Heating in a private house: theory, options and solutions, system selection, calculation, installation. Autonomous heating in the apartment Autonomous water supply and heating

In harsh climates, the issue of home heating always remains one of the most important. It is impractical to build traditional solid fuel wood stoves in a large house, and connecting a private cottage to central heating is completely impossible. To create a comfortable microclimate in a private home, the most successful solution would be to build an autonomous heating system with your own hands. This is not very difficult if you familiarize yourself with the basic installation rules and consult with specialists.

What are the main types of autonomous heating?

Today it is customary to distinguish three main types of autonomous heating systems for a private home:

  1. A traditional heating system in which a liquid coolant is heated in a boiler and circulates in a closed circle inside the system, releasing heat to the external environment.
  2. An air heating system in which air is the main coolant. In special devices it is heated, after which it is distributed throughout all rooms through air ducts.
  3. Direct electric heating. In this case, we observe the complete absence of any coolant. The air in the room is heated directly from electric heating devices. These can be heating elements, convectors or infrared emitters.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type, as well as the features of self-installation.

Traditional heating system with liquid coolant

When we hear the phrase “heating system”, the first thing that comes to mind is a traditional design. In countries with cold climates, it is the main one, and the rest are auxiliary. However, in regions where the climate is milder, two other types of heating systems occupy a wide range. The traditional heating system is based on free or forced circulation of heated liquid inside a system of pipes and radiators. The latter have a ribbed structure that increases heat transfer. By and large, it includes 6 pipes, heating devices, shut-off valves and a power plant, which serves as a heat source for heating the liquid.

In any traditional autonomous heating system, the boiler serves as the power plant. It can work by burning various types of fuel or use electricity to heat the coolant. Ordinary water is most often used as a coolant, but it can also be antifreeze, antifreeze, or transformer oil. The latter allow the heating system to be used in situations where there is a risk of freezing due to the boiler being turned off. The boiler heats up the coolant, which naturally begins to circulate through the system. More often, a centrifugal pump is used to circulate it, which makes it possible to achieve greater efficiency from the heating system.

Principles of a traditional heating system

If you are planning to build a new house, then the nuances of the heating system need to be thought through at the design stage. This will save you from having to cut through walls and partitions. After all, it is easier to build heating even before the construction of internal partitions. In addition, if you plan to install a floor-standing boiler, you will need a separate room for it. You can, of course, do this in the bathroom or kitchen, but then it will be to the detriment of aesthetics.

In this regard, it is better to use double-circuit boilers, which are hung directly on the wall, and the chimney is discharged through it. Such boilers not only provide the house with heat, but also with hot water. They have a more aesthetic appearance and are silent, which allows them to be placed even in the kitchen. In addition, these units are equipped with a built-in circulation pump and expansion tank. The only downsides worth noting are their higher cost and complex electronics, which can fail when the power is turned off. These boilers require constant monitoring, so it is impossible to leave the house unattended for several days in winter.

I install double-circuit boilers in houses with an area of ​​no more than 250 m2, since their power does not exceed 30 kW. If the area is much larger, then you will need to install a powerful single-circuit boiler. In this case, to organize hot water supply, additional water heating equipment will be required: capacitive boilers or plate heat exchangers.

How to choose the right boiler for a traditional heating system

When choosing a boiler, first of all you should pay attention to the area that it must heat. In addition, the power of the unit is influenced by: the tightness of the windows, the level of thermal protection, and climatic conditions in the area. Not least important is the availability and cost of energy resources. It is most profitable to use natural gas, but if gas networks are not available, then it is worth considering purchasing solid fuel or liquid heating boilers. Electric boilers should be considered last because of the prohibitive cost of electricity. True, they have their own advantage - the absence of combustion products.

The most popular are boilers powered by the combustion of natural gas. Installation of autonomous heating using such units is most convenient. In addition, such a heating system does not require fuel reserves or storage space, because gas is simply supplied to the house through pipes from the gas distribution network. The most important element of a gas boiler is its burner, which can be atmospheric or fan. With an atmospheric burner, gas combustion occurs naturally, which at low pressure in the system can lead to premature burnout of its body. The fan system creates an artificial air flow, which forces the gas to exit the nozzle with force, protecting the burner from damage. This system is more expensive and noisier, but more efficient.

It is worth noting that for the normal functioning of a gas boiler, it is necessary to ensure high-quality removal of gases and condensate from the combustion chamber. In the case of a double-circuit boiler, it has a fan that removes combustion products into a short pipe that extends horizontally directly beyond the wall. A floor-standing boiler will require the construction of a bulky chimney of a special design.

Pros and cons of a traditional heating system and principles of its installation

The advantages of a traditional heating system include its energy efficiency. Only it is capable of heating sufficiently large areas in cold climates at minimal cost without the use of complex structures. The disadvantages include a certain complexity of installation and the high cost of the entire set of equipment. The need for a large amount of non-renewable fuel can also be considered a disadvantage from an environmental point of view.

Today, polypropylene pipes and bimetallic radiators are most often used for installing a liquid heating system. This allows you to independently assemble a heating system according to the diagram using a special soldering iron in a fairly short time. The pipe laying scheme can be of several types. You can read more about this in thematic articles.

In general terms, it can be noted that batteries are usually installed under windows, connecting them to the pipe using shut-off valves. This will allow you to remove the radiator if necessary without draining and stopping the entire system. To calculate the number of radiators depending on the area of ​​the room, there are special tables and formulas.

When using a floor-standing boiler, an open heating system is constructed. That is, at its upper point there is an open expansion tank, where you need to add water from time to time. It is needed to compensate for the thermal expansion of water when heated. A wall-mounted double-circuit boiler is already equipped with an expansion tank, which is closed, and water is added to such a system directly from the water supply under pressure. That is, before purchasing such a boiler, you must install a water supply system in your home, the pressure in which can ensure that the heating system is filled with water.

Air heating system

This heating system is often used in large shopping centers and industrial buildings. Special high-power heaters drive a flow of hot air through a network of air ducts laid throughout the building. The air is heated by electric heating elements through which it passes. Another air heating option uses natural heat from the environment to heat the air. Such devices are similar to air conditioners, only they work in the opposite direction, heating the air rather than cooling it.

For domestic purposes, both of these methods are used extremely rarely for heating a house or apartment. The first is due to the bulkiness of the heaters and high energy consumption, and the second is due to the high cost and low efficiency at temperatures below – 15 degrees. In addition, the operation of both systems requires the construction of air ducts, which may simply be inappropriate in the house or will take up too much usable space.

Electric heating types

In terms of safety and environmental friendliness, electric types of heating are the most attractive. In addition, the cost of constructing electric heating will be significantly lower than liquid or air heating. After all, there is no need for any system at all. Heating devices themselves emit heat and can be installed in any room without any communications other than electrical wiring. Perhaps the main disadvantage that prevents the use of these devices to organize the main heating system is the high cost of electricity. To create electric heating, the following 4 types of equipment are mainly used:

  • Infrared type heaters, which can be portable wall or ceiling mounted. The principle of their operation is based on the radiation of infrared waves, which are capable of heating objects around them. They, in turn, themselves become sources of thermal energy. Infrared heaters do not burn oxygen, as they do not have glowing elements. For this reason, they consume a minimal amount of electricity and are the most economical of all electric heaters available today.
  • Electric convectors of various types. They can also be portable or fixed on the walls.
  • Cable and film systems for heating floors or ceilings. This system is often used as an auxiliary one.
  • Thermostats for heat regulation, as well as various programmable devices necessary to ensure the automatic operation of electric heating devices.

The main disadvantage of such a heating system, in addition to the cost of energy, is that it does not make it possible to provide hot water to the house. And its main advantage is the ease of construction and operation. Sometimes it is simply enough to place the device in the room and plug it into the household electrical network.

If you decide to build your own heating system in your private home, then you need to decide on its type. If your home is located in the southern regions, where winter temperatures do not drop below 10 degrees, then you can easily get by by installing infrared electric heaters in each room. They will provide efficient heating of the entire house, consuming a minimum of electricity. If you are a resident of the middle zone, and even more so of the northern latitudes or Siberia, then you cannot do without traditional liquid heating. There are several options for its device. Which one to choose is up to you to decide based on the current situation.

Autonomous heating systems are now becoming increasingly popular in country houses and cottages. The reason for this is simple: the owners prefer to refuse the services of utility organizations, but so that heat continues to flow into the house uninterruptedly. When choosing a particular system (its main varieties will be discussed below), you need to take into account many factors: from the layout of the house to the cost of energy and related appliances in general.

Work principles

As a rule, a heating system (both air and water) consists of the following structural elements:

  1. heat generator (heating boiler);
  2. pipes through which the heated working fluid is transferred to consumers;
  3. Radiators are devices that directly transfer thermal energy throughout the premises.

Let's take a closer look at each of the elements. The fact is that the total cost of the heating system largely depends on what equipment will be chosen for operation.

Main types of heating boilers

The boiler is the most complex and at the same time the most expensive component of the main line. Therefore, its choice should be approached as responsibly as possible. First you need to find out what boiler power is required specifically for your home. This indicator depends on heat loss, the total area of ​​the structure and how the system will be operated.

It is worth noting that all the parameters that are required to calculate power are usually indicated in house designs. Actually, even the diagram of this system should ideally be drawn up in parallel with this project, since many of the openings and openings required for laying pipelines are best provided before the start of construction work, and not after their completion.

For individual heating, one of the following types of boilers can be used:

  • on gas;
  • electrical;
  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel;
  • combined type.

Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

Option #1. Gas boilers

Gas-fired boilers are the most common heating equipment, and in terms of the number of installations performed, they significantly exceed the number of installations of solid fuel and electrical appliances (combined). And all because gas heating is considered the most profitable today, and it also has a lot of advantages.

Thus, such advantages include affordable cost, complete autonomy and high speed of installation work. And if you make simple economic calculations, it becomes obvious that gas heating - when compared with heating using coal, diesel fuel or electricity - has higher efficiency.

Installation takes minimal time to complete as it does not require heavy equipment to begin with. By the way, this also allows you to save on construction work.

Note! The term “full autonomy” means the independence of the home owner from permanently changing heating tariffs (this is set by public utilities), pressure drops in the network, inherent in most modern gas pipelines. It is also important that gas heating can be turned on at any time of the year, regardless of the start of the heating season.

Such autonomous heating systems do not emit soot or slag during operation. For comparison: if you use stove heating, then the appearance of fuel combustion products is inevitable, which not only worsens the interior by settling on surfaces, but also significantly worsens the air quality.

Geothermal heating

Previously, we talked about the basic principles and operation schemes of geothermal heating, analyzed various design options and their features, in addition to this article we advise you to read this information

Video - Gas heating

Option #2. Solid fuel boilers

The main advantages of solid fuel boilers are the low cost of the fuel used and its availability. Although it is quite obvious what their main disadvantage is - they are unable to function completely autonomously, since they require regular loading of fuel and cleaning of the combustion chamber (you will have to do this every day).

The efficiency of solid fuel boilers is significantly lower than gas or, for example, electric ones; moreover, they emit much more harmful substances into the atmosphere. As for the installation scheme, it involves the construction of additional sites where fuel will be stored and a constant waste of time loading it.

Of course, technology does not stand still, and modern devices were equipped with special mechanisms to automatically maintain the required temperature of the working fluid - we are talking about temperature sensors.

Each of these sensors is connected to the damper mechanically, and the damper itself regulates combustion by changing the draft.

And if the temperature of the liquid is above the set point, the damper closes immediately, therefore, combustion begins to occur noticeably more slowly. It is also worth noting that the solid fuel heating scheme for buildings does not provide for connection to the electrical network.

Note! On the current market there are many systems where wood is burned according to the principle of pyrolysis, that is, both wood and wood gas, formed under the influence of elevated temperatures, burn. This gas appears in the fuel chamber and enters through the nozzle. Burns with a bright white (or, alternatively, somewhat yellowish) fire.

This type of boiler has a decent efficiency (about 85 percent), and no soot appears during use, which should also be considered a significant advantage. But pyrolysis heat generators also have disadvantages - the need to connect to the electrical network and the fact that they are more expensive than traditional solid fuel devices.

To eliminate the shortcomings inherent in solid fuel equipment, you can use one simple method used in Scandinavian countries. To do this, connect a thermally insulated accumulator for heated water to the heating circuit, the capacity of which should be 3-10 cubic meters.

When the boiler is operating, the water in this tank will heat up to approximately 90-95 degrees, and then - through a thermostat and a circulation pump - the heating mode will be maintained for a couple of days.

Alternative heating in the house

Previously, we talked about options and schemes for implementing alternative heating for a private home; in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information

Option #3. Liquid fuel boilers

To be fair, it is worth noting that such autonomous heating systems are the most expensive among all heating devices, although they also have their fans due to their important positive qualities. And the most important of these qualities is that the operation of the system is completely automated.

In terms of their internal structure and operating characteristics, diesel heat generators are almost no different from traditional heating, which, as is known, is used in private homes. A plastic container is placed in the boiler room or on the site, in which, in fact, the fuel will be stored.

Special fuel drives (mostly made of copper) are connected from this container to the heating device. When used, diesel fuel burns in the boiler and heats the working fluid, which exchanges heat with radiators or other heating devices.

Now let's compare the cost of heating a private house using liquid fuel with other common energy sources:

  • natural gas is several times cheaper;
  • wood (as well as liquefied gas) is 20 percent cheaper;
  • Electric heating costs 30 percent less.

Recently, companies involved in the production of liquid fuel heating equipment have done their best to make this type of heating attractive in terms of economics. Now heating systems do not consume as much diesel fuel (when compared with models produced several years ago), which became possible thanks to the use of control systems for heat generators and burners. The burners themselves have become more economical and technologically advanced; if necessary, they can be adjusted to one or another operating mode of the device. Boiler automation is also very useful and plays an important role in ensuring maximum benefits.

Option number 4. Electric heating

Heat generators powered by the electrical network are considered the most popular in European countries. Of course, Russian electricity tariffs do not yet allow this type of heating to take a leading position among the entire range of heating equipment. But if it is impossible to connect to the gas network for one reason or another, then heating with electricity remains the only possible way to provide your home with heat.

If you use an energy-saving system, you will be able to save up to 60 percent of electrical energy. The operation of such a system is that it accumulates cheaper energy (we are talking about electric tariffs), which in the future is quite enough for 1 day of uninterrupted operation.

The popularity of electrical systems is determined by another significant factor: they look more attractive and can fit into almost any room. Even despite the high price (when compared with alternative equipment), in practice these autonomous heating systems pay for themselves quite quickly (usually it takes no more than two years). Autonomous operation is possible in two modes at once:

  1. charger;
  2. direct heating (starting is carried out automatically using a timer).

Video - Which heating boiler to choose?

Another important factor is that during operation of electric boilers no noise, odors or harmful substances are emitted; There is no open fire here either, which is why the boilers have become as fireproof as possible. Installation of such a heating system does not require prior approval from certain authorities, with the exception of permission to disconnect from the centralized network.

We draw conclusions: based on everything said above, we find out that the only drawback of electric heating is the high cost of the energy carrier itself.

Option #5. Infrared heating

Such heating can be suitable under any operating conditions. Indeed, from a natural point of view, all the systems described above do not work entirely correctly: first they heat the air, only then - everything else. In natural conditions, all this happens exactly the opposite.

For IR rays, air is a transparent substance, so they pass through it unhindered and reach surrounding objects. The wavelength of IR radiation can be different, let's consider them in more detail.

Short waves appear when the object emitting them heats up to at least 750 degrees. For rooms with high ceilings, conventional water heating is not suitable, because heated air, as you know, always rises. And if the ceiling height is 250-360 centimeters, then it is better to use hanging IR heaters. To ensure uniform heating, there should be several such heaters at once.

Note! If the ceiling height exceeds 400 centimeters, then, according to experts, it is necessary to use devices with a radiation temperature of 200 degrees or more.

From a structural point of view, such boilers are metal boxes in which heating elements are distributed. The outer surface is treated with special materials, and the efficiency can reach 90 percent. The relief of the surface ensures an increase in heat transfer by two to three times, since the total area also increases. The voids between the housing and the heaters are filled with a thermal insulator (read: complete fire safety).

Video - Alternative heating options

Manufacturers, prices for heating boilers

To get acquainted with heat generators in more detail, we advise you to consider the main characteristics and prices of the most popular models on the domestic market. This way you will find out which models are best to install in autonomous heating systems.

Table - Comparative characteristics of popular heating boilers


Description of the device

"Bourgeois-K T-100A"

An efficient solid fuel boiler with a power of 100 kilowatts and medium dimensions (174x80x124 centimeters). The device weighs 990 kilograms and will cost approximately 213,200 rubles.

Buderus Logano G-21126D

German solid fuel boiler, the power of which can reach 26 kilowatts. The dimensions of the model are 103.3x49x94 centimeters. The cauldron weighs 245 kilograms; logs up to 38 centimeters long can be loaded into it.
The average market price is 57,000 rubles.

"Proterm 20 DLO"

Floor-mounted solid fuel heat generator produced in Slovakia. Its power is 25 kilowatts, dimensions are 93.5x44x57 centimeters. It can accommodate logs up to 32 centimeters long and weighs about 230 kilograms.
The approximate cost is 47,400 rubles.

ZOTA Mix (50 kW)

A high-quality boiler, capable of operating on diesel fuel, gas, solid fuel. Its power is up to 50 kilowatts, dimensions are 68x49x126.5 centimeters. The model weighs 235 kilograms and is designed to heat a room of up to 400 square meters.
The approximate cost of the device is 54,500 rubles.

Bosch SolidTO12-1 WITH61 2000B

The boiler is from a well-known German manufacturer, with a power of 13.5 kilowatts and a total weight of 158 kilograms. Dimensions - 92x60x73 centimeters, type of fuel used - wood, coal. The maximum efficiency reaches 84 percent.
Estimated cost – 33,500 rubles.

"Proton Kvu-0.15 with automatic loading"

Another good solid fuel boiler, characterized by the presence of an automatic loading function. Its power is 150 kilowatts, dimensions are 162x101.5x151.5 centimeters. Designed to heat a room up to 1185 square meters.
It will cost you approximately 407,000 rubles.


An Italian combination boiler capable of consuming not only wood or coal, but also diesel fuel. Power – 27.5 kilowatts, dimensions – 95x40x84.7 centimeters, total weight – 280 kilograms. A boiler option is provided.
Costs about 65,400 rubles.

Pipes, radiators

The heat generated by the boiler is transferred to the radiators through pipes. The length of the pipeline depends on the total area of ​​the building, the number of floors and the selected type of wiring (one-pipe, two-pipe, etc.). If the second option is used, more consumables will be required, but the efficiency of the system will also increase.

Often autonomous heating systems are installed with your own hands. This is not as difficult as it might seem, and special skills are not always needed. The only thing that may cause difficulties is connecting the system to a boiler (especially a gas one), which is best left to specialists. It is also worth noting that radiators may differ not only in the number of sections, but also in material. They can be:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic (steel + aluminum);
  • copper (very expensive, so they are almost never used).

That's all, now you know what autonomous heating is.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of living in your own home. But at the same time, it is necessary to create comfort and safety. The best solution for maintaining the desired temperature in a private home is autonomous heating. Previously, to heat a small home, an ordinary stove was enough. Today this option is not suitable. Depending on the area of ​​the structure, certain energy resources are required.

Autonomous heating is an effective way to warm your home

Classification of heating systems

Autonomous heating systems for a private home are as necessary as electricity and running water. Currently, there are many engineering solutions for heating indoor rooms. In any individual heating system, the main structural element is the boiler, which differs according to the type of fuel used. However, the operating principle is the same regardless of the model.

There are three types of autonomous heating:

  • with liquid coolant;
  • electrical;
  • gas.

The most common method of autonomous heating for a home is a closed-type design with a liquid coolant, which is most often water, but there can also be different antifreezes. The coolant flows through the pipes to the radiators, then cools in the radiators and again goes to the boiler for heating. This cycle is repeated many times.

In this video you will learn how to install a De Dietrich condensing boiler:

Thermostats are used to automatically maintain the appropriate temperature. Such a heating system can be easily designed and even, if necessary, assembled by yourself. But in order to avoid mistakes, it is better to show the project to specialists.

If the system is installed correctly and there are no violations in operation, it will last a long time. This design is quiet, very efficient and easy to maintain. However, coolant water has a high freezing point. This can cause damage to the pipes.

Air type structures

In an air-type heating system, the role of the coolant belongs to air. It can be heated by a water or steam heater, electric air or fire air heater. There are two types of such heating designs: circulation and combined with ventilation.

The air type of design has its drawbacks, although it looks attractive

The air is heated and distributed evenly throughout the rooms. The cooled mass falls and penetrates back into the air duct through the grille holes. This heating system is automatically regulated, making air heating as safe as possible. It does not have radiators and shut-off valves, which are typical for other varieties.

Natural / forced circulation of the heating system:

Designs of this type have an attractive appearance, but there are also disadvantages:

  • installation of filters and their frequent replacement;
  • high cost of the boiler;
  • need for professional service.

Only a specialist who has certain skills and has received permission from the appropriate authority can handle the installation and arrangement of a gas boiler.

Electric heating

Electric autonomous heaters for homes are also used quite often. Of the existing options for such structures, the most popular are two that can be installed indoors. Their operating principle is very simple: cold air enters the device through the grille, where it is heated under the influence of an electric heating element. Then, with the help of a fan or under the influence of natural convention, it rises and heats up, and then, cooling down, it lowers and enters the device again.

In electric heating, the obvious advantage is the simplicity of the device.

In some cases, electric heating is realized under the influence of infrared radiation. Here, the role of the heating device belongs to the IR film, which is mounted on the floor or ceiling. An electric current is supplied to it, which heats the carbon elements.

Gas boiler for heating a private house, simple, cheap and economical:

The air moves towards a large oncoming object, which accumulates IR waves. In this case, the heat is distributed in the most favorable way for humans. There is warm air at the bottom, a little colder at the top. Heating electrical equipment involves the use of automation.

Electricity is very practical to use. Its main advantages include:

  • no need to use fuel and store it;
  • compactness and durability of the system;
  • noiseless and harmless operation;
  • relatively affordable cost;
  • possibility of manual installation and connection;
  • programming the boiler to turn on and off at a certain time.

Electric heating systems come in a variety of designs. They do not require frequent maintenance. The main disadvantages include costly operation, because electricity is not cheap.

Not everyone can independently install electric heating.

In addition to the designs described, there are combined devices that operate on several fuel options. Such multifunctional units, unfortunately, cannot boast of reliability. Additional negative points include difficult installation and maintenance.

Simple autonomous sewage system for a private house:

Liquid carrier systems

When considering autonomous heating of a country house, they most often opt for a system with a liquid coolant, which can have two different schemes. The simplest one is single-pipe with a ring-shaped closed circuit and heating radiators installed inside. First, the coolant enters the first of them, then the second, and so on until it returns to the boiler.

Efficiency can be increased by installing a circulation pump. However, this will increase the cost of the design and it will become more energy-dependent. An improved option is a two-pipe system. Its main difference is that the coolant is supplied to all radiators simultaneously. This requires the presence of supply and discharge pipes.

A large number of pipes may not be to everyone’s liking when installing a “liquid” system

The coolant is supplied to the batteries via a tee or collector circuit. In the first case, the devices are connected by tees in series to both the supply and return. In the collector version, a shut-off valve is installed at each battery outlet. Thanks to this, it is possible to disable it if necessary.

Tee types of heating structures can operate under the influence of a hydraulic pump being included in the system or using natural gravity. The disadvantages include the need to install more pipes and other necessary elements.

Coolant circulation

Inside the heating system, the coolant must constantly move. This is facilitated by natural circulation, which occurs due to its different density in cold and hot states.

The heated liquid has a lower density, due to which it rises up the riser and then goes to the radiators. The cooled coolant is heavier and sinks into the pipeline below, then returns to the boiler. How quickly it will move depends on two factors, namely: where the system elements are located, and on the temperature difference between the heated and cold coolant.

It is necessary to arrange the pipes correctly so that the circulation is constant

It is better to place radiators much higher than the boiler or raise them to the ceiling. The main advantage of a heating scheme with natural circulation is its low cost and ease of design, as well as the absence of vibration during operation. But there is a drawback to this design option: it starts up too slowly.

For heating with forced circulation, a pump is needed to encourage the coolant to move at the required speed. It can be installed anywhere on the system. This kind of structure can be of different lengths and have any contour. This heating system has a beautiful appearance, as small diameter pipes are used.

Design and installation

When planning autonomous heating, you need to think through and draw a diagram of its installation throughout the house. For many homeowners, the idea of ​​DIY may be tempting, but a smarter and safer solution is to turn to a professional for the following reasons:

  • when designing, all nuances should be taken into account as much as possible;
  • professional installation of equipment requires a warranty;
  • Modern devices are quite difficult to install, and professional maintenance is required for proper operation of the system. This service is usually provided by specialists from the company that performed the installation.

If you are a “newbie” in the subject of design and installation, electric boilers are your option

To maintain an optimal pressure level, ensure the effectiveness of the autonomous heating system at home and its safety, an expansion tank should be installed. This condition is mandatory if cold water is supplied intermittently in your area of ​​residence. When developing an autonomous heating project, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of supplying hot water. To do this, you need to choose double-circuit boilers.

The installation of an individual heating system, regardless of the type of energy carrier chosen, is carried out in the same manner. There are differences only when installing the boiler directly. For beginners, it is better to give preference to electric boilers, which are the simplest and most convenient to use.

The best heating system for a private house:

The connection is made in the following order:

  • a diagram is drawn up and the optimal number of radiator sections is calculated. In order to ensure high efficiency of their operation, a margin of 15-20% should be added to the calculated value. A rational solution is to place additional sections in corner rooms;
  • in accordance with the plan, holes are drilled in the walls with a diameter corresponding to the pipes;
  • carry out the final finishing of the walls in the places where the batteries are attached. It is also recommended to glue foil material to the wall behind the radiator, thanks to which heat will be reflected into the room;
  • installation of the heating system begins with the installation of the boiler;
  • in accordance with the previously drawn up diagram, pipes are laid from the boiler and radiators are connected to them;
  • radiators are installed in accordance with a parallel or series circuit, depending on the situation;
  • The heating system is being tested. It is important to make sure it is tight. To do this, you need to run coolant through the pipes;
  • If there are any defects, they are eliminated immediately.

It is necessary to do everything correctly and efficiently from the very beginning, so that you do not encounter serious problems when using heating.

During planning or during construction work of a private house, the question often arises about how to properly organize autonomous heating of a private house. Today, this question is most relevant, as increasingly, residents of large cities strive to be away from the bustle of the city. Probably every resident of a large city or metropolis dreams of his own country house, where he can relax from the hustle and bustle with his family or friends.

Autonomous heating of a private house

Since country houses most often do not have access to a central heating system, this creates the prerequisites for owners of private houses to think about organizing autonomous heating for a private house.

Water heating system

This autonomous home heating system is widely popular in private homes. This can be explained by the fact that such a system is one of the most economical. Water autonomous heating of the house is also good because it can be adjusted depending on what temperature indicators are observed outside. Such a system, which provides autonomous heating of a country house, can be automated, and this will automatically maintain exactly those temperature indicators that are most comfortable for the home owners.

The disadvantage of such a heating system is its high installation cost. However, installing water heating is completely worth it. More than one structure is included in such a heating system. Each of these structures performs its own functional role, and together they form an integral system. Such a scheme for autonomous heating of a private house will recoup all costs in the shortest possible period.

Autonomous heating of cottages includes such elements as: a boiler or boiler, a control unit, room heating radiators, pipes through which the coolant passes.

The ventilation heating system also requires special attention. If all components of the ventilation system are installed correctly, this can contribute to lower fuel consumption. Ventilation will also allow you to remove unnecessary moisture and combustion products from the house.

Heating boilers

The most important component of a heating system is the boiler. Boilers can be divided into different types, depending on the criteria for their application. Boilers can be:

  • Gas;
  • Working on solid fuel, such as wood or coal;
  • Electrical;
  • Liquid fuel, running on kerosene, diesel fuel or diesel.

The most efficient boilers are those that operate from the electrical network. Their efficiency can even exceed 98%. The disadvantage of such boilers is that from a financial point of view they are not entirely profitable, and autonomous heating of a private house with electricity is not a cheap pleasure. Of all types of heat sources, electricity can be classified as the most expensive.

The most popular for owners of private or country houses are gas-type boilers. Installation of such boilers will be somewhat cheaper, and they are also more reliable and safe to use.

Gas boilers are better than electric boilers in that in case of network outages or emergency situations, the latter can cause, if not a complete shutdown of the heating, then at least make the heating weaker. Such interruptions can have a negative impact not only on the microclimate in the house, but also on the operation of some devices that are part of the autonomous heating systems of a country house.

Gas heating boilers

Gas pipes now run near almost any residential complex. Any owner of a new private or country house, of course, will want to connect to this system. However, before making a decision, you need to make sure whether the main pipe can be used for a heating system, or whether its purpose is cooking.

In order to get answers to all your questions, it is best to contact your local gas office. The most important indicator that a main pipe can be used for heating is its diameter. This indicator largely determines whether it will be possible to connect the heating system of a private house to the main line.

If it is clear that one gas boiler cannot be used, then it is worth thinking about installing a combined heat source. Owners of large country houses and cottages often use gas autonomous heating of the cottage together with coal or peat heating.

Gas heating can also be effectively combined with an electric heating system. This option is best suited for a double-circuit heating system. In this case, the thermal resource is used not only for heating the room, but also for hot water supply.

Heating system pipes

Pipes are the main element that connects the heat consumer and the source of its distribution. Today, heating pipes included in autonomous heating for a summer residence are made from a wide variety of materials.

Metal pipes are considered more reliable and durable, but they are heavier.

Plastic pipes have become more popular lately. The durability of such pipes often exceeds even that of metal pipes.

Another advantage of plastic pipes is that they are very easy to install. In addition, they are not affected by many external factors; they also do not rust or corrode.

A more expensive category are pipes made of various non-ferrous metals or alloys, such as bronze or copper. The variety of pipes and materials allows each owner of a private home to choose exactly what he likes best.

Heating radiators

The battery or heating radiator is the last link that includes the autonomous heating systems of a private home. Nowadays, the range of heating radiators is very wide. Radiators can be of different types, such as floor radiators, wall radiators or radiators that can be disguised as a decorative or interior item.

Any radiator must be equipped with a grille that allows heat to penetrate the room. Radiators can also be divided based on the materials from which they are made. The main requirement for a material should be its level of thermal conductivity, since its main purpose is the distribution of heat energy. Most often, heating radiators are made of a material such as metal or its various alloys.

Heating control system

Innovative autonomous home heating systems are equipped with additional devices and appliances. Thanks to these devices, you can constantly monitor the operation and technical condition of all components of the heating system. Thanks to the control unit, you can set all the necessary parameters. In addition, the autonomous heating system of a private house will maintain the required mode offline, and the home owners will not have to take any part in this.

New heating systems include all the necessary devices and components that can provide residents with the most comfortable living conditions. The layout of the system is also an important point, since the reliability of the entire system and uninterrupted operation will largely depend on this.