IV degree of fire resistance class structural fire danger C2, SZ

With a total area of \u200b\u200b1000 sq. M and more

With a total area of \u200b\u200bless than 1000 sq. M.

4.1.3 Buildings of mechanized parking lots

4.2 for maintenance and

footnotce "2)" shall be amended as follows:

"2) The AUPS fire detectors are installed in the hallways of apartments and are used to open valves and turn on air and smoke reinforcement fans. Residential premises of apartments in residential buildings with a height of three floors and more should be equipped with autonomous optical electronic smoke fire detectors. ", Table A.Z:

item 6 include in the section "Production premises", eliminating it from the section "Warehouse premises",

paragraph 35 shall be amended as follows:

complete the footnote "5)" of the following content.

SP 5.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Fire alarm installation and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules

  1. 1 area of \u200b\u200buse
  2. 2. Regulatory references
  3. 3. Terms, Definitions, Designations and Reduction
  4. 4. Abbreviations
  5. 5. General provisions
  6. 6. Water and foam fire extinguishing installations
  7. 7. Fire extinguishing installation of high-time foam
  8. 8. Robotic fire extinguishing complexes
  9. 9. Gas fire extinguishing installations
  10. 10. Installations of powder fire extinguishing modular type
  11. 11. Installations of aerosol fire extinguishing
  12. 12. Offline fire extinguishing installations
  13. 13. Fire extinguishing installation control equipment
  14. 14. Fire alarm systems
  15. 15. Relationship of fire alarm systems with other systems and engineering equipment facilities
  16. 16. Power supply of fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing systems
  17. 17. Protective grounding and zero. Safety requirements
  18. 18. General provisions taken into account when choosing technical means of fire automation
  19. Appendix A. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire alarms
  20. Appendix B. Groups of premises (industries and technological processes) by the degree of danger of fire development depending on their functional purpose and fire load of combustible materials
  21. Appendix B. Method for calculating the parameters of the AUP with surface fire extinguishing with water and low multiplicity foam
  22. Appendix G. Methods for calculating the parameters of fire extinguishing installations with high-time foam
  23. Appendix D. Source data for calculating the mass of gas fire extinguishes
  24. Appendix E. Method of calculating the mass of the gas fire extinguishing agent for gas fire extinguishing installations when extinguishing in bulk
  25. Appendix J. Methodology of hydraulic calculation of low-pressure carbon dioxide
  26. Appendix Z Methods for calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe opening for discharge of overpressure in rooms protected by gas fire extinguishing
  27. Appendix I. General provisions for calculating the installations of powder fire extinguishing modular type
  28. Appendix K. Methodology for calculating automatic installations of aerosol fire extinguishing
  29. Appendix L. Method for calculating overpressure when feeding a fire extinguishing aerosol to the room
  30. Appendix M. Selection of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected room and the type of fire load
  31. Appendix N. Places of installation of manual fire detectors depending on the appointments of buildings and premises
  32. Appendix O. Determining the set time detection time and eliminating it
  33. Appendix P. Distances from the top point of overlapping to the measuring element of the detector
  34. Appendix R. Methods for increasing the reliability of a fire signal
  35. Appendix C. The use of fire detectors when equipped with automatic fire alarms of residential buildings
  36. Bibliography


The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules of development - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 No. 858 "On the procedure for the development and approval of rules "

Application SP 5.13130.2013 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing systems. Norms and design rules" ensures compliance with the design requirements for the design of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems for buildings and structures of various purposes, including those built in areas with special climatic and Natural conditions established by Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements".

Information about the rules of the joint venture 5.13130.2013 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm installation and fire extinguishing automatic. Regulations and design rules":

  • Developed and submitted by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Order" Sign of Honor "Research Institute of Fire Defense" (FSBI VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia)
  • Approved and commissioned by order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Disaster (EMERCOM of Russia)
  • Registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology
  • Inspend


1.1 SP 5.13130.2013 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules" establishes rules and rules for the design of automatic fire extinguishing and alarm installations.

1.2 SP 5.13130.2013 "Fire protection systems. Installations of fire alarm and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules" applies to the design of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems for buildings and structures of various purposes, including those being built in areas with special climatic and natural conditions. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms, is given in Appendix A.

1.3 SP 5.13130.2013 "Fire protection systems. Installations of fire alarm and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules" does not apply to the design of automatic fire extinguishing installations:

  • buildings and structures projected by special standards;
  • technological attitudes located outside the buildings;
  • buildings of warehouses with mobile racks;
  • buildings of warehouses for storing products in aerosol packaging;
  • buildings of warehouses with the height of warehousing of goods more than 5.5 m;
  • cable structures;
  • tanks of petroleum products.

1.4 SP 5.13130.2013 "Fire protection systems. Installations of fire alarm and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules" does not apply to the design of fire extinguishing facilities for extinguishing fires (according to GOST 27331), as well as chemically active substances and materials, including:

  • reacting with a fire extinguishing substance with an explosion (aluminumorganic compounds, alkali metals, etc.);
  • decomposing when interacting with a fire extinguishing substance with separation of combustible gases (lithiumorganic compounds, lead azide, hydrides of aluminum, zinc, magnesium, etc.);
  • interacting with a fire extinguishing agent with a strong exothermic effect (sulfuric acid, titanium chloride, termit and others);
  • self-turning substances (sodium hydrosulfite, etc.).

1.5 SP 5.13130.2013 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing automatic. Norms and design rules" can be used in the development of special technical conditions for the design of automatic fire extinguishing and alarm installations.

Other documents

The number of point fire detectors installed in the room is determined by the need to solve two main tasks: ensuring the high reliability of the fire alarm system and the high reliability of the fire signal (low probability of forming a false alarm).

First of all, the functions performed by the fire alarm system should be denoted, namely, the launch of fire protection systems (fire extinguishing, alert, smoke, etc.), or the system provides only a signaling of fire in the room of duty personnel. .

If the system function is only a fire alarm, it can be assumed that negative consequences in the formation of a false alarm signal is insignificant. Based on this background in rooms, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed the area protected by one detector (according to Tables 13.3, 13.5), to improve the system's reliability, there are two detectors included in the logical scheme "or" (the fire signal is formed when any one of two installed detectors). In this case, with an uncontrolled failure of one of the detectors, the fire detection function will perform the second. If the detector is able to test itself and transmit information about its fault to the receiving and control device (satisfies the requirements of Section 13.3.3 b), c)), then one detector can be installed in the room. In large premises, the detectors are set at the regulatory distance. .

Similarly, for flame detectors, each point of the protected room should be monitored by two detectors included in the logical scheme "or" (in clause 13.8.3, a technical error was made, so instead of "logical scheme" and "should be read" The logical scheme "or"), or one detector that meets the requirements of paragraph 13.3.3 b), c).

If you need to generate a control system control signal, then when designing a design organization must determine whether this signal will be formed from one detector, which is permissible for the systems listed in Section 14.2, or the signal formation will occur by paragraph 14.1, t. e. When two detector will work (logic scheme "and").

The use of the logic scheme "and" allows to increase the reliability of the fire signal formation, since the false response of one detector will not cause the control signal generation. This algorithm is required to manage fire extinguishing and 5th type alerts. To manage other systems, you can do the alarm signal from one detector, but only if the false inclusion of these systems does not lead to a decrease in the level of safety of people and / or invalid material losses. The rationale for such a solution should be displayed in the explanatory note to the project. In this case, it is necessary to apply technical solutions to increase the accuracy of the formation of a fire signal. Such decisions can include the use of so-called "intellectual" detectors, providing an analysis of the physical characteristics of fire factors and (or) the dynamics of their changes issuing information about their critical condition (dustiness, pollution), the use of the rewriting function of the state of detectors, accepting measures to exclude (decrease) impact on a detector of factors similar to fire factors and capable of causeing a false response.

If the design decides on the formation of fire protection control signals from one detector, the requirements for the quantity and arrangement of detectors coincide with the above requirements for systems that only carry out the signaling function. Requirements p. 14.3 do not work.

If the control signal control signal is generated from two detectors included, in accordance with clause 14.1, according to the logical scheme "and", then the requirements of § 14.3 take effect. The need to increase the number of detectors to three, or even four, in rooms with an area of \u200b\u200ba smaller area controlled by one detector, should be treated with high reliability of the system in order to maintain its performance with an uncontrolled output of one detector. When using detectors with the function of self-testing and transmitting information about its fault to the receiving and control instrument (satisfies the requirements of Section 13.3.3 b), c)) in the room there may be two detectors required to implement the function "and", but provided that system performance is supported by the timely replacement of the refused detector.

In large rooms, to maintain the time for the formation of a fire signal from two detectors included in the logic scheme "and", the detectors are set at a distance of no more than half of the normative so that the fire factors reaches in a timely manner and caused the triggering of two detectors. This requirement applies to detectors located along the walls, and on detectors on one of the axes of the ceiling (for the choice of the designer). The distance between the detectors and the wall remains regulatory.

Application of GOTV CHladon 114V2

In accordance with international documents on the protection of the ozone layer of the Earth (Montreal Protocol on substances that destroy the ozone layer of the Earth and a number of amendments to Him) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1000 dated 19.12.2000, "On clarifying the term of the implementation of measures of state regulation of ozone-depleting substances In the Russian Federation, the release of chladone 114B2 is discontinued.

In fulfillment of international agreements and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the use of chladone 114B2 in newly designed installations and installations that have expired inapprecose inappropriate.

In the form of exception, the use of chladone 114B2 is provided for fire protection of particularly important (unique) facilities, with the permission of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

For fire protection of objects with the presence of electronic equipment (telephone stations, server, etc.), ozone-sewing chladones 125 (C2 F5H) and 227 EA (C3F7H) are used.