Window PVC profile Table by rating. What profile plastic windows is better

I am glad to welcome your readers!

For your work, I installed many windows, but most often the quality was not very good.

The fact is that the main thing in the plastic window is a profile, but at first glance, on the view all the windows are the same. That is why I often faced the fact that customers choose a poor-quality profile.

What is the main thing in plastic windows? The basis of plastic windows - profile. A good profile is a guarantee of high-quality and reliable plastic windows.

How to choose a high-quality profile and what to pay attention to when choosing? I want to help you find a response in this article.

We go to the street or take the newspaper and, that we see the windows Kbe, Rehau, Veka, SalamaAHder, LG, Proplex, Barbooks, and the like. What is all these names? - This is the names of firms manufacturers of the window profile and nothing more, and your windows will produce completely different firms, and we know well that our manufacturers can make from the best raw materials.

And yet a little about the profile manufacturers. Ordering the windows you will hear from the manager that the windows (for example Kbe, Veka, Rehau, Salamander) are German windows of production of Germany - naturally the best and high-quality. What is the truth in these words, what is not? Of all those listed only by Salamander, 100% is produced abroad (so it and the price corresponding to), the rest have long been produced in Russia.

And about the production of the window profile. Most profile manufacturers factories built their plants in Russia. I was at the factories of the KBA and the century - beautiful plants, imported equipment, foreign specialists, imported raw materials, so that there is no big difference profile (I think this situation and in other plants of European manufacturers).

True, as always, there is "but". This is "but" the profile system produced specifically for Russia, i.e. Abroad, it is not used - it is only for us according to "our request." The advantage of this system is cheap, disadvantage - for reduced, the walls of the profile do thinner, respectively, the thermal resistance is less, the strength is less.

For the south, this is quite acceptable, in the middle lane - doubtful, in the north they can freeze. Usually this profile system is called object profile and used for glazing large objects - multi-storey residential buildings, industrial enterprises, etc. There are still Russian and Turkish systems, but since we are going to glass our home, we will not consider in detail these systems.

Which profile I prefer personally, I can write further.

What do you think the profile is better? What is better Rehau or Barbokox? Century or relax? KBA or LG? etc.

The most difficult and annual question, to give an argued answer to which is almost impossible, I can only express my personal opinion. Once again, I emphasize - this is my personal opinion, and not advertising and the conversation will only go about the profile systems with which I worked.

A few words about Salamander (goes to no contest) - a good profile. The main advantage is made in Germany, the main drawback is expensive. It was produced, in Russia - was among the middle peasants.

Now, in order of profile systems produced in Russia:

Better than others:

  • the number of customer reviews
  • the number of marriage in the supply of plastic profile,
  • seal
  • conduct seminars, trainings and training courses for windows manufacturers.
  • A variety of specialized systems.

Another advantage - sells a profile only on well-equipped plastic windows manufacturing enterprises that regularly checks and gives their certificate to these factories. Therefore, if you chose the plant working with this profile, then the probability of getting into an unpleasant situation is less.

I give second place. This company sells its profile only on well-equipped plastic windows manufacturing enterprises that regularly checks and gives their certificate to these factories. Therefore, if you chose the plant working with this profile, then the probability of getting into an unpleasant situation is less.

Honored 3 place.


  • There are breakdowns in the supply of profile, profile marriage more often than - Rehau and Veka
  • Sells a profile by any plants of plastic windows.


Motntblank, Propes, Barbokox

They share the last place in the number of positive feedback people who put the windows, but very well suited for glazing balconies and loggias, as well as household premises. Dignity - low price.

P.S. With other profile systems did not work, so I can not say anything about them.


Which profile of the plastic window is better to choose? Competitions for choosing and rating manufacturers

The profile is the main element of any window, it is precisely the durability and reliability of the entire design that depends on it. At first glance, the profile for PVC windows from different manufacturers looks almost the same.

The difference in quality becomes obvious a series of several months (or even years!) Use when cheap windows begin to move and slots are formed in them. How to choose a good plastic profile for windows? What products of different brands differ from each other? And does it make sense to save on glazing, choosing a housekelate profile?

Profile for PVC windows: characteristics and types

The profile is the basis of the entire design, from which windows and frame flaps are made. It is they who define not only the appearance of the window, but also its strength. Common materials for the window profile - wood (cedar and larch) and aluminum.

But most often the profile for windows is made from PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. Such a profile is strengthened with metal inserts and inside has air cavities that increase the thermal insulation of the structure.

According to the European standard EN 12608 Sr, "non-controlled polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) for the manufacture of windows and doors" and similar Russian GOST 30673-99 "Polyvinyl chloride profiles for window and door blocks. Technical conditions »Profiles are classified for a number of characteristics. In particular, according to the indicators of the thickness of the external and internal walls, it is allocated:

  1. Class A profiles - have an outer walls with a thickness of 2.8 mm and the inner walls with a thickness of 2.5 mm; They provide the best thermal insulation and are considered an optimal choice.
  2. Class B profiles have an outer walls with a thickness of 2.5 mm, internal - from 2.0 mm; Such windows are not only "colder", but also 15% less resistant to deformation.
  3. Class C profiles are all others that are not suitable for standards A and B, there are no strict requirements.


There is a so-called "object" profile, which is intended for installation in non-residential industrial premises. It is impossible to use it in homes and apartments - because of the thin walls, it does not hold heat and unstable to the deformation.

This profile at first glance is no different from the usual - except on the protective film you can see the Object marking. Often unscrupulous companies offering very low prices for their goods, sell windows precisely from such a profile.

Choose the best profile for plastic windows

Determine "on the eye", which profile of plastic windows is better, not easy, but there are some features that can say a lot about his quality.

Uniformity profile

Plastic must be homogeneous and absolutely smooth. The grainy surface says that the windows were most likely made in handicraft conditions and are fake. The coating should also be homogeneous, without divorce and gradient.

By the way. In order not to buy a fake at the price of branded windows, pay attention to the factory labeling on the inside of the window box. It should be a stamp with the name of the manufacturer and a number of numbers: the shift number, the device for the production of PVC profiles and the date of manufacture.

Profile width

Most often, the company offers a plastic profile for windows with a width of 58 mm - this is a classic option, preferable for residential premises. The profile is 70 mm wide, this is often installed in high-rise buildings or where the climate is especially harsh. 90 mm wide profile refers to premium proposals, it is characterized by excellent heat and soundproofing characteristics. However, not all companies work with such products.

Thickness profile

The thickness of the profile must be the same, from 2.5 mm to 3 mm. However, for heavy window blocks, thin walls are not suitable - in this case, the welding seam is less durable, which means that the reliability of the entire structure suffers.

Number of aircases

The number of cameras depends on the profile width. A 58 mm profile may have a maximum of three cameras - which, however, is enough for the windows to maintain heat. 70 mm - three, four and even five cameras. The last of those mentioned (70-millimeters) are most in demand for glazing apartments and houses.

The norm for the 90 mm profile is six cameras. The more cameras - the warmer and quieter will be in the house. However, the sake of fairness should be said that the difference between, for example, a three-and-four-chamber package is not so significant.

Number of glass packs

You should not confuse the number of aircases in the PVC profile with the number of glass windows. The glass is a few glass sheets connected by contour using a special frame and sealants. Between the glasses, sealed cameras with air or other gas inside are formed.

Single-chamber glass is the easiest, it consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. Such double-glazed windows are very lungs, suitable for glazing large openings, so they are often installed on balconies, loggias and terraces. However, they are not suitable for windows due to insufficient thermal insulation.

For home, summer cottages, office or apartments, it is better to choose a two-chamber glass glass, consisting of three glass sheets and two aircases. Three-chamber glass windows of four glass sheets are infrequently, they are severe and pass less light than other types of double-glazed windows.

Such windows are in demand only in the north, where the temperature in the winter can descend to -40 o C and below. At higher temperatures there are almost no difference between dual and three-chamber glass windows.

Helpful advice!

Choosing a plastic profile for windows, pay attention to the frame seals. There should be two, otherwise there will be condensate under the frame, and this spoils insulation and creates a favorable environment for bacteria and mold.

Window Profiles Rating: Comparison of key manufacturers

  • Rehau.
    One of the most famous companies that has been producing reliable windows for more than half a century and is considered the main innovator in this area - Rehau engineers are constantly improving the design and configuration of the profile - so, the company pays great attention to ecology and energy-saving technologies. The company produces a profile with a width of 60-70 mm. Rehau products refers to the MIDDL class.
  • Veka.
    Another German "giant", whose products are appreciated worldwide. VEKA produce a white and color profile that does not burn out and does not yellow under the influence of direct sunlight. The seal is made of natural rubber, which does not freeze even under the influence of very low temperatures - valuable quality for the Russian climate. The line contains a model with a width of 58 to 90 mm. At the price of the VEKA window, comparable to Rehau.
    This is a company with a long history, one of the pioneers for the production of plastic windows. The first model was released in 1954. For decorative finishes, the company offers a wide range of options - from lamination to acrylic coating. The profile is made according to the environmentally friendly technology of GreenLine and provides impeccable heat insulation. Profile width - 70 mm.
  • Salamander.
    This German company is not as well known as Kve or VEKA, however, Salamander products are never inferior to them in quality. The profile is produced exclusively in Germany, which means purchasing such windows, you can count on true European quality - at the European price. The company produces batteries from 60 to 76 mm wide.
  • Kbe.
    One of the most popular German brands, which produces environmentally friendly windows recommended for installation in children's institutions and hospitals. Kve windows are distinguished by high quality and durability (can serve up to 50 years!), And in the ruler there are both luxury models and economy options. Profile width - from 58 to 70 mm.
  • Proplex
    Proplex is a Russian company that, despite youth, has already managed to establish wide production and significantly upgrade the window systems. The profile is developed with the participation of Austrian professionals and taking into account Russian conditions. With very good quality products, the company is still able to maintain affordable prices. Proplex offers models with a width of 58 to 127 mm.

This is only a small part of the manufacturers of plastic windows, in fact, their dozens, if not hundreds. What plastic windows are better? Choosing glazing, you should give preference to known brands, but it is necessary to check all the documentation - the famous brands are often formed. Branded windows at a low price - a sign that you may be trying to deceive.

Opinion edition

Even the best windows will last long, if errors were allowed when installing them. Better eclipse windows installed by professionals than expensive German windows mounted by lovers.


What profile plastic windows is better

What is a high-quality profile?

The pledge of the quality and durability of the metal-plastic window is a high-quality profile. Even if at first glance the entire profile for plastic windows is the same, in fact it is far from the case. Which profile for plastic windows is better, and how to choose the right window of VEKA RUS specialists.


The entire profile from which the windows are manufactured - certified. The most significant is the RAL certificate, which certifies not only the type of product, but also its place of production. In other words, the profile of one brand, but made at different factories will not always have this certificate.

The certificate of quality management system ISO 9001: 2000 is issued to industries that have a competently organized management system in compliance with all technological, economic and organizational requirements characteristic of the production of developed countries. Both Russian VEKA factory have this certificate.

If the profile is wider, then it is more reliable and warmer?

Profile width is one of its main characteristics. Many window manufacturers promise a couple of extra millimeters to the profile width in their advertising campaigns, but are there any benefit from them?

The market most often meet the following proposals:

  1. classic profile 58 mm;
  2. profile 70 mm with an enlarged mounting width;
  3. profile of VEKA AlphaLine 90 mm.

The width of 58 mm is due to the "classic of the genre" - wooden frames, on the shift that windows came from plastic. To date, the EUROLINE 58 mm profile allows you to produce modern warm windows that satisfy the requirements of most buyers in different climatic zones. Provided proper production and installation, this is the best profile for windows in any room.

A 70 mm wide profile is a proposal that appeared in the 80s of the last century. Having higher heat-saving sound-proofing characteristics, this profile especially loved to Russian consumers. In the VEKA Profile Commodity Group, 70 mm width have Softline, SwingLine and Proline.

A 90 mm wide profile is a premium product that appeared about 5 years ago. VEKA ALPHALINE profile allows you to use double-glazed windows with a thickness of up to 50 mm and is currently an unrivaled leader among window profiles with increased energy-saving characteristics.


The choice of profile width largely depends on the installation site (window in the office, the tambour door, the entrance door to the store, windows in the country house) and climate.

Now another new product has appeared on the market - the profile of Softline 82. An innovative multi-chamber system, an elegant style and the ability to choose from more than 40 modifications guarantee the needs of the most demanding client. The SoftLine 82 system provides the best insulating characteristics, fully compatible with 70 mm profiles and can be installed in any homes.

Number of cameras

The second feature of the window is the number of cameras in the profile. In the standard three of them. The first is to remove condensate, the second - to accommodate the reinforcing metal liner, and the third is to fix the parts of the fittings and create an additional air layer for the best tightness of the window. The number of chambers depends on the profile width. So, the 58-mm profile may have a maximum of three cameras, but a 70 mm profile is desirable, four. For a 90 mm profile, 6 cameras are.

Three and six chamber profile systems

Increasing the number of chambers with the same profile width, insignificantly changes the window characteristics. To increase the heat-saving characteristics, a wider profile is needed, and no longer the number of partitions in it.

Full package

Another important point is a glass. The number of glasses in the window affects its characteristics and cost. Double double glazed windows are the most common, but you can also order windows with single glazing or triple double glazing.

"Triple" windows are warmer. However, they will weigh more and require high-quality installation and stable design. Single glass is the coldest. It can be used for glazing unheated balconies, as well as summer houses. Double double glazing is optimal in technical characteristics, and allows you to keep comfort in the room in all year round.

Profile class

There are two classes of metal-plastic profiles. The first, class A, with a thickened outer wall, is certified by the RAL system as an optimal profile for windows, doors and frame glazing.

Helpful advice!

The second, class B is a lightweight profile with a thinner outer wall, the so-called "object" profile. It has a slightly lower cost, but does not guarantee the conservation of the window characteristics throughout its operation.

The windows from the "object" profile, as an economy option, can offer absolutely all manufacturers, but you must remember that such a window can have weaker angular compounds, worse forms, lower energy-saving characteristics, the risk of premature wear of the accessories, less service life.


Summing up the arguments on the topic of choosing a profile for a metal-plastic window, we emphasize:

  • The availability of certificates confirms quality.
  • By mounting width, all profiles are divided into two main classes: 58, 64 mm and 70 -76 mm. Inside the class of heat engineering characteristics are the same. A 68 mm wide profile and a 72 mm wide profile do not differ from each other.
  • The number of cameras affects the quality of the window only if the profile refers to different width classes.
  • The most common is double double glazing.
  • Class A profile is a leader in reliability and quality.

Selecting the windows, you will hear the necessary information and screen advertising. The quality of your windows depends on your choice. Do not spare time to make a choice right!

Currently on the Russian window of window products, despite the ever-increasing number of sales of wooden and aluminum structures, leadership is saved outside the windows of plastic. This contributes to the most advantages that PVC products possess. The main ones, of course, are excellent heat and noise insulation, a long service life, the ability to use additional accessories that increase the functionality of the window (mosquito net, thermometer, etc.), as well as a magnificent appearance, with an affordable price.

As you know, the basis of plastic windows is a profile. In the entire light-cutting design, it accounts for about 10% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe product. The remaining 90% takes windshirt.

It is no secret that all PVC profiles coming in the composition of the same windows are the same. To pick up the optimal option that fully responded to requests in appearance, the level of sound and heat insulation, as well as the price, the buyer must have an idea of \u200b\u200beach element of the window, to be able to freely operate with technical terms associated with each component.

In this article, we will consider in detail the highlights that you should pay attention to when choosing a window profile, we describe its design, explain the values \u200b\u200bof the main technical terms.

How many cameras should be at the plastic window.

An image is clipable.

When considering the characteristics of the Svetopropus-PVC Design Model in the model, special attention should be paid to three moments:

  • profile;

The most significant feature of the profile is its camera, that is, from how many cameras it consists. Their number directly determines how well the plastic profile retains heat.

Camera profile. For residents of regions, where most of the year reigns cool weather conditions, the most preferred option is a three-chamber profile of the window. Three cameras reliably protect the design from purge, and therefore, they perfectly hold warm in the room. In addition, they are built into them with a metal frame designed to enhance plastic sidewalls. The three-chamber profile of the plastic window, as a rule, has a width of 5.8 cm.

Profile with four or five cameras. Products, which contain four, or intended, first of all, for operation in the regions of the country in which the summer season is not long, and the temperature conditions are clearly left to desire the best. The protection provided by the profile with such an increased number of chambers is coping with even the lowest temperatures (30 C and below). Therefore, indoors, glazed windows with a multi-chamber profile, in any weather will be warm and cozy. It is worth noting that the application of such windows in the warm regions of such windows is justified due to: soft weather conditions; Prices that significantly exceed the value of their three-chamber "counterparts".

Single-chamber and two-chamber profiles. It is used mainly for glazing apartments and private houses located in the southern part of Russia. The lack of a structure that does not allow them at low temperatures to cope with the retention of heat with interest compensated for by their price - it is significantly lower than the cost of plastic windows models, the profile of which in its composition has a greater number of cameras.

Constructive elements of a plastic profile. Click on the mouse increases the image.

As a result. If you need the maximum cold protection, stop your choice on models of plastic windows from 4 or with a 5-chamber profile. In the absence of need to maximize heat saving in a glazed room, for example, in the southern regions of the country, where hot weather prevails, one or two-chamber PVC designs should be selected.

For most buyers, the best solution for the home will be the acquisition of three-chamber systems.

Criteria for selecting a profile, depending on its thickness.

Profile in the context. Click to enlarge.

An important characteristic of PVC profile is its thickness. It depends first of all, on the number of cameras and, indirectly talks about the ability to maintain heat by the window: the wider profile Topics, as a rule, it is warmer.

When choosing the optimal width of the plastic window profile, it is necessary to take into account that there is only a small number of options from which the following should be highlighted:

58 mm. Profile, 5.8 cm wide is the most popular window designs in the Russian market. Against the background of the rest, more "thick fellow", is highlighted by a small price with quite a balanced characteristics. As they say - cheap and angry. However, if the buyer pursues the goal to glazing the window opening without claims for superfold, then the model of the plastic window with a 58-mm profile, fully satisfy its desire.

70 mm. The profile width of 7.0 cm allows the product to arrange in it from 3 to 5 cameras. Such thickness is more than enough to ensure a glazed room of the proper level of heat and sound insulation.

90 mm. The most wide range of the profile for PVC windows that best copes with the issue of retention in the apartment. Accommodates up to 6 cameras. The main disadvantage of such a 9.0 cm solution is its price, which is significantly higher than other similar products having a smaller thickness.

There are also structures, the profile width of which is rather impressive 110-130 mm! Such windows are also called "Danish" or "Dutch". They, so to speak, are designed for an amateur.

Double-glazed windows.

The glass, as already mentioned above, takes about 90% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire window. To date, there are three types of double-glazed windows that differ in the number of glass installed in them:

  • One glass. Not suitable for installation in a residential fund due to the presence of insufficient characteristics in such a glass package. The main flaws in the design of the single glass package are poorly preserved heat, as well as in the absence of protection from. With the onset of the cold season, such minuses can contribute to the salinage of the room, as well as the formation on the glasses of the impressive layer of land.
  • Double-decker design. It is the most optimal solution for installation in an apartment, or a private house due to a good price relationship and characteristics. It is practically eliminated so-called, and heat in a glazed room is saved much better than when using the glass package, which contains only one glass.
  • The solution includes three glasses. With the installed triple glass, it is possible to achieve not only the greatest savings of heat, but also the maximum security of the apartment from penetration on its territory from the street of all sorts of noise. Triple glazing has only two drawbacks - this is a high cost and.

From the foregoing information it follows that for most buyers the best option will be the acquisition of double-glazed windows, which consist of three glasses. With a shortage of funds, you can stop your choice and on a double double glazing with the best price / quality ratio.

Selection of profile depending on the manufacturer and class.

When choosing a suitable window profile, in addition to its characteristics, it should be taken into account its brand and classity. Regarding manufacturers of this type of product, it can be noted that today in the domestic window market you can find a fairly large number of brands that produce various models of plastic windows that differ in the components of the elements and, accordingly, characteristics.

Important! The most fully, this issue was covered in our previous materials entitled "" and "".

Now a few words about choosing a profile class. There are two classes of such products:

Profile class A. It can be used both in residential buildings and geometrically complex facade structures. It has a long service life, has a thickness of the walls of at least 3 mm.

Profile class A. Click to enlarge.

Due to the constructive features, class b profile is customary to the budget decision. The main factor affecting the price is the presence of a thin wall product. It is due to savings on the thickness of the material used for the camera wall, manufacturers of PVC profiles class B. They got the opportunity to keep prices for their products extremely low. The price of the price, however, should be remembered that such a marketing move may not affect the duration of the plastic window, equipped with such a profile - the system life will be significantly less.

Summing up the result of all the above, I would like to pay attention to a completely obvious fact: all elements of the plastic window are interrelated. Making a choice in favor of a warm glass, you should get acquainted and buying a warm window profile. Otherwise, the design, due to the essential differences in the technical characteristics, may be unbalanced.

When buying windows, customers most often do not know anything about the profile and other components that are used for assembly. If it is extremely easy to simplify the wording, then the window profiles are the elements from which the framework of frames and sash is manufactured. Their choice is influenced by many factors that are recommended to be considered. Profiles are responsible for the stability of window structures, energy saving, sound insulation, appearance and tightness, also depends on the durability of windows.

Information on the characteristics of PVC systems, customers are usually obtained from the manager in a strongly compressed form and can be mistaken with the choice. After all, they have no basic knowledge and time to think about different options. As a result of such actions, buyers get at all what they wanted. In order not to fall into such situations, you need to fundamentally change the approach to the order procedure. Our article will tell how to choose a profile for plastic windows and what else needs close attention.

What you need to consider when choosing a PVC profile

To make a successful purchase of windows, you must correctly build a sequence of actions. First of all, it will be necessary to learn until plastic windows be ordered which profile is better. That is, the brand and type of system are first selected, and then the manufacturer. To find a suitable system, you need to comprehensively consider several criteria.

Profile class

Complex of industrial standards RAL-GZ 716/1, which is relevant for EU countries, 3 class of window profiles - A, B, C is provided. Such separation and requirement must be labeled the systems to protect customers from the purchase of products that do not meet the requirements. Among the systems of different classes differ in 2 main features:
  • the composition of raw materials for coextrusion profiles;
  • the thickness of the outer and inner walls.

From the quality of raw materials and plastic thickness depend on the service life, reliability and aesthetic appearance of windows.
The durability of class A products is from 40 to 60 years, and b is only 20 years old. Class C profiles will serve only 5 years, but they are not found in free sale.

Profile width and number of aircases

The width (mounting depth) and the number of chambers affect both the stability of the windows and their heat-saving properties. The more these parameters, the warmer and tougher construction collected from such a profile. Today, the market presents systems that have from 3 to 8 chambers and a mounting depth from 58 to 127 mm.

The thickness of the external and outer walls

These parameters affect strength, durability and resistance to loads. In profiles of different classes, such indicators differ as follows:

A-Class - outer walls must exceed 2.8 mm, and internal jumpers to be at least 2.5 mm;
B-Class - The permissible minimum permissible for the outer walls is 2.5 mm, and for internal - 2 mm.

From the thickness of the profile walls, the level of noise absorption of window structures and their energy efficiency are also dependent.

With an equal number of chambers and the same mounting depth of the class A window, the warmer and quieter of class B class models.


Plastic windows without amplification can be deformed due to the load from large-size sfolders having a lot of weight. This process entails the depressurization of the design. To prevent, special metal liners are inserted into the internal chambers. They differ from each other with a cross section and wall thickness, which should not be less than 1.2 mm. The optimal thickness of the thickness is 1.5 mm.

Today, the leading European manufacturers of premium systems are actively replaced by metal liners with durable fiberglass elements. Without prejudice to strength, they reduce the weight of windows and increase their energy efficiency.

Ecology PVC

In the manufacture of profiles in pure PVC, various stabilizers and modifiers, which improve the strength, color and heat resistance of products are added. Previously, many manufacturers used additives, which contained harmful lead. Although the research conducted in Europe partially dispelled the fears of buyers and proved that in PVC, he was harmless to health, the fear of this metal remained. In addition, lead is undesirable in recycling plastic. As a result, manufacturers replaced the harmful addition to the new fully safe CAZN stabilizer.

The greatest concerns are not certified products, but made in handicrafts profiles. In such products, lead and other substances harmful to health can be restored. To do not order windows from such components, you need to require a certificate for compliance with environmental safety requirements.

Maximum glass width

Different profiles are distinguished by the maximum values \u200b\u200bof glass thickness, which can be installed in the windows. Usually this parameter directly depends on the mounting depth of the system. What it is more, the thicker the windows can be used to configure windows.

With the advent of selective glasses, the need to use thick glass windows to preserve heat is disappeared. Three-chamber models are recommended to be used only in the northern regions or in noisy areas (to increase the level of sound absorption windows).

Number of tightness contours

Modern profile systems have 2 or 3 sealing circuit. The class of tightness of structures depends on their quantity. If the windows are planned to be operated under conditions of high wind load or at too low temperatures, it is advisable to give preference to profiles with 3 sealing circuits.

Depth of the fold under the installation of double-glazes

This parameter rarely pay attention, although it is important. The depth of the fold affects the likelihood of condensate around the perimeter of double-glazed. The profiles with a small landing distance in winter quickly cool the glass around the remote frame. This leads to the formation of condensate. To reduce the risk of its loss, it is recommended to give preference to systems with a fold depth of not less than 20-21 mm.


Most window companies additionally provide a service for plastic lamination. Its essence is to apply a polymer film with a monophonic or ancient decor on one or two sides of the profile. If the object is scheduled to install color windows, it is recommended to find out which coverage offers the manufacturer.
In the search process, it is impossible to be limited to studying profiles. The heat engineering characteristics of windows to no less depend on the windows and accessories.

How to choose a suitable plastic profile if you need warm windows

To figure out which you choose a profile for PVC windows with high energy efficiency, you first need to understand how heat is held inside the premises. For this process, accessories, double-glazed windows are answered and, of course, the profile system. Most of all heat is lost through the translucent filling, so you must first take care of this part of the window structure. However, without taking into account the characteristics of the profiles, this task is unrealistic, since there are 2 ways to increase the energy efficiency of windows:
  1. Set thick two-chamber double-glazed windows - Such integration is possible only in structures collected from profiles with a mounting depth of 70 mm. The number of internal chambers in such windows is usually 5-6 pieces.
  2. Install single-chamber glazed windows with selective coating - There is no powerful profile for such installation. However, the use of 3-chamber systems with a 58-60 mm mounting depth will lead to heat leakage in the waist area and frame, therefore the 5-chamber profile will be the best option.

To make warm windows with any type of glass package, it is necessary to use for assembling profiles with an enlarged mounting depth. Otherwise, the energy efficiency of the structures will be insufficient to maintain a comfortable temperature in the interior.

Which profile is better if you need large windows

Large designs are experiencing high loads. They must withstand a mass of heavy glass and wind gusts. Since not all buyers know when they ordered large plastic windows, which profile is better to choose, they may later face the deformation of large-sized structures. To avoid this, you need to adhere to several recommendations:
  • give preference to the a-class multi-chamber profile with the thickness of the outer walls of 3 mm and the mounting depth of 80-86 mm;
  • order a closed reinforcement with steel liners with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm;

Guided by these two points, you can choose large windows that will serve for many years and will not deliver trouble.

Which profile is suitable if you need colored windows

Laminated, painted and lined with acrylic - such are colored windows. Today, all listed profiles of plastic windows are available today, but how to choose the most suitable, does not know most buyers. To make the designs fully comply with customer requests, you need to comprehensively rate:
  • decor service life;
  • operating conditions of coatings;
  • cost of color profiles.

In addition to systems, lined with decorative coatings, manufacturers offer painted profiles painted. They retain their aesthetic characteristics in the process of the entire service life of structures.
If windows with dark lamination are planned to be operated on the sunny side of the building, it is necessary to know whether PVC will long withstand overheating. Inexpensive profiles in such conditions quickly soften, which ultimately leads to deformation of sash and frames.

What to choose if you need safe windows

For the manufacture of secure windows, a profile is needed with such a displacement of the accessory groove that will allow you to install. In addition, it is necessary to equip the structures with reliable steel reinforcement. The more cameras from the profile with an enlarged mounting width, the harder it is to open such windows from the street.
Attempts to hack windows with a high level of security can cause minor damage to the profile designs. As a result, it is recommended to choose systems made of eco-friendly plastic for the manufacture of such models.

How to choose the right profile at a bargain price

System satisfying all the most stringent requirements belong to the premium class. But this does not mean that the purchase of high-quality windows excludes savings. With the right approach, you can reduce your costs a little.

First, it will be necessary to first find out, ordering inexpensive plastic windows, which profile to choose for your climate. Not for all regions requires maximum thermal insulation.
Secondly, consider the features of the location of your window openings. If the windows overlook the courtyard, it makes no sense to overpay for the increased characteristics of noise insulation.

If designs are unconditionally required, which are well kept warm, do not miss noise and make it difficult to hack, use our advice, without prejudice to quality.

Profile selection - a priority event from which to start the procedure for purchasing windows. This process requires pre-acquaintance with the basic information necessary for a successful search. Find all current information about the components for assembling window and door blocks, you can on the website of the window in the "Useful Articles" section.

PVC profile profile Wooden profile PVC windows wooden windows


The profile for PVC windows is the main element. It affects the functionality, reliability, durability of the design. Despite the same appearance, profiles are endowed with different properties, choose which need extremely carefully.

What are the designs?

Currently, there are a large number of companies producing a variety. They may differ significantly from each other even by one manufacturer, not counting competitive products. What is the difference and is it worth paying more?

There are a variety of, whose comparison will help the buyer make the right choice. They are a constructive basis, frames and sash are made of them. Material can be used different: wood, metalplastic, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride. The latter is the most popular: it is equipped with special steel inserts, making the product more durable, hard. Air cavities helps to achieve good heat and sound insulation. Some manufacturers fill these cavities with nitrogen, so that the windows do not fill when the temperatures drops. PVC profiles for windows must comply with Russian GOST 30673-99 or European EN 12608 SR.

Window PVC profiles of all manufacturers are divided into the following categories:

  • Class A: Characterized by the size of the outer wall 2.8 mm. Inside the thickness does not exceed 2.5 mm. This window provides good protection from weather conditions, perfectly keeps heat inside the room.
  • Class B: Differs in thinner walls: external - 2.5 mm, internal - 2 mm. This sample is worse coping with thermal insulation, but is suitable for use in warm climate or for glazing balcony rooms. It is worth considering that the risk of deformation of the structure increases by 15%.
  • Class C: products that do not meet Russian and import standards. Since certification is absent, there are no strict requirements for it, and manufacturers can choose the thickness at their discretion. As a rule, such windows are cheap, but their quality suffers.

You can find an objective PVC profile on sale. It is used in the glazing of non-residential technical premises, commercial halls, since it is not capable of high quality heat, and there is a high probability of deformation. Externally, it differs little from the standard. It is necessary to pay attention to the designation of Object: unfair merchants sell such products for homes.

How to choose a suitable profile?

Various characteristics have PVC window profiles, whose comparison will help to make the right choice. Do not rely on the external characteristics of the products offered. Attention should be paid to the following properties:

  • Uniform material. Choose that products whose plastic is distinguished by the absence of flaws. It should be smooth, pleasant to the touch, uniform. If you notice that the surface is coarse-grained, most likely you are dealing with a fake made with violation of technology.
  • The coating should be holistic, without divorce, paint traces.

High-quality windows always have factory labeling. It follows on the inside of the packaging. Firms put their mark with the title, there may also be numbered: they mean the number of shifts that released the party. The numbers mean the number of the device to which the window was produced, and the date of release. Fakes either do not have such numbers, or the designations are the same.

  • Width. PVC window profile often has a standard parameter equal to 58 mm. This window is quite suitable for residential rooms and most often sold in stores. If you wish, you can order a thicker option, the width of which will be 70 or 90 mm. The first option is relevant on the upper floors of height, as it is withstanding heavy loads, it is able to effectively resist the strong wind. Actually use it in the cold climate. The second option is considered a premium class, it has a high ability to isolate sound and heat, has high strength, but also the mass of such a product is much higher, it is not recommended to install it everywhere.

If you decide to install the window profile of PVC 90 mm, you should not order too much a window. His sash will have a lot of weight and starts to fake. It is better to take two small or make a design with two sash, not dependent on each other.

  • Thickness. It may vary from 2.5 to 3 mm. However, it is not worth putting such a design into heavy window blocks. Large load can question its reliability.
  • The number of aircases. The profile whose thickness is 58 mm, has two cameras, less often equipped with three. This is quite enough for good thermal insulation. A larger number of cameras are available for a thicker profile, whose size is 70 mm. It can have up to 5 cameras. Such profiles are most often used as glazing in the apartments of high-rise houses. If necessary, you can order a product of 90 mm, it can have up to 6 cameras. The level of soundproof and heat indoors depends on their number. However, it is necessary to remember that the number of glasses and profile dimensions increase and the mass of the design, and the difference between 3 and 4-chamber package is not too sensible.
  • The number of glass packs. Different brands of plastic windows offer products with different quantities of these elements. Do not confuse them with air chambers. Double-glazed windows are glass, combined with frame and sealant. There are air chambers between them, they can be filled with gas. Single-chamber glass is considered the easiest glass, since it includes a pair of glasses. Most often, such products are used to finish the terraces, balconies, loggias, because the mass of it is minimal, but such a window does not isolate heat. For an apartment or a private house, it is better to use a thicker option having three sheets of glass and two aircases.

When choosing a glass package should be aware of this feature of the product: the more glass, the worse there will be light. In the servers regions of the country, four-chamber products are installed, it is not necessary to put them in a warmer climate, it will only be overpayed. If the frost does not exceed -40 degrees, the difference between this product and three-chamber will not be noticeable.

Choosing plastic windows, you must first turn on product quality, as well as make a purchase, based on the appointment of the profile, the climatic conditions in which you live. It is worth remembering that too cheap material can not be high quality.

The formation of windows from polyvinyl chloride to a full-fledged segment has long been completed in the domestic market. Technological and functional frames confidently ousted wooden analogues, ensuring reliable and ergonomic glazing. However, plastic profiles for PVC windows cause ambiguous opinions of users, which is due to a variety of models and qualitative parameters of this product. Often, the manufacturer's brand becomes a decisive selection criterion - certified windows are more likely to be endowed with the qualities and characteristics stated by the firm. It remains only to figure out which brand guarantees the best properties of the profile.

What is PVC profile?

Metal-plastic profile is a frame that may include up to eight cameras, but more often there are models for two or three compartments. Actually, on their parameters and depend on the whole. It is logical that the options of the larger area are weaker in insulation and noise insulating functions than plastic profiles for small-sized windows. In order to increase the thermal insulation, manufacturers are used polyurethane foam, which fills the camera space. Fiberglass coating with the list of main distinguishing features, the assembly width is also common. The stiffness of the design and, therefore, the reliability of the sash depends on these indicators.

Foreign profile manufacturers

For the most part, imported PVC windows are presented in the market of German products. Technologies of European companies have left ahead and today dominate this niche. The list of firms is calculated by dozens, and the leading positions in quality and sales are occupied by Kbe, Rehau, Veka, Trocal, DeceUninck brand, etc. It is noteworthy that the majority of German companies are manufactured in Russia on special licenses. Accordingly, many plastic profiles for PVC windows, whose names have German origins are produced in our country. Domestic manufacturers of such brands, like Rehau and Kbe, seek to ensure proper quality, completely recreating the original

Russian profile manufacturers

Despite the widespread representation of foreign window products, Russian manufacturing technologies are also improved. One of the oldest domestic producers of metal-plastic profiles is Proplex. Initially, having mastered the Austrian technologies, the firm seeks to offer means for glazing in a wide range.

It was not without help from the Austrian specialists and the formation of the Montblanc brand. Currently, plastic profiles for windows with a maximum width of 120 cm are available to clients with a maximum width of 120 cm - this is a system that includes five cameras.

NOVOTEX offers manufacturing facilities in the Moscow region, perhaps, can be unconditionally called the Russian. Engineers and technologists are constantly working on improving plastic structures, focusing on local climatic conditions. It is the last factor in combination with a low price allows the NOVOTEX brand to maintain a competitive struggle.

Profiles class A.

Although the quality of profiles is determined by general criteria, there is a division by classes, in accordance with which the unjust and comparison of premium models and representatives of budgetary series. The first obviously won in operational qualities and durability, and the advantage of the second is the price.

So, the luxury plastic profiles for windows are positioned on the market as a class. Such systems are highlighted by the wall thickness (3 mm), the reliability of the compounds in the corners, as well as the protectedness from external influences. The technical features of the A-Class profiles during use are not felt, which, however, indicates the reliability of the structures. They are very problematic to dismantle without a special tool, an optimal microclimate is created in the room, and the aesthetic beauty with the possibility of toning the RAM and makes premium systems at the best choice. A-class representatives include KBE, Rehau, Veka, etc. profiles.

Profiles class B.

It is not necessary to count on impeccable technical and physical parameters in the windows of this group, but in view of the relatively low cost, this product also deserves attention.

The thickness of the outer walls in the structures of the B-class is 2.5 mm. For this reason, plastic profiles for PVC class windows are less resistant to physical influences. There is also an opinion on unsatisfactory indicators of the ecology of profiles of this group, but this is not true. The absence of toxicity is a general condition for the certification of plastic structures.

Category C Category profiles

In general, modern C-class profiles fully meet the consumer's requests both for sound and thermal insulation and in decorative properties. Another thing is that premium competitors highly raised the level of technical qualities.

Representatives C category C include profiles of such brands as Vektor, LG Hausys, AGF, as well as almost all domestic products, including Novotex. As a rule, they are used in providing non-residential premises, but there are also rules focused on installing in apartments and private houses.

Rating of the best profiles

Against the background of the development of technological methods of manufacturing profiles and tough competition, it is not easy to identify the rating formed by the combination of the qualities and making fundamentally new properties. In this regard, the placement of leaders can be presented like this:

Championship This brand has deserved thanks to maintaining the unsurpassed level of the main quality of window profiles. Among them, 50-year durability, elevated heat and noise insulating indicators, as well as environmental friendliness due to the introduction of zinc and calcium compounds into the PVC formulation.

Composing a serious KBE competition, Veka's brand ranks second. In the list of its advantages, the technology of manufacturing "light" profiles, which at the same time ensure the preservation of heat and acoustic comfort.

3. Rehau.

The Troika leaders rightly includes Rehau. The quality of the manufacturer's profiles is achieved by making lead connections. As a result, the design acquires high strength and stability in operation.

The following positions may occupy many plastic profiles for PVC windows. What is better among them, should be determined by the same parameters. Troika leaders are worth attaching the Salamander and Deceuninck systems. Although plastic profiles for windows of these brands are not as popular, their physico-technical qualities support a high level. Ergonomics and thoughtful configuration, facilitating installation and further use of window systems are distinguished.