How to grow strawberries at home, in a greenhouse, in the open ground, under the prisoner, in bags and in the pipes? How to grow strawberries all year round? Growing strawberries at home - good harvest all year round.

To grow strawberries at home on the window, it is enough to highlight the scenery on the windowsill, prepare a floral box, and know the basic rules of care. We will tell you about choosing a variety, feeding and technology growing strawberries at home round year.

To grow your favorite seasonal berries, it is not necessary to equip the greenhouse, it is enough to highlight the windowsill on the sunny side and to care for plants, providing conditions for full growth and fruiting. At the start, you need to decide on a variety of berries from which the next result depends.

Select variety

For homemade cultivation Strawberries need to choose removable varieties. They fruit more than once a year, as ordinary, and two or more, besides abundantly. However, food, and care must be relevant, that is, appropriate.

The removable strawberry is divided into several categories, depending on the duration of the daylight. It is called, only in the abbreviation: DSD - a long daylight day, and a NSD - a neutral light day, which is more characteristic of most regions.

A varieties where flower kidneys are born with a long-lasting lighting day, fruit twice a year: at the beginning of the summer and early autumn. Also for DSD varieties is characterized by preferential fruiting on the second harvest. Its share is 60-90% of total mass berries.

The second category of removable strawberries can continuously be froning all year round. This species is not wondering, resistant to variable humidity, lighting and unstable temperature regime. These features are key when choosing a variety for homemade cultivation and regular fruiting.

The light-loving remote grades of strawberries include: "inexhaustible", "Autumn Fun", "Crimean", "Garland". It belongs to unpretentious neutral species: "Queen of Elizabeth" I and II, Brighton, Roman F1, etc. It is worth noting that the "Queen of Elizabeth" grade is superior to other varieties in the amount and size of fruits, fruiting periodicity.

Seeds or seedlings

If you decide to speed up or facilitate the process, and buy finished seedlings - pay attention to the development of the plant. Good sign Healthy Kistica is considered to be 3-5 developed leaves and the embryo (kidneys for the maturation of the future berry). It is better to buy seedlings in a specialized store, then you can count on compliance with the stated variety and appropriate as the planting material. You can find the finished seedlings in separate pots or long floral boxes at a distance of 15 cm.

Landing seeds

Preparation of seeds

With seeds should work a little. To sow seeds and get a healthy seedlings at home, you need:

  1. Soak seeds - it will speed up the germination process. To do this, take a transparent plastic container with a lid and do holes in it. sewing needle. This is necessary for air circulation.
  2. The bottom of the container is made by gauze or cotton disks. Moisten the material and spread the seeds. Top to cover them with wet cotton disks.
  3. Close the container with a lid and put in a warm place for 2-3 days. If you are soaked for several varieties, do not forget to make the corresponding marks on the containers.
  4. Now proceed to stratification (hardening) of seeds. This is necessary to simulate winter weather conditions in order to accelerate the awakening of the seeds and the rapid shoots. Place the container with cotton disks in the refrigerator.Do not forget to control the level of humidity. Once every 1-2 days, open the container cover and moisturize the cotton wheels.

At the expiration of two weeks, the seeds are ready to explore in the ground.

Preparation of soil

For growing strawberries at home can be used garden primer Or purchase a universal mix in the store. Earth must be crumbly. Optimum option: Mix in equal proportions forestry, garden, and sand. Soil preparation should be started jointly with seed stratification.

Sewing seeds

To seed seeds, you can use faded tanks: plastic boxes, flower pots, carton boxes. The height of the side should be at least 10 cm. Fill out the container of the earth and proceed to the seed of seeds:

  1. Pencil Make a shallow groove 0.7-1 cm with a distance of 3-4 cm.
  2. Since the germination of seeds is about 40%, it is necessary to sow seeds.
  3. Gently trigger the grooves of the earth, no more than 0.5 cm.
  4. Cover the container with a plastic film and put in a warm place for 4-5 days.

After the first leaf appearance, remove the film and transfer the container with the seedliness to a well-lit place. Better if it is the windowsill on the south side.

When the seeds allowed several pairs of leaves, seedlings can be seen in separate constant containers.

Take a spacious wooden or plastic box, pour on a bottom thin layer (1-2 cm) of clay or fine gravel for drainage. Second layer, pour fertile soil. The depth of the earthen "pillows" should be 10-15 cm.

Do the wells at a distance of 8-12 cm and plant the seedlings. Regularly moisturize the soil.

Knowing how to grow seeds from seeds, you can choose any varieties of strawberries and get invalid experience and abundant year-round harvest. If the strawberries grow up - replanted new-forming bushes in separate containers.

Several tips:

  1. Adult plants are poorly transferred to a transplant. Sutting off the seedlings, choose a spacious container in which the plant will live for a long time.
  2. Capacity may be any if its volume is at least three liters at the rate of one bush. If you take, for example, long balcony boxes with a volume of about 15 liters, then 5-7 strawberry bushes can be planted, at a distance of at least 15 cm. Such a need is associated with the active growth and development of the plant.
  3. The bottom of the tank must be lowered with a layer of drainage (you can take a grazit, pebbles or broken brick).

Care and subordinate

Strawberry is not good in care. Growth stimulants should not be used - with sufficient ultraviolet and optimal moisture, the plants will be regularly fruit.


Place the pot with plants is better on the windowsill overlooking the eastern or southeast side. The quality of the fruits directly depends on the amount of sunlight. For circulation fresh air It is enough to leave the window sash in the ventilation position.

If your climate is often pleased with sun weather, then it makes sense to buy the simplest ultraviolet lamp, which will contribute to photosynthesis all year round. Do not forget to support the humidity of the soil.

So that the plants do not dry during your absence, resort to the greenhouse effect method. To do this, moisture the soil well, and cover the tank with a plant with a film or cellophane bag. Do not forget about the "breath" of plants: do holes for circulation air.


Strawberry must necessarily feed with the useful substances. To do this, you can use mineral and organic complexes: nitroposk, potash salter, potassium sulfate, wood ash, etc. The first feeding should be carried out in the vegetative period, with the formation of a pair of troika of real leaves. Choose your favorite feeding recipes, and alternate their use 4 times a year, excluding the period of fruiting:

  • 1 tsp. nitroammophos on 5 liters of water;
  • 1/2 h. L. boric acid, 15 drops of iodine, 1/2 cup of wood ash on 5 liters of water;
  • lithuanian jar of crusts and slices of rye bread Soak in two liters warm water, withstand 7 days in a warm place. For one part of the starter to add three parts of warm water, and pouring the plant feeding;
  • 1 part of sour milk or serum dilute on 3 parts of water;
  • a tablespoon of nitroposki mixed with a teaspoon of potassium sulfate on 5 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. potash nitrate to dissolve in 5 liters of water;
  • 50 grams of wood ash on 5 liters of water.

The feeding should be carried out during the period of vegetation and flowering, as well as after collecting berries. At this time, the formation of new roots, kidneys are formed for the next season of fruiting. It is important at this time to pay the maximum attention strawberry.

As a rule, strawberries at home are not susceptible to disease. The only feature is the life expectancy of plants. Since the strawberry varieties of the NSD is plentiful and more often, which means and fasterly ages, her term of her life is 1 year. As for DSD varieties, the fruiting of which is several times a meager NSD, the term of their life increase proportionally and is 2-3 years.

Useful I. tasty strawberry grows almost every summer and panstone. This rather capricious plant can be raised at home. The process of this time-consuming, but as a result it will be possible to enjoy delicious fresh fruits all year round, cook jam, and all this will cost those efforts that have been spent to grow strawberries in the apartment.

For growing strawberries at home all year round, it is necessary to choose removable varieties that are fruitful for more than two times during the year. They are divided into several categories:

  1. NST - plants that grow well, develop and fruit throughout the year at a neutral light day. They are resistant to an unstable temperature regime, lighting, variable humidity and unpretentious in care.
  2. DSD - removable varieties that have been needed for the birth of the kidneys. Therefore, their fruiting falls for the summer and the beginning of autumn.

Ampel varieties of strawberries are suitable for home conditions, which are distinguished by hanging braids.

The most popular repairful varieties of homemade strawberries:

Cultivation of strawberries under the agricultural

Conditions for year-round cultivation

When growing strawberries in the apartment, seedlings and adult plants need to provide good lighting and suitable air temperature. These two conditions should be ignored unacceptable, since they are fundamental in the process of growing berries. Failure to comply with temperature and lighting is fraught with the fact that fragrant fruits can be simply not waiting.

Requirements for lighting

Capacities with plants need to be placed on the windowsill from the eastern or southeast side. But if in the spring and summer there will be enough solar lighting, it will take additional light in winter bustles for growth and fruiting. You can provide it with lED lampswhose radiation spectrum is balanced. You can also use luminescent lightingCombining warm and cold light.

To increase the efficiency and uniform distribution of lighting, a strawberry bed is recommended to upset the screen. You can make it from the cardboard on which the crumpled is glued food foil. Suitable foil material sold in construction stores. A special timer can be connected to an artificial lighting source by automating this inclusion process. Strawberry covers lighting should receive in summer and winter for twelve-fourteen hours.

Air temperature

The optimal air temperature for the cultivation of strawberries at home is +20 degrees. This temperature plants in apartments and houses provide easy. If the air temperature rises, then you can open the windows. In winter, it is necessary to ventilate the room, but only a short period of time. In homes where the air temperature is below +20 degrees, you will need to use additional heat sources.

Preparation of soil

To grow strawberries at home, it is pre-prepare a suitable soil for culture. It should be loose and passed to the root system of plants. Garden land For growing strawberries at home will not fit.

Description of grade garden strawberry Albion

Soil mixture can be bought in the store or prepare yourself, mixing the equal parts of the sand, peat and the turf. Before sowing seeds or disembarking, the substrate should be displaced, for which it can be carried out in the oven at a temperature of 150-160 degrees for half an hour.

Instead of Earth, a mixture of peat with perlite and clay sand or peat with coconut fiber and perlite can be used. In such mixtures there will be no larvae of pests and causative agents of cultural diseases. In addition, the capacitance filled with perlite and peat is much easier than those filled with the Earth. They can be easily easily transferred from the loggia to the windowsill.

Methods landing

At home, strawberries can be raised from seeds or buy seedlings. You can also use seedlings of removable varieties that grew in the garden.

Young berry bushes

Young strawberry bushes are digging out of the ground along with the roots and for two weeks are kept in a cool room. This is necessary in order to provide them with peace. After that, too long roots are cut on bushes, and the remaining for several hours are soaked in a heteroacenson solution (one tablet for five liters of water). This will help the plant to quickly adapt and stimulates the active growth of the roots.

After processing, the seedlings are placed in the soil-filled containers. Roots should be sprinkled only by half.

Strawberry seedlings can be bought in the store or special farms that are engaged in breeding.

Strawberry on the windowsill of seeds

Seeds can be sown in flower pots, plastic drawers or cardboard boxes. Any container is suitable for filling the soil and sowing seeds. Sowing is made as follows:

Rational location of beds in greenhouse 3x6

Capacity with crops is placed in heat. After the appearance of seedlings, the film is cleaned, and seating containers are exhibited on a well-lit place where there are no direct sun ray.

When two real leaves appear on the strawberry, the seats are searched by separate pots or other constant containers. You can use plastic or wooden boxes and make a "earthy" pillow in them:

  • one or two centimeters of drainage;
  • eight or ten centimeters of the fertile substrate.

Buckets Young strawberries are planted from each other at a distance of eight or twelve centimeters. Plants need to pour and put on the windowsill or warm loggia.where they will continue to grow and give the fruits.

Care in summer and winter

When growing strawberries on the windowsill, it requires watering, which can be carried out both from above and below. It is best to use the lower irrigation, for which the containers with bushes are immersed in a bowl with water until the soil is soaked. You can simply pour water in deep pallets. Once the earth becomes completely wet, the remaining water from the pallets is poured.

Strawberry needed watering twice a week of indent water temperature. After watering upper layer Soil frills. Too often, the plants can not be water. From excessive moisture in the soil, bushes may begin to hurt with various fungal diseases.

Recipes feeding

The strawberries grown at home must necessarily need feeding. You can use organic complexes (wood ashes, potassium sulfate, potash salter, nitroposk, etc.) and mineral fertilizers.

The first feeding is carried out when three real leaves appeared on the bush. Recipes feeding for five liters of water:

  • 50 g of wood ash;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Potash Selitra;
  • 1 tsp. Potassium sulfate and 1 large spoon nitroposki;
  • 0.5 cups of wood ash, 15 drops of iodine and 0.5 h. boric acid;
  • 1 tsp. nitroammophos.

Recipes for these feeding should be alternating during the year. Feed the strawberry should be in the period of vegetation, bootonization, flowering and after harvesting. During the fruiting plants are not fed.

In the formation of zinc important role Plays iron. To enrich the substrate, this element can use the fertilizer-containing or deepen into ground with rusty nails.

How to cultivate tomatoes according to the Maslov method

Pollination of the garden

To obtain all the good harvest, it is necessary to pollinate yourself. It is possible to do this manually using a soft small bruster, or turn on the fan indoors. The first method is longer and time-consuming, but it is much more efficient.

Diseases and pests

At home, strawberries are usually not subject to diseases. But often, the overwhelmed soil can lead to the appearance on the bushes of gray rot. Such a disease first leads to the defeat of fruits and leaves, and then to the death of the entire plant. Its feature is a fluffy flaw on buds or leaves. When the gray rotten, the affected parts are deleted, and the remaining are processed before flowing with a 1% burglar solution of the fluid. Watering should be reduced and ensure the culture of fresh air access.

Often strawberries at home is amazed by a paustic tick. These little insects will fall from the bottomside of the leaves and feed on the juice of the plant. You can get rid of them with the help of inferior garlic. If there are many insects, you will have to use insecticidal preparations. To breed and spray the plants should be strictly according to the instructions.

Causes of lack of fruiting

Culture has its botanical features, so it will be fruitful only under certain conditions and proper care. Causes of lack of fruits can be several:

  1. Disruption of temperature regime.
  2. Wrong pollination procedure.
  3. Lack of full-fledged irrigation events.
  4. Fine landing.
  5. Insufficient lighting.
  6. Incorrectly selected varieties.

If the strawberry does not be fruitful, it should be reviewed the conditions for its cultivation and compliance with the rules of care.

To obtain a good yield, experienced gardeners are recommended to climb the first flowers on a young bush. Also, you should remove the appearing alerts that take a lot of strength in the plant, as a result of which the fruits are formed worse and less. If the strawberry bed is provided with good lighting, then some mustache can be left to put them in the future and get new plants.

By providing strawberry beds with the necessary lighting, air temperature and correct leaving, You can grow strawberries on the windowsill all year round and harvest right in your apartment.

The voiced technology is suitable for both industrial scales and to grow strawberries at home (the difference only in the size of the room and the amount of harvest).

Strawberry - This is not only a rapid and yield berry that does not require high labor costs in its cultivation, but also an excellent opportunity for earnings. However, having come to the idea that on the strawberry it is possible to earn good money, almost everyone who wants to engage in such business faces elementary technical problems:

- How to establish year-round growing strawberries?

To answer this question with the maximum clarity, the clear and slim system will be presented below, which allows you to understand not only strawberry growing agricultural engineering, but also to get real data on required equipment and all kinds of components expressed in specific figures. All this will allow you to significantly save time and money by spending the necessary calculations right here and now.

Strawberry growing rooms.

Growing strawberries all year round is possible not only in greenhouses, but at home. For this purpose, absolutely any room will fit, and even urban apartment (In fact, you can grow strawberries at home)! As it is possible, you will understand a little later. And now I will explain what the requirements should be a strawberry plantation in a room with a complete absence of sunlight.


In order to provide strawberry bushes Normal photosynthesis, you need to create artificial lighting. For these purposes, 4 types of lamps are suitable:

  1. Fluorescent lamps.
  2. Sodium lamps high pressure.
  3. ESL (energy-saving lamps).
  4. Metal halide lamps.

In our case optimal option - this is high Pressure Sodium Lamps. The fact is that big Pressure Sodium vapors in the lamp allows you to give such spectra like red and blue radiation, which in their parameters the closest to the bright summer sun.

At the same time, it is not enough to simply install the lamp over a certain section of the bed, since its light should be evenly distributed over the entire surface. That is, the lamp must be concluded in a special lamp equipped with a reflector, which helps not only optimize lighting, but also contributes to the reduction of electrical appliances throughout the area strawberry plantationThereby reducing electricity costs.

Sodium lamp characteristics:

  • Optimal power - 400 W.
  • Lighting area - 1 m².
  • Height above the bed level - not more than 1 m.

That is, in order to highlight 1 m² of beds, you will need 1 lamp. At the same time, the lighting intensity should be at least 12 hours for varieties of remote strawberry of a neutral day. And there is a natural question:

- What time will such pleasure cost, in terms of electricity costs?

And here is a rather impressive figure - 1296 kW electricity for the year. And if more precisely, for 9 months in rubles it is about 2 thousand.

But these expenses with interest will overcome the yield, which under all equal conditions can reach 40 kg of strawberries with 1 m². But the wholesale price of 40 kg of strawberries in winter will plunge you into a light shock - at least 20 thousand rubles! Well, from such income has become more fun? Then read on.

Strawberry growing technology in the greenhouse also assumes the presence of additional lighting. Suppose the version of the thermos greenhouse proposed by me in the article o, which allows you to save up to 75% of electricity on its heating, also needs artificial lighting, especially in winter. Just in the case of a greenhouse, the lighting intensity will be significantly less.

Strawberry beds.

Strawberry beds are, of course, a generalized expression, and, in fact, you will have to construct three-row stellags.

Optimal width Such an shelving is 1 m (), the height is 1.5 meters, the length is arbitrary. The rack must be divided into 3 rows and in each of the rows set containers: the container width in the lower part is 15 cm, in the upper part 20 cm, the height of the container is 20 cm, the length corresponds to the length of the shelving. The distance between the rows of containers is 20 cm.

Since high load will go on racks, then make them better welded from metal products. For containers, such materials as: plywood, fiberboard, plastic, wood, etc. will be quite suitable.

Other features of the indoor type:

  • Air humidity - 75-80%.
  • Air temperature is 20-22 ° C heat, but not more than 25 degrees.
  • Ventilation is moderate.

So, with the room and its equipment, we figured out and now consider the basic methods of growing strawberries in so unusual conditions for it.

Cooking compost for growing strawberries.

Main compost composition for strawberries - It is 80% light sandy and 20% humus.

And here we need to be carefulSince many confuse it with manure. Manure and humus are completely different things, and it is the latter that comes from the first. No matter what type of manure served as the initial raw material for the formation of humus, the main thing is that the humus has been settled. That is, it must be at least 3 years, the humus should be homogeneous and without any smell of ammonia.

The second moment to pay attention to, after careful mixing of all components of the compost - it is his pasteurization. It would be nice if you equipped a special compost pasteurization chamber (followed by compost pasteurization in the article). But if you do not have such an opportunity, you can go to another way.

To pasteurize compost you need a container closed type any volume. After the container is filled, thoroughly shed the compost with water and put it on a slow fire. The main thing is to arm a thermometer with a division scale up to 100 ° heat and ensure that the compost temperature is fluctuated in the range of 55-60 ° heat for 10-12 hours, while stirring it constantly.

Before filling the containers with a compost, they must be equipped drip system watering. And whatever the methods of growing strawberries, such an irrigation system is optimal for each of them. Just surface watering for strawberries is not recommended.

And the drip system of strawberry watering is as follows:

  1. I fill in each container of the compost layer with a height of 10 cm.
  2. We pave on the surface of the compost in the tube containers.
  3. We do in the tubes of the hole at the calculation of the flow of water - 3-4 liters. per 1 m² of rack per day.
  4. We establish the water capacity above the shelving level by 1 m. And connect the system of the tubes to it.

If there is no possibility to automate such a watering system, then the required water consumption (3-4 liters per 1 m²) is measured by an experimental way, as the actual size and number of holes in the tubes.
In addition to its main function, drip system Watering serves as a tool for the delivery of strawberry bushes nutrients. It can be water-soluble fertilizers, and growth regulators. But it is worth using them or not, everything will depend on specific situation.

Well, when the watering system is mounted and adjusted, it remains only to fill the containers with soil and move to the cultivation of strawberries.

Selection of strawberry varieties.

What specifically the strawberry grade grow, personally, I can not advise you. The fact is that strawberry varieties are constantly updated and coordinated, but the main criteria for choosing a variety for year-round strawberry cultivation I will give you:

  • The first is a grade ranked repairing strawberry Neutral day (such a strawberry blooms several times a year).
  • The second is the period of formation of berries and barriers from this variety should go continuously.
  • The third is the most possible size Berries and their uniform color at the stage of maturity.
  • The fourth is high taste, as well as a strong aroma of berries.

Bookmark of uterine plantation and year-round strawberry crop rotation.

Let's immediately determine the technological period of strawberry fruiting. He will make us 9 months since September to MaySince to grow strawberries in summer on the technology proposed by me is unprofitable, by virtue of its low cost and high competition.

To prepare a good uterine plantation capable of producing a stable harvest in September, it is necessary to hold it back in early April. This is done in two ways: or through the cultivation of removable strawberries by seeds, or through its growing seedlings.

If you do not have the required amount of seedlings obtained from your strawberry plantation, then the second way is the least preferable. Just in this case you risk purchased planting material Strawberries, not fully corresponding to its initial varietal qualities. therefore best Method Bookmarks of the first plantation are seeds.

Strawberry seeds are sown in small boxes, Previously with a well-moistened soil and only slightly cover them with a thin layer of land. At the same time, the germination of strawberry seeds is rather low and does not exceed 50%. The main criterion for the high germination of seeds is a bright sunlight, in our case the light of the sodium lamp, as well as the high humidity of the surface of the soil.

Maintain the high humidity of the soil follows the water by spraying on it, i.e., the drip, the surface watering in this case is inappropriate, since the water will purl the upper layer of the soil.

After the first shoots and seedlings of strawberries will be rooted, conducting the first pickup, deploying a strawberry in a checker order according to the scheme - 5x5 cm. Approximately 1.5 months after the first dive, spend the second pickup, deploying strawberries or in rows, with a distance in a broader 20 cm, or in a checked order according to the scheme - 10x10 cm.

As a result, after all this work, you must get required amount The uterine bushes of strawberries, which are in the stage close to the bootonization. In time and quantity, this is expressed as follows: by the end of July you should grow 100 strawberries at the rate of 1 m² of racks.

But already in the second year of growing strawberries, you can get planting material not with the help of seeds, but with the help of young sockets. That is, year-round crop rotation in this case will cost you completely free. It is done quite simple. In April, in the free plots of land in containers make a grafting of a mustache, and by the end of May, young bushes of strawberries, referred to as sockets, receive young bushes.

Of all the above, it becomes clear that all strawberry beds require an annual update. And this is not just a whim, but necessity, since the repairing strawberry, unlike the ordinary garden, rarely fruits more than 2 years.

The planting of the uterine bushes on plantation is carried out at the end of July, and by this time it is desirable to obtain the planting material, just typing color. Further care It comes down to watering, fertilizers and, of course, harvest.

In conclusion, I would like to note that for the reproduction of landing material, you need to equip the room equal to the area with the main plantation of strawberries, or just grow planting material in open soil.

Strawberry although they call the "queen of berries", but its "disadvantage" is the same as the "subjects" - it is assigned to the nature of a relatively little time, during which the harvest can be obtained. As a rule, a month, from strength - one and a half. On the technologies of year-round growing of strawberries (and this is quite possible at home) - this article.

Features of breeding and care for strawberries in a small greenhouse, located on the plot, will not be considered. Although on some sites it is positioned as cultivation all year round, but, according to the author, the question "at home" attitude has only indirect, and that, with great reservations.

We will only consider the methods of obtaining berries in small quantities, for our own consumption, and not for sale. So there is a difference. If only because it is not necessary to develop a business plan, to calculate profitability, search for sales sites and so on, that is, to do what is needed at the beginning of your own business.

If you "walk" on thematic forums, opinions are found very different. Everyone who at least once tried to grow strawberries at home, advertises what herself bred. List everything is meaningless, but to allocate the most frequently used names of varieties makes sense. Perhaps this information is useful to the reader.

  • "Elizabeth II".
  • "Geneva".
  • F - SSH1.
  • "Selva".
  • "Home Delicates".

The varieties of this berry are classified in several parameters. Considering everything does not make sense, as interest is such information only for those who want to organize own production Strawberries for sale.

Type of fruiting

For the cultivation of berries at home, its repairing varieties are more suitable. Unlike strawberries, whose bush is fruitful only once, they give a crop all year round.

Type of strawberry

Ampel varieties are less demanding of lighting. It is for them that the choice should be stopped if its main type is planned to organize natural, and the backlight is only as the necessary addition to increase the duration of the daylight.

Conclusion - for growing at home (on window sills, in the subsidies and so on) more suitable ampel repairing varieties of strawberries. Some of them are indicated above. They feel great and develop even in small tanks - vases, containers, pots.

Choosing a place to grow

There are practically no restrictions on this item. Any free square, even in the apartment, is suitable for cultivation. It can be both the surrounding buildings - garage, barn and loggia (balconies), even window sills in the premises.

The main selection criterion is the possibility of creating the required conditions for the cultivation of strawberries with minimal additional expenses, which is important from a practical point of view. That is, without any large-scale reconstruction, redevelopment, repair or other troublesome works.

Although it is necessary to take into account the volume of "production". Why is strawberries grown? If you just pamper households with fresh berry, it is one. But if she is also on the preparation of jams, jams, baking, various desserts, then the area should be sufficient for its cultivation in large quantities. It is clear that the pairs-troops of the windowsides in this case are clearly not enough.

Conditions for high strawberry yield

The soil

It is better to use the shop. Any mixture is suitable for growing flowers and vegetables. Independent preparation presents some difficulty, as it is hardly able to withstand the equity ratios of recommended components. Those who are confident in their power can be advised by the simplest composition - 1 part of humus, sand and land, and forest. On the autumn, it is not a problem in the fall of the necessary landing. If there is an opportunity, then it is better to prepare the soil from the fry - such a soil is considered more valuable.

Most gardeners are limited to the fact that they take the land right from the plot. But before loading in the container under the strawberry, it must be treated at home. Practice shows that gardening soil is often infected. Basically - root nematode.

What to do with dacha land?

  • Conduct heat treatment. Simply put - disappear.
  • Sprove by manganese solution. It is enough of its average concentration (a little pinkish).

The prepared mixture should be slightly "stand out." Therefore, it is made in advance, about the week before landing.


There is nothing new here. All as for any indoor plants. Ceramzit, pebbles of small fractions fall asleep on ⅓ containers. Packages with drainage are inexpensive (about 45 rubles), and are not a deficit.


It is implied not only the main, but also additional backlight. It must be as close as possible to the one that provides normal level Photosynthesis when growing strawberries in the open ground. That is, as applied to the bright, sunny day.

Types of lamps

To grow homemade strawberries all the indicated, but their effectiveness is different.

  • Energy saving.
  • Luminescent.
  • Metal halide.
  • Sodium (high pressure).

On the last type of lamps need to be stopped in more detail. Not an introduction in the principle of their functioning, it suggests that in the spectrum of their radiation is predominant blue and red. This is what makes such a light as close as possible to the sunny.

For 1 m² of area, at the location of the lamp at an altitude of 1 m, a light bulb is 400 W. The simplest calculations show that the use of such power products will be wrapped with a significant increase in email costs. Therefore, sodium lamps make sense to establish only in cases of production in large volumes. For home dilution in several containers (vases) it is better to choose another type of lighting device.

Watch the video - the cultivation of strawberries with hydroponics:

Lighting duration

Everything is done in relation to natural conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to expect that for strawberries the light day should be within 12 hours.


In the room, it should be maintained at 75 (maximum 80)%. Is it always possible? Yes, not everyone will like that the room is fought; Some people react very painful. If you grow a berry not in a separate room, but in a residential, on the windowsill, it should be practicing ways to artificialize humidity in those sectors where containers are installed.

How? For example, put a cup of water next to them (natural evaporation increases humidity), perform regular spraying in this part of the room.

Temperature mode

Strawberry "Wakes up" late spring And fruit with sustainable warm weather. This should be considered. The recommended temperature range is from 18 to 24 ºС. If this condition is not performed, it is necessary to organize an artificial heating of the sector in which the containers are located.


Regular. Strawberry - culture moisture. But it is not worth overgrowing the land, since it is fraught with the development of fungal diseases of the root system.


there is special compositionsthough fit and universal meansused for most room plants. The regularity of the application is not less than once in 2 weeks.

What to take into account:

  • An excess in the soil of nitrogen initiates the growth of greenery, which is negatively affected by yields.
  • Berries need iron more. If it is enough, they are tied well. You can buy a special / solution with a high content of this chemical / element, but any "piece of iron", which you want to immerse in the ground is suitable. For example, a nail, and better old, rusty.


They grow pretty quickly and, intertwining, shadow strawberries. So that it does not lack the light, the mustache needs to "organize". For example, pull the fishing line, the capro not threads in different areaswhere they will be placed around.

Pollination of plants

At home, it can only be about artificial. The easiest way is the fan, during the flowering period. But here there is a nuance. Aerial jet Must be "weak", and how to achieve this, solve you, dear reader. Or use the device low power, or push it away from strawberries.

Preparation of planting material

The required number of bushes is digging back in the fall, when the Dachniki Denyanki is thinning by preparing them to winter. Strawberry is a multi-year culture characterized by the states of "sleep" and development. So you need to give her at least a couple of weeks to relax. To do this, the chickens are removed from the beds fit into some container, the ground is slightly poured and placed in a dark and cool place. For example, in the cellar.

  • Before disembarking. Long roots are shortened with the calculation so that they are not flexing at the landing site. And in order for the culture easily transferred this stress, it is approximately 3.5 hours placed in a weak solution of heteroacexin room temperature. Concentration - by 5 l - 1 tablet of the drug.
  • Landing. After setting, the kestic in the hole, the Earth is slightly condensed, and then it is desirable to pour it not with water, but with a solution used.

Where to get strawberry bushes?

Independent cultivation of seeds - the process is quite complicated. If you buy, then only in specialized outletsbut not from hand, on the "flea market." The easiest way to get planting material is to negotiate with summer houses. Everything without exception in the autumn is thinning the beds. And where do they exist greens? Right, throw away. So the problem with finding bushes is solved quite simply.

Feature of cultivation in a separate room

The basic requirements remain the same. But there are a number of nuances. Racking racks or not - at the discretion of the gardener. It is clear that the high-rise construction will allow you to place in a limited space. large quantity Containers. As such, you can use not only boxes, but also bags.

  • Material - polyethylene. And necessarily dense, otherwise such containers will quickly break. Even better - with reinforcement.
  • When choosing bags, you need to consider that they must be vertically oriented, more precisely, narrow and high. This will allow them to install the territory tightly on 1 "square".

The rest is simple. Each bag is filled with soil, reliably tied and stacked in a row. They can be placed not only vertically, but also horizontally. Even hang. Cuts are made in the walls of such containers. In them will be planted bushes. Consequently, location seating Approximately the same as in beds, with intervals of centimeters 20.

What to provide for additional

  • Forced ventilation of the room. Once we are talking about year-round cultivation, the regular opening of the door and windows is not an option, especially in winter.
  • Lighting. It is mounted at the calculation so that strawberries in each bag received a sufficient amount of light. Based on this, and the wiring diagram and the location of the instruments is drawn up.
  • Artificial irrigation. Here you have to think how to organize watering depending on the location of the bags. Various methods a lot and choose suitable technology Not particularly difficult. For example, use plastic containerFrom which the capillary is given to each "nest".

This article discusses the most simple technologies Harvesting strawberries at home throughout the year. Methods set. Who wants to expand their horizons, or if the above information for some reason does not like, without difficulty, find a description of such growing systems, like a "nutritious layer", "Aquaculture" and a number of others. But these methods of cultivation are no longer for window sills in an apartment or a private house.

It remains to add that regardless of the chosen technology of growing strawberries, you need to carefully deal with all signs of the disease of this culture, methods of combating possible ailments and necessary drugs. Everything should be at hand, since the only "doctor" is the breast breeder himself.

The cultivation of strawberries will seem a pleasant occupation that brings delicious fruits all year round, if you know the secrets of breeding and care. Exist miscellaneous methods Growing. If there is no big cottage plotThis will fit the vertical way to planting, allowing to save space. If you put a strawberry in the bag, you can get rid of healthy fruits even in winter. And to multiply the culture is possible at home with the help of the mustache or from seeds without unnecessary costs.

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    Growing Rules in Open Ground

    Strawberry loves lowlands, sunny areas and preferably a windless side, so the south-western side of the site will fit. Berries are transplanted, because they do not grow only in one place. You should multiply them, every three years by changing the place of cultivation. If you leave them in one place for more than three years, it will definitely affect the crop negatively, since the soil loses its useful trace elements, and berries become smaller and lose their sweetness.

    The most optimal option for planting strawberry seedlings is August. Berries planted from autumn give a full harvest in summer next year. BUT spring transplant such high rates does not give. But you can plant seedlings in early June, when there are already strong frosts to retreat. Produce transplant B. evening timeTo protect young swords from severe sunlight. So cultures will have more time to adapt to a new place. During the night, the root system can even strengthen a little.

    The soil for seedlings should be prepared. Drop the beds, remove the weed grass if you need to disinfect.

    Do not put the bushes thick. Plants planted in compliance will be larger and sweeter, and it will be convenient to collect berries. For planting, healthy outlets choose, without explicit damage, green, without yellow leaves. Place the material in the wells is not very deep. Too deep hole can negatively reflect on the root system of the plant. Roots can simply burn. Small wells give drying roots. Therefore, choose the middle depth.

    After the transplant is made abundant watering. Only in a few days it is worth introducing feeding. With the beginning of flowering, the soil under the strawberry strawberry will fall to save the fruits from the posting. The emerging mustache is cut off once a month. Then the energy of the bush will leave not for the growing of the mustache, but on the development of berry fruits.

    To grow high-yielding berry varieties, a business plan should be drawn up at home, in which all the nuances would be taken into account.

    Vertical method

    Vertical landing

    Vertical beds themes and are convenient that you can grow culture on little plotSince plants do not occupy a lot of space. Convenient to collect harvest. Fruits do not fall to the ground, therefore it is not dumping and almost do not rot. Berries growing on horizontal beds are susceptible to fungal diseases more than vertical.

    Flower pots are taken as beds or any other basis. Pots are comfortable to put one on another or fix on metal constructions. Fill the pots of the ground and plant in each outlet. Exist different variants Vertical beds. It is possible to buy finished or do at home. For vertical beds prepare drawers, barrels used old tires, etc.

    Idea for vertical beds

    Cons of vertical beds:

    • limited nutrition of bushes, as the amount of land in a pot of little, seedlings need frequent feeding;
    • dryness of the soil, on sunny days the soil dries fast, which is why frequent watering is required;
    • freezing of strawberry bushes in winter, if the container is not covered with snow.

    In each case there is a way out. To prevent soil drying, you can organize a drip watering method. And from freezing will help if the pots move to the winter to the room.

    Pluses of the method:

    • saving time, as you do not need to look for berries in the ground bending;
    • lack of need for flexing;
    • saving place;
    • prevention of disease;
    • aesthetic appearance.

    Having considered the minuses and advantages of the vertical landing, the gardener himself decides which method to choose.

    Bag planting

    Growing strawberries in a bag

    The technology of growing berries in the bags is the same as with the traditional method. Bags will be in the house or in any other room, it is better to prepare a lit, warm room. Temperature should be no less than 22-24 degrees Celsius.

    Use large polyethylene bags. Recommended length of at least two meters and diameter 20 centimeters. Filled bags of fertilous land. Cuts are made on a vertical bag in four rows with a diameter of 8 centimeters and a distance between rows of 25 centimeters. Bags are placed on the floor at a distance from each other in 30-50 centimeters.

    For watering it is better to use tubes that are entered for the entire length of the bag in one hole. On these tubes there are holes that water dripped and irrigated the soil in bags. The upper end of the tubes is connected to the pipeline, which is carried out above the bags, or with a large capacity with water. On a day there are about two liters of water for one vertical bed.

    The advantages of such cultivation:

    • high yield;
    • preservation of grade genetics;
    • fresh vitamins all year round.

    Greenhouse strawberries

    Removable strawberry varieties fruit three months. The first fee refers to July, the second fruiting falls at the end of August and the third - the end of September. But they are very capricious and require a lot of attention. If provided temperature mode In the greenhouse, they will give a crop all year round.

    The fruits of the removable strawberry varieties are large, about 100 grams. But in order to get the fruits of such a mass, you should refuse spring blossom, Removing the flowerons. Split ensure or from seeds.

    Use several methods of cultivation in greenhouse conditions:

    • landing in tanks;
    • growing in the ground;
    • dutch technology.

    Landing in the container is similar to vertical cultivation. Use wooden boxes or other containers. The main greenhouse method is a landing in the ground. Dutch technology implies cultivation in bags. Watering is made as needed.

    Strawberry in Pipes

    Strawberry in Pipes

    Take ordinary sewer pipe. Cut into two halves or cut holes at a distance of 30 centimeters to fill the soil pipe.

    They can be placed even in greenhouses, which allows you to save space. They advise to provide lighting with a duration of up to 15 hours. In the darkening of the strawberry will be bitter.

    Young and strong seedlings are suitable for landing into the pipe. Put on the middle depth. Two days after disembarkation, it is completed with a comprehensive fertilizer.

    Water the bushes under the root part. It is impossible for water to get on leaves, fruits and inflorescences. Excessive moisture causes the development of fungal diseases. Pipes for decor are painted with bright colors.

    Reproduction of berries from the mustache

    From the mustache get high-quality seedlings. Gently cut off the bush young mustache and put in peat tablet. Pack the cups into the pallet with water, and the top covers the cap. After a week, another mustache let out processes. In order not to damage the young swords, plant in the soil in pills.

    Sizza on the places where carrots, peas, radishes or onions, garlic grew before. Does not like strawberry garden places where potatoes grew, cucumbers or tomatoes. The plant multiplied from the mustache gives a harvest only in a year. For the winter shelters sprouts with sawdust or straw so that the roots of the culture do not froze. The cultivation method with the help of a troublesome mustache, but affordable.

    How to suck seeds for seedlings?

    The advantages of breeding and growing strawberries at home from seeds:

    • there is no transmission of fungi and viruses;
    • seeds are stored for a long time.

    You can prepare our own seeds. To do this, choose bushes that are good fruit. Take Seeds W. ripe berries. You can slide them a little and give them to dry. Having placed in glass dishes, stored until the required time. Through three months before the landing put in the refrigerator, slightly slowing down in a wet marlay.

    Sign in early January in a box with a balanced soil. They make rows about half acetimeter, poured with water and seed seeds. Pop their land. They advise regularly check the soil moisture. The first sprouts will appear in 25-30 days. The seed capacity should stand in a warm and illuminated place, for example, on the windowsill of the apartment. Pick seedlings with the advent of several sheets. Saplings on the balcony are made to adapt to the harsh climate. Then transplanted into the open soil in April. Before the end of cool days young plant must be rooted to have time to pass the process of pollination by bees.

    What is hydroponics?


    The hydroponic is translated from Greek as a "working solution". This method involves growing crops on artificial substrates, that is, without the usual soil. They are not carriers of nutrients, but only serve as a support for the roots.

    It allows all year round to collect yield of delicious and useful vitamins. The method is suitable for both homemade cultivation, and for greenhouses, and a separately equipped room.

    Benefits of the method:

    • no dirt in the house from the soil;
    • no smell;
    • there are no pests.

    Cons: the need to provide electricity.