Business communication by phone: General rules and examples. Important rules of etiquette of a business telephone conversation with outgoing calls

Make business telephone conversations periodically accounted for almost every person - it does not matter whether he occupies a position general Director A large firm or employee of the regional clinic registry. And on how well the person learned the rules of business communication by phone, it may depend much, including the size of its premium and reputation of his native enterprise. How to build a conversation, what mistakes to avoid not to get to come?

There are times when only the phone remains from trust.
Vladimir Kolutatsky

Called you

First consider the situation when the incoming call is received. An employee whose responsibility is to conduct telephone negotiations, must be received as follows:

  • take a handset, without waiting for the third call, so that the caller does not have a feeling that they do not want to talk to him; Instead of the usual "Hello", immediately say the name of his and the company, as well as his position and last name - this will configure the interlocutor to the business way and will stop questions like: "Where did I get?", "Who am I talking to?", "This is (pharmacy, hospital, etc.)? "; Presenting, politely say hello.

    You can immediately ask the prompt question or invite the interlocutor directly go to the topic of conversation:

    • "Good afternoon, the firm" Holiday every day ", the manager of Svistoplyskina. How can I help you?".

      For the organization's secretary approximately this form of greeting should be polished almost to automatism. And it should always be pronounced polite, friendly tone, because the secretary is the person of the institution. It will be wonderful if the rest of the staff will adhere to such a greeting.

      If the phone rang in the midst of a personal conversation with a client or colleague, the phone should be taken, despite the fact that the conversation will temporarily interrupt. You should apologize to the interlocutor, and then ask a person at the other end of the wire to repeat the call in a few minutes. Depending on the situation, you can promise that you call back yourself - the main thing, then be sure to fulfill this promise.

      If it turned out that you are negotiating on one phone, and here "came to life" another, remove the second phone phone and offer the interlocutor to call back, but name exact timewhen it can be done.

      Call you

      Now let's turn to the opposite situation - the outgoing call.

      The rules of business communication on the phone require that a person going to dial a number of any organization or client - a private person, first found out when the most convenient will be made. It should be found in the work of the partner or client's company, the clock when he has lunch.

      It is undesirable to call at the very beginning of the working day and, of course, is unacceptable - after the official endunless there was some arrangement in advance. If someone from employees of the company has not yet left home and still take the phone, believe me, he will definitely not be happy with you, and this is unlikely to contribute to a constructive dialogue.

      How should the conversation called? It is necessary:

In addition to the very question, a person who collided with problems is a deep need for understanding, he expects you to properly diagnosed its problem. The doctor and the lawyer need to tell the whole truth, and most people know it. There are sayings on the topic: "Tell the lawyer, everything as it was in fact, he himself then confuses everything for you."

Often, a person has a need to fill out the soul, if he has some personal experiences - and you can destroy even a positive impression of you if you interrupt or show the lack of interest in it personally, but you will only demonstrate interest in his business and His money.

If you interrupt the interlocutor, do not answer his questions or ask counter questions, do not ask his opinions, do not specify the details, but simply a monologue describe how it happens to you, it greatly reduces the effectiveness of the conversation.

Rule number one: if a person has a spiritual impulse, his speech is poured by the river, - let him speak out, apply the techniques of active hearing, - "Yeah", "Yeah", "Yes," and clarifying questions, because perhaps he is You will tell you everything and you can diagnose its problem.

An example of a dialogue using several described techniques formulated based on real issuesWith which people usually turn to lawyers:

- (Company name), good afternoon.

- Hello, I would like to know the prices of your services.

- Yes of course. My name is Nikolai, I am the head of the client department. Can I find out what your name is you?

- Artem Dmitrievich.

- Nice to meet, Artem Dmitrievich. We have a rather large range of services. So that I could answer your question, please describe in short, what happened to you?

In this case, we, first, greeted potential customerI called, we called named and by position, and learned the name of the interlocutor. Further, we went to the interlocutor by name, which is also very important when communicating with unfamiliar people.

We are quite comprehensive as possible in this situation, on his question about the cost of their services and intercepted the initiative, justifying it by what we need to learn more about his problem to answer the question more specifically. Next, he says:

"I got into an accident, a culprit at the traffic police some connections, I fear that I would not commemorate damage for a broken car and would still make you pay from your pocket.

- When and where it happened, what traffic police are considered?

- Moscow prospect, house 48, a week ago. Case in the traffic police of the Moscow region.

Next, we ask more clarifying questions: whether there are some documents, certificates, a scheme of incident, calculation by damage assessment. It follows the answer: "Yes, there is a certificate, there is, there is this ..." It turns out, we have enough source data to understand our client or not our. In this case, this is our client, so we, deciding in this, then have to translate it to the next stage so that it came to us to the primary consultation.

- In this case, I propose to discuss all the details at a personal meeting. When would it be convenient for you to come to us for a consultation?

- I do not see the point in the meeting, you just just by phone approximate costI'm interested only in numbers.

Thus, our first attempt to prescribe a meeting ended in failure. What do we do in this case? In response to his objection, to a replica about the reluctance to come to you, you can say that not all people have an idea how the work of a lawyer is being built. This metaphor can help:

- Lawyers are similar to the doctors: to make a diagnosis, the doctor needs your tests. Do you agree with that? We need to see your documents. For a doctor analyzes, and for a lawyer - your documents

Usually all people say: yes, of course. On the example of work, doctors is well shown. Then you make wiring to the future and on points describe the interlocutor, which will specifically take place on consultation.

- At consultation, we will study your documents, ask you a few clarifying questions, we define exactly how we can help you, we describe the sequence of actions to solve your problem.

We ask this technique, which we talked a little earlier when the structure was disassembered. That is, you ask the program that specifically will happen after he will agree to come and come. Thus, you give a man in the hands of the card, according to which he will need to go through, you have already drawn it for him.

- At the end of the consultation, you will have a clear picture of what and how to do to achieve the desired results.

Here you are the arguments in favor of his personal visit to you, point to his personal benefits he will receive from this consultation. Even a free consultation needs to be sold, because potential customers tend to perceive it as your cunning trick in order to lure money out of them. You in response to this stereotype must insert into your scenario. telephone conversation A similar phrase: the benefit of the benefit from the fact that the interlocutor will take advantage of your free or inexpensive service.

- Tell me, will it be convenient for you to drive up to us today or tomorrow?

The second attempt, the second time we throw the fishing rod. Perhaps not all customers you will have such obsuchi, but still you should be to meet such resistance and tactfully process any objections even the most intractable customers.

- How many still cost your services?

How to properly present the price - this is the topic of a separate chapter. We give one of the options for a possible answer:

- I can tell you that we have no lowest rates in the city, and the reason for this is that we make our work well and achieve the result. And the quality costs money, you probably understand it yourself. The price for services begins from ... - (and call the lowest bar). More information can be said after studying your documents.

As a result, you answered the question, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of value, but reasonedly justified why you can not give a specific answer, which would put the client before choosing, contact him for your services or not. Obviously, in his head he has a certain budget, how much he is ready to spend on these services.

Let me remind you that the main purpose of receiving incoming calls is not exhaustive answers to all the questions of the client and do not put it before choosing, buying or not to buy, not to sell him immediately on the telephone contract, because it is much more complicated than this can be done on consultation. You must put yourself a goal of receiving a call - this is not a sale of a large service, but the sale of a small simple step is consulting in the office.

Want more useful materials?

  1. 3 chapters from the book "Law firm by a million: from private practice to market leadership" (PDF, 32 p.)
  2. "Marketing Plan Doubling Profit law firm out of 10 simple steps "(PDF, 22 p.)

Good afternoon friends. We are constantly studying new materials, articles on the Internet, read new books, deal with self-development to learn new techniques and non-standard solutions His problems. I want to talk to you today on the topic of communicating by phone, or rather, business communication. I came across me to write this article recently read the book Dale Carnegie, which is also relevant today as many years ago.

The topic, of course, this is very extensive, interesting, starting from working with cold calls, the closure of objections, invitations to meet ... before sales by phone.

What article:

  • 1. The purpose of the business conversation.
  • 2. Communication by phone: Business, with a client, examples.
  • 3. How to get a review about working on the phone.
  • 4. How to make a discount on the goods, the service by phone.

The ability to competently conduct a business conversation on the phone will come in handy in your and off-line. Suppose you have and you accept orders on the phone, advise customers about your goods, services, then at the time of the conversation, it is important to close the buyer to buy so that the transaction is 100% succeeded. After all, very often the client refuses to buy, after an illiterate call on the phone.

The purpose of the business conversation on the phone may be different:

For example, these are negotiations, sale of goods or services, receiving mail in order to further communicate, establish contact with the client, contract for the supply, writing to the webinar, workshop, etc.

Communication by phone: Business, with client [examples]

  • 1. When you call the phone for the first time, build a conversation on establishing personal contact.
    So be sure to first be introduced to, further ask the name of the client. "Sorry, please, what is your name." Upon completion of the conversation, it is necessary to find out how to contact him again. Perhaps it will be an email address or specify the number of his personal phone once again. It is necessary to keep yourself another chance to contact this person, if the first conversation failed or to continue communication, negotiations.

At the same time, it is necessary to seem to be every time when you call a person and call it by name to you for the first time. For example, if he said that his name is Sasha, it is not necessary to call him Alexander or Alexander Ivanovich. A person himself determines how you should contact him, it is very important.

  • 2. When you call a person, you will definitely ask whether it is convenient for him to talk now. People are often engaged in their affairs and can get away from the conversation with you if you do not ask such a simple question. And your sale of goods or negotiations will be afraid. Goodwill and your confidence will be an additional advantage.
  • 3. Do not start a conversation by phone according to:
    "I do not distract you" or "bothers you ...".

    The fact is that then you automatically become a weaker position and characterize yourself as an annoying person who bothers and distracts. Remember this when you start the conversation.

  • 4. During business negotiations or sales by phone, try to think in advance that you will tell the client And immediately spoke your call so as not to drive the interlocutor around yes. Perhaps you have stocks, discounts, business offer - here with this and you need to start.

    The conversation should be in the case, take a minimum of time, as a rule, it is 3-5 minutes. For example: "I am engaged in selling ... we have discounts today ..."

    • 5. Think out in your business templates of answers by phone On popular questions, objections, refusals, greetings, i.e., the scenario of conversation or they are also called scripts, algorithms, speech modules.

    For example, scripts for incoming calls are a greeting or outgoing - selling on discounts, shares, invitations.

    • 6. Listen and let's the interlocutor of the opportunity to answer youWhen you call him on the phone. Thus, you make it clear that it is interesting for you, pleasant and you treat him carefully. Remember in the book of Dale Carnegie there are such lines: "When you want to convince someone to do something before talking about" or "to become interesting, be interested."

    • 7. And yet, you do not need to interrupt and argue by phone, If you are a complaint about your business activities. Otherwise, incoherence will appear, and you know what such scenes cums. Better, at the end of the monologue to do so.

      Example: "I understood you by Maria Ivanovna ..." and briefly summarize the claim or "be in your place myself probably would call about this" and briefly the essence of the claim.

      By this you will show that you have listened to the client! I understood what it is dissatisfied and take measures to eliminate discontent. IN otherwiseIf you try to argue and prove that he is wrong on the phone, his pride would not give you a chance to give up.

    • 8. If you want to incline a person to my opinion, That comes into talking on the phone, do not start it from those questions that you disappear with your interlocutor in opinions. Make it from the very beginning to say: "Yes, yes, good." Hold it as far as you can from the word "no". Using this method will give you the opportunity to keep and attract the client, which may have been lost.
    • 9. The art of communication on the phone includes both the tone of the conversation and the tempo of speech During the conversation. Dale Carnegie wrote very well in his book "How to conquer friends and influence people", which they probably read everything.

    How to get a review about your work, for example, online store on the phone

    The method is working well on the five-point system. The chip is that you ask the client to evaluate the work of the enterprise, based on five points. And then call the minuses and advantages of your work. At the same time, you must build a conversation so.

    For example: "Maria Ivanovna, what you did not like and what I liked (make an emphasis!) In our store."
    The fact is that a person, as a rule, always begins to respond from the end of the sentence, which means the last question. And when he says the pros, then believe the minuses will remain a little, because it will tune into a positive conversation.

    How to make a discount on the goods, the phone service

    Often, the discount is clean, that is, it is simply necessary for a person to feel that he is a lucky person who can bargain, saved, did not overpaid.

    In general, a discount on the purchase of a product or service at the first purchase is not justified. She destroys business. Neither the buyer, nor the seller with each other at the first meeting should not.

    The discount is given, for example, because the person returned to you, repeated purchases, a permanent buyer, brought you to the business of new buyers, purchased a large amount or prolongs the service for a long time.
    By phone, you can make it clear that if he enters this category of customers, then it will be guaranteed to get a certain discount.

    P. S. Of course, these are only the highlights in the world of competent communication by telephone with customers. I hope you were not boring to read and you have learned something important and interesting for yourself. Complete the article with your chips that you use during business communication by phone. Yours faithfully, .

    Irina Davydova

    Reading time: 5 minutes


    Successful negotiations directly affect the number of successful transactions and satisfied customers in the offline and online business. After all, you met such masters of telephone decidification in business communication, which in a few seconds can arrange a person to them and affect his decision, regardless of distance?

    Of course, such techniques should be studied constantly, but basic rules for doing business telephone conversation It is necessary to know everyone who uses the phone for business.

    Important rules of etiquette of a business telephone conversation with outgoing calls

    • If you think that you are mistaken by the number, do not ask stupid questions , It seems "What is your number?" Or "This is so ...?". It is better to re-clarify the number independently and call back.
    • Do not forget to introduce yourself . For example, in response to a greeting at the other end of the wire, you must answer in the form "Welcoming words, the name of your company, posts and surnames. And only then go to the goal of the conversation.
    • As for the goal of the conversation, then it is desirable to clearly plan it in advance . You can use a graphic, textual or schematic conversation plan. You must see your tasks and a call to celebrate their execution, permission or problems that have arisen, which is also important.
    • Do not tighten the conversation. The average time should be not more than 3 minutes. If you can't do in this interval, you may have poorly thought out a conversation plan or a problem requires a personal meeting.
    • Never make calls to the early morning, at lunch break or at the end of a working day.
    • If your phone business conversation broke out due to breaking, you must call back Since they called first.
    • If your call has not been previously scheduled, and you are calling on an unexpected question, then according to the rules of business telephone conversation need to ask if a partner has time to answer, And specify an approximate time to solve your question. For example - "Hello, I'm so, calling for a question, it will take about ... minutes, do you have now free time? " If not, then agree on a different call or meeting.
    • After the conversation, do not forget to thank for the call or new information. Such a simple feature of a business telephone conversation makes a conversation completed and implies further cooperation.

    The rules of the ethics of telephone conversations for incoming calls

    • Respond to the phone no later than 3 beeps - so reads the etiquette of a business telephone conversation.
    • All materials should be at hand And before you should be a general conversation plan with predugal deviations. This will help to avoid unnecessary stress in the workplace and increase your competence in the eyes of customers and bosses.
    • Avoid parallel communications . With several calls, take them in turn. Believe me, you will save your time and show interest in the proposal of another person.
    • If the interlocutor expresses a negative opinion about your company, product or work - try to understand and take part of responsibility for yourself. It will increase the confidence from the partner and perhaps will return your client.
    • Use an answering machine for non-working time or with a large call stream. In the message, write down useful information for all clients, as well as the capabilities of the callback at a convenient time.

    The main errors of the telephone business conversation - how to avoid them?

    • Incorrect diction or negligent pronunciation It makes it difficult to understand between two people. Business telephone etiquette assumes competent, legitious and unhurried speech.
    • Foreign noise There may be a unpleasant to the interlocutor who is difficult to imagine not only you, but also the surrounding environment. In this case, he may think about the lack of confidentiality of information, inattention to his problem or negative reviews about your company from competitors. It is not worth portraying "boiled activities" - a fairly attentive and respectful attitude to the partner's issues.
    • Excessive emotionality says about your non-professionalism, and your mood may be incorrectly understood on the other end of the wire. It is enough to answer with an easy enthusiasm in my voice, preferably on a smile. Be sure to understand what you are carefully listening, using "I understand, yes, perfect, I agree." If you do not understand, ask "I correctly understood you?", Repeating the words of the client. The main rule of the telephone decidification is calm and sincere desire to help in the voice of the answer.

    » Business conversation by phone

    © David Lewis

    Effective communication by phone.
    Secrets of telephone communication.

    The phone took a hundred years to turn into the largest and challenging network, ever created by a person. Today there are more than 700 million telephone sets in the world. Despite the extraordinary complexity of the system, it is extremely easy to use it. Often, this simplicity creates barriers to telephone communication, hiding the need to learn how to use the phone. However, your efforts will be rewarded by a hundredfold. The ability to communicate by phone will help reduce stress in the workplace, will increase the effectiveness of your work and will give you an advantage in an extremely competitive business environment.

    In fact, everything is simple, "the American psychologist David Lewis approves. The secret of successful communication by telephone is to control:

    • With its emotions.
    • Nature call.
    Control over emotionsMany people have the fear of telephone communication. As physical voltage increases, you begin to lose concentration and your ability to effectively communicate. Excessive stress of face muscles, neck and shoulders change the sound of your voice. A strained man is represented by the interlocutor with old, irritable and hardwood, and a tense woman - emotional and unpredictable. After dialing the number, get rid of the tension, relaxing mentally and physically. Here are some exercises that will help to do it quickly and unnoticed without getting up because of the written table.
    • Tension muscles. Snain fists, please pick up your fingers, draw your stomach and take a deep breath. Hold your breath and slowly take up to five.
    • Exhale slowly. Relax the whole body. Lower the shoulders, make your fingers and fall on the chair.
    • Make another deep breath. Hold your breath for five seconds. During the breath, follow your teeth to be compressed.
    • The next five seconds breathe calmly. Feel like calm and relaxation permeate your entire body.
    • And finally, calm your nerves, imaging that you are lying on a golden, he swallowed in the sun sand on the shore of the clean, blue ocean. Hold this image in your mind within a few seconds.
    How to defeat fear before the microphoneOne of the reasons to communicate to people by phone is the fear of the microphone. Even the most resourceful and intelligent in the usual life of a man and women can lose the gift of speech when they are asked to act live a radio or television transmission. The phone is able to have exactly the same impact this fear can be defeated if you do not try to talk with handset. Instead, imagine that the person to whom you call, sits in front of you, and contact him right. Imagine how the interlocutor reacts to your words: how he smiles at jokes and shines from pleasure, having heard a compliment. If you know what the interlocutor looks like, then mentally drawing his image is not difficult. Some people help the following admission: they set a photo and talk to her. In a telephone conversation with unfamiliar man Try in vote to imagine his appearance. If the voice is deep and sonor, then the interlocutor most likely has an impressive physique. Light and indecisive intonations are likely to indicate a fragile and a bit of a shy person. When communicating by phone, use the same language of the body, as with personal communication. If the gesture and rich facial expressions are the norm for you, do not refuse them during a telephone conversation. When feelings are reflected on your face, the voice becomes more free, confident and natural.

    Control over the nature of their calls

    If you have an important conversation and not to avoid it, if possible, call yourself, and do not wait for the moment when you call you. This gives you a psychological advantage over the interlocutor. The reasons for this three:
    • You decided to take the time of the interlocutor, and he is inferior to your desire. Answering a call, a person allows himself to at least temporarily, submit to you.
    • You have the opportunity to choose how to start a conversation, and you have more chances to send a conversation to the right direction.
    • By calling the interlocutor for themselves, you can, without causing him offense, finish the conversation after the message passed.

    Have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you are going to say

    Before removing the tube, you must have a clear idea what you want to achieve this call. Ask yourself: "What is the goal of my conversation with this person?" If you want to agree on a meeting and assume a possible failure, keep a few acceptable hours and dates in my head. Question: "On Friday, the 23 days, at ten o'clock - you are satisfied?" - You make the interlocutor think if he is free at this time, instead of doubting the need to meet you.

    Postpone the call until you finally formulated your message

    A delay, which usually leads to meaningless time loss, in the following cases can save your reputation:
    • When you are very angry or upset. Having postponing the call, you give yourself time to calm down to set out your thoughts clearly, calmly and efficiently.
    • When you feel too tired for successful communication. Postpone the call and relax to better spend the conversation.
    • When it is important for you to make sure that the facts are accuracy, for example, if you are going to complain about something. If before calling, you think about all the details, it will reduce the likelihood that you will come to see or allow the interlocutor to confuse.

    Make a phone message more authoritative

    To do this, it is necessary to stand, rather than sit during a telephone conversation that in the literal sense of the word will strengthen your sense of power over the interlocutor and will make the mind. When we stand all the systems of our body come to a state of combat readiness - both in physical and mental terms.

    Change your ears to change interpretation

    If the conversation on the phone requires you to analyze complex facts and numbers, as well as a logical and objective assessment of information, try to bring the phone to right uhu. Assocates entering this ear are transmitted to the left hemisphere of the brain slightly faster than those that come in right hemisphere. This is because the speed of passing pulses by hearing channels leading in the opposite hemisphere is slightly higher. Or, speaking by scientific language, the contralateral braking of nerve fibers is weaker than the ipsilateral. The fact that most people have a left hemisphere of the brain responsible for the analysis and logical processing of information, it is often better adapted to assess the truth of ambiguous information during communication by phone. Right-handed can do it without special effortsunless you need to record something at the same time. If the incoming message is better to rate at an intuitive level, for example, when trying to determine emotional condition interlocutor, try to bring the phone to left ear. This means that the sounds will reach the right hemisphere of the brain a little earlier than the left. The right hemisphere of most people is responsible for imagination and intuition, it can increase your susceptibility to not expressed signals.

    Difficult calls

    There are such telephone conversations that we are afraid of the strongest - when we call and when you need to call yourself. In my attention, a special technique is offered, allowing you to cope with the most unpleasant telephone conversations with which you ever had to deal with the case. But first we first give five basic rules which can be guided with any types of unpleasant phone calls. It will not be possible to do them with pleasant, but these practical advice will make life easier for you.
    1. If possible, take the initiative to yourself and call yourself. So you can prepare for a conversation, and you will not be caught by surprise.
    2. Go straight to business. Never try to soften the problem sharp corners. Start the conversation approximately like this: "The cause of my call ...", and then proceed to the essence of the question.
    3. If you were caught by surprise, never answer immediately. Sorry and call back after thinking about your answer.
    4. Check your understanding of the conversation result. Before putting the phone, repeat what actions you expect. This is important because in the process of communication on the phone, we tend to hear - especially at the slightest voltage - what we expect, and not what was really said.
    In addition, at the appropriate moments, repeat the key points of your position. These repetitions cannot be considered a waste of time - on the contrary, they save us from even more useless spending forces. When communicating by phone, always remember the rule of triple repetition:

    Rule of triple repetition during telephone communication

    1. First tell the interlocutor what exactly are you going to say
    2. Then tell him what you are going to tell him.
    3. Then tell him what exactly you told him.

    And then you may be heard.

    Here are several types of calls that are usually unpleasant to do.

    Debt recovery from an important client

    The secret of success in such a conversation is tactful hardness. In such cases, there is no point in going around and about or pretending that you are calling only to cope with his or her health. This beginning not only sounds fake, but also sets the wrong tone of the entire conversation. The best tactic is a businesslikeness and direct. If you unpleasantly demanding money from people, then perhaps a good idea will be recorded the highlights of your message. It is especially important to be accurate when setting out the facts, when specifying the account number or order, dates, etc., from the experience of communicating with the client, you know that he is an unsurpassed master of financial equilibristics and uses any prepositions to delay the payment until the very last minute, relent His reaction to the possible tactic of the interlocutor, to make a mistake from the very beginning. If, for example, it uses a classic exclusion: "Bank account is already paid," which is considered one of the three most common forms of lies, it is best to accept this explanation, leaving It is necessary to demand a debt once again when money, according to your calculations, must come. You can consider a good answer to this: "Could you say when the payment is sent so that we do not miss it?" This phrase requires the interlocutor more accuracy. I will answer: "A couple of days ago," say that if the money does not come tomorrow, then you will consider that he did not reach the addressee and returned to the sender, and you have the right to expect a new check .Summary:
    • Carefully plan such conversations, anticipating the possible tactics of payment of payment.
    • Mentally prophete a call.
    • Stay polite during communication by phone, but show perseverance.

    Listening to informed complaints

    Keep calm and do not give in to provocations, no matter how aggressive interlocutor. Having lost its composure, you will only strengthen his rage to the point when no reasonable dialogue is already impossible. Moreover, you will lose the client, even if its complaints are ultimately satisfied. Let the interlocutor release steam, responding with neutral phrases of the type "understand "," Yes, of course, "and the like. I never allow to intimidate yourself and do not start immediately apologize. Get all the possible information to make up the most close-to-date picture and evaluate the volume and validity of the complaint. Clear deeper, asking open questions, for example: "What else are you encountered?", "Does the service service could not allow your problem differently?" If you have no necessary information at hand, to immediately answer the question or a complaint, ask the interlocutor number. His phone and tell me that call him back, as soon as you figure it out in a situation. Do not take a telephone line by browsing the folders, consulting with colleagues or searching for information in the computer. Waiting is even more annoying the interlocutor. Ready if you are able to give an immediate answer, sometimes it is useful to say the client that you will call him back. This will not only give him time to cool, but will provide you with an advantage, because this time you will call you. Psychologically, the client will feel that it is obliged to you because you have already done something for him. If you are wrong, admit your guilt, and then politely and sincerely apologize - not humiliating yourself and not exposing your organization in the bad light. Say, What do everything in your power to fix the situation. Name your name, give your phone number and suggest any difficulties to contact you. Installation of friendly relations will not only make a complaint safe, but will allow your company to purchase a satisfied customer who in the future may make new orders on In fact, with the skillful appeal, the complaint can be turned into a favorable opportunity for sales. Summary:
    • Be polite, but, bringing apologies, do not humiliate.
    • Find out all the facts before choosing actions strategy.
    • Call back to the client. This tactic will put you in a favorable position.

    Consider complaints

    Before dialing the room, determine for yourself what you want to achieve this call: the return of money, replacing low-quality goods, better service, or something else. Read the facts. Before calling, make sure that you have all the evidence that confirms your point of view. The phone call is better than letters. People are much more willingly responding to the claim, expressed by him personally, and, in addition, even a short conversation can be more informative than the longest letter. If you were drilled with all sorts of excuses, use the tactics of the "fought gramophone record". This means that you will repeat your demands with polite perseverance again and again until you achieve their satisfaction. As in the plate, which the bore, the phrase should be pronounced each time with the same intonation. In the tone of your voice should not appear "metal", nor "poison". Do not cross the personalities and not lose self-control. Come politely, but firmly. Always talk with the boss. The higher you contact, the faster your complaint will take.
    • Plan care carefully. Check out the facts and put a clear goal.
    • Be polite and do not go to the person.
    • Talk with the head of the highest rank.

    How to convince the boss in his wrongness without sacrificing with his career

    Planning this call depends on the nature of your boss, as well as from the relationship between you. Some bosses prefer the business approach to to respect you for direct and frankness. In such cases, the conversation may be so open as you wish. Keep calm, show perseverance and self-confidence. This can be achieved if you are carefully prepared, absolutely confident in the facts and are ready to meet any possible objections. If your boss is likely to be furious at the slightest hint of his wrongness, you should adhere to a thinner and cunning strategy. First of all, it is necessary to convince the boss that it was he who came up with the plan that you defend. Proposals to achieve this goal depend on how much your suggestions differ. If your points of view have several common points, start with the underlining similarity on these key positions and praise its proposals. By showing the point in which the boss, in your opinion, is mistaken, try to say something like: "Frankly, I didn't quite understand this moment. I suppose your strategy is ... ", - and then state your suggestions. After the phrase, "As this will allow us ..." Describe the benefits that will bring the adoption of this idea, or the difficulties you will encounter, rejecting it. If the chief has a drop of insight, he will immediately see a weak place in its plan and with Joy will take your suggestions for your own intentions. The honest chief even recognizes that you are right and that its initial approach was erroneous. Summary:
    • Accurately determine why and what exactly is the boss.
    • You must be firmly confident in the facts before challenging the boss.
    • If the boss does not make it when he is wrong, try to convince him that your ideas are his own.

    Failure to the supplier with which you have a close relationship

    Most people want to like others, and therefore we do not like to report something unpleasant or grieving. But if the supplier even after an unequivocal warning continues to deceive you, you may have to choose one of two: to say goodbye to it or with your business. Here, as for any important call, great value It has preliminary preparation. Perhaps, to remove stress it is worth releasing a conversation with someone from the colleagues. You will call a colleague and lose the situation with it by predicting the supplier's possible reaction based on knowledge of its nature. The colleague imitates the most likely reaction of the interlocutor, giving you the opportunity to polish your answers. Do not need long prefaces - immediately go to business. You must say something like this: "Usually in such cases I send a letter, but, given the close relationship, which we have developed in the last couple of years, I considered that it is better to tell you personally. We are going to give up your services, because ... ", - and then list your claims. If you do not want to enter into a long discussion, use the tactics of the" fought gramophone record ", the essence of which is as follows: you just repeat the main facts again And again, not allowing himself to deviate aside. After calling, determine which of the three possible goals are you going to achieve:
    1. Get rid of him forever.
    2. Transfer to him the last warning, but be ready to give him another chance.
    3. Give a "warning shot" in its positions in the hope of improving the quality or observance of the deadlines.
    The most dangerous trap: start from paragraph 1 and finish item 3. The supplier will further strengthen in his opinion that you are a non-accurate person. Summary:
    • Know what you want to achieve.
    • Refire a call with a colleague, playing it on roles.
    • Use the tactics of the "fought gramophone record" to avoid drawing into a discussion on secondary issues.

    Debt recovery

    Fear of refusal prevents many people to present their rights, and this fully refers to the legal demand for the return of debt. For such conversations, the phone is an ideal intermediary. In this case, the conversation is quite personal in nature, which reduces the likelihood of refusal compared to the letter, but at the same time is not related to such stress as a conversation with an eye on the eye. It is necessary to find out whether the person you are calling to dispose of Return debt. It makes no sense to talk, for example, with a secretary, if you return to you the money is authorized only by the sales department. Therefore, it is necessary to start a conversation with finding out who in this organization is responsible for these issues. If you deal with large company, it is likely that there is an employee who is being done by the service exactly. Considered with necessary personAsk him to call your name. This will allow you to lead more trust and friendly conversation. Possible that you are calling about the return of debt, and make sure that the person at the other end of the wire has the authority to solve your problem. Self and clearly explain the reason for your call. You must have all the necessary facts and numbers at hand, such as delivery date, order number, etc. Your ability to quickly and accurately answer such questions will greatly increase the respect for you from the interlocutor. If you demand a return debt, firmly declare this from the very beginning and do not let yourself be addressed to compromise proposals. Meeting with refusal, continue to insist for a while, and then ask the interlocutor to connect you with his boss. Any arrangement must be confirmed by letter or fax immediately after the call. Summary:
    • Make sure the interlocutor has enough authority to return debt.
    • Exactly and punctually explain your question.
    • Never lose composure, even encountered with the initial refusal.

    Cold calls to establish business contacts

    Most people do not like "cold" calls (i.e. unprepared, without prior arrangement). But if you are accustomed to failures, it can be quite effective way Organizations of the new business. The first step is to connect with a person who you need that often means the need to overcome the resistance of the secretary. The secretary may require you to report in what cause you call. There are two tried and reliable ways to overcome this barrier. The first way: "My name is ..., I am a partner (or someone else). I call about the future financial report of your company, and I need to urgently talk to ... Be kind, connect me with him. "The most short way is shorter, but usually more efficient:" I call from afar. Be kind, connect me from ... "After connecting to the desired face you have no more than 15 seconds to awaken interest from a potential client. Therefore, it is important from the very same words to take possession of the interlocutor. His hasted and reliable methods include questions that are interested in interest, for example: "Your company is interested in additional profit at $ 10,000 per month?" - Or links to other people: "I call you on the advice of Bill Jones. It seems to him that you could benefit from our suggestions. "In addition, you can nominate a proposal from which the interlocutor simply cannot refuse:" I would like to tell you about the method that allows you to increase profits by 75 percent. It is already used by most multinational companies. "SUMMARY:
    • Do not choose the time of the day when the person you need is especially busy.
    • Prepare that the secretaries and helpers will try to prevent you.
    • Use the first phrase attracting attention. The longer you talk, the higher your chances of completing the sale or agree on the meeting.

    Sale of ideas

    As noted above, people pay attention only to those messages that - as it seems to them - they offer something positive personally for them. To sell the idea of \u200b\u200ba colleague, you must first take a look, as it looks from his point of view. Then it should be determined which approach with the greatest probability will make a colleague see the personal benefit in your offer, for example, the ability to make a good impression on the head of your work efficiency, reduce the time spent on the routine work, raise the level of sales, etc. .. These advantages. To convince the interlocutor, you yourself must emit conviction. Carefully choose time to call; Avoid moments when you know exactly that the colleague is extremely busy. SUMM:
    • Look at your offer through the eyes of the interlocutor.
    • Pove your idea so that the interlocutor immediately saw his personal benefit in it.
    • Show enthusiasm. If there is no conviction in your tone, you will never be able to convince others.

    Criticism of complete enthusiasm, but inattentive subordinate

    Use IDU technique (positive-interest-negative) to save the enthusiasm of the interlocutor, at the same time fixing its errors.

    Start with the fact that mark and praise all Positive aspects His or her activities. It will make the interlocutor listen more carefully to your words. If you start with criticism, it will quickly stop listening to you. Please specify Interesting aspects His approach to the problem. It will help him see how you can improve your work. These neutral comments inserted after praise, descend him from heaven to the ground, not leading to weakening attention. And only after the completion of the first two stages should be considered Negative aspects Activities of your employee. However, it should be done constructively, explaining in detail how and why an error occurred and what can be done to avoid it to repetition in the future. Opportunities are calling immediately after the event, since the faster the success will be rated and errors are indicated, the higher the likelihood of that your call will have the required impact. Summary:

    • Call as early as possible.
    • Start with the approval of positive moments.
    • Pointing to errors, offer practical advice on improving work. Tips must be specific, not common.

    Receive complaints

    Never take complaints about your company to your account. If the subscriber is aggressive, try to keep calm. Just listen, occasionally inserting indefinite interdimensions, like "GM" and "Uh", while the anger of the interlocutor does not subscribe. It is useless to try to argue with an angry person or interrupt the flow of his words - even if it is not right. The big part of his anger will disappear if you listen to him sympathetically. The ability to listen can turn you out of the enemy in each other. Just as with a personal conversation, you must make sure that the subscriber outlines all its complaints before you begin to consider any of them. This will exclude the situation when the interlocutor informs something new at the moment when you already feel that the problem is solved. I do not use such terms as the "problem" or "complaint", which only enhance the irritation of the interlocutor. Instead, use the expressions, "This Situation" or "Similar approach". Stay a complaint with your own words. This clarifies the key points and helps to get rid of the emotional aspect, which brings the interlocutor. In any case, do not try to reassure the subscriber who you are not able to fulfill. If you are not sure what way to choose, promise the interlocutor to call back later when you possess the full picture of the current situation. At the same time you must definitely call back. Summary:
    • Keep calm, even if you scream.
    • Listen carefully and sympathy. It can turn you a friend.
    • Never give promises that you cannot perform. It aggravates the initial error.

    "Communication" with an answering machine

    Some people refuse to speak with a machine gun, while others suddenly lose the gift of speech, having heard a characteristic signal. Perhaps you have exactly such feelings. In no case can you spend the time to spend time, padding or leaving a message in which it does not contain at least part of what you wanted to say. practical Soviets to communicate with any answering machine:
    • Do not pay attention to the fact that your voice is written to the film. Imagine that there is a person at the other end of the wire.
    • Name the date and time of your call. By this you will reduce the likelihood that your call will skip.
    • Speak slower than usual that your message can easily understand when the film is first played. People annoyed when they have to rewind the cassette to listen to the wrong message of the second or third time.
    • Repeat the names, addresses or phone numbers. They are sometimes difficult to understand the first time.
    • Make your message brief.

    1. Business call Be sure to start with greetings: Good morning, good afternoon, etc. This is not only a manifestation of courtesy, so you give a companion time to figure out who you are, and focus on the possible purpose of your call.

    If you call you, do not forget that a person waiting for you while you remove the tube, is distracted - even if it continues for three call signals (installed in many organizations a response threshold). As a result, he often cannot focus in the first few seconds of the conversation. If you immediately pronounce the name of your organization, the subscriber may not catch it, and ascend to ascend. This leads to a loss of time - it is yours - and such a situation is easy to avoid. After thinking, call your organization and / or the phone number so that the subscriber make sure that he got there where it is necessary. The error is detected immediately, and this allows not to spend the time of time. And finally, calling yourself, you at the very beginning install positive relationships with the interlocutor. At the same time, both your organization and you yourself are more welcoming and friendly. In addition, do not ask an unfamiliar person: "How are you?" It sounds fake. Never declare the interlocutor: "You do not know me." This indicates a lack of self-confidence. Carefully choose time for business calls. The most unsuccessful clock is early in the morning or late in the evening. But ask you: "Do you have a moment for a short conversation or call me back at another time?" Offer time for a conversation, if a person at the moment cannot talk to you: "At 10 o'clock you will arrange you?" 3. With the help of the VID method, make sure that you are listening. This abbreviation consists of the initial letters of key elements of a successful call. IN. Attention. You have to force the interlocutor to focus and take your words not to become a victim of its scattering. AND. Interest. To maintain the attention of the interlocutor, your message should take into account the factor of interest. J.. A wish. Your words should awaken a desire from the interlocutor. D.. Act. Your message should end a clearly formulated action plan.4. Be sure to call the interlocutor by name. If you just met, try your name to be imprinted in your memory. This can be achieved by repeating it about myself several times, and I often use it often. Remember that people are most interested in their own person! American researchers analyzed 500 phone calls and found that the pronoun "I" meets in them more than 4,000 times! At the end of the conversation, write down the name of the interlocutor, as well as other information about it, obtained during the conversation, for example, the names and age of his children. Carefully store these records. They will help you install even warmer relationships at subsequent calls.5. Smile during a telephone conversation. The smile not only helps to transfer your enthusiasm to the interlocutor, but also feeds you with energy. Smile contributes to brain generation chemical compounds which strengthen the feeling of self-confidence and optimism. Be sure to do "thankful" calls in cases where you had any service. They are very useful for future cooperation. The faster your reaction is, the more such calls are .7. Try to imagine the image of the thoughts of the interlocutor. This is a difficult task, however there are ways to facilitate it.

    • Do not attempt to perform an objective analysis based on the voice of the interlocutor. For the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for the logic, in this situation too many unknown values. Instead, listen to intuitive right hemisphere. Relax, listening to the interlocutor, and allow the impressions and feelings to form in your brain. Such natural impressions may be surprisingly accurate.
    • The high rate of speech (in the event that the content is quite meaningful) indicates the intelligence above average.
    • Oscillations, stuttering and pauses often give excitement or indecision.
    • Depending on the content, the underlining of certain phrases may indicate the corresponding subconscious sympathies and antipathy.
    • In style of the interlocutor, try to determine what type of person you are talking: with the "head", "mother", "mechanic" or "motivator".
    The "head" should be explained how your proposals will contribute to his success or make it easier to achieve its goals. Sensuing the "mother" in the value of its proposals, emphasizing what benefits they bring to people. When talking with the "mechanic", use the facts and numbers, and the message for the "motivator" should be as possible as possible. Encourage cooperation with the phrase: "Do you agree?" This will allow you to:
    • Call a positive response of the interlocutor to your message.
    • To involve it in the conversation at any time when you need feedback on how your ideas are perceived, or when you want to emphasize the key points of your message.
    • Slightly push him to accept your point of view, responding to your question positively. Such an answer is most likely because people tend to choose the easiest way. Only a very stubborn person can adversely respond to such a friendly question. And the more affirmative answers you will hear during the conversation, the higher the chances that your suggestions will be accepted.
    • To achieve agreement at the final stage of the conversation. If you have already used this phase several times, its repetition will increase the likelihood that a more serious request will also be executed.
    In some cases, people like this phrase so much that they even copy the intonation and the voice of the one who pronounces it.9. Never respond to the phone call when you eat, drink or talk to someone else. In no case do not close the handset with your hand to contact your person standing next to you. This issues your extreme non-professionalism. Be sure to say goodbye to the interlocutor: the ability to effectively finish the conversation on the phone is no less important than the ability to convey your thoughts to the listener. Too long conversation is able to cause embarrassment, boredom or irritation of the interlocutor. To properly complete the conversation, use VTZ technique (politeness-hardness-finished): Be polite. If you deal with an unfamiliar person, turn on his name to your last offer. If you want the interlocutor to remember those or other facts, repeat them immediately after goodbye. Be hard. Do not let you involve a discussion in the case. If it is difficult for you to do this, have several gullible prepositions at hand, for example, for example: "I apologize, my name is to another phone." Usually - if your tone is benevolent - the interlocutor understands the hint that it is time to say goodbye. Finish the conversation. Just be sure to let the interlocutor hang the phone. If you do, the conversation will end on a psychologically not very friendly note.

    David Lewis. How to Get Your Message Across, 1996