Organization for selling goods by the traditional method. Analysis of the main methods of sales of the supermarket "Central


In the context of the formation of market relations in the country, trade is significantly increasing. Trade becomes the most sustainable area in the development of market relations.

The task of trade is not only to bring the goods to the end user, but also actively influence the formation of consumer demand, which is impossible without high-quality trading services.

Trade occupies an important place in the country's economy and is one of the most dynamically developing industries. Retail, being the final stage of the sediments of the broadcasting process identifies the goods of production and technical and widespread consumption necessary and needs, that is, is an indicator of demand. It is retail trade that not only dynamically respond to changes in the market environment, but also improve the quality of society due to the timely satisfaction of the requests of each of its member.

The problem of quality of commercial services is constantly worried about buyers and sellers. And it is natural. The material well-being of people is growing, their cultural level is growing. Under these conditions, it is quite natural to buy the buyers's desire to purchase the goods you need at a convenient time for it, in a convenient place, in the desired assortment.

Therefore, in the conditions of market competition, the effective trade activities of any enterprise depends on the quality and level of commercial service, as the main indicator of which is the size of profit.

The correct organization of the work of the retail enterprise relative to the methods used and the product range proposed for the sale of the product is the most directly affects the magnitude of its turnover and, as a result, the result of the entire financial activity of the firm.

Analysis of the compliance of the goods offered by the requests of regular shopping stores is an important task of the company's marketing department. Why let the buyer make purchases in neighboring-competitors stores, even if it is completely small shopping (for example, matches, or yogurt), but the guideline needs to understand that even a short-time presence of buyers in the store can stimulate it for another purchase, because It has long been known that the longer the buyer is in the store, especially the probability of making a purchase. It follows from this that it is necessary to maintain a permanent account of demand for buyers, on the basis of which it will be possible to make decisions on expanding or adjusting the range.

An important point in organizing the work of any enterprise is the system of applied sales methods. Especially relevant for large modern supermarkets and department stores, where there is always a very large flow of buyers. Currently, self-service is becoming an effective method of sale.

These aspects caused the relevance of the topic of this course work.

The goal of the course work is to analyze the main methods for the sale of goods and on the basis of the data obtained to make the relevant conclusions and propose recommendations for further improvement of methods, as well as to improve the efficiency of trading activities in the Central University.

In the course of the study it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the concept of selling goods methods;

Explore the basic methods of stimulating sales;

Conduct analysis of the sales methods of the Central Department Store, as well as its volumes;

According to the results of the study, it is to propose activities to improve sales methods in the Central Unit, as well as to calculate the economic efficiency of the proposed activities.

Matrix "Control Questions - Research Tasks" are presented in Appendix A.

When writing this course work, the following methods and techniques were used: analysis and synthesis, absolute differences, graphic, tabular.

The object of research is methods for selling goods.

The subject of the study is the features of the sales methods used in the activities of the Central Department Store, as well as the paths of their improvement.

The theoretical basis of the work was the works of domestic and abrupt scientists: Vinogradova S.N., Pigoonova O.V., Gursky S.P., Demchenkova T.V., Koretsky L.K., Manko A.V., Pambukhchichianz O.V .

The volume of the course work was the pages of printed text, contains 4 figures and 26 tables. The list of references includes 15 names of the works of domestic and foreign authors.

1 Theoretical Basics of Methods for Sale of Goods in Retail Stores and Retail Development

1.1 Methods for selling goods in stores

Commercial work on the retail of goods consists of the following steps:

Study and prediction of buying demand for goods sold in stores;

Formation of the optimal range of goods in the store;

The choice of the most effective methods of retail sale of goods;

Organization of trade services to customers.

Commercial work on the sale of goods in retailers in the contrast to the wholesale organizations has features.

Retail trade organizations implement goods directly to the population, i.e., individuals, applying their own, specific methods and retail methods.

Commercial services of the population assumes the presence of specially arranged and equipped commercial premises, adapted for the best service of buyers, selection and formation of a trade assortment and the possibility of its operational change in accordance with the changed in demand of the population, continuously studying and accounting for consumer customer requests, the ability to offer and sell goods to each specific man. The retail trading network in contrast to the wholesale is characterized by a large territorial fragmentation, the presence of a large number of small organizations and trade in organizations, and its activities can be attributed mainly to the field of small businesses. According to the established criteria for the number of retail organizations, most of the organizations in trade are related to small enterprises. From managers (managers) of these organizations, there are greater enterprise and initiative in commercial work on the organization of sales (selling) goods to the population, the ability to serve customers well, confront competitors and ensure normal profits.

An important commercial condition for the successful sale of goods in the retail chain is the study and prediction of the population's purchasing demand. Unlike wholesale businesses, where this work is directed mainly to study the amount of demand for major territorial formations, the study and prediction of retail demand is aimed at determining the range of demand. The demand in retail trade is explored by specialists - marketers, economists, merchants of trading firms, associations or large stores.

The assortment and intragroup structure of demand reflect data on the sale and stocks of goods, as well as information about unsatisfied demand. The main primary data on the intragroup structure of demand can only be obtained on retail shopping enterprises. To do this, you should organize the account of the sale of goods and reserves on the wide range of product range, registration of unsatisfied demand and customer requirements for the quality of individual species and varieties of goods.

The organization of collecting, processing and analyzing information on the intragroup structure of the sale and stocks of goods on the intragroup structure of the commodity range is a complex and time-consuming task. This is primarily due to the fact that in the intragroup assortment of goods of each store there are thousands and tens of thousands of varieties. Accounting for the movement of such a huge range is possible only using modern computer equipment. In developed countries, a single universal commodity barcode (code) serves as an identifier of the goods is applied to a significant part of food products on each commodity unit. For non-food products, special labels are used for automatic reading. With the help of cash terminals, the store provides automatic cipher reading and record the full characteristic of goods.

Information about the sale of goods in stores on telephone (teletype, telefax) communication channels are transmitted to the distribution warehouse computing center and the Central Computing Center for the Trade Company (association). Such a system for collecting and processing information provides a complete and prompt study of realized demand and allows trading firm to be trading specialists to provide product suppliers to one-time orders of high quality for the supply of goods in full compliance with the size of the sale of goods and existing stocks.

In small retailers, non-automatic (non-mechanized) methods of accounting for the intragroup structure of realized demand can be used. For such accounting, operational data on stocks and receipt of goods, inventory materials, on the basis of which are determined by the actual sale of individual goods over large periods and turnover for sale. As such methods, sales of sales for commercial checks or commodity labels and some other methods are also used.

Along with the registration of realized demand in stores to study demand, the collection of information on the analysis of inventories, accounting for the unsatisfied demand and demands of buyers to the quality of goods are organized. Details these ways to study demand are considered in the course of marketing.

An important element of commercial work on sales is the formation of an optimal range of goods in the store. The establishment of an optimal assortment of the store is directly depending on the type and specialization of the trading enterprise. In the domestic retail, as well as abroad, there are processes of concentration of trade enterprises, especially in large cities of Russia, which occur simultaneously with the processes of universalization and specialization of trade enterprises, the creation of small mixed shops (tents) for food trade.

In market terms, no commercial enterprise can successfully carry out sales (implementation) of goods without the use of advertising in one or another. The famous slogan "Advertising - Engine Trade" correctly reflects the deep entity of advertising - to stimulate the sale of goods, moving trade.

In retail trade to stimulate the sales of goods, various types of advertising should be used - from the simplest - design of window and intra-magazine shop windows, the organization of advertising exhibitions of goods to more complex - printed, radiotelevival and other modern views.

The choice of effective methods of retail sale of goods is the most important stage of commercial operation of retail trade enterprises. Effectively organized sale of goods contributes to the growth of the store turnover, the best satisfaction of the population's demand and ensures the cost-effective work of the organization.

The nature and structure of goods for the sale of goods depends primarily from the range of products being implemented and their sales methods. So, the choice of products of everyday demand buyer spends significantly less time than the goods of periodic or rare demand. In stores applying various methods of sale, the content of selling operations is also significantly different. Under such operations understand the totality of receptions and methods for the sale of goods to buyers.

In retail, apply the following methods for the sale of goods:


Through service sewer;

According to samples;

With open display and free access of buyers to the goods;

By pre-orders;

By mail;

On the Internet;

Through automata, etc.

Self-service goods selling are one of the most convenient for buyers for the sale of goods. Self-service allows you to accelerate the sale of goods, increase the capacity of stores, expand the sales volume of goods. This method provides for free access of buyers to goods laid out in the commercial hall, the ability to independently inspect and select them without the help of the seller, which allows you to more rationally distribute functions between store employees. Selected goods are paid in the assembly nodes serviced by cashier controllers. When self-service, the technological layout of the trading hall and other premises of the store change, the organization of material responsibility, the comma, as well as the functions of the store workers.

This method is applied when selling most food and non-food products. Exceptions are household electrical appliances and cars, refrigerators, carpets and carpeting, sets and crystals, bicycles, motorcycles, motors, boats, tents, radio and television equipment, radio components, jewelry, watches, souvenirs and some other goods requiring other methods Sales, since when choosing the specified goods to buyers, as a rule, individual assistance and consultation of sellers are needed. Goods requiring cutting, packaging, etc., sold in self-service stores through the counter of individual service.

In self-service stores, the functions of the trading room workers are mainly due to advising buyers, deploying goods and control over their safety, fulfilling settlement operations. The sales process here consists of the following main operations:

Meeting of the buyer and providing it with the necessary information about the goods sold, rendered services, etc.;

Receipt by the buyer inventory basket or trucks for the selection of goods;

Independent selection of goods by the buyer and shipping them into the calculation node;

Counting the cost of selected goods and receiving the check;

Payment of purchased goods;

Packaging of purchased goods and laying them in the buyer's bag;

Return of the inventory basket or trolley for the selection of goods into place of their concentration.

The list of these operations can be expanded when selling technically complex goods when the assistance of the seller-consultant is required (its consultation, verification of the serviceability of goods, etc.).

The organization and technology of trade according to the self-service method in industrial stores is as follows.

The entire range of products is placed in groups, species and purpose, laid out on the special counters of the island type and in the widespread cabinets. For the layout of shoes and piece textile goods, they are used, as a rule, inclined shelves, and for dish residual goods - horizontal.

All goods supply price tags; In the necessary cases, special shields are established in the commerce hall, which indicate the purpose and methods of consuming the goods.

The buyer can approach all goods available in the store, independently inspect and select the goods you need. Taking a selected product, the buyer goes to the workplace of the cashier controller, which is usually from the exit from the store. Cash registers are installed on the workplace of the cashier controller. The Cassier controller knocks the check, packs the goods and hands it along with the buyer's check.

The process of selling goods in the self-service store requires a clear organization, namely:

In the trading hall, it is necessary to constantly have a wide range of products. All products available in the store must be on sale;

On equipment for displaying and displaying goods should not be decorative decorations. The display should provide the buyer free selection of the desired goods;

Equipment for displaying and showing goods should always be filled, for this, exhibition and workers inventory should be systematically replenished;

When purchasing goods, the buyer must be given maximum independence.

The self-service store is significantly reduced by the time spent by the buyer for the purchase of goods. As the consumer serves itself, the fast purchase of goods is provided with any stream of buyers.

Self-service stores require a smaller staff, therefore, salary costs are reduced. Squares of stores are more rationally used, as the place previously occupied by the counter and passages for sellers is released.

Acceleration of the sales process of goods makes it possible to increase the bandwidth of the store several times. It is estimated that the transfer to self-service of one thousand acting stores is equivalent to the construction of 200 new custom-type stores by 4-5 jobs each.

Expanded and improved after-sales service. This type of service accounts for up to 5% of the turnover of the trading company. Specialized service companies after-sales maintenance of technically complex products are created and obtained. In the trade of these countries, there is a process to consolidate stores both through construction in new places and by closing small ineffective shops.

Trading personnel should provide strict compliance with the established trade rules. So, it is not allowed to demand from buyers who are members of the self-service store, presenting the goods acquired in other stores, to put stamps on them or any marks, as well as oblige to leave personal belongings. If desired, the buyer may leave the shopping bag at the entrance to the trading room, the portfolio, etc., while the store is obliged to ensure their safety.

Selected goods Buyers are placed in the inventory basket or trolley and deliver to the calculation node. Here there is a calculation of both the goods selected by the Buyer and for the goods released by him through the service counter (in stores where not all goods are sold according to the self-service method). In the calculation node, the buyer handed cash checks that serve as confirmation of the correctness of the calculations, and if necessary, the basis for the exchange of goods. It is forbidden to arrange double control in calculations with customers. The shop administration has the right to hold only a selective verification of the payment of payment and control the work of the cashier.

In order to speed up the calculated operations with buyers, a single calculation node is recommended in the store. The intensity of the cashier controllers during the peak hours should be adjusted. For settlements with buyers who made small purchases (1-2 subjects), express "express cash regulations". The acceleration of payments with customers also contributes to the use of high-speed and automated cash registers, as well as mechanized settlement nodes with a mechanism for automatic delivery, by the conveyor to move goods and other devices that facilitate and accelerating settlement operations with buyers.

Sale of goods through service sewn includes the following operations:

Meeting buyer and identifying his intent;

Offer and display of goods;

Assistance in choosing goods and consultation;

The proposal of related and new goods;

Carrying out technological operations related to cutting, weighing, measuring;

Settlement operations;

Packaging and shopping.

The buyer who came to the store should meet a friendly attitude on the part of the trading personnel. At the same time, a favorable impression is left by the neat appearance of store workers, order and cleanliness in the trading room. The identification of the intentions of buyers is to determine their attitude to the species, varieties and other signs of goods. This operation must be carried out by trade personnel unobtrusively, in polite form.

After identifying the buyer's intention, the seller shows the relevant goods. At the same time, he draws attention to the features of individual products, it offers instead of missing other homogeneous goods. If required, the seller is obliged to give a qualified consultation to the buyer who may include information on the appointment of goods and methods of their operation, consumption standards, compliance of the goods offered by modern fashion, etc. Consultation should contribute to promoting new products, upbringing in consumers of aesthetic tastes. The responsibilities of the seller also includes the offer to the buyer of related goods.

To perform technological operations related to cutting, weighing, measuring, a lot of labor and time is spent. On the quality of their fulfillment, and, therefore, the qualification of trade personnel is significantly affected by the level of customer service, as well as the organization and maintenance of the seller's workplace.

The sale of goods by calculation with buyers and issuing purchases will be completed. These operations can be performed at the workplace of the Seller or Cashier controller.

When selling technically complex goods with a warranty service life, other than the listed operations, the Seller must make a mark in the passport on the product, write a commercial check and a copy of it to the buyer.

Sale of products for samples provides for the calculation of samples in the trading room and independent (or using the Seller) familiarize yourself with the buyers. After the choice of goods and payment of the purchase, the seller hands the buyer the goods corresponding to the samples. At the same time, the sales method of workers are placed separately from the samples. This method is convenient because the relatively small area of \u200b\u200bthe shopping room can be set samples a fairly wide range of goods. As a rule, this method is applied when selling technically complex and large-sized goods, as well as those goods that require the measurement and cutting before their release. This method is sold to the sale of household refrigerators, washing machines, lighting, heating and heating devices, sewing machines, TVs, radio receivers, musical instruments, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, furniture, fabrics and other goods.

Samples exhibited in the trading hall must be equipped with clearly decorated shortcuts, which indicate the name of the goods, the article, the variety, the name of the manufacturer, the price. If necessary, sellers provide consultative assistance to customers.

Sale of large-sized goods in samples combine with the delivery of their buyers to the house from store warehouses, wholesale bases or industrial enterprises - manufacturers. This makes it possible to reduce the need of retailers in warehouses, reduce total transportation costs and save buyers from the hassle associated with the delivery of purchased goods.

When selling goods with open display and free access, buyers have the ability to read independently and select the goods laid out at the workplace. They are laying out on the shelves, stands, in the rolsters, hang on the hangers, etc. The functions of the seller at the same time the sale method is reduced to the consulting of buyers, assistance in the selection of goods, weighing, packaging and vacation selected by them of goods. Estimated operations can be carried out at the cash desks installed in the trading room or at the seller's workplace.

Sale of open-display goods are more convenient than traditional methods, as many buyers have the opportunity to simultaneously get acquainted with the samples of goods, without distracting sellers to perform the functions associated with the display of goods and information about their assortment. The use of this method allows you to accelerate the sale of goods, increase the capacity of the store and increase the productivity of sellers. As a rule, this method is applied when selling those products, the implementation of which in self-service stores is carried out through service counters. Buyers have the opportunity independently or using the seller-consultant to familiarize themselves with models, sizes, color, consult with the seller-consultant and make the final choice.

When selling goods on this method, special attention should be paid to the placement and calculation of them at the workplace of the seller. Goods must be equipped with price tag labels attached to cassettes with special clamps.

Trading on pre-orders is convenient for buyers, as it allows them to save time for the purchase of goods. According to preliminary orders, they sell primarily food products, as well as non-food products of a complex range. Orders can be accepted in the store, auto shop, at the place of work or at home buyers. They can be submitted in oral or writing. The calculation is carried out by pre-payment at the store office or by means of a postal transfer (when selling fuel and building materials), as well as by paying the cost of goods at the time of their receipt. Pre-ordered goods can be delivered to the house or are presented to the buyer in the store. Orders for food products must be performed within 4-8 hours. For non-food products, the time of the order is established depending on the type of goods and the possibilities of its execution. This method of selling goods for residents of small settlements, which through shopping "daily demand goods" or automata can enjoy technically complex goods or other long-term goods without losing time on travel to other settlements for their acquisition.

Regardless of the method of selling goods, store employees must strictly comply with the trade rules contained in the main rules of the store, retail sales rules for individual food and non-food products and in other documents (sanitary rules for food stores, rules for use of measures and measuring devices, etc. .).

In addition to the above-mentioned methods of retail sales of goods in foreign practice, the distribution and other, fairly effective methods for selling goods were obtained. For example, the trend of retail service to the consumer found its expression in trade through automata. She received the greatest distribution in the USA, where over 1.5% of retail turnover is realized through the automata annually. Here with the help of automata, except tobacco and confectionery, books, pharmaceutical and cosmetic goods, office supplies and household items are sold. There are fully automated stores, where trade is made around the clock.

Trading by mail is a special form of universal trade without shop. Estimated trade was made great distribution in highly developed countries. In the UK, 18 million people use this form of trade - almost a third of the country's population.

In Germany, over 5% of the volume of retail turnover is carried out with the help of parcel trade. The main convenience of parcel trade for the population is the sale of goods on credit with installment payment. When buying a product, the buyer is obliged to pay 5% of the cost of the goods (the goods will be sent on the seventh day after placing the order), and the remaining amount is repaid within 5-9 months depending on the type of goods. Trading by mail is especially popular among working married women, as well as in areas where the retail trading network is not developed.

E-commerce (Virtual Trade). In recent years, a new type of foreign trade that has a lot of common with the postal, - "electronic", under which it is understood by the purchase of purchases at home with the help of personal computers. Payment for purchased goods is also carried out through a computer using special credit cards.

The prospect of this trade is due to the progressive development in the Internet of the Internet, as well as a sufficiently high preparedness of many corporate and individual users to apply information and telecommunication technologies in commerce.

1.2 Basic Retail Stimulation Methods

The main forms of sales stimulation are:

Price stimulation (sale at discounted prices, preferential coupons, coupons giving the right to a discount);

Incentive in nature;

Forms of active offer offer (Competitions of buyers, games, lotteries).

The consumer prefers the following:

Free samples accompanying the purchase;

Additional amount of goods provided for free;

Sale at reduced prices;

Discount prices when re-purchase (it follows with some time in time).

Price stimulation, as a rule, is the nature of the temporary decline in prices for goods and services. Temporary decline in the price of goods has its own specifics, pros and cons.

Price reduction can be undertaken in cases when:

The manufacturer wishes to significantly increase sales and attract new consumers;

Trade organizations want to create a reputation as an inexpensive seller or noted some event;

By mutual agreement, the manufacturer provides a discount of the trading network, and the latter transfers it (partially or completely) to the consumer;

The price plays a decisive role in the fight against competitors;

It is necessary to quickly sell the treasured products.

Price reduction sizes should be:

Quite tangible so that advertising appeal can be built on them;

Quite stimulating demand to compensate for the decline in price drops;

Quite attractive to make customer come

The price stimulation can be carried out in the form of a direct reduction in prices, the distribution of coupons, giving the right to purchase at a discount (coupon) and lower prices with deferred a discount.

Some buyers pay more attention to a discount from the price of goods than the goods itself. They regularly buy only those goods that are sold at discounted prices. The disadvantage is that this does not lead to the creation of a circle of a reliable, constant clientele, and forces the buyer to rush from one brand of goods to another in accordance with the proposed price reduction.

For the trading network, this type of sales stimulation is invaluable, as it can be applied without any preliminary preparation in cases where it is required to immediately respond to the actions of competitors or make adjustments to the price policy of this trading enterprise.

Initutiating in kind can be defined as an offer to the consumer of an additional amount of goods without a direct linking with its price. The main forms of natural incentive can be attributed to the premiums (direct, carried out at the time of purchase, and a delay prepayment - after providing evidence of purchase) and samples (the buyer is given the opportunity to try out the product).

The tasks of stimulating in nature are to give the consumer a certain amount of goods, which is fundamentally different from the task of saving money) and give a more substantive and versatile nature of contacts with consumers.

The main varieties of premiums include:

Direct bonus. It is awarded at the time of purchase and, or enclosed in the product itself, or attached to its packaging, or (which is less common) is paid by money at the checkout.

Prize for children. It is often a collection of reduced models, small plastic toys, colored stickers, etc.

Useful premium. Addressed to adult buyers and is designed to convince them in the practicality of the goods for encouraging them to buy it.

A premium premium addressed to all categories of buyers and reflects the desire to deliver it to the acquisition of a free product for a certain amount that the consumer chooses himself.

Offer direct award with the attraction of the outlet. It is used to encourage the buyer with a preferential purchase and, simultaneously stimulating another trading point.

Prize with a delay. It is obtained after presenting one or more purchase evidence.

Packaging suitable for further use (barrels, decanters, beautiful cans, etc.).

Self-plain premium. The consumer seems to be high-quality goods at a fairly low price, subject to the provision of proof of the purchase of another product.

The permanent premium becomes an indispensable attribute of goods (for example, Kinder Surprise is added to the purchase of each number of the children's magazine).

The choice of one or another type of award depends on many reasons:

From the legality of this type of stimulation;

From the fame of the goods;

From the attractiveness of the premium in the eyes of the majority;

From conformity to its established image of goods;

From conformity to the award and the object of stimulation;

From the possibility of providing it in the required quantity.

Samples can be defined as a free provision of goods in an amount that does not have a commercial value and necessary for its testing and evaluation. There are also free issuers used for relatively expensive goods (hours, tennis rackets, typewriters, etc.).

The distribution of free samples is carried out, as a rule, during the production of goods in appeal and in the case of a re-release of the goods or its modification. This operation should be prepared organizationally and technically (the creation of stocks of samples, manufacturing packaging for them, solving the issue of the distribution method, etc.).

There are four basic methods for the distribution of free samples:

- "From door to doors" (delivery to the house);

At the place of sale;

By mail (effectively when impact on a certain contingent of the population);

Through the press (for example, cosmetics samples are delivered along with women's magazines).

Under an active proposal, all types of stimulating sales, which require the active and selective participation of consumers. Receivers of active offer include contests, as well as lotteries and games. Many people can be involved in them. The possibility of obtaining a free prize is a powerful motive motive for such participation.

Competitions. The motive for participation in them is the attractiveness of the game and the spirit of competition.

Competitions are classified according to the subjects of their organization and in groups of the audience, for which they are conducted.

As trading intermediaries - the organizers of the competition can be shops, merchants representing the interests of any territory (competition for the design of the showcase of the district).

For the press, contests act as a means of attracting subscribers and readers, and manufacturers can use different channels and means of their implementation in order to promote sales.

The proposed prizes play a decisive role in the success of the competition. People attract large, forcing winnings about them that meet their personal expectations.

Especially attractive large prizes:

Tourist travel, coinciding in time with a significant sporting event (World Cup, Olympic Games, etc.);

Trips to rest;


Distinguish the following types of games:


Games based on probability theory;

Stimulating lotto type games and derived from it.

An additional amount of goods provided for free is another form of an immediate, albeit indirect price reduction, the reception is designed to inspire two ideas:

This is the same savings, as in the case of any other price reduction;

The consumer deals with the manifestation of generosity from the manufacturer.

At the time of production of goods on the market, a free offer of 20% of goods or a decrease in the price of 20% is not at all the same act for buyers. The psychological impact is much more powerful in the first case.

The product becomes much more attractive if it is provided with the appropriate service: delivery, installation, maintenance, repair, etc. The technical complexity of many modern goods and leads to the fact that more often consumers recognize the availability and convenience of the service system of goods more importantly than quality , price, authority of the manufacturer, etc.

The buyer must clearly know where, who and what help him can provide him in case of any problems related to the goods. Moreover, it is important not only to help itself, but also the convenience of this help. It's one thing, if in response to the complaint will come by a representative of the company "Sony" and instead of repair simply change the faulty tape recorder to a new one, and completely different - when you need to carry a heavy broken TV in the distant workshop, and then back. The Minsk watches "Electronics" could give up in reliability to some other brands, since the established system of warranty repair by sending Banderoli to the enterprise-producer significantly increased their competitiveness.

Reception of a fictitious increase in the volume of goods is designed to be the goods to the buyer should seem big than it really is. It is often achieved by replacing the packaging of goods and its geometric shape. Increased packaging size (for example, bottles) at a constant price and actual weight (net) or proportional reduction in price and weight with unchanged (on eye) sizes lead to a noticeable increase in demand. The fact is that a person better remembers the price of the goods than the packaging capacity, therefore, if the magnitude of the eye packing has not decreased, but the price decreased by 10%, and the actual capacity in grams decreased by 20% (and it is honestly indicated on the label), The new version of the goods is perceived by many people as cheaper, and not as more expensive, what it really is.

Reception of product replacement, compensation for its cost or lossused in case of non-fulfillment of goods of its functions. The implementation of this reception can occur in different ways. One of the most common is the replacement of the goods, which has failed, for the warranty's warranty. The firm that implements fire-fighting systems includes in their price and the cost of insurance of the client's property in case of damages in the event of fire.

Admission to ensure the attractiveness of the adjacentto the trading point of the territory.The authorities, as a rule, are forced to landscaping the territory near trade enterprises. But it's not just that the adjacent territory is landscaped and tied. Such an area attracts people to relax there, quench your thirst, eat, hide in the shadow in the heat and under a canopy in the rain. Conversely, let's say, the kiosk without a canopy does not attract people during the rain, and this leads to a sharp reduction in sales.

There are advertising modifications of software productswhich are transferred to the buyer for free, have a certain time, but then destroy themselves. Representatives of firms that will be able to buy large parties in the future, samples of goods are transferred for free as executive gifts and at the same time as a way to teach to the consumption of the proposed goods.

Also an important factor in the efficient work of the trading organization is the appearance of the seller. Trade organizers take into account this and try to bring up their staff accordingly. For sellers of food stores, the best sample of overalls is a dress or a robe of fabrics of light tones and a headdress in the tone of the dress. In stores on trade in non-food goods, the choice of work clothing is much wider. For women - dress, costume, skirt with blouse, for men - suit or pants with a shirt.

Workwear should be the same for all employees of this trading enterprise so that the staff stand out among buyers. Such clothes, as practice showed, serves to upbringing discipline and professional pride. In many stores on company clothing of staff, there are stripes or cards that show the position, surname, name and patronymic of the seller. Such experience deserves attention, as buyers get the opportunity to know who is good or poorly served. The appearance and clothing of trading personnel must comply with the type of activity, rank and typical customer ideas about how they must be dressed.

1.3 Services rendered by retailers

To improve the quality of commercial services, the use of a variety of services is essential.

The service in our trade was slow, even painfully. It was believed that the company needs to implement the goods and get money for it. Everything else care for the buyer itself.

Today, the nature and number of services provided also characterizes the level of the culture of commercial services.

Trading enterprises provide consumer services. Their essence is to satisfy the needs of buyers, in a variety of services related to human vital activity.

Trading services are not only amenities, but also saving time buyers.

In a large department store, the buyer is provided to fifty different services. Experts can advise on the rules and procedure for using technically complex goods, demonstrate new in action.

The service was born in our country in the spontaneous trade. The administration of each store independently solved how many types of services to provide the buyer, what should be their volume.

Any trading service must be convenient for buyers and profitable for those who have it. Only then will she get a mass distribution. Pressing a wide range of quality services in stores contributes to the growth of commodity proofs, and, therefore, has a positive effect on the profitability of enterprises. Of course, the set and quality of services depend on the type of specialization, location of the store, the conditions for the provision of quality services, the qualifications of workers.

Increasing trade culture through the intensive development of trade services in the consumer market contributes to solving a two-way task: on the one hand: increases the role of trading enterprises in meeting the population requests, and on the other - the strengthening of the country's economy based on expanding the possibility of attracting money into circulation and increasing the efficiency of commodity -these relations in the consumer market.

In market conditions, the development of all types of services should be beneficial to entrepreneurs and convenient for consumers. At the same time, all types of services contributing to the growth of turnover. Turnover, profitability, receive appropriate development in the growth of income of the population. Currently, the majority of the population is characterized by low purchasing power, therefore, even part of traditional services does not find applications in trade. At the same time, this area of \u200b\u200bactivity began to be activated in stores and catering enterprises serving mainly a population with high income. Services previously not known to our consumer appeared, for example: reception by telephone orders for the delivery of products and hot snacks.

Progressive phenomena in trade caused to life with the activation of market processes, the growth of buyers to culture and quality of service, are becoming increasingly noticeable. It is necessary to revive both the services known in the trade, and wider spread previously not known in domestic practice.

Of all the foregoing, it is necessary to conclude that the main task of commercial services is the high quality of the functioning of trade for it is possible to fully satisfy the demand of buyers to the goods they need with high service culture.

Thus, the high culture of commercial services contributes to an increase in commodity proceedings, the implementation of the turnover plan, a decrease in circulation costs, an increase in the amount of gross income, an increase in the profits of trade enterprises.

New economic conditions related to the development of market relations, expanding the boundaries of the information space, improving the cultural level and consumer requests, computerization of technological and management processes led to the need to strengthen the requirements for the activities of all market entities, including retailers. This was the basis for the introduction of new state standards for trade, which led to structural transformations in the field of retail trade, contributed to the modernization of the material and technical base, caused the need to conduct high-quality transformations in the service creating conditions for the most complete satisfaction of buying demand. In modern conditions, commercial services should be considered as a system structure, which allows to provide high culture in relations with buyers, more fully implement professional qualities of personnel, apply modern technologies and informational impacts in the sales process and contributing to a significant increase in the competitiveness of the retailest enterprise. The process of deepening market transformations in retail requires the creation of a qualitatively new, competitive commercial service system. In this regard, the importance of the theory and methodology of the commercial service system, the methods of adapting it to the conditions of the market, determining the features and relationships of the elements that make up the system. Given the positive changes in retail and high competition, there is a need to develop a methodology for assessing the competitiveness of the commercial service system and the quality of service provision.

Trade service is the result of the interaction of the seller and the buyer, as well as its own seller's activities to meet the needs of the buyer when buying and selling goods. General requirements Services are divided into two groups: the main is the implementation of goods in accordance with the security of the purchase, which involves the formation of the range, acceptance of goods, ensuring storage, pre-sale preparation, calculation of goods, supply of goods to the buyer, calculation with the buyer, commercial goods, and additional - rendering assistance to the buyer in making a purchase, information and advisory services, the creation of amenities to the buyer.

The function of the modern shopping company was the implementation of the goods under which not only the main, but also additional services are understood, that is, the commercial service system has actually developed with a certain level of competitiveness.

In modern conditions, in the acute competitive struggle in the consumer services market, exactly the enterprise will be successfully, which will create the conditions for the provision of high-quality services. Under the quality of services, it is necessary to understand the combination of useful properties of services that can most fully satisfy customer requests. Based on the well-known principles, it can be assumed that providing the ability to provide quality services by a retail trade enterprise should be built on the following:

Obligatory supply of services as comparable to competitors of the minimum permissible level of service;

Free choice of consumer forms and maintenance methods, since the obligation of supply of services to consumers does not imply the obligation of their consumption;

Elasticity, flexibility of services, which means the proposal of services varying taking into account the needs of customers, and their focus on a specific consumer;

Convenience of service consumption;

Technical and technological adaptability of services (the level of technology and production technology should be adequate to the production level);

Information service, that is, personnel interacting with consumers collects and accumulates information about their preferences;

Reasonable pricing policy. Pursuit of profit and high prices for services can scare the potential buyer;

Accordance with the goods sold by the services offered. This means that the offer on the market of well-known and new products must be accompanied by a corresponding service package;

Certification of the services of a trade enterprise in order to improve the position of the enterprise in the market, increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise due to the high quality of trade services.

1.4 Modern methods for selling goods abroad

The experience of developed countries in the field of trade testifies to the accelerated process of updating and modernizing the material and technical base of the industry and improving trade processes. However, traditional sales methods (through sellers) are inferior to a new, more efficient place, among which self-service, orders and parcel trade on telephone, through orders, vending machines and e-commerce.

Self-servicemost developed countries have the largest proportion. For example, in the United States, the proportion of self-service in food trade reaches 95%, in Sweden -100%, Norway - 84.8%, Denmark - 79%, the UK - 93.2%.

High self-catering efficiency abroad is provided by providing a wide range of food and non-food products. In US supermarkets, for example, the product range includes 10,000 - 15,000 items, superprints - 18,000 -

20 000 items. In supermarkets of developed countries, a large proportion is occupied by non-food products (30-35% of the total number of goods being implemented).

One of the characteristic trends in the development of self-service stores is the large-scale implementation of automated calculation nodes. At the same time, the socio-economic efficiency of trade increases, which is expressed in the acceleration of customer service by an average of 14-17%, the number of errors and abuse of inventories is reduced, simplifies accounting and control.

Trade in orders The population in products of everyday demand in developed countries goes in two directions: firstly, as the form of additional service of buyers from stationary shops, and, secondly, as an independent form of trading activities. In the first cases, the stores create orders that accept orders on the phone and deliver them at a certain time to the house to buyers. In individual countries (France, USA), there are specialized firms with a network of orders stores.

The most difficult issue in the organization of commerce for orders is the delivery of goods. In some cases, goods are delivered on hand trucks, as most buyers live near shops. Most stores in the United States and Western European countries deliver goods in air conditioning and refrigerated chambers for perishable products.

Sale of orders in combination with sale according to samples is used in the implementation of non-food products.

Sale of goods for orders using the TV was distributed in the USA, England, Germany, France and other countries. In this case, the TV screen serves as a means of promoting goods. Sale of goods can be carried out either by general television channels or by cable television.

Estimate trading The United States and some countries of Western Europe reached a comparative high level: its share in the total volume of goods reaches 5-6%, and in separate assortment positions - 15-30%. This retail form is used for a wide range of both food and non-food products.

Currently, some manufacturing enterprises and large retail stores of trading firms are engaged in the developed countries of parcel trade. There are cases when specialized parcel trade firms open traditional retail stores. The main purpose of such shops is the sale of goods unrealized in the form of package trading.

In terms of parcel trade, Germany, England, Switzerland and France occupies advanced positions among Western Europe.

Orders of goods by phone Frequently distributed in France, while the popularity of the reception office of orders is noticeably reduced. In addition, in France, the firms engaged in parcel trade offer their products through catalogs, postal notifications and ads in the press; 80% of the turnover is implemented on orders on the basis of directories and 20% by meeting orders coming from the population in response to postal notifications and ads in the press.

In many countries, more and more parcel trade enterprises use computerized subscriber reference and information systems to receive orders from buyers, advertising offered goods, creating electronic catalogs that customers can use - subscribers of this system. As the number of subscribers grows, the number of orders to enterprises of the parcel trade sent through the onboard terminals of computerized reference and information systems, as well as the contribution of these orders to the total trade turnover of parcel trade firms.

Sale of goods through vending machines After the Second World War received widespread development. Among the countries with a developed trade, the largest number of automata is available in the USA, Germany, Japan, England, France. In the US, there are 8600 firms operating about 3,500,000 vending machines. In the size of the park of vending machines, Japan is inferior to the United States, but by their number per capita it is in the first place in the world.

The proportion of trade through automata in most developed countries is stable and is 2-3% of turnover. According to individual product groups, it is significantly higher. So in the US, the share of cigarette sales through automata reaches 22%, confectionery - 20%, hot drinks - 8%, milk - 2.5%, soft drinks - up to 40% of the total turnover for these commodity groups.

In the structure of trade turnover through automata to the share of cigarettes accounts for 33%, beverages - 36%, on the other groups - 31%.

Vending machines are widely used to organize intermediate nutrition at industrial enterprises, in which 15-20% of public eating turnover are implemented.

The rapid development of modern forms of payments for goods with an advanced (debate) or credit card contributes to the rapid development of trade through automata abroad. The advantages of this calculation are:

Simplifying the purchase process;

Simplicity of price changes for goods (the price is not connected with the nominal coins and banknotes);

Reduction of risk of revenue

Lack of costs for collection and transportation of coins and banknotes;

Simplification of accounting and reporting.

The successful functioning of the form of trade through automata is facilitated by the coordination of the work of such areas of activity, as the production of goods for sales through automata, packaging manufacturing, delivery of special disorderware, transportation of products, production of machine guns with an electronic management system and their repair, waste disposal.

Powerful development in recent years in overseas practice received electronic commerce. In connection with the transition of trade to the market management mechanism, there is a need to use overseas experience in the provision of trade services.

As the experience of the US trading firms and the West countries shows, store services are part of the overall trade policy and are considered as measures to stimulate turnover. Most trading firms seek not just selling goods, but also solve problems facing buyers.

Another word, sold goods must be supplemented and surrounded by a whole set of additional services, which depends on the demand and expectations of the buyer, the structure of the costs of appeal at this enterprise, situations in competing firms and other factors.

2 Objects and research methods

The object of study of this course work is methods for selling goods in the Central Universion.

The main methods of research used in the work:

Widespread use in the paper has a graphical method of displaying economic processes. It is represented in the form of drawings and tables. Thanks to these tools, visibility and compactness are provided in the presentation of theoretical material.

Analysis is a comprehensive study method based on the sequential use of a set of techniques and patterns of fissioning objects on the main parts and elements or properties (analysis) and the compounds of individual parts (objects) into a single whole (synthesis). Analysis and synthesis - oppositely directed (analysis - from a whole to part, synthesis - from the part to the whole), at the same time interconnected and interdependent methods of cognition that ensure high efficiency in the event of their integrated use. It is applied in the study of the dynamics of such indicators as a retail trade turnover of the universal and the dynamics of its change, the calculation of economic efficiency. Also used horizontal analysis - Analysis of the dynamics of economic indicators.

Also, the work carried out a review of the statistical data of the volume of retail trade turnover of the Zhlobinsky district over a series of years.

The accounting and statistical reporting of the Central Universion was investigated.

3 Development of measures to improve sales methods and an increase in the volume of activities in the "Central" supermarket

3.1 Brief Organizational and Economic Characteristics of the Company's Volume Supervisors "Central"

The "Central" supervisors were registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs by the decision of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee and operates on the territory of the Zhlobin district of the Gomel region.

The organization in its activities is guided by the charter. According to the Charter, the Central University is an independent subject, which has the rights of a legal entity, has an independent balance, may request property and personal non-property rights on his own behalf and to fulfill the obligations, to be the plaintiff and the defendant in court, open the settlement and currency accounts in the Bank's institutions, Have print, stamps and other details with your name. The director ensures the implementation of plans; concludes contracts; produces hiring and dismissal of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus; Releases orders and gives instructions, mandatory for all employees of the organization.

The organizational structure of the state of the organization is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Organization structure of the state stationary "Central"

The main goal of the "Central" supervisers is the implementation of economic activities aimed at making a profit. Supermarket "Central" carries out retailers since 1995. The number of employees in the store is 25 people.

Supermarket "Central" carries out food food in the city of Zhlobin. Focusing the needs of most of the population, whose income is superior to the existence level, are at its level or below the subsistence level.

The shopping area of \u200b\u200bthe store is 400 sq.m., 280 sq.m. - This is the area of \u200b\u200bthe trading room, the rest of the space is occupied by storage and utility rooms.

Thus, the store has the premises necessary for the implementation of trading activities, namely:

Shopping room;

Premises for the reception, storage and preparation of goods for sale;

Utility rooms;

Technical buildings;

Passages, drives (communication area).

The rules of work of the supermarket "Central" defined:

basic provisions related to acceptance, storage and preparation of goods for sale;

Order of sale of goods;

Requirements for sellers;

Schedule activity routine.

The store works from 8 to 22 hours from Monday all week, including Saturday and Sunday without lunch break.

Upon completion of the working day, sellers stop working in accurately compliant with the time installed hours. Buyers are warned about the closure of the store a few minutes before the completion of the work, those buyers who have decided on the choice are serviced. On the closure of the store on a sanitary day, buyers are notified by a special announcement in 5 days.

Sale of goods in the Central Universion is carried out by all citizens on the general basis. The service of such categories of the population, as war veterans and people with disabilities are serviced out of turn.

In accordance with the law, it is prohibited in the store for sale to persons who have not reached the majority of alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco products.

All implemented goods subject to certification, the store has certificates of the established form.

The buyer is given the right to verify the correctness of the price, weight and the measures of goods released to it, as well as the timing of storage of food products and the availability of a certificate. Next to the information corner of the store is also a table and control scales on which the buyer can check the weight of goods released to it, respectively.

Table 1 shows the dynamics of the retail turnover of the supermarket "Central".

Table 1 - Dynamics of retail turnover on the "Central" supermarket for 2008-2010.


Temp change,%

1. Retail turnover of the area, million p.

2. The number of serviced population, thousand people.

3. Population purchasing funds, million p.

4. Percentage of coverage of purchasing funds of the population by retail turnover

5. Commodity turnover of the entire area for 1 person, thousand rubles.

6. Commodity turnover of the organization for 1 person, thousand rubles.

7. Retail trade turnover of the supermarket "Central", Mln R.

8. The proportion of retail turnover of the Central Universion in the retail turnover of the entire area,%

9. Book funds for 1 person, thousand rubles.

Based on the data of Table 1, it can be said that the retail trade turnover as a whole in 2010 increased by 31.4% compared to 2009 and amounted to 535,450 million rubles. The share of the Central Universal Market in the Retail Turnover of the Area is increasing every year and in 2009 it amounted to 8.60%, which is 0.41% higher compared to 2008, and in 2010 it increases compared to 2009 on 1.14%.

In general, in the region in 2009 compared with 2008, there was an increase in the number of serviced population by 1.6%, an increase in purchasing funds of the population by 7.4%. As a negative point, it can be noted that the purchasing funds of the population are covered by the retail turnover of only 84.9%. However, this indicator increases in 2010 compared with 2009 by 2.2%. Running food products are transferred to the buyer in a packed form without charging the packaging of additional fees.

Requirements for store sellers: good knowledge of the range of goods and their characteristics, destination, ways to use and care; He must be able to offer and help choose the goods to the buyer; Be careful, patient and polite.

The main competitors of the Supermarket "Central" are the trade network "Metallurgorg", stores of Zhlobin Raypo, OJSC Mirage, OSR shopping "Belarusian Railway", "Eurotorg" and others.

For the convenience of buyers in the Central University, a number of additional services are used.

Services provided to customers in the process of making purchases of goods. These services are aimed at creating customers the opportunity to more effectively implement the process of choosing, selection and calculation for goods.

Such services provided in the Central Universion include the reception of preliminary orders for goods, available or temporarily absent on sale, i.e. The buyer can make an order either by phone, or directly in the store to the goods you need the time you need, day and hour. It is very convenient for buyers, because It is always purchased fresh, qualitative and moreover, in the desired assortment and quantity. This service was introduced in order to maximally bring the buyer to the goods and the store, as well as to always buy a customer demand.

Usually, upon receipt of a new type of product, an unknown buyer, i.e. When the manufacturer's enterprise, updating the range, produces a new product, for example, a new type of sausage, then tasting the goods in the store. The buyer who came to the store is given the opportunity to taste a new type of product and, if necessary, compare with other types of goods, in order to choose for themselves the goods and buy it. With this service, trade workers unobtrusively identify the needs of customers in the new form of goods and determine the volume of deliveries, in order for buying demand to be satisfied.

For the convenience of consumers, the complex of additional services includes packaging of goods not only in bags, but also in branded packages that the buyer is awarded for free together with the purchase.

The nature and structure of goods for the sale of goods depends primarily from the range of products being implemented and their sales methods. So, the choice of products of everyday demand buyer spends significantly less time than the goods of periodic or rare demand.

By the defining method of sale, stores are divided into groups: - Magazine, selling goods through the counter;

Shop that sells products according to the method of self-service;

According to samples and catalogs;

Shop selling products by the open calculation method;

By reservation.

Sale of goods based on open-ended goods - one of the most convenient for buyers for the sale of goods. Open folding allows you to speed up the sale of goods, increase the capacity of the store, expand the sales volume of goods.

This method provides for free access of buyers to goods laid out in the commercial hall, the ability to independently inspect and select them without the help of the seller, which allows you to more rationally distribute functions between store employees. Selected goods are charged in the calculation nodes serviced by controllers - cashiers. With an open display of goods, the technological planning of the trading hall and other stores of the store change, the organization of material responsibility, the comma, as well as the functions of the store workers.

Seller functions for this service method:

Consulting buyers;

Layout of goods;

Control over the safety of goods;

Perform settlement operations.

The sales process here consists of the following main operations:

Meeting of the buyer and providing it with the necessary information about the goods sold, services, etc.;

Receipt by the buyer of the inventory picture or trolley for the selection of goods;

Independent selection of goods by the buyer and shipping them into the calculation node;

Counting the cost of selected goods and receiving the check;

Payment of purchased goods;

Packaging of purchased goods and laying them in the buyer's bag;

Return trucks to the place of their concentration.

The entire range of products is placed in groups, species and purpose, laid out on the special counters of the island type and in the widespread cabinets. For the layout of shoes and piece textile goods, they are used, as a rule, inclined shelves, and for dish residual goods - horizontal. All goods supply price tags; In the necessary cases, special shields are established in the commerce hall, which indicate the purpose and methods of consuming the goods.

The buyer can approach all goods available in the store, independently inspect and select the goods you need. Taking a selected product, the buyer goes to the workplace of the cashier controller, which is usually from the exit from the store. Cash registers are installed on the workplace of the cashier controller. The Cassier controller knocks the check, packs the goods and hands it along with the buyer's check.

The process of selling goods in the store with an open display of goods requires a clear organization, namely:

In the trading hall, it is necessary to constantly have a wide range of products. All products available in the store must be on sale;

On equipment for displaying and displaying goods should not be decorative decorations. The display should provide the buyer free selection of the desired goods;

Equipment for displaying and showing goods should always be filled, for this, exhibition and workers inventory should be systematically replenished;

When purchasing goods, the buyer must be given maximum independence.

Thus, the self-service store is significantly reduced by the time spent by the buyer for the purchase of goods. As the consumer serves itself, the fast purchase of goods is provided with any stream of buyers.

In stores with an open display requires a smaller staff of employees, therefore, salary costs are reduced. Squares of stores are more rationally used, as the place previously occupied by the counter and passages for sellers is released.

Since we open a low-level warehouse store, this store will work on the basis of an open display of goods, this is one of the most convenient for buyers for the sale of goods. Free access of buyers to goods posted in the commerce, the ability to independently inspect and select them without the help of a store employee.

Shop "Household Goods", implemented products according to the open calculation method, based on the principle of free selection of goods by buyers. Our store is most effective when selling goods of a simple range of the most mass demand, as well as the sale of goods well known to the buyer, the range of which is relatively stable. In addition, it is effective with high intensity of purchasing flows, since this method of sale gives substantial staff economy. The choice of the determining method for selling goods forms the basis of the shopping and technological process of the store and the level of customer service.

Commercial work on the retail of goods consists of the following steps:

Study and prediction of buying demand for goods sold in stores;

Formation of the optimal range of goods in the store;

The choice of the most effective methods of retail sale of goods;

Organization of trade services to customers.

An important commercial condition for the successful sale of goods in the retail chain is the study and prediction of the population's purchasing demand. Unlike wholesale businesses, where this work is directed mainly to study the amount of demand for major territorial formations, the study and prediction of retail demand is aimed at determining the range of demand. The demand in retail trade is explored by specialists - marketers, economists, merchants of trading firms, associations or large stores.

The assortment and intragroup structure of demand reflect data on the sale and stocks of goods, as well as information about unsatisfied demand. The main primary data on the intragroup structure of demand can only be obtained on retail shopping enterprises. To do this, you should organize the account of the sale of goods and reserves on the wide range of product range, registration of unsatisfied demand and customer requirements for the quality of individual species and varieties of goods.

An important element of commercial work on sales is the formation of an optimal range of goods in the store. The establishment of an optimal assortment of the store is directly depending on the type and specialization of the trading enterprise. In the domestic retail, as well as abroad, there are processes of concentration of trade enterprises, especially in large cities of Russia, which occur simultaneously with the processes of universalization and specialization of trade enterprises, the creation of small mixed shops (tents) for food trade.

In market terms, no commercial enterprise can successfully carry out sales (implementation) of goods without the use of advertising in one or another. The famous slogan "Advertising - Engine Trade" correctly reflects the deep entity of advertising - to stimulate the sale of goods, moving trade.

The nature and structure of goods for the sale of goods depends primarily from the range of products being implemented and their sales methods. So, the choice of products of everyday demand buyer spends significantly less time than the goods of periodic or rare demand. In stores applying various methods of sale, the content of selling operations is also significantly different. Under such operations understand the totality of receptions and methods for the sale of goods to buyers.

In retail, apply the following methods for the sale of goods:


Through service sewer;

According to samples;

With open display and free access of buyers to the goods;

By pre-orders;

By mail;

On the Internet;

Through automata, etc.

This method is applied when selling most food and non-food products. Exceptions are household electrical appliances and cars, refrigerators, carpets and carpeting, sets and crystals, bicycles, motorcycles, motors, boats, tents, radio and television equipment, radio components, jewelry, watches, souvenirs and some other goods requiring other methods Sales, since when choosing the specified goods to buyers, as a rule, individual assistance and consultation of sellers are needed. Goods requiring cutting, packaging, etc., sold in self-service stores through the counter of individual service.

In self-service stores, the functions of the trading room workers are mainly due to advising buyers, deploying goods and control over their safety, fulfilling settlement operations. The sales process here consists of the following main operations:

Meeting of the buyer and providing it with the necessary information about the goods sold, rendered services, etc.;

Receipt by the buyer inventory basket or trucks for the selection of goods;

Independent selection of goods by the buyer and shipping them into the calculation node;

Counting the cost of selected goods and receiving the check;

Payment of purchased goods;

Packaging of purchased goods and laying them in the buyer's bag;

Return of the inventory basket or trolley for the selection of goods into place of their concentration.

The list of these operations can be expanded when selling technically complex goods when the assistance of the seller-consultant is required (its consultation, verification of the serviceability of goods, etc.).

The organization and technology of trade according to the self-service method in industrial stores is as follows.

The entire range of products is placed in groups, species and purpose, laid out on special shelves of island and in wall closets. For the layout of shoes and piece textile goods, they are used, as a rule, inclined shelves, and for dishwashes of household goods - horizontal.

All goods supply price tags; In the necessary cases, special shields are established in the commerce hall, which indicate the purpose and methods of consuming the goods.

Expanded and improved after-sales service. This type of service accounts for up to 5% of the turnover of the trading company. Specialized service companies after-sales maintenance of technically complex products are created and obtained. In the trade of these countries, there is a process to consolidate stores both through construction in new places and by closing small ineffective shops.

Selected goods Buyers are placed in the inventory basket or trolley and deliver to the calculation node. Here there is a calculation of both the goods selected by the Buyer and for the goods released by him through the service counter (in stores where not all goods are sold according to the self-service method). In the calculation node, the buyer handed cash checks that serve as confirmation of the correctness of the calculations, and if necessary, the basis for the exchange of goods. It is forbidden to arrange double control in calculations with customers. The shop administration has the right to hold only a selective verification of the payment of payment and control the work of the cashier.

Sale of goods through service sewn includes the following operations:

Meeting buyer and identifying his intent;

Offer and display of goods;

Assistance in choosing goods and consultation;

The proposal of related and new goods;

Carrying out technological operations related to cutting, weighing, measuring;

Settlement operations;

Packaging and shopping.

The buyer who came to the store should meet a friendly attitude on the part of the trading personnel. At the same time, a favorable impression is left by the neat appearance of store workers, order and cleanliness in the trading room. The identification of the intentions of buyers is to determine their attitude to the species, varieties and other signs of goods. This operation must be carried out by trade personnel unobtrusively, in polite form.

When selling technically complex goods with a warranty service life, other than the listed operations, the Seller must make a mark in the passport on the product, write a commercial check and a copy of it to the buyer.

Sale of products for samples provides for the calculation of samples in the trading room and independent (or using the Seller) familiarize yourself with the buyers. After the choice of goods and payment of the purchase, the seller hands the buyer the goods corresponding to the samples. At the same time, the sales method of workers are placed separately from the samples. This method is convenient because the relatively small area of \u200b\u200bthe shopping room can be set samples a fairly wide range of goods. As a rule, this method is applied when selling technically complex and large-sized goods, as well as those goods that require the measurement and cutting before their release. This method is sold to the sale of household refrigerators, washing machines, lighting, heating and heating devices, sewing machines, TVs, radio receivers, musical instruments, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles, furniture, fabrics and other goods.

Sale of large-sized goods in samples combine with the delivery of their buyers to the house from store warehouses, wholesale bases or industrial enterprises - manufacturers. This makes it possible to reduce the need of retailers in warehouses, reduce total transportation costs and save buyers from the hassle associated with the delivery of purchased goods.

Sale of open-display goods are more convenient than traditional methods, as many buyers have the opportunity to simultaneously get acquainted with the samples of goods, without distracting sellers to perform the functions associated with the display of goods and information about their assortment. The use of this method allows you to accelerate the sale of goods, increase the capacity of the store and increase the productivity of sellers. As a rule, this method is applied when selling those products, the implementation of which in self-service stores is carried out through service counters. Buyers have the opportunity independently or using the seller-consultant to familiarize themselves with models, sizes, color, consult with the seller-consultant and make the final choice.

Trading by mail is a special form of universal trade without shop. Estimated trade was made great distribution in highly developed countries. In the UK, 18 million people use this form of trade - almost a third of the country's population.

In Germany, over 5% of the volume of retail turnover is carried out with the help of parcel trade. The main convenience of parcel trade for the population is the sale of goods on credit with installment payment. When buying a product, the buyer is obliged to pay 5% of the cost of the goods (the goods will be sent on the seventh day after placing the order), and the remaining amount is repaid within 5-9 months depending on the type of goods. Trading by mail is especially popular among working married women, as well as in areas where the retail trading network is not developed.

The prospect of this trade is due to the progressive development in the Internet of the Internet, as well as a sufficiently high preparedness of many corporate and individual users to apply information and telecommunication technologies in commerce.

Very large importance for sales and the choice of rational, convenient sales methods for buyers. The choice of effective methods of retail sale of goods contributes to the growth of the store turnover, the best satisfaction of the population's demand and ensures the cost-effective work of the organization.

Under the sale method means a collection of techniques and methods used in the process of selling goods? 2.7, p.34?.

Commercial work on the sale of goods in wholesale and retail organizations has its own specifics. Wholesale organizations implement goods wholesalers, and as customers - wholesale buyers here are shops, tents, wholesale intermediaries, etc. Retail trade organizations implement the goods, as a rule, to end consumers - buyers (population). The method of selling goods in the store not only forms the type of store, but also determines the content of all the main and significant part of the auxiliary trade and technological processes. For buyers, it largely determines the convenience of shopping in the store and the cost of service time.

The main operations for selling goods in the store include:

Familiarization of customers with a realized assortment of goods.

Formation of motivation of the choice of goods by the buyer.

Selection of selected goods (if necessary, weighing them).

Calculation for selected goods and purchase.

Receptions for the implementation of the listed operations related to the immediate implementation of goods to buyers fluctuate in a certain range - from the full service of buyers by store employees to the full self-service of buyers. As part of this range, partial self-service of buyers (or partial service of store employees can also be allocated.

Taking into account these defining principles for the formation of techniques for the implementation of basic operations related to the direct implementation of goods to buyers, the methods of sale that are fundamentally reduced to four types are differentiated:

sale of goods with individual customer service;

selling goods with free access to them;

sale of goods to customers in samples;

sale of goods with full self-service buyers

Consider more details of the sale of goods:

1. Sale of products with customer service ("Individual service") is a sales method in which all major operations are carried out with the participation of the Seller.

This is the most time-consuming method for selling goods, however, it allows you to mostly individualize the process of servicing buyers, help them in the motivation of the choice of goods.

In order to reduce the cost of the sale process in all countries there is a tendency to reduce the amount of goods using this method. The use of this method is effective only by goods requiring significant consultation and special measures to ensure safety when they are selected. And yet it is a traditional sales method that has now found the wider application.

2. Sale of goods with free access to them Buyers ("free access") is a sales method in which they openly place in the workplace or in the seller's service area, which allows buyers to freely make them inspection and selection with subsequent operations (weighing , calculation, packaging) by the seller.

This method is more convenient compared to the traditional method of sale through the service counter, since buyers have the ability to simultaneously get acquainted with the samples of goods, without distracting sellers to show the goods. This method is convenient when selling clothes, fabrics, shoes, linen products, haberdashery, dishth goods, etc.

This method of sale has become the greatest distribution in the implementation of fruits and vegetables.

3. Sale of goods to customers in samples ("Sale by samples") is a sales method in which the goods are represented by individual samples to which free access is provided. After an independent inspection of the goods and the formation of the motivation of its choice, the buyer is calculated for it and receives a purchase from the formed stock of similar goods (this stock can be formed at the seller's workplace, in the storeroom store, in the manufacturer's warehouses or wholesalers). A variety of this method is the sale of goods by catalogs.

The method is convenient because on a relatively small area of \u200b\u200bthe shopping room, it is possible to set samples of a wide range of goods. This method is selling the sale of refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, radio receivers and other technically complex goods, as well as fabrics, furniture, etc.

4. Sale of goods with full self-service of buyers ("Self-service") is a sales method in which buyers have free access to all goods, openly posted in the trading room, independently select and deliver them to the placement places and pay them in the slide lines or in The centralized assembly node when leaving the store (floor). This method can be implemented by the overwhelming number of groups of goods.

It is believed that this is the most progressive method for selling goods in stores. It is based on creating maximum amenities to buyers in the process of familiarizing and sefinating goods in the trading room, the rational organization of the process of vacation of goods and settlement operations. The sale technology of goods by self-service includes:

full preliminary training of goods for sale and calculation of them in the trading room;

free access of customers to the goods, their independence during the selection;

payment for selected goods in the calculation nodes.

This method is applied when selling most food and non-food products. Exception - household electrical appliances and cars, refrigerators, carpets and carpeting, sets and crystals, radio - and television equipment, jewelry, watches, souvenirs and some other goods requiring other methods of sale.

The functions of the employees of the trading hall are mainly due to advising buyers, calculating goods and monitoring the safety, fulfilling settlement operations. The service personnel must provide strict compliance with the established trade rules.

The economic efficiency of the self-service method is achieved by increasing the capacity of the store, the growth of turnover, increasing productivity.

In the literature of recent years, the methods of selling goods, along with the above, also includes selling goods by pre-orders. Such an approach, according to Professor I.A. Blanca is controversial.

The sale of goods by pre-orders is not the method of their implementation, but only one of the types of additional services provided to customers in stores with any sales methods. Attempting to create in the domestic practice of independent types of sales of goods on pre-orders of distribution did not receive (it was based on the inclusion of such stores of a number of scarce goods that make up the basis of a typical or individual order).

In the system of classification of goods selling goods in the store, the first of the above methods refers to the traditional, and the remaining three to progressive.

Their progressiveness in relation to the traditional method is determined by the fact that, firstly, they provide customers with great freedom in the exercise of the choice of goods and reduce the time of service expectation, and secondly, they are more economical and less labor-intensive for staff, i.e. Allow the store to get due to their use a certain economic effect.

In recent years, new retail sales methods have been applied: trade by mail; Electronic trading - through computers using special credit cards. ? 2.18, p.113?

The main task of trade management in the process of organizing trade service of buyers is the choice of methods of sale, the most relevant features of the implemented groups of goods and the specifics of serviced contingents of buyers.

Sellers know their audience well and needs to be satisfied. However, they are not always clear the steps they should do. In this case, effective methods for selling goods and services come to the rescue, which will be useful to you in dealing with buyers.

The best sales methods to pay attention to

  1. Spin-sale
  2. Neat sales
  3. Conceptual sales
  4. Snap-sales
  5. Challenger Sale
  6. Sandler system
  8. MedDic

What are sales methods?

Sales methods are "how" selling. They take goals and turn them into executive steps, for example, "ask a potential customer this question at that stage."

In contrast to the sales process, the sales method usually does not apply to the entire sales cycle.

Instead, he refers to one particular part - qualifications, opening, demonstration, and so on.

This is not the only difference between sales processes and sales methods. Each organization should develop its own unique sales process based on its market, vertical, products and provisions in the industry.

What is effective for one company will be a complete failure for another.

Different types of commands, on the other hand, can implement the same sales method.

Take for example CHALLENGER SALE sales method (number 5 on this list). Regardless of whether the company offers the implementation of ERP enterprises or kitchenware for restaurants, representatives may conquer the trust of potential customers, offering amazing insights and helping them to carry out the purchase process.

To readers are not confused in all these methods, the article describes the seven most popular.

1. Spin-selling

Neil Rackham popularized spin sales due to his book of the same name. Spin - Acronym for four types of questions that sellers must ask their customers: the situation (Situation), the problem (problem), the consequences (implication) and the necessary benefit (Need-Payoff).

  • Questions about the situation Help to understand the current situation of the potential client (although representatives still have to conduct research before the call or meeting).
  • Questions about the problem Getting to the essence of the client's problem.
  • Questions about the consequences Explore the perspective of what the consequences will be, if you do not solve the problem.
  • Questions about the necessary benefit Move people to think about how the situation would have changed if his problem was solved.

Here is an example of spin-selling in the context of the executive firm for the selection of personnel.

  • S - How is the process of admission to work now?
  • P - Do you have difficulty in filling out the position of top management by competent candidates?
  • I - If you do not find a candidate for this position, how will this affect the organization?
  • N - If you could get a list of competent candidates for the role of the head, how would this help the HR department and the whole organization?

Instead of talking to a potential customer, why the purchase of a product or service is a good idea, and how they will affect, the goal of the spin-selling is to help the customer come to these conclusions on their own.

2. Neat-selling

This qualifications technique was developed by The Harris Consulting Group and Sales Hacker to replace the auxiliary methods like BANT (budget, authority, need and time) and anum (authority, need, urgency and money).

  • 'N' in n.e.a.t. Indicates basic needs (Core Needs). Instead of focusing on surface-level pain, the creators convince sellers to go deep into the problems of potential customers. What value will this product have for them as a person and organization?
  • 'E' Represents the Economic Impact (Economic Impact). It is necessary not to simply submit to the client the calculation of the ROI of its decision, but also help understand the impact on the economy of the current course of action and compare with the influence that it will see if a change is made.
  • 'A' Presents access to authority (Access to Authority). Probably, will not be able to talk to the financial director, but the representative can do it? Also not bad, right?
  • 'T' or timeline (timeline), refers to a relevant event, forcing the potential client to make a decision. If there are no negative consequences for those who miss this date, this is not a real grandilage.

3. Conceptual sales

Conceptual sales are based on the idea that customers do not buy a product or service - they buy their concept of a solution that represents the proposal. The founders of this method Robert Miller and Stephen Hymen convince sellers not to lead to a proposal, but instead strive to disclose the concept of a potential client about their product and understand its decision-making process.

  • Questions about confirmation reaffirm the information.
  • New questions about information clarify the concept of a potential customer about the product or service and explore what he would like to achieve.
  • Questions about the attitude seek to understand the client at a personal level and discover his connection with the project.
  • Questions about the obligation are asked about the investment of a potential client to the project.
  • Questions about major concerns raise potential problems.

This sales method makes a special emphasis on the hearing and divides the sales process into three stages: obtaining information, the provision of information and the receipt of interest. All transactions must be mutually beneficial and for the client, and for the seller; If the seller feels that this is not the case, he must abandon the transaction.

4. Snap-sales

Snap-sales is a sales method that seeks to put the seller for one level with potential customers. Snap - Acronym, which covers four directives for sellers: to be simple, be invaluable, always coordinate and expand priorities. Remembering these principles, sellers can more effectively convey to busy customers valuable knowledge, connect what they sell with what is the most important for the client and facilitate the purchase for him.

And while most sellers think that there is only one decision participating in the transaction - buying a client or not - the author of Jill Conrt's actually defines three critical solutions.

The first is to provide access, the second is the choice to change the status quo, and the third is to change the resources. Thanks to these mini stages, the sellers will be able to follow the progress of the agreement more effectively.

5. Challenger Sale

Cautors Matthew Dickson and Brent Adamson began "The Challenger Sale" from the statement that almost every B2B seller fits into one of five people: builders of relationships, workers, lonely wolves, rocket solvers and competitors.

According to the results of the study of Dixon and Adamson, the sellers are almost evenly distributed over these profiles.

However, the most successful were competitors - this group represented 40% of the most effective representatives in the authors' research.

What makes competitors so effective in sales? They follow the process to "learn, fit, take."

First, they teach their potential customers, but they are not talking about a product or service, but about large business tasks, new ideas and insights. Then they adapt their approach to their client.

Finally, they take care of sales, focusing on the ultimate goal. The Challenger Sale method is committed to passing the wisdom of a competitor to other four types.

6. System Sandler.

Sandler system expands the scenario of the traditional sales process. While sales historically rotated around the idea that sellers must pursue potential buyers and convince them, the Sandler method declares that both parties should make their contribution. It does not change these two roles in some places, but aligns them.

Obstacles, such as time or budget restrictions, are often allowed by the Agreement of the Agreement after the considerable amount of work has already been done and the client and the seller. But representatives trained in the Sandler system seek to raise and evaluate most obstacles in the qualification process. If the representative finds that his proposal really does not solve the problems of a potential client, it will not waste time and just leave the process.

Instead of the seller, a convincing buyer to buy, in the Sandler's sales system, the buyer almost convinces the seller to sell.

7. Customer-oriented sales

The method of customer-oriented sales seeks to change sellers from product progressors to co-processing consultants. Behanesecoleintority keeps on eight principles:

  • Talk situationally instead of making a presentation
  • Ask current issues instead of offering opinions
  • Focus on solving instead of relationship
  • Aims to make decisions
  • Promote the use of the product, and not the product itself to cause interest
  • Strive to be the most selling, and not the most busy
  • Navigate the timeline of the buyer, not the seller
  • Inspire the buyer to buy instead of convincing him

8. MEDDIC Sales Method

MEDDIC Sales Method - Qualification Process for Sophisticated and Corporate Sales. This means:

  • Metrics: What is the economic impact on the situation?
  • Economic Buyer: Who manages the relevant budget?
  • Solution Criteria: What formal evaluation criteria The organization uses to select the supplier?
  • Decision making process: how an organization will choose a supplier; those. What are certain stages?
  • Detection of the problem: What is the trigger event and financial implications of the problem?
  • Champion: Who sells on behalf of the company?

Each sales transaction should allow the buyer to achieve the goal, solve the problem or meet the need. If the product or service does not correspond to any of these three options, the seller must refuse the transaction.