Differences of flexible tiles from metal tile. What is better: soft roofing or metal tile? Requirements for fixed grounds

It is not easy to choose the appropriate.

Metal tile - roofing coating made of metal wave-like sheets that are sprayed with a protective layer of polymer enamel.

A variety of forms, color solutions, determine the popularity of the coating.

Soft roof (Otherwise - flexible (bituminous) tile) - Roofing tiles based on a modified bitumen and glass cholester and granulate. Granulate from the outside provides the basis of various color shades, and the lower self-adhesive adhesive layer provides reliable installation of the coating.

Soft roofing or metal tile: pros and cons Data roofing.

TO Advantages Metal tile believe:

  • strength coatings;
  • a wide range of colors;
  • durability;
  • waterproof;
  • simplicity laying;
  • non-calamity;
  • ease Tiled sheet.

The disadvantages are:

  • low noise insulation;
  • the complex roof design implies Big flow tiles;
  • has good thermal conductivity;
  • possible appearance corrosion When damaged material.

Despite the presence of shortcomings, a tile of metal is one of the popular coatings in the building materials market. Disadvantages such as low noise insulation and good thermal conductivity can be eliminated heated roof with high-quality heat insulator.

Advantages and disadvantages of soft roof

Soft tile also has its pros and cons.

These advantages include:

Detected shortcomings Soft tile:

  • high cost;
  • is installed only on a solid crate;
  • susceptible to burning.

Manufacturers represent a soft tile, as a coating that does not apply the appearance of fungus, the development of mold, however, during operation, buyers noticed the appearance of fungus in the shadow places of the roof.

What material is easier and cheaper to mount

Installation of any roofing implies its features, depending on the characteristics of the material.

Compare installation of metal and bitumen tiles by indicators:

  • by price;
  • mounting complexity.

Cost value

If we consider the tile price from the calculation of the roof area, then the cost of both coatings is approximately the same: The price difference may depend on the manufacturer. When buying should be guided by the experience of specialists:

  • metal tile sheets follow take a stockbecause when installing may be a lot of waste;
  • when installing the soft roof of waste, it almost does not happen, however, have to spend money on the crate, laying it in a solid way. This embodiment can be justified: in this case, the insulation of the roofing characteristics increase, sound insulation qualities increase. But not always needed, especially if the attic room is non-residential.
  • in places subject to subnecess, it is recommended for bitumen tiles special lining materials to provide ;
  • For the equipment of the roof under metal tile or under a soft roof, there are approximately the same cost (eaves, stocks, end strips, gutters).

Thus, the cost of covering the coating from the metal tile is much lower than the equipment of a continuous roof crate, flooring of lining carpets under bituminous roof, so in general spend on the coating of soft tiles will have almost twice as much.

Mounting complexity

Mounting complexity

Complexity styling metal tile and soft roof yourself approximately the same:

  1. metal tiles are stacked by self-drawers, and the sheets of soft roof are glued and closed with nails, to calculate the roof you can use our;
  2. metal tile sheets are easier This allows you to spend less physical forces on the laying. Soft roofing sheets in packaging are heavier, therefore the only difficulty that may occur - the lifting of the material on the roof;
  3. metal tile is harder to cut than soft tiles;
  4. on the laying of metal tires is spent much less timethan on a soft analog.


Installation of a soft roof should be made at temperatures not lower than + 5 ° С. At low temperature, when pressed, the material may be deformed, and the tightness of gluing will suffer.

The mounting temperature is the only difficulty in laying a flexible roof compared to metal tile. But, since roofing works are most often performed in a warm period, this circumstance is not always relevant.

In general, it is possible to quite easily cope with themselves both when covering the roof of metal tiles and when installing the bituminous coating.

Comparison of dimensions and technical characteristics

The size and weight of the coating material are treated in order to determine the load of the coating material on the roof.

Dimensions and weight of materials

Metal tile release sheets up to 450 cm long, up to 119 cm.

The weight of one square meter eliminated by metal tile is approximately 5 kg.

Soft roof is manufactured by ribbons 100 cm long, width - up to 33.7 cm.

Despite the small size of the sheets, the weight of one square meter of a soft roof can reach 12 kg.

Thus, the load on the rapid roof system of large sheets of metal tiles is much smaller than the sheets of bituminous roof.

Comparison of technical characteristics

Excellent technical indicators of one material cannot be expressed in another, but such a problem is solved:

  • noise insulating indicators of metal sheets are significantly inferior to the indicators of the bituminous material. Compensate this flawwhen laying, metal tiles can be using styling;
  • when laying, the metal tile must be installed, which does not require a bitumen coating due to the rough surface capable of retaining snow;
  • with good non-flammable metal tile, g ibuke roofing on the contrary - susceptible to burning.

Characteristics of coatings

Characteristics of durability, color resistance, strength, obstacle to external influences, environmental friendliness, water resistance at metal tiles and bitumen tiles practically the same. Its coverage properties are able to maintain in different climatic conditions in different ways. All characteristics and indicators are focused on regions of moderate climate.

Conclusion: Metal tile or soft roof, what is better?

So, flexible tile or metal tile, what is better? Based on all materials indicators, it is quite difficult to determine the choice of coating.

Metal tile and soft roofing are not in vain are the most sought-after covering materials: Their technical characteristics allow you to not think about the replacement of roofing for many years., and the color assortment, a variety of material configurations, brightness can decorate the structure and give it the individuality.

Bituminous tile allows you to embody the most bold design solutionsSo it is capable of covering the most suitable roofs with a multitude of bends and skates.

Metal tile costs cheaper flexible tileBut with this soft tile has excellent noise insulation and is well suited for the attic roof.

The main indicator of the coverage is its price. Specialists are not recommended to save on the coating, as the roof is the main indicator of comfort, heat, as well as comfort in the house.

metal tile or soft roof

Metal tile is suitable for more stringent - two-three-tight roofs that have little inclined ribs and are deprived of hard-to-reach places.

Useful video

Comparison of the technical characteristics of these coating data in video format:

How to choose a soft roof for the roof and do not regret it? To do this, learn more about what is a flexible roof, which is its basic properties and parameters.

Types of soft roofs

What types of flexible roof exist? It is manufactured in two main types:


The soft roof is supplied in rolls 10-20 m long and 90-110 width. It is designed to cover extended rods, flat or with a minimal bias. The roll rolls on the roof in the sheet and is glued to the prepared base with the help of bitumen mastic.


  • low price;
  • high mounting performance.


  • ineffective on the roofs of small sizes and complex shape;
  • non-psychic appearance;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage.

Roll roofing is laid on top of a cement screed covered with primer to improve clutch. Before gluing, outline strips must be seen at least for straightening.

Materials are used most often for industrial or warehouse buildings of medium and large sizes. This is a good choice for a budget private house with a double roof.

Bituminous tile

Such material is also called segmented soft roof. At the production of their bituminized sheet segments are cut. During the installation, they are glued to the base with the help of the mastic applied at the factory and are fixed with roofing nails.

Segments are styled with overlapping in such a way that the location of the nails rows is covered by the next next. At each point, the roof is from 4 to 6 layers of roofing material.


  • high roof reliability;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • low percentage of waste with stripping on the roofs of a small area and complex shape;
  • applicable for cone-shaped roofs.


  • high price;
  • high complexity of laying;
  • it requires exceptional accuracy during installation.

Bituminous tile is used to cover the roofs of private houses and public buildings with a slope of at least 12 o. The variety of drawings allows you to choose a suitable model to any stylistic solution and the size of the construction.

What soft roof is better? Each has its scope.

Structure of soft roof

A sheet of modern flexible roof is a complex multi-layer system.

Bituminous base

The supporting structure serves as a leaf from a dense cardboard bitumen or a fiberglass sheet. It ensures the strength of roofing material. Bitume for impregnation is used acid or alkaline.


The layer of mineral crumbs with the addition of coloring pigment protects the soft cardboard from mechanical damage. Coarse coarse sprinkle delays snow and complicates his natural gathering from the skate.

The best soft tile manufacturers use basalt crumbs without impurities, in budget rules to basalt, you can add chehey additives.

Base: glass cholester or cardboard? What's better?

Initially, cardboard was used as the base for soft tiles. It is available at a price, but has limited strength. In modern models of flexible tile, glass christmas is increasingly used.

This material is better in quality and is more durable several times than cardboard. In addition, it is almost significantly lower than the specific weight with equal strength. This reduces the load on the rafter system.

Fiberglass is not subject to corrosion and age-related changes, the increased service life fully justifies the high price of the material.

Advantages of soft roof

The soft roof has a number of obvious advantages over other types of roofing materials, such as metal tile, folding roofing, ondulin or ceramics. These include:

  1. A rich selection of forms and shades, aesthetic appearance.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Long service life. The material is not subject to rust and rotting.
  4. High tightness.
  5. Elasticity makes it possible to use complex forms on the roofs, including curvilinear, conical and dome. No other material is suitable for this.
  6. Low waste percent with strip;
  7. Resistance to ultraviolet radiation, temperature and humidity drops.
  8. Excellent sound insulation and thermal insulation properties. For a private house, the roof becomes an additional layer of insulation. The noise of rain is practically not heard even in arbors and on open verandahs.
  9. Installation is simple enough and can be carried out on its own

Inherent material and a number of shortcomings:

  1. Not applicable On the slopes with a bias of less than 12 o.
  2. Required solid Obsek.
  3. Before the device of ventilating blood pressure To protect the truss system from high humidity.
  4. High surface roughness. This leads to the accumulation of dust, small garbage. In shadow areas it is possible to germinate the moss. In winter, roughness prevents the natural one of the snow.
  5. High installation accuracy requirements. Only the right and accurate installation will provide high quality coating and aesthetic appearance.

The advantages of flexible roofs noticeably outweigh its flaws. More and more homeowners choose inexpensive and easy to use material.

Features of flexible tile

When choosing a roofing material, the following features of the flexible tile should be taken into account:

  1. Basic material. Affects the strength and durability of the coating. If the funds allow, it is better to stop ha canvas from fiberglass.
  2. Type of bitumen impregnation. Modified SBS-bitumen today is the best impregnating material.
  3. View of sprinkles. Basalt crumb creates the most durable and durable sprinkling layer. It does not glove in the sun, creating the "cheap roof effect."
  4. Bituminous mastic applied to the lower side of the segments, over time, loses its adhesive properties And worse joins the base. Therefore, it is better to mount a soft tile no later than half a year from the date of production.


Installation of flexible tile does not require special qualifications of workers and the use of expensive equipment. For mounting it is better to choose a hot sunny day. The high temperature of the air will additionally soften the mastic and improve the fit to the base, especially on the roofing form.

For a soft roof, a solid doomer will be required. If necessary, the surface is aligned with OSB or plywood sheets. Next, the lining carpet is laid, it is fixed with roofing nails, and the joints are sampled by mastic.

Stacking segments start with cornisic elements. The lower part is glued on the layer of mastic applied to the opposite direction, and the upper nail is nailed. Each next layer of segments is shifted to half the element. Skate elements, places of adjoining to other skates, walls, pipes, etc. Loss of bitumen mastic.

Comparison of manufacturers

How to choose the manufacturer?

Foreign brands are traditionally famous for high quality and rich selection of forms and colors. High and price. It is justified by a long coating service life and the lack of need for its replacement.

What companies are most popular? The leaders of ratings often become:

  1. FinnishKatepal.. Traditional Finnish quality and excellent sound insulation properties.
  2. GermanicDOCKE. The budget line has 20 years warranty. Premium offers a 50-year warranty.
  3. ItalianTegola.. The widest choice of forms, drawings and palettes. Production is localized in Russia.

From local producers, you can note the Shinglas trademark of Technonikol. It produces a wide range of roofing materials based on glass cholester. Single-layer models are quite democratic for the price, and even top two-layer continues to be available.

Comparison of pricing policy manufacturers

What price should have the tiles? Most manufacturers spend a flexible price policy. They produce budget rules with a values \u200b\u200bof a square meter in 250-350 rubles.

For consumers with higher needs in the reliability and durability of the roof, premium lines of goods are offered in the range of 700-1300 rubles / m2. The most expensive models can reach 3500 rubles / m 2.

Often both rules have a similar set of shades forms and gamut. This allows you to cover the main building on a plot of high-quality flexible tiles, and the auxiliary buildings and arbors are simpler, while maintaining a single stylistic solution.

Thus manufacturers try to expand market coverage.

Conclusions: What a flexible tile to choose

How to choose a flexible tile? When choosing a soft tile for the roof of the house, you need to proceed from the construction destination.

For a residential building, it is better not to save and acquire a high-quality and wear-resistant tile of the best manufacturers with a long service life. This will ultimately save on the dismantling of the roof and installing new.

For canopies, arbors and auxiliary unheated buildings, you can pick up the flexible roof of the same manufacturer from the budget line.

It is difficult to keep track of modern materials and only then, the demand for them is slightly falling, you can consider their quality points. Today, despite the enormous number of blood types of roofing products, bitumen and metal coatings are particularly popular. Many developers have already been trying to understand how much the material is a favorite: soft tile or metal tile, and what is better for roofing construction?

Metal tile.

Before performing a comparison of two materials, you need to learn more about them. I started with the metal tile of no accident, because the demand for it is somewhat more than on soft products. Many private developers of the old school suggest: the stronger and tougher material, the longer it breaks on the roofing surface. This erroneous assumption, however, after reading the entire article, you will understand everything yourself.

Metal tile is made from sheet galvanized steel by the method of rolling. The metal sheet in width can vary from 0.8 to 1 meter, depending on the type variety. The length of the canvas at maximum size reaches 12 meters, but manufacturers do not allow such a sale, they can only be obtained by an individual application. In the construction market you can purchase materials long from 1 to 8 meters.

Primer and polymer substances are applied as a protective layer to the metal surface. The cheapest materials have a weak protection that can get dried at the slightest mechanical contact at the time of installation, transportation or operation, if a plump falls onto it or a dry branch.

Based on the discharged sawtooth from lumber. It may be lightweight, as the weight of one square meter of the roof does not exceed 7 kilograms. Color gamut metal tile is quite impressive, because due to additive paint in polymers you can get absolutely any color.

The shortest side of this coverage can be called the following:

  • Cheapness
  • High strength
  • Durability
  • Simplicity of delivery and installation
  • The reliability of the roof is achieved by creating a discharged crate
  • A small mass of the material, at the expense of which on the installation of the coating of enough two workers.

Important: When working with metal sheets, there must be dense gloves in the number of uniforms. The fact is that the edges of the sheet are very sharp and with careless movements can be seriously injected.

To serious disadvantages, metal tiles can be attributed to the natural properties of the metal, namely: corrosion. If the protective layer for some reason was removed, then you will have to quickly take action. In addition, this coating is distinguished by disgusting sound insulation and to solve this problem will have to be laid a thick layer of thermal insulation material.

Bituminous tile

As a raw material for the production of soft tiles, an oxidized bitumen is taken, some additives and glasses. Such a tile can be of various shapes, such as hexagon, scales, rhombid, rectangular and so on. The sheet of such tiles is often called the shingle. Different manufacturers can produce materials of different sizes, so it is quite difficult to determine them. For example, the length and width of the bituminous tiles of the brand "Cologne" 1000x317 millimeters, when the parameters of the brand "Jazz" from Schinglace make up 1000x335 millimeters. The length indicator will also change, so these parameters will be purely individual.

As a protective layer on the surface of the material there is mineral springs, which does not allow the material to spread with a long exposure to direct sunlight, or damage in mechanical effects.

The advantages of bituminous tiles are as follows:

  • Good sound insulation
  • High waterproofing quality
  • Long operation
  • Maintainability
  • Relative ease of installation

In the cons of this coating, you can write such items as:

  • A rough surface that does not allow the snow to go alone.
  • Horregious
  • Limited installation conditions. With a strong heat, the material "floats", and in the cold loses its elasticity and cracks.

As you can see, both materials have strong sides and some shortcomings, they cannot be compared in any way, because during operation they may change. In most cases, due to the regional building and living conditions, the roofing coating behaves differently.

Construction in most cases is pretty individually and where the material shows itself well, there is a place where it will be frankly bad. One thing I can say for sure: do not look at foreign manufacturers, because they produce products for their own region. Purchase materials of your area and then they will meet the requested requirements.

Roofing cake

Surely, you have ever met with these roofing materials and understand that the bituminous tile is elastic, and the metal sheet with embosses has quite strong stiffness and will not get under its own weight. The base for metal tile and bitumen products are significantly different. In the first case, it is more expedient to build a discharged crate of boards or bars, when a solid one is created when laying soft materials.

Identical products can be used as lumber for both crates. The only differences between such grounds will be sheets of plywood or OSP plates with lining carpet. The lining aligns the resulting base and acts as an additional waterproofing.

The costs of a continuous type of crates will be somewhat larger, but without it can not do. When installing any roof, you can not forget about ventilation moves. Metal roofs are distinguished by their feature of the condensate, so there may be additional layers of waterproofing in addition to ventilation. With residential construction and insulation, the roof in this case is better to use hydrophobic thermal insulation materials, such as foam glass or polystyrene foam plates.

The materials under consideration are almost in one weight category: the weight of one square meter of metal tiles is ranging from 5 to 7 kilograms, and bitumen tiles from 7 to 9 kilograms. It follows from this that the rafter system can be performed from the wood of the same section, and the pitch of the elements of the crate will also be similar.

Conclusion: from an economic point of view, the costs of base under the metal roof will be slightly lower than under the soft.

Complexity of mounting work

Flexible materials are pretty simple. They are elastic, small size and can be cut by an ordinary knife. Such products are very well escalated on complex roofing systems, such as dome-shaped or multi-line.

Do not even have to speak about the economy of the material. Any piece that you will eliminate the main web can be used in the future, when the residue of the metal sheet can be simply discarded. Just think, waste when laying metal tiles is 40-60%, when, with a bits of bitumen material, this figure in rare cases exceeds 10%. Due to such losses, the metal sheet is used only on direct and primitive structures, where there is a minimum of structural elements in the form of endands and drops of heights.

Conclusion: metal sheets have a significantly larger coating area, so it is easy to work with them. Tile is also quite simple, but it is quite a long and tedious process. In addition, before installation, it is very important to place the plane, in order to the shonts laid down with even rows.

Cost of materials

A little higher, I have already said that the metal tile is in the low price segment. For example, a sheet of coating, a thickness of 5 millimeters can be purchased for 12-14 dollars. In addition to buying the most material, you will have to spend money on solutions, additional elements and fasteners, the price of which will be half of all purchased products.

Metal tile manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products, each company has different and varies from 5 to 20 years. In many cases, the durability of the material depends on the thickness of the product itself, the protective layer, maintenance during operation and high-quality laying. The average durability of this coating varies from 30 to 50 years.

Now, let's look at bitumen tiles. Immediately it is worth noting its high cost. The price tag on a square meter of composite roofing will be about 30-40 dollars. Manufacturers warranty in this case much more and some brands reaches 30 years. If the flooring was high-quality installation, and when operating timely service, then the material can fly on the roof to 70 years. The price of a simple tile is much less than $ 7-20 per square.

Many developers ask me: "What soft tile is better?" To date, this is a flexible tile with a copper coating. It can hold out on the roofing plane up to 100 years, but the price tag per square meter is quite high, it is 70-80 dollars.

Conclusion: The cost of one or another coating is often decisive. If you want to create durable and high-quality roof, I advise you to consider bitumen materials with a price tag above average. In case of stiffness in the budget, you can purchase metal tile, but see, in order to be used as the protective layer, exceptionally high-quality components were used, so you will acquire material with the most long exploitation and for an acceptable price.

Nuances of Montaja

In no case cannot be cut with metal tile with the help of power tools, in particular the grinder. Sparks flying in all directions easily burn the polymer film, therefore, no protective layer after operation, there can be no speech. In addition, metal sheets are fairly thin and with inaccurate actions can be brought. When transporting and loading and unloading work, it is impossible to work independently. The minimum number of people with this process should be 2, but it is best to invite a couple of workers.

It is advisable to use selflessness with a rubber lining as an attachment for metal roofs, and with a bitumen tiles flooring, small nails or a construction staple brand are most often used. The indicator of high-quality fasteners on the soft roofs will be the secretion of hardware.

These are steel sheets with applied stamped terrain, forming the surface shape of the surface coated with natural ceramic tiles. Sheets have a fairly large area - the width of about 1 meter, the length is 4-6 m. The metal is protected from corrosion by a galvanized layer and an external polymer coating simultaneously performing a decorative function.

It is an elastic coating made on the basis of a glass cholester coated with layers of a modified bitumen.

There are two types of soft roofs differing in the format:

  • rolled. Externally resembles the usual runner, is used mainly on flat roofing without slope
  • bituminous tile. Implemented in the form of individual sheets with cutting, forming the petal of different shapes. Sheets (or shingles) are stacked by Vansel, which allows you to create an attractive decorative effect and increase the tightness of the web
  • list materials - Ondulin, etc.

Among users there is an opinion that the best soft roof is significantly inferior to metal tile on strength, reliability and durability. To decide how true this point is correct, the properties of both coatings should be considered.

Comparative analysis of the main parameters

In order to decide what is better - metal tile or soft roof, it is necessary to take into account the mass of the features of these materials. The positions for which a comparison is made are very much, so for convenience we divide them to individual items:

System requirements rafters and crate

The weight of the metal tile is about 2 times less than that of flexible tiles. This has a noticeable difference in the calculation of the total load on the truss system, but relative to individual elements of the design, the difference is insignificant. For both coatings, the same reference system is built, having the same parameters - the size and step of the rafter feet.

The difference occurs at the creation stage of the crate. For mounting metal tile enough to install a number of plankshaving a significant step. The main condition is the matching step of the planks of the wave sizes (relief) metal tile.

For mounting the soft roof requires a solid flat planewhich is provided or tight laying of edged boards, or flooring from plywood, chipboard, OSB, etc. Such a flooring allows to increase the noise and thermal insulation of the roof, but requires increased costs of acquiring and installing materials.

Layers of roofing carpet

The insulation technology of the roof does not depend on the type of coating, it is always performed by the same technology. Differences exist at the stage of direct installation of the roof.

produced directly to the slats of the cratewithout requiring additional layers.

For flexible roof requires a lining carpetconsisting of a similar material. Depending on the angle of inclination of the row, the carpet may have a solid form, or to be present only on transitions, adjoins, in the skunk part or undershones (at large angles of inclination). Given the value of the carpet, which differs little from the price of the coating itself, the cost of acquiring materials and labor costs is almost doubled.

Easy installation depending on the shape of the roof

For laying metal tile on the roof of a complex form, it is necessary to cut it into pieces of the corresponding configuration and size. It forms large amount of material wasteRequires the use of additional elements for the design of funds, adjoins and other changes in the geometry of the roof.

With respect to flexible tile, the situation is more successful, since non-production waste in this case turns out much less. Moreover, cutting the soft roof is much easier and more convenientcan be performed right on site immediately before laying each shingle. At the same time, the installation of metal tile on the roof of a simple form is performed faster, as the leaf area is much larger than that of a soft coating.

About weight and thickness of materials

The weight of the soft tiles is 7.5-15 kg / m 2, and the metal tile weighs from 4.5 to 6.5 kg / m 2. Considering the presence of a subtycial carpet, we can safely argue that metal tile is much easier And does not create excessive load on the roof design. This strongly contradicts the common belief that the metal roof is too heavy.

Comparing that thicker - metal tile or soft roof, it is necessary to clarify what kind of magnitude it is in question. The thickness of one soft coating layer is about 2.5-3 mm. The metal tile sheet has a metal thickness of 1-1.2 mm. But, considering the height of the relief, it can be argued that the total metal tile thickness morethan with a soft coating. An exception is Ontulin, some species of which have a wave like slate. In this case, the thickness increases in accordance with the form of the relief.

Which roof has longer service life

The service life depends on many factors:

  • conditions for coating
  • mounting quality
  • regular care
  • availability of additional loads or influences

For a soft roof, the warranty period declared by manufacturers is from 20 to 50 years (bituminous tiles), or 10-12 years (rolled materials). Metal tile usually has a warranty period of up to 15 years.

Real the duration of operation in a soft roof is much higherThan for metal tiles, which is due to the absence of corrosion and greater resistance to mechanical effects. Any dent on the metal surface causes the depletion of the polymer layer, leaving the only obstacle to the moisture of galvania, which is not always able to hold moisture. The soft roof suffers much less from mechanical effects, having elasticity.


Soft roofing, the fire enabling reviews of which is very contradictory, is a greater danger than metal tile. Bituminous tile has class of flammability G3.What means the average degree of fire safety. It does not spread the flame on the surface, but when a strong fire appears in the attic, it will not stand and light up.

Unlike her metal tile is completely safe in fire - It is capable only to fail, but no danger represents. Class of flammability material - NGWhat does "non-combustible" mean.

Blocking noise

For noise insulation definitely linding soft roofing. It in itself is a noise insulator, while the problems with a roiler from metal tile during rain are a fairly common headache of house owners and require appropriate measures.

If no additional elements are needed for a flexible tile, then metal coatings are jammed with special materials or a layer of thermal insulator.

Easy care

Service of both types of coating does not create problems. At the same time, for the metal tile, it is quite possible to remove the shallow garbage from the end, and release the drains from the blocks, then the scratched soft roof collects dust and fine solid particles. In some regions, it has to be periodically purified, for which the coating is watered with water from the hose or use other purification methods.

Winter: Snow Cleaning and Load

Snow loads are the essential problem of most regions of Russia. The weight of snow can reach tens of tons, which strongly loads the roof designs and the whole house. At the same time, on metal tile of these problems, it usually does not occur, since the surface of the sheets is very smooth. Snow comes off with it easily, which forces to install snowstanders.

On the soft roof, the situation is different. Its surface is covered with a rough layer of sprinkles holding snow on the roof. It is necessary to clean the surface to clean the surface - they leave about 5 cm cover, so as not to spoil the fruit and fragile surface of the soft roof.

Appearance: aesthetics and design

Discussion of the aesthetic advantages of roofing - the case is ungrateful, depending on the personal tastes and preferences of each user.

Metal tile is quite wide. In addition, manufacturers complete their products with a complete set of additional elements - skates, electrons, adjunct elements, eaves, waterproofs and other good elements.

Soft roof in this respect is much poorer, but also she. This only applies to Ondulina, rolled materials are used on a flat roof and do not have decorative value.

What is cheaper: prices and installation cost

Prices for roofing different types differ from each other:

  • bituminous tile - from 420 ₽ / m 2
  • metal tile - from 330 ₽ / m 2
  • ondulin - 210 ₽ / m 2

At the same time, any of these materials can cost several times more expensive, which is determined by the manufacturing country, the manufacturer and belonging to the elite collection. With the installation of the material there is an approximately the same dependence.

After counting all the costs it turns out that the metal tile installation costs 30-40% cheaper than the installation of soft roof types. This is due to the presence of additional materials that also require installation and, accordingly, expenses.

Other differences

Metal tile. susceptible to corrosion. This quality significantly reduces the service life, requires the use of certain types of fastening materials and processing methods. In addition, the metal tile is unstable to wind loads due to stiffness of sheets.

If, a sheet, therefore, when installing, it is necessary to ensure complete tightness of the cornisic and end areas.

Another essential problem of metal tile is the ability of condensate educationwhich does not have a soft roof. At the same time, the tightness of the soft roof cloth requires the formation of ventilation gaps or passes, while the height of the wave of metal tiles contributes to the movement of air flows, and the rare setting of the shade slats enhances the ventilation of the undercase.

Single the problem of soft roof is ultravioletBy changing the color and strength of the cloth of the coating. Each manufacturer solves this problem in its own way using various modifications of bitumen or different types of materials for the sprinkle.

When, where and which roof it is better to apply?

Disputes about what material is preferable, which soft roof is better or worse and should not install metal tile, do not poison from the very first days of the appearance of these types of coating on store shelves. Given all the factors, proceed from the size and purpose of the house.

For small optimal choice - metal tile, unpretentious and reliable. For a large and optimal choice - a flexible tile, which has heat and noise insulating abilities, durable and simple repair, resistant to wind and snow loads.

The final choice is the prerogative of the owner, since it is necessary to take into account its capabilities, preferences and other considerations.