Peter Smirnov Biography. As smirnov's soberboard created the famous alcoholic brand of the Russian Empire

Petr Arsenievich Smirnov (1831-1898) - Russian entrepreneur, "Vodka King" of Russia, founder and director of the highest approved partnership of the vodka factory, wines, alcohol and Russian warehouses, P. A. Smirnova in Moscow, supplier of the courtyard of his imperial majesty, yard supplier King of Sweden Oscar II and Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich. The progenitor of the SMIRNOFF trademark, actually created by his son Vladimir.


Born in the family of serfs of the Myshkin County of the Yaroslavl province.

Having received free, led to Moscow, where in 1860 he opened a small wine shop with 9 employees.

Three years later, in 1863, built in Moscow at the Ovchinnikovskaya embankment, in a cast-iron bridge, a small vodka plant, where no more than 25 people were employed in 1864. The plant immediately began to produce high quality goods and its products found fast and widespread.

The principle of the plant is "to give the best, produce products from the first-class Russian material and do not regret the means and costs for improved production apparatus."

In 1873, the goods were noted at the World Exhibition in Vienna.

In 1882, at the All-Russian art and industrial exhibition in Moscow for excellent quality, purified wine, as well as excellent vodka, emphasis and liqueurs, for the development of production, at 250 workers, and for improving the production of vodka factory P. A. Smirnova, in Moscow, was Award the right to use the image of the state coat of arms.

By 1896, the number of workers, only at the factory itself, increased to 1500 people; 120 Sitting per day delivered products. The total number of people, one way or another working for Peter Arsenyevich Smirnov, reached 5,000 people.

List of awards, awarded products of the plant Peter Arsenievich Smirnova: 1873 - Honor diploma in Vienna. 1876 \u200b\u200b- Medal of the highest award in Philadelphia. 1877 - State coat of arms. 1878 - two gold medals in Paris. 1882 - State coat of arms at the All-Russian art and industrial exhibition in Moscow. 1886 - supplier to the court of his imperial majesty and the state coat of arms. 1888 - Spanish Order St. Isabella and Gold Medal in Barcelona. 1889 - Big Gold Medal in Paris. 1893 - Big Gold Medal in Chicago. 1896 - supplier to the court of his imperial highness of the Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich. 1896 - Repetition of the right to use the image of the state coat of arms at the All-Russian industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. 1897 - Gold medal at an industrialized art exhibition in Stockholm.

Condition of P. A. Smirnov at the time of his death was estimated at 8.7 million rubles.

He was buried on Pyatnitsky Cemetery, the grave was not preserved.

In the city of Myshkin, the Museum of Peter Smirnova has.

Smirnov - merchants, industrialists, manufacturers of famous Smirnovskaya vodka.

Smirnov - Fortress peasants-movements of the Myshkino County, the village of Cayurova, the wobbies of the Skripitsyn Stolnik (Climatinskaya Vol., Now Uglichsky district). Brothers Arseny Alekseevich and Ivan Alekseevich Smirnov from early XIX century. Engaged in wine trading in Moscow. In the 50s of Sonov A. A. Smirnova - Yakov Arsenyevich(1826 - 1904) and Petr Arsenievich(9.01.1831 - 29.11.1898) began to help the father and uncle. In 1857, A. A. Smirnov bought out a family from serf dependence and in 1858 they finally moved to Moscow.

Up to 1860. Petr Arsenievich Smirnov He served as a customer in the Rhine Cellar of the Father, and then decided to start his own business. In 1862 Peter Smirnov already a merchant of the 3rd guild. He buys a house on Pyatnitskaya Street and opens the vodka plant "At the cast-iron bridge". Production is growing rapidly, the product range is expanding, in 1869 Peter Arsenyevich even appeals to the Ministry of the courtyard with a proposal to become his supplier, but receives a refusal.

In 1871, P. A. Smirnov is recorded in the first merchant guild. Since 1973, he constantly participates in industrial exhibitions - first abroad, and then in Russia. Smirnova products are marked by the highest awards of exhibitions in Vienna (1873), Philadelphia (1876), Paris (1878). The Ministry of Finance of Russia in 1877 provides him with the right to post on the labels the state coat of arms - a double-headed eagle. In 1882, P. A. Smirnov presents its products at the All-Russian industrial and art exhibition, according to which the Ministry of Finance gives him the right to post the second state coat of arms on the labels. In 1885, Smirnov receives the right to be a supplier of the highest courtyard. During this period, he annually contributes to a state panel to 5 million rubles of excise collection (for previous years they have been paid to the treasury more than 30 million rubles). In 1886, the Ministry of Finance gives him the right to post on the labels the third state coat of arms.

In 1888, at the exhibition in Barcelona P. A. Smirnov, another gold medal receives, and the Spanish king awards him with the Order of St. Isabella. In Russia, he was granted the title of a commercial adviser, which was equated to the general rank. In 1889, at the exhibition in Paris, Smirnov presented a new tincture "Nezhinskaya Ryabina", which produced Four Or with its taste. Smirnov classified the place where the rowan grew, used in the manufacture of tincture: it was collected in the village of Neshe Him and Vladimir province in the area, and the name sent to the Malorossiysk city of Nazin, famous for his cucumbers.

In the early 1890s, P. A. Smirnova worked more than one and a half thousand workers. His "Vodka Empire", in addition to the factory included 15 warehouses, seven glass factories that produced up to 50 million bottles of various shapes annually, four lithographs that print colorful labels. Products - And it was more than 400 items - only 200 voltage was delivered in Moscow every day. Smirnov considered it necessary to take care of the families of his employees: built for them housing, hospital, well paid. It was not by chance that at his plants never had any working speeches. Clayers at the enterprises of Smirnov worked mainly from Myshkin, Uglich and Kashinsky villages. In his homeland, not far from Cayerova, on the graveyard Potapovo P. A. Smirnov built the temple of Nicholas of the Wonderworker (not preserved).

In 1896, at the Nizhny Novgorod exhibition P. A. Smirnov, the charm of Nezhinskaya Ryabina was personally submitted by the new Sovereign Nicholas II. Following the exhibition, he was allowed to post the fourth coat of arms on the labels! In 1897, the next gold medal products of Smirnov receives at the exhibition in Stockholm. And the King of Sweden and Norway also erected him into the rank of the supplier of his yard.

Petr Arsenievich Smirnov

Petr Arsenyevich was married three times. The first wife Nadezhda Egorovna (1826 - 1855) was childless. The second - Natalia Alexandrovna, in Maiden Tarakanova (1843 - 1873) gave birth to two sons - Peter (1868 - 1910) and Nikolai (1873 - 1937) and seven daughters: Alexander (1859 - 1860), faith (1861 -?), Natalia (1863 - 1923), Anna (1864 - 1872), Maria (1867 - 1936), Glafira (1869 - 1918/19) and Olga (1871 - 1872). The third wife is Maria Nikolaevna, in MEDVEDEV (1858 - 1899) Daughter Alexander (1877 - 1950) and Three Sons: Vladimir (1875 - 1934), Sergey (1885 - 1907) and Alexey (1889 - 1922).

In 1893, Peter Arsenyevich filed a petition for the approval of the Charter of the Verka Plant, which was satisfied. Smirnov introduced his sons into the case, while none of them could take advantage of his pays before reaching the 35-year-old age. Therefore, the first two years after the death of P. A. Smirnova, the partnership enterprise worked successfully.

Introduction In 1897, the state monopoly on the production of vodka has already laid a minor of a slow-down action under the "Empire of Smirnova". In 1901, the profit of the partnership disastrously fell. In 1902, the emergency meeting of shareholders decided to eliminate the partnership. All the movable and immovable property of the plant, estimated at 3.24 million rubles, was redeemed by three senior brothers - Peter, Nikolai and Vladimir, who in 1903 created a trading house "Peter, Nikolai and Vladimir Petrovich Smirnov, which trading under the Firm P. A. Smirnova in Moscow. "

During two years Peter Petrovich bought the shares of the brothers and from January 1, 1905 became the only owner of the plant. He represented his products at exhibitions in Milan (1906) and Bordeaux (1907), where he also received gold medals, but it was not possible to straighten the financial situation, neither by him nor the company Evgenia Ilinnin in 1910.

Other Sons Peter Arsenyevich found more interesting classes than wine-vodka production. Sergey Petrovich published the newspaper "Morning", Alexey Petrovich He graduated from Sorbonne, he knew five languages, wrote children's stories, composed music. Nikolai Petrovich Life was lived in feasts and merchants - only in 1912 he was finally cooled and instead of Kokotok took up horses. All the Smirnov brothers owned in Moscow with profitable houses: Alexey belonged to the whole right side of the Small Nestsovsky Lane, Sergey had houses at Dolgorukovsky, on the Garden Ring, on Petrovka, on the Big Ward, shop on the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, Vladimir Petrovich He owned several houses, including - on a samotane street, a silk in Moscow. He was seriously fond of breeding race horses, was a recognized authority in this area. Vladimir married Maria Gavrilovna Shushpanova, but in 1901, having acquainted with actress Alexander Pavlovna Nikitina, left the first wife and entered into a new marriage. Soon he had a son Vladimir (1901 - 1960s). But in 1911, Vladimir Pavlovich began an affair with the actress of the operetta Valentina Pionkovskaya, and he left the second wife, leaving her a huge profitable house on a samotane street.

1914 turned out for the company Smirnova Catastrophe: after the beginning of the war, a dry law was introduced in the country. At the factory, some time tried to produce vinegar and refreshments, but it was already agony. And in 1918, all the property of Smirnov was nationalized. Evgenia Ilinichna immediately after the October coup was married to the Italian consul de la Valle Ricci and left him abroad. Her son of Arseny remained in Moscow, worked as an ordinary employee in some offices.

From the thirteen children of Peter Arsenyevich before the onset of the Bolsheviks did not live in five: Alexander and Olga died in infancy, Anna - at the six-year-old age, Sergey - in 1907, Peter - in 1910. The fates of the rest of Smirnovy after the revolution were different.

Natalia Petrovna It was married to the representative of the famous Moscow merchant race Konstantin Petrovich Bakhrushin (1856 - 1938) - his cousin Alexei Alexandrovich founded the theater museum in Moscow, which now carries his name. Konstantin Petrovich was a member of the board of "Aleksey Bakhrushin's Sukonnoy Manufactory of Alexey Bakhrushin", the vowels of the Moscow City Duma, the co-owner of the Aquarium Theater, the Church of the Church of Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is in the blacksmiths, a member of all sorts of societies and boards. At the corner of Novokuznetsk Street and the 1st Novokuznetsk Lane, the Bakhrushini was a luxurious house rebuilt in the eclectic style. Natalia Petrovna and Konstantina Petrovich had three daughters and son Peter. Natalia Petrovna helped her husband in charity affairs, led by women's craft courses at home free apartments. After the revolution, everything went as shock. The house of Bakhrushina selected, since 1933 it occupies the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office.

The youngest daughter of Bakhrushina - Nina Konstantinovna (1892 - 1966) in 1914 became the civil wife of the famous Russian aviator Boris Semenovich Maslenikov. In the spring of 1918, she graduated from the University of General Literature and Inoyas. Worked in various organizations in Moscow, and in 1926 moved to Novosibirsk, where Boris Maslennikov was previously expelled "as a socially harmful element." In Siberia, Boris Semenovich paved the first airways, found landing platforms, instructed people to receive aircraft, organized the first airfields. But NKVD did not forget about him: in August 1938 Boris arrested. In the indictment it was said: "I systematically spent among those around the anti-Soviet campaign, distributed slander on the heads of the party and the Soviet government, praised the enemies of the people of Trotskyists ... he did not recognize themselves." The sentence is 8 years of camps. Boris Semenovich returned only in 1946, wondering all the time from call to call. A year later, he died of cancer.

Maria Petrovna I was married twice, for the first time - for the merchant-challenge Peter Alekseevich Rastorguev, in the second - for the famous lawyer, a deputy of the State Duma, one of the organizers of the Cadet Party, Mikhail Gerasimovich Commissioner, who was also one of the main shareholders depositors of the Moscow Art Theater and a member of his board. In Moscow, M. G. Komissarov had several income homes, in the Vladimir province - a glass plant. In 1918, having lost all over the state, the Commissioners went to work in the MHT managers, later an assistant accountant, and then became the secretary of the Board. His twice arrested the CC, and once - for communication with N. A. Berdyaev. For liberation, after the second arrest, the assistance of Mkhatovs was required. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Stanislavsky and Moskvin on May 18, 1920, turned to the Moscow CC Presidium with a request to resolve "Take on the orders of the arrested assistant to theater accountant M. G. Komissarov ... It is necessary to conclude reporting for the past season and immediately proceed to drafting the estimates for the upcoming season ... M . G. Komissarov is the only assistant accountant - an extremely necessary employee. " In the first marriage, Mary Petrovna had three children (the commissars of all adopted them), in the second - five. Three sons became actors. Sergey (1891 - 1963) served in Mkate, during the tour of the theater in France met there with Uncle Vladimir Petrovich. In the 20s, after the tour, Kachalova troupe remained playing German in Prague troupe. Then returned to the USSR, served in theaters of Omsk, Ivanov, Kineshmas, Rostov-on-Don and later - in the Volkovo theater in Yaroslavl. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1947). Gerasim (1900 - 1973) was an actor of the Volkovsky Theater. Alexander (1904 - 1975) From 1925, until the end of his life, he consisted in the MCAT troupe, in the play "Turbine Days", which Stalin loved so much, played the Niccus turbine. In the film "Circus" performed the role of the designer-fan of the Shurika Schurika. From 1954 he was a professor at the MCAT Studio School. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1943), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1948).

Glafira Petrovna In 1890, married to the chocolate manufacturer Alexander Alekseevich Abrikosova (1869 - 1937). They had six children: Kirill (1894 - 1972) - in 1950-1960 - the responsible secretary of the Old Believer Archbishopath; Agrippina (1895 - 1896); Igor (1896 - 1952) - teacher of the Air Force Academy. N. E. Zhukovsky; Alexander (1903 - 1961) - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Author of Books on Mechanical Engineering; Agrippina (1904 - 1922); Vladimir (1905 - 1936) - repressed. Spouses apricot broke up before the revolution.

Alexandra Petrovna In his youth, I was in love with the Moscow Handsman Vasily Vasilyevich Bostyzhoglo, the son of tobacco manufacturer. And married to the sugar and textile manufacturer of Markamian Nikanorovich Borisovsky, who himself was so in love with Alexander, which forgave her the connection with Bostyzhoglo, adopting their illegitimate son. Vadim Vasilyevich Borisovsky (1900 - 1972) became a famous musician, the founder of the Altist School in Russia. Winner of the Stalin Prize I degree (1946), Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965). From 1925 - teacher, from 1935 - Professor of the Moscow Conservatory. His father Vasily Bostagzhoglo already in 1929 was accused of hydration and sent to the north edge. From this time, the NKVD did not release it from the view. He was arrested several times, the last - in 1950 in Rostov-great. The Yaroslavl Regional Court sentenced him to a 10-year conclusion. On May 2, 1953, V. V. Bostagzhoglo died in the camp.

Vladimir Petrovich At first, it snuck out to the south, fought in the White Army, got into the books of the CC, where he was taken out several times on staged execution. Then from the Crimea with the troops of Wrangel moved to Constantinople. Wandered around Europe - Sofia, Lviv, Prague, Paris. In these cities, he tried to revive family vodka business, but did not have success. In the end, I sold a license to the manufacture of liquor-vodka products former partner of Smirnovy Rudolf Semenovich Knetsky, who already lived in America and changed the surname to Colluth. But in America, then the vodka was almost never drank, and then there was still a dry law. And, having been glad, Colluth sold for ten years a license to NEUBLEIN from Connecticut, providing himself with interest from the production of the product. In France, Vladimir married the third time - on Tatiana Alexandrovna Maksheva. He died on August 24, 1934 in Nice.

Son Vladimir Petrovich - Vladimir Vladimirovich lived with his family in Moscow, in the house, once belonged to his father, and then - Mother Alexander Pavlovna. The eight-room apartment, which was occupied by Smirnov to the revolution, constructed and turned into a communal service. In total, it was settled 35 people, and Smirnov with the whole member of them in the same room: Vladimir and his wife and Pavlovna twins, Alexander Pavlovna with her sister and her daughter. Before War, Vladimir Vladimirovich was arrested and sentenced to shooting, but he was replaced by a camp for a camp. After liberation, I lived in Orsk, where he married again, then in Tver.

Alexey Petrovich He was married to Tatiana Andrianovna Mukhanova (1892 - 1981), which, according to some information, was in the family of Smirnovy Economy. As they say, after marriage all their affairs, he entrusted her. Alexey Petrovich died in 1922 from chest toad.

How was the further life of Nikolai Petrovich and Vera Petrovna (she was married to Ivan Nikolayevich Chekalin) - unknown.

Now about fifty descendants of Peter Arsenyevich Smirnova live in Moscow. Boris Alekseevich Smirnov, great-grandfather Alexey Petrovich, the great energetic of them: In the early 1990s, he showed the initiative and registered the enterprise "P. A. Smirnov and descendants in Moscow", and then organized the production of vodka under the famous brand. Most other descendants are not approved by the initiative of Boris Alekseevich and even quarreled with him.

In Myshkin, there is a museum of Peter Arsenyevich Smirnov.

On the facade of this stone four-story house, a large inscription "Smirnov Peter Arsenyevich and Sons" was concerned.
On the ground floor there were a wine shop, office and dining room.
In the second and third, residential owners were located.
In the extensions there were rooms for employees and a warehouse

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Petr Arsenievich Smirnov (1831-1898) - Russian entrepreneur, vodka king of Russia,
founder and director of the highest approved partnership Peter Arsenievich Smirnova (in Moscow),
the supplier of the courtyards of his imperial majesty and its imperial highness of the Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich.
He enjoyed honor, he was granted high titles and orders - Anna, Stanislav, Vladimir.
He had a prestigious house on Pyatnitskaya, a rich crew and a big family: five sons and seven daughters.
Born in the family of fortress Myshkin County, Yaroslavl province.
Having received free, led to Moscow, where in 1860 he opened a small wine shop with 9 employees.
Three years later, in 1863, built in Moscow at the Ovchinnikovskaya embankment, in a cast-iron bridge, a small vodka plant, where no more than 25 people were employed in 1864.

The plant immediately began to produce high quality goods and its products found fast and widespread.
The principle of the plant is "to give the best, produce products from the first-class Russian material and do not regret the means and costs for the improved production devices."

In 1873, the goods were noted at the World Exhibition in Vienna.

In 1882, at the All-Russian art and industrial exhibition in Moscow for excellent quality purified wine,
as well as excellent vodka, emphasis and liqueurs, for the development of production, at 250 workers,
and for improving the production of vodka factory P. A. Smirnova, in Moscow,
the right of the image of the state coat of arms was awarded.

List of awards awarded to the highest approved partnership Peter Arsenyevich Smirnova:
1873 - Honor Diploma in Vienna.
1876 \u200b\u200b- Medal of the highest award in Philadelphia.
1877 - State coat of arms.
1878 - two gold medals in Paris.
1882 - State coat of arms at the All-Russian art and industrial exhibition in Moscow.
1886 - supplier to the court of his imperial majesty and the state coat of arms.
1888 - Spanish Order St. Isabella and Gold Medal in Barcelona.
1889 - Big Gold Medal in Paris.
1893 - Big Gold Medal in Chicago.
1896 - supplier to the court of his imperial highness of the Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich.
1896 - repetition of the right of the image of the state coat of arms at the All-Russian industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod.
1897 - Gold medal at an industrialized art exhibition in Stockholm.

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Born in the family of fortress peasants Arseny Alekseevich and Matrena Grigorievna Smirnovy in a tiny village of Kaiurovo. All the inhabitants were engaged in seizure fishery, and as soon as Peter had gone, he went to Moscow to earn money, where he began to earn a sex in taverns.

In 1857, Father Arseny received "free" for himself and the older sons of Yakov and Peter. In the spring of 1858, they left the village to Moscow, going to open the wine shop and join merchants.

In 1860, the Rensky Cellar of Arseny and Peter Smirnovy - by the name of the cheapest white grape wine with sour taste. Peter worked as a father in the bench. It is said that he liked one of the buyers - Baryna, who gave him a lottery ticket. The ticket was winning. In the same 1860, Peter Smirnov buys another Renskoy cellar for this money and becomes the Moscow merchant of the Third Guild. Its Renskoy cellar was located near the cast-iron bridge near the Balchuga, where the first Russian "Tsarev Kabak" was located.

In 1863, the first plant of Peter Smirnov on the Ovchinnikovskaya embankment at the cast-iron bridge, where 9 workers work and all products consist of several wine barrels.

In 1864, more than 25 people already operate in production. Production grew and soon Peter Smirnov acquired an angular house on Pyatnitskaya Street. This house was drawn on labels and became a signature sign of the Factory of Peter Smirnov. At the beginning of the seventies, more than 70 workers were already working at the plant, and the merchant Peter Arsenievich Smirnov entered the first guild.

In 1873, Peter Smirnov took part in the international industrial exhibition in Vienna - where he was unanimously recognized as the best manufacturer, was awarded an honorary diploma and a medal of the exhibitor.

In 1876, the next height of recognition of product quality at the World Industrial Exhibition was conquered in Philadelphia. Big Philadelphian medal began to decorate the labels of all Smirnovsky bottles. As part of this success in 1877, the Ministry of Finance of Russia honored the products of Peter Smirnov by the state coat of arms, giving the right to post it on labels.

In 1878, its products won 2 gold medals in Paris. In 1882, at the All-Russian art and industrial exhibition in Moscow with a whole collection of lyckers, tinctures, vodka, his plant was awarded the right of the image of the state coat of arms.

In 1886, Peter Smirnov became the supplier of the courtyard of his imperial Majesty - in the imperial papers, the title "Moscow merchant Peter Smirnov is awarded to the title of supplier of the highest courtyard. Gatchina, November 22, 1886. " He was also awarded the Order of Stanislav III degree, which gave the right to hereditary honorary citizenship.

In the 90s, production has grown, the number of workers has increased to one and a half thousand: factory, fifteen warehouses, 4 lithographs for printing labels and labels, seven glass plants. Up to 200, the supply took orders every day throughout Moscow, and more than 700 people were engaged in harvesting berries and herbs. Peter Smirnov's activities annually brought the execution of the excise tax about 5,000,000 rubles a year, and in all the time the existence of Smirnovsky factories in the treasury more than 30 million for almost 30 years.

1888 - Gold Medal in Barcelona and Spanish Order St. Isabella. According to the nominal imperial decree, "for his own Majesty's own signing" he was granted the general title of a commercial adviser;

1889 - Big Gold Medal in Paris;

1893 - Big Gold Medal in Chicago;

1896 - supplier of the courtyard of his imperial highness of the Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich. In the same year, repeating the rights of the image of the state coat of arms at the All-Russian industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod.

1897 - Gold medal at an industrialized art exhibition in Stockholm.

Peter Arsenievich Smirnov became one of the richest people in Russia, it was estimated at 8.7 million rubles. He died in 1898 in Moscow and was buried on Pyatnitsky Cemetery.

His motto was - "Give the best, produce products from first-class material and not to regret the means and costs for improved production apparatus."

Vodka has long become one of the national drinks of Russia - and not so much because of folk love, but thanks to the efforts of entrepreneurs. One of the largest producers of Russian vodka - - was primarily a talented seller. The original Russian drink in the form in which we know it is created in many ways due to its skillful marketing. continues a series of publications about the businessmen of the Russian Empire.

Nephew of the most honest rules

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Russia embraced a wave of strikes. Extraordinary popularity has acquired revolutionary ideas that offered to lose the reset of capital and take away the factors from the bourgeois. At Morozov and Putylov enterprises arranged strikes, but there were companies whose employees did not participate in riots and worked as if nothing had happened.

Such enterprises included factories and warehouses of the Smirnov family - the heirs of the vodka king Peter Arsenievich Smirnov. The workers of Smirnovsky factories are not because of what was to be used: the "happy working - effective working" rule, introduced by the founder of the company, was carried out even after his death.

At the plants of alcoholic magnate, they were well paid, the workers were built by good housing and hospitals, and the fines for misconduct were low (despite the fact that other manufacturers often rigid their employees hard). So it did not happen in the entire history of Smirnov's business not a single strike.

The history of the famous brand began with the fact that in 1811 to the Moscow merchant Korchakhin, who trading in overseas wines, received the service of Arseny's brothers and Jacob Alekseev (that is, Alexei's sons) from the village of Kaiurovo Myshkinsky County of Yaroslavl province. They were serfs and worked out the lifts for their barin. According to the Decree of Peter I from 1718, the residentialination was replaced by a submail. Since then, the so-called waste has been spread - the peasants left the villages and villages to the city to earn live money for her landowner.

In 1816, the younger brother Ivan was added to the two Alekseev. It is thanks to his commercial resident that the brothers not only worked for the landowner, but also began to earn money for themselves. 11 years after the arrival of Ivan, the brothers Alekseev have already traded themselves independently, and in 1837 they bought themselves and their relatives from the landowner. Together with the free they received the right to the name of Smirnov. Ivan Alekseevich was the most talented in the family and ordered a family business.

In 1840, he bought from his distant relative, the merchant Yakovleva, the Rensk cellar (that is, a shop selling Rhine wines) on the barbart. Two years later, Arzeny's brother asked to take a 16-year-old son Yakov in the shop of his 16-year-old son, and his younger son Peter, who was only 15 years old moved to Moscow. Having taught the junior nephew, the merchant of the first guild of Smirnov from Barbarka, as he was called, did not assume that he had a dangerous competitor. Working on Uncle, Peter Arsenyevich thoroughly studied the features of wines, grape varieties, storage secrets and, of course, sell art.

In 1860, on the initiative of Peter, who was already 29, his father Arseny Alekseevich came out of the family business and opened his own shop. The partners brothers turn into competitors' brothers: from the barbarticle against the Arches of Smirnov from the cast-iron bridge.

Clean product

As for the actual vodka, the production of it as a separate business is the merit of Petra Smirnov. In the XVIII century, vodka was extremely homely. The landowners did their spirits - each in their recipe, the distillation from 1716 was exclusively noble privilege. The distillation of alcohol, used in Europe from the XIV century, was unknown by the Russian. Purified by vodka with natural animal proteins. According to the historian Cooking William Pokhlebkin, on the "six buckets of Vodka of the first race, there were at least one bucket of milk or by half the egg proteins." Moreover, vodka were only flavored - with additives of spicy herbs, berries, fruits or seeds.

In the XIX century, the production of alcohol production based on potato raw materials penetrate. It significantly reduced the cost of production and has become a threat to Russian vodka. Just in the 60s of the XIX century, when Arseny and Peter Smirnov only unfolded the case, in Western provinces began to move with grain vodka to potato. But the cheap potato was lowered low-quality and contained a lot of sigh oil and impurities. Once, tasted such bad vodka, Arseny said: "It's time to do your own, Smirnovskaya!" His son Peter dedicated her life to this.

From January 1, 1863, the spooky system for selling alcohol, which caused discontent and led to Kabatak Buntam, was replaced by excise tax. The excise tax was collected from volumes, from quantity, with the quality of accumulated alcohol and for trade. In the same year, Peter Arsenyevich opens his first vodka shop on the Ovchinnikovskaya embankment. It worked there at first nine people who produced just a dozen barrels. Called Vodka "Smirnovskaya".

The first thing that I paid the attention of Smirnov is the quality of products, but also did not forget to increase the client base. For example, I saved the regions of the Kabaki so that they were asked from the owners, if "Smirnovka". And since the client is interested - it means that you need to buy. A few months later I had to hire 25 people, but even they did not cope with orders. The growth was too turbulent. Employees persuaded Smirnov to grow sales, slightly reduce the requirements for technology, but the owner was adamant: to reduce the quality was not allowed under any kind.

As in the best houses

During the expansion of production, Peter Arsenyevich literally lived at the factory. He bought a house on Pyatnitskaya, who went to the Ovchinnikovskaya embankment, there was a shop on his first floor - thus the host housing, production and sale were focused in one place. Soon this house at the cast-iron bridge was placed on the label "Smirnovka" so that any illiterate man could understand where to buy vodka. The revolutions grew, vodka was objectively better in the market, and Smirnov in 1869 filed a petition for the recognition of his company supplier of his imperial majesty. Such a step regarding the young merchant was considered at the courtyard arrogance, and the petition was rejected.

To establish yourself, the entrepreneur engaged in public activities: he became an agent of the Committee on the Committee to Almighty on the Friday Part. It was a state body formed to combat beggar and vagnetation. Among his goals was "finding funds to a reliable placement and a possible benefit of the first and active measures to turn the latter from the festival to work honest and useful", as well as the charity and raising homeless children.

As a result of commercial efforts, and, as it is now called, Peter Smirnov's social responsible behavior becomes a famous person. In 1871, he is a merchant of the first guild (although significantly later than his competitor, Uncle Ivan). According to the example of Smirnova, other manufacturers also began to produce nominal vodka. In 1873, Peter Arsenyevich sent his vodka to the International Industrial Exhibition in Vienna. It looked like the same hemp as a petition for the recognition by the supplier of the royal court, but "Smirnovka" was not separated there in sins, and on the contrary - awarded a medal and an honorary diploma. Its quality has become internationally recognized.

Then Smirnov's vodka received the highest award at the exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876, and in two years later, a real Furior was produced in Paris. After the Philadelphia exhibition, he allowed Smirnov to put the state coat of arms on the labels - as a sign of the highest achievement of the Russian industry.

By the end of the 70s, revenues from sales of "Smirnovka" exceeded 3 million rubles per year - an indicator to which no one could approach the revolution itself. In 1882, Peter Smirnov's products were recognized as the best at the All-Russian exhibition, where the tasters tried blindly, not knowing the manufacturer.

In 1885, Peter again filed a petition about the status of the king supplier. After a whole year of paperwork and consideration, a positive response was received. Alexander III not only assigned a merchant enterprise the status of a yard supplier, but also awarded him the very Order of Stanislav III degree, which also meant the noble rank with the right to transfer him to inheritance. Peter Smirnov honored other monarchy awards for the quality of their products - from the Swedish and Spanish kings.

At the same time, Peter Arsenyevich never lost control over his production, he even personally took part in the development of bottles for different types of vodka. In the 1980s, it worked for up to two thousand workers on him, more than 45 million bottles per year were bottled at its factories. Excisive fees of the Smirnov plant brought 5 million rubles to the treasury annually, by the end of the 90s he controlled 60 percent of the alcohol market of the empire.

The entrepreneur continued to actively engaged in charity: Alexander Mariinsky Women's School, Moscow Eye Hospital, Alekseevskaya Psychiatric Hospital, Moscow Eye Hospital, Alekseevskaya Psychiatric Hospital were built on his money, Moscow Eye Hospital, Society of Military Doctors Society, Sisters Community and other godly institutions.

Vodka and power

Vodka is a very margin product. The cost and price of sale differ in tens of times, so for the state, it has always been a powerful means of attracting money to the budget. But if earlier the authorities were satisfied with the collection of excise taxes, then in the early 1990s of the year ago, the Minister of Finance Sergey Yulievich Witte decided to introduce state monopoly on the cleaning of alcohol and trade with strong drinks.

In 1894, the government patented a product that began to be considered Russian vodka: bread alcohol, rebuilt and diluted with water accurately up to a 40-degree fortress. This "bitty vodka", or the "Caesonka" cost cheaply, and the "branded" vodka laid out large duties. As a result, the sales volume of Smirnov's products fell 15 times.

After the introduction of state monopoly, Peter Arsenyevich lived another four years. The family business was inherited by his sons - Peter, Nikolai, Vladimir, Sergey and Alexey. But they didn't go so well. Then, at the head of the company, Peter Petrovich Smirnov, who turned out to be a fairly successful leader. He died in 1910 by passing the business to his wife.

In 1914, a dry law was introduced, and the enterprise had to move to the production of non-alcoholic beverages. And then the Bolshevik revolution occurred, and in 1918 all enterprises switched to state control. Smirnov emigrated, and in the 1930s, the trademark was sold to foreign businessmen. And this is a separate story.