Peter the first (Peter I) is a biography of personal life, Peter I: Love Passion of the Emperor. Peter I Great - Biography, Information, Personal Life When Peter married 1

Peter I Alekseevich Great. Born on May 30 (June 9), 1672 - died on January 28 (February 8) of 1725. The last king of all Russia (since 1682) and the first emperor of the All-Russian (from 1721).

As a representative of the Romanov dynasty, Peter was proclaimed the king at the age of 10, began to rule himself since 1689. The formal companion of Peter was his brother Ivan (until his death in 1696).

From the young age, showing interest in the sciences and foreign lifestyle, Peter the first of the Russian kings made a long journey to Western European countries. Upon returning from it, in 1698, Peter launched large-scale reforms of the Russian state and public defendant.

One of the main achievements of Peter was the solution of the tasks set in the XVI century: the expansion of the territories of Russia in the Baltic region after the victory in the Great Northern War, which allowed him to accept the title of Russian emperor in 1721.

In historical science and in public opinion, from the end of the XVIII century, they present diametrically opposite assessments as the identity of Peter I and its role in the history of Russia.

In the official Russian historiography of Peter, it was customary to be considered one of the most outstanding statesmen who determined the direction of the development of Russia in the XVIII century. However, many historians, including N. M. Karamzin, V. O. Klyuchevsky, P. N. Milyukov and others, expressed sharply critical assessments.

Peter I Great (documentary)

Peter was born on the night of May 30 (June 9) of 1672 (in 7180, according to the then accepted by the summer "from the creation of the world"): "In this year in 180, Mai at the age of 30, for the prayers of the Holy Father, God forgave the Queen to our and great Princess Natalia Kirillovna, and his son gave birth to us, Blagovevnago Tsarevich and Velikago Prince Peter Alekseevich, All Gorya and Malya and Belya Russia, and His Name of June 29. "

The exact place of birth of Peter is unknown. Some historians pointed out the Birth Place of the Kremlin's Gram Palace, and according to the people's tales, Petr was born in the village of Kolomenskoye, and Izmailovo was also indicated.

Father - King - had numerous offspring: Peter I was the 14th child, but the first of the second wife, Queen Natalia Naryshkin.

June 29 a day St. The Apostles Peter and Pavel Tsarevich was baptized in the miracle monastery (according to other data in the church of Grigoria Neokezirei, in Derbitsa), Protopop Andrei Savinov and was informed by Peter. The reason why he received the name "Peter" is not clear, perhaps as an euphonic conformity to the name of the older brother, as he was born a day per day with. It did not meet any Romanovs, nor in Naryshkin. The last representative of the Moscow Dynasty of Rurikovich was with the same name was Peter Dmitrievich, who died in 1428.

Having been a year with the queen, he was given to the rapidation of Nannikov. On the 4th year of Peter's life, in 1676, King Alexey Mikhailovich died. The guardian of Tsarevich became his one-in-law brother, a godfather and a new king Fyodor Alekseevich. Petr received a weak education, and until the end of his life wrote with errors using poor vocabulary. This was due to the fact that the then Patriarch of Moscow, Joakim, in the framework of the fight against "Latinization" and "ingenic influence" removed from the royal court of students of Simeon Polotsk, who trained the elder brothers Peter, and insisted that Peter's learning was worse for educated devils N. M. Zotov and A. Nesterov.

In addition, Peter did not have the opportunity to get an education at a university graduate or at a high school teacher, since neither universities, nor secondary schools at the time of childhood Peter in the Russian kingdom still did not exist, and among the estates of Russian society only Dyaki, the fun and the highest clergy were Trained diploma.

Dicky trained Peter Literacy from 1676 to 1680. The lack of basic education Peter was able to subsequently compensate for rich practical activities.

The death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and the acceleration of his eldest son of Fedor (from the queen Mary Ilinichna, in Melosliya Miloslavskaya) pushed Tsaritsu Natalia Kirillovna and her relatives, Naryshkin, to the background. Tsarina Natalia was forced to go to the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow.

Streletsky riot 1682 years. Tsarevna Sophia Alekseevna

On April 27 (May 7), 1682 after the 6th anniversary of the Board died a painful king Fyodor III Alekseevich. The question arose who to inherit the throne: the older painful Ivan according to the custom or young Peter.

Having enlisted with the support of the patriarch of Joacima, Naryshkina and their supporters on April 27 (May 7), 1682 were erected to the throne of Peter. In fact, the clan of Naryshkins came to power and caused by Artamon Matveyev, declared by the Great Guardian.

Supporters were difficult to support their applicant who could not reign due to extremely weak health. The organizers of the actual palace coup announced the version of the Squeezer's own transfer of the "Scepter" by Dieboring Fedor Alekseevich to his youngest brother Peter, but there was no reliable evidence.

Miloslavsky, relatives of Tsarevich Ivan and their mother, saw in the proclamation of Peter King the infringement of their interests. Sagittarius, which in Moscow there were more than 20 thousand, have long been discontent and their own way. Apparently, the Miloslavskiy, 15 (May 25), 1682 were openly: with the cries that Naryshkina strangled Tsarevich Ivan, moved to the Kremlin.

Natalia Kirillovna, hoping to calm the rioters, together with the Patriarch and boyars brought Peter with his brother on the red porch. However, the uprising did not end. In the first hours were killed by the boyars Artamon Matveyev and Mikhail Dolgoruky, then other supporters of Queen Natalia, including the two brothers of Naryshkina.

On May 26, elected from the Streletsky regiments appeared to the palace and demanded that the elder Ivan admitted the first king, and the younger Peter was the second. Fearing the repetition of the pogrom, the boyars agreed, and Patriarch Joachim immediately made a solemn prayer for the health of the two united kings in the Assumption Cathedral. June 25, he walked them to the kingdom.

On May 29, Sagittarius insisted that the Tsarevna Sophia Alekseevna adopt the management of the state due to the youngsters of her brothers. Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna was supposed to be together with the son of Peter - the second king - to retire from the courtyard to the near Moscow Palace in the village of Preobrazhensky. In the Armory of the Kremlin, a double throne for young kings with a small window is preserved in the back, through which Tsarevna Sophia and approximately suggested them, how to behave and what to talk during the palace ceremonies.

Handy shelves

All his free time, Petr spent away from the palace - in the village of Vorobyoye and Preobrazhensky. Every year he has increased interest in the military case. Peter dressed and armed his "funny" army, which consisted of peers on the boyish games.

In 1685, his "funny", dressed in foreign kaftans, was held under the drum battle, they walked through Moscow from the Preobrazhensky in the village of Sparrow. Peter himself served as a drummer.

In 1686, 14-year-old Peter started with his "funny" artillery. Firear Master Fedor Zommer showed the king a grenade and gunshot. 16 guns were delivered from Pushkarsky order. To control heavy guns, the king took from the stable order of the hooker to the military case of adult ministers, who were dressed in the uniforms of ingenic cutting and identified with funny guns. The first one put ingenic uniform Sergey Buvostov. Subsequently, Petr ordered the bronze bust of this first Russian soldier, as he called Bucket. The racing regiment began to be called Preobrazhensky, at the place of its apartment - the village of Preobrazhensky near Moscow.

In the Preobrazhensky, against the Palace, on the shore of Yauza, the "funny town" was built. When building the fortress, Peter himself worked actively, helped chop birch, install guns.

Here it was housed created by Peter "The All-Eastern, the All-Apartments and the Crazy Cathedral" - parody of the Orthodox Church. The fortress itself was named Prelburg, probably by name famous at the time of the Austrian fortress Presburg (now Bratislava - the capital of Slovakia), which he heard from Captain Somer.

At the same time, in 1686, the first fun trials were appeared under PRSURGURG, a large shnyak and a stroke with boats. During these years, Peter became interested in all the sciences that were associated with military affairs. Under the leadership of the Dutch Timmerman, he studied arithmetic, geometry, military sciences.

Walking once with a simmerman on the village of Izmailovo, Peter went to the linen yard, whose barn found an English boot.

In 1688, he instructed the Dutchman Karsten Brandt to repair, arm and equip this bot, and then climb on the Jauzu River. However, Jauza and the wigkey pond were closely for the ship, so Peter went to Pereslavl-Zalessky, to the Lake Plescheyev, where he laid the first shipyard for the construction of ships.

"Funny" already two regiments were already: Semenovsky was added to Preobrazhensky, located in the village Semenovskoye. Preshboga has already completely resembled a real fortress. For the command of the shelves and the study of military science, people who knew those who knew and experienced were needed. But among the Russian courtes there were no such. So Peter appeared in the German Sloboda.

The first marriage of Peter I

The German Sloboda was the closest "neighbor" of the village of Preobrazhenskoye, and Peter has long been with curiosity looked after her life. An increasingly greater number of foreigners at the courtyard of Tsar Peter, such as Franz Timmerman and Karsten Brandt, were immigrants from German Sloboda. All this imperceptibly led to the fact that the king became a frequent guest in Sloboda, where he soon turned out to be a big fan of a relaxed ingenic life.

Peter lit a German tube, began to visit German parties with dancing and drinking, met Patrick Gordon, Franz Leftow - future companions of Peter, started a novel with Anna Mons.. The mother of Peter was against this strictly.

To form a 17-year-old son, Natalia Kirillovna decided to marry him on Evdokia Lopukhina, Occolnich's daughter.

Peter did not reread the mother, and on January 27, 1689, the wedding of the "younger" king was played. However, in less than a month later, Peter left his wife and left for several days on Plescheyevo Lake.

From this marriage, Peter had two sons: Senior, Alexey, was the heir to the throne until 1718, the younger, Alexander, died in infancy.

Step by Peter I.

Peter's activity was greatly disturbed by the princess Sophia, who understood that with the onset of the majority of the only brand, she would have to part with the authorities. At one time, supporters of the princess, the coronation plan was launched, but the Patriarch Joachim was categorically against.

Hiking on the Crimean Tatars, implemented in 1687 and 1689 by the favorite of the prince of Prince Vasily Golitsyn, were small, but they were presented as large and generously rewarded victories, which caused dissatisfaction with many.

On July 8, 1689, in the feast of the Kazan Icon of Our Lady, there was the first public conflict between the indignant Peter and the government.

That day, according to custom, the procession was made from the Kremlin to the Kazan Cathedral. At the end of the ditch, Petr approached the sister and announced that she would not be able to go along with men in the procession. Sophia took the challenge: he picked up the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary and went beyond crosses and horagoes. Not prepared for this outcome of the case, Peter left the course.

On August 7, 1689, a decisive event occurred unexpectedly for everyone. On this day, Tsarevna Sofya ordered the head of Streltsov Fedor Shaklovitom to equip more of his people to the Kremlin, as if for escorting in the Don Monastery on Bogomol. At the same time, she has spread his hearing about the letter with the news that the King Peter decided to take the Kremlin's "fun" shelves at night, kill the princess, his brother King Ivan, and seize power.

Shallovt collected the Streletsky shelves to go "the Grand Assembly" to the Preobrazhenskoye and to beat all the supporters of Peter for their intention to kill the princess Sophia. At the same time, they sent three rigging to observe what was being done in Preobrazhensky with the task immediately report if the King Peter would leave one or shelves somewhere.

Supporters of Peter among Streltsov sent two like-minded people to Transfiguration. After the reporting of Peter with a small retinue in the alarm crushed into the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. The consequence of the surviving horrors of Strevetsky speeches was Peter's disease: with strong excitement, the convulsive movements of the face began.

On August 8, both Queens, Natalia and Evdokia arrived in the monastery, after them, "funny" shelves with artillery came.

On August 16, a gram came from Peter so that all the regiments were sent in the Trinity-Sergiev monastery chiefs and 10 people ordinary. Tsarevna Sophia Nastreko banned this command under the fear of the death penalty, and the King Peter was sent to a letter with the notice that his request could not be performed.

On August 27, a new diploma of King Peter came to all the shelves to Trinity. Most of the troops obeyed the lawful king, and the princess Sophier had to recognize defeat. She herself went to the Trinity Monastery itself, but in the village of Vozdvizhenskoye, Petra envoys met her with order to return to Moscow.

Soon Sophia was concluded in the Novodevichy Monastery under a strict care.

October 7 was captured and then Fedor Shakloviti was executed. Senior Brother, King Ivan (or John), met Peter in the Assumption Cathedral and actually gave him all the power.

Since 1689, he did not participate in the Board, although until the death of January 29 (February 8), 1696 nominally continued to be metota.

After the overthrow of the princes of Sofia, the power passed into the hands of people who spoke around the queen Natalia Kirillovna. She tried to teach the Son to state administration, charging him private affairs, which Peter found boring.

The most important decisions (the announcement of the war, the election of the patriarch, etc.) was taken without taking into account the opinion of the young king. It led to conflicts. For example, at the beginning of 1692, offended by the fact that, contrary to his will, the Moscow Government refused to renew the war with the Ottoman Empire, the king did not want to return from Pereyaslavl to meet the Persian ambassador, and the first persons of the government of Natalia Kirillovna (L. K. Naryshkin with B. A. Golitsyn) were forced to personally go after him.

Widged on January 1, 1692 by the will of Peter I in the Preobrazhensky "Press" N. M. Zotov in the "All Yauza and Tatrioi Kokuya" was the answer of the king for the Patriarch of Adrian in addition to his will. After the death of Natalia, Kirillovna, the king did not shift the Government of L. K. Naryshkin formed by his mother - B. A. Golitsyn, however, it achieved that it strictly performed his will.

Azov campaigns 1695 and 1696

The priority of Peter I in the early years of the one was the continuation of the war with the Ottoman Empire and Crimea. Peter I decided instead of trips to the Crimea, who were undertaken during the reign of Sophia princesses, to strike in the Turkish fortress of Azov, located when the Don Azov River is shifted.

The first Azov campaign, which began in the spring of 1695, was faced with the unsuccessful of the same year due to the lack of fleet and unaware of the Russian army to act in the supply of supply bases. However, in the fall of 1695, preparation for a new campaign began. In Voronezh, the construction of the row of Russian flotilla was developed.

In a short time, flotilla was built from various vessels led by the 36-cannger ship "Apostle Peter".

In May 1696, the 40-thousand Russian army under the command of Generalissimus Shein re-precipitated Azov, only this time the Russian flotilla blocked the fortress from the sea. Peter I participated in the siege in the rank of captain on the gallery. Without waiting for the assault, on July 19, 1696, the fortress surrendered. So the first day of Russia was opened in the southern seas.

The result of the Azov campaigns was the seizure of the fortress of Azov, the beginning of the construction of the port of Taganrog, the ability to attack the Crimea peninsula from the sea, which significantly secured the southern borders of Russia. However, to get a way to the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait of Peter failed: he remained under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Forces for war with Turkey, like a full-fledged sea fleet, Russia has not yet.

To finance the construction of the fleet, new types of filters are introduced: the landowners were combined into the so-called coupling of 10 thousand yards, each of whom should build a ship. At this time, the first signs of dissatisfaction with Peter's activities are manifested. A cycler's conspiracy was revealed, trying to organize a shooting uprising.

In the summer of 1699, the first large Russian ship "Fortress" (46-cannon) dismay of the Russian ambassador to Constantinople for the world negotiations. The very existence of such a ship bowed Sultan to the conclusion of the world in July 1700, who left the fortress of Azov behind Russia.

During the construction of the fleet and the reorganization of the army, Peter was forced to rely on foreign specialists. After completing the Azov campaigns, he decides to be trained abroad of young nobles, and soon he himself goes on the first journey in Europe.

Great Embassy 1697-1698

In March 1697, a great embassy was sent to Western Europe through Liflandia, the main purpose of which was to find the allies against the Ottoman Empire. The Great Plenipotentiary Ambulars were appointed Admiral General F. Ya. Lefort, General F. A. Golovin, head of the Embassy Order of P. B. Razin.

In total, the Embassy includes up to 250 people, among which, under the name of the Probrozhensky regiment, Peter Mikhailov, the King Peter I was located. For the first time, Russian king took a journey beyond his state.

Peter visited Riga, Königsberg, Brandenburg, Holland, England, Austria, was scheduled to visit Venice and to Pope.

The embassy has been recruited in Russia several hundred specialists in a ship case, bought military and other equipment.

In addition to negotiations, Peter has long been dedicated to the study of shipbuilding, military affairs and other sciences. Peter worked as a carpenter on the shipyards of the East India Company, with the participation of the king, the ship "Peter and Paul" was built.

In England, a foundry plant, arsenal, parliament, Oxford University, Greenwich Observatory and a Mint, who was Asaac Newton at that time was visited. He was interested in the technical achievements of the West countries, and not the legal system.

They say that by visiting the Westminster Palace, Peter saw "Legisters" there, that is, barristers, in their gowns and wigs. He asked: "What are these people and what are they doing here?". He was answered: "These are all the laws, your majesty." "Finnish! - Peter was surprised. - What are they? In all my kingdom there are only two legislands, and then I suppose one of them to hang when I return home. "

True, by visiting the incognito English parliament, where he was transferred to the speeches of deputies to King Wilhelm III, the king said: "It's fun to hear when the sons of the patrony of the king speak clearly, to learn from the British."

The great embassy of the main goal did not reach: the coalition against the Ottoman Empire could not be created due to the preparation of a number of European powers for the War for the Spanish legacy (1701-1714). However, thanks to this war, favorable conditions for the struggle of Russia for Baltic. Thus, the reorientation of Russia's foreign policy from the southern direction to the North has occurred.

Peter in Russia

In July 1698, the great embassy was interrupted by the news about the new Streletsky Mountain in Moscow, which was suppressed before Peter arrived. Upon arrival of the king to Moscow (August 25), the search began and the inquiry, which was the result of which was one-time execution of about 800 shooters (except those executed when the rebound of the rebellion), and subsequently a few more hundreds up to spring 1699.

Tsarevna Sophia was tonsured in a nun under the name Susanna and sent to the Novodevichy Monasterywhere he spent the rest of his life. The same fate suffered the unloved wife Peter - Evdokia Lopukhin, which was forcibly sent to the Suzdal Monastery Even in spite of the will of the clergy.

For 15 months of stay abroad, Petr did a lot of things and learned a lot. After the return of the king on August 25, 1698, its conversion activities began, directed at the beginning of the change in external signs that distinguish the Old Slavonic way of life from Western European.

In the Preobrazhensky Palace, Peter suddenly began to cut the beard of the venellas, and already on 29 August 1698, the famous decree "On the wearing of a German dress, about British beard and mustache, about the goal of the splitters in the robe specified for them," who prohibited the beard from September 1, was published.

"I wish to transform secular goats, that is, citizens, and clergy, that is, monks and Popov. First, so that they do without a beard in good by Europeans, and others, so that they, albeit with beards, would be taught in the churches to be parishing Christian virtues as he saw and heard students in Germany pastors ".

The new 7208th year in the Russian-Byzantine calendar ("from the creation of the world" became the 1700th year on the Julian calendar. Peter also introduced the celebration of the New Year January 1, not on the day of autumn equinox, as was celebrated earlier.

In his special decree it was recorded: "Alone in Russia consider the new year in different ways, with this number to stop to see the heads of the head and consider the new year everywhere from January 1. And as a sign of good undertaking and fun to congratulate each other on the New Year, wanting in the welfare affairs and in the family of prosperity. In honor of the New Year, learn decorations from fir trees, to amuse children, roll on sleds from the mountains. And adult people of drunkenness and mordoba do not teach - for that other days there is enough ".

Northern War 1700-1721

Kozhukhovsky maneuvers (1694) showed Peter the advantage of the regiments of "Inrogen-building" in front of the shooters. Azov campaigns in which four regular regiments participated (Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky, Lefortovo and Butyrsky Regiment), finally convinced Peter in the low fitness of the troops of the old organization.

Therefore, in 1698, the old army was dissolved, except for 4 regular regiments who became the basis of the new army.

Preparing for war with Sweden, Peter ordered in 1699 to produce a common recruit set and start learning recruits on the sample, headed by Preobrachters and Semenov. At the same time, a large number of ingenic officers were scored.

The war was supposed to start with the siege of Narva, so the focus was on the organization of infantry. On the creation of the entire necessary military structure simply lacked time. We went about the impatience of the Tsar legend, he could not have failed to enter the war and in the case to test his army. Management, combat service, strong equipped rear still had to create.

After returning from the Great Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe king began to prepare for war with Sweden for entering the Baltic Sea.

In 1699, the Northern Union was created against the Swedish king of Charles XII, which in addition to Russia included Denmark, Saxony and Commonwealth, headed by Saxon Kurfürst and the Polish king of August II. The driving force of the Union was the desire of August II to take away the lifland from Sweden. For the help, he promised Russia the return of land, which previously belonged to Russians (Ingermanland and Karelia).

For joining the war of Russia, it was necessary to conclude peace with the Ottoman Empire. After reaching a truce with Turkish Sultan for a period of 30 years Russia on August 19, 1700 declared War of Sweden Under the pretext of recession for the insult, rendered to the King Peter in Riga.

In turn, the plan of Charles XII was to break the opponents by one one. Soon after the bombardment of Copenhagen Denmark, on August 8, 1700 came out of the war, even before Russia joined her. Unsuccessfully ended the attempts of Augustime II to capture Riga. After that, Karl XII appealed against Russia.

The beginning of the war for Peter was discouraging: the newly resistant army, awarded the Saxon Feldmarshal Duke de Croa, was defeated under Narva 19 (30) of November 1700. This defeat showed that everything was necessary to start in fact first.

Considering that Russia is quite weakened, Karl XII went to the Livonia to direct all the forces against Augustime.

However, Peter, continuing the reform of the army on the European sample, resumed the fighting. In the fall of 1702, the Russian army in the presence of the king took the fortress of Noteburg (renamed Schlisselburg), in the spring of 1703 - the fortress of Nienshanz at the mouth of the Neva.

10 (21) May 1703 for the brave seizure of two Swedish vessels at the mouth of the Neva Petr (then he wore the captain of the bombarded company Life Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment) received it approved the Order of St. Andrew First-Called.

Here 16 (27) May 1703 construction began construction of St. PetersburgAnd on the island Kotlin housed the base of the Russian fleet - the fortress of the KRONSLOT (subsequently Kronstadt). The way out to the Baltic Sea was broken.

In 1704, after the capture of Derpte and Narva, Russia entrenched in Eastern Baltics. The offer to conclude peace Peter I received a refusal. After deploying August II in 1706 and replacing it with the Polish king Stanislav Leschinsky Karl XII began the fateful campaign for him to Russia.

Passing the territory of the Grand District of Lithuania, the king did not decide to continue the offensive to Smolensk. Having enlisted with the support of the Malorossky hetman Ivan Mazepa, Karl moved troops to the south of food considerations and with the intention to strengthen the army with supporters of Mazepa. In the battle of Forest September 28 (October 9), 1708, Peter was personally headed by the killer and defeated the Swedish corpus of Lewengaupte, who was killed on the connection with the army of Charles XII from Liflaland. The Swedish army lost reinforcements and worm with military supplies. Later, Peter celebrated the anniversary of this battle as a turning point in the Northern War.

In Poltava Battle on June 27 (July 8), 1709, in which the Karl XII army was headlongPeter commanded again on the battlefield. Peter had a rapid hat. After the victory, he took the title of the first lieutenant general and Shautbenacht from the Blue Flag.

In 1710, Turkey intervened in the war. After the defeat in the Protian campaign of 1711, Russia returned to Turkey's Azov and destroyed Taganrog, but due to this managed to conclude the next truce with the Turks.

Peter focused on the war again with the Swedes, in 1713 the Swedes were defeated in Pomerania and lost all possessions in continental Europe. However, thanks to the domination of Sweden on the sea, the Northern War was delayed. The Baltic Fleet was only created by Russia, but managed to win the first victory in the gangut battle in the summer of 1714.

In 1716, Peter was headed by a combined fleet from Russia, England, Denmark and Holland, but because of the differences in the village of the Allies, it was not possible to organize an attack on Sweden.

As the Baltic Fleet of Russia strengthened, Sweden felt the risk of invasion of their lands. In 1718, peaceful negotiations began, interrupted by the sudden death of Karl XII. The Swedish Queen Ulric Eleanor resumed war, hoping for the help of England.

Rubbing landings in 1720 at the Swedish coast pushed Sweden to resume negotiations. August 30 (September 10) 1721 between Russia and Sweden was concluded Nesteadt Mirwho completed a 21-year war.

Russia received an exit to the Baltic Sea, joined the territory of Ingria, part of Karelia, Estlandia and Liflandia. Russia has become a great European power, in commemoration of which October 22 (November 2) of 1721 Petr, as of the senators, received the title of Father of the Fatherland, Emperor of All-Russian, Peter the Great: "... We threaten, with the goose of ancient, especially rim and Greek peoples, daring to perceive, on the day of the celebration and declarations of the concluded in. In. Whether the works of all Russia, only a glorious and prosperous world, for reading the treatise in the church, according to our All-nothing thanksgiving for the outcomes of the world, to bring his petition to you publicly, in order to take away from us, Yako from the faithful of his subjects, for thanks to the title of father of the Fatherland, the emperor of the All-Russian, Peter the Great, as commonly from the Roman Senate for the knowledgeable cases of emperors of their such titles Publicly, they are as a gift, and on the statues for memory in the eternal labor signed " (Finding Senators King Peter I. October 22, 1721).

Russian-Turkish war 1710-1713. Protian hike

After the defeat in the Poltava battle, the Swedish king of Karl XII was hiding in possession of the Ottoman Empire, the city of Bender. Peter I concluded an agreement with Turkey about the expulsion of Charles XII with Turkish territory, but then the Swedish king was allowed to remain and create a threat to the southern border of Russia with the help of a part of the Ukrainian Cossacks and the Crimean Tatars.

Asking the expulsion of Charles XII, Peter I began to threaten the war of Turkey, but in response on November 20, 1710, Sultan himself declared the war of Russia. The actual cause of war was the seizure of the Russian troops of Azov in 1696 and the emergence of the Russian fleet in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.

The war from Turkey was limited to the winter raid of the Crimean Tatars, the Vassals of the Ottoman Empire, to Ukraine. Russia led the war on 3 fronts: the troops made hiking against the Tatars on the Crimea and Kuban himself, Peter I, relying on the help of the rulers of Valahia and Moldova, decided to take a deep campaign to the Danube, where he hoped to raise the Raspanic Empire in the Turks of Christian vassals.

6 (17) Martha 1711 Peter I went to the troops from Moscow with a faithful girlfriend Ekaterina Alekseevnawhich commanded to consider his wife and queen (even before the official wedding that occurred in 1712).

The army crossed the border of Moldova in June 1711, but already on July 20, 1711, 190 thousand Turks and the Crimean Tatars pressed the 38,000 Russian army to the right bank of the Prut River, completely surrounding it. In, it would seem, Peter's hopeless situation was able to conclude a Great Vizier to the People's Mirny Agreement, according to which the army and the king himself avoided the captivity, but in return Russia gave Turkey's Azov and lost access to the Azov Sea.

Since August 1711, the fighting has not been conducted, although in the process of coordination of the final agreement, Turkey threatened several times to resume war. Only in June 1713, the Adrianopol peace treaty was concluded, which, in general, confirmed the terms of the Prut Agreement. Russia was able to continue the northern war without the 2nd front, although he lost the conquest of the Azov campaigns.

The expansion of Russia to the East under Peter I did not stop. In 1716, the Expedition of the Buchholtz at the site of the merger of Irtysh and Omi founded Omsk, higher by Irtysh: Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk and other fortresses.

In 1716-1717, a detachment of Bekovich-Cherkassky was sent to Central Asia with the aim of increasing the Hivinsky Khan to the citizenship and integrate the path to India. However, the Russian squad was destroyed by Khan. The Board of Peter I was attached to Russia Kamchatka. Peter planned an expedition through the Pacific Ocean to America (going to establish Russian colonies there), but did not have time to fulfill.

Caspian campaign 1722-1723

The largest foreign policy of Peter after the Northern War was the Caspian (or Persian) campaign in 1722-1724. The conditions for the hike were created as a result of Persian civil workers and the actual decay of the once powerful state.

July 18, 1722, after appealing for the help of the son of the Persian Shaha Tohmas Mirza, a 22-thousand Russian squad sailed from Astrakhan in Caspian. In August, Derbent surrendered, after which the Russians were returned to Astrakhan because of problems with the provinet.

In the next 1723, the West Coast of the Caspian Sea was conquered with Fasteners Baku, Solit, Astrabad. Further promotion was stopped by the threat of joining the Ottoman Empire, which captured the Western and Central Transcaucasus.

On September 12, 1723, the St. Petersburg Treaty with the Persia, according to which the Western and South Coast of the Caspian and the cities of Derbent and Baku and the provinces of Gilyan, Mazendaran and Astrabad included in the Russian Empire. Russia and Persia also entered into a defensive union against Turkey, which, however, turned out to be inactive.

According to the Constantinople Treaty of June 12, 1724, Turkey recognized all the acquisitions of Russia in the western part of the Caspian Sea and refused further claims to Persia. The border of the borders between Russia, Turkey and the Persia was installed at the site of the merger of the Araks and Kura rivers. In Persia, the trouble continued, and Turkey challenged the provisions of the Constantinople Treaty before the border was accurately established. It should be noted that soon after Peter's death, these owners were lost due to the high losses of garrisons from diseases, and, in the view of the Queen of Anna John, the vision of the region.

Russian Empire in Peter I

After the victory in the Northern War and the conclusion of Nesteadt world in September 1721, the Senate and Synod decided to prevent Peter the title of Emperor of All-Russian with the following wording: "As usual from the Roman Senate for the noble affairs of the emperors, their such titles have been submitted to them as a gift and on the statues for memory in the eternal births are subscribed.".

On October 22 (November 2), 1721 Peter I accepted the title, not just honorable, but indicating the new role of Russia in international affairs. Prussia and Holland immediately recognized the new title of Russian Tsar, Sweden in 1723, Turkey in 1739, England and Austria in 1742, France and Spain in 1745 and, finally, Poland in 1764.

Secretary of the Prussian Embassy in Russia in 1717-1733, I.-G. Fokkerodt, at the request, who worked on the history of Peter's reign, wrote memories of Russia during Peter. Fokkerodt tried to estimate the population of the Russian Empire by the end of the reign of Peter I. According to his information, the number of applicants' applications amounted to 5 million 198 thousand people, from where the number of peasants and citizens, including female people, was estimated at about 10 million.

Many souls were used by the landowners, repeated revision increased the number of serve shower to almost 6 million people.

Russian nobles with families were considered up to 500 thousand, officials up to 200 thousand and spiritual persons with families up to 300 thousand souls.

Residents of conquered areas that do not consist under the livestock were estimated from 500 to 600 thousand souls. Cossacks with families in Ukraine, on Don and Yaika and border cities were considered from 700 to 800 thousand souls. The number of Siberian peoples was unknown, but Fokkerodt put it up to a million people.

In this way, the population of the Russian Empire in Peter Great was up to 15 million subjects and inferior in Europe in the number of only France (about 20 million).

According to the calculations of the Soviet historian Yaroslav Vodarsky, the number of men and male children increased from 1678 to 1719 from 5.6 to 7.8 million. Thus, taking the number of women about equal to the number of men, the total population of Russia during this period increased from 11.2 to 15.6 million

Peter I. reform

The entire domestic state activity of Peter can be divided into two periods: 1695-1715 and 1715-1725.

The peculiarity of the first stage was a hurry and not always thoughtful, which was explained by the leading of the Northern War. The reforms were aimed, first of all, the collection of funds for warfare was carried out by a violent method and often did not lead to the desired result. In addition to state reforms, in the first stage, extensive reforms were carried out in order to modernize the lifestyle. In the second period of reform were more planned.

A number of historians, for example V. O. Kleevsky, indicated that Peter I reforms were not something fundamentally new, but were only a continuation of those transformations that were carried out during the XVII century. Other historians (for example, Sergey Solovyov), on the contrary, emphasized the revolutionary nature of Peter's transformations.

Peter was carried out by the reform of state administration, the transformation in the army was created, a military fleet was created, the reform of church governance was carried out in the spirit of Cesaropipism, aimed at liquidating autonomous from the state of church jurisdiction and the subordination of the Russian church hierarchy to the emperor.

Financial reform was also carried out, industrial and trade activities were made.

After returning from the Great Embassy, \u200b\u200bPeter I led the struggle with the external manifestations of the "obsolete" lifestyle (the most famous ban on beard), but no less paid attention to the admission of the nobility to education and secular Europeanized culture. Secular schools began to appear, the first Russian newspaper was founded, the translations of many books into Russian appear. Success in the service of Peter put for the nobles dependent on education.

Peter clearly conscious of the need to enlighten, and took a number of decisive measures for this purpose.

14 (25) January 1701 School of Mathematical and Navigation Sciences was opened in Moscow.

In 1701-1721 artillery, engineering and medical schools in Moscow, Engineering School and the Marine Academy in St. Petersburg, Mountain Schools with Olonetsk and Ural Plants were opened.

In 1705, the first gymnasium in Russia was opened.

Mass education targets were supposed to serve as a decree of 1714, tidy schools in provincial cities, designed by "Children of any China to learn diploma, cyphyry and geometry".

It was assumed to create two such schools in every province, where learning should have been free. For soldier children, garrison schools were opened, to prepare priests since 1721 a network of spiritual schools was created.

Petra's decrees were introduced mandatory training of nobles and clergy, but a similar measure for the urban population met violent resistance and was canceled.

Peter's attempt to create a discovered primary school (the creation of a network of schools after his death ceased, most of the cyphic schools in its successors were reprocessed into the estate schools to prepare the clergy), but nevertheless, its reign was laid for the dissemination of education in Russia.

Peter created new typographyIn which 1312 book names are printed for 1700-1725 (twice as large as the entire previous history of the Russian typography). Thanks to the rise of typography, the consumption of paper has grown from 4-8 thousand sheets at the end of the 17th century, up to 50 thousand sheets in 1719.

There were changes in Russian, which includes 4.5 thousand new words borrowed from European languages.

In 1724, Peter approved the charter of the organized Academy of Sciences (opened a few months after his death).

Of particular importance was the construction of Stone St. Petersburg, in which foreign architects took part and which was carried out on the plan developed by the king. They created a new urban environment with unfamiliar forms of life and pastime (theater, masquerad). The internal decoration of houses has changed, lifestyle, nutrition composition, etc. Special decree of the king in 1718 Assembly introduced the form of communication between people a new one for Russia. At the assemblies, nobles danced and spent freely, unlike the former feasts and peters.

Reforms conducted by Peter I affected not only politics, economy, but also art. Peter invited foreign artists to Russia and at the same time sent talented young people to study "Arts" abroad. In the second quarter of the XVIII century. Petrovsky Pensioners began to return to Russia, bringing with her new artistic experience and the acquired skill.

December 30, 1701 (January 10, 1702) Peter issued a decree, which was prescribed to write in the petitions and other documents, the names completely instead of derogatory semi-lion (Ivashka, Senka, etc.), on his knees before the king, do not fall, in winter in the cold happing In front of the house in which the king is not removed. He explained the need for these innovations: "Less lowness, more diligence to the service and loyalty to me and the state - this worship is peculiar to the king ...".

Peter tried to change the position of women in Russian society. He has special decrees (1700, 1702 and 1724) forbade the violent issuance of marriage and marriage.

It was prescribed that there was no less than the sixth period between the hoop and the wedding "In order for the bride and the bride, they could recognize each other". If during this time, it was said in decree, "The bride's bride is not inharaged, or the bride for the groom married does not grow so much", as if nor the parents insisted, "There is a freedom".

Since 1702, the bride itself (and not only its relatives) was granted a formal right to terminate the engagement and upset a conspiracted marriage, and none of the parties had the right "about the penalty of the brow beat."

Legislative prescriptions 1696-1704. About public festivities introduced the obligation to participate in the celebrations and the festivals of all Russians, including the "female".

From the "old" in the device of the nobility under Peter, there remained unchanged formerly fixedness of the serving of the class by the personal service of each serving person to the state. But in this fixedness changed several of her form. Now they were obliged to serve in regular shelves and in the fleet, as well as in the civil service in all those administrative and judicial institutions that were transformed from the old and arose again.

Decree on the Union of Minced 1714 regulated the legal status of the nobility and fixed the legal merger of such forms of land ownership as the behavior and estate.

The peasants from the reign of Peter I began to be divided into the peasants of serfs (landlord), monastic and state. All three discharge were recorded in the audses of the tales and are covered with a pitchpie.

Since 1724, the owners of the peasants could leave their villages to earnings and for other needing is not otherwise, as having a written permission of Mr., witnessed by the Zemsky Commissioner and colonel of that regiment, which stood in this area. Thus, the landowner the authorities over the personality of the peasants received even more opportunities to strengthen, taking into their unrelated disposal and personality, and the property of a private owner peasant. This new state of a rural worker receives from this time the name "serf", or "auditive", soul.

In general, Peter's reforms were aimed at strengthening the state and the adaptation of the elite to European culture with the simultaneous strengthening of absolutism. During the reforms, the technical and economic lag of Russia was overcome from a number of other European states, a conversion to the Baltic Sea was converted, transformations were carried out in many areas of life of Russian society.

Gradually, in the nobility environment, a different system of values, worldviews, aesthetic ideas, which was fundamentally different from the values \u200b\u200band worldview of most representatives of the remaining estates were developed. At the same time, the folk forces were extremely exhausted, prerequisites were created (decree of the throne) for the crisis of the supreme power, which led to the "era of palace coups."

After putting a goal to arm the economy with the best Western production technologies, Peter reorganized all sectors of the national economy.

During the Great Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe king learned various sides of European life, including technical. He learned the basics of the dominant economic theory - mercantilism.

Mercantilistian economic teachings were founded in two positions: the first - every people, so as not to impoverish, must produce everything he needs, not referring to the help of someone else's labor, the labor of other peoples; The second - every nation to be bored, should export produced products as much as possible and import foreign products as little as possible.

In Peter, the development of geological exploration beginsThrough what the metallic ore deposits are found in the Urals. Only in the Urals was built under Peter at least 27 metallurgical plants. In Moscow, Tula, St. Petersburg, powder factories, sawmill, glass manufactories were based. In Astrakhan, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, the production of potash, sulfur, nitrate was established, sailing, linen and cloth manufactories were created. This made it possible to start a gradual refusal of imports.

By the end of the reign of Peter I, there were already 233 factory, including more than 90 large manufactories built during his reign. The largest shippeds were (only at St. Petersburg shipyard worked 3.5 thousand people), sailing manufactories and mining and metallurgical plants (25 thousand workers worked at 9 Ural plants), there were a number of other enterprises with the number of 500 to 1000 people employed from 500 to 1000 people.

For the supply of a new capital there were proyrs first in Russia channels.

Petrovsky transformations were achieved by violence over the population, his complete submission of the will of the monarch, the eradication of any dissent. Even Pushkin, sincerely admired by Peter, wrote that many of his decrees were "cruel, wayward and seem to be written by the whip", as if "broke out from an impatient self-balance sheet."

Klyuchevsky indicates that the triumph of the absolute monarchy, who sought to strengthen its subjects from the Middle Ages in modernity, contained a fundamental contradiction: "Peter's reform was a struggle of despotism with the people, with his osnosis. He hoped in the power of power to cause amateur in enslave society and through the slave-owned nobility. To put European science in Russia ... I wanted a slave, remaining a slave, acted consciously and freely. "

Construction of St. Petersburg from 1704 to 1717 was mainly carried out by the forces of "challenge people", mobilized in the framework of natural labor service. They pulled the forest, covered the swamps, built embankments, etc.

In 1704, Peterburg was summoned from different provinces to 40 thousand challenges, mainly fortressing landlords and state peasants. In 1707, a lot of workers focused on Petersburg from Belozersky Territory fled. Peter I ordered to take members of the families of the fledgers - their fathers, mothers, wives, children "or who live them in their homes" and keep in prisons until the fugitives are cheaned.

Workers factories of Petrovsky took place from a wide variety of people's layers: runaway serfs, tramps, beggars, even criminals - they all climbed and sent "to work" to the factory.

Peter could not bear "walking" people who were not attached to any case, ordered to have enough of them, without even the nightly rank, and send to the factory. Frections were cases when for supplying factories, and especially factories, working hands, the villages and villages of peasants were attributed to factories and plants, as was still practiced in the XVII century. Such ascribed to the factory worked for her and in it by order of the owner.

In November 1702, a decree was issued, which said: "You will continue in Moscow and in the Moscow vessel order of any kind of people or from the cities of governors and ordinar people, and from the monasteries of power to send, and the landowners and wilts lead their people and peasants, and those people and peasants will be taught to say about themselves. Sovereign the Word and Case ", - and those people in the Moscow vessel order without asking, send to the Preobrazhensky order to the princess to the princess Fedor Yuryevich Romodanovsky. Yes, and in the cities of the Voevodam and orders of such people who go into account for themselves to tell the "Sovereign Word and Case", send to Moscow, without asking ".

In 1718, for the investigation of Tsarevich, Alexei Petrovich was created a secret officeShe was then transferred to other political affairs of extreme importance.

On August 18, 1718, a decree was issued, which, under the threat of the death penalty, was forbidden to "write locked". The death penalty also relied on the accomplifier. This decree was aimed at combating anti-government "job letters."

The Decree of Peter I, published in 1702, proclaimed the versoity of one of the main state principles.

"With the opponents of the Church, you need to act with meekness and mind," Peter said. "The Lord gave the power of the power over the peoples, but one Christ is dominated over the conscience of people." But for the Old Believers, this decree was not applied.

In 1716, they were given the possibility of semi-lifting existence to facilitate their accounting, provided to pay "for a single split all sorts of payments twice." At the same time, the control and punishment of those who shied out the registration and payment of dual tax was strengthened.

The non-dual tax was presented to non-paying double tax, each time increasing the bet of fine, and even refer to the cautious. For seduction in the split (by seduction was considered any old-handed worship service or the commit) as before Peter I, the death penalty was relying, which was confirmed in 1722.

Old Believer priests were declared either by splitters if it were old-supplied mentors, or in accordance with Orthodoxy, if they used to be priests, and punished both for themselves. Splitches and chapels ruined. By torture, the punishment of the whip, pulling out the nostrils, threats to the treasures and references to Nizhny Novgorod bishop, Pitirim managed to return a considerable number of old goods in the Lono of the official church, but in most people they soon "disappeared into the split." He headed the Kerzhensky Old Believers of Dyakon Alexander Pitirim made him abandoned the Old Believers, causing him into the shackles and threatening his beatings, as a result of which Deacon "I was slaughtered from him, from the bishop, big flour, and links, and the nostrils of rummy, Yakozh and OT others."

When Alexander complained in a letter to Peter I on the actions of Pitirim, he was subjected to terrible torture and on May 21, 1720 was executed.

The adoption by Peter I Imperial title, as the Old Believers believed, indicated that he was an antichrist, since it emphasized the continuity of state power from Catholic Rome. About the antichristic essence of Peter also, according to Old Believers, testified calendar changes made in his board and the census of the population introduced by them for the perch.

Family Peter I.

For the first time, Peter married at the age of 17 at the insistence of Mother to Evdokia Lopukhina in 1689. A year later, they were born Tsarevich Alexey, who was brought up with the mother in the concepts of alien reformists of Peter. The remaining children of Peter and Evdokia died shortly after birth. In 1698, Evdokia Lopukhin was involved in Streletsky Bunte, the purpose of which was the construction of her son to the kingdom, and was exiled to the monastery.

Alexey Petrovich, the official heir to the Russian throne, condemned the transformation of his father, and eventually fled to Vienna under the patronage of his wife's relative (Charlotte Braunschweig) Emperor Charles VI, where he was looking for support in Lfolve Peter I. In 1717, Tsarevich persuaded to return home, where He was taken into custody.

On June 24 (July 5), 1718, the Supreme Court, consisting of 127 people, made a death sentence by Alexey, recognizing him guilty in state treason. On June 26 (July 7), 1718 Tsarevich, without waiting for the sentencing to fulfill, died in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

The true cause of the death of Tsarevich Alexey has not yet been reliably established. From a marriage with Princess Charlotte Braunschweig Tsarevich, Alexey left the son of Peter Alekseevich (1715-1730), who became Emperor Peter II in 1727, and Daughter Natalia Alekseevna (1714-1728).

In 1703, Peter I met a 19-year-old Katerina, in Marta Samuel Svavronskaya Marta (Widow Dragun Johann Cruz), captured by Russian troops as military prey when taking the Swedish fortress Marienburg.

Peter took the former maid from the Baltic peasants from Alexander Menshikov and made her his mistress. In 1704, Katerina gave birth to the firstborn, named Peter, next year Paul (she was eaten soon). Even before the legal marriage, Peter Katerina gave birth to daughters Anna (1708) and Elizabeth (1709). Elizabeth later became Empress (rules in 1741-1761).

Katerina alone could cope with the king in his seizures of anger, he knew how to calm the attacks of a convulsive headache of Peter who patient attention. The sound of Katerina's voice soothed Peter. Then she "sazed him and took, caress, for his head, which was slightly soaked. It produced a magical effect on him, he fell asleep a few minutes. So as not to break his sleep, she held his head on her chest, sitting motionless in the continuation of two or three hours. After that he woke up completely fresh and cheerful. "

Peter I's official wedding with Catherine Alekseevna was held on February 19, 1712, shortly after returning from the Pruth campaign.

In 1724, Peter crown Catherine as an empress and co-profit.

Ekaterina Alekseevna gave birth to her husband 11 children, but most of them died in childhood, except Anna and Elizabeth.

After Peter's death in January 1725, Ekaterina Alekseevna became the first ruling Russian empress, but the rules for a long time and died in 1727, freeing the throne for Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich. The first wife of Peter the Great, Evdokia Lopukhin, survived his lucky rival and died in 1731, having time to see the reign of his grandson of Peter Alekseevich.

Children Peter I:

With Evdokia Lopkhina:

Alexey Petrovich 18.02.1690 - 26.06.1718. It was considered the official heir to the throne to arrest. He was married from 1711 on Princess Sofia-Charlotte Braunschweig-Wolfentitelle, Sister Elizabeth, Spouses Emperor Charles Vi. Children: Natalia (1714-28) and Peter (1715-30), subsequently Emperor Peter II.

Alexander 03.10.1691 14.05.1692

Alexander Petrovich died in 1692

Paul 1693 - 1693

Born and died in 1693, which sometimes the existence of a third son from Eudokia Lopukhina is questioned.

With Catherine:

Catherine 1707-1708.

Illegitimate, died in infancy.

Anna Petrovna 07/07/1708 - 05/15/1728. In 1725 married the German Duke Charles Friedrich. I left in Kiel, where the son of Charles Peter Ulrich gave birth (later the Russian emperor Peter III).

Elizabeth Petrovna 29.12.1709 - 05.01.1762. Empress from 1741. In 1744 he concluded a secret marriage with A. Mr. Razumovsky, from which, according to the testimony of contemporaries, gave birth to several children.

Natalia 03.03.1713 - 05/27/1715

Margarita 03.09.1714 - 07/27/1715

Peter 10/29/1715 - 25.04.1719 was considered the official heir of the crown from 06.26.1718 to death.

Paul 02.01.1717 - 03.01.1717

Natalia 08/31/1718 - 03/15/1725.

Decree of Peter I on the Prepolyasy

In recent years, the reign of Peter the Great faces the question of the Preconsession: who will take the throne after the death of the emperor.

Announced during the renunciation of Alexei Petrovich Peter Petrovich (1715-1719, the son from Ekaterina Alekseevna) died in childhood.

The son of Tsarevich Alexey and Princess Charlotte became a direct heir, Peter Alekseevich. However, if you follow the custom and declare the heir of the Son of Opt Alexey, then the hopes of opponents of reforms were initiated to return the old orders, and on the other hand, Peter's associates were constructed, who voted for the execution of Alexey.

On February 5, 1722, Peter issued a decree on the throne (canceled Paul I after 75 years), which canceled the ancient custom to transfer the throne to direct descendants through the male line, but allowed the appointment with the heir of any worthy man by the will of the monarch. The text of this most important declaration justified the need for this measure: "What was this charter to teach, in order to have been always in a volitional sovereign, who wanted to someone, to someone, and a certain, seeing what an obstacle, Paks, notifies, so that the descendants and the descendants did not hit such anger, how above is written, IMI SIY UDUD ON CHOO ".

The decree was so unusual for Russian society, which had to clarify him and demand consent from sacrifices. The splitters were outraged: "I took the Swede, and that Queen did not give birth to children, and he made a decree to kiss for the pre-door sovereign, and the cross is kissing for the Swedes. Single will reign the Swede.

Petr Alekseevich was moved away from the throne, but the question of the throne remained open. Many have believed that the throne will take or Anna, or Elizabeth, Peter's daughter from marriage with Catherine Alekseevna.

But in 1724, Anna refused any claims to the Russian throne after he was engaged in the Duke of Holchta Carl Friedrich. If the throne occupied the younger daughter of Elizabeth, which was 15 years old (in 1724), instead of her rules would be the Duke of Holchtinsky, who dreamed with the help of Russia to return the land conquered by the Danes.

Peter and his nieces were not satisfied, the daughters of the older brother Ivana: Anna Kurnedanda, Ekaterina Mecklenburg and Praskovya John. Only one candidate remained - Peter's wife, Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna. Peter needed a person who would continue to be the case, his transformation.

On May 7, 1724, Peter crown Ekaterina Empress and co-guarantee, but after a short time he suspected in the marital treason (Mons). Decree of 1722 violated the usual way of exploiting, the heir to the head of Peter before his death did not have time.

Peter I. Death

In recent years, the reign of Peter was very ill (presumably, the renal disease, complicated by Uremia).

In the summer of 1724, his illness increased, in September he felt easier, but after a while the attacks intensified. In October, Peter went to inspect the Ladoga Canal, contrary to the advice of its Lab Medica of the Bluchost. From Olonets Peter drove into the old RUSSU and in November, the water went to St. Petersburg.

In Lakhta, he had to stand on the belt in the water, to save the stranded bot with soldiers. The attacks of the disease intensified, but Peter, who did not pay attention to them, continued to engage in state affairs. January 17, 1725 he had so bad that he ordered to put a hiking church in his next bedroom, and on January 22 (February 2) confused. Forces began to leave the patient, he no longer shouted, as before, from cruel pain, but only moaned.

On January 27 (February 7), all those convicted to death or cautious (eliminating murderers and reprehension in repeatedly broken) were amnestied. On the same day, in the outcome of the second hour, Peter demanded paper, began to write, but the pen fell out of his hands, only two words could disassemble from the written: "Give everything ...".

The king ordered the daughter of Anna Petrovna then, so that she wrote to his dictation, but when she came, Peter was already fell into forgetting. The story about the words of Peter "Give everything ..." and the order to call Anna is known only on the memorization of the Holstet secret adviser G. F. Bashvich. According to N. I. Pavlenko and V. P. Kozlov, he is a tendentious fiction in order to hint at Anna Petrovna's rights, the wife of the Holstein Duke Charles Friedrich, to the Russian throne.

When it became obvious that the emperor dies, a question arose who would take place Peter. Senate, Synod and General General - All institutions that did not have a formal right to dispose of the fate of the throne, even before Peter's death gathered on the night of January 27 (February 7) on January 28 (February 8) to resolve the issue of Peter Great successor.

The Guards officers were penetrated into the meeting room, two Guards regiments came to the square, and under the drum battle, derived by the party Ekaterina Alekseevna and Menshikov, the Senate adopted a unanimous decision for the 4th o'clock in the morning on January 28 (February 8). By the decision of the Senate, the throne inherited the wife of Peter, Ekaterina Alekseevna, which became January 28 (February 8) of 1725 by the first Russian Empress under the name Catherine I.

At the beginning of the sixth hour on January 28 (February 8), 1725, Peter the Great died in terrible torment in his winter palace at the winter groove according to the official version of the inflammation of the lungs. He was buried in the cathedral of the Petropavlovsk fortress in St. Petersburg. The autopsy showed the following: "A sharp narrowing in the back of the rear of the urethra, hardening the neck of the bladder and Antonov fire." Death followed from the inflammation of the bladder, which moved to the gangrene on the soil of the urine delay caused by the narrowing of the urethra.

The famous court icon painter Simon Ushakov wrote on a cypress board the image of the Library Trinity and Apostle Peter. After Peter's death, this icon was established over the imperial tombstone.

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Peter is the first: marriage love ...

Peter did not turn 17 years old when the mother decided to marry him. Early marriage, according to the calculations of Queen Natalia, was to significantly change the position of the Son, and with him and her. According to the custom of that time, the young man became an adult man after marriage. Consequently, married Peter will no longer need the care of Sofia sisters, it will come to his rule, he moves out of the Preobrazhensky in the chamber of the Kremlin.
He fearlessly introduced new traditions in Russia, the burrowing "window" to Europe. But one "tradition" probably could envy all Western self-containers. After all, as you know, no king can not "marry love." But Peter the Great, the first Russian emperor, was able to challenge the society, neglect the brides of the nobleman and the princesses of Western European countries and marry love ...

In addition, the marriage mother hoped to sharpen his son, tie him to a family hearth, distract from German Sloboda, where foreign merchants and master, and hobbies lived inherent to the royal san. Hessed marriage, finally, tried to protect the interests of the descendants of Peter from the claims of the possible heirs of his co-armor Ivan, who by this time was already a married man and waited for the addition of the family.
Evdokia Lopukhina
Queen Natalia herself found the son of the bride - the beauty of Evdokia Lopukhin, according to the review of the contemporary, "Princess face is a fair, Tokmo mentally, by the moral of his wife." The same contemporary noted that "the love between them was a pretty, but didn't continue the year."

It is possible that the cooling between the spouses came even earlier, because a month after the wedding, Peter left Evdokia and went to Pereyaslav's lake to engage in sea fun.
Anna Mons.
In German Slobod, the king met the daughter of Winnergvice, Anna Mons. One contemporary believed that this "girl was a fairious and clever", and the other, on the contrary, found that it was "mediocre acute and mind."
Which of these is right, it is difficult to say, but the cheerful, loving, relevant, always ready to joke, dance or support the secular conversation Anna Mons, was the full opposite of the king's wife - a limited beauty, who visited the longing of the slatic humility and the blind commitment to the Star. Peter gave preference to Mons and spent his free time in her society.

Several letters of Evdokia are preserved to Peter and not a single answer of the king. In 1689, when Peter went to Pereyaslav Lake, Evdokia appealed to him with gentle words:
"Hello, my light, for many years. We ask the grace, perhaps the sovereign, Budy to us, without rebuilding. And for the grace of Matushkaya alive. The groom your dunka brow beats. "
In another letter addressed to "My Lapushka", the Groom Your Dunka, who has not yet suspecting a close break, requested permission to arrive at the spouse for a date. Two letters Evdokia refer to a later time - 1694, and the last of them is full of sadness and loneliness of a woman who is well known that she is abandoned for the sake of another.
They no longer have appeal to Lapushka, the spouse did not hide her bitterness and could not help repay the reproaches, called himself a "blindless", complained that he did not receive in response to his letters "no single line" in response. Not strengthened family ultrasound and birth in 1690 of the Son named Alexei.

26-year-old Peter I. A portrait of Kneller's brush was donated by Peter in 1698 English king.
She retired with the Suzdal Monastery, where he spent 18 years. Getting rid of his wife, Peter did not show any interest to her, and she got the opportunity to live as she wanted. Instead of scarce monastic food, she was given to her, delivered by numerous relatives and friends. About ten years old she got a lover ...
Ekaterina Alekseevna (March Skavron)
Only on March 6, 1711, it was announced that Peter had a new legal spouse Ekaterina Alekseevna.
The real name of Catherine Alekseevna - March. With the siege of Marienburg, the Russian troops in 1702 by March, the servant of Pastor Glucket, was captured. For some time she was a mistress of a non-officer, she noticed by Field Marshal Sheremetev, she also liked Menshikov.
Menshikova was called Ekaterina Tubevoy, Katerina Vasilevskaya. The middle name of Alekseevna was received in 1708, when Tsarevich Alexey was acted in her baptism in the role of the godfather.

Ekaterina Alekseevna (Martha Samilovna Skavron)
Peter met Catherine in 1703 by Menshikov. Fate voted the former maid the role of concubine, and then the spouses of an outstanding person. Beautiful, charming and conscious, she quickly won the heart of Peter.
And what happened to Anna Mons? The relationship of the king with her continued for more than ten years and ceased not by his fault - the favorite won his lover. When Peter became known about this, he said: "To love the king, it was necessary to have a king in my head," and ordered her to keep her under house arrest.
Anna Mons fan was the Prussian Messenger Kasenering. Curious description of the meeting of the Cayzerling with Peter and Menshikov, during which the messenger asked permits to marry Mons.
In response to the request request, the king said, "That he brought up the Mons Mons for himself, with the sincere intention to marry her, but since she was pleased with me and corrupt, he didn't hear about her or her relatives, he doesn't want to know "
Menshikov added that "Mons's marsh is really a guy, a public woman with whom he himself unlocked." The servants of Menshikov beat the cabing and descended him from the stairs.
In 1711, the caiserling still managed to marry Anna Mons, but after six months he died. The former favorite was trying to marry once again, but death from Chakhotka prevented it.

The secret wedding of Peter the first and Catherine Alekseevna.
From Anna Mons, Catherine, he was distinguished by herger health, allowing her to easily transfer the exhaustive hiking life without difficulty and in the first call of Peter to overcome many hundreds of people off-road. Catherine, in addition, possessed an extraordinary physical force.
Berkholz cameras described how once the king joked with one of his twins, with a young budgeturin who ordered his big marshal wand on an elongated hand. He could not do this. "Then His Majesty, knowing how strong the arm of the Empress, filed his rod through the table. She brought himself with an extraordinary dexterity several times raised him over the table with a straight hand that everyone surprised us all. "
Catherine was made by the necessary Peter, and the letters of the king to her quite eloquently reflect the growth of his attachment and respect. "Come to Kiev is not a bump," the king wrote to Catherine from Zholkva in January 1707. "For God, come soon, but if it is impossible to be soon, to write out, I'm not without sorrow, I don't hear you," he wrote from St. Petersburg.
He showed the king concern about Catherine and about his extramarital daughter Anne. "If the will of God happens to me," he made a written order at the beginning of 1708 before being sent to the army, - then three thousand rubles, which are now in the courtyard of Mr. Prince Menshikov, to give Ekaterina Vasilevskaya and with the girl. "

A new stage in the relationship between Peter and Catherine came after she became his wife. In letters after 1711, the familiar-rude "Hello, the uterus!" Replaced gentle: "Katerynushka, my friend, hello."
Not only the form of appeal has changed, but also the tonality of notes: to change concise letters to the commandments, similar to the officer's command, with their subordinates, like "how this reporter will come to you, go here is not a package," letters began to come with an expression of delicate feelings to a near person .
In one of the letters, Peter advised during a trip to him to be careful: "For God, we carefully go and do not drive away from the battalions." The spouse delivered her joy to an expensive gift, or overseas delicacies.
170 Petra letters to Catherine have been preserved. Only very few of them are businesslike. However, in them, the king did not burden his spouse to do anything or verify or check the task of anyone else, no request to give advice, he only informed about what had happened - about the battles won, about his health.
"I finished the course yesterday, waters, thank God, was actually pretty; How will happen after? " He wrote from Karlsbad, or: "Katerinushka, my friend, hello! I hear that you miss, and I am not safe, but we can unknow what things are not needed on boredom. "

Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna
In short, Catherine enjoyed love and respect Peter. Completed with a marriage with a missing prisoner and neglect the brides of the boyars or princesses of Western European countries were a challenge to customs, refusal of the consecrated traditions of traditions. But Peter allowed himself and not such challenges.
Announced Catherine his spouse, Peter also thought about the future of her daughters attached to her - Anna and Elizabeth: "I am a forced to teach himself for an unfortunate way, so that the Syarota remains, would have to have their lives."
Catherine was endowed with an internal tact, a subtle understanding of the character of his hot-tempered spouse. When the king was in a state of rage, no one decided to approach him. It seems that she one knew how to calm the king, without fear to look into his grueling anger eyes. The shine of the courtyard did not overshadow in her memory memories of origin.
"The king," the contemporary wrote, "she could not put her ability and the ability to turn into an empress, not forgetting that she was not born her. They often traveled together, but always in individual trains, who differed - one majesty of their simplicity, another with their luxury. He loved to see her everywhere. There was no military view, shutting the ship, a ceremony or a holiday, at which it would not be. "
Another foreign diplomat also had the opportunity to observe the manifestation of Peter attentiveness and warmth to the spouse:
"After lunch, the king and the queen opened the ball, which lasted about three hours; The king often danced with the queen and little princes and kissed them many times; In this case, he found a greater tenderness to the queen, and it can be said in justice that, despite the unknown of her kind, it is quite worthy of the grace of such a great monarch. "

This diplomat gave the only appearance of Ekaterina's appearance to us, coinciding with its portrait image:
"For a moment (1715), it has a pleasant fullness; The complexion of her very white with an admixture of natural, a few bright blush, her eyes are black, small, the hair of the same color is long and thick, the neck and hands are beautiful, the facial expression is meek and very pleasant. "
Catherine really did not forget about his past. In one of her letters to the spouse, we read: "Although there is, tea, you have new ports, one but old you don't forget," as she liked that she was like a laundry at one time. In general, with the role of the spouse of the king, she coped easily and naturally, as if her role was taught from childhood.
"His Majesty loved his Majesty," said one of the contemporaries. The same contemporary recorded the reasoning of the king: "Forget the service for the sake of a woman is unforgivable. Being a prisoner of his mistress worse than being a prisoner in war; The enemy may rather be freedom, and the woman has long-term shackles. "
Catherine condescended to the fleeting relations of his spouse and even herself supplied "metreclaishers." Somehow, being abroad, Peter sent an answer to the letter of Catherine, in which she jokingly reproached him in intimate connections with other women. "And what to joke about the fun, and I do not have it, we have the old people and not those who are not takov."

"Fuck," the king wrote the spouse in 1717, "during drinking waters, the doctor's home fun to eat is prohibited, for the sake of me for me to go to you." The answer of Catherine was compiled in the same spirit: "And I will more than you, that you (Metresshit) were elected for its illness to send, in which she and now dwells, and for the treatment, he knew to go to Hague; And I did not want to be, from what God, I would save, so that Galan, the metrability of such a healthy arrived, what she came. "
Nevertheless, his choices had to fight rivals even after marriage with Peter and the Edema for the throne, for and then some of them threatened her position of spouses and the sovereign. In 1706, in Hamburg Peter promised the daughter of one Lutheran pastor to divorce with Catherine, since the pastor agreed to give his daughter only to a legitimate spouse.
Shaffers have already received the order to prepare all the necessary documents. But, unfortunately for himself, too trusting the bride agreed to taste from the joys of Gimenta earlier than his torch was lit. After that, she was filtered, paying her a thousand dukatov.
Chernysheva Avdota Ivanovna (Evdokia Rzhevskaya)
The heroine of another, less fleeting hobbies was believed to be very close to a decisive victory and to a high position. Evdokia Rzhevskaya was a daughter of one of the first adherents of Peter, the generation of whose antiquity and knowledge concern with the genus of Tatishcheva.

A fifteen-year-old girl was thrown on the bed of the king, and at sixteen, Peter issued her to marry her who was looking for an increase in the service of Chernyshev officer and did not break ties with her. Evdokia was born from the king four daughters and three sons; At least he was called the father of these children. But, taking into account the too frivolous temper of Evdokia, Peter's father's rights were more than doubtful.
It greatly reduced her chances like Favoritsa. If you believe the scandalous chronicle, she managed to achieve only the famous order: "Go and exploring Avdot." Such an orders were given to her husband with her lover, sick and considered Eudokia the culprit of his illness. Peter usually called Chernyshev: "Avdotya Baba". Her mother was the famous "Prince-Q-Nameny".
The adventure with Evdokia Rzhevskaya would not have any interest if it were the only one in its kind. But, unfortunately, its legendary image is very typical, in which the sad interest of this page of history is: Evdokia personified an integer era and a whole society.
The illegitimate offspring of Peter on numerous is equal to the offspring of Louis XIV, although, perhaps, legend and exaggerates a little. For example, the illegality of the origin of the sons of Ms. Stroganova, not to mention others, is not historically certified. It is only known that their mother, nee Novosildeva, was a member of the orgies, was distinguished by a cheerful temper and drank bitter.

The story of another Freillone is very curious - Mary Hamilton. It goes without saying that the sentimental novel, created from this story by the imagination of some writers, and remains a fantastic novel. Hamilton was, apparently, a fairly vulgar creation, and Peter did not change himself, manifesting her love for her way.
As is known, one of the branches of the Greater Scottish kind, competing with the Douglas, moved to Russia in the era, preceding the large emigrant movement in the XVII century and the approaching time of Ivan the Terrible. This genus came to relatives with many Russian last names and seemed completely russing long before joining the throne of the king reformer.
Maria Hamilton was the granddaughter of the adoptive father Natalia Naryshkina, Artamon Matveyeva. She was not afraid of himself and, being accepted to the court, divided the fate of many of her like. She only caused a fleet of passion of Peter's fleet. Mastering it in a passing, Peter immediately threw it.
Maria did not miss him for a long time and soon found consolation in the arms of the royal twist of Ivan Orlov - a young and beautiful guy. They both played with the fire, because to sleep with the mistress of the king, albeit the former, it was necessary to really be an eagle!
According to the ridiculous accident during the search in the case of Tsarevich Alexey, the suspicion of the donomos, written by Orlov himself, fell on him. Without sobering, he was accused of being accused of, Bunner fell, and confessed to the king in his cohabitation with Maria Hamonova (as they were called in Russian), telling that she had two children who were born dead from him.

Pavel Svyutsky: Maria Hamilton before execution
During the interrogation, under the whip, Maria confessed that two conceived children she caught some kind of drug, and the latter, who appeared to the world, immediately drowned in a night ship, and the caller ordered the maid to throw away.
I must say that to Peter I, the attitude in Russia to bastards and their mothers were monstrous. Therefore, in order not to climb anger and trouble, the mother ruthlessly strained the fruits of sinful love, and in the event of their birth, they often killed in different ways.
Pirty, first of all, rade for state interests (a great deal ... Small soldiers with the times will be), in the 1715 decree on hospitals, commanded that hospitals were established in the state to keep "galloping babies, which worshi and girls give birth to lawlessly and Shame for the sake of ignite in different places, why the babies are roming immensely "... And then it decided to grow hard:" And if such illegally boring people are in the smallest of those infants, and they are for such evils themselves will execute death. "
For all provinces and cities, it was ordered in hospitals and near churches to open at home for receiving illegitimate decesses, which at any day could be put in the window, always open for this purpose.
Mary was sentenced - the death penalty through the clipping of the head. In fact, at the deposit of 1649, the detecting is alive, "you bury in the land on tits, with your hands together and bother your feet." It happened that the criminal in such a position lived for a whole month, unless, of course, the relatives did not interfere with the fodder of the unfortunate and did not give to street dogs to bite.
But Hamilton was waiting for another death. After making sentence, many people close to Peter tried to die to die, resting that the girl came unconsciously, with fright, she was just ashamed. For Mary Hamilton, both queens - Ekaterina Alekseevna and the widowing Queen Praskovia Fedorovna. But Peter was adamant: the law should be executed, and he cannot cancel it.
Without a doubt, the fact that babies killed Hamilton could be children of Peter himself, and it was precisely this, as a betrayal, the king could not forgive his former favorite.
March 14, 1719 in St. Petersburg, during the crossing of the people, the Russian lady Hamilton rushed to the scaffold, where the fell was already standing, and waited for the executioner. Before the last Maria hoped to mercy, jammed into a white dress and, when Peter appeared, stood on his knees. The sovereign promised that the Hand of the executioner would not touch her: it is known that during the execution of the executioner rudely enough executed, I backed him out and threw it on the fell ...
All frozen waiting for the final decision of Peter. He whispered something in the ear of the executioner, and he suddenly waved his widespread sword and in the blink of an eye of a woman standing on his knees. So Peter, without violating this Mary promise, at the same time tried the executioner brought from the west, the executioner's sword - a new execution to Russia, first used instead of a coarse ax.

The execution in the presence of Peter the first, picture from the collection of the Egorievsky Museum
According to the memories of contemporaries, after execution, the sovereign raised Mary's head for her luxurious hair and kissed not yet cooled lips, and then read all the gathered, measured from horror, an intelligent lecture on anatomy (about the features of blood vessels that feed the human brain) in which he was big lover and connoisseur ...
After the exponential lesson, the anatomy's head of Mary was ordered to set in Kunstkamera, where she in the bank, along with other monsters, the collection of the first Russian museum was lariped almost half a century. Everyone has long forgotten what it is for the head, and visitors who trades their ears, listened to the bastards that the sovereign Peter the Great ordered to cut off the head of the most beautiful of his court letters and to go off her so that the descendants knew what beautiful women were in Those times.
Conducting a revision in Petrovskaya Kunstkamera, Princess Ekaterina Dashkova discovered next to the ultrasters in two banks hung heads. One of them belonged to Willimon Mons (the next one of our hero), the other Love of Peter, Camera Freillin Hamilton. The sovereign ordered them to bury them with the world ...

It is very doubtful that the favorite Peter Menshikov, as some of them argued, found it appropriate to take part in the judgment of the Court and in condemning the unfortunate Hamilton to protect the interests of his patronage of Catherine. This rival was not dangerous for her.
A few times later, Catherine had foundations for more serious alarm. In the deposte of Campredona dated June 8, 1722, it is said: "The Queen is afraid that if the son gives birth to the Son, then the king, at the request of the Valah State University, divorced his wife and marries his mistress."
It was about Maria Kantemir.
Lord Dmitry Kantemir, former Peter's ally during the unfortunate campaign of 1711, lost his own possessions at the conclusion of the Prut. Having found a shelter in St. Petersburg, he languished there in anticipation of the compensation promised him. It seemed quite a long time that the daughter would reward him for the lost.
When Peter in 1722 went on a campaign to Persia, his love intrigue with Maria Kantemir had been stretching for several years and seemed close to the junction, the fatal for Catherine. Both women accompanied the king during a hike. But Maria was forced to stay in Astrakhan, as it was pregnant. It further strengthened the confidence of her adherents in her victory.

Ivan Nikitin: Maria Kantemir
After the death of the little Peter Petrovich, Catherine had no more Son, whom Peter could make his heir. It was assumed that if, at the return of the king from the campaign, Kantemir will give him a son, then Peter without hesitation is separated from the second wife just as he freed from the first.
If you believe Shertera, Catherine's friends found a way to get rid of danger: Returning, Peter found his mistress seriously sick after premature birth; feared even for her life.
Catherine triumphed, and the novel, almost killed her, seemed to be immunified on the same vulgar end as all the previous one. Shortly before the death of the sovereign, one pleasing subject, similar to Chernyshev and Rumyantsev, offered "for the form" to marry Princess, still beloved Peter, although he had lost ambitious hopes.
Fate safely removed Catherine from all tests. The solemn coronation made her position completely inaccessible. Honor of the mistress was rehabilitated by a marriage, and the position of the spouse, godfully guarding the family hearth, and the sovereign, dividing all the honors rewarded to high san, would raise her finally and gave her a very special place among the random female crowd, where the maid from the hotel went hand in hand with daughters Scottish lords and with Moldovan Valach Princesses.
And suddenly among all this crowd there was a completely unexpected image, an image of a chaste and respected girlfriend.

Elizabeth-Elena Senata, nee Lubomirskaya
Annable Polish lady, Slavona on origin, which appeared in this role, but received Western upbringing was charming in the full sense of the word. Peter enjoyed the society of Ms. Senhane in Yavorov's gardens. A lot of hours spent together when building Barki, in walks on water, in conversations. It was a real idyll.
Elizabeth, Senata, nee Princess Lubomirskaya, was the wife of the coronal hetman of the September, a decisive supporter of Augustus against Leschinsky. She passed through the rebellious life of a coarse conqueror, avoiding the crust. Peter admired not so much by her rather mediocre beauty as her rare mind. He liked her society.
He listened to her advice, sometimes put him in a difficult position, as she supported Leschinsky, but not the king and his own husband.
When the king told her about his intention to let all invited to the service of foreign officers, she gave him a visual lesson, the sentiment of the German, who managed the Orchestra of Polish musicians; Even a little delicate ear of the king could not take out the immediate difference between the difference.
When he spoke at her about his project to turn into the desert, Russian and Polish regions lying on Karl XII to Moscow, she interrupted him about the nobleman, who in order to punish his wife to become eunuch.
She was charming, and Peter succumbed to her charm, pacified, arranged by her presence, as if transformed from contact with this clean and sophisticated nature, at the same time gentle and strong ...

Peter I and Catherine
In 1722, Peter, feeling that the Forces leave him, published the charter about the heritage of the throne. From now on, the appointment of the heir depended on the will of the sovereign. It is likely that the king chosen on Catherine, because only this choice can be explained by Peter's intention to declare his spouse by the Empress and to begin the lush ceremony of her coronation.
It is unlikely that Peter discovered the state wisdom at his "Middle Friend", as he called Catherine, but she seemed to him, there was one important advantage: his environment was at the same time and its surroundings.
In 1724 Peter often sick. On November 9, a 30-year-old Skogol Mons was arrested, the brother of the former Favorite Peter. He was accused of relatively small at the time of the embezzlement from the treasury. There were no weeks as the executioner cut off his head. However, Mille associated the execution of Mons, not with abuse, but with his intimate relationships with the empress. Peter allowed himself to break married loyalty, but did not believed that Catherine possesses the same right. The Empress was younger than his spouse for 12 years ...
Relations between spouses became stretched. Peter never took advantage of the right to assign a receiver to the throne and did not bring the act of coronation Catherine to a logical end.

I. N. Nikitin: "Peter I on mortal odds"
The disease aggravated, and most of the last three months of life Peter spent in bed. Peter died on January 28, 1725 in terrible torment.
The body of the deceased spouse of Catherine, proclaimed on the same day by the empress, left unacceptable forty days and swam him daily twice. "Courtnicted were divided," said the contemporary, "where the Empress is taken from the Empress so much ..."

For the first time, Peter married at the age of 17 at the insistence of Mother to Evdokia Lopukhina in 1689. A year later, they were born Tsarevich Alexey, who was brought up with the mother in the concepts of alien reformists of Peter. The remaining children of Peter and Evdokia died shortly after birth. In 1698, Evdokia Lopukhin was involved in Streletsky Bunte, the purpose of which was the construction of her son to the kingdom, and was exiled to the monastery.

Alexey Petrovich, the official heir of the Russian throne, condemned the transformation of his father, and in the end he fled to Vienna under the patronage of his wife's relative (Charlotte Brunshweigsk) Emperor Charles VI, where he was looking for support in the depths of Peter I. In 1717, a fireless Tsarevich persuaded to return home where he was taken into custody. On June 24 (July 5), 1718, the Supreme Court, consisting of 127 people, made a death sentence by Alexey, recognizing him guilty in state treason.

On June 26 (July 7), 1718 Tsarevich, without waiting for the sentencing to fulfill, died in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The true cause of the death of Tsarevich Alexey has not yet been reliably established.

From marriage with Princess Charlotte Braunschweig Tsarevich Alexey left the son of Peter Alekseevich (1715--1730), which became Emperor Peter II in 1727, and Daughter Natalia Alekseevna (1714--1728).

In 1703, Peter I met 19-year-old Katerina, in Marta Marta Skavron, captured by Russian troops as military prey when taking the Swedish fortress Marienburg. Peter took the former maid from the Baltic peasants from Alexander Menshikov and made her his mistress. In 1704, Katerina gives birth to the firstborn, named Peter, next year Paul (she was soon died). Even before the legal marriage, Peter Katerina gave birth to daughters Anna (1708) and Elizaveu (1709). Elizabeth later became Empress (rules in 1741-1762), and the direct descendants of Anna ruled Russia after the death of Elizabeth, from 1762 to 1917.

The official wedding of Peter I with Catherine Alekseevna was held on February 19, 1712, shortly after returning from the Pruth campaign. In 1724, Peter corruned Catherine as an empress and co-profit. Ekaterina Alekseevna gave birth to her husband 11 children, but most of them died in childhood, except Anna and Elizabeth.

After Peter's death in January 1725, Catherine Alekseevna, with the support of serving, and Guards regiments, became the first ruling Russian Empress Ekaterina I, but the rules for a long time and died in 1727, freeing the throne for Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich. The first wife of Peter the Great, Evdokia Lopukhin, survived his lucky rival and died in 1731, having time to see the reign of his grandson of Peter Alekseevich.

He fearlessly introduced new traditions in Russia, the burrowing "window" to Europe. But one "tradition" probably could envy all Western self-containers. After all, as you know, no king can not "marry love." But Peter the Great, the first Russian emperor, was able to challenge the society, neglect the brides of the nobleman and the princesses of Western European countries and marry love ... Peter was not turned out to be 17 years old when the mother decided to marry him. Early marriage, according to the calculations of Queen Natalia, was to significantly change the position of the Son, and with him and her. According to the custom of that time, the young man became an adult man after marriage. Consequently, married Peter will no longer need the care of Sofia sisters, it will come to his rule, he moves out of the Preobrazhensky in the chamber of the Kremlin. In addition, the marriage mother hoped to sharpen his son, tie him to a family hearth, distract from German Sloboda, where foreign merchants and master, and hobbies lived inherent to the royal san. Hessed marriage, finally, tried to protect the interests of the descendants of Peter from the claims of the possible heirs of his co-armor Ivan, who by this time was already a married man and waited for the addition of the family.

Evdokia Lopukhina

Queen Natalia herself found the son of the bride - the beauty of Evdokia Lopukhin, according to the review of the contemporary, "Princess face is a fair, Tokmo mentally, by the moral of his wife." The same contemporary noted that "the love between them was a pretty, but didn't continue the year."

It is possible that the cooling between the spouses came even earlier, because a month after the wedding, Peter left Evdokia and went to Pereyaslav's lake to engage in sea fun.

Anna Mons.

In German Slobod, the king met the daughter of Winnergvice, Anna Mons. One contemporary believed that this "girl was a fairious and clever", and the other, on the contrary, found that it was "mediocre acute and mind."

Which of these is right, it is difficult to say, but the cheerful, loving, relevant, always ready to joke, dance or support the secular conversation Anna Mons, was the full opposite of the king's wife - a limited beauty, who visited the longing of the slatic humility and the blind commitment to the Star. Peter gave preference to Mons and spent his free time in her society.

Several letters of Evdokia are preserved to Peter and not a single answer of the king. In 1689, when Peter went to Pereyaslav's lake, Evdokia appealed to him with gentle words: "Hello, my light, for many years. We ask the grace, perhaps the sovereign, Budy to us, without rebuilding. And for the grace of Matushkaya alive. The groom your dunka brow beats. "

In another letter addressed to "My Lapushka", the Groom Your Dunka, who has not yet suspecting a close break, requested permission to arrive at the spouse for a date. Two letters Evdokia refer to a later time - 1694, and the last of them is full of sadness and loneliness of a woman who is well known that she is abandoned for the sake of another.

They no longer have appeal to Lapushka, the spouse did not hide her bitterness and could not help repay the reproaches, called himself a "blindless", complained that he did not receive in response to his letters "no single line" in response. Not strengthened family ultrasound and birth in 1690 of the Son named Alexei.

She retired with the Suzdal Monastery, where he spent 18 years. Getting rid of his wife, Peter did not show any interest to her, and she got the opportunity to live as she wanted. Instead of scarce monastic food, she was given to her, delivered by numerous relatives and friends. About ten years old she got a lover ...

Only on March 6, 1711, it was announced that Peter had a new legal spouse Ekaterina Alekseevna.

The real name of Catherine Alekseevna - March. With the siege of Marienburg, the Russian troops in 1702 by March, the servant of Pastor Glucket, was captured. For some time she was a mistress of a non-officer, she noticed by Field Marshal Sheremetev, she also liked Menshikov.

Menshikova was called Ekaterina Tubevoy, Katerina Vasilevskaya. The middle name of Alekseevna was received in 1708, when Tsarevich Alexey was acted in her baptism in the role of the godfather.

Ekaterina Alekseevna (March Skavron)

Peter met Catherine in 1703 by Menshikov. Fate voted the former maid the role of concubine, and then the spouses of an outstanding person. Beautiful, charming and conscious, she quickly won the heart of Peter.

And what happened to Anna Mons? The relationship of the king with her continued for more than ten years and ceased not by his fault - the favorite won his lover. When Peter became known about this, he said: "To love the king, it was necessary to have a king in my head," and ordered her to keep her under house arrest.

Anna Mons fan was the Prussian Messenger Kasenering. Curious description of the meeting of the Cayzerling with Peter and Menshikov, during which the messenger asked permits to marry Mons.

In response to the request request, the king said, "That he brought up the Mons Mons for himself, with the sincere intention to marry her, but since she was pleased with me and corrupt, he didn't hear about her or her relatives, he doesn't want to know " Menshikov added that "Mons's marsh is really a guy, a public woman with whom he himself unlocked." The servants of Menshikov beat the cabing and descended him from the stairs.

In 1711, the caiserling still managed to marry Anna Mons, but after six months he died. The former favorite was trying to marry once again, but death from Chakhotka prevented it.

The secret wedding of Peter the first and Catherine Alekseevna.

From Anna Mons, Catherine, he was distinguished by herger health, allowing her to easily transfer the exhaustive hiking life without difficulty and in the first call of Peter to overcome many hundreds of people off-road. Catherine, in addition, possessed an extraordinary physical force.

Berkholz cameras described how once the king joked with one of his twins, with a young budgeturin who ordered his big marshal wand on an elongated hand. He could not do this. "Then His Majesty, knowing how strong the arm of the Empress, filed his rod through the table. She brought himself with an extraordinary dexterity several times raised him over the table with a straight hand that everyone surprised us all. "

Catherine was made by the necessary Peter, and the letters of the king to her quite eloquently reflect the growth of his attachment and respect. "Come to Kiev is not a bump," the king wrote to Catherine from Zholkva in January 1707. "For God, come soon, but if it is impossible to be soon, to write out, I'm not without sorrow, I don't hear you," he wrote from St. Petersburg.

He showed the king concern about Catherine and about his extramarital daughter Anne. "If the will of God happens to me," he made a written order at the beginning of 1708 before being sent to the army, - then three thousand rubles, which are now in the courtyard of Mr. Prince Menshikov, to give Ekaterina Vasilevskaya and with the girl. "

A new stage in the relationship between Peter and Catherine came after she became his wife. In letters after 1711, the familiar-rude "Hello, the uterus!" Replaced gentle: "Katerynushka, my friend, hello."

Not only the form of appeal has changed, but also the tonality of notes: to change concise letters to the commandments, similar to the officer's command, with their subordinates, like "how this reporter will come to you, go here is not a package," letters began to come with an expression of delicate feelings to a near person .

In one of the letters, Peter advised during a trip to him to be careful: "For God, we carefully go and do not drive away from the battalions." The spouse delivered her joy to an expensive gift, or overseas delicacies.

170 Petra letters to Catherine have been preserved. Only very few of them are businesslike. However, in them, the king did not burden his spouse to do anything or verify or check the task of anyone else, no request to give advice, he only informed about what had happened - about the battles won, about his health.

"I finished the course yesterday, waters, thank God, was actually pretty; How will happen after? " He wrote from Karlsbad, or: "Katerinushka, my friend, hello! I hear that you miss, and I am not safe, but we can unknow what things are not needed on boredom. "

Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna

In short, Catherine enjoyed love and respect Peter. Completed with a marriage with a missing prisoner and neglect the brides of the boyars or princesses of Western European countries were a challenge to customs, refusal of the consecrated traditions of traditions. But Peter allowed himself and not such challenges.

Announced Catherine his spouse, Peter also thought about the future of her daughters attached to her - Anna and Elizabeth: "I am a forced to teach himself for an unfortunate way, so that the Syarota remains, would have to have their lives."

Catherine was endowed with an internal tact, a subtle understanding of the character of his hot-tempered spouse. When the king was in a state of rage, no one decided to approach him. It seems that she one knew how to calm the king, without fear to look into his grueling anger eyes.

The shine of the courtyard did not overshadow in her memory memories of origin.

"The king," the contemporary wrote, "she could not put her ability and the ability to turn into an empress, not forgetting that she was not born her. They often traveled together, but always in individual trains, who differed - one majesty of their simplicity, another with their luxury. He loved to see her everywhere.

There was no military view, shutting the ship, a ceremony or a holiday, at which it would not be. " Another foreign diplomat also had the opportunity to observe the manifestation of Peter attentiveness and warmth to the spouse: "After lunch, the king and the queen opened the ball, which lasted about three hours; The king often danced with the queen and little princes and kissed them many times; In this case, he found a greater tenderness to the queen, and it can be said in justice that, despite the unknown of her kind, it is quite worthy of the grace of such a great monarch. "

This diplomat gave the only appearance of Ekaterina's appearance to us, coinciding with her portrait image: "For a moment (1715), it has a pleasant fullness; The complexion of her very white with an admixture of natural, a few bright blush, her eyes are black, small, the hair of the same color is long and thick, the neck and hands are beautiful, the facial expression is meek and very pleasant. "

Catherine really did not forget about his past. In one of her letters to the spouse, we read: "Although there is, tea, you have new ports, one but old you don't forget," as she liked that she was like a laundry at one time. In general, with the role of the spouse of the king, she coped easily and naturally, as if her role was taught from childhood.

"His Majesty loved his Majesty," said one of the contemporaries. The same contemporary recorded the reasoning of the king: "Forget the service for the sake of a woman is unforgivable. Being a prisoner of his mistress worse than being a prisoner in war; The enemy may rather be freedom, and the woman has long-term shackles. "

Catherine condescended to the fleeting relations of his spouse and even herself supplied "metreclaishers." Somehow, being abroad, Peter sent an answer to the letter of Catherine, in which she jokingly reproached him in intimate connections with other women. "And what to joke about the fun, and I do not have it, we have the old people and not those who are not takov."

"Fuck," the king wrote the spouse in 1717, "during drinking waters, the doctor's home fun to eat is prohibited, for the sake of me for me to go to you." The answer of Catherine was compiled in the same spirit: "And I will more than you, that you (Metresshit) were elected for its illness to send, in which she and now dwells, and for the treatment, he knew to go to Hague; And I did not want to be, from what God, I would save, so that Galan, the metrability of such a healthy arrived, what she came. "

Nevertheless, his choices had to fight rivals even after marriage with Peter and the Edema for the throne, for and then some of them threatened her position of spouses and the sovereign. In 1706, in Hamburg Peter promised the daughter of one Lutheran pastor to divorce with Catherine, since the pastor agreed to give his daughter only to a legitimate spouse.

Shaffers have already received the order to prepare all the necessary documents. But, unfortunately for himself, too trusting the bride agreed to taste from the joys of Gimenta earlier than his torch was lit. After that, she was filtered, paying her a thousand dukatov.

Chernysheva Avdota Ivanovna (Evdokia Rzhevskaya)

The heroine of another, less fleeting hobbies was believed to be very close to a decisive victory and to a high position. Evdokia Rzhevskaya was a daughter of one of the first adherents of Peter, the generation of whose antiquity and knowledge concern with the genus of Tatishcheva.

A fifteen-year-old girl was thrown on the bed of the king, and at sixteen, Peter issued her to marry her who was looking for an increase in the service of Chernyshev officer and did not break ties with her. Evdokia was born from the king four daughters and three sons; At least he was called the father of these children. But, taking into account the too frivolous temper of Evdokia, Peter's father's rights were more than doubtful.

It greatly reduced her chances like Favoritsa. If you believe the scandalous chronicle, she managed to achieve only the famous order: "Go and exploring Avdot." Such an orders were given to her husband with her lover, sick and considered Eudokia the culprit of his illness. Peter usually called Chernyshev: "Avdotya Baba". Her mother was the famous "Prince-Q-Nameny".

The adventure with Evdokia Rzhevskaya would not have any interest if it were the only one in its kind. But, unfortunately, its legendary image is very typical, in which the sad interest of this page of history is; Evdokia personified a whole epoch and a whole society.

The illegitimate offspring of Peter on numerous is equal to the offspring of Louis XIV, although, perhaps, legend and exaggerates a little. For example, the illegality of the origin of the sons of Ms. Stroganova, not to mention others, is not historically certified. It is only known that their mother, nee Novosildeva, was a member of the orgies, was distinguished by a cheerful temper and drank bitter.

Maria Hamilton before execution

The story of another Freillone is very curious - Mary Hamilton. It goes without saying that the sentimental novel, created from this story by the imagination of some writers, and remains a fantastic novel. Hamilton was, apparently, a fairly vulgar creation, and Peter did not change himself, manifesting her love for her way.

As is known, one of the branches of the Greater Scottish kind, competing with the Douglas, moved to Russia in the era, preceding the large emigrant movement in the XVII century and the approaching time of Ivan the Terrible. This genus came to relatives with many Russian last names and seemed completely russing long before joining the throne of the king reformer. Maria Hamilton was the granddaughter of the adoptive father Natalia Naryshkina, Artamon Matveyeva. She was not afraid of himself and, being accepted to the court, divided the fate of many of her like. She only caused a fleet of passion of Peter's fleet.

Mastering it in a passing, Peter immediately threw it, and she comforted with the royal twins. Maria Hamilton was pregnant several times, but in every ways they got rid of children. To tie one of his random lovers, young Orlov, a rather insignificant man, rudely with her turned and overwhelming her, she stole money and jewels from the Empress.

All her big and small crimes opened quite by chance. From the Cabinet King disappeared a rather important document. Suspicing Palo on Orlova, as he knew about this document, and spent the night out of the house. Called to the sovereign for interrogation, he was overwhelmed and imagined that he got into trouble due to communication with Hamilton. With a cry "to blame!" He fell on his knees and repented in everything, told about the theft he took advantage of, and about the confusion known to him. Began the investigation and the process.

Unhappy Maria was accused mainly in the pronunciation of malicious speeches against the sovereign, too good the complexion of which caused her mockery. Indeed, a grave crime ... so that they say there, this time, Catherine showed quite a lot of goodness. She herself petitioned for a criminal and even forced to join her the queen Praskov, who used great influence.

The intercession of Queen Praskovi was the greater importance that everyone was known as little, usually, she was prone to mercy. According to the concepts of old Russia for such crimes, as a decision, there were many mitigating circumstances, and Praskovya Queen in many respects was a real Russian old temper.

But the sovereign turned out to be inexorably: "He does not want to be neither Saul, nor Ahab, breaking the divine law due to the impust of kindness." Did he really respect the divine laws? Maybe. But he drove himself in his head that he had several soldiers from him, and this was an unforgivable crime. Maria Hamilton was tortured several times in the presence of the king, but until the very end she refused to name the name of his accomplice. The last thing I thought only about how to be justified, and in all sins accused her. It cannot be said that this ancestor of the future favorites of Catherine II behaved like a hero.

On March 14, 1714, Maria Hamilton went to the fell, as Sherler told, "in a white dress decorated with black ribbons." Peter, very loved theatrical effects, could not fail to respond to this last clever of suicide coquetry. He had the courage to attend the execution and, since he could never remain a passive viewer, he accepted directly participated in it.

He kissed the convict, exhorted her to pray, supported in his arms when she lost consciousness, then retired. It was a signal. When Maria raised his head, the king had already changed the executioner. Sherler told stunning details: "When the ax did his job, the king returned, raised the bloody head dropped into the dirt and calmly began to lecture on anatomy, calling the organs themselves and insistently affected by the spine. After graduating, he touched his lips to the pale mouths, which once covered with completely different kisses, threw Mary's head, crossed himself and retired. "

It is very doubtful that the favorite Peter Menshikov, as some of them argued, found it appropriate to take part in the judgment of the Court and in condemning the unfortunate Hamilton to protect the interests of his patronage of Catherine. This rival was not dangerous for her. A few times later, Catherine had foundations for more serious alarm. In the deposte of Campredona dated June 8, 1722, it is said: "The Queen is afraid that if the son gives birth to the Son, then the king, at the request of the Valah State University, divorced his wife and marries his mistress."

It was about Maria Kantemir.

Maria Kantemir

Lord Dmitry Kantemir, former Peter's ally during the unfortunate campaign of 1711, lost his own possessions at the conclusion of the Prut. Having found a shelter in St. Petersburg, he languished there in anticipation of the compensation promised him. It seemed quite a long time that the daughter would reward him for the lost.

When Peter in 1722 went on a campaign to Persia, his love intrigue with Maria Kantemir had been stretching for several years and seemed close to the junction, the fatal for Catherine. Both women accompanied the king during a hike. But Maria was forced to stay in Astrakhan, as it was pregnant. It further strengthened the confidence of her adherents in her victory.

After the death of the little Peter Petrovich, Catherine had no more Son, whom Peter could make his heir. It was assumed that if, at the return of the king from the campaign, Kantemir will give him a son, then Peter without hesitation is separated from the second wife just as he freed from the first. If you believe Shertera, Catherine's friends found a way to get rid of danger: Returning, Peter found his mistress seriously sick after premature birth; feared even for her life.

Catherine triumphed, and the novel, almost killed her, seemed to be immunified on the same vulgar end as all the previous one. Shortly before the death of the sovereign, one pleasing subject, similar to Chernyshev and Rumyantsev, offered "for the form" to marry Princess, still beloved Peter, although he had lost ambitious hopes.

Fate safely removed Catherine from all tests. The solemn coronation made her position completely inaccessible. Honor of the mistress was rehabilitated by a marriage, and the position of the spouse, godfully guarding the family hearth, and the sovereign, dividing all the honors rewarded to high san, would raise her finally and gave her a very special place among the random female crowd, where the maid from the hotel went hand in hand with daughters Scottish lords and with Moldovan Valach Princesses. And suddenly among all this crowd there was a completely unexpected image, an image of a chaste and respected girlfriend.

Annable Polish lady, Slavona on origin, which appeared in this role, but received Western upbringing was charming in the full sense of the word. Peter enjoyed the society of Ms. Senhane in Yavorov's gardens. A lot of hours spent together when building Barki, in walks on water, in conversations. It was a real idyll. Elizabeth Senata

the nee Princess Lubomirskaya was the wife of the corona warrior of the senyanyansky, a decisive supporter of Augustus against Leschinsky. She passed through the rebellious life of a coarse conqueror, avoiding the crust. Peter admired not so much by her rather mediocre beauty as her rare mind. He liked her society.

He listened to her advice, sometimes put him in a difficult position, as she supported Leschinsky, but not the king and his own husband. When the king told her about his intention to let all invited to the service of foreign officers, she gave him a visual lesson, the sentiment of the German, who managed the Orchestra of Polish musicians; Even a little delicate ear of the king could not take out the immediate difference between the difference.

When he spoke at her about his project to turn into the desert, Russian and Polish regions lying on Karl XII to Moscow, she interrupted him about the nobleman, who in order to punish his wife to become eunuch. She was charming, and Peter succumbed to her charm, pacified, arranged by her presence, as if transformed from contact with this clean and sophisticated nature, at the same time gentle and strong ...

In 1722, Peter, feeling that the Forces leave him, published the charter about the heritage of the throne. From now on, the appointment of the heir depended on the will of the sovereign. It is likely that the king chosen on Catherine, because only this choice can be explained by Peter's intention to declare his spouse by the Empress and to begin the lush ceremony of her coronation.

It is unlikely that Peter discovered the state wisdom at his "Middle Friend", as he called Catherine, but she seemed to him, there was one important advantage: his environment was at the same time and its surroundings.

In 1724 Peter often sick. On November 9, a 30-year-old Skogol Mons was arrested, the brother of the former Favorite Peter. He was accused of relatively small at the time of the embezzlement from the treasury. There were no weeks as the executioner cut off his head. However, Mille associated the execution of Mons, not with abuse, but with his intimate relationships with the empress. Peter allowed himself to break married loyalty, but did not believed that Catherine possesses the same right. The Empress was younger than his spouse for 12 years ...

Relations between spouses became stretched. Peter never took advantage of the right to assign a receiver to the throne and did not bring the act of coronation Catherine to a logical end.

The disease aggravated, and most of the last three months of life Peter spent in bed. Peter died on January 28, 1725 in terrible torment. The body of the deceased spouse of Catherine, proclaimed on the same day by the empress, left unacceptable forty days and swam him daily twice. "Courtnicted were divided," said the contemporary, "where the Empress is taken from the Empress so much ..."