Casting Wallpaper Recommendation Corners. How beautiful to poke different types of wallpapers in the corners, especially if they are uneven

Wall pastry wallpaper - work that do not cause special difficulties. Such repairs have long become commonplace for many owners of houses and apartments. The most important thing is to correctly and smoothly stick the first band of the web, and then the strip is already the strip and the wall is ready. Difficulties during repairs occur only during the occasion of the angles. Let's talk about the rules and peculiarities of sticking fliesline wallpapers in problem places.

Types of corners in the apartment and house

Before, you need to explore the room. There are two types of corners, each of which requires an individual approach when facing indoor rooms:

  1. 1. Internal. Such corners are in each room, it is usually necessary to work with them when finishing the interior.
  2. 2. External. Most often they are found in the corridors, and sometimes in residential premises of houses and apartments. If there is a similar angle in the room, it is with him that the largest number of difficulties may arise.

When the room is examined, you can proceed to the preparation for the repair. In this article, we will look at pasting wallpaper on Flizelin. Currently, they are the most sought-after finishing material for the inner walls. Fliseline wallpaper is called paper cladding, which includes phlizelin, firming the paper base that makes the finish more reliable, attractive and durable.

There are also vinyl facing materials based on phlizelin. They differ greater resistance to external negative impacts, they can be used in rooms characterized by high humidity. Meter and conventional vinyl wallpapers on a flieslinic basis are glued in the corners along the same scheme, therefore the instruction below is suitable for different finishing options.

Special attention in preparing for the facing of indoor premises it is necessary to pay the selection of glue. Often take universal glue, which is suitable for all types of surface treated surfaces and for various wallpaper. But professionals are recommended to use for wallpapers on a fliesline basis specially intended for this adhesive compositions. Well suited for flieslinic cloths The following glue brands:

  • Kelid (Quelyd);
  • Kleo Line Optima;
  • Emcol Universal;
  • Metylan Flizelin.

For repair, you will also need rollers. It is best to purchase several rollers in advance: for applying glue on the wall, to smooth the finishes on the surface, as well as to work at the joints and in the corners. Use one roller for different purposes is unlikely to succeed, especially if during the work it is flawed with glue.

To glue the angles and vertical surfaces, such tools will be useful as: level, line, plumb, scissors, trowel, Kelma and others. They are recommended to prepare in advance so that they do not have to be distracted from the repair being performed and do not waste time.

Where to start the room sacking?

The angles are considered the most complex places for the salary not only because of their shape, but also because they rarely come perfectly smooth. If you take the walls of the joint into the joint, then at the beginning of the bolding from the corner there may be strong skew vertically. Many are confident that it is possible to avoid skewing if you start the salable from the window and doorway, it is mistaken to believe that in these places the walls are as smooth as possible and perpendicular to the floor.

Before starting the salary, you need to confirm the lack of defects by the window or door. You can do this with a simple plumb. Very often, even such a simple study shows that the wall surface has significant drawbacks that can be extremely negatively affected by the facing and visual characteristics of the whole room after the completion of the repair work.

The mixing method itself from the window appeared due to the traditions of using paper wallpaper. Starting the wrapping from the Window and continuing to mount the cloth clockwise, you can achieve maximum imperceptibility of the joints. However, when using fliesline or vinyl facing materials, such a installation system is not at all mandatory to execute.

Professionals recommend starting the wall of the wall from the angle, if at least one junction of the walls is quite smooth. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-explore problem areas by slope and start working on the corner that has fewer flaws. A preliminary study makes it possible to learn the real evenness of the walls in advance and choose the most appropriate way to install facing.

Internal angles in the room

Before starting work on the facing room, it is necessary to decide on the need for preliminary alignment of the walls. If the surfaces have a lot of defects and a strong vertical deviation, they are pre-aligned with plaster or putty. This method of preparation for installation is especially relevant if the room is planned to be accumulated by expensive wallpaper with silk screen. If the preliminary training does not fulfill, a significant revision of facing materials may be issued during the work.

If the deviations in the corner are insignificant, you can hide defects by plating the brass. This method is most often used in the design of the rooms, as the owners usually do not want to spend time and money for the preparation of the surfaces. This method involves sticking the first band strip in such a way that it can be 3-4 cm to enter the adjacent plane. It is possible to achieve the perfect quality design of the walls using a high-quality adhesive composition that needs to make the angle and adjacent plane as thoroughly.

A vertical mark is pre-on the wall, on which one side of the glued segment is adjusted. A segment is applied to it and smoothed it to the corner. Next, a stupid side of a knife or a spatula of a web for a corner. It is necessary to do it as much as possible so as not to damage expensive facing materials. Next passes part of the segment to the adjacent wall and with the help of a rubber roller from under the material, air bubbles are removed.

Next, new segments are stuck on both sides on both sides. Moreover, on the wall on which most of the glittered band is located, the next segment is attached to the jack, and on the next wall, to which the band has entered several centimeters, the new strip is attached to the brass. Now it will remain with the help of a plumb to hold a vertical line at the place of intersection of the wallpapers, after which it is carried out with a sharp knife over the entire height of the wall and remove two sections of the wallpaper, resulting in a fastening of the jack.

How to get an outer angle?

The repairs described above almost repeats when the external corners are saved. The first strip of the material is pasted in such a way that several centimeters of the segment be wrapped in an angle. Most often to ensure high-quality attachment, you have to do several cuts on the segment, in the place of the angle. Cuts will avoid the occurrence of folds and remove an excess adhesive composition from wallpaper. With the help of a sponge or roller, the strip is as thoroughly pressed to the surface, after which the band is cut with a knife so that no more than 1 cm wallpaper remains on the adjacent wall.

The next wallpaper band is attached to the wall, where 1 cm wallpaper is present. The segment is mounted in exactly the same way as the first strip, no more than 5 mm wallpaper should be found on the adjacent wall. With the right installation, the location will be completely imperceptible.

The design of the corners in the room is not only the most difficult task when facing surfaces, but also the most important. From how in these places facing will look, the general visual characteristics of the room interior depend on. Therefore, to perform repair work is needed very carefully, neatly and slowly. If you do not have a lot of experience in the facing, it is recommended to start from the sections of the room, which are less noticeable and where the defects are mounted facing will not adversely affect the beauty of the room.

Decorating walls in such material as wallpaper is the most familiar way when the question is about updating the interior. Inviting specialists for pasting rooms with wallpaper, but not necessarily. It is enough to have a readiness to independently carry out such a repair.

Features of the process

If there is no extra money to pay to professional finishing, you can cope with the pasting walls yourself. But there are problems with how to gently glue the wallpaper in the corners. Before you take the case, it is better to know some building rules.

It does not matter, from which place to start the room pasting with wallpaper, if all the angles are smooth. If it is not so, it is better to choose that angle, after the wallpaper stickers on which the skews can be avoided on a flat surface. In any case, it is better to start working from that corner that is not striking or at least in the future will be fallen in the furniture. To choose for pasting the first web protruding angle is definitely not necessary.

It should not be used at the junction of two walls a whole wobbly canvas, especially considering that some are very wide. Even on the most even and neat with the appearance of the turn, the wallpaper is frozen and slightly pulled, after drying, giving shrinkage.

If there are switches or sockets near the corners, before the start of work it is better to interrupt the supply of electricity, remove the covers of these devices. The protruding parts of the electrical system can be simply sealed, and after completing the work, it is gently cut off the places of sockets and switches. So you simplify your work and the result will be better.

Surface preparation

In order for the walls of the walls by wallpaper on the first turn to the torture, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the walls to decorate in advance.

Corners at closer examination may be curves, rounded, sometimes there are noticeable depressions and bugs. Therefore, experts advise not to regret the strength and time to make an uneven surface, and can stack. A good helper in this case will be plastering corners.

They are aligned in terms of level and glued with the same plaster or putty. There are corners for internal and outer angles. When fresh putty dry dries, it must be rubbed out the sandpaper to make the surface smooth. Then the angles should be carefully harbing and waited until the extra moisture leaves from the primer.

All these measures will be allowed to make the process of blowing angles easier, and you will be satisfied with the result.

If it does not manage to achieve absolute evenness or do not have time to do this, you need to approach the choice of wallpaper themselves. Lovely finishing materials are suitable for pasting curves, as they will have to glue them, and from the side of the imposition of the canvas on the canvas should not be noticeable.

A successful choice in this case will be flieslinic wallpaper with a small pattern or monophonic. Also, the curvature of the angle can hide the non-smooth ornamental materials, and even fiberglass under painting.

Stowing step by step:

  • Before starting the pasting, you need to prepare all the tools and materials.
  • Make the calculation of the area you want to go and buy the required number of wallpaper rolls.
  • Select the appropriate wallpaper glue and dilute it according to the instructions.
  • Stock roulette, plumb, pencil, long metal ruler.

  • Prepare a building knife, roller, brush, sponge or clean rag.
  • Bring a stool or a swirling to get to the top edge of the wall in the process.

He retreating four to five centimeters junction, carry out a pencil on the wall of the line, perpendicular to the floor, focusing on the plumb. Most modern wallpapers are mixed into the joint. Therefore, on how correctly you will spend this feature and take the first web, it depends whether the subsequent strips are strictly vertically or with distortion.

For loyalty, it is better to make pencil guidelines for each of them.

Walking strips are cut with a reserve of 2 centimeters, since after drying they become shorter. Since the wallpaper is sold in round rolls, which are also quite wide and heavy, to apply each time they are uncomfortable. So cutting the decorative canvas better on the floor on the surface prepared for rolling.

The wall must be carefully skled with glue. Special attention should be paid to the corners, because it is in these places that the lag behind the decorative layer is the greatest. The treatment of the wall glue is distributed to all cases: when you finish the walls and paper, and fliseline, and vinyl wallpaper. And in the case of the use of heavy vinyl wallpapers, it is necessary to miss glue and them. In the process of work, if you laugh and the glue in the corners managed to dry, be sure to repeat the sizing again.

The technique of work at the occampling of the corners has long been worked out. There are techniques both for the salary of external corners and internal.


When finishing the walls, the convex surfaces are especially rushed into the eyes, so the quality of pasting of outer angles will largely determine the perception of the room as a whole. If the angles are smooth, it is enough to wrap the wallpaper blades for the corner of the centimeter by three or four from the protrusions and glue. If the wallpaper starts wrinkling, they will have to neatly trim in the folds of the folds. The next strip can be laid on the wall as they do on the plane.

If the outer angles are curves, it will not be possible to solve the problem. When you decorate the wall with materials that practically do not give shrinkage after drying and combining the joint in the junction, the cloth on the corner must be pasted in such a way that it comes over the rotation of centimeters to five. Another cloth when gluing should be a little run to the previous one. In the middle of the ruler, a neat cut is made.

Excess material from above and below remains removed. The canvas should be smoothed and press the surface as much as possible.

If you are dealing with paper wallpaper, it is not necessary to hurry to trim the backstage. Check the correctness of the sticker with a plumb. If the deviations are very large, explicitly unnecessary wallpapers can be carefully cut on the intended line.

To accomplish the completion in the design of an external angle and so that with time the wallpaper is not hoisted over time, it is better to use plastic plastic parts for wallpaper, selected for them in color. You need to calculate in advance how much they need to work. Put corners on liquid nails or using silicone sealant.

The approach in the appendix of the outer corner is used on the protrusions around the door and windows. Beams and other similar elements with external angle are covered separately in the same way using wallpaper trimming, which remained after sticking canned cloths on the walls.


In order to competently dispose of the next web in the corner, you need to measure the distance from the extreme glittered strip to the joint and add two centimeters to the resulting digger. The wallpaper must be cut into account and apply to the wall, pre-lubricated with glue. With proper trimming, a narrow strip of wallpaper should be on the adjacent strip behind the joint line. Linen to smooth the roller and cloth to release all the air between the wall and the future decorative coating.

If such a bubble does not want to disappear, experienced people recommend piercing it to release air, and with the help of a syringe to pour a little glue under the wallpaper, and then smooth the roller.

If the angle is uneven and in the process of sticking on the strip appear wrinkles, scissors, as in the case of an outer angle, you need to make neat cuts towards the fold and glue the canvas.

The neighbor's band must be glued on the second wall with an overlap in a couple of centimeters to the previous one. Check the quality of your work with a plumb. When smoothing the second sheet, you need not press the edge of the necessary allowance to the wall.

Then the line needs to cut the layers through the construction knife, remove the excess top layer, and then the lower segments. Wallpaper in the corner once again slipped with glue and press the wall so that there are no air bubbles.

If everything is done neatly, it turns out even seams.

Picture Subtleties

There are certain difficulties in order to be beautifully glued in the protruding and internal corners with a pattern. Using a decorative coating with a clear, pronounced pattern, you will have to try to not distort it at the junction. It is necessary to provide this task in advance when selecting materials in the store.

Especially noticeable distortion on wallpaper with vertical stripes. If the drawing is horizontal, it may look overwhelmed relative to the ceiling and floor.

You can avoid this, only if you take the corners of the mustache. The edge of the canvas should be strictly strictly on a plunder. Neighboring strip must be neatly trimmed along the edge of the angle. Moreover, the wall with paper wallpapers, it is necessary to produce all these manipulations not only carefully, but at the maximum speed. Otherwise, the coating itself will spread and you will turn off one of the wall strip.

So that irregularities are low, the resulting joint is recommended to hide at the top of the corner. It is unlikely to avoid a certain shift of the picture, but with a competent approach, it will be so immeasured that the look will be clinging for the joints of the junctions only in those who performed this repair itself.

Like it, we can glue wallpaper. The point is quite simple. It is almost like glue children's stencils - except, by the way, such types of wallpaper, the adhesive layer for which has already been applied.

That's just the material much more and glue does not need a bottle, but a bucket. Therefore, we proceed to the case quite tearing, choosing the beginning of the treated surface.

Basic provisions

Corners - far from the most prominent place of the interior of any room, but it is the quality of their finishing and determines this class of work.

Here we will only define, to begin with, with what situations we can encounter.

Types of corners

The order of work will largely depend on what kind of angle will take us:

  • internal between two vertical walls - such is in any room, there are almost always at least four;
  • outdoor, also between the two walls - there may be no such thing, they can be avoided by separating the slopes of windows to the angle; But if there is an external angle, it will require the most of all work;
  • inner horizontal downstairs, between the floor and the wall;
  • the inner horizontal above, between the wall and the ceiling - the last two types could not be taken into account if you prudently approach the organization of these corners.

About materials and tools

Before you begin work, consider with what we will deal with:

  • Fliseline wallpaper - they are the main cause of all our actions, the most famous finishing material for the walls. Wallpapers are performed on the basis of long-standing paper - in them 70% occupies a cellulosic layer, but with the addition of strengthening and give more flexibility of the synthetic component that ensure the wonderful qualities of this material. To work at the corners here, good flexibility, and from additives - high strength that will not give the material to break at the most inopportune moment.
    When it comes to wallpaper, their dimensions are especially important:
    • in width, you need to count on 53 or 106 cm,
    • and in length (height) - by 10.05 meters.
  • Glue - You can use universal wallpaper glue, but we recommend it all special for phlizelinov, which, by the way, is not suitable for any other.
  • Rollers - it is advisable to stock whole set for all occasions:
    • for applying glue;
    • to smooth wallpaper, already on the working surface;
    • to work at the joints, and
    • to work at the corners.
  • Reference, line, level, pencil, scissors - measure and cut a lot, but most importantly - from the very beginning it will be necessary to get an ideal vertical line on the wall, all further work will begin.

Helpful advice!
If you are able to strictly adhere to the obtained vertical in the future, it will be enough and one.
But we advise on all four walls, closer to each corner, carry out these lines that will allow you to control the process more accurately.
Vertical departure always leads to very unpleasant errors and even the need for complete rollover.

  • The cutting tool is necessarily comfortable with a well-honed edge;
  • Stretch, Kelma, a comfortable wide range - whatever, which will allow to get and control the cut line.

Nuances of preliminary training

The stage is preceded by very important actions to prepare the draft work surface.

As for the corners, it will be very important:

  • when working at the top and bottom - to provide installation of plinths at the last line, after wallpaper, then:
    • the task of fitting the junction simply disappears by itself, the edges will be closed by plinths, providing an ideal joint;
    • in this situation, if you consider the standard height of the premises 2.5 meters, the length of the wallpaper is 10, and the height of the plinth along the wall is 5 cm, then the roll is cut into 4 pieces of 2.5, which are enough for four verticals, and without any waste ; Otherwise, given the allowances, it will have to cut more than 2.5, which means that 3 pieces will go to the case and one shortened will remain to the village or to the city;
  • it is very useful to use removable plinths - so solving the problem with the docking, if in the future wallpaper will want to change;
  • when working on inner corners - they must be strengthened by a phlizelin paper tape, which is glued directly to the shp can, and on top of it also put off;
  • on external corners - it is better to carry out more capital strengthening with metal or plastic corners, which are fixed with screws; Corners are attached to the shplotovka, and on top are also put off.

Helpful advice!
If you are not direct angles, we advise you to use plastic corners, they are more convenient to select the necessary angle.
The variants of the strengthening corners are quite a lot, but, given that, on the corners, we will slightly cut the wallpaper slightly, it is better to use solid corners, without perforation.

  • if we talk about the surface as a whole, then it should be:
    • carefully sucked
    • leveled
    • protubed,
    • saxplanovan I.
    • coloring - at least emery manually, but better by machine.

Stroke work

Consider in order all the angles, from simple to complex.

Corners at the top and bottom

Everything is quite simple here, even if you do not manage to hide the material under the plinth:

  • we cut the wallpaper with a switch above (or below) the plinth by 6-8 cm;
  • we glue and bend the allowance of the plinth linewhat is convenient to do;
  • then, using a spatula as a guide support, cut the battery with a knife along the entire length.;

  • work must be performed while the glue has not grabbedThis will allow a small residue in 1-2 mm gently with a knife for the plinth line.


Here, first we ensure yourself with two reliable verticals on both jammed surfaces:

  • first we glue the wallpaper on one side in such a way that the plot, width, not less than 2 cm, passed to the adjacent wall;
  • we wait for the glue completely dry;
  • usually it will be enough for the attachment of a neighboring piece.If you have done more, and it keeps well, then cut it no need, otherwise, be sure to cut, using a sharp knife and a spatula as a guide;
  • we glue a piece on the next wall in bulk to the corner and smoke it special;

  • there is always a temptation to avoid such a wrist, bend a piece in half the width and try to create an "ideal" angle from one piece; But, as practice shows, the wallpaper will start running in the future and the whole corner will simply move away; Nevertheless, we advise this way to keep in my head; If you have very high-quality, "non-running" over time, and even under glue wallpaper, then this option will be just perfect.

Helpful advice!
When sticking the wallpapers, in no case stretch them onto the glue - when the glue dries, the material will definitely "frighten", exposing wide joints.
In addition, be sure to determine what type of wallpaper at your disposal.
There are options that generally should not be glued, only jack.
Some glue only with a shift relative to a neighboring piece or even with a rotation of 180 degrees.

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Wallpapers - universal finishing material, whose main advantage is the relative simplicity of working with it. With their sticking can be successfully cope with independently, without resorting to the help of specialists. But if it is decided to transform the appearance of the room with its own forces, it is important to understand how to glue the wallpaper correctly in the corners. It is this part of the work that represents the greatest difficulty.

Preparatory activities

Wallpaper selection criteria for uneven walls and corners

If there is no desire or ability to engage in leveling the base, you need to carefully approach.

  • Material for curved surfaces should be loosely so that the joints on which the flashes will have to glue are not thrown into the eyes. Floser can fit well.
  • The drawing should be small and frequent or completely absent.
  • The irregularity of the walls will help hide the material with the embossed structure.
  • For strongly damaged surfaces, wallpaper is suitable for painting from fiberglass.

Materials for work

Regardless of the type of the selected canvas before sticking, you must prepare the following tools and materials:

  • rolls in the right amount;
  • wallpaper glue suitable for the selected type of wallpaper;
  • roulette;
  • a long line of metal or a piece of profile;
  • plumb;
  • pencil;
  • construction knife or acute paper blade;
  • rubber roller, brush or clean fabric.

Tip: Do not begin to glue the wallpaper from the corner, to get started, choose a smooth part of the wall.

Specialists have their own secrets on pasting angular elements.

  • Glue messenger. When sticking wallpapers in the angle of jack there is a risk of discrepancies of cloths after drying and the appearance of a lumen that cannot be imperceptibly eliminated.
  • Do not glue the whole web, even if the angle is perfectly smooth. Otherwise, after drying, folds and swings are almost inevitably formed.
  • We wash the wall with glue. It is in the corners that the probability of the lagging material is especially high, so this rule acts for all types of cloths: paper, flieslinic, vinyl.

Fixing Wallpaper in Inner Corners

For pasting inner corner, we observe the following procedure.

  • We measure the distance from the edge of the strip, which was the latter pasted on the wall, to the angle. In addition to the resulting value, we add 2 cm. Cut the cloth, bend according to the added allowance and transfer it to a gloven wall. Surplus must go to the adjacent side. The glued sheet needs to be smoothed with a roller or cloth so that all air leaves it from under it.
  • The second sheet is also bent 2 cm and glued on the other side of the angle so that the allowance of the lamp is a previously glued sheet. The correctness of the blending of this web must be checked using a plumb. During the smoothing of the sheet, we try not to press those of the very few centimeters of the allowance.
  • We don't need two wallpaper layers, they will be released, so we apply a long ruler to the corner and we cut the layers with a construction knife along it. Then remove the surplus of the upper coating.
  • By lifting the top layer, we remove the lower segments, its edge once again with glue and slide tightly to the wall, squeezing the air. This method allows to obtain a very smooth docking seam.

Wallpaper sticking in external corners

To wake up the outer angle, you need to calculate the width of the canvas so that the sheet, rich protrusion, moves to the adjacent wall by 2-5 cm. Having measured the necessary width of the canvas, cut off the excess part. We remember that when using too broad bands, we inevitably get folds and wrinkles.

  • We apply glue both on wallpaper and on the wall. We apply a sheet to the performance so that the canvas turn around it, as the next photo. If the material is dense, you need to make small cuts for good contact with an angle.
  • The sheet is pressed in the upper part of it. Down on an excess canvas make an incision. If the material for sticking is smooth, smoothed it with a roller, relief pressed the cloth. Part of the strip that has entered the turn can be cut off, leaving a small edge.
  • We take the next leaf or residue from the previous one and glue it in a similar way on the adjacent wall. The canvas should lie on the first layer. Using a plumb, check the verticality of this strip, if necessary, we combine the drawing. Carefully smoothed the cloth.

The easiest way to update the interior of the apartment is oblastic walls with wallpaper. However, when working, many are faced with some difficulties. The greatest difficulties cause the wallpaper shoes in the corners. In the specified places during repair, many make mistakes that spoil general view of an updated finish. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the algorithm that suggests the correctness of the implementation of such actions, and there will no longer any such problems in subsequent repair work.

Glowing wallpaper in angular zones

The main difficulties faced by the owners of apartments when pasting the walls with a finishing material are uneven external and internal angles, often having uneven geometry. All this not only makes it difficult to stick the decorative material, but also significantly increases the repair time, which is unlikely to enter the plans of any person.

Ultimately, the owners of the premises are forced to additionally process the walls of the walls. At the same time, even the subsequent use of quality materials is not a guarantee that the angles will be perfectly even. It makes the impression that the work is performed unprofessional and spawns the general view of the room.

Few know how to properly glue the wallpaper in the corners of the room. In order to correctly execute this process, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions. Before you need to remember the following:

After the work approaches the next stack of walls, the wallpaper strip is cut in such a way that it is pasted on the adjacent wall just a few centimeters. Then the wall treated with adhesive solution. After the band is fixed on the wall, it is necessary to try to try the rubber spatula or press the roller. It is important that there are no folds at the junction of the two walls, even if an uneven bevel edge of the strip turned out on the adjacent wall. If the material is very dense, then you can make shallow cuts from the inside of the finishing paper material. In this case, the canvas will be better to adjoin the surface of the wall of the walls.

Then on the wall where there is a smaller part of the wallpaper band, using a level or plumb, a straight line from the floor to the ceiling is performed. From the corner, it should be retreated to the roll width. Next, the glue is applied onto the wall, and the bottom of the strip is applied to the existing feature. At the same time, its edge will block the uneven edge of the previous segment of the wallpaper.

When both bands are fixed, it is necessary to determine the location of the smallest overlap. It should be divided by half and from the middle to spend a straight line at all height of the angle, then cut through it with a sharp knife or blade.

The upper trim of the material must be carefully removed, beaten and remove the cut part of the lower strip. Then both edges of the wallpaper are missing again. glue, clog and neatly smooth the roller. As a result, an ideally even angle should be turned out, and there will be no influx or slit on the junction.

By sticking wallpapers in the corners, it is necessary to wait some time after they are fixed on the wall. Otherwise, the material is wet from the adhesive composition it will not be possible to cut smoothly. As you can see, nothing complicated in this process, if you follow the algorithm


Such angles are found in the premises much less often. Works on their pasting wallpaper occurs in the same way:

It must be remembered: even in the case of perfectly smooth corners, it is not necessary to strive to complete the whole cloth. It is most often leads to the appearance of folds And irregularities, as well as the likely the likelihood that the material will swell and will be ugly to strain. As a result, it will have to carry out repair work again, which requires financial costs. Whole cloth wrap only when sticking wallpaper on window or door slopes.

Cutting parts of the canvase will not lead to the large consumption of wallpaper, so the blending of wallpaper on the corners will not require an increase in spending. In general, the work is simple, but there are minor nuances. If you consider them, everything will be fulfilled correctly in accordance with your own requirements. If there is no confidence in your abilities, it is better to entrust the work of professionals.