Omar Hayaam statements about the life of Audi. Best Aphorisms Omar Khayama

The statements of Omar Khayama, the great poet of the East and one of the most famous wise men and philosophers transmitted from generation to generation are filled with deep meaning, image brightness and rhythm grace.

With the inherent Highama wit and sarcastic, he created a saying that amazed by His humor and his jewel.

They give strength in a difficult moment, help to cope with surgery problems, distract from troubles, make you think and reason.

The torn flower must be presented, the poem began - is addressed, and his beloved woman is happy, otherwise it was not worth it for the fact that you are not able to.


Give yourself - does not mean selling.
And sleeping sleep - does not mean sleep.
Do not revenge - does not mean to forgive everyone.
Do not be near - does not mean not to love!

Do not make evil will return boomerang, do not spit into the well - you will driving water, do not insult one who is lower than the rank, but suddenly you have to ask for something.
Do not betray friends, you will not replace them, and do not lose your loved ones, do not return, not LIA - with we check time What you give yourself to lie down.


Is it not funny to save the whole cent a penny,
If eternal life still does not buy?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while, -
Try not to miss!

The fact that God once alone first, friends, it is impossible to increase and cannot be reduced. We will try to try to spend cash, do not remember anyone else's, I do not ask for interest.


You will say, this life is one moment.
Her appreciation, in her draw inspiration.
How to spend it and passes,
Do not forget: she is your creation.

Feeding perfume ahead of time

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you can not seduce a man who has a favorite woman! "\u003e

Love at the beginning - Laskov always.
In memories - Laskov always.
And you love - pain! And with greed of each other
We are tormented and tormented - always.

In this world, the wrong not be a fool:
Relying do not think about those who are around.
Solid approach Look at the nearest friend -
A friend may turn out to be an worst enemy.

And with the other and with the enemy you should be good!
Who is kind on kind, in that malice you will not find.
You offended a friend - you can't make the enemy,
The enemy is hugging - a friend is gaining.

Have a smaller friends, do not expand their circle.
And remember: better loved ones, in a distance of a living friend.
Okin calm eyes all who sits around.
In whom you saw the support, the enemy will see suddenly.


Do not evil others and do not be angry.
We are guests in this glossy world
And what's wrong, then you come off.
Cold think your head.
Indeed, everything is natural in the world:
Evil emitted by you
You will return to you certainly!

Be easier to people. Want to be wise -
Do not hurt with my wisdom.


Only those who worse us are thinking about us, but those who are better than us ... they just do not


It is better to fall in poverty, starve or steal,
Than in the number of wind mass contempt.
Better bones gloching than to be messenger
At the table in the merrys that have power.

We change rivers, countries, cities.
Other doors.
New years.
And nowhere to us from ourselves, but if you go - only to nowhere.


You got out of the dirt in the prince, but quickly the prince becomes ...
Not forgetful not to join ..., not forever princes - the dirt is eternal ...


Since the day passed, do not remember about him,
Before the day the coming in fear is not a wall
About the future and past are not sad
Today's happiness of the price know!


Kohl can not be touches about the running time,
Do not argue the soul either past nor upcoming.
Treasures have their own strengthen while you are alive;
After all, it is still in that world will appear to the poor.

Do not be afraid of the goose of the running time,
Our troubles are not eternal in the circle of things.
MiG, given to us, in the fun,
Do not cry about the past, without afraid of the future.


I never repelled the poverty of a person, another thing if his soul and thoughts were poor.
Noble people love each other
They see the mountain of others, forget themselves.
If you want and gloss mirrors, you wish, -
Do not envy others, - and we will belong to you.


Do not envy someone who is strong and rich.
For dawn always comes the sunset.
With this life short, equal
Contact with this for you to hire!


Would make life from the smartest
There did not think, there was no reason at all.
But time - here we have a teacher millet!
As a poddle carus will give you a little wondered.

Omar Hayaham is a great Persian philosopher, poet and mathematician, he left his life on December 4, 1131, but his wisdom lives for centuries. Omar Hayaham - Eastern philosopher, I heard about him every person on this planet, in all the religions of Omar Khayama study at school and the highest educational institutions. His creations - Rubai - Quarters, wise, and at the same time with humor, originally worn a dual sense. Rubayata say that it is impossible to say out loud of open text.

Statements of lobster Hayaha about life and man

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He stretches there, where the soul is not Doros.
One will not discern what the roses smell. Another of the bitter herbs will achieve honey. Someone is a trifle, I will remember forever. Someone will give life, but he will not understand.
Two watched on one window. One saw rain and dirt. Another - green foliage lick, spring and blue sky.
We are a source of fun and grief mine. We are a bobbin and pure spring. Man, as if in the mirror World of Multiple. He is insignificant and he is immensely great!
Who is a bit of bits, he will achieve greater. Pone salt eating above appreciates honey. Who is the tears of Lil, that sincere laughs. Who died, he knows what lives!
As often, in life is mistaken, we lose those who cherish. Someone, sometimes trying, sometimes from the near run. We assume those who do not stand us, and bring the most faithful. Who loves us so much, offend, and we are waiting for apologies.
We will not get into this world again in this world, we will not meet with friends at the table forever. Catching every flying moment - it's never to be tested later.
Do not envy someone who is strong and rich, the sunset always comes for dawn.
With this life, the short, equal to inhale. Contact how to rent this.

Statements of lobster hayama about love

So that wise life live knows not enough. Two important rules Remembers for starters: you're better than hungry than what I have and better be alone than with whom it fell.
You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you can not seduce a man who has a favorite woman.
The spikes of adorable roses are the price of adults. The price of the Crown Peters is a furious sufferment. For a fiery passion for the only one you must pay the expectations for years.
About grief, grief heart, where zhugia passion not. Where there is no love of torment, where there is no dream about happiness. Day without love - Lost: Tuskle and Gray, than this day is blunt, and there are no bad weather days.
In your loved one, you like even disadvantages, and even the dignity is annoyed in the dislike.

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© AST Publishing House, 2016

* * *
* * *

Without hops and smiles - what life?
Without sweet sounds of flutes - what life?
All that you see in the sun is not enough.
But on the fear in lights light and life!
* * *

One chorus from my wisdom:
"Life is short, - so let the will of her!
Cleverly cut the trees,
But to reveal yourself - where stupid! "
* * *

Live, madman! .. Tell while rich!
After all, you yourself are not a precious treasure.
And do not dream - no thieves
To pull you out of the coffin!
* * *

Are you overwhelming? Forget.
Did the days rushing? Forget.
The wind is unsuccessful: in the eternal book of life
Could and not to move ...
* * *

What's there for a wind curtain darkness
If the minds were confused in the fortune telling.
When the curtain crawls with a crash,
We will see everything, as we were wrong.
* * *

I would compare the world with a chessboard:
Then day, then night ... and paws? - we are with you.
They lift, attached - and beat.
And in the dark drawer linked on peace.
* * *

Peace with Peg Klyach would be compared
And this rider - who can he be?
"Not a day or night, he does not believe in anything!"
- Where is the strength, he takes to live?
* * *

Youth was smelled - Running Spring -
To underground kingdoms in Sleep Oleole,
As a wonderful bird, with affectionate cunning,
Moved, shone here - and not visible ...
* * *

Dreaming dust! They do not have place in the world.
And if it even came true young nonsense?
What if it fell snow in the desert of hot?
An hour or two rays - and there is no snow!
* * *

"The world is cumbersome such mountains!
Their eternal bent over the heart is so hard! "
But if you broke them! How many wonderful
Shining diamonds you found!
* * *

Life is going - a volatile caravan.
Wailing a short ... Polon Li Glass?
Beauty, to me! Lowered the canopy
Above sleepy happiness is a dormant fog.
* * *

In one temptation, you feel everything!
In one tune in string - listen to everything!
Do not go to the darkening gave:
Live in a short bright strip.
* * *

Good and evil are entitled: peace in fire.
And what's the sky? Heaven - aside.
Curses and fierce hymns
Do not come to blue embroidery.
* * *

On a sequilament of days clamped in hand
You can not buy secrets somewhere in the distance.
And here - and lies on the hairs from the truth,
And your life is in the hairs.
* * *

Instant he is visible, more often hidden.
Behind our life is closely watching.
God our drama is kidding eternity!
He composes himself, puts and looks.
* * *

Although I'm slimmer, my camp,
Although cheeks are fiery tulip,
But for what the artist is an independious
Introduced my shadow into my motley balagan?
* * *

The devotees were exhausted from the Dum.
And the secrets are dried the wise mind.
We are incurred, - grape juice fresh,
And they, great, - dried raisins!
* * *

What is the Bliss of the Paradise - "then"?
Please, in cash, wine ...
On credit - I do not believe! And what I fame to me:
Under the ear - drum thunder?!
* * *

Wine is not only a friend. Wine - Sage:
With him spreadshell, yellies - the end!
Wine - Alchemist: turns
In the dust Gold Life Lead.
* * *

As in front of a light, royal leader,
As before the scarlet, the fiery sword -
Shadows and fears Black infection -
Horde enemies runs before wine!
* * *

Wines! - I do not ask the other.
Love! - I do not ask the other.
"And the skies give you forgiveness?"
Do not offer, - I do not ask.
* * *

You have been inxicane - and rejoice, Highyam!
You won - and rejoice. Highy!
Nothing will come - finishing these Bedding ...
You are still alive - and rejoice, Highyam.
* * *

In the words of the Quran, much cleverly,
But teaches the same wisdom wine.
At each Cup - the life is passing:
"Rocky in the mouth - and see the bottom!"
* * *

I am wine - that Iva has a stream:
My root foamy jet.
So God judged! What did he think about something?
And I throw a drink, I would have led him!
* * *

Glitter Diadem, Silk Turban,
I will give everything, - and the power of yours, Sultan,
I will give saint with rosary in addition
For the sounds of the flute and ... more glass!
* * *

In scholars - no sense, no borders.
It will open more secret eyelashes.
Drink! The book of life will end sadly.
Decorate wine flashes borders!
* * *

All the kingdoms of the world - for a glass of wine!
All the wisdom of books - for the severity of wine!
All honors - for shine and velvet wine!
All music - for bouffaging wine!
* * *

The dust of the wise men - dull, my young friend.
Ensure their life, my young friend.
"But we sound their proud lessons!"
And this is the wind of words, my young friend.
* * *

All aromas greedily I breathed
Saw all rays. And women wanted everyone.
What is life? - the strength of the earth flashed in the sun
And somewhere in the black crack disappeared.
* * *

For wounded love wines Prepare!
Muscat and scarlet, like blood.
Bills fire, sleepless, slate,
And in string silk, confuse the soul again.
* * *

In that is not love who is not a violence,
In that twig ringing smoke.
Love - bonfire, flaming, sleepless ...
Loven wounded. He is insecrees!
* * *

Do you reach her cheek - gentle roses?
First, in the heart of thousands of the heads!
So the ridge: in the teeth small will wave,
So that swelling in luxury hair!
* * *

So far, at least the sparks of the wind did not take, -
Ignite her merry vines!
So far, at least the shadow remains for the same strength -
Unlock the nodes of the fragrant braids!
* * *

You are a warrior with the network: catch heart!
Jug of wine - and in the shadow of the tree.
The stream sings: "die and become clay.
Dan a little lunar brilliance of the face. "
* * *

"Do not drink, khayam!" Well, how to explain to them,
What in the dark I do not agree to live!
And the brilliance of wine and the glory is cute -
Here are two brilliant occasions to drink!
* * *

I have been told: "Highyam, do not drink wine!"
And what about? Only drunk hear
Speech of hyacinth tender tulip,
Which she does not say she!
* * *

Swim! .. Capture not to catch the stream?
But she caresses a fluid jet!
No in women and in the life of constancy?
But there is a queue of yours!
* * *

Love at first - Laskov always.
In memories - Laskov always.
And you love - pain! And with greed of each other
We are tormented and tormented - always.
* * *

Rosehip scarlet gentle? You are gentle.
Chinese idol lush? You are lush.
Low chess king before the queen?
But I, a fool, in front of you weaken!
* * *

We carry the Life - the last gift?
Above the heart is closely listed.
But for a moment to death - give lips,
Oh, sweet bowl of gentle char!
* * *

"Our world is a young rose alley,
The choir of Soloviev and the chatter of Stream. "
And in the fall? "Silence and Stars,
And the darkness of your flue hair ... "
* * *

"Elements - four. Feelings as if five
And one hundred puzzles. " Should I count?
Play on Little, - Lute Sweet:
In him, the wind of life is a master intoxication ...
* * *

In the heavenly Cup - hop of air roses.
Spacing glass of vague-small dreams!
What is anxiety, honors, dreams?
Ringing a quiet string ... and gentle silk of hair ...
* * *

Not you are one unhappy. Not anger
Persistence of the sky. Forces updates
On a young breast, elastically tender ...
You will find delight. And do not look for love.
* * *

I am young again. Scarlet wine
Give the soul joy! And at the same time
Give bitterness and tart, and fragrant ...
Life is bitter and drunk wine!
* * *

Today orgy, - with my wife,
Fruitless daughter wisdom empty,
I divorce! Friends and I'm delighted
And I get married on my daughter Loza simple ...
* * *

Not seen Venus and Moon
Glitter of sweet wine.
Sell \u200b\u200bwine? Although gold and weighty, -
The error of poor sellers is clear.
* * *

Rubin huge sun shone
In my fault: dawn! Take Sandal:
One piece - singery lutea do,
Other - Light, so that the world is bullshit.
* * *

"We are weak - the fate of the wrong slave,
Exposed I am a shameless slave! "
Especially in love. I myself, I first
It is always wrong and to many weak.
* * *

Sought us hands dark hoop days -
Days without wine, without thoughts about her ...
Mischievous time and charges for them
All the price of full, real days!
* * *

On the mystery of life - where would it be hint?
In Night Skitany - Where is at least a light?
Under the wheel in the restless torture
Soul burn. Where is though smack?
* * *

How the world is good, as a fresh Dennitz fire!
And there is no Creator, before to drop NIC.
But the roses are flax, the lips are delighted ...
Do not touch the lute: We will listen to birds.
* * *

Pyru! You will configure yourself again.
What to get ahead or back! -
At the festival of freedom, the mind is cracked:
He is our prison booknunal bathrobe.
* * *

Empty happiness - stroke, not friend!
Here with young wine - I am an old friend!
I love to stroke a noble cup:
In it, blood is boiling. It feels friend.
* * *

He lived drunkard. Wine Kuvnov Seven
It climbed into it. So it seemed to everyone.
And he himself was - an empty jug of clay ...
The other day crashed ... to smire! Always!
* * *

Days - waves of rivers per minute silver,
Sand desert in melting game.
Live today. And yesterday and tomorrow
Not so needed in the earth calendar.
* * *

How terrible starry night! Myself is not yours.
You tremble, lost in the abyss of the world.
And the stars in the busy dizziness
Rushing by, eternity, by curve ...
* * *

Autumn rain sowed drops to the garden.
Flowers rose. Pestray and burn.
But in the bowl of lilies splashes by Almar Khmelem -
How blue smoke magnolia aroma ...
* * *

I am old. My love for you is Duram.
In the morning, I'm drunk from dotnics.
Where is the rose days? Sheepskin cruelly.
I am humiliated with love, drunk life!
* * *

What is life? Bazaar ... there is not a friend.
What is life? Burst ... medications are not looking for.
Do not change yourself. People smile.
But people have smiles - do not look for.
* * *

From the neck of the jug on the table
Blood blood pours. And everything is warm:
Truthfulness, caress, loyal friendship -
Single friendship on earth!
* * *

Friends smaller! Day day away
Maski empty sparks of fire.
And you chew your hand, - always think silently:
"Oh, swallow it on me! .."
* * *

"In honor of the Sun - Cup, scarlet our tulip!
In honor of the scarlet lips - and he love drunk! "
Pyruu, cheerful! Life - Fist Heavy:
All the leakage is dead in fog.
* * *

Laughing Rose: "Cute breeze
Threw my silk, opened my wallet,
And the whole treasury of the stychok gold,
Look, "I threw out on the sand."
* * *

Rosa's wrath: "Like, I - Tsaritsa Roses -
Take the Torgash and the heat of fragrant tears
From the heart burns out an evil pain?! " Secret!..
Sing, nightingale! "Day of laughter - years of tears."
* * *

I got a bed of wisdom in the garden.
She was cherished, watered - and waiting ...
Suitable harvest, and a voice from the bed:
"The rain came and the breeze will leave."
* * *

I ask: "What did I possess?
What is ahead? .. Mooked, boys ...
And you will become a mild, and people will be silent:
"The fire is short somewhere disposed."
* * *

- What song, cups, caress without heat? -
- Toys, debris of children's corner.
- And what prayers, feats and victims?
- burned and staring ash.
* * *

Night. Night around. I am too worried!
Prison! .. All of him, your first kiss,
Adam and Eve: gave us life and bitterness,
Angry it was a predatory kiss.
* * *

- How dared at the dawn cock!
- He saw Clear: Fire Fire Stars.
And the night, as your life, passed in vain.
And you slept. And you do not know know - deaf.
* * *

She said fish: "Soon I will sail?
In Aryka, terribly cramped with reservoirs. "
- That's how to gripe us, - said Duck, -
So it's all the same: even though the sea be around! "
* * *

"From the edge to the edge, we keep the path to death.
From the edge of death we do not turn. "
Look inside: in the local caravansera
Do not forget your love!
* * *

"I visited the bottom of the depths.
Took off to Saturn. No such clever
Such networks so that I could not unravel ... "
There is! Dark death node. He is alone!
* * *

"Death will appear and fits that
Silent days faded grass ... "
Jug from the dust of my blind:
I will refresh wine - and comes to.
* * *

Potter. Circle to the market noise ...
He jumps clay, a whole day in a row.
And that voted the vote above:
"Brother, spoke, come back - You are my brother! .."
* * *

Western from clay moisture waiting:
You hear the lips of the lips, not only jets.
Whose dust is? Whole edge - and shuddered:
I made it - I am given a kiss.
* * *

No potter. I am in the workshop.
Two thousand jugs prevailed.
And whisper: "I will appear to a stranger
On the moment the crowd of discharged human. "
* * *

Who was this vase gentle?
Sighup! Sad and light.
And vase sticks? Flexible hand
She, as before, wrapped her neck.
* * *

What is the scarlet poppy? Blood splashed the jet
From the Russian Academy of Sciences Sultan, taken land.
And in Hyacinte - made his way out of the ground
And the curl of the young.
* * *

Above the mirror of the stream tremble flower;
It is a female dust: a familiar skeleton.
Non-membranes in the coastal tulips
And in them - the blush is gentle and reproach ...
* * *

Shone dawns to people - and to us!
We flowed against the stars - and to us!
In the prahie sulfur, under the nurse
You crushed the young eye.
* * *

Light. Grow down late lights.
Hoped hopes. So always, all days!
And Schilliret - candles will be lit again,
And in the heart of the late lights.
* * *

Would involve love in a secret conspiracy!
Hug the whole world to raise love to you,
So that, from the height of the fallen, the world crashed,
So that from the debris, he got up again!
* * *

God is in the veins of days. Entire life -
His game. From mercury he is living silver.
The moon flashes, satellite fish ...
He is flexible all, and death is his game.
* * *

Forgated a drop with the sea - all in tears!
Laughing outly the sea - everything in the rays!
"Take up on the sky, fall to the ground, -
The end is one: again - in my waves. "
* * *

Doubt, faith, dust of living passions -
Air bubbles game:
That rainbow flashed, and this one is gray ...
And everything will be scattered! Here is the life of people.
* * *

One - running trusts days
Another - foggy tomorrow's dreams,
And Muzzin broadcasts from the Mraka Tower:
"Fools! Not here award, and not there! "
* * *

Imagine a pillar of sciences
Try to drive to catch, hook
In the failures of two Puchin - yesterday and tomorrow ...
And better - drink! Do not waste empty fence.
* * *

I am also injured by the scholars.
I listened to my smolod, the dispute was led,
Sing them ... but the same door
I went out, which entered.
* * *

Mysterious Miracle: "You are in me."
It is given in darkness like light, I.
I walked behind him and always stutter:
The blind one is "you in me."
* * *

As if it was the key to the door.
As if the bright beam was in the fog.
About "I" and "You" sounded a revelation ...
Moment - darkness! And the key went into the abyss!
* * *

How! Gold merit to pay for litter -
For this life? Imposed a contract
The debtor is deceived, weak ... and the court pulled
No talking. Lucky lender!
* * *

Alien Strank inhale world chad?!
Put a hundred copy life?!
Pay losses on the bills of the universe?!
- Not! I'm not so diluted and rich!
* * *

First, life was given to me, not as well.
Then - the lack of feelings began.
Now they chase out ... leave! I agree!
But the idea is unclear: where is the connection?
* * *

Traps, pit on my way.
God gave them. And ordered to go.
And everything foresaw. And I left me.
And he judges the one who did not want to save!
* * *

Filling the life of temptation of bright days,
Filling the soul with the flame of passions,
God renuncia requires: here is a bowl -
It is full: naked - and not proles!
* * *

You have our heart in a dirty com.
You're in the paradise of the snake insidious inquiring.
And man - are you prosecutor?
Mostly ask you for forgive you!
* * *

You flew, Lord, like a hurricane:
I threw a handful of dust in my mouth, my glass
Turned over and Hop invalid shed ...
Yes, who of us two is drunk today?
* * *

I am superstitious idols loved.
But they lie. Doves do not have enough strength ...
I sold the name good for the song,
And in the shallow mug, the glory was drowned.
* * *

Execute, and prepare the soul of eternity,
Come on the gaps, reject love.
And there Spring! Roses will come and will reach.
And the repaid raincoat is torn again!
* * *

All the joys are welcome - tear!
Wear a cup of happiness put!
Your deprivation sky will not appreciate.
So belaugh, wine, songs, through the edge!
* * *

Monasteries, mosques, synagogue
And in them the panties saw a lot of God.
But no in the hearts released by the Sun,
Dry seeds: slave trouble.
* * *

I enter the mosque. An hour later and deaf.
Not in the thirst for a miracle I am not with a prayer:
Once a rug I pulled out from here,
And he is exterminated. It would be necessary ...
* * *

Wr a freezer! Remember our deputy:
"Saints - narrow, hypocrite - cruel."
Heyama sermon stubbornly:
"Robbery, but the heart be wide!"
* * *

Soul wine is easy! Bring her tribute:
Jug rounded-ringing. And Chekhan
With love Cup: so that it shine
And the gold line was reflected.
* * *

In the wine I see the scarlet fire
And glitter needles. Bowl for me
Crystal - Live Sky Shard.

Omar Khayam is rightfully considered one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of the medieval East. This, truly, multifaceted personality, which was glorified in centuries not only wise Aphorisms about love, happiness, and not only, but also scientific works in mathematics, astronomy and physics.

And it makes lobster a very significant figure on the arena of human achievements for many centuries: not every person could boast of such talents: such people like Omar Khayam or Leonardo da Vinci was very not much born when the identity of talented in everything, the seeing pearl of humanity.

Most often, the sayings of Omar Khayam decorated in Rubai - rather complicated to draw up poems, which are four lines, of which three were rhymed among themselves (and sometimes all four). The poet in the real sense of this word was in love with the diversity of its forms, and therefore his ingenious aphorisms are filled with deep meaning, which is not the first time to understand the reader.

He wrote the Rubai in the Middle Ages East, where the blasphemy strictly pointed, up to the death penalty, Omar Hayyam, despite the danger of persecution, elected his wisdom in a written form, and, according to the estimates of researchers, was written under the authorship of Omar about three hundred and five hundred shoes.

Just imagine - aphorisms about life, happiness, witty quotes, and just oriental wisdom, relevant even now for each of us.

Although everything has been preserved five thousand Rubaev, allegedly under the authorship of Omar Khayam, most likely, these are statements about happiness and not only, his contemporaries who were afraid of having a harsh punishment on their heads, and therefore, attributing a poet and philosopher your creations.

Omar Khayam, unlike them, was not afraid of kara, and therefore his aphorisms often ridicule the gods and power, bringing their importance in the life of people, and did it right. After all, the same happiness is not at all in the blind obedience to theological books or the rally of the kings. Happiness is to live your most best years In agreement with himself, and the poet quotes help to realize this simple, but such an important fact.

The best and witty of his statements are presented in front of you, and decorated in interesting photos. After all, when you read the text with meaning not just black in white, but elegantly decorated, it is remembered it is much better, which is an excellent workout for the mind.

In a conversation with the interlocutor, you can always impractily screwed witty quotes, shining with your erudition. You can put a child love for poetry, showing him a few photos where the most beautiful clothes about friendship or happiness are beautifully decorated. Read together these wise statements under the authorship of Omar Khayam, imbued with each word.

His quotes about happiness are striking such a clear understanding of the world and the soul of man, as a person. Omar Khayyam seem to talk with us, his aphorisms and quotes are not written for everyone, but for everyone individually, reading his statements, we involuntarily affect the depths of the images and brightness of the metaphor.

Immortal Ruba survived their creator for many centuries, and despite the fact that for a long time they were in oblivion, while the Victorian era was not in a happy accident, a notebook was found, where statements and aphorisms were collected, which wrote a lobster, clothed in a poetic form, In the end, frantically popularly gained popularity in England, and a little later, and around the world, when his statements scattered around the world, as if birds, bringing into the house of everyone who read the quotes of the poet, a little eastern wisdom.

Omar, probably, and did not suspect that for most of our contemporaries he will be known exactly as the poet and philosopher than a great scientist. Most likely, both of these directions of his activities were the passion for the whole of his life, Omar on his example showed real lifeWhen, if desired, you can do everything.

Often, people, in the mind of which many talents are embedded, remain alone - too much strength takes their activities, but the poet graduated from his life in a circle of a large family and close friends. He did not care and did not go into science and philosophy, and it stands dear.

His photo quotes can be viewed on our website, and maybe the most liked


Quotes and aphorisms 16.09.2017

Dear readers, today I invite you to a philosophical conversation. After all, it will be about the statements of the famous poet and philosopher Omar Khayama. The poet is considered one of the greatest minds and philosophers of the East. Composing aphorisms about life with meaning, Omar Hayaham wrote short quatrains - Rubai. It is interesting however, that during his lifetime, he was much more famous as an astronomer and mathematician.

Before the Victorian era, they knew only in the East. Due to the latitude of views, for a long time, Khayama poet and Khayama scientist believed different people. Collection Quatridge, chipboard, was published after the death of the author. Europeans read the sewage in the translation of the English naturalist and poet Edward Fitzgerald. According to the writers, the collection of poems Hayaam includes more than 5,000 works. Historians are careful: experts claim, Peru Khayama belongs only from 300 to 500 poems.

The philosopher firmly felt life and accurately described the characters of people. Matched behavior features in different situations. Despite the fact that he lived many years ago, the saying and thought of Khayam is relevant so far, and many statements have become famous aphorisms.

And now I invite you, dear readers, get a subtle pleasure from poetic wisdom and witty aphorisms and quotes of the great thinker of Omar Khayama.

Quotes and Aphorisms of Omar Khayama about love

The poet could not pass by the eternal theme of the relationship of men and women. Sincere and just he writes:

Days spent without jooms of love
I consider it unnecessary and postgraduate.

But idealism is Khayama alien. Love thoughts describe several lines:

As often, in life is mistaken, we lose those who cherish.
Someone, sometimes trying, sometimes from the near run.
We assume those who are not worth us, and bring the most faithful.
Who loves us so much, offend, and apologizes are waiting.

The poet also reflecting a lot about what the true proximity and love between people are manifested:

Give yourself - does not mean selling.
And sleeping sleep - does not mean sleep.
Do not revenge - does not mean to forgive everyone.
Do not be near - does not mean not to love.

The physical distances in the distant past meant more than now. But spiritual alienation can be all the same. The connoisseur of souls about the eternal problem of families, seduction of her husbands, said Briefly: "You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you can not seduce a man who has a favorite woman."

At the same time, the philosopher is recognized:

Weak people - fate incorrect slave
Expanded I am a shameless slave!
Especially in love. I myself, I first
It is always wrong and to many weak.

The ideal of female beauty on behalf of men Highi wrote:

You, whose appearance is fresh wheat fields,
You are Mikhraba from the paradise temple of Miley!
You mother at the birth of washed ambro
Looking into the aroma of my blood drops!

Surprisingly, more than ten centuries passed since these lines were written, and the acts of lovers have not changed almost. Maybe so still use so popular the most witty quotes and Aphorisms of Omar Khayama?

Quotes of Omar Khayama about the joy of life

During the period of life of a scientist in the Islamic world (in modern borders from Azerbaijan to India), religion in the literature imposed harsh restrictions on the description of love. More than thirty years acts a strictest ban on mentioning alcohol in verses. But the philosopher as if laughing at Imamami. Famous verse is disassembled on aphorisms.

We are told that in the koshchi paradise we are wondrous Guri,
Himself blissfully delighting the purest honey and wine.
So if the bias themselves are allowed in the holy paradise
Then you can forget the beauties and wine to forget?

However, the notorious wine Khayam is not so much alcohol, how much the symbol of the joy of life:

Drink! And in the fire of spring catter
Throw a holey, dark winter raincoat.
The path is closer. And time is a bird.
At the bird - wings ... You have the edge of darkness.

Wine is also a way to comprehend the wisdom of ordinary, at first glance, phenomena and images:

Man is the truth of the world, the crown -
It knows not everyone, but only a sage.
Drink a drop of wine to not seem to you
What creations are all for one sample.

Although the main thing is still the ability to enjoy life:

Do not grieve that your name will be forgotten.
Let you comfort the black drink.
Before the joints of your sin
Comfort yourself with your beloved, caressing it.

The main feature of the sage works is the integrity without the fashionable conflict. The person is not just intended, but also affects the environment:

Only in the sky dawn will be done barely visible,
True from the bowl of the juice of the vine is invaluable!
We know: Truth in the mouth of the people of Gorky, -
So, it means that we should believe the wine.

In this, all Haim - offers to seek the meaning of life in her endless manifestations.

Aphorisms Omar Khayama about life

Such is the essence of philosophers - constantly reflecting on what is happening around and be able to express it accurately and excco. Omar Khayiam revealed a very unusual look:

And nights replaced by days
Before us, about my friend dear
And the stars happened all the same
Your circle predicted by fate.
Oh, quieter! Go cautious
On dust under your own -
Beauties you dust
The remains of their wonderful eyes.

Highy Mud and in its attitude to death and suffering. Like any a wise man He knew that no sense to regret the past and that in constant waiting for the best happiness was also not found.

For the suffering of his heavens not klyani.
On the graves of friends without sobbing look.
Rate the fleeting moment.
Do not look at yesterday and tomorrow.

And he wrote about different perception of life:

Two watched on one window. One saw rain and dirt.
Another - foliage green lick, spring and blue sky.
Two watched on one window.

And, of course, all the basic laws of the universe were obvious to him, which now indicate the best in life - to create good:

Do not make evil - will return boomerang,
Do not spit into the well - you will drink water,
Do not insult one who is lower than the rank,
And suddenly you will have to ask anything.
Do not betray friends - do not replace them,
And do not lose your loved ones - do not come back
Not lni yourself - you will check over time
What do you betray yourself to this lie.

The philosopher considered the main work, and the situation in society, wealth and social benefits with only transient attributes. He wrote about the Chvanism:

Sometimes someone proudly rushes views: "This is me!"
Decorates gold your outfits: "This is me!"
But only go to the way of his diviska,
Suddenly, death comes out of the ambush: "This is me!"

In the flow of being of being, the poet appreciated humanity, the ability to focus on their tasks:

Do not envy someone who is strong and rich,
For dawn always comes the sunset.
With this life, the short, equal to inhale,
Contact us with this hire.

Omar Khayam was able to treat many things with humor:

When I'm a cloud under the fence,
In the paws of death, like a bird in a touch, please -
Wanted: Jug out of me,
Acquire me to your Kuta!

Although, like wine, the bush and the joy of the poet can not be understood only literally. In the roaring there are several layers of wisdom.

Reflections on God and Religion

By virtue of the features of the worldview of the east of that time, Hayyam could not disregard religion.

God is in the veins of days. All life is his game.
From mercury he is living silver.
The moon flashes, satellite fish ...
He is flexible all, and death is his game.

Omar Khayyam went long to understand God. God, in Highama, is very different from the Christian trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Instant he is visible, more often hidden.
Behind our life is closely watching.
God our drama is kidding eternity!
He composes himself, puts and looks.

Speaking strictly, only the Holy Spirit is present in Islam from the trinity. According to the Quran, Jesus, more precisely, Isa is one of the greatest prophets. Their scientist did not love frankly:

The prophets came to us crowds,
And the world is a dark promise light.
But all of them with closed eyes
In the darkness they came together one another.

Although the philosopher also participated in the raising of children of noble childbirth, the theological works did not leave. The fact is the more wonderful that for 10 years of work in Bukhara, the scientist has issued 4 fundamental additions to Euclidean geometry and 2 work on astronomy. Apparently, theosophy remains out of his interests. The attitude towards the cult of religion says his humorous verse:

I enter the mosque. An hour later and deaf.
Not in the thirst for a miracle I am not with a prayer:
Once a rug I pulled out from here,
And he is exterminated. It would be necessary ...