Preparation of the base under the tile. Proper flooring before laying tiles

You need to lay the tile only after the preparation of the floor will be performed. Make it will not be difficult if you carefully examine the instructions.

Tile should be laid on a solid smooth surface.

After performing the necessary work on the preparation of the floor under the tile, the base must have a smooth surface that will be well clutching with tile coating.

As the basis for mounting tiles from a tile or plastic, a specially prepared surface made from various materials can be used. Installation of tiles on the floor can be carried out on the following types of coatings:

  • cement solution;
  • glue for tile;
  • tile mastic.

Treatment of strength

Materials and tools:

The old floor is dismantled, the base under it is aligned and ground.

  • a hammer;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water.

Floor preparation for tile laying is approximately the same for all types of base. The difference consists only of which the crossing composition will be chosen.

First of all, it is necessary to check whether sufficient strength has reason.If the base is a concrete screed, it is checked for strength.

To do this, the entire surface is closed with a hammer. If the hammer when blows it turns out a ringing sound, the coating is considered high-quality. The concrete solution should not be collapped or damped.

If it turns out that the concrete screed has insufficient strength, it is necessary to remove areas that are trembling with a hammer blow. Neither their place should be pouring a new concrete.

The coating should be smooth

Then check whether the base is sufficiently smooth. In order to be installed the tile, it is necessary that the underlying coating can be smooth on the lumen.

Materials and tools:

  • rule;
  • building level;
  • reiki;

The surface is checked on the lumen with the help of the rule. In this case, a two-meter aluminum rule is used.

Floor diagram under tile.

If the tile will lay on the glue, then the lumen between the rule and the coating should not be more than 3 mm.

When laying on mastic, the lumen should not be more than 4 mm. When laying on a cement solution - 8 mm. All irregularities, defects need to be tagged with chalk.

Then perform the horizontal level of the floor level. The work is performed by a building level having a length of 1.5 m. When measuring, the slope should not be more than 0.2% of the required length. That is, the slope should be not more than 4 mm on the 2nd rule meters.

Such an inspection is carried out if it is necessary to lay a tile with a smooth surface in different rooms. In the event that the laying will be performed in the shower with a slope towards the drain, you need to put a certain thickness rake. At the same time, the horizontally located rule will show the necessary slope.

How to eliminate the irregularities of the base: instruction

Materials and tools:

Wooden floor circuit under tile.

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • primer;
  • boaster;
  • perforator;
  • 3% hydrochloric acid solution;
  • respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • protective gloves;
  • metal brushes.

All protrusions and depressions that were discovered when checking must be eliminated. With the help of the scarpel, you need to remove the protrusions.

The depressions need to be sealing a cement mixture. In the event that the protrusions on the concrete base are very many and large, they are eliminated using a perforator, which is included in the jackhammer mode.

If paint remained on the surface, it must be removed. Various oil spots are eliminated with 3% hydrochloric acid solution or special means.

When processing surfaces with chemicals, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: respirators, gloves, protective glasses. Works must be performed in a well-ventilated room.

After eliminating the irregularities to prepare the floor to laying the tile, it is necessary to seal the joints between the slabs of overlaps and between the walls and the floor. The joints close up M-150 concrete. Before laying a concrete, the surface must be mixed with water.

If the tile surface is going to arrange in the bathroom, then it is necessary to make waterproofing after sealing concrete.

Then the concrete coating must be treated with a metal brush.

Before mounting the tile, the cement screed is ground.

Preparation of wooden floor under the tile

Materials and tools:

  • antiseptic;
  • ruberoid;
  • reinforcement grid;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • microfiber.

How do the preparation of the wooden floor to laying the tile?

The tile can be laid on the base made of wood. For wooden floor, special preparation is needed.

First of all, the wooden coating is treated with antiseptic solution. Then the floor is dried. After that, they are placed on a coating of a tree 2 layer of rubberoid. This is necessary for moisture insulation. Then above the rubberoid layer you need to install a mesh from the reinforcement, which has a hole with a diameter of 10 cm. After that, a cement-sand tie, which adds to the microfiber is added.

You can not put the tile on linoleum and carpet. These coatings are removed. Then remove the remnants of glue. If the floor covered with linoleum has a smooth surface, you can put cement-fibrous plates on it, and then put the tile.

If the tile is going to mount a warm floor to the system, which is covered with a concrete screed, then the system is included for 2 days. Then turn off the system and put the tile.

It is possible to turn on the heat-mall system again 3 days after the seams are sutured.

If the tile is mounted on thermal mats, they are pre-disconnected. Installation is performed without an additional screed device, immediately on glue for tiles, which can be used for a warm floor.

After a solid and thorough preparation of the floor on the above rules, the tile installation is embarked. Thanks to the preparatory work performed according to the instructions, laying the tile will be high-quality, and the tile coating will be durable, reliable and durable.

You need to lay the tile only after the preparation of the floor will be performed. Make it will not be difficult if you carefully examine the instructions.

Tile should be laid on a solid smooth surface.

After performing the necessary work on the preparation of the floor under the tile, the base must have a smooth surface that will be well clutching with tile coating.

As the basis for mounting tiles from a tile or plastic, a specially prepared surface made from various materials can be used. Installation of tiles on the floor can be carried out on the following types of coatings:

  • cement solution;
  • glue for tile;
  • tile mastic.

Treatment of strength

Materials and tools:

The old floor is dismantled, the base under it is aligned and ground.

  • a hammer;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water.

Floor preparation for tile laying is approximately the same for all types of base. The difference consists only of which the crossing composition will be chosen.

First of all, it is necessary to check whether sufficient strength has reason.If the base is a concrete screed, it is checked for strength.

To do this, the entire surface is closed with a hammer. If the hammer when blows it turns out a ringing sound, the coating is considered high-quality. The concrete solution should not be collapped or damped.

If it turns out that the concrete screed has insufficient strength, it is necessary to remove areas that are trembling with a hammer blow. Neither their place should be pouring a new concrete.

The coating should be smooth

Then check whether the base is sufficiently smooth. In order to be installed the tile, it is necessary that the underlying coating can be smooth on the lumen.

Materials and tools:

  • rule;
  • building level;
  • reiki;

The surface is checked on the lumen with the help of the rule. In this case, a two-meter aluminum rule is used.

Floor diagram under tile.

If the tile will lay on the glue, then the lumen between the rule and the coating should not be more than 3 mm.

When laying on mastic, the lumen should not be more than 4 mm. When laying on a cement solution - 8 mm. All irregularities, defects need to be tagged with chalk.

Then perform the horizontal level of the floor level. The work is performed by a building level having a length of 1.5 m. When measuring, the slope should not be more than 0.2% of the required length. That is, the slope should be not more than 4 mm on the 2nd rule meters.

Such an inspection is carried out if it is necessary to lay a tile with a smooth surface in different rooms. In the event that the laying will be performed in the shower with a slope towards the drain, you need to put a certain thickness rake. At the same time, the horizontally located rule will show the necessary slope.

How to eliminate the irregularities of the base: instruction

Materials and tools:

Wooden floor circuit under tile.

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • primer;
  • boaster;
  • perforator;
  • 3% hydrochloric acid solution;
  • respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • protective gloves;
  • metal brushes.

All protrusions and depressions that were discovered when checking must be eliminated. With the help of the scarpel, you need to remove the protrusions.

The depressions need to be sealing a cement mixture. In the event that the protrusions on the concrete base are very many and large, they are eliminated using a perforator, which is included in the jackhammer mode.

If paint remained on the surface, it must be removed. Various oil spots are eliminated with 3% hydrochloric acid solution or special means.

When processing surfaces with chemicals, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: respirators, gloves, protective glasses. Works must be performed in a well-ventilated room.

After eliminating the irregularities to prepare the floor to laying the tile, it is necessary to seal the joints between the slabs of overlaps and between the walls and the floor. The joints close up M-150 concrete. Before laying a concrete, the surface must be mixed with water.

If the tile surface is going to arrange in the bathroom, then it is necessary to make waterproofing after sealing concrete.

Then the concrete coating must be treated with a metal brush.

Before mounting the tile, the cement screed is ground.

Preparation of wooden floor under the tile

Materials and tools:

  • antiseptic;
  • ruberoid;
  • reinforcement grid;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • microfiber.

How do the preparation of the wooden floor to laying the tile?

The tile can be laid on the base made of wood. For wooden floor, special preparation is needed.

First of all, the wooden coating is treated with antiseptic solution. Then the floor is dried. After that, they are placed on a coating of a tree 2 layer of rubberoid. This is necessary for moisture insulation. Then above the rubberoid layer you need to install a mesh from the reinforcement, which has a hole with a diameter of 10 cm. After that, a cement-sand tie, which adds to the microfiber is added.

You can not put the tile on linoleum and carpet. These coatings are removed. Then remove the remnants of glue. If the floor covered with linoleum has a smooth surface, you can put cement-fibrous plates on it, and then put the tile.

If the tile is going to mount a warm floor to the system, which is covered with a concrete screed, then the system is included for 2 days. Then turn off the system and put the tile.

It is possible to turn on the heat-mall system again 3 days after the seams are sutured.

If the tile is mounted on thermal mats, they are pre-disconnected. Installation is performed without an additional screed device, immediately on glue for tiles, which can be used for a warm floor.

After a solid and thorough preparation of the floor on the above rules, the tile installation is embarked. Thanks to the preparatory work performed according to the instructions, laying the tile will be high-quality, and the tile coating will be durable, reliable and durable.

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The most common type of bathroom or kitchen finish is a tile. The relative simplicity of its laying, hygiene and durability is recognized by everyone. Such a coating does not absorb moisture, it is easy to clean and care if the correct waterproofing is made, it does not pass water to the lower floors, in case of leakage. But the preparation of the floor to laying the tile requires care and scrupulusity.

The only lack of tile-high-cost preparatory work and its laying. Therefore, so that there was no need to redo all the work, you need to properly conduct preparatory work. The basic requirements for the base that the tile is stacked is the horizontal surface and its evenness.

You should also track moisture in the workplace, and also make sure that the surface is well succeeded before laying.

Preparation of floors to laying the tile depends on their structure, often the tile is placed on the cement base, but there are cases when the floors are covered with plywood, vinyl or old tile.

Advantages of a flat surface

General requirements for the surface of any type for laying tile - its horizontal. Preparation of the floor under the tile requires to align the floor before the production of work. The device is smooth and smooth screed ensures that the tile will be laid correctly. It can be said that the smooth floor is the basis of success. In addition, it will give:

  • Great economy of adhesive composition.
  • Reducing the time to lay the tile.
  • High quality work.
  • Larger life of the tiled floor.

The average size of the flow of adhesive for laying the tile, depending on the brand and the manufacturer of the adhesive mixture, is from 4 to 5 kg of solution per square meter. m. These norms apply if the laying is made on top of a smooth screed.

Below we give the options, as the floor preparation should be prepared depending on the coating. But the general rule should be observed for all types of floors - the surface of the screed on which it is planned to put a tile should be well cleaned, especially in the bathroom, where the increased strength of the floors is required. This can be achieved by taking advantage of:

  • grinding machines or just grinding circle;
  • abrasive powder or mixture;
  • various scraper tools.

Preparation of cement plate under the tile

In cases where ceramics have to be placed on a cement screed, for example, in the bathroom, it should be carefully examined and make sure that there are no large elbows and cracks. Such defects inevitably lead to the destruction of the tile, so it should be started to eliminate the revealed irregularities and cracks. Applying chemicals for cleaning the cement surface is not worth it, since chemistry can affect glue that you will make facing.

By its structure, concrete bases are very convenient for covering the cafeter, you should only not forget, before laying to align the surface by level. Horizontality should be withstanding very strictly, deviations should be minimized. By pouring the floor with a special self-leveling mixture, you can achieve a screed alignment and improve the floor structure by achieving its smoothness.

In cases where you make a cement base yourself, it should be remembered that for construction regulations it is necessary to withstand cement floors about four weeks before finishing them by any coating. Accelerate the fixation of the cement base with special means is also not recommended, since such compositions may not be combined with adhesive solutions for the tile. It is possible to pave an insulating layer on a cement coating, it will protect the tiled surface from possible cracks. At the same time, the tile laying is made only using cement-based solutions.

There are cement grounds for which the laying of the tile is not recommended, especially in the bathroom. It is a cement surface with additives for rapid solidification. Such additives create a film on a cement base and complicate tile laying. The presence of such additives in cement is determined by applying a few drops of water to the verified surface. If the drops remained on cement with balls, and not spread over the surface, this indicates the presence of the above-mentioned additives in cement.

Preparation of plywood base

Preparation of wooden floor under the tile is not a very common phenomenon. The generally accepted view of the builders states that plywood base is poorly suitable for styling the tile, because it does not have sufficient strength and stability. If plywood bends under the weight of the tile, it can crack in the process of operation. If you still do not have other options, except, put the tile on the plywood, then its thickness should be at least 28 millimeters and put the plywood, follows a sufficiently durable frame.

Since a very smooth surface is required for durable adjustment of the tile, then the Faneur needs to be objected additionally. In rooms with high humidity - bathroom and toilets, it is recommended to apply over the plywood of an insulating layer in the form of a screed. Such a coating compensates for the deformation of the wooden base under the influence of humidity and temperature in the bathroom and the kitchen.

Preparation of the base with an existing ceramic coating

If in the bathroom or in the kitchen is the old tile, then there are two options for laying a new coating:

  1. I cut the old tile, after which they put a new one.
  2. We put a new finish on top of the existing on the cement solution.

In the first case, there is a hard and painstaking work, while if the base remains uneven after removing the old coating, it will be necessary to align the floor by making a cement screed.

When applying the second option, do not forget to check how the height of the floor changes relative to doors and cabinets. So that the new tile joins well with the old one, the latter should be treated by Eatak, giving it a surface some roughness.

What to do with old linoleum

Experienced builders strongly recommend removing old linoleum coatings, even if they are firmly glued to the floor. It should be deleted with the remnants of glue, especially asbestos. Old vinyl coatings often contain this very harmful material for the body. Asbestos must be completely removed from the floor surface, it is better to entrust professionals.

In some cases, it is possible on top of the linoleum to carry out a screed device then with a cement-based adhesive, you can glue the tile to the floor. At the same time, check carefully compatibility of the tile glue with a cement coating, which was put on top of the vinyl base.

Preparation of the surface.
The first stage of any finish is the preparation of the working surface. This work is especially responsible. After all, for efficient installation of tiles, for example, a perfectly flat surface is needed.
Many continue to work on the old manner - to take the walls or floors as the basis. At the same time, the straight plane is achieved due to various layers of tile glue. And sometimes it is justified. However, nevertheless, the preliminary alignment of the basic basis gives undeniable advantages:
1. Absolute no emptiness under tile;
2.Mong acceleration of the styling process;
3. Stabilization of quality of work.
Before starting the alignment of the floor, it must be carefully cleaned from dirt, dust and fats, and then process to. Of course, the primer must be fascinated.
A very reliable primer is PVA glue, diluted with water. It should be applied to the floor, just pouring puddles and accelerating them with a wide spatula.
It is necessary to mention that the ideal surface alignment can be achieved only by mounting a cement-sand screed by installing beacons. However, as a rule, the screed is not made with a thickness of less than two centimeters, otherwise it will be unreliable. And this means the inevitability of the appearance of an unpleasant step. In addition, if the surface is not too curve, then the screed is not needed at all.
It is believed that the tile must be glued exclusively by level. However, this is not the case, and with a minimum deviation, you can at all forget. By the way, the visual alignment of the floor, as a rule, leads to almost the perfect, in this plan, result.
In addition, the use of self-leveling mixtures is also not recommended. After all, they are even a needle roller, which repeats all the bugs and the depressions on the surface. Sometimes, after such an alignment, they grab the head. Although this method is quite suitable for linoleum, and sometimes under the laminate.
The most reliable tool is the plaster rule. And what it is longer, the quality of work will be higher. Thanks to him, the layer of the mixture used in alignment will be minimal. And in many places - is almost equal to zero. This work is called with alignment to the rule, but it is the meaning of it in order to stick with the beatings (zeros).
As practice shows, the most successful mixture for alignment of the floor is a cement-based tile glue. It is durable and has excellent adhesion. And its elasticity determines the application of the finest layers. But to accelerate the setting into it it is necessary to add a handful of any gypsum mixture. In addition, the presence of gypsum makes a mixless mixture. The main thing is not to overdo it, as it will weaken the solution. The consistency should be like a thick kefir.

Achieve this by the following actions:
1. The starting corner of the room is poured a lane of a mixture with a rule with a rule and a width of centimeters 30. Of course, the approximate layer thickness is already necessary to keep in the head;
Before the fill, it is necessary to "shoot" the surface to the rule and mark the bumps, thus understood, thereby the thickness of the layer.

2. The right rule is tightened to this puddle in a predetermined direction. Stretching the mixture to the place where it is necessary to pour again, the rule is unfolded and lead in the opposite direction;

3. Recovering the previous procedure for a couple of times and eliminating the maximum emission and sink, the same method is added to the mixture;
No need to fear scratches and small shells. They are eliminated by the second layer. And in general, for mounting the tile, the surface should be not smooth, but even.

4. After the wall to the wall, it is necessary to shift in the side, as far as the length of the plaster rule will allow. And repeat the previous process;
5. By holding the entire room in one direction, it is necessary to give a mixture to grab. With the right ratio of the components, it takes place for an hour;
After that, everything is repeated again, only the direction of movement is taken perpendicular to the previous one;
Working in a small and non-polygonal room, these two layers of the mixture are poured and smoothed in just a couple of hours, taking into account the time of setting;
Before laying the tile, the floors should dry in order to gain strength. Twelve hours, basically enough. Further processing consists only in scraping from the surface of various influx and "burrs". This is done with a wide spatula without much effort.
As a rule, two passes in perpendicular directions are enough. But to improve the result, you can stretch the floors again. Especially if the base surface was sufficiently uneven.
Many try to primer everything. However, the most effective tile installation technology eliminates the need to primer the prepared surface.

Since during construction or repair it is almost impossible to achieve even, without slope and flaws (slots or tubercles) of the surface on which the floor covering will be mounted, the builders are used by the cement-sand mixture. This layer is called a tie of the floor.

How to prepare the surface under the screed? To do this, you need to perform a number of consecutive work:

  1. prepare the surface;
  2. lay hydro and sound insulation;
  3. carry out the markup of the base under the lighthouses;
  4. install lighthouses.

Preparation of the foundation

For high-quality screed, it is necessary to prepare a good foundation on which it will lie. When repairing the floor, the old screed is better removed. From time and operation, cracks appear on it, chips, potholes. Accelerates the process of destruction of the ceramzit, which in the homes of the Soviet construction under it fell asleep - the appeal over time is compacted, forming voids under a cement tie, which is almost impossible to repair.

The increase in the cost of the work when replacing the floor will turn out the savings subsequently, when it is not necessary to deal with everything among the service life of the new flooring again due to the deformation of the screed.

The old base of the floor is removed using a perforator. Concrete overlap is cleaned of garbage and dust. After that it is desirable to spend it and make a wet wipe. All damage to the overlap, chips and peeling are cleaned. Cracks, seams and surface damage are close to thick cement mortar.

It should be remembered that the cement mortar to concrete without prior preparation of the base will not fall. He just lasts after a while.

Therefore, the places of damage to concrete and seams are ground. Small cracks are expanded with a scalpel or perforator, otherwise they do not lose the solution.

Primer concrete

Repair of damage in overlappings and seams, and then the primer of the entire surface is carried out using:

  • cement milk;
  • water;
  • special primer (Cerezite Art 17).

For reference: Other types of factory primer or more expensive, or their quality is lower, or, as "Wetonite", have a small shelf life.

In detail, the technology of laying screed on the ceramzite is considered in the materials: "" and "".

Dry concrete will pull water from the cement-sand mixture and will break the chemical process of soaring cement. In addition, the primer binds dust particles and creates a film that improves the mutual adhesion of concrete and cement mortar.

Cement milk is obtained at a mixture of cement with water in a 1: 2 ratio. And cement milk, and water recoverable places are wetting 2-3 times, but without the formation of puddles. It is desirable to accelerate the saturation of pore moisture with a painting brush. For this brush, the primer is actively rubbed into the concrete. The repair solution is applied to the wet surface (wet on the wet) and thoroughly rubs.

The primer with the help of "milk" is much more effective than wetting with water. The cement contained in it penetrates together with water in the pores of concrete and improves the process of compounding the cement mortar with the repaired base.

Special primers penetrate overlap in repaired places and crystallized there, overlapping the outflow of water from the solution. On the surface of the penetration, they form small scales, providing the grip of the patchball with concrete.

Installation of floors in St. Petersburg and Moscow in the houses of the pre-war construction has one feature - there are no concrete slabs of the overlap. An interhesive overlap is made by powerful metal brands. Therefore, the preparation of the base under the screed in such houses begins with sucks between the beams of the ceramzite, to which the cement mortar is applied.

Ceramzite base

Ceramzite - light, porous material. Ecologicaly clean. It is used for heat and sound insulation, as well as a filler of spaces, to reduce loads on the bearing elements of the building.

Prior to frustration, the base of the interhesion is covered with polyethylene film, braziness, (thickness is 100 microns or more) or other waterproofing material. The seams glue with scotch. In the walls, the film is stacked above the floor mark.

Lighthouses are installed. Fucking the ceramzite and the long rail is equal to the surface, not allowing its exceeding over beacons. The leveled layer of claympsite is fixed in this position using cement milk, which will prevent the shift of the clamzite granules when laying a screed.

Screeds in individual houses or cottages are carried out on the ground or in the black floor.

Soil base

The soil is cleaned of vegetation and is aligned. It is embanked by claympsit, the thickness above the foundation is at least 5 cm, so as to provide thermal insulation and a layer of sand 10-15 cm. The resulting surface is wetted with water and tram, for a dense shrinkage. This is the cheapest way to prepare for a screed, not inferior to more expensive options.

Wood floor base (black floor)

The wooden floor used to base the screed must match the number of criteria:

  • do not have rotted boards;
  • be tightly attached to lags;
  • do not contain traces of glue, fat and paints;
  • do not creak;
  • do not fade.

Disadvantages are easily eliminated. The preparation of the floor to the pouring of the screed comes down to replacing rotten and flexing boards. Eliminate dirty spots with detergents or by grinding (planer). Scripping boards are additionally attached to lags. Places of possible leakage of the solution (under plinths near the walls, gaps that dropped the bitch) are sealed with parquet spacing based on wood dust or oil paint mixed with sawdust in a 1: 4 ratio.

Important: Water-soluble putty does not apply, since it is able to collapse under the action of moisture of the solution.

Plinths are removed. A thin rail is put on their place. The gaps between the rail and the floor are closed with putty. After the slash device, the rake is removed, and the remaining gap between the wall and the floor will serve to ventilate the space under the floor, which will prevent the boarding of the boards and the lag. After laying the flooring closes the plinth.

The next step in the preparation of the base for laying is hydro and noise insulation. Waterproofing issues are detailed in operation: ".


Conducting construction or repair work on the floor of the floor, many identify waterproofing work with the installation of damper tape. Yes, the ribbon performs partially the role of the sound and waterproofer, but only in the place of the connection of the wall and floor. Protection of floor bases from moisture from the basement or flowing in rooms with high humidity (bathrooms) it does not provide.

Important: Waterproofing the base of the floor is required in individual houses without basement. Capillary moisture and evaporation of water from the soil under the building destroy the base, and the tie, and the floor itself. The problem is aggravated if the moisture has an aggressive (acid or alkaline) medium. Entering into cooperation with constituent concrete, it leads it to disrepair for several years.

There are various ways of waterproofing:

  • Gravel and sand pillow. Used in private houses on the first floors;
  • Film It is used in all types of apartments and houses. Simple in the device, which allows you to perform such preparatory work to a novice builder. In terms of cost - budget option. Only one point can be attributed to the cons - it cannot be put on the base with a multitude of pipes;
  • Caution Waterproofing based on rubber or bitumen. Apply to several layers. Penetrates all the cracks, which guarantees the quality of the work performed;
  • Impact waterproofing (penetrat). New type of insulating material. Its feature is that it can be applied on any side of concrete - reacting with concrete components, impregnation grows special crystals over the entire thickness of the concrete overlap. Crystals and prevent moisture penetration.

Noise insulation

Soundproofing is needed by residents of apartment buildings, starting from the second floor. Music, children's cries, loudly running TV, etc. Become a problem for a neighbor from above for many years. It is solved by laying sound insulation material on the floor. At the same time, depending on the type of flooring, the noise insulating material is placed under the tie on the slab (floating screed), or on the tie itself.

For floating scrolls, various materials are used:

  • polystyrene;
  • mineral wool;
  • perlite;
  • ceramzit.

Its device is not very complicated, but requires certain knowledge and skills. Not applicable for individual types of floors. In such cases, sound insulation materials are laid between the screed and floor. Instructions for noise insulation of the floor screed is provided in the article: ".

Important: Conducting sound insulation works almost always solves another problem - the insulation of the floor.

Floor base markup

The surface of the floor in front of the tie always has defects:

  • bias, while in different rooms in different directions;
  • bugorkas and protrusions in concrete, which can not be removed, etc.

To legate these shortcomings, it is necessary to find such a conditional horizon, above which there will be no floor bases in all rooms of the room. This is achieved by removing the zero level (horizon line), and then, with it, and the floor screed line. These lines are fought off the construction cord on the walls of the rooms or are conducted by a rake or regulatory pencil.


Preparation of the foundation of sex under laminate includes the following operations:

  • cleaning the base from the old screed;
  • surface repair;
  • primer (if work on hydro and noise insulation will be carried out on the surface of the screed);
  • hydro and noise insulation (modern materials allow you to combine these technological operations in one);
  • lighthouse device.

It should be remembered that the durability of laminate depends on the quality of the preparatory work.

Video on the topic